Defra / APHA will provide an update on the current situation, followed by a presentation about BTV by Peter Mertens, Professor of Virology, University of Nottingham, and Christopher Sanders, Research Fellow in Veterinary Entomology from the Pirbright Institute.
If can't attend, you can register to be sent a recording afterwards.
This is the first of a series of bluetooth update webinars which will be held fortnightly on Wednesdays at 6pm.
The self-adhesive dressing, which uses a patented natural polymer, adapts to any part of the body and sets fast, acting as a waterproof barrier to the external environment which shields the site from unwanted moisture and bacterial ingress and allows the tissue underneath to repair in a protected environment.
It is proven to prevent the loss of therapeutic sprays when it is used as a barrier1.
The company says NoBACZ Bovine is easy to apply with a clean gloved hand and offers up to seven days’ protection without the need to reapply.
It is suitable for use on any site of the body, except the eyes, and has been especially widely used on hooves, horn buds and udders.
The liquid barrier dressing does not need to be removed as it will self-degrade and its ingredients dissolve naturally with no residue.
Dr Jonathan Powell, Director of Biomineral Research and Imaging at the University of Cambridge’s Department of Veterinary Medicine, and chief executive officer and co-founder of NoBACZ Healthcare, said: “Following several years of research at the University of Cambridge and comprehensive market analysis which identified an unmet need across the farming industry, we are absolutely delighted to launch NoBACZ Bovine, which offers unparalleled protection against harsh farm conditions, revolutionising wound protection in cattle and enhancing the health and welfare of the national herd.”
Mike Kerby, veterinary surgeon from Synergy Farm Health, who has used NoBACZ Bovine over many months, added: “I have been using NoBACZ Bovine for a while in cattle affected with UCD (udder cleft dermatitis) and DD (digital dermatitis) lesions as well as on wounds and granulomas.
"It is my clinical impression that it counters bacterial colonisation rapidly and promotes re-epithelialisation, which in turn helps to prevent the occurrence of proud flesh or reduces the mass of any existing granulomata.
"Application is simple and quick, with clients also finding it easy to reapply regularly within set treatment protocols.
"In addition to this, it was seen as a huge advantage that bandages and their removal are not involved, nor are antibiotics, making it labour saving, sustainable and eco-friendly.”
Bovilis Nasalgen-C can be used for the active immunisation of calves from the day of birth onwards to reduce clinical signs of upper respiratory tract disease and nasal viral shedding from infection with BCoV.
MSD says respiratory disease in UK calves is widespread and comes at a high cost from an emotional and business productivity perspective.
It is also continually highlighted as a critical area for overuse of antibiotics.
Despite all this, there is an under use of vaccination in the UK cattle sector1.
Speaking at BCVA last week, Paul Burr MRCVS, director of Biobest Laboratories said: “Recent UK studies show bovine coronavirus being the most prevalent virus found in routine disease screening and nasal swab samples taken during a bovine respiratory disease outbreak.
"BCoV was found in 39% of over 400 nasal swab samples taken between 2020 and 2022 from BRD affected cattle on UK farms2.”
Kat Baxter-Smith, veterinary adviser with MSD Animal Health, said: “Whilst the pathogenicity of BCoV within the BRD complex remains an unknown quantity, its ubiquitous presence in the UK cattle population – and the recent human experience of coronavirus as a significant respiratory pathogen – suggests a need for a re-evaluation of BRD control by vets and farmers.
“Just as coronavirus is a pathogen associated with the common cold and Covid-19, BCoV is a proven pathogen that directly impacts the calf respiratory tract.
"Consequently, the availability of this new BRD vaccine presents veterinary professionals with another tool in their armoury to improve control of this costly disease.
“If diagnostics suggest BCoV is implicated in any BRD problem, the availability of Bovilis Nasalgen-C allows UK cattle farmers to effectively administer protection for young calves via a single 2ml intranasal dose that can quickly reach the site of action.
"This will support the development of immunity against BCoV early in life, the onset of which starts five days after administration and has a 12-week duration.”
Bovilis Nasalgen-C comes can be used on the same day with Bovilis INtranasal RSPÔ Live, which offers protection against both Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV) and Parainfluenza-3 Virus (Pi3).
Bovilis Nasalgen-C can be stored for up to 24 hours at room temperature after reconstitution, can be given to cattle using a syringe or applicator device and is available in one, five and 20 dose packs, suitable for both small and large herds.
The step-by-step guide offers guidelines to help farmers improve their herd's mobility.
It highlights the importance of implementing a robust and ongoing treatment plan to improve cow comfort and reduce lameness in the short-term, which will lead to increased production and herd welfare in the longer-term.
The guide includes advice on reviewing a whole herd by an independent RoMS (Register of Mobility Scorers) accredited mobility scorer, seeking veterinary advice or contacting a mobility mentor (someone who has been trained to deliver the ADHB Healthy Feet Programme) if lesions are identified, treating within 48 hours of identification with a combination of trim, block, topical antimicrobial spray and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID), as appropriate, and the importance of ongoing treatment, prevention and monitoring every fortnight.
The guide also includes tips for the successful use of NSAIDs, which include the importance of using a NSAID with a zero milk withhold.
There are four lameness management videos which were produced in collaboration with James Wilson BSc (Hons) PhD, a foot health consultant from Herd Health Consultancy and include contributions from Alex Burrows, professional foot trimmer and Chair of the National Association of Cattle Foot Trimmers (NACFT), Dave Bacon, a dairy farmer from Gleadthorpe Farm in Nottinghamshire, Shannon Trinder, assistant herdsperson at Gleadthorpe Farm and Harry Walby BVetMed MRCVS, veterinary surgeon and ruminant technical advisor at Ceva Animal Health.
They cover the benefits of regular mobility scoring, prioritising mobility and lameness prevention in heifers and maintaining lameness management success with practical and effective lameness treatment and prevention programmes.
Fluboral controls gastro-intestinal nematodes including Ascaridia galli (adult stages), Heterakis gallinarum (adult stages) and Capillaria spp. (adult stages) in chickens and Ascaris suum (adult and L4 intestinal stages) in pigs.
Dechra says Fluboral’s formula allows it to mix in drinking water quickly and easily with five seconds of stirring.
Fluboral has a guaranteed 24-hour stability without sedimentation of the suspension after dilution in drinking water and Dechra says there is no risk of inhomogeneous mixing.
Johnny Wells West, key account manager – pig and poultry at Dechra, said: “Fluboral is a welcome addition to our Solustab range of water-soluble products, providing effortless and efficient parasite control in drinking water to enable farmers and producers to start medication quickly and cost-effectively, as and when needed.”
Tom graduated from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) in 2017 and joined Synergy Farm Health full-time in 2018, after completing his postgraduate diploma (PGDipVCP) with the RVC.
Nominated by his practice, Tom is described as a fine example of a dedicated caring professional who is passionate about sustainability, has a keen sense of his clients’ needs, and has developed strong working relationships with the farms under his care.
The judging panel found that Tom uses data effectively in herd health planning to highlight areas of improvement, working in partnership with his clients to promote disease prevention and profitability.
Tom’s clients spoke of his knowledge and caring attitude and how much he is valued as part of their team.
Tom said: “It was a privilege to be a part of the awards and to see farmers and businesses acknowledged - farmers don’t always get the recognition they deserve and seeing British dairying showcased was amazing.
"I hope winning is reward for the time and effort colleagues at Synergy put into young vets too, and that I can put it to good use supporting clients and working with other organisations within the dairy industry.
"My aim as a vet has been simply to support clients the best I could, both clinically and emotionally, so to have won made it a fantastic night and one I won’t be forgetting!”
The runner up as Charlie Mays of LLM Vets, who the judging panel praised for making effective changes on farm towards preventive healthcare and using data to assist with health and profitability.
Charlie also lobbies government to support the interests of the farmer and the industry.
Sabrina Jordan from Virbac said: ‘Virbac has been supporting dairy vets with products and services for over 50 years and recognise the commitment of young dairy vets to the profession.
"The standard of nominations into this category was outstanding, and our winner and highly commended nominees are a true credit to the veterinary profession, both are shining lights of the future’.
MI:RNA says that current testing practices for Johne’s disease mean that identification of the disease is difficult, with current sensitivities of around 10-40% and little to no ability to diagnose early stages of infection.
The loss of productivity due to Johne’s to the UK agricultural economy is estimated to be in excess of £10 million annually.
MI:RNA says it is the first diagnostic testing company to use microRNA assay technology.
MicroRNAs are newly discovered biomarkers that manage the immune system and immune responses and act as regulators for disease progression or resolution.
This, says the company, makes them excellent biomarkers of disease, and when combined AI, can significantly improve identification of Johne’s and other complex conditions, and predict disease outcomes.
MI:RNA says this development will allow veterinary surgeons, farmers and pet owners to test for a variety of conditions, not just Johne’s.
Target areas include heart and kidney disease, osteoarthritis and bovine tuberculosis, along with effective general wellness and preoperative screening.
Eve Hanks, founder and CEO of MI:RNA, said: “Increasing market and global pressures on bovine protein production means that animal health has never been more important.
"This is a key area of research and development for MI:RNA and biomarker science combined with our unique AI-powered modelling, means that we can significantly improve animal health and reduce greenhouse gas output.
“The breakthrough that we’ve already achieved in Johne’s testing is unparalleled, and has provided an opportunity for MI:RNA to pitch our business concept in the USA to the The Kansas City Animal Health Summit.
"Following our presentation, we have now progressed through to the final selection stage for European Innovation Council funding for our work on Johne’s disease.
“In terms of future applications, microRNAs can assist with vital drug discovery, progressing future diagnostic testing and understanding disease pathways more effectively.
"We’ve already made remarkable progress and we know that with the continued backing of our tech, AI and health experts and with the correct funding, that we can do so much more.”
Following stock challenges earlier in the year, the company is now urging vets to encourage farmers to vaccinate their flocks to prevent abortions during lambing.
Roy Geary, regional director for Northern Europe at Ceva Animal Health, said: “While we realise that the temporary delay of Cevac Chlamydia has been inconvenient to our valued sheep farmers we would like to thank all our customers for their patience and support during this challenging time.
"The vaccine supply is now available in the UK for the latter end of the season.
"Farmers tupping later in October should therefore be encouraged to vaccinate their flocks to protect their ewes from this devastating disease.”
Gabbrovet Multi is the first and only ready-to-use solution licensed to treat both cryptosporidium and E.coli diarrhoea in calves.
The company highlights a study of 334 calves with severe diarrhoea, where those receiving Gabbrovet Multi showed a faster and more effective response than those given halofuginone1.
Harry Walby, ruminant veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, said: “Gabbrovet Multi is the first and only ready-to-use solution for the convenient treatment of both cryptosporidium and E.coli, two of the most common causes of neonatal scour in calves."
Gabbrovet Multi can be administered in milk or water.
It is available with a dosing cap and comes in 250ml, 500ml or 1l presentations.
Gabbrovet Multi also treats gastro-intestinal infections caused by E.coli in pigs.
For further information, contact your local Ceva Animal Health territory manager or email
Emma, who graduated from the RVC in 2016, first spent five years working for the Poultry Health Services team in North Yorkshire, before moving to Avara to gain on-farm experience as an area manager.
She then rejoined the PHS Sheriff Hutton practice as the veterinary lead for the North East in 2022, opting to return to clinical work where her main interest is in turkeys focusing on gut health.
Emma has a post-graduate diploma in population health, statistics and epidemiology, and sits on both the APHA Avian Expert Group and the British Veterinary Poultry Association committee.
The judges were impressed with Emma's commitment to poultry as well as taking on several other roles on committees supporting the industry.
John Kenyon, Veterinary Manager at award sponsor Zoetis, said: “The poultry industry is looking to attract more vets to specialise in this sector and Emma is a great role model.
“The profession plays an important part in maintaining the high health and welfare standards of the UK industry and the award is a great way to promote career opportunities for young vets.
"Zoetis has sponsored this award since the introduction of the Young Farm Vet category in 2020 and we are proud to see the success past winners have achieved.”
Other finalists included Esme Chapman of Howells Veterinary Services, and Katerina Theakou of Crowshall Veterinary Services.
The research will specifically focus on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyop), the causative agent of the disease, and aim to progress vaccine development.
Zoetis has stumped up another £300K in kind to support the research.
M.hyop is present in 80% of UK pig herds, which can result in a 16% reduction of growth and a 14% reduction in feed conversion in pigs.
This therefore, is not only a welfare issue for pigs but can significantly increase production costs for farmers.
Piglets are at particular risk of contracting the disease alongside secondary pathogens during lactation.
There are currently no commercial vaccines available that would prevent initial infection, and while M.hyop is susceptible to a variety of antibiotics, their use needs to be reduced to avoid overuse and the occurrence of multi-drug resistant strains.
The priority for the RVC researchers will therefore be developing new vaccines.
The team will also research the optimisation of protocols to eliminate M.hyop from pig herds in an effort to further minimise potential transmission.
Professor Dirk Werling, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the RVC, said: “Infection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a really debilitating disease in pigs that causes huge economic losses for farmers.
"I am very pleased that we will be able to continue working with a pharmaceutical partner to develop a new vaccine using state-of the-art technologies.”
AmpliSpec LAB Mastitis uses isothermal amplification technology, which means laboratories can use less expensive equipment.
It also uses the company's lyophilised bead platform, designed to make the test stable and easy to use.
Biotangents says its new test will offer notable cost, speed and accuracy benefits over the traditional culture and PCR testing used by animal health laboratories and veterinary clinics around the world.
CEO Fiona Marshall said: “With 93% sensitivity and 95% specificity, this is a highly sophisticated assay that will help farmers, vets and laboratories to better treat mastitis.
Roy Geary, regional director for Northern Europe (including the UK) at Ceva Animal Health, said: “The manufacturing of vaccines is a complex process that involves stringent quality control measures and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
"There have been unforeseen manufacturing issues at our production facilities, which have temporarily affected the ability to meet the demands of the UK sheep market within the main seasonal vaccination period for EAE.
"As a responsible provider, we are actively addressing these issues to minimise the impact on customers.
“In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, we have implemented comprehensive contingency plans to optimise the manufacturing and distribution process.
"Our dedicated team is working closely with our partners to resolve the challenges and restore normal supply levels as soon as possible.
"The vaccine challenge is being treated with the utmost urgency, and we are actively exploring alternative sourcing options to supplement the existing supply chain.
“We anticipate that the delay in supply will be resolved in the near future, however we recognise that for some farmers the supply will arrive too late for them to use. "
Ceva is encouraging these farmers to consult their vet and explore alternatives.
Roy added: “We will provide vet practices and the wider industry with regular updates as we progress toward a resolution and return to normal supply levels.”
For the randomised controlled trial, 528 dairy heifers were monitored for 34 months to investigate the effects of routine treatment with a NSAID at calving and during treatment for lameness, on the future probability of lameness and culling.
The cows were exposed to normal farm conditions and were split into four groups:
During the study, the probability of lameness was assessed by a lameness outcome score collected every 14 days.
Data on culling was also extracted from farm records.
438 animals were included in the final analysis which revealed that treating a cohort of cows following the group three protocol led to an absolute reduction in lameness of approximately 10% and severe lameness of 3%, compared with animals treated in accordance with conventional best practice (group one).
James Wilson BSc(Hons) PhD, foot health consultant and lead researcher on the trial, said: “It appears that through giving heifers a NSAID at critical time points, we have imparted a substantial, long-lasting benefit to them.
"When freshly calved heifers enter the herd for the first time, we understand that they are (typically) naïve to lameness and have good hoof health.
"By utilising NSAIDs strategically, we believe that we have preserved the functionality of the foot, thereby reducing the risk of lameness.
"This is a highly efficacious, cost-effective means of managing lameness on farm.”
Herd Health Consultancy says that in dairy cows, it is advisable to consider using a zero milk-withhold NSAID which is fully licensed to treat lameness in cattle to avoid any need to discard milk, however no NSAID is currently licensed in the UK to treat the pain associated with calving, so careful advice should be given to farmers based on the farm type and production methods.
Krka’s Farm Key Account Manager Charlotte Read said: “BRD remains a priority issue on farm and advising farmers on the management of BRD risks, and treatment options when needed, is a key task for farm vets.
"Flovuxin’s combined formulation is a high efficacy BRD treatment acting within six hours1, to improve treatment outcomes.”
Maeve Cuffe, Junior Brand Manager of large animal products, at Forte Healthcare Ltd said: “As dairy herds increase in size, routine fertility visits result in larger numbers of cows requiring prostaglandin treatment.
"Also, some vets now recommend two shots of prostaglandin instead of one in certain synchronisation protocols.
"The 25 dose presentation of Genestran is a great addition to the range, helping vets keep enough prostaglandin in stock, while minimising waste.”
Genestran 50ml is available in all veterinary wholesalers now.
Technical questions about Genestran should be sent to:
Lucy Chadwick, Head of Technical Services & Marketing at Forte Healthcare Ltd said: “Neonatal calf diarrhoea is a leading cause of death in the calf crop in the UK and Ireland.
"We are delighted to therefore offer this webinar discussing up to date information on what we can do to boost neonatal defences in the face of an NCD outbreak.
"Tune in to learn more about the importance of colostral antibodies and how the resecretion of antibodies plays a key role in gut protection.
"We will also discuss what factors can influence the effectiveness of a NCD vaccination programme and what this means for your farmers.”
You'll be able to ask questions during the event and the webinar will also be made available to watch on demand afterwards.
Eprecis injection (eprinomectin) is an broad spectrum endectocide with activity against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep1 and goats2.
After Eprecis injection Haemonchus contortus in the abomasum in goats were reduced by 97.8%2 and Trichostrongylus colubriformis in the small intestine were reduced by 98.7%2.
In lactating dairy ewes Eprecis injection was found to be 99% effective against gastrointestinal nematodes3 and was associated with an increased milk yield of 8%4.
The bioavailability of eprinomectin after one Eprecis injection in goats is larger than that reported for eprinomectin pour on5, 6, with Eprecis injection found to be four times more efficacious than eprinomectin pour-on across four dairy goat farms7.
In sheep, the efficacy of Eprecis injection against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep is 99.6% versus 86.1% for a pour-on formulation8.
Eprecis injection is associated with higher plasma levels of eprinomectin and has a higher efficacy compared to eprinomectin pour-on in dairy ewes naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes8.
This is also achieved using five times less active than a pour-on formulation8.
Eprecis injection is administered subcutaneously and there is no need to part the fleece or coat along the animal’s back.
Ceva says it has excellent syringeability9 and a low dose volume (0.1ml/10kg) to help with accurate dosing of animals.
Harry Walby, ruminant veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, said: “Eprecis injection is a highly effective broad-spectrum wormer that is now available in sheep and goats, as well as cattle.
"The injectable formulation not only allows accurate dosing, but there is no subclinical dose transfer between animals.”
Eprecis injection is available in 100ml and 250ml CLAS vials.
Tri-Solfen contains lidocaine and bupivacaine to deliver rapid onset and prolonged local anaesthesia, adrenalin to reduce blood loss and cetrimide to lower the risk of infection.
Dechra says the gel is effective in 30 seconds, making it a practical tool to improve animal welfare via cutaneous and epilesional use.
Tri-Solfen was originally developed and launched in Australia by Medical Ethics, a company that specialises in pain management treatments for humans and animals.
According to the company, more than 100 million animals have been treated with Tri-Solfen in Australia, New Zealand and Portugal, where it is licensed for disbudding, dehorning, castration and general wound treatments in cattle, sheep, pigs and horses.
Sedaxylan 20 mg/ml contains the short acting alpha-2 agonist xylazine and is licensed for I/V administration.
It is also licensed for I/M administration in cattle; it has zero milk withdrawal and short one day meat withdrawal and sedation occurs in cattle within two minutes I/V and five to 10 minutes I/M.
Sedaxylan 20 mg/ml joins Dechra’s Nerfasin vet 100 mg/ml solution in the company’s anaesthesia and sedation range. Nerfasin vet also contains xylazine and is licensed for I/V administration for sedation and premedication prior to general anaesthesia in horses and cattle.
Alana McGlade, national sales manager at Dechra, said: “Dechra offers a comprehensive range of anaesthesia and sedation products allowing vets to customise protocols to the individual animal.
"Sedaxylan 20mg/ml and Nerfasin vet 100 mg/ml solution provide vets with flexible and convenient dosing options.”
Both Sedaxylan 20 mg/ml and Nerfasin vet 100 mg/ml are available in 25ml vials.
For more information, talk to your Dechra territory sales manager.
MSD says the new license claim means the vaccine combines the broadest calf scour protection available with unique user convenience.
MSD Animal Health livestock veterinary adviser Dr Kat Baxter-Smith said: “When correctly administered as a single 2ml intramuscular dose to pregnant cattle 12-3 weeks prior to calving, Bovilis Rotavec Corona boosts antibodies in colostrum for rotavirus, coronavirus and now both E.coli F5 (K99) and F41.
"Calves gain protection against these infectious scour pathogens by drinking the fortified colostrum from their vaccinated mothers.
“Bovilis Rotavec Corona also contains the most prevalent rotavirus strain in Europe2, which minimises the chances of a calf scour protection breakdown due to differences between vaccine antigens and the ubiquitous antigens on farm3.”
Kat added: "Vet, RAMA and farmer feedback suggests the wide vaccination window (12-3 weeks pre-calving) and the fact that an opened bottle of vaccine lasts for up to 28 days are particularly useful practical benefits in a mix of both dairy and beef suckler systems.”
Bovilis Rotavec Corona is available in 5, 20 and 50-dose packs from both veterinary professionals and the agricultural merchant trade.
The survey for vets is about two minutes long:
A prize draw will be carried out after the survey closes with 10 participants winning a Q fever snood.
Renzo Di Florio, veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, said: “Despite Q fever being endemic in GB dairy herds1, we believe that awareness amongst farmers and the related farming industries is low.
"Our national Q fever surveys will help us ascertain how we can support farmers and vets when it comes to diagnostic challenges, treatment options and prevention through vaccination to help protect farmers, farming families and the related professions from the disease and reduce the impact of Q fever on farms.”
Jonathan Statham MA VetMB DCHP FRCVS, a RCVS registered specialist in cattle health, co-author of the ‘Dairy Herd Health’ textbook and chief executive of RAFT Solutions, added: “Multiple surveys in the UK support Q fever prevalence ranging from 60 to 80% in our national dairy herd, including recent work carried out by RAFT Solutions in NE England and SW England (2021)2.
"Reproductive issues are of course multifactorial and it is important therefore not to associate a Q fever positive diagnostic result as a single cause of infertility.
"However, increased level of metritis and endometritis, abortion and pregnancy loss or extended calving-conception intervals merit further investigation with Q fever as part of a herd health discussion that should of course address other infectious disease such as BVD, IBR or leptospirosis.
"Q fever is of further significance as a zoonosis and also as a potentially emerging disease in the context of climate change and changing vector patterns.”
Ceva has also launched a social media toolkit containing social media graphics and content on the disease that can be posted on vet practice social media channels, available from your local Ceva account manager.
The workshop will be hosted by Renzo Di Florio (pictured right), veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health.
The session will look at the impact of Q Fever in the UK, outlining how it affects cattle health and reproductive performance and productivity.
It'll also cover identification of the disease and diagnosis, and prevention through vaccination and treatment.
For further information and to book tickets for TotalDairy, visit (Ceva can offer a 10% discount on the purchase of tickets to the event using the code CEVA10).
The Suckler Herd Performance Checklist is designed to help veterinary surgeons and farmers work together to draw up a workable action plan to address the main areas influencing optimum herd health and performance.
The new app works on tablet computers, as well as Apple and Android smartphones, and allows vets to e-mail audit results directly to farmer clients following an interactive on-farm assessment.
MSD Animal Health’s beef and youngstock marketing manager Robert Simpson said: “This additional engagement tool helps a vet assess performance across the five crucial time periods and processes impacting on the efficiency of beef suckler herds.
“For example, reducing calf morbidity and mortality rates in a suckler herd starts with management practices before conception.
"Optimum performance also requires following proper management protocols throughout the youngstock period from birth to weaning, including effective colostrum administration, vaccination, nutrition and hygiene.
“It can also be used to provide confidence to vets who are less experienced with suckler herds, allowing them to follow a structured evidence-based approach when on farm,” he said.
Avishield IB G1-13 is indicated for active immunisation of chicks to reduce the adverse effect on cilia caused by infectious bronchitis.
The vaccine is one of two targeting the IBV 793B serotype and, with the addition of this new claim, Avishield can now be administrated on broiler, broiler breeder and laying hen farms.
Avishield IB GI-13 is a lyophilisate for oculonasal suspension/use in drinking water which contains live avian infectious bronchitis virus variant strain V-173/11: 102.7-104.6 EID50.
It has an onset of immunity 10 days after vaccination and a duration of immunity of 56 days.
Johnny Wells West, poultry key account manager at Dechra Veterinary Products, said: “The new licence extension for Avishield IB G1-13 allows greater flexibility for poultry producers to protect their flocks against infectious bronchitis on broiler, broiler breeder and laying hen farms and it is welcome news for both Dechra and the poultry industry.”
For more information contact Johnny Wells West on 07584 175758 or visit IB G1-13