In addition to the UK, Vetigel will be marketed and distributed to veterinary surgeons throughout Europe and elsewhere via Veterinary Instrumentation's global distribution network.
Matt Lewis, Vice President of Sales at Cresilon said: "Our partnership with Veterinary Instrumentation will help us provide more veterinary surgeons with a revolutionary hemostatic gel that significantly improves the standard of care for pets and animals.
"Vetigel has been used by thousands of veterinarians thus far and helps veterinary clinics and animal hospitals save time, reduce operating costs, and improve patient outcomes."
Dr Wendy Talbot BVSc DipECEIM MRCVS, Equine National Veterinary Manager at Zoetis said: “Fast equine faecal egg count results are crucial for the appropriate and timely treatment of gastrointestinal parasites, and to detect the increasingly concerning issue of dewormer resistance in horses.
"This technology is proven to be as accurate at identifying Strongyle spp. and Parascaris spp. as a board-certified parasitologist, delivering fast, reliable and shareable results within 10 minutes.1”
Zoetis says study results have demonstrated the AI capability within the Vetscan Imagyst to be up to 99% in agreement with board-certified parasitologist results1.
This, says the company, allows for rapid identification of high shedders versus low shedders to enable strategic targeted deworming protocols to be implemented.
The survey, conducted among 130 veterinary professionals around the UK, including vets, nurses, receptionists and practice managers, revealed that on-demand video-based CPD ranked as the top choice of learning platform for 47% of respondents, while online text-based learning was next at 22%.
15% preferred in-person workshops and 10% in-practice training.
Meanwhile, only 6% preferred live lunchtime or evening webinars, and only 1% event lectures.
The survey identified that the most popular non-clinical CPD topics were complaint management (57%), communication (43%) and customer service (44%).
Barriers to the more widespread adoption of online learning platforms within practices were cost (70%) and a lack of time for CPD completion (80%) as a significant challenge.
Emma Barnes, Managing Director for Veterinary at Agilio, said: “The veterinary workforce is stretched and finding time to attend in-person CPD can be challenging.
"Flexible online solutions that accommodate busy schedules empower vets, nurses and the wider practice team to fulfil their CPD requirements whenever and wherever they choose.”
Nebojsa Petrovic faced eight charges, although charge four was withdrawn at the start of the hearing.
At the outset of the hearing, Dr Petrovic admitted a number of allegations, including:
Charge 1 - that in November 2021, he falsely represented to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) that blood samples he submitted in respect of four horses were from the same horses as the samples he submitted on 1 November 2021.
Charge 2 – that in November 2021, he told APHA’s Veterinary Head of Border Control that he had checked the microchips and/or passports of the four horses when he hadn’t done so;
Charge 3 – that in November 2021, he signed Export Health Certificates for the four horses, in which it was stated that blood samples taken from these horses on October 2021 had been submitted to the Veterinary Laboratories Agency laboratory, Weybridge, with a negative result for Leptospirosis when in fact those samples had tested positive;
Charge 5 – that he failed to send the APHA’s Centre for International Trade, within seven days of signing, certified copies of the export health certificates;
Charge 7 – that in January 2022, he told an APHA officer that he was satisfied that he had properly identified the horses for which you had submitted the two samples when he had not done so;
Charge 8c – that he risked undermining government procedures designed to promote animal health and international relations in relation to the charges he admitted; and
Charge 9 – that in February 2022, he failed to have in place any or any adequate Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII).
Dr Petrovic, who was at the time of all the allegations carrying his duties as an Official Veterinarian on behalf of the APHA, denied charge 6 – that in November 2021, he failed to take sufficient steps to prevent the four horses being exported to Serbia, when he had been informed that there were concerns and/or doubts about whether those horses had tested negative for Leptospirosis.
He also denied charge 8 – that in relation to the allegations relating to his submitting the blood samples to the Veterinary Laboratories Agency on 8 November 2021, certification of the Export Health Certificates on 16 November 2021 and his subsequent conversations with members of APHA staff regarding both sets of documentation he had acted in a misleading (Charge 8a) and/or dishonest (Charge 8b) way.
The Committee considered evidence presented by the College including hearing from APHA staff witnesses called by the College and also hearing from a witness and character evidence presented by Dr Petrovic. Dr Petrovic also gave evidence to the Committee.
It found most charges proven with the exception of Charge 6, and also found that Dr Petrovic had not acted dishonestly in submitting the blood samples or certifying the EHC’s as alleged in charges 1 and 3.
The Committee concluded that Dr Petrovic had acted in a dishonest and misleading way in his conversations with the APHA staff as detailed in charges 2 and 7.
The Committee then considered whether the individual proven charges amounted to serious professional misconduct, determining that, with the exception of charges 3 and 5, all proven charges amounted to disgraceful conduct.
Paul Morris, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “In the Committee’s judgement, the respondent’s position as an Official Veterinarian also meant that he had a responsibility to ensure that the trust which was delegated to him was not breached.
"In his role, the respondent was acting in a position of trust, as a representative of the government, and the Committee found that he had breached that trust…. It took these matters into account when determining that the respondent’s behaviour cumulatively amounted to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.”
Regarding the sanction for Dr Petrovic, the Committee considered his request that it consider suspension, rather than removal, from the Register.
In terms of aggravating factors – the Committee found that Dr Petrovic had acted without integrity, recklessly and without regard for the APHA’s systems relating to the export of animals.
In mitigation, it took into account: the fact that no animal was harmed by his conduct, albeit there was risk of harm; his long and unblemished career in the UK since 1994; admissions he had made to the APHA and Disciplinary Committee at the first day of the hearing; had remediated his lack of professional indemnity insurance by putting in place a retrospective policy; the significant amount of time that had elapsed since the conduct; and six positive character references from experienced fellow veterinary surgeons who held him in high regard.
Paul Morris added: “The Committee took into account that the respondent had continued to work as a veterinary surgeon with no subsequent complaints and that he had a previous long and unblemished record and there was support by several positive character references.
"The Committee also took into consideration the pressures of Brexit and the pandemic which the respondent had faced at the time, but which were unlikely to occur again.
“The Committee had concluded that the respondent was unlikely to repeat similar behaviour or to pose a risk to animals, particularly because he was no longer involved in certifying animals for export.
"Furthermore his admissions to most of the matters it had found proved showed that he had some insight.
"The Committee was also satisfied that the respondent had a genuine concern for the welfare of animals and it noted that the Respondent did not require any further training to continue in practice as a veterinary surgeon.
“The Committee therefore concluded that a suspension from the Register was the proportionate sanction in this case taking into account the seriousness of the conduct it had found proved but also all of the mitigating factors.”
The Committee recommended that Dr Petrovic be suspended for six months to reflect the seriousness of the conduct and the damage it could do to public confidence in the profession, while meeting the public interest and sending a clear message of deterrence.
The club is running a series of 5 sessions targeted at business owners.
Each session will comprise of a 20 minute intro, followed by 40 mins of discussion/Q&A/sharing of experiences around the chosen topic.
Session topics will include succession planning, life insurance and critical illness cover for you and your team.
How to conduct an effective PDR, boosting your revenue and profit share schemes are all in the pipeline.
SPVS says its Business Club is different to conventional CPD sessions, because it allows participants to share and discuss ideas, talk through problems and ask each other for advice.
The one-hour sessions will take place on Thursdays, starting at 7:30pm on 13th June, 18th July, 8th August, 19th September, 17th October
In the first, Pete Orpin, BVSc FRCVS from Anval Business Consultancy will present ‘How to nail succession planning’.
SPVS Members: FREE
Non-Members: £15 per session | £50 for bundle of 5
Tip 1 – Make sure that pet owners understand the functions of a microchip properlyMichelle says: "Some customers I’ve spoken to wrongly believe that microchips function as GPS trackers. To help manage pet owners’ expectations I always stress the importance of a microchip in lost pet recovery scenarios, where they serve as a permanent form of identification."
Tip 2 – Stress the importance of pet owners updating their contact details with their microchip providerMichelle says: "Pet owners often think that updating contact details with their vet will automatically sync these changes with the microchip database. It’s vital to inform owners that they must separately update their contact information with their microchip database. I’d recommend regularly reminding pet owners to check and update their microchip registration."
Tip 3 – Reassure pet owners that microchips are safe for their catsMichelle says: "I’ve had some owners express worries about allergic reactions or rejection of the microchip by their cat's body. So it’s worth taking the opportunity to dispel this myth during routine wellness exams by explaining microchips are made from inert, biocompatible materials designed to be nonallergenic and nontoxic.
Tip 4 – Make sure to discuss the longevity of microchips with pet ownersMichelle says: Microchips are designed to last the lifetime of the pet without needing a power source and that their functionality can easily be verified during any veterinary visit. If you find an owner expresses concerns about this, you could offer to check the microchip as part of regular health checks to demonstrate its reliability.
Tip 5 – Emphasise how every cat needs a microchip – regardless of age or activity levelMichelle says: "All vets will know even indoor or elderly cats can escape or wander off and older cats can become disoriented more easily. It is worth reminding owners that microchipping is a safeguard, ensuring their pet can be identified and returned home if lost. The new law means that pet owners can also face a large £500 fine if their cat isn’t microchipped."
Tip 6 – Explain how not all microchips are the same and the importance of getting the right oneMichelle says: I often explain that microchips vary in terms of the technology they employ, such as the new 'Thermochip' by HomeAgain that also measures a cat’s subcutaneous temperature. It’s worth talking pet owners through the different microchips available and the database options so they can make an informed choice.
The plan covers mortgage or rent payments of up to £2000 per month for up to a year if you are unable to work because of illness or injury.
In addition, policyholders, their partners and children under the age of 18 are given access to a 24/7 GP service, available via video or phone consultations.
VetYou says there no health or financial questionnaires involved, and whilst permanent conditions and those present within the last two years are not covered, Home Protection will start to cover pre-existing conditions when you have been symptom, medication and treatment free for two years.
There are 12 types of higher risk sports and hobbies Home Protector wont cover cover and Home Protector can’t cover semi-professional or professional sports.
Matthew Dobbs, one of the founders of VetYou (pictured), said: “As practising vets, we know the pain of trying to cover rent and mortgage payments when we are unable to work.
"But as busy professionals we often don’t find the time to get the cover we need.
"So we worked with Future Proof to bring this exclusive product to the profession."
A similar scheme will also be run for Australian colleagues wanting to spend time in the UK.
The programme will allow the company's vets to enhance their role internationally and to explore other parts of the world whilst furthering their career.
The programme is open to vets with over one year's experience, who want to work overseas and then return to their current practice afterwards.
Secondments are also available for staff in support office roles.
Staff will be able to return to their existing roles for up to 12 months, and thereafter a similar role will be made available to them in their region.
Graeme Cramb, Managing Director for CVS Australia, said: “Our vision is to be the veterinary company that most people want to work for and we believe this UK-Australia secondment scheme represents an attractive option for colleagues.
“As the first vet company to offer a UK-Australia secondment scheme, we hope that it enables our colleagues to learn from colleagues in a new territory, further their career and to lead to some exciting cross-pollination of ideas.”
When colleagues express an interest, they will be contacted by CVS recruitment team member to discuss potential opportunities that they can apply for.
They must meet the criteria required to be able to obtain a visa to work in Australia.
Successful applicants will be offered a relocation package and continue to be paid their salary in the UK.
They may also be eligible for the cost of living allowance, paid in Australia.
The aim of the tool is to enhance the confidence of veterinary professionals in deciding when to prescribe and when to withhold antibiotics.
The tool is the next step in the PROTECT ME initiative, the core of which is the BSAVA/SAMSoc Guide to Responsible Use of Antibiotics: PROTECT ME guide in the BSAVA Library and the accompanying ‘Antibiotic use in our practice’ poster.
The current demo version of the tool provides advice on gastrointestinal infections.
Work is underway to cover all areas of the PROTECT ME guide.
Cameron Shuttlewood, Production Editor at BSAVA said: “Responsible use of veterinary medicines is key in supporting One Health and in retaining the right to prescribe antibiotics that are important in human medicine.
“We are pleased that the small animal veterinary community is embracing the importance of antibiotic stewardship, and we want this tool to make it quick and easy to follow existing evidence-based guidance.”
The full PROTECT ME guide, including printable posters and non-prescription forms, is available from
BSAVA members can request free printed copies of the poster for their practice.
Non-members can purchase copies from for £5.
Produced in association with Farmers Guardian, information in the guide includes the role of Multimin in increasing farm margins by reducing mastitis, improving fertility, assisting growth and increasing immunity.
The Multimin Focus Guide also includes case studies that demonstrate how livestock performance can be elevated with trace minerals, which is relevant to both the dairy and beef industries.
Sabrina Jordan, Product Manager at Virbac said: "Multimin is a unique injection that is designed to ‘top up’ trace mineral supplies at critical times of the production cycle.
"Strategic use of Multimin supports the transition cow and is increasingly used to increase fertility in maiden heifers, particularly at second lactation.
"Multimin is particularly useful for youngstock where it helps to boost immunity and growth; and supports during times of stress such as transportation and grouping.
"Most significantly, in areas where vets have identified deficiencies in grazing pasture, Multimin can ensure that animals are 'topped up' with the appropriate trace minerals to optimise performance.
"The aim of this online resource is to support vets in demonstrating the importance of trace minerals to improving herd efficiency and health."
The scheme will allow regular referrers to gift free treatment worth up to £5000 to clients in need of financial assistance
Hospital Director Nicola Bromley said: “We recognise the challenge it is for families who may need specialist care for their animal friend but are unable to find the necessary funds.
"We highly value the relationship we have with our referring vets in providing options to their clients, and we hope this scheme will empower them to give hope to those who need it most.
"We are committed to supporting our referring primary care vets through collaboration, to make the whole sector as good as it can be for every animal.”
The new scheme will be activated immediately and apply to referrals made from January 2024, meaning practices and primary care vets who already refer to Fitzpatrick Referrals can refer pro bono cases immediately.
For the project, the company has developed a Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) clinical assessment tool which can be used by a vet or nurse in practice to make a diagnosis.
The assessment is a holistic one which includes taking a history of the animal, a full physical examination, an exercise test and an examination of the dog’s nostrils.
The results of the assessment are then discussed with the owner to agree on a course of treatment.
During each consultation, vets and nurses also look to talk sensitively with clients about breeding, buying and owning brachycephalic dog breeds, offering welfare advice on how to manage their dog’s lifestyle, including issues such as keeping their weight low and looking after them in hot weather.
CVS says it hopes this will increase a general level of welfare awareness amongst brachycephalic dog owners.
CVS has also created a collection of resources for its teams, including new clinical frameworks and veterinary guidelines, webinars and a CPD day on the subject.
The company has also created materials to help vets and nurses have what can be challenging discussions with clients, including consultation room posters and practice reception TV videos which showing the physiology of the brachycephalic breed.
CVS says that since launch in July last year, the 25 participating practices have conducted nearly 900 brachycephalic assessments, and it aims to have at least 5% of Pugs, French Bulldogs and Bulldogs undergoing assessment across its small animal division by 2028.
Kaminox contains potassium gluconate and B-vitamins to help dogs affected by hypokalaemia.
Originally released as an oral liquid supplement, Vetplus says this new powdered formulation offers a more concentrated level of potassium for larger pets or those that require a higher dose.
Kaminox sachets are sold in packs of 30, with a scoop provided for easy administration.
Meanwhile, the liquid supplement is available in 60ml and 120ml bottles.
Tara Evans RVN from Vita said: "We wanted to raise awareness and start a discussion with rabbit owners about preventative ear care in rabbits, including how and when owners are cleaning their rabbits’ ears.”
91% of owners also agreed that cleaning is important for rabbits with ear health problems, but 49% have never cleaned their rabbit’s ears.
For the remainder, the most common reason owners gave for cleaning their rabbits’ ears was as a preventative measure (46%), followed by noticing signs of discomfort (25%) and following veterinary advice (25%).
Tara added: “These results show us that owners are aware cleaning their rabbits’ ears is important which leaves us plenty of opportunities to educate on what owners should be looking out for.
"The survey showed that 57% of rabbit owners correctly identified lop ears to be a risk factor in ear health yet a contradictory 28% thought straight ears posed more of a risk.
"It is our job as veterinary professionals to share facts and impart our knowledge to our engaged audience.”
The survey looked into different options available for ear cleaning and identified that 51% of respondents would choose ear wipes, 25% home prepared solutions and 31% a designated rabbit ear cleaning product.
Tara said: “We want to be encouraging owners to be looking at their rabbits’ ears and cleaning them, however wipes can fail to provide a thorough clean and reach the deeper ear canal effectively, and homemade remedies may be irritating to rabbit ears.
"It is important to use an ear cleaner which is designed for and safe to use in rabbits, such as Omniotic.
"Our survey underscores the critical need for increased education and awareness surrounding rabbit ear health.
"It's essential for owners to understand the significance of regular ear cleaning in maintaining overall wellness and preventing potential diseases.”
The awards highlight the special bond between pets and their owners, and brave stories from animals across the UK.
This year, Vets Now has partnered with StreetVet for the awards, donating £1 to the charity for each entry received.
The winner will receive a £500 voucher to spend on a pet friendly getaway at PetsPyjamas, a bespoke ‘Pet of the Year’ trophy and a personalised bundle of vet-recommended pet treats.
Owners can nominate their own pets, or members of the veterinary profession can nominate pets they know or have treated.
The awards will be open for nominations until 6th May 2024.
7,383 veterinary surgeons voted in this year's election, a turnout of 19.7%.
This compares to turnouts of 16.7% in 2023, 18.6% in 2022, 24.5% in 2021, and 26.2% in 2020.
Of the 14 candidates, Professor David Barratt, Sinead Bennett and Zara Kennedy were all elected to serve for a four year term, with 1,747 votes, 1,796 and 2,264 votes respectively.
Mark Bowen (1,404), Richard Brown (1,030), Paddy Gordon (1,612), Gerard Henry (1,157), Peter Higgins (496), Penelope Morgan (1,584), Kate Richards (1,264), Richard Sanderson (1,380), Sally Schroeder (1,630), Lara Wilson (1,399) and the inevitable Thomas Lonsdale (257) were all unsuccessful.
The winning candidates will take up their posts at Royal College Day, which is open to all vets to attend on Friday 5th July at the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Programme highlights for BVA Live this year include:
British Veterinary Association President Anna Judson said: “This has been an incredibly challenging year for the profession, with the review by the Competitions and Marketing Authority (CMA) prompting increased scrutiny of the value of veterinary care.
"We know that all veterinary professionals strive to provide the best possible care for the animals they see and we hope our focus on contextualised care at BVA Live provides a timely opportunity to explore this concept in more depth and consider how it can be applied in practice to support both decision-making and communication with clients.”
Mr Makepeace faced five charges.
The first charge was that in 2022 Mr Makepeace was convicted at Scarborough Magistrates Court of assaulting by beating his ex-partner.
He was sentenced to a community order and a curfew order and was ordered to pay a £95 surcharge and £85 in costs.
It was alleged that the conviction rendered him unfit to practise as a veterinary surgeon.
The second was that in August 2022, Mr Makepeace submitted a character reference which purported to have been written by his ex-partner saying that they "still live happily together", when this was untrue. It was also alleged that the reference purported to have been signed by Mr Makepeace's ex-partner when he knew that was not the case.
The third charge alleged that Mr Makepeace had sent WhatsApp messages to his ex-partner which were offensive, insulting, abusive, threatening and/or intimidating.
The fourth charge was that was a repetition of the second.
The fifth and final charge was that in relation to charges 2 and 4, that Mr Makepeace’s conduct was misleading and/or dishonest; and that it is alleged that in relation to charges 2,3,4 and/or 5, whether individually or in any combination, that Mr Makepeace was guilty of disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
The first charge was proven by virtue of a certified copy of the memorandum of an entry in the Magistrates’ Court register.
Mr Makepeace also admitted the facts of all the other charges, meaning they were found proven by admission.
In terms of the conviction, the Committee assessed the incident to be serious – the assault was prolonged, involved strangulation and biting which led to physical injuries, and involved a pursuit.
This was found by the Committee to bring the reputation of the profession into disrepute.
The Committee therefore found that the conviction rendered Mr Makepeace unfit to practise.
With regard to the remaining charges, the Committee found Mr Makepeace’s behaviour serious, saying that it showed a blatant and wilful disregard of the role of the RCVS and the systems that regulate the veterinary profession, and that his actions were intended to dishonestly subvert that process.
The Committee considered that his actions fell sufficiently below the standards expected in terms of honesty and integrity, as well as in terms of the behaviour expected of a registered professional.
All this constituted disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
When making a decision on the appropriate sanction, the Committee took into account evidence from Mr Makepeace, two character witnesses, and a document bundle including evidence of training, continuing professional development (CPD) and other testimonials.
Aggravating factors taken into account were:
Mitigating factors taken into account were that Mr Makepeace made full admissions at the start of the hearing; he expressed remorse; was shown to be of previous good character; that there had been a significant lapse of time since his conviction; he had made subsequent efforts to avoid repetition of the behaviour which led to the conviction; the financial impact upon Mr Makepeace if he was prevented from being able to practise; and the testimonials.
Neil Slater, Chair of the Disciplinary Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee’s view was that the demands of the public interest in this case were high, and in light of all of the circumstances, removal from the register was the only means of upholding the wider public interest, which includes the need to uphold proper standards of conduct and performance, and to maintain confidence in the profession and its regulation.
“The Committee therefore decided to direct that the respondent should be removed from the Register.
"In coming to this decision, the Committee carefully applied the principle of proportionality and took into account the impact of such a sanction on the respondent’s ability to practise his profession, as well as the financial impact upon him, taking into account his evidence in this regard.
“However, the Committee determined that the need to uphold the wider public interest outweighed the respondent’s interests in this respect.
"In light of the gravity of the conduct, and all of the factors taken into account, any lesser sanction would lack deterrent effect and would undermine public confidence in the profession and the regulatory process.
"Removal was the only appropriate and proportionate sanction.”
Apparently, anal gland impaction is the fifth most common reason for owners to take their dog to the vets1, and of course manual expression of impacted anal glands is unpleasant for everyone.
It also doesn’t address the underlying causes, such as poor stool consistency.
ProGlan contains pumpkin seeds and apple pectin, both sources of fibre to bulk out stools and increase faecal mass.
The product also contains Bacillus velezensisi (DSM 15544), a probiotic registered for use in dogs.
Animalcare points to research which demonstrates that lactobacilli help support a desirable gastrointestinal microbiome, aiding digestion and improving stool consistency2.
Lastly, the product contains a combination of Echinacea, vitamin C and vitamin E, which Animalcare says support a healthy immune and inflammatory response.
ProGlan is available in packs of 30 chews.
For further information or for orders, contact your local Animalcare territory manager or email
The pack contains species-specific microchipping law guides, a practice registration guide, a cat chipping cheat sheet, flyers about registration and flyers about Identi’s silent microchipping scanner.
The company has also produced three short videos with more information for vet professionals about Identi, what it does, registering microchips and compulsory cat microchipping.
Tammie O’Leary, commercial lead at Identi, said: “From June 10th, it will be compulsory that owned cats in England are microchipped and registered in the same way.
"With these changes imminent, it is important that staff are up to date with the relevant legislation and the potential consequences of pet keepers not adhering to the law.
"identi’s new Practice Pet Protection Pack will provide busy vet professionals with comprehensive information answering a wide range of microchipping questions in a quick and simple format.”
For a copy of the Practice Pet Protection Pack, email:
Mars says that during a typical anaesthetic procedure, less than five percent of the volatile anaesthetic agent delivered to a patient is absorbed and metabolised and about 95% is exhaled.
SageTech’s gas-capture technology – which is currently used in human healthcare – works by capturing the waste anaesthetic agent exhaled during an operation by adsorbing it into a reusable capture canister.
These waste anaesthetic agents can then be extracted from the filter, without incinerating or release them into the atmosphere.
Ellie West, RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, and Linnaeus Environmental Sustainability Lead, said: “As a leading provider of veterinary care, we have a responsibility to take climate action at scale and lead the way toward more sustainable practices.
“Our innovative collaboration should help us take a significant step forward in our sustainability journey, aimed at contributing to a better future for the planet – and the people and pets who depend on it.”
The one-year pilot will start with 10 Linnaeus primary care and referral veterinary practices in the UK, after which Mars says it plans to explore the potential application of this technology across other parts of its business.
The session will provide a practical guide to dealing with various emergencies that may present to vets and nurses across multiple disciplines.
The full schedule includes:
Arlene Connor, Interim Hospital Director at Hamilton Specialist Referrals, said: “Being presented with an emergency patient can be an intense and high-pressure situation, and it’s one that all vet professionals should do their best to prepare for so they are comfortable making decisions under pressure.
"We have a brilliant team here at Hamilton Specialist Referrals, all of whom are well equipped and very experienced when it comes to dealing with emergencies and this is an unrivalled opportunity to learn from them.”
Tickets cost £80+vat, including lunch and refreshments
Congress offers two days of lectures and workshops and up to 14 hours CPD delivered by experts on the most cutting-edge OA management, treatment, techniques and technology.
There is also a large trade exhibition showcasing many of the latest products and services, not to mention a happy hour and gala dinner.
The organisers say veterinary surgeons and nurses, physiotherapists, hydrotherapists, and anyone working to prevent, treat and manage osteoarthritis will find the congress hugely rewarding.
This year there’s a focus on comparative disciplines, including human and equine practice.
Tickets cost from £190 to £370, plus VAT.
Ficoxil contains the active ingredient firocoxib, an NSAID from the coxib class, known for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic properties.
Ficoxil is available in two strengths, 57 mg and 227 mg in packs of 30.
The tablets, which are presented in presented in a divisible and blister-perforated form, are hypoallergenic, gluten-free, and come in a beef flavour of animal-free origin.
Ficoxil is available now from all major veterinary wholesalers.
The papers in the report cover things like: novel, 3D-printed anatomical implants for orthopaedics, osteoarthritis and clinical outcomes measures, movement disorders and Quality Improvement in cruciate ligament surgery.
John said: "For an independent veterinary practice to publish a report like this is, in my experience, novel, and it speaks to the culture and values of our practice.
"All of the references cited in the report are clinical research outputs that are directly relevant to practising vets so I hope this will be a useful collated resource.”