Veterinary News Headlines

    Vets say badger culling is necessary to tackle TB

    Badger culling is necessary in certain circumstances to tackle the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB), according to the British Veterinary Association (BVA) and British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA). This week the BVA's Council approved the...

    New range of operating theatre equipment from Ark Surgical

    Ark Surgical has completed an exclusive agreement with Cory Bros, the UK's largest independent manufacturer and distributor of surgical devices and instrumentation, in order to offer a new range of operating theatre equipment and consumables. This...

    Estrumate back in stock

    Intervet/Schering-Plough has announced that Estrumate ® , in both the 10ml and 20ml vial size is back in stock and available to order from your veterinary wholesaler. The stock out situation had arisen as a result of increased demand during the early...

    RCVS Day sees investiture of new President

    Professor Sandy Trees has been invested as the new President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons during RCVS Day, held on 3rd July. Sandy is an Edinburgh graduate, qualifying from the Dick Vet in 1969. After graduation, he undertook a mixture...
  • New food flavour sprays to help reluctant eaters

    A new range of food flavour sprays for dogs and cats, which could it a lot easier for vets, nurses and owners to feed reluctant eaters and administer oral medications, has been launched by M H Foods Ltd. The sprays, which will retail through veterinary...

    New studies question safety of soaked hay for laminitis-prone horses and ponies

    New research, conducted by the WALTHAM-initiated Laminitis Consortium, has raised questions over the assumption that soaking hay will make it safe to feed to laminitis-prone horses and ponies 1 . The Laminitis Consortium comprises world-leading equine...

    BCF launches new lease scheme for imaging systems

    BCF has launched a new operating lease scheme to make it easier for veterinary practices to afford the latest ultrasound and x-ray digital imaging systems. According to the company, only one scan per week will cover the cost of leasing a system. BCF...

    Nominations sought for Equine Vet Of The Year Award

    Petplan Equine is now seeking nominations for the Equine Vet of the Year Award 2009, an award to recognise vets that go above and beyond with their care of horses and their owners. Andrew Dobson of The Barn Equine and Large Animal Practice in Great...

    New name and bottle size for CEVAC® Chlamydophila

    CEVA Animal Health's live enzootic abortion vaccine, CEVAC ® Chlamydophila, has been renamed CEVAC ® Chlamydia and repackaged in a larger bottle size. According to the company, infectious abortion, particularly enzootic abortion (Chlamydiosis...

    Improved VetMed Resource launched

    CABI has given VetMed Resource, its online veterinary information service, a new look and some new features. See: . VetMed Resource is a database of over 1.3 million veterinary and animal science research records from 1972...
  • Profession mourns loss of Sam Duff

    VetSurgeon is sad to report that Sam Duff, a much loved figure in the profession, died last weekend. Sam qualified from Edinburgh in 1970, and was a partner in mixed practice in Fife until 2002. More recently, he was a director of Equitique Ltd, an...
  • New injectable propofol with 28 day broached vial shelf life

    Fort Dodge Animal Health has launched PropoClear, a short-acting, intravenous general anaesthetic for dogs and cats. The company believes that PropoClear, based on novel lipid-free micro-emulsion technology, will deliver significant clinical benefits...

    New equine wormer given as a treat

    Intervet/Schering-Plough has launched Vectin chewable tablets, an ivermectin wormer for horses which is administered as a treat straight from the hand rather than in the traditional paste or granule formulation. According to the company, syringe handling...

    Major new campaign to promote Drontal

    Bayer Animal Health has signed a sponsorship deal with the celebrated series The Dog Whisperer on Nat Geo Wild and committed to a wide-reaching TV advertising campaign to promote Drontal. The sponsorship agreement covers series 5 of The Dog Whisperer...
  • Only a third of vets believe in God

    Only about a third of vets and a quarter of nurses believe in a God, according to a poll carried out amongst the members of and The poll offered four possible responses to the question: Does God exist? The results...
  • First candidates gain Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP)

    Stuart Jackson, from Carterton, Oxfordshire, and Austin Kirwan from Ormskirk, Lancashire are the first candidates to achieve the RCVS postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP), since the change-over to a modular award system...

    Vet trampled to death by cows

    According to today's Daily Mail, veterinary surgeon Lis Crowsley may have been killed as she tried to protect her dogs from cows that were with their newly-born calves. Click here for the full story.

    Rabbit food report causes fur to fly

    Supreme Petfoods Ltd has published the results of tests on small animal petfood which, according to the company, highlight significant problems with the on-pack declarations and contents of a number of the leading brands. The tests, which were carried...

    Gwynedd vet reprimanded for 'reckless' certification

    The Disciplinary Committee (DC) of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons last week issued a reprimand to a veterinary surgeon for reckless certification of an equine passport, having found her to have been "wholly indifferent" as to whether the horse...

    New expert recommendations for anaesthesia available

    As part of its ongoing "Excellence in veterinary anaesthesia" initiative, and following the launch of Alfaxan, Vetoquinol has published a summary of the latest expert recommendations concerning anaesthesia in cats and dogs in a new document: ...
  • West Nile virus vaccine now available in the UK

    Fort Dodge Animal Health has announced that its Duvaxyn WNV vaccine against West Nile Virus (WNV) is now available in the UK, following its licensing through the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). Duvaxyn WNV is the first vaccine available in Europe...

    Veterinary nursing qualifications under review

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has embarked upon the most extensive review of its veterinary nursing qualifications for many years, in order to meet the timetable for Ofqual's implementation of the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF)...

    Hill's survey of new grads offers food for thought

    Hill's Pet Nutrition has released the results of a survey of how last year's graduates feel about clinical nutrition. Despite teaching of clinical nutrition moving up the agenda for most vet schools, over one third of respondents said that they.....

    RCVS Professional Conduct Dept goes on the run

    Lucy Evans and Jamie Hollis, who work in the RCVS Professional Conduct Department, will join RCVS Trust Director Cherry Bushell to raise funds in the British 10K London Run on 12 July. None of the three runners have run any kind of race since their...
  • VetSurgeon launches new peer review platform has launched a new collaborative publishing section of the website (called a wiki) in which any member of the site may publish case studies and reports, abstracts, short communications, research papers and the results of clinical audit...