DEFRA has granted a permit allowing the use of Bultavo 3, Boehringer Ingelheim's new vaccine against bluetongue virus serotype 3 in sheep and cattle. 

The current strain of bluetongue emerged in the Netherlands in 2023 and spread rapidly, infecting over 5,000 livestock farms.

Infection of livestock with this serotype of the virus can result in severe clinical signs and high mortality rates1, significantly impacting animal health, and farming communities.

Bultavo 3 is an inactivated injectable vaccine indicated for the active immunisation against BTV-3.

Boehringer says that in sheep, Bultavo 3 has been shown to significantly reduce viraemia and prevent mortality and clinical signs associated with BTV-3 infection.

Onset of immunity occurs three weeks after administration of a single 1ml subcutaneous dose in sheep.

In cattle, two 1ml intramuscular doses are required, at a three-week interval.

Findlay MacBean, Head of Livestock, UK and Ireland at Boehringer Ingelheim, said: “It’s great news that we can support farmers and authorities in their fight against bluetongue with our new BTV-3 vaccine, Bultavo 3. 

"As we have seen across Europe, and now in the UK, BTV can spread rapidly and causes considerable stress to farmers because of the significant financial impact on those affected.

The availability of Bultavo 3 means future BTV-3 outbreaks can be suppressed, helping farmers protect not only their herds, but also their livelihoods.” 
Oli Maxwell, BVSc BSc(Hons) MVM DipECBHM, RCVS Recognised Specialist in Cattle Health and Production and Clinical Director of Green Counties Vets said: “Farmers are justifiably concerned about BTV-3 and its incursion into the UK again this year.

"Reports from colleagues on the continent regarding the severity of clinical signs, especially in sheep are worrying.

"We have seen a huge increase in clients asking about the disease, progress on a vaccine and what this may mean for animal movements at a critical time of year. 

"The availability of a safe and effective vaccine as a critical tool against a disease that we can’t reasonably prevent with biosecurity measures will be a welcome development for many.”

To manage supply and demand, use of the product will initially be subject to geographical restriction with vaccination permitted in high-risk English counties: Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Kent and East Sussex.


  1. Inge Santman Berends and René Van der Brom, AHDB technical Webinar 7th of February 2024, Bluetongue virus technical webinar - Insights from the Netherlands on the 2023 outbreak - YouTube 

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