Led by Navaratnam Partheeban (Theeb) (pictured) OBE, Regional Head of Farm at IVC Evidensia, the programme is based on a methodology developed in the Netherlands.
The training focuses on the main behavioural indicators in cattle, helping vets and farmers assess health and welfare using basic senses such as looking, smelling, and feeling.
The one-day course includes a morning theory session followed by an on-farm practical session, equipping participants with skills to spot early signs of health or welfare issues before they become serious.
Theeb said: "Our goal is to train all our farm vets and vet techs in this approach, so they can provide even greater support to farmers.
"By integrating cow signals into routine practice, we can help farmers improve herd welfare, increase productivity, and contribute to more sustainable farming.
"Healthier cows live longer, produce more milk, and require less medical intervention.”
Petra Grabnar Rogers, Farm Veterinary Surgeon at Delaware Vets, an IVC Farm practice in Somerset, said: "The cow signals training has made a noticeable difference for our farmers.
"Being able to spot early signs of distress or health issues before they become bigger problems will help our farmers reduce vet visits and improve overall herd health.
"It's a simple yet effective approach that we hope will have a positive impact on the productivity of our farm clients."
IVC says that whilst this methodology is known in the UK, opportunities to receive formal training have traditionally been limited and it is the first corporate group to provide widespread cow signals training to all its farm vets.
Mr Bowles faced four charges, but did not respond to the College's notification about the hearing, so the Committee decided to proceed in his absence.
The first charge was that in 2020, while attending a farm in Lincolnshire in his capacity as an Official Veterinarian (OV), Mr Bowles carried out Intradermal Comparative Tuberculin (ICT) tests on a herd of cattle but failed to measure the skin thickness of all the cattle using callipers and failed to take and record measurements for the cattle.
The Committee was provided with evidence that Mr Bowles had, in earlier correspondence with the College, admitted that he had failed to follow Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) standard operating procedures for ICT testing at the farm and so the charge was found proven.
The second charge was that he then certified the results of the inaccurate ICT test he'd performed earlier.
The Committee found this charge proven on the basis that, without using callipers to measure skin thickness, he was not entitled to certify the test.
The third charge was that his conduct in relation to the first two charges was dishonest, misleading and risked undermining government testing procedures designed to promote public health and animal welfare.
The Committee found all elements of the charges proven.
The final charge was that Mr Bowles's conduct took place despite warnings, advice and re-training being given by the APHA.
These included: a letter sent to Mr Bowles’s by APHA in 2014 about the suspension of his OV status after he failed to comply with APHA rules; a letter sent by the APHA to Mr Bowles’s employer in October 2016 regarding issues of non-compliance it had found during a September 2016 audit; and the suspension of Mr Bowles’s OV duties by his employer, pending further training, following issues of non-compliance.
Given Mr Bowles’s history of non-compliance with APHA standard operating procedures and standards, the Committee found the charge proven.
The Committee found that charges 1 to 3 amounted to serious professional misconduct but that charge 4, while making the conduct in the other charges more serious, did not in and of itself constitute serious professional misconduct.
In determining the most appropriate sanction for Mr Bowles, the Committee found that he had paid ‘scant regard’ to the testing procedures set out by APHA and breached the RCVS certification requirements set out in the Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons in ‘numerous and serious’ ways.
Hilary Lloyd, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee’s view is that the respondent’s conduct in refusing to follow the OV Instructions when testing cattle in May 2020 constituted conduct of an egregious kind.
"In addition, there are several aggravating elements which can be applied to his misconduct, including a risk to animal or human health; his lack of probity and integrity in certifying test results which he knew were non-compliant and unreliable; recklessness in reaching a conscious decision to ignore the OV Instructions; his failure to comply with the requirements of the position of trust and responsibility which attached to his APHA authorisation; and against a backdrop of sustained pattern of behaviour that displayed blatant disregard of the system that regulated TB testing by OVs.
"It follows that the respondent manifested no insight into the seriousness of his misconduct when acting as an OV.”
The Committee considered whether there were any mitigating factors regarding Mr Bowles’ conduct.
It took into account that Mr Bowles had not secured any financial advantage, that there was no actual harm to animals, and that he had a long career as a veterinary surgeon, although with a history of non-compliance.
It noted that there had been some late admissions of misconduct by Mr Bowles when he tendered an apology, but found this mitigation was undermined by the fact his explanations lacked consistency and that he had also initially asserted that he had used callipers during the testing.
Due to the seriousness of the non-compliance, the dishonesty and the potential risk to public health, the Committee considered that removing Mr Bowles from the Register was the only proportionate and appropriate response to the scale of misconduct.
Hilary added: “Given the amount of advice received and re-training which the respondent was required to undertake, he has already had ample opportunity to remediate his practice but has not done so.
"The Committee is therefore concerned that there is a very real risk of further repetition of this conduct in the future were he to be permitted to remain on the Register.
“The Committee’s concern in this regard stems from the fact that the dishonesty of which the respondent has been found guilty, was not dishonesty committed on the spur of the moment.
"The respondent had ample opportunities for reflection before resolving to act as he did.
"This places his acts of dishonesty in the most serious category.
“The public is entitled to expect that it can have confidence in the certifications of a veterinary surgeon who is carrying out a public duty on behalf of that public body.
"Indeed, that is the whole purpose behind the requirement that OVs undertake additional and specialised training before being permitted to undertake OV duties.”
The randomised controlled trial1 was conducted in 11 flocks with 6840 lambs during last year's lambing season (2023-2024), making it the largest ever navel protection study in the UK.
For the trial, odd numbered lambs were treated with strong iodine and even numbered lambs were treated with NoBACZ Navel.
Current practices on the farm were observed, so if the farmer normally dipped the lambs’ umbilicus they dipped with iodine or NoBACZ Navel and if they normally sprayed the umbilicus then they sprayed with iodine or NoBACZ Navel.
Survival and weights were recorded.
The study concluded that NoBACZ Navel demonstrated superior protection compared to iodine, with a 21% reduction in mortality (p=0.005).
On top of that, lambs that had NoBACZ Navel applied to the umbilicus and tagging sites were on average 230g heavier than those in the iodine group at eight weeks.
Fiona said: "Until now, best practice to manage navel ill has been to apply strong iodine to the umbilicus and ear-tagging sites by dipping or spraying to desiccate the umbilicus and disinfect the surface.
"Prophylactic antibiotic use also still occurs on as many as 19% of farms2, which is not best practice or good antimicrobial stewardship.
“NoBACZ Navel provides greater desiccation of the umbilicus than iodine and forms a non-colonisable waterproof barrier which protects lambs from the environment.
“The economic and welfare benefits to farmers are clear, with 17 more lambs alive per 1,000 born and an average of 230g extra bodyweight per lamb at eight weeks, which more than justifies the 16p per dose investment in NoBACZ Navel.
"During the trial I also received fantastic feedback from farmers on its ease of use and long-lasting protection to these vulnerable sites.”
The announcement came hot on the heels of announcements from Ceva and Boehringer that they too had vaccines in the pipeline.
Syvazul BTV3 is licensed to reduce viraemia, prevent mortality and reduce clinical signs and lesions in sheep and for the active immunisation against bluetongue virus serotype 3 in cattle.
Like all vaccines currently available for this serotype, the vaccine will not prevent infection and vaccinated animals will still be subject to bluetongue movement controls and trade restrictions currently in place.
Administered as a single 2ml dose subcutaneously in sheep and as two 4ml intramuscular doses 3 weeks apart in cattle, Syvazul BTV3 contains inactivated Bluetongue virus, serotype 3 (BTV-3), strain BTV-3/NET2023.
The vaccine is licenced for use during pregnancy and lactation in both sheep and cattle.
The onset of immunity is 28 days after the primary vaccine in sheep. A single booster revaccination dose of 2ml for sheep and 4ml for cattle is recommended after 12 months.
Presented in two pack sizes, 80ml and 200ml, Syvazul BTV3 vaccine has a shelf life of 2 years from manufacture and a broach life of 10 hours.
Licensing for use will be geographic, based upon high risk counties or by specific licence from the APHA.
Bluevac-3 is an inactivated injectable vaccine indicated for the active immunisation against BTV-3 for use in sheep and cattle.
Ceva says it reduces viraemia, prevents mortality and reduces the clinical signs of BTV-3 in sheep and reduces viraemia in cattle.
In sheep, Bluevac-3 can be administered from two months of age and two doses of 2ml should be administered subcutaneously three weeks apart.
In cattle, the vaccine can be administered from two months of age and two doses of 4ml should be administered three weeks apart.
Onset of immunity occurs 21 days/three weeks after completion of primary vaccination in cattle and sheep.
The vaccine can be used in pregnancy in cows and ewes.
No negative impact on milk-yield after using the vaccine in lactating ewes and cows is expected.
Ceva developed the new vaccine in partnership with vaccine manufacturer CZV Vaccines and launched it in Europe early in the summer, to mitigate the impact of the disease already experienced in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany.
Craig Wright, ruminant business unit director at Ceva Animal Health, said: “In co-operation with our partner, CZV Vaccines, we have worked tirelessly to bring Bluevac-3 to the UK to help fight bluetongue which has the potential to cause severe financial loss to farmers.
"The availability of an effective vaccine is an essential tool to help suppress future outbreaks by reducing viraemia, preventing mortality and reducing the clinical signs of BTV-3.”
Licences to allow the use of the new vaccine will either be geographically targeted general licences, initially in high risk counties as part of a phased approach, or specific licences which can be applied for through APHA.
General licencing will be subject to risk assessment.
According to the NFU, last year farm animals worth an estimated £2.4 million pounds were severely injured or killed by dog attacks last year.
Obtaining forensic samples after an attack can be difficult because so often they happen in remote places and rural police can't always attend quickly enough to get a sample.
Dr. Nick Dawnay from Liverpool John Moores University therefore developed Early Evidence Kits to enable samples to be collected by vets, famers and police from the crime scene immediately.
Following a successful proof of concept in Wales, the research team is now trialling the kits in ten regions of England and Wales, with support from IVC Evidensia farm practices.
Over the next twelve months the trial will refine best practices for collecting forensic samples from livestock attack scenes.
David Martin, Group Head of Animal Welfare at IVC Evidensia said: “This project marks an exciting step forward in collecting and analysing canine DNA from livestock.
"It offers police and farmers a means to hold irresponsible dog owners culpable for the damage and losses caused by their pets.”
“As a profession we can support this research by ensuring samples are taken from as many cases within the relevant force areas as possible so that the team at John Moores gets sufficient material to be able to complete this project as soon as possible.
"All IVC Evidensia farm practices in the participating regions are being encouraged to use the kits and we want to ensure all farm practices in those regions know about this important project.”
It is hoped new legislation for England and Wales will be brought in to give police officers the power to take a DNA sample from a suspected dog to compare to canine DNA left at an attack scene.
Dave Allen, North Wales Police and NPCC Livestock Offence Working Group Secretary said: “These kits are an exciting development and can be utilised for an issue that causes major concern to our UK rural communities”.
Veterinary practices are now being encouraged help raise awareness of the project, particularly to encourage farmers to take part and use the kits to collect evidence in the following regions:
Nominated by a colleague, Will graduated and joined the practice in 2021, having previously worked as a dairy herdsperson.
In his nomination, clients described Will as having an excellent understanding of the practicalities of running a herd, and said he provides realistic and achievable advice.
The judging panel was impressed by Will’s dedication to improving health, welfare, and productivity on dairy farms with his clear advice and workable action plans.
In addition, Will set up an embryo transfer service, bringing a new service to his practice, along with a robot discussion group, all of which have made a significant and positive impact to his dairy farming clients.
Will said: “It was a real privilege to be awarded the Young Dairy Vet of the Year award amongst so many talented and dedicated farm vets in our line of work.
"Above all it is a testimony to the farmers I work with day to day and the proactive attitude they take to improving their systems which has given me so many opportunities to develop my career”.
This year’s runner up was Hana Ward of Torch Vets in Barnstaple, Devon.
Photo: Will with last year's winner, Tom Warboys.
With 2024 support payments for farmers in England now at half former levels and significant changes to subsidies for farmers in Scotland and Wales set to come into play next year, Elanco says effective flock health management to maximise efficiency and performance within flocks has become increasingly important.
Elanco's Ruminant Technical Consultant, Matt Colston MRCVS said: “Policymakers recognise the importance of animal health and welfare for better productivity and are putting an increasing onus on vets to deliver improvements, for example via the Animal Health and Welfare Pathway (AHWP).”
“Its crucial vets have the knowledge and confidence to support sheep clients on important flock health issues, with worming programmes high up on this agenda.”
"By developing farm-specific worm control strategies and working closely with clients to better monitor worm burdens, you can help achieve immediate flock performance benefits and manage the longer term risks of anthelmintic resistance on that farm.”
Elanco says that by dosing lambs with its newer Group 4 wormer, Zolvix, at the right time during the mid to late grazing season, farmers can clear out any resistant worms that have survived previous treatments and see an uplift in daily liveweight gain as a result.
Matt added: “We shouldn’t wait for problems to manifest.
"By the time wormer groups have stopped working, or clinical signs of worms are visible, damage is already done; regular monitoring and early intervention is a better option.
“More farmers are Faecal Egg Counting (FEC) but many are unsure how best to go about it.
“A practical demonstration of how to collect samples, and what to collect from which animals, is often the best way to show how easy FEC can be.”
“Farmers can be cautious about change, but by taking small steps and consistently offering sound, practical advice, vets can help farmers adopt more sustainable worm control strategies and improve margins in sheep production.”
The current strain of bluetongue emerged in the Netherlands in 2023 and spread rapidly, infecting over 5,000 livestock farms.
Infection of livestock with this serotype of the virus can result in severe clinical signs and high mortality rates1, significantly impacting animal health, and farming communities.
Bultavo 3 is an inactivated injectable vaccine indicated for the active immunisation against BTV-3.
Boehringer says that in sheep, Bultavo 3 has been shown to significantly reduce viraemia and prevent mortality and clinical signs associated with BTV-3 infection.
Onset of immunity occurs three weeks after administration of a single 1ml subcutaneous dose in sheep.
In cattle, two 1ml intramuscular doses are required, at a three-week interval.
Findlay MacBean, Head of Livestock, UK and Ireland at Boehringer Ingelheim, said: “It’s great news that we can support farmers and authorities in their fight against bluetongue with our new BTV-3 vaccine, Bultavo 3.
"As we have seen across Europe, and now in the UK, BTV can spread rapidly and causes considerable stress to farmers because of the significant financial impact on those affected.
The availability of Bultavo 3 means future BTV-3 outbreaks can be suppressed, helping farmers protect not only their herds, but also their livelihoods.” Oli Maxwell, BVSc BSc(Hons) MVM DipECBHM, RCVS Recognised Specialist in Cattle Health and Production and Clinical Director of Green Counties Vets said: “Farmers are justifiably concerned about BTV-3 and its incursion into the UK again this year.
"Reports from colleagues on the continent regarding the severity of clinical signs, especially in sheep are worrying.
"We have seen a huge increase in clients asking about the disease, progress on a vaccine and what this may mean for animal movements at a critical time of year.
"The availability of a safe and effective vaccine as a critical tool against a disease that we can’t reasonably prevent with biosecurity measures will be a welcome development for many.”
To manage supply and demand, use of the product will initially be subject to geographical restriction with vaccination permitted in high-risk English counties: Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent and East Sussex.
There had already been a gap in supply of the vaccine between June and August due to a batch being out of specification.
The company says it submitted an Out of Specification request to release the vaccine but was unsuccessful.
The next delivery of vaccine was expected at the end of August, however this has unfortunately been delayed until October, and there is no certainty of this delivery.
Ceva says it deeply regrets the inconvenience caused to sheep farmers this year.
Roy Geary, Vice President for Northern Europe (including the UK) at Ceva Animal Health, said: “The manufacturing of vaccines is a complex process that involves stringent quality control measures and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
"There have been unforeseen manufacturing issues at our production facilities, which have temporarily affected the ability to meet the demands of the UK sheep market within the main seasonal vaccination period for EAE.
"As a responsible provider, we are actively addressing these issues to minimise the impact on customers.”
“We are recommending that vets and farmers follow the advice published on 24th July 2024 from the Sheep Vet Society and Sheep Antibiotic Guardian Group (SAGG).”
Esme grew up in Birmingham and spent much time in her teenage years working at the Domestic Fowl Trust caring for a range of rare breed poultry.
She said: "I didn’t grow up on a farm, but worked with chickens as a teenager and I love them to bits.
"They are amazing animals and I’ve wanted to work with them ever since.”
After graduating at the University of Liverpool, she spent two years with Howells Veterinary Services where she worked with clients to foster improved performance under an increasing drive for sustainability.
Now with St David’s Poultry Team in Yorkshire, she helps broiler clients in reducing viral challenge on farm to increase immunocompetence and so decrease susceptibility to other challenges.
She has also just become the youngest vet ever to achieve a Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (Poultry), which she gained at the University of Liverpool.
The Young Farm Vet of the Year Awards is sponsored by Zoetis.
In addition, some delegates at the ‘Break the Pain Conference and Round Table’ event, which took place last month, said that they sometimes assume that farmers are worried about the cost of medication, which discouraged them from talking about it.
Katherine Timms, ruminant veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, which manufactures the NSAID Ketofen, said: “The Stride UK dairy mobility report 2024 revealed that 7% of dairy farmers were not using NSAIDs in any lame cow, yet foot care and lameness management should be included in their herd health plans to meet the Red Tractor Dairy Standards and the standards of their milk buyer.
“Farmers want an easy and cost-effective solution when it comes to offering pain relief to their herds due to other priorities on farm and using NSAIDs strategically have shown a substantial return on investment of £1.66 for every £1 invested1.
"Vets should be leading discussions on pain relief to change their clients’ mindset with the goal of providing gold standard care for the long-term health and welfare of the nation’s herd.”
Sam Bowker, vet surgeon at Blackdown Farm Vets in Devon, who attended the conference, said: “It was a good challenge to us as vets to lead on the use of NSAIDs and pain relief on farm.
"We had a good discussion about protocols we have in the practice, particularly around the use of pain relief when called to assisted calvings and all agreed to use them ongoing.
"The other good reminder was not to assume that farmers won’t want to give pain relief because of cost, and to consider both the welfare and production benefits of their use.”
Each SoundTalks device has a microphone which covers up to a 10-metre radius.
Noises are transmitted to the cloud where sounds are analysed using algorithms which Boehringer says use many years of data, and with the use of AI are constantly evolving.
The company says the device, which monitors coughing 24/7, has already been shown to detect respiratory disease in pigs up to five days sooner than conventional methods, allowing vets and farmers to respond quicker, improving health outcomes, and minimising the risk of infection across the herd. 1,2
Paul Thompson BA VetMB MRCVS from Garth Pig Practice said: “The earlier we can detect the onset of disease the quicker we can intervene.
"By taking action earlier we can aim to reduce morbidity and mortality, and potentially lessen treatments including antibiotic use.
"This will help improve the wellbeing of the pigs and reduce the time commitments and costs for the farmer.
"Having heard how SoundTalks is already transforming the practices of producers and vets in other parts of Europe, I am excited to use it in my own day-to-day role.
"This innovation has the potential to provide robust data as to when respiratory disease starts, allowing us to refine our prevention plans and improve the overall health of the pigs.”
The webinars will include a presentation by Peter Geldhof, Professor of Molecular Veterinary Parasitology at Ghent University in Belgium, who will focus on the development of novel diagnostics and vaccines for parasitic infections in pigs, and share the results of some of his research and academic projects.
Tuesday: https://www2.dechra.com/l/877972/2023-05-11/2f43x8p
Thursday: https://www2.dechra.com/l/877972/2023-12-19/2f4ll1q
Roy Geary, regional director for Northern Europe (including the UK) at Ceva Animal Health, said: “The manufacturing of vaccines is a complex process that involves stringent quality control measures and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
"Unfortunately, the anticipated vaccine batch has failed to meet the quality expected to be suitable for release, which has temporarily affected the ability to meet the demands of the UK sheep market within the main seasonal vaccination period for EAE."
“We anticipate that the issue in supply will be resolved, with some stock potentially available later in the season, however we recognise that for some farmers the supply will arrive too late for them to use.
"We are encouraging vets to explore alternative means of safeguarding the health of their clients’ flocks during this period.
"We recommend implementing robust biosecurity measures and adhering to existing vaccination protocols for other preventable diseases to ensure the overall wellbeing of livestock.
“We will provide vet practices and the wider industry with regular updates as we progress toward a resolution and return to normal supply levels.”
Produced in association with Farmers Guardian, information in the guide includes the role of Multimin in increasing farm margins by reducing mastitis, improving fertility, assisting growth and increasing immunity.
The Multimin Focus Guide also includes case studies that demonstrate how livestock performance can be elevated with trace minerals, which is relevant to both the dairy and beef industries.
Sabrina Jordan, Product Manager at Virbac said: "Multimin is a unique injection that is designed to ‘top up’ trace mineral supplies at critical times of the production cycle.
"Strategic use of Multimin supports the transition cow and is increasingly used to increase fertility in maiden heifers, particularly at second lactation.
"Multimin is particularly useful for youngstock where it helps to boost immunity and growth; and supports during times of stress such as transportation and grouping.
"Most significantly, in areas where vets have identified deficiencies in grazing pasture, Multimin can ensure that animals are 'topped up' with the appropriate trace minerals to optimise performance.
"The aim of this online resource is to support vets in demonstrating the importance of trace minerals to improving herd efficiency and health."
The webinar is being hosted by Dr William Ingham Farrow from Poultry Health Services (PHS), part of the VetPartners group.
William said: “Having worked with a wide variety of different avian species and management systems for over 10 years, I’m delighted to be sharing my experience.
"I hope to bring plenty of useful insight to help young vets gain confidence in this area.
“In this session, I’m aiming to provide advice for first-opinion vets working with both individual hens and backyard flocks.
“I hope to show that you don't need specialist equipment or medication to offer veterinary care for these often overlooked clients, and to signpost the additional help available in more complex cases."
The webinar is part of the Farm Animal Veterinary Society's Car Pool Cases series, which will also cover antibiotic selection (June 25th), camelid care (August 20th), downer cows (October 22nd), youngstock (November 19th) and beef fertility (December 10th).
To submit questions ahead of the Carpool sessions, email: farmsupport@vetpartners.co.uk
BovIntel is software which, alongside the company's Easi-Scan:Go bovine ultrasound scanner, automatically identifies and measures important features on ultrasound images in real time as a vet carries out a scan.
The software uses colour to highlight and label structures such as follicles and corpus luteums, displaying the measurements of these to the nearest millimetre.
The technology has been designed to make the fertility scanning process easier and more accurate, helping vets give more informed breeding advice.
The developers behind BovIntel say the information that it provides will improve pregnancy rates and therefore overall productivity of dairy herds.
Alan Picken, Imaging Innovation Director said: “Pregnancy rates are notoriously low in the US and across Europe with as few as one in three inseminations producing a pregnancy.
"This is costing the industry time and money.
“Diagnostics on ovarian health is only possible through ultrasound and veterinary assessment, but not all vets are offering this service to their clients.
"BovIntel makes this ultrasound information more accessible to vets, and vastly increases the value and efficacy of the advice they provide to clients.
“Essentially, it enables a vet to quickly and accurately assess the ovarian health of a cow, so they can advise on how to achieve conception at the earliest opportunity.
"Equally, it allows them to quickly establish if a cow is unlikely to get pregnant and prevent a wasted insemination.”
IMV Technologies says new technology also promises to reduce the fertility scanning training time of newly qualified vets, by helping them to quickly find the ovaries during a scan and giving them confidence in interpreting ultrasound images.
Aland added “New vets will be able to practice independently faster and need the support of senior vets for less time, both of which brings huge benefits to their confidence and professional development and to the productivity of the business.”
IMV says the technology will also be useful for universities and research organisations investigating dairy cow reproductive health.
BovIntel is a software addition to IMV’s Go:Scan app.
It can be used via the viewing app, but also with BUG headsets, augmenting in colour for VGA and colour OLED. For users with mono BUG:Go headsets it will appear as grayscale on the headset screen, but in colour on the viewing app.
There's a 30-day free trial of the software for vets using the Go:Scan app, after which there is a choice of a subscription or pay-as-you-scan.
“Livestock and Climate Change - A Veterinary Perspective” is an online learning course designed to give vets the confidence to make changes in their own work and the tools to support farming clients in meeting their goals.
It includes modules such as ‘Introduction to Sustainability for Veterinary Professionals’, ‘Emissions from Livestock Production’, ‘Housed Livestock Systems - Welfare, Nutrition and Emissions’, ‘Impact of Disease State on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock’ and ‘Advantages and Trade-offs of Grazing Systems in Mitigating Climate Change’.
The 6-module course is expected to take up to 3 months to complete (equivalent to 15 hours of CPD) by remote learning, and participants will get a LANTRA-accredited certificate on completion.
Lewis Griffiths, Chair of VetSalus, said “The veterinary profession has always had a critical role to play in technology transfer and the development of new farming systems.
"This course will equip vets to assist their farm clients in the incredibly important work of adapting to more sustainable production.
"I believe this is one of the most important courses to be developed for farm based veterinarians in recent years.”
Rune Friis Kristensen, Managing Director of Dyrlæger & Ko, Executive Officer at VetSalus and module champion said of the course “Livestock vets play an important role in the discussion around/about sustainability.
"Whether it is discussion with farmers, colleagues, academia or future vets it is pivotal that livestock vets know what they talk about when addressing emission issues.
"We know from surveys that the key decision maker when it comes to animal health and robustness is the vet, and more robust animals are always more sustainable.
"This course will provide learners with the knowledge that without a doubt is expected of vets in 2024.”
The course is aimed at veterinary professionals and those working in vet-led businesses, and whilst there are no specific entry requirements, all students are expected to have undertaken an undergraduate degree, technical qualification as a paraprofessional, or a relevant diploma.
The course costs £495 +VAT per student (registered overseas businesses may be eligible for a VAT exclusive price).
Developed in conjunction with Fiona Lovatt BVSc PhD FHEA DSHP DipECSRHM FRCVS, past president of the Sheep Veterinary Society and RCVS-recognised specialist in sheep health and production, NoBACZ Navel disinfects and dries the navel in a couple of hours and seals with a colourful, natural resin that forms a long-lasting waterproof barrier to protect against bacterial ingress from the environment.
It can also be used on the area around ear tags in lambs and calves.
Nobacz Navel can be applied by dipping or spraying and contains a bitter agent to deter ewe or cow interference.
Fiona said: “Attention to detail is an essential component in the care of neonatal lambs.
"To reduce the risks of joint ill, shepherds need to do whatever they can to protect lambs from bacteria infecting either the navel or the ears at the point of tagging.
"This product has been carefully designed to both desiccate the area and to form a barrier to protect these vulnerable sites.
"I’ve seen it used successfully in a number of flocks now – both in late lambers from last year and early lambers from this.”
During the webinar, panel contributors Fiona Lovatt (past president of Sheep Veterinary Society), Jenny Hull (Black Sheep Farm Health, Northumberland), Lesley Stubbings OBE (lead member of SCOPS and independent sheep consultant), and Phillippa Page, (independent sheep vet consultant) will discuss:
The first 250 delegates to sign up will receive a copy of the In Practice supplement as well as a Zolvix notebook and pen.
The broached bottle must be kept refrigerated between 20C and 80C until the next use.
Virbac says that whilst this may not seem a huge change, it significantly increases the cost-effectiveness and convenience to farmers.
The SPC changes mean that
Bovigen Scour is available in 5 and 30 dose bottles.
Cyclofin contains two active ingredients: 200 mg/ml of the anti-inflammatory flunixin-meglumine (eq. to 33.2 mg/ml flunixin meglumine) and 300 mg/ml of the class D anti-infective, oxytetracycline (eq. to 323.5 mg/ml oxytetracycline trihydrate).
Dechra says Cylofin acts within 24-36 hours and has sustained anti-bacterial activity for five to six days following a single intramuscular injection.
Administration is deep intramuscular injection in cattle and Cyclofin has a 35-day withdrawal period and a memorable dose rate of 1 ml per 10 kg body weight.
Alana McGlade MRCVS, national sales manager at Dechra, said: “BRD is one of the most prevalent and costly diseases on farm and early administration of an effective and fast-acting NSAID/antibiotic combination treatment, such as Cyclofin, can help relieve discomfort and stress, alleviate pain and improve demeanour and food intake.”
Cyclofin is available in 100ml vials.
Defra / APHA will provide an update on the current situation, followed by a presentation about BTV by Peter Mertens, Professor of Virology, University of Nottingham, and Christopher Sanders, Research Fellow in Veterinary Entomology from the Pirbright Institute.
If can't attend, you can register to be sent a recording afterwards.
This is the first of a series of bluetooth update webinars which will be held fortnightly on Wednesdays at 6pm.
The self-adhesive dressing, which uses a patented natural polymer, adapts to any part of the body and sets fast, acting as a waterproof barrier to the external environment which shields the site from unwanted moisture and bacterial ingress and allows the tissue underneath to repair in a protected environment.
It is proven to prevent the loss of therapeutic sprays when it is used as a barrier1.
The company says NoBACZ Bovine is easy to apply with a clean gloved hand and offers up to seven days’ protection without the need to reapply.
It is suitable for use on any site of the body, except the eyes, and has been especially widely used on hooves, horn buds and udders.
The liquid barrier dressing does not need to be removed as it will self-degrade and its ingredients dissolve naturally with no residue.
Dr Jonathan Powell, Director of Biomineral Research and Imaging at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Veterinary Medicine, and chief executive officer and co-founder of NoBACZ Healthcare, said: “Following several years of research at the University of Cambridge and comprehensive market analysis which identified an unmet need across the farming industry, we are absolutely delighted to launch NoBACZ Bovine, which offers unparalleled protection against harsh farm conditions, revolutionising wound protection in cattle and enhancing the health and welfare of the national herd.”
Mike Kerby, veterinary surgeon from Synergy Farm Health, who has used NoBACZ Bovine over many months, added: “I have been using NoBACZ Bovine for a while in cattle affected with UCD (udder cleft dermatitis) and DD (digital dermatitis) lesions as well as on wounds and granulomas.
"It is my clinical impression that it counters bacterial colonisation rapidly and promotes re-epithelialisation, which in turn helps to prevent the occurrence of proud flesh or reduces the mass of any existing granulomata.
"Application is simple and quick, with clients also finding it easy to reapply regularly within set treatment protocols.
"In addition to this, it was seen as a huge advantage that bandages and their removal are not involved, nor are antibiotics, making it labour saving, sustainable and eco-friendly.”