FMDMost of you will be aware that IP8 was declared yesterday. This is a farm in the POZ that was slaughtered on suspicion after detection during surveillance visits. This has lead to further slight changes in the boundaries of the PZ and SZ. These were early lesions and initial laboratory results confirm this.
The epidemiology of the spread of FMD in the area north of Egham suggests that cattle on 4 premises in the vicinity of IP8 have been exposed to infection either via possible aerosol or fomite spread and are likely to develop disease. These premises will be culled as dangerous contacts.
BLUETONGUEThe various zones for controlling Bluetongue have now been defined. These are difficult to describe because they use roads etc. as boundaries but detailed maps and description of the boundaries are available at:
When farms straddle a road that is a boundary the whole of the farm is classed as being in the zone. It may be possible to put parts of a holding that is outside the zone as a separate unit with consultation with local Animal Health office.
The movement restrictions between the various FMD and BT zones are available at
Defra are worried that farmers are not reporting cases of BT because they feel there is nothing that can be done so why bother. It is still a notifiable disease and there is a need to monitor spread for various trade implications. There are, of course, likely to be welfare considerations with clinically affected cases. These will need to be addressed with veterinary consultation and may involve symptomatic treatment or euthanasia.
The prevalence of the disease in infected herds/flocks is still low with 1:53 and 1:190 being affected on surveillance.
The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS) has joined forces with the Professional Development Foundation (PDF) to revolutionise higher veterinary education in the UK.
The two organisations – SPVS through its Masters and Doctors Group (MDG) – have officially announced that they will deliver the new modular Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) and the CertAVP (VetGP) qualifications through the new Vet Learning group.
SPVS recognised that vets were finding it difficult, if not impossible, to combine working in practise with completing the old-style certificates and decided to work with the RCVS to create more flexible and relevant qualifications and the PDF to provide more guidance and support.
Students taking the Vet GP qualification will also work from a syllabus that firmly complements the experience of the practising modern vet.
Richard Hillman, SPVS President Elect and SPVS CertAVP project leader, explained: “I registered for the RCVS Certificate in Welfare and Ethics three years ago as, as a practice owner, I am very interested in these fields but have found it very difficult to juggle work, home life and study.”
He added: “I’ve been on the CPD and I’ve read the books so I’ve done the personal development parts of the certificate but I just can’t get the cases written up. If I had the structure, support and mentoring that the SPVS and Vet Learning will now supply, I could have gone on and got the qualification I wanted. I am delighted that Vet Learning has now been created.”
Both qualifications will be assessed at MSc level and will be quality controlled by the University of Middlesex and the national Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). SPVS will shortly announce the date of a road show that will supply practitioners with further information on this ground-breaking development in veterinary education, including how to structure their CPD.
FMDThere is no change is situation of FMD we still have 7 IPs. The temporary control zone near Maidenhead, Berkshire should be lifted shortly.
Movements between the low risks and the risk areas are allowed using licence 450 but once the animal has entered risk area they cannot leave and become subject to the movement restrictions of the risk area.
BTA fifth cow has proved positive on clinical signs on a new farm in the Ipswich area, however, it is still not possible to show spread within the country. The OIE is to be notified that cases of Bluetongue are occurring but there is still no evidence of transmission from animal to animal through vectors.
Four of the five animals with BT have been diagnosed on classical clinical signs as outlined in various articles.
For completeness all the signs have been in cattle and include:
The Veterinary Benevolent Fund (VBF) has launched a new support website, Designed to help veterinarians access emotional and professional support, the website is part of a series of initiatives aimed at improving the mental wellbeing of the veterinary profession. is designed to make it easy for veterinary surgeons, nurses and students to find information about the different types of professional and emotional support available. This includes support provided by established veterinary care organisations such as Vet Helpline and the Veterinary Surgeons’ Health Support Programme and trusted sources outside the profession such as Mind, the leading mental health charity, and the Samaritans.
The website was conceived after the Veterinary Benevolent Fund (VBF) asked Dr Wendy Harrison to chair a Veterinary Support working party, formed from representatives of all the main veterinary organisations and the Samaritans, to look at what could be done to improve support to the profession. The impetus for the formation of the working party was the publication, in The Veterinary Record in October 2005 of research by Richard Mellanby that indicated that the suicide rate for the veterinary profession was four times higher than that of the general population and twice that of doctors and dentists.
Companion Care has launched a new section on its website for vets and nurses that want to know more about current partnership and career opportunities in its small animal veterinary surgeries. The new section includes:
Companion Care Services Managing Director, Jane Balmain added: "Our business goes from strength to strength, confirming that we are here to stay and present a genuinely attractive option for vets looking at different routes to business ownership. The Group, which now numbers 39 surgeries across the country, is forecast to turn over in excess of £28 million this year, and is achieving annual like-for-like sales growth of 17%. We estimate that dividend payments to our 50 plus partners will total £1.5 to £2 million this year."
The European Commission has announced the EU's animal health strategy for 2007-13. The announcement provides the framework for animal health measures over the next 6 years, taking into account feedback from stakeholders and potential challenges in the future.
The overall aim is to put greater focus on precautionary measures, disease surveillance, controls and research, in order to reduce the incidence of animal disease and minimise the impact of outbreaks when they occur. Click here for more ...
The Wellcome Trust, the UK's largest medical research charity, has announced the launch of a new £10.7m initiative to provide support for a range of activities designed to encourage veterinarians to take up research careers.
The scheme will be run in partnership with the UK's veterinary schools at the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Nottingham, and the University of Oxford (Laboratory Animal Medicine Component).
The programme will deliver 20 Clinical Research Training Fellows, each with a PhD and a clinical or pathology specialist qualification, as well as number of postdoctoral fellows and clinical doctoral fellows, each with a DVM and specialist postgraduate training in laboratory animal medicine. In addition, leading to these centrepiece awards will be 175 Vacation Scholarships, 175 Intercalation Awards, support for 5 Summer Schools, and 9 one-year Research Entry Scholarships.
To coincide with the announcement of the new programme, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has launched The Impact of Veterinary Research, a brochure to promote the key role that veterinary research plays in our lives.
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh has awarded its 2007 Marbocyl Achievement Award to Geoff Culshaw, BVMS, CertVC, MRCVS, Head of the School’s small animal cardiology unit, and Diane MacDonald, VN, Head Nurse in the Hospital for Small Animals.
Animus Surgical has launched Vetlog, a new temperature data logger designed to be used by the veterinary market. Vetlog will enable practices to prove their temperature compliance to the VMD and RCVS Practice Standards Scheme. Steve Beddall of Animus Surgical said: "data loggers can be easily placed in a fridge and then simply attached to a PC to download data in report or chart format". The company claims that the product is easy-to-use, cost-effective and will provide practices with a permanent record of temperature readings from the day practices start using them.For more information visit or telephone 01449 775330.
The Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons has unveiled a new logo in response to member feedback and a desire by the society to update its image to tie in with a more modern and campaigning approach. Here it is (roll of drums please):
Initial laboratory tests on the samples taken this morning from the cattle on the holding in Surrey where disease was suspected have indicated the presence of Foot and Mouth Disease. On the basis of these initial laboratory results and clinical symptoms Debby Reynolds, UK Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), has confirmed Foot and Mouth Disease. The farm comprises a number of separate parcels of land and a single Protection Zone will be put in place which extends a 3 kilometres radius from each of them, and a Surveillance Zone of 10 kilometres radius beyond that. Footpaths will be closed in the Protection Zone.