Veterinary News Headlines
  • Ground breaking European study for new NSAID for canine osteoarthritis

    In a European first, Pfizer Animal Health is conducting a major study in over 2000 dogs with Trocoxil, its new NSAID which delivers continuous analgesia for a month. According to the company, Trocoxil has already been granted a licence by the EMEA...

    Fort Dodge Index confirms continued slide in Turnover Growth, Transaction Volume and Client Numbers

    Fort Dodge Index (FDI) data for the first six months of 2009 confirm the downward trend in key veterinary practice metrics, including turnover growth, transaction volume and client numbers with a national picture emerging of much slower growth than the...

    £2000 worth of cash prizes for vets today launched a new initiative to increase membership of the online community, as part of which 5 vets could win cash prizes worth a total of £2000. A new 'Invited by' box has been added to the registration form which new members....

    VetZ & Croft Vets launch orthopaedic image gallery

    VetZ and Croft Veterinary Referrals have launched a new orthopaedic image gallery on The gallery, which can be found here, includes reference x-rays for normal joints in cats and dogs as well as some of the more common 'abnormals',...

    Practices urged to participate in Pet Smile Month

    Vet practices across the UK are being urged to get involved with Pet Smile Month to increase practice footfall and attract new clients in the tough economic climate. Pet Smile Month, which runs during September 2009, is the world's largest veterinary...

    Petplan launches PIA award nominations

    Petplan has launched nominations for its Petplan Insurance Advisor of the Year Award. The award is to recognise the hard work and dedication that Pet Insurance Advisors (PIAs) do to highlight the importance of insurance to pet owners as a means of...

    CEVA launches new fireworks' marketing toolkit

    CEVA Animal Health, manufacturer of D.A.P. ® and Feliway ® , has launched a new marketing toolkit to assist veterinary practices in educating and supporting clients with noise phobic pets in the run up to the fireworks' season. The new firework..

    Forum Animal Health launches new Milk Fever Pack

    Forum Animal Health is launching a new programme designed for transition cows to help avoid milk fever relapses: the Milk Fever Pack. According to the company, the new Milk Fever Pack provides a continuous and complete supply of readily available oral...

    Intervet / SP launches sound desensitisation programme

    A new programme to help reduce the stress of pets suffering a reaction to sudden loud noises such as fireworks and thunderstorms, has been launched by the makers of Zylkène. Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health, which manufactures Zylkène...

    Pioneering cryptorchid surgery at NuVet, Peterborough

    Jinx, a 9 month old black Labrador, has become the first patient at Peterborough's recently-opened NuVet practice to undergo pioneering 'single port' keyhole surgery for a retained testicle The operation was performed by Marwan Tarazi, owner...

    Police warn vets to be on guard after drug thefts

    Police have advised veterinary practices to be on their guard following a spate of break-ins in the South East, linked to the theft of controlled drugs. PC Steve Doswell, Controlled Drugs Liaison Officer in the East Sussex police area said: "Criminal...

    YORKTEST Veterinary Services becomes Avacta Animal Health

    YORKTEST Veterinary Services has announced a change of name to Avacta Animal Health Ltd., following its acquisition by Avacta Group Plc . The allergy testing and customer support that is synonymous with YORKTEST Veterinary Services will now appear...
  • Experts re-evaluate pain management in canine osteoarthritis

    A new expert panel has been formed to evaluate pain management in canine osteoarthritis following a recent shift to a more integrated approach to pain and disease research. In the past, pain and joint disease have been considered as separate areas...

    Self-flushing cat loo offers commercial opportunity for vets

    The latest solution to the perennial problem of cat mess has arrived in the UK; CatGenie is the world's first self-flushing, self-washing cat loo. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so here it is... According to CatGenie UK, the.....
  • RCVS seeks your comments on new Practice Standards Scheme.

    The Practice Standards Group, which comprises representatives from all of the key veterinary and veterinary nursing organisations, has updated the standards of the Practice Standards Scheme and a draft of the new Manual is now available for comment....
  • Sanofi-aventis to buy Merial

    Sanofi-aventis has signed an agreement under which it will buy Merck & Co Ltd's 50% stake in Merial Limited for $4 billion cash, after which it will own Merial outright. According to the Wall Street Journal , Merck is selling its stake in Meria.....

    RCVS Trust offers vets chance to win Fiat 500

    The RCVS Trust is offering vets, veterinary nurses and their friends chance to win a stylish small car - and support this small charity - for a mere £2.00. On offer in this better-than-the-average raffle is a Fiat 500, the 2008 European Car of......
  • RCVS invites vets to comment on Veterinary Surgeons Act

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is inviting comments on new proposals for bringing the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 up to date. In 2005, following earlier consultations, the RCVS Council called for extensive changes in the arrangements for...

    Vetoquinol announces changes to the Zentonil® range

    Vetoquinol has made changes to Zentonil®, its liver support range for dogs and cats. New Zentonil® is the UK's FIRST palatable and divisible tablet range of S-adenosyl-methionine (SAMe) supplementation and now comes with the added benefit of choice...

    2009 edition of Casualty Pig now available

    The Pig Veterinary Society's revised 2009 edition of Casualty Pig, funded by the BVA Animal Welfare Foundation (BVA AWF) is now available. This booklet is intended for the use of stock keepers on farms, staff in abattoirs, veterinary surgeons, and...
  • Norwich vet suspended for false certification

    The Disciplinary Committee (DC) of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has suspended a veterinary surgeon for a period of six months for issuing two false horse passports, having found him to have been “consciously dishonest”. At a hearing.....

    Postmen in fear of Yorkshire Terriers and Jack Russells

    Pit Bull Terriers, Rottweilers and Bulldogs are the breeds most feared by postmen, according to a survey just announced by esure home insurance . More surprisingly, Jack Russells and Yorkshire Terriers also appeared in the top ten list of breeds likely...

    Win free CPD with the Marbocyl® P Challenge

    Vetoquinol UK is offering vets and nurses the opportunity to win a day's free CPD by entering its new Marbocyl ® P Challenge. The challenge runs for three months with a prize each month for a veterinary surgeon's one day CPD voucher worth £300...

    Equine Flu Scheme to boost protection

    Merial has launched a 'Vaccination Back on Track' promotion via vet practices that administer Merial vaccines. Under the scheme, owners of all horses over 12 months of age that have not yet been vaccinated against equine influenza or are overdue....

    RCVS Trust offers veterinary surgeons BVA Congress places

    Veterinary surgeons who can keep it short and sweet have a chance of receiving an all (reasonable) expenses paid trip to BVA Congress this September. The RCVS Trust is offering to pay the registration fee, plus travel, food and accommodation costs...