California-based Signostics, Inc. has launched SpeqViewTM, billed as the world's smallest and most cost-effective veterinary ultrasound device.
Using MotionScape and SectorView technology, and offering multiple transducer frequencies, the SpeqView delivers high-resolution images for key veterinary applications including: cystocentesis; bladder volume; foreign object localization; abdominal imaging; and musculo-skeletal diagnosis.
Jeff Green, Signostics Vice-President of Sales and Marketing said: "The SpeqView provides a break-through for veterinary practices. For the first time there is an ultrasound device that is highly portable, simple to use and individually affordable. The SpeqView improves veterinary practice efficiency and income by allowing immediate diagnosis in the consulting room, or in the field and by providing better animal care.
He added: "Weighing a little over half a pound, the SpeqView features extended battery life and amazing portability, and is worn around your neck like a stethoscope or placed in your pocket until the next use."
The SpeqView is configured to use 3.5MHz and 7.5MHz transducers and comes with a comprehensive warranty, which covers the system and transducers and eliminates the need for annual service contracts. Signostics also offers extensive training and education programs delivered on site, online and in collaboration with leading veterinary institutions and educators. No interest, twelve-month financing is available.
For more information visit or contact Signostics on 001 877 5744667.
The 2009 edition of the NOAH Compendium Data Sheets for Animal Medicines is now being dispatched, free of charge, to each practice premises.
Meanwhile, the online version of the compendium (, launched 3 years ago to provide a free and convenient source of information about animal medicines for both prescribers and consumers, has just had its 9 millionth page view. The site gets about 3000 visits a day.
Whilst it is possible to order additional print copies of the compendium, NOAH points out that the online version has the beauty of being updated every week with new products, indications and other data. Plus the site is searchable by active ingredient, species, therapeutic indication or text search.
NOAH chief executive Phil Sketchley said: "We try to make the online Compendium as useful and as quick and easy to use as it can be, and while we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback we are always interested to hear how you think it could work better for you, so we can keep this in mind for any future improvements".
Following the announcement last month of the establishment of a Working Party to review Extra-Mural Studies (EMS) in the undergraduate veterinary degree, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is inviting comment from all those involved with organising, providing and receiving EMS.
Opinions are not being sought in response to a set of formal questions, but respondents may like to consider the strengths and weaknesses in the system; problems and possible solutions; and what should be retained and what could change.
Written comments should be sent to Freda Andrews, Head of Education at the RCVS, on by 16 February 2009.
This call for input is the first of several phases of activity that will lead to the delivery of a report from the Working Party to the RCVS Education Policy and Specialisation Committee in October 2009. Following this initial information-gathering stage, some individuals and organisations will be invited to deliver their views in person to the Working Party during April.
Draft recommendations will then be formatted for any change to the current system, which requires that veterinary students undertake pre-clinical and clinical work experience placements for at least 38 weeks during their degree course. A further consultation process may follow, depending on the nature of the recommendations, before the paper is finalised.
Dr Barry Johnson, RCVS Council member and Chairman of the EMS Working Party said: "It is over 10 years since the RCVS undertook a major review of EMS, although the requirements and guidelines were revised and updated in 2005 to introduce more flexibility for universities to meet the individual learning needs of their students.
"In recent years, there have been significant changes in the UK higher education system, the veterinary curriculum and the organisation of veterinary schools, and the time is now right for a more substantial review."
It has long been known that diabetes is a disease that requires an individualized treatment protocol in order to manage the condition. The Insuvet range includes Insuvet Lente with medium duration and onset, Insuvet Protamine Zinc with longer duration and onset (an ideal choice for some cat owners who may find twice daily injections problematic), and Insuvet Neutral, which should be kept in every practice to manage acute diabetic ketoacidosis.
Susan Mitchell, Insuvet Product Manager said: "A flexible approach allows patients to be managed more effectively; both from the point of view of the patient's needs but also those of the owner too. People have increasingly busy schedules and providing a solution that fits with lifestyle and helps deal with any diabetic crises that do occasionally occur, will ensure successful long term management of the condition."
The team at Pfizer has been busy undergoing intensive technical training and is equipped to provide assistance with diabetic cases. Regional support is now available in the shape of dedicated Area Veterinary Managers who can provide practices with comprehensive support, backed up with a national technical support helpline.
The company has available a wide range of support materials that include stabilisation protocols, blood glucose monitoring charts and communication aids that explain the condition to the client, with the promise of an even more comprehensive range of exciting and innovative aids to come in the next few months.
For further information on the Insuvet range vets and nurses should contact their Pfizer Business Account Manager. For advice on individual cases or any other technical questions about diabetes call the Technical Support Line on 0845 3008034.
Woodley Equipment Company has announced that Veterinary Parasep Faecal Filters are now available exclusively from the company.
According to the Woodley, the filters have been developed in conjunction with an independent leading veterinary Institution and offer an improved method of determining Worm Egg Counts (WEC) on cattle, sheep and horses. Flotation methods for WEC can require several Specific Gravity solutions to cover different parasites. The two common flotation methods, ‘Modified McMaster' and ‘Improved Modified McMaster', both use Saturated NaCL and are both catered for with Veterinary Parasep.
Woodley says the key advantages of the new filters are:
For a more information about The Veterinary Parasep please email or call the customer service team on +44 (0) 1204 669033 ~ Option 1.
Alternatively, visit
Petplan has issued a last call for entries to the 2009 Petplan Veterinary Awards, and announced that comedian Jason Manford, best known as team captain on Channel 4's 8 out of 10 Cats, will be the compere.
The Veterinary Awards aim to honour the special stars within the veterinary profession and nominations remain open under four different categories:
Petplan says it has already received hundreds of nominations from clients and industry professionals alike. To make sure your colleagues are considered for the accolade log onto to nominate. Entries must be in by 6th February 2009.
The Petplan Veterinary Awards are to be held on Thursday 2nd April on the first evening of BSAVA.
Students at the University of Cambridge Veterinary School have again been revealing almost all for the 2009 Trust Charity Calendar.
This year's calendar is comprised of shots taken in and around the veterinary school, with various animals and props used to spare the blushes of the models. There's also a suggestion for how vets might put their clients more at ease in the consulting room (see right), though I can't see it really ever catching on.
The calendar has been produced to help raise money for the HOPE appeal which is working to raise £2 million needed to pay for the extension of the Cancer Therapy Unit and the new radiotherapy machine.
It was organised by Fiona Jacobs who also posed. She said: "We are all very happy to be involved in producing something fun and light-hearted, which could potentially help us raise a large amount of money for a very worthy cause."
The calendar is available for £9 (£11 p&p). For more information on the Trust's work or to order a copy please contact 01223 764475 or send a cheque to: University of Cambridge Veterinary School Trust, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ES.
The Kennel Club has confirmed that the BBC has pulled out of broadcasting Crufts next year.
According to the Kennel Club, the decision was reached following what it described as 'unreasonable demands' from the BBC, including the exclusion of certain breeds of dog from the group competition at the show.
The Kennel Club says the BBC's demands took no account of the measures it has in place to improve the health of pedigree dogs, or of the fact that judges will be trained to help ensure that all dogs being awarded prizes at Crufts will be healthy representatives of their breed.
Ronnie Irving, Kennel Club Chairman, said "I am very sorry that BBC audiences around the world will not be able to join us in celebrating all dogs in 2009 and to see the remarkable diversity of dogs and activities on show at Crufts; ranging from the show classes to agility displays, the Friends for Life competition and the unsung heroes who take part in breed rescue.
"However, we have been forced to reject the insupportable conditions imposed by the BBC, who have told us they will only televise the show in 2009 if certain breeds are excluded from participating.We are unable to agree to these demands, as it would compromise both contractual obligations and our general responsibility to dog exhibitors and our audience and we believe it would be inappropriate and counterproductive to exclude any recognised breed from Crufts.
"We are obviously disappointed and confused with this outcome as we hoped the broadcast would have supported our focus on health and welfare issues, given advice about caring for and training dogs and showcased the charitable work that we support. This TV exposure would have benefited all dogs and given viewers a well-rounded picture of what the new Crufts in 2009 is all about."
In October 2008 the Kennel Club announced a strategy to show how it is focusing its activities on the health and welfare of all dogs. It announced mandatory compliance with a strict code of ethics for all breed clubs registered with the Kennel Club.
Earlier this month, it completed a review for each of the 209 pedigree dog breeds in the UK and announced revised standards that it says will have far-reaching benefits for the health and welfare of dogs. These new breed standards and health plans will benefit from research that has been funded by the Kennel Club in conjunction with veterinary research centres over a number of years. The overall aim is that all pedigree dogs should be fit for function and that breeders and judges should not reward dogs with obvious conditions or exaggerations, which would be detrimental in any way to their health.
Referral Centre VRCC reports that its first Small Animal Veterinary Education Conference Weekend in Kenya, held in November and supported by Merial, has been a great success. Over 30 East African vets from all over Kenya gathered at the elegant Leopard Beach Hotel, just south of Mombasa, to learn from some of the leading specialists in the UK.
The Kenyans, all with an interest in small animals, were a real cross section of the African profession. They ranged from prosperous vets with large practices in Nairobi to a young vet who'd undertaken a gruelling 7 hour bus ride accompanied by armed guards from his clinic on Lamu, near the Somali border.
A challenging 2 day programme had been devised by VRCC specialists including Dr Susan North, one of the most experienced and highly qualified veterinary oncologists in Europe and also a European Specialist in Internal Medicine. Also lecturing were VRCC's Head of Surgery, Henry L'Eplattenier and Merial's Dr Hein Hesse, an expert in pain management and parasite control. The weekend finished with a prolonged question and answer session with the enthusiastic delegates hungry to gain as much knowledge as possible from the visiting specialists before their long journey home.
Malcolm Holland at VRCC was delighted with the first time turn-out at the conference. He said: "The Conference Weekend was successful on so many fronts. The delegates had access to first-hand information not readily available to them - the last lecturing team visited over 20 years ago! They were able to interact with each other, form networks, and renew friendships.
"VRCC was not seeking any material gain, just fulfilling a desire to pass on some of our experience for the improved welfare of small animals in East Africa."
VRCC expects attendance to more than double now Kenyan vets know that commitments will be fulfilled. Specialists keen to participate in future events or companies with interests or ambitions in Kenya should contact Malcolm Holland at VRCC.
A recent survey of nurses attending Hill's nurse roadshows has identified that just over 20 per cent of nurses pay for their own CPD. Although no claims have been made regarding how representative the sample is of the general nursing population, the survey by Hill's Pet Nutrition mirrors the results of a recent RVCS survey.
Adrian Pratt, Veterinary Affairs Manager at Hill's said: "It comes as no great surprise to find that nurses are so dedicated to doing a good job that they will even fund their learning themselves and it's great that round 80 per cent are having their CPD paid for. It is a little depressing to find that some of the practices they work in are unable to support nurses in their efforts, perhaps because of the economic situation. We launched our Veterinary Nutrition Academy with the aim of offering easy to access CPD, free or at very low cost. Practice members can register free and I'd really encourage practice principals and practice managers to take a look at to see how much is available for negligible or very little expenditure. The credit crunch is affecting lots of people and practices but if we can use any down time available to improve skills and knowledge, that has got to be a healthy response."
Bonny Millar, President of the BVNA said: "Some employers may still be unaware that CPD is now compulsory for the RVN but a recent RCVS ‘Survey of the Veterinary Nursing Profession 2008', found that qualified VNs were not finding it difficult to meet the required 45 hours of CPD over 3 years. Those who took part in the survey said that they averaged just over 3 days in the last 12 months, with 84% of those surveyed saying all or most was paid for by the employer. As there is no obligation for the employer to pay for CPD, it is good to know that so many are doing so but it is also important that nurses can demonstrate that any newly gained knowledge will be used to provide a better service to their patients and practice."
This was a view echoed by Sarah Hibbert, President of VPMA: "It would seem logical that relevant CPD which has a benefit to both the practice and individual should be considered in a structured fashion and in light of these findings it would be appropriate for practices revisit their CPD policies to ensure they are fair and reasonable to all parties concerned."
The Hill's survey also showed that just under 30 per cent of nurses have their own CPD allowance provided by the practice. This suggests that about half of the nurses in the UK are to a large extent basing their CPD on self-directed learning. One of the champions of self-directed learning, Malcolm Knowles, defines it as a process ‘... in which individuals take the initiative, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes.'
According to Adrian this could signal a positive step forwards, "On one hand self directed learners have been shown to be more proactive about learning, more motivated and more likely to retain and use what they do learn. However, there is a danger that a practice could be left with gaps in knowledge or skills unless there is some active intervention in the form of a review or guidance regarding the individual's particular training needs, those of the practice team as a whole and the appropriateness of individual courses. Those practices that allocate training allowances are to be congratulated on being forward thinking but it is worth remembering that conferring a training allowance does not involve abrogating responsibility for providing support, guidance and encouragement. We have taken care to introduce incentives for completion of Hill's VNA courses, not because we think that nurses need to be motivated by extrinsic rewards but because we should celebrate those who work hard to become better nurses."
Are small animal vets as immune to recession as undertakers? Probably not, but there is some good news from Petplan, which has found that whilst 60 per cent of people would put off starting a family during the current economic downturn, a quarter would choose a pet instead.
And it’s not a battle of the sexes – the decision to put family life on hold in favour of nurturing a four-legged friend was equally divided between men and women.
According to Petplan, the findings are supported by a recent Mintel report showing that the pet care industry is thriving with animal lovers spending £484million on their cats and dogs this year. Pets at Home also announced its profits have doubled compared to this time last year.
A spokeswoman from Petplan, said: "It seems that pets of all shapes and sizes are now being considered a perfectly sensible alternative to starting a family for cash-strapped couples. We know that many owners develop very strong emotional ties to their pets that are often treated as part of the family. But we do urge all would-be pet owners to understand that pet ownership does come with responsibilities, just like parenthood."
Research shows the cost of raising a child from birth to 21 is £186,0321 – whereas RSPCA figures state that a dog costs approximately £9,600 during its lifetime a cat £8,000 and a rabbit £3,800.
Top 10 most popular child substitutes:
Survey conducted on Total number of respondents – 3,000 pet owners
Research published this week by the Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS), with funding from the Pet Food Manufacturers' Association (PFMA), confirms what many veterinary professionals will already know from first-hand experience - many elderly people are suffering from distress after being forced to give up much-loved pets to move into care.
The study of 234 care homes and sheltered housing units in six UK cities revealed that only 29% routinely allowed pets, despite the growing body of evidence of the health and social benefits of pets to older people. And many of these facilities specifically excluded cats and dogs even though these are the most commonly kept species of pet. The importance of pet ownership seemed to be largely ignored with only 24% of facilities asking potential residents whether they have a pet and only 35% having any formal policy about pets.
Chairman of SCAS Elizabeth Ormerod BVMS MRCVS said: "Many vets will already be aware that the importance of pets to older people cannot be understated; for some they are their best friend, their family and their only lifeline to the outside world. People of all ages should have the right to benefit from animal companionship, as long as this is managed responsibly. So we're encouraging all housing and residential care providers to develop clear and carefully considered pet policies."
The SCAS study was carried out by psychologist Dr June McNicholas B.Sc.Ph.D, a renowned researcher of the human-animal bond. She contacted 44 veterinary surgeries in the study area to investigate the implications of these pet policies for animals, and veterinary surgeons reported that they were presented with between two and four pets per month for euthanasia for the known reason that an elderly owner was going into care. This equates to over 1,000 pets per year in the study area alone and many thousands more across the UK.
Elizabeth Ormerod continued: "Sadly, it is common practice for animals to be given up to an animal shelter or presented at a veterinary practice for euthanasia because their elderly owners are going into care. The impact on the owners is devastating. But vets should be aware that many care facilities do now take pets and if not, it may be possible to rehome them through charities like The Blue Cross."
Vets questioned in the study said that they tried to avoid the euthanasia of healthy pets except when they were very elderly or infirm and would therefore be difficult to rehome. But both vets and vet nurses expressed concerns that pets were sometimes brought in by the relatives of an elderly owner, who may have been unaware of the fate of their beloved pet.
The ‘Pets and Older People in Residential Care' research findings are published in full on a dedicated area of the SCAS website (, which also offers essential information for veterinary practices, care home providers and older people who are thinking about moving into care. This includes:
A leaflet has also been produced with key advice for older people and contact details for more information. This is being distributed to veterinary surgeries but is also available to download free from the website or it can be ordered by calling SCAS on 01993 825 597. A SCAS publication ‘Older people and pets: a comprehensive guide' is also available to order online or by phone for £12.50 plus postage.
The Government's updated Exotic Animal Disease Contingency Plan was laid in Parliament today.
The revised plan is produced by Animal Health for Defra, and includes changes which have been subject to formal public consultation. This includes a framework response plan for dealing with exotic animal diseases and plans for responding to specific diseases including Foot and Mouth Disease, Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease.
The changes to the plan reflect lessons identified from the incidents handled during 2008 and address recommendations made in Sir Iain Anderson's review of the 2007 outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease and feedback from the public consultation.
Jane Kennedy, Minister for Farming and the Environment said: "An animal disease outbreak can be devastating for those concerned. Defra remains totally committed to ensuring we learn lessons from our experience of outbreaks, so that we can make sure we respond effectively in future".
The Contingency Plan is subject to ongoing revision based on the latest scientific advice, developments in policy, comments from stakeholders and operational partners together with the lessons identified from disease outbreaks. It can be accessed
A series of exchanges between pilots and control towers, which you might find amusing. Would be nice to have some veterinary equivalents, so do feel free to comment beneath this story with any quick-witted exchanges you've heard between vets and vets / nurses / clients.
San Jose Tower to a DC-10 that had come into land too fast, and thus had an exceedingly long roll out after touching down:"American 751, make a hard right turn at the end of the runway, if you are able. If you are not able, take the Guadeloupe exit off Highway 101, make a right at the lights and return to the airport." ***************************************************************
Tower: "TWA 2341, for noise abatement turn right 45 degrees." TWA 2341: "Center, we are at 35,000 feet. How much noise can we make up here?" Tower: "Sir, have you ever heard the noise a 747 makes when it hits a 727?" ***************************************************************
Tower: "Eastern 702, cleared for takeoff, contact Departure on frequency 124.7" Eastern 702: "Tower, Eastern 702 switching to Departure. By the way,after we lifted off we saw some kind of dead animal on the far end of the runway." Tower: " Continental 635, cleared for takeoff behind Eastern 702, contact Departure on frequency 124.7. Did you copy that report from Eastern 702?" BR Continental 635: "Continental 635, cleared for takeoff, roger; and yes, we copied Eastern... we've already notified our caterers." ****************************************************************
A BA 747, callsign Speedbird 206 landed at Frankfurt aiport and was just pulling clear of the runway
Speedbird 206: "Frankfurt, Speedbird 206 clear of active runway." Frankfurt ground: "Speedbird 206. Taxi to gate Alpha One-Seven." The BA 747 pulled onto the main taxiway and slowed to a stop. Frankfurt ground: "Speedbird 206, do you not know where you are going?" Speedbird 206: "Stand by, ground, I'm looking up our gate location now." Frankfurt ground (with quite arrogant impatience): "Speedbird 206, have you not been to Frankfurt before?" Speedbird 206: "Er yes, just the once. It was 1944 ... We didn't land."
MDC Exports had launched a new biodegradable poo bag dispenser, aimed at veterinary practices and pet owners.
The idea is that pet owners can fix the dispenser to a wall, somewhere they'll be able to grab a bag on their way out of the door. The dispenser also has two strong hooks for other essentials such as dog leads or keys.
MDC Exports says their poo bags are generously-sized and feature long handles for simple tying and carrying. For more information, contact MDC Exports Limited on 01582 655600, or e-mail:
Oh I wish I was a travel journalist sometimes.
Vets should now consider Angiostrongylus vasorum a countrywide parasite and not one that is restricted to the traditional hotspots of the South East, the Midlands and south Wales. This was the main message delivered by Shelia Brennan of University College Dublin to almost 300 vets attending the recent Bayer-sponsored A vasorum CPD meetings, held across the north of England and Scotland.
Sheila said: "Until recently, angiostrongylosis was only recognised in limited areas of the UK, and confirmed cases were few and far between. Now we are hearing reports of the disease as far afield as Kent and Glasgow and dogs are dying as a result. If caught early enough, the disease can be treated successfully. Vets should be aware of the many and varied symptoms and consider this parasite as a differential in any dog with suspicious clinical signs."
Dogs of any age can be infected with the parasite, but the majority presenting with clinical disease are less than two years of age. A number of clinical presentations are recognised. Dogs may present with respiratory signs (cough, exercise intolerance), coagulopathy, neurological signs, syncope and in a small number of cases hypercalcaemia. These signs can occur in isolation or in combination, and not all dogs have respiratory signs. Haemorrhage following routine neutering has been anecdotally reported. Dogs with a history of eating the parasite's intermediate hosts (slugs and snails) should be considered as being at high risk.
Chris White, Bayer's Advocate product manager said: "The attendance of nearly 300 vets at the four-meeting series, in areas not normally associated with the disease, is further evidence that vets are becoming increasingly concerned about the threat posed by A vasorum. This is the third series of meetings we have held, reaching around 1,000 vets and vet nurses across the country."
To meet market demands and ensure that their customers comply with regulatory requirements, British manufacturer Labcold has released the first models in a new range of vaccine and pharmaceutical refrigerators designed specifically for this use from the ground-up. The company says more models will be added to the range over the next 12 months.
When storing temperature-sensitive vaccines and pharmaceuticals, Veterinary Practices need to ensure compliance with an ever-increasing burden of legislation, regulations and guidelines, such as the latest VMD Code of Practice, (Oct 2007). The BVA Good Practice Guide - Standard Operating Procedure 04 on the storage of medicinal products in permanent premises says as follows:
Refrigerated storage must:
Although this guidance stops short of specifically excluding the use of domestic refrigerators, Labcold says professional products are more appropriate since they are built specifically for vaccine and pharmaceutical storage. Labcold refrigerators all fully compliant and have locking doors plus a host of handy options including capacity, glass doors and a new divided-drawer system.
Robin Gregson, Sales & Marketing Director at Labcold said, "Our whole product range is constantly being updated to ensure that we provide our customers with market-leading solutions. Many previous pharmacy refrigerators have simply been modified designs of domestic fridges, whilst our new range, the result of three years work, is one of the few on the market to be designed specifically for pharmacy use from the ground up."
For full information on all Labcold products, including portable refrigerators suitable for farm vets please visit or contact / Telephone 0870 3001001 for a free copy of the latest Product Guide.
The BVA has added its voice to calls for the suspension of imports of cattle and sheep from areas where the bluetongue virus is known to be circulating.
Following yesterday’s announcement by Defra that BTV1 (Bluetongue Serotype 1) had been detected in five cattle imported from a Restricted Zone in the south west of France, BVA President Nicky Paull said: “I am saddened, but not surprised, that the actions of some are putting our livestock here in the UK at risk. As long as some farmers continue to import stock from these areas we will continue to see this problem and we therefore believe that the only answer is to suspend imports. We also see absolutely no reason why compensation should be paid to those who have risked the health and welfare of the national flock and herd.
“My advice to farmers still is to vaccinate against BTV8 if you have not done so already. If you did vaccinate during the summer then plan to boost protection at the end of the winter period so your stock is protected next summer. With no vaccine currently licensed for BTV1 however, do not import livestock from mainland Europe - we should not rely on the hope of a BTV1 vaccine in time to prevent serious problems next summer if we buy this new strain of bluetongue virus into the UK.”
Dechra Veterinary Products, maker of the feline hyperthyroidism treatment Felimazole®, has launched a range of waiting room materials for practices to raise awareness with owners about the disease.
Using Dechra's cartoon cat, which already features in their client booklets on feline hyperthyroidism, the materials are intended to create a focal point in the waiting room, with factual posters detailing what feline hyperthyroidism is and the symptoms to look out for. Also included is a selection of display enhancers.
The new waiting room display has been designed to complement Dechra's existing materials: client booklets, the website, website posters and hand-out cards.
Matthew Olsen, product manager at Dechra Veterinary Products said: "Our complete range of materials makes it easier for practices to communicate with owners on the subject and will help owners better understand and manage hyperthyroidism in their cats".
Practices can order their pack of waiting room materials by contacting Dechra on 01743 441632 or email
The 2009 Petplan Veterinary Awards are now underway, and you may now nominate those exceptional colleagues in the veterinary profession who you feel deserve to be officially recognised for all their hard work.
This year will be a double celebration as Petplan celebrates its 10-year anniversary of the awards. The company invites you to nominate a colleague (or your entire team) for an award in one of four different categories.
Nomination forms, posters, and leaflet dispensers are now available in practices. Forms are also available online at You may order more nomination forms by emailing or calling 0845 678 1063.
Simon Wheeler, head of marketing for Petplan, said: "Nominating your colleagues for an award is a fantastic way of expressing your appreciation. Veterinary practices are dedicated to animal welfare and at Petplan we believe that their invaluable care and support deserves to be recognised. The 10th annual Petplan Veterinary Awards will recognise this and celebrate those exceptional professionals."
Nominations close February 6th 2009.
Defra has announced the detection of Bluetongue (Serotype 1) (BTV1) in five imported cattle on a premises near Blackpool in Lancashire.
The animals originated from within the BTV1 and 8 Restricted Zone in the south west of France and were detected as a result of post-import testing carried out by Defra on all Bluetongue susceptible animals arriving from continental Europe. The animals' documentation complied with the EU Bluetongue rules governing the movement of livestock as the movement occurred at least 60 days after they had been vaccinated.
This is the first case of BTV1 infection in the UK and the five animals have been culled as they may pose a disease threat to other animals. One further animal from the same consignment has also been culled. Test results for that animal were positive for bluetongue although it was not possible to determine the serotype.
There is no evidence that BTV1 is circulating in the UK and no additional control zones have been declared.
This response is in accordance with Defra's Bluetongue Control Strategy. The premises are now under restriction while an epidemiological investigation takes place. This will include further checks on the other animals present on the premises.
Chief Veterinary Officer Nigel Gibbens said: "This is the first case of BTV1 infected animals being imported into the UK. Taking into account the epidemiological evidence and the consideration of the risk represented to British livestock, I have taken the decision to cull these animals.
"This incident shows how important it is for farmers to consider potential disease risks when buying stock. Buyers need to consider how best to protect their own businesses and those of their neighbours and make sure they are clear about the stock they are intending to buy."
Defra continues to test all susceptible animals imported to the UK from continental Europe for all strains of Bluetongue and continues to urge industry to consider the risks and check the health and vaccination status of animals when sourcing any animals from within the UK or abroad.
In line with EU legislation, and our UK Control Strategy agreed with industry, control measures are in place in UK and abroad to prevent the spread of Bluetongue from existing zones around Europe:
Emeritus Professor Leslie Vaughan DSc DVR FRCVS, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 1987-8, has died.
Qualifying from the Royal Veterinary College in 1949, Professor Vaughan held various posts within the RVC, including House Surgeon, Lecturer and Reader. He was awarded a personal chair in 1972 as Professor of Veterinary Orthopaedics, becoming the Professor of Veterinary Surgery and Head of Department two years later. He was Vice-Principal from 1982 to 1991.
Having formally retired in 1991, Professor Vaughan continued to see small animal orthopaedic cases referred to the Queen Mother Hospital (QMH) at the Royal Veterinary College until he finally ‘put down his scalpel' at the end of 2007. During these 16 years, not only was he involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching on rotations, but claimed no payment personally for his work: he donated any fees to the RVC's Animal Care Trust to support further development of the QMH. It is fitting that the third and final phase of the QMH was opened this week by HRH the Duchess of Cornwall. This was the culmination of a major project that Professor Vaughan helped initiate in the mid-1980s.
Professor Vaughan, who was 81, became a Fellow of the RCVS in 1957 for a thesis entitled: A study of the clinical and pathological aspects of the intervertebral disc protrusion in the dog.
Dr Jerry Davies, RCVS Treasurer and former colleague of Professor Vaughan said: "Leslie Vaughan had an international reputation in veterinary orthopaedics, both as a clinician and a researcher, that included small animal, equine and even farm animal species.
"Those remarkable achievements were equalled by his skills as a teacher. He had an ability to instil in his students the fundamental principles of diagnosis where meticulous clinical observation and examination must precede the careful selection of adjunct investigations such as radiography and laboratory testing. The extraordinary number of veterinary surgeons, both past and present, that will have benefited from his teaching over no less than 58 years will never be surpassed".
The funeral will be held at St John's Church, Harpenden, Herts (, at 11.30 am on Monday December 1, 2008.
The ‘Midgeater' device introduced by Calor in 2003 to combat biting midges causing irritation to humans, has now been successfully tested by leading scientists as a monitoring device in the fight against bluetongue.
Leading midge scientist Dr Alison Blackwell, who is the Managing Director of University of Edinburgh based Advanced Pest Solutions, presented her company's findings in her keynote speech to the Royal Entomological Society in Belfast on November 19th.
The current method of trapping midges when monitoring the deadly bluetongue virus is a light trap, but Alison and her team have established that a modified Midgeater can be more effective in catching the main midge species that carry the virus.
Alison said: "During trials this year, we found that Calor fuelled Midgeater traps modified with a simple ‘black' light source and fitted with an octenol / ammonia bait, proved to be far more effective at catching the main species of midge known to carry the bluetongue virus than the light traps which are currently used to monitor midge populations in relation to the disease".
Farmers throughout the UK recently commenced a vaccination programme to protect their animals from the only strain of the bluetongue virus that has so far been encountered in the UK, serotype 8, but there is still a real need to carefully monitor biting midge populations, as other strains of the virus are approaching our shores.
Alison added: "In the last few weeks serotype 1 and serotype 6 have been found in Northern Europe and there are currently no vaccines available in the UK for these types of the bluetongue virus, so it is important that we remain vigilant and monitor midges throughout the UK".
Advanced Pest Solutions have tested their modified Midgeater traps in England and Wales. The English, project which was carried out at a specialist bull breeding facility, also included the use of the Barrfly air curtain, from fellow Scottish business Innovent.
Alison explained: "Innovent's air curtain is designed to prevent midges passing through it into sensitive areas. The insects simply aren't strong enough to fly through the air currents it produces.
"The air curtain, combined with the Calor supplied traps and APS's consultancy and analysis creates a comprehensive ‘assess, protect and stop', midge management system that businesses can use to reduce the exposure to the risks of midge borne diseases."
Intervet / Schering-Plough has announced that following the success of National Vaccination Month, which targeted the owners of unvaccinated dogs, cats and rabbits, and resulted in more than 32,000 additional vaccinations, a second National Vaccination Month will run throughout March 2009.
According to the company, National Vaccination Month 2008 won strong support from vets nationwide and succeeded in increasing awareness among pet owners of the need to vaccinate their animals, with the end result of driving unvaccinated pets into practices across the country.
Just over 2,100 veterinary clinics registered to take part and following a heavyweight marketing and TV advertising campaign, the pet owning public responded in their thousands.
Almost 70,000 people visited the website with over 32,000 pets vaccinated as a result.
To build on the success of this campaign and in light of data suggesting a continued escalation in the number of unvaccinated pets, Intervet / Schering Plough Animal Health is calling on veterinary practices to sign up and benefit from the massive marketing drive that will underpin the second National Vaccination Month.
As in 2008, central to the success of the campaign will be a nationally co-ordinated amnesty encouraging owners of unvaccinated dogs, cats and rabbits to have their pets fully vaccinated for the cost of a booster. The amnesty will highlight the shocking fact that only half of the nation's dogs, a quarter of cats and just 10 per cent of rabbits are up to date with their vaccinations. This is in the face of survey work, indicating the widespread and prevalent nature of certain infectious diseases.
Angus Robinson of Intervet / Schering Plough said: "The success of the 2008 campaign blew us away. Of most significance was the feedback that we had from vets, which suggested that rather than drawing from their existing client base, National Vaccination Month improved pet vaccination levels by attracting new clients into practice.
"However survey results show we have a long way to go. Too many cases of serious infectious disease are still seen in practice and wider vaccination uptake would reduce the number of animals susceptible to these serious and preventable diseases.
"In 2009, given the prevailing economic climate, pet owners will be particularly alive to the fact that there is a cost benefit to them and this may give even greater impetus to the campaign."
During National Vaccination Month, participating vets will provide a free healthcheck and discounted vaccination saving owners up to £30 per pet.
As well as TV advertising, a radio campaign, PR editorial across a range of media and marketing support, this year's campaign will be backed by a leading TV wildlife broadcaster and celebrity who will be unveiled at the consumer launch.
As in 2008, the website will give pet owners the chance to search for their nearest participating vet.
For more information on how to register your practice to take part in the campaign, please contact your Intervet account manager or call Intervet's Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
The Small Animal Medicine Society has become the very first veterinary society to use online social networking to bring its members closer together, with its own dedicated section within this site.
The new SAMSoc section of VetSurgeon contains a host of features to facilitate the sharing of ideas, experiences and knowledge amongst the society's members. There's a photo and video sharing gallery in which to share and discuss interesting cases. There's a dedicated forum to debate current issues and ask SAMSoc advice about difficult cases. Members can also catch up on association news and hold private 'conversations' between each other using VetSurgeon's sophisticated peer-to-peer communication system.
All veterinary surgeons can visit the SAMSoc section on VetSurgeon.
However, only SAMSoc members can use the various features and participate. A downloadable application form for SAMSoc membership is available from the 'About us' section.
Ian Battersby MRCVS, SAMSoc committee member said: "We're very excited about the potential that VetSurgeon offers us to share knowledge about small animal medicine more effectively amongst our members."
Arlo Guthrie, editor and publisher of VetSurgeon said: "I'm delighted about SAMSoc joining VetSurgeon; bringing vets together and sharing knowledge is what the site is all about."
He added: "We are able to offer dedicated sections of VetSurgeon to other veterinary societies and associations, free of charge. So, if you represent one, do take a look at the SAMSoc section on VetSurgeon. If you like what you see, get in touch with me."