Vets Now, the out-of-hours emergency services provider is to launch the Vets Now Hospital service in Glasgow city centre, where it will offer emergency and critical care together with a range of specialist referral options.
This follows on the heels of The University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital, a new £15 million facility which opened at the end of August.
Vets Now says that the new hospitals and the range of clinical services on offer to the profession and pet owners will make the west of Scotland a centre of excellence in advanced clinical care for animals.
The opening of the two facilities will also offer both organisations a new platform on which to develop further their long standing relationship through future collaboration in the areas of teaching, training and investigation into animal disease.
Vets Now Group Managing Director, Richard Dixon said: "The opening of the two facilities presents a number of opportunities for both organisations to work collaboratively to develop teaching and training for undergraduates, residents, interns and nurses, and to work together to gain further understanding into animal disease through clinical investigation and the practice and promotion of evidence based medicine."
Professor Stuart Reid, Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University said: "The expanded service which will be offered by the Small Animal Hospital and the new Vets Now Hospital obviously presents an enhanced range of choices for pet owners and first opinion vets in Scotland and an opportunity for both organisations to work collaboratively to ensure that undergraduates and clinical professionals have access to the best training and opportunities to develop professionally. We have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship for a number of years and we look forward to the new opportunities which the opening of the two hospitals will bring in the future."
The Small Animal Hospital opened on 31 August. The first Vets Now Hospital will open in Glasgow on 31 October.
Following a two-year postponed judgment, the Disciplinary Committee (DC) of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons last week warned a Cambridgeshire veterinary surgeon as to his future conduct, after he had been convicted in 2006 for causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence of alcohol.
In September 2007, the Committee heard that Peter Hanlon MRCVS, of Soham in Cambridgeshire, had been involved in a road traffic accident in February 2006. Mr Hanlon's car had drifted across the road and collided with an oncoming car driven by James Barber who was accompanied by his wife, Ivy. Mr Barber was pronounced dead at the scene and both Mrs Barber and Mr Hanlon sustained injuries.
At the initial hearing, Mr Hanlon admitted the conviction (for which he had been sentenced to 30 months in prison and received a four-year driving ban) and the charge that it rendered him unfit to practise veterinary surgery. The Committee decided to postpone its judgment for two years on the agreement that Mr Hanlon would undertake to abstain from alcohol and to submit quarterly medical reports and six-monthly CPD (continuing professional development) reports to the Committee chairman.
At the resumed hearing last week, the Committee carefully considered Mr Hanlon's written and oral submissions, and accepted that he had fully complied with these undertakings. He had abstained from alcohol since the day after the accident, produced an "exemplary" CPD record and provided impressive reports from his employers concerning his professional competence.
In addition, Mr Hanlon, who spent around 14 months in prison and remained on licence until July 2009, also reiterated to the Committee his remorse for the death of Mr Barber and respect for his family.
The Committee was mindful of its duty to maintain confidence in the veterinary profession and uphold proper standards of conduct. Whilst it did not consider it necessary to postpone judgment again, it felt that Mr Hanlon should be warned about his future conduct.
Caroline Freedman, chairing the Committee, concluded: "As this case has demonstrated, and as Mr Hanlon himself has fully recognised, abuse of alcohol can lead to far reaching consequences in personal and professional lives and the lives of others."
Dechra Veterinary Products, manufacturer and distributor of Equipalazone®, has launched a new website with up-to-date advice and guidance on the subject of equine pain management for horse owners:
Dechra says the website offers owners a place to go for information about pain in their horse including causes, diagnosis and the tools and techniques that their vet may use to treat pain. Owners will also be able to download anatomy charts and information leaflets on topics such as pain management, lameness, anaesthesia, sedation, euthanasia, the importance of microchipping and wound management.
Larry King, equine product manager at Dechra said: "This website is great for horse owners as they now have one place to go for information about equine pain matters. It will help them gain a better understanding of managing pain in their horses and the critical role that their vet plays in this area. Veterinary practices can also refer owners to it to support their consultation. This is the first website to put all this information together, so we are sure it will be popular.
"Cards with the new website address are available for practices to hand out to clients. "The website allows clients to browse the site in the comfort of their own home and is also ideal for practices with limited storage space for client information materials."
Dechra also encourages practices that have their own websites to link directly to Practices can order hand-out cards by contacting Dechra on 01743 441632 or email
Vetoquinol has announced that packs of Rubenal 300mg are now available in bottles of 60 tablets instead of the previous 20.
Rubenal, which was launched earlier this year, is a complementary nutritional feeding stuff for the support of renal function in case of chronic renal insufficiency in dogs and cats. It is used as an aid to the maintenance of the normal renal fibrous architecture.
Simon Boulton, Rubenal's product manager said: "This increased pack size is a direct result of customer consultation. It will make treatment more cost effective for dogs and allow a longer treatment period per pack purchased."
For further information please contact your Vetoquinol representative or telephone 0800 1698197.
A mutation responsible for Primary Lens Luxation (PLL), a painful and blinding inherited eye condition, has been indentified by geneticists working in the Kennel Club Genetics Centre at the Animal Health Trust. They expect a DNA test to identify carriers of the mutation to be available by late October, 2009.
The team led by Dr Cathryn Mellersh, in collaboration with Dr David Sargan (Cambridge University) and Dr David Gould (Davies Veterinary Specialists), believe the discovery could prevent the development of PLL in several breeds of terriers.
Miniature Bull Terriers, Lancashire Heelers, Tibetan Terriers, Jack Russell Terriers, Parson Russell Terriers, Patterdale Terriers, Sealyham Terriers and Chinese Crested dogs will all benefit from the findings.
Dr Cathryn Mellersh, said: "This is an exciting discovery for many breeds of dogs across the world. We have identified the mutation, and soon we'll be able to give advice on breeding strategies. Hopefully in time we'll eradicate this awful condition from many breeds of dogs."
In the near future a simple test kit will be available for breeders and owners to test their dogs. It will be possible to collect DNA from a simple cheek swab.
The DNA test will enable breeders to ascertain the likelihood of each dog's risk of developing PLL. Breeders will then be able to make informed decisions about which dogs to breed. This will minimise the risk of producing dogs that will become affected by the serious and debilitating condition.
In affected dogs PLL causes fibres which support the lens to breakdown or disintegrate, causing the lens to fall into the wrong place in the eye. Depending on where the lens falls, it can cause glaucoma or loss of vision.
Caroline Kisko, Communication Director at the Kennel Club, commented: "This is truly a major breakthrough at the Kennel Club Genetics Centre in our fight to eliminate many of the inherited diseases dogs have, all made possible with funding from the Kennel Club Charitable Trust.
"PLL is a painful and blinding condition, and we hope once the DNA test is available at the end of next month we will be able to eliminate this condition altogether."
Dr. Mellersh, added: "We would like to sincerely thank all the owners and breeders who have contributed DNA and information from their dogs to this project. The discovery would not have been possible without them."
Novartis Animal Health has announced that it will no longer be manufacturing and supplying the enzootic abortion vaccine, Mydiavac.
The company reassures its customers that current stocks will continue to be distributed as smoothly as possible.
Novartis Animal Health has launched Onsior®, a coxib NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for the relief of pain and inflammation in both cats and dogs.
According to the company, NSAIDs traditionally inhibit both COX-2 and COX-1 enzymes which can result in common side effects involving the gastrointestinal tract and the kidneys. Onsior, however, targets the pain-causing COX-2 enzymes while sparing the protective actions of COX-1 and is the only coxib licensed for cats as well as dogs.
Novartis says tissue selectivity is a further benefit of Onsior. The drug travels rapidly through the bloodstream to the site of injury or irritation. It then concentrates at the point of inflammation, while exiting the bloodstream very quickly.
Dosed once daily, Novartis says Onsior has an excellent safety profile and fits different administration routes with pain and inflammatory indications, which are:
Kelly Doucette, DVM, Global Technical Services Manager with Novartis Animal Health said: "With the benefits of being tissue selective, sparing COX-1, and having a short blood half-life - as well as being approved for both cats and dogs - Onsior will stand out as the new pain reliever of choice for vets."
Folkert Kamphuis, COO Novartis Animal Health added: "Onsior covers multiple indications, works for cats and dogs, comes in two formulations - oral and injectable - and is very simple to dose, which allows veterinarians to use it as the cornerstone of pain management in their clinics. With this complete range, Onsior will offer veterinarians a convenient solution addressing all their different needs."
Norbrook Laboratories has launched Closamectin, a parasiticide which the company says will revolutionise cattle farming and parasite control in meat producing animals.
Closamectin Pour-on is a solution which can quite literally be poured onto the back of animals. It simultaneously treats fluke, worms and external parasites. The new product is the culmination of a six year research project costing £3.5 million and involving 80 scientists at the company's headquarters in Newry Co Down.
Norbrook says it will bring immense benefits for farmers whose cattle are often ravaged by parasitic attack. Fluke in particular can have devastating effects both on beef and dairy herds, seriously weakening, and in some cases killing the animals by destroying their livers. At the very least it collectively costs farmers around £17 million per annum by reducing the weight of beef cattle and the milk yields of dairy cows.
Fluke used to be confined to the western parts of Britain, together with Scotland and Ireland, but global warming has seen other parts of the UK experiencing the same mild and wet conditions on which the parasite thrives. Consequently it is on the rise.
Currently fluke is treated by injection or oral drench - both time-consuming and difficult processes for the farmers which can also be stressful for the animals. In contrast pour-on solutions can be applied swiftly and easily with no detrimental impact on cattle.
Norbrook has been awarded licenses for Closamectin Pour-on in both the UK and Ireland. This is a very significant market: the countries have a combined cattle population of 17 million. There are also plans to roll out the product in other countries.
Developing a pour-on to deal with these parasites has baffled scientists for 20 years. Alistair Couper, Norbrook's Chief Vet said: "This is the Holy Grail of farm animal veterinary medicine. It was a highly complex challenge for our research team. They had to develop a product which would treat different conditions simultaneously and have a molecular structure which could be absorbed straight through the skin. This is a ground breaking achievement and a brilliant piece of science"
Lord Ballyedmond, Chairman of Norbrook Laboratories said: "This is a very important milestone for Norbrook and for livestock and farmers worldwide. We have invested heavily in research and development and the results are there for all to see. We are delighted to have beaten other multinationals. We have now developed the world's most effective remedy for parasite control in cattle that our entering the food chain. I am pleased to state that our business has grown this year indigenously at 12% despite the recession, beating our competitors. This tremendous breakthrough is a great testimony to the brilliance of our scientists in Newry and also to our policy of investing in research. "
CEVA Animal Health has produced a leaflet to help horse owners understand the diagnosis and treatment of navicular disease.
Navicular disease can be difficult to diagnose and management of the condition can be a challenge for both vets and horse owners. The new leaflet helps owners get to grips with all aspects of the disease from the clinical signs to the procedures used to obtain a formal diagnosis. It then covers the various treatment options available including corrective farriery, analgesia, bisphosphonates and surgery. Diagrams and photographs help to ensure that the information is clear, concise and easy to follow.
The leaflet is available to equine vet practices as a useful information source for clients. Please order your free copies from your CEVA sales representative.
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has suspended a veterinary surgeon for a period of three months for practising veterinary surgery while not registered with the College.
At a hearing which concluded on 9 September, Silke Birgitt Lindridge, of the Consett Veterinary Centre, Medomsley Road, Consett, County Durham, was found guilty of disgraceful conduct in a professional respect for practising when she ought to have known that her name had been removed from the RCVS Register for non-payment of fees.
The Committee heard that Mrs Lindridge, who qualified as a veterinary surgeon at the University of Berlin in 1997, had returned to Germany whilst on maternity leave in September 2006 but had continued to be the sole principal of two practices, the Consett Veterinary Centre, and the Winlaton Veterinary Centre in Tyne and Wear. She had continued to run the practices whilst in Germany, and had returned to the UK on several occasions during 2007, when she practised veterinary surgery on small animals and horses. She had not been registered with the College for the period between 5 June 2006 and 2 April 2008.
To practise veterinary surgery when unregistered is a criminal offence. However, after consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, a decision was taken that it was not in the public interest to prosecute Mrs Lindridge and that the matter should be left with the RCVS Disciplinary Committee.
Mrs Lindridge claimed not to be aware that she was unregistered, stating that a fee notice and reminder, as well as a telephone call and correspondence from the College about her registration status, had not been brought to her attention by her practice administrators. The Committee accepted that she had not known, but decided that, as registration was a professional obligation, Mrs Lindridge should have known that her name had been removed from the Register, a charge that Mrs Lindridge accepted. The Committee felt that: "The failure of Mrs Lindridge to put in place proper systems for the administration of her practice, including the payment of her annual retention fee... was lamentable." The way in which the practice had paid its bills during her absence demonstrated an "utterly careless attitude to the administration of the practice".
Taking account of the fact that Mrs Lindridge had not knowingly practised while unregistered, and the positive support of her clients, the Committee decided that a three-month period of suspension from the Register was appropriate.
Beverley Cottrell, chairing the Committee, commented: "The Committee would like to make it clear that it is the personal responsibility of every practising veterinary surgeon to ensure that the annual retention fee is paid and that their names are on the Register. It is in the public interest that clients should be assured that the practitioner is a regulated person, who is capable of providing valid certificates."
She continued: "The record of Mrs Lindridge's practice during 2007 discloses that she was providing certificates for horses and small animals whilst she was unregistered. Those certificates are invalid. She was also prescribing prescription-only drugs when she was not entitled to do so. The Committee considers that a short period of suspension is proportionate to the nature and the extent of the charge, the public interest and the interests of Mrs Lindridge."
Royal Canin has launched Breed Health Nutrition (BHN) foods for adult Dalmatians and French Bulldogs, bringing the company's portfolio of BHN foods up to a total of 19 dog breeds and four cat breeds.
Royal Canin vet marketing manager Ali Daff said: "Different breeds have different nutritional needs, varying from the sensitive digestion of the German Shepherd Dog to the ultra-long coat of the Persian cat. All our research and development is based on putting the animal first - what its real needs are in terms of nutrition to suit its characteristics and lifestyle.
"Veterinary practices are ideally placed to promote this idea to their clients, because they are talking to concerned and committed owners who want the best for their pets. In terms of nutrition, a tailormade diet offers the pet the best chance of maintaining a long and healthy life - and a good opportunity for practices to build client loyalty."
Royal Canin says the Dalmatian is the only canine breed which can be predisposed to excrete significant amounts of uric acid in the urine, a characteristic shared with man and the great apes. This uric acid, which is produced as a result of the metabolism of purines, can cause the formation of urinary calculi in some individuals. The simple reduction of the amount of purines in the diet means that the body produces less uric acid, reducing the risk of urate stones developing - hence the development of Dalmatian 22 Adult for dogs over 15 months. The diet is also specially developed to help support sensitive skin and intensify colour markings, as well as help maintain cardiac tone, support natural immunity, and support safe growth.
According to the company, the French Bulldog is renowned for its' sensitive digestion, so the use of very high quality, ultra-digestible proteins in French Bulldog 26 Adult help the diet deliver maximum nutritional value while helping reduce gastric fermentation (and odours as a result - a benefit many owners welcome!). Carefully balanced fibres and maximum palatability ensure the meal is eaten with gusto, while a specially developed kibble is easy for the dog to pick up and crunch, with associated dental benefits. High energy levels help maintain muscle mass, chondroitin sulphate and glucosamine provide joint support.
Ali Daff added: "These latest introductions are a very specific response to the needs of two special breeds, and will give veterinary practices another tool to help build and retain client loyalty."
Available from October 2009, Breed Health Nutrition foods are available from your Royal Canin Veterinary Business Manager, all good veterinary wholesalers, by calling 0800 717 800, or by visiting
Woodley Equipment has launched the g-Pet species-specific glucose meter with a special introductory price of £9.50
Woodley says the g-Pet Glucometer makes testing quick easy and economical. Just insert a test strip, apply blood, and get results in 10 seconds.
The company highlights the following features of the new system:
Normal RRP is £49.50. Special introductory offer price is £9.50 for the next four weeks. Price includes meter, lancet, tips, 10 strips, manual, case and control solution.
For further information, or to organise a no-obligation in-practice demo, telephone 01204 669033 (option 1), or email:
Alternatively, visit
Pet insurer esure has released the results of a survey of vets bills, carried out amongst 3000 pet owners.
Whilst the intent behind surveys like these may be laudable (i.e. to encourage more pet owners to insure their pets), they do the profession no favours, emphasising the high perceived costs of veterinary care rather than the good value that it generally represents.
This survey highlighted that:
esure's research showed that English Setters are the mostly costly breed of dog, forcing their owners to shell out £6,955 on vet bills, including injections, surgery and emergency treatments, in a lifetime.
Despite the potential for big bills, just a third (31 per cent) of pet owners have pet insurance and almost a quarter of those with cover admitted they were considering cancelling it to save money during the current credit crunch.
According to esure, many dog owners may be choosing to cancel or not even buy pet insurance because they are significantly underestimating the cost of treating common ailments and injuries. 29 per cent of pet owners surveyed think that the average vet bill for a dog with diabetes would be under £200, when it is actually £1146 including ongoing treatment*. To repair a dog's broken leg, 11 per cent of pet owners think that the average vet bill would be less than £100. It is actually more than five times that amount at £560*.
Mike Pickard, Head of esure pet insurance said: "Sickness, injury and long-term illness can affect any breed of dog, at any time, which is why it's crucial for pet owners to have insurance or ample savings to cover an unexpected vet bill of any size. With many pet owners underestimating the cost of treatment for common ailments, a hefty vet bill may stretch household finances to the limit - especially in the current credit crunch. Pet owners should plan ahead for all eventualities when it comes to their dog's health."
* Based on all claims received by pet insurance specialist, Thornside in 2008. has launched a survey to discover what veterinary professionals think of the food available for small furries, and how it is labelled.
The survey closes on 22nd September, when one completed survey entry will be drawn from the hat to win £50 worth of John Lewis shopping vouchers.
The survey consists of nine quick questions, which should only take a few moments to complete.
Click here to take part in the survey.
Figures produced by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons show that almost half of the first cohort of newly-qualified vets to sign up to the Professional Development Phase (PDP) have now completed it.
The PDP is a web-based database that enables new graduates to develop, and reflect on, their professional skills during their first year in clinical practice. Completing the PDP became a professional obligation for all newly-qualified vets from 2007 onwards. Of the 636 vets who graduated in 2007, 586 (92%) signed up to PDP and 290 have now completed. Of the 616 vets who graduated in 2008, 546 (88%) have so far registered for the PDP.
Freda Andrews, RCVS Head of Education, said: "Undertaking PDP is a professional requirement for every newly-qualified vet working in clinical practice. The first vets to undertake PDP seem to be taking around 15 months from signing up to signing off. Properly completing PDP counts as the first year's CPD and we strongly recommend that this year's graduates sign up as soon as they have found their first clinical role."
The PDP is also open to any vet returning to practice.
To find out more about PDP requirements, log onto, to enrol, email
Forum Animal Health has launched the new Agger's Cattle Pump Lite for oral fluid therapy in cows.
The pump allows one man to deliver 20 litres of fluid into the rumen in just 2 minutes. According to the company, it offers even more benefits: it is robust and lighter to carry, more convenient with its new quick-release connector and more economic: less than half price than the previous version.
Forum Animal Health says the Agger's Cattle Pump is very successful for oral administration of fluids, electrolytes and specific nutrients directly into the rumen. Designed for vets to make oral fluid therapy quick and easy to administer without assistance, many vets have found the Agger's Cattle Pump so useful for routine fluid therapy that they have trained their clients to use it, given them protocols for fluid therapy and supplied them with their own pumps. On-farm training support is available for your clients.
The New Agger's Cattle Pump Lite is available now. For more information, please contact Forum Animal Health on 01737 781416 or
The AHT has secured an award of £580,000 from the Wellcome Trust to fund the development of a new diagnostic test for Strangles which takes only 30 minutes.
It's been achieved in part by 'Breaking the Strangles Hold' - a two-year fundraising campaign run by the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and The British Horse Society (BHS),
Money donated from the general public, along with funding from The Horse Trust, has already allowed scientists at the AHT to develop a diagnostic blood test which gives results in 24 hours. The blood test was launched in February 2008 and since then more than 6,700 samples have been tested.
HRH The Princess Royal, who launched the 'Breaking the Strangles Hold' campaign, said: "As an owner who has seen my own horse's affected by this terrible disease, it's wonderful to see such progress being made in a relatively short time.
"The screening test enables owners to know within 24 hours if any of their horses have been exposed to this bacterium. Previously available tests would have taken three to four days. The test is making a real difference in welfare and economic terms for all those involved in the equine industry. It truly is groundbreaking."
The success of this diagnostic work, along with other AHT research, has attracted further funding for the project from the Wellcome Trust in the form of a £580,000 Translation Award.
Professor Andrew Waller, Head of Bacteriology at the AHT, said: "The main problem with Strangles is the time taken to diagnose it. The current blood test is a big step forward, but the culture and DNA tests, which are often used in the initial stages of an outbreak can take a couple of days to get results."
The Translation Award means the AHT can reduce the time taken to perform its DNA diagnostic test and ultimately produce a point-of-care test that vets can use on site to get a diagnosis in 30 minutes. Earlier diagnosis will allow owners to isolate horses sooner and minimise the spread of infection. It will further reduce welfare problems for horses and the cost to their owners.
The AHT and Atlas Genetics will design and validate the point-of-care diagnostic test over the next two years. It is hoped that the test could be mass produced and widely available by 2012.
Professor Waller added: "This technology will be fantastic. It will be hugely beneficial for other diseases too, of both veterinary and clinical importance. Without the money raised through the 'Breaking the Strangles Hold' campaign, we wouldn't have made as much progress. On behalf of horses and horse owners worldwide, I'd like to thank everyone who has donated."
The 'Breaking the Strangles Hold' campaign reached its fundraising target of £250,000 in just two years, demonstrating how important to horse owners it is to get to grips with this terrible disease.
For more information, see:
If you're attending BEVA this September you can win a place on the CEVA-sponsored Equine Ski-PD break in January 2010, combining a couple of days of first class Continued Professional Development (CPD) with some excellent skiing in the Italian Alps.
The course runs from 13-17 January 2009 and the CPD will be spread over five sessions, equating to two-and-a-half days. Equine vets Jane Boswell, Henry Tremaine, Professor Bruce McGorum, Professor Peter Clegg and Dr Tim Brazil will cover the topics of tendonitis, wound management, ophthalmology, internal medicine and joint disease.
Skiing will be at Courmayeur, a traditional Alpine village on the Italian side of Mont Blanc, where all levels of ability, from beginners to experienced off-piste skiers, can be catered for.
To win your place, which includes flights and four nights b&b accommodation, simply visit the CEVA stand at BEVA and answer a questionnaire on Tildren®, CEVA's bisphosphonate-based treatment for equine bone disease, based on information provided via a short film loop that will be running on the stand.
For further information on equine Ski-PD contact the organisers: or
The British Veterinary Association has launched two new guides for members on 'Euthanasia' and 'The role of the vet in treatment choice decision-making'.
The guides provide both thought-provoking questions for vets to consider when assisting clients with treatment choice and practical guidance on making the right decisions on euthanasia for individual animals.
The guides are the result of work by the BVA's Ethics and Welfare Group.
'The role of the vet in treatment choice decision-making' tackles issues such as:
The 'Euthanasia' guide includes:
Commenting on the launch of the guides Peter Jinman, Chairman of the BVA's Ethics and Welfare Group, said: "Treatment choice and euthanasia are important parts of veterinary work but are rarely black and white issues. These guides aim to help vets through the often difficult decision-making processes required and cover all aspects from legal issues to the welfare of the animal and the needs of its owner.
"The BVA guide to euthanasia provides a clear, easy-to-use document to help veterinary surgeons make the best decisions for the animals in their care. As well as outlining the various types of euthanasia, the guide provides a Decision Tree designed to help vets work through the available options.
"The guide to treatment choice decision-making explores issues such as where the vet's moral obligation lies and how far he/she can and should influence treatment choice.
"The guides aim to be a practical resource for vets in both small and large animal practice at any stage of their careers. I am grateful to the Euthanasia and Treatment Choice Subgroup, chaired by Richard Jones, for their excellent work setting in context this potentially difficult area of veterinary work."
Lantra, the UK Sector Skills Council for environmental and land-based industries, has backed a report that addresses veterinary expertise in food animal production.
The 'Unlocking Potential' report, produced by Professor Philip Lowe on behalf of Defra, identifies the potential for veterinarians to increase their role by providing expert advice to the farming and food industries.
Industry Partnership Manager, Lisa Jarvis, said: "Lantra welcomes this report on the farm animal veterinary services, which encourages the discussion of the future of veterinary businesses and services, role of support staff and para-professionals. We are pleased to be recognised alongside Defra, the RCVS, the BVA and the NFU, as a key organisation to drive the development of training and career structures in the industry."
The report highlights that the scale of and demand for veterinary technical services for farm animals and the food sector should be investigated, identifying training needs and obstacles to skills development. This is currently being addressed through Lantra's LandSkills project which is part of the Rural Development Programme for England.
Lantra's National Director for England, Madge Moore, said: "Through the LandSkills programme, Lantra has already engaged with a number of veterinary practices from across the North East, Yorkshire and Humber, East Midlands and West Midlands to deliver practical courses and farm health plans to eligible farming enterprises. So far in Yorkshire and Humber vets have run a number of practical poultry courses where farmers have learnt how to carry out post-mortems on their own flock so they can find out if there is a recurring problem which they may need to rectify. LandSkills West Midlands is also currently recruiting a number of vets in the region to deliver a farm health plan initiative."
Madge continued: "Working with farmers and vets as part of LandSkills means that we are in a great position to look at the demand of these services whilst highlighting the importance of farmers utilising their vets more effectively by showing them what they can offer. However we also look forward to working with partners in leading the continued progression of the veterinary profession."
For more information about LandSkills and how veterinary surgeons are working with the programme visit or call 08452 788800.
To view the report visit
New research amongst veterinary professionals conducted by CEVA Animal Health, manufacturer of D.A.P.® and Feliway®, has revealed that pet owners may be unintentionally fuelling their pets' noise phobias in the run up to the fireworks' season.
According to CEVA's research, up to 95% react inappropriately, for example petting an anxious pet during firework exposure rather than making an effort to ignore the fireworks, thereby reassuring the animal by behaving normally.
The research also suggested that 77% of clients have never taken action to address their pets' noise phobias as fireworks' season is only an annual occurrence. This is despite evidence that noise phobias can affect pets all year round and tend to become worse over time.
In addition, if owners do seek advice from their vet for noise phobias, it is at the last minute. It is estimated that 46% of clients leave it until the day before the fireworks are due to start before seeking help.
Lucy Brett, product manager at CEVA Animal Health said: "Owners are not doing enough to reduce their pets' firework fears and prevent noise phobias from developing.
"Taking early, proactive action within the practice is the best way to help dogs with pre-existing firework phobias as well as those with mild fears which, if left untreated, may develop into more serious noise phobias."
CEVA Animal Health and Sound Therapy 4 Pets have once again joined forces with the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC), Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) and PDSA to launch a 'Remember, remember your pets this November' campaign to provide owners with advice on how to look after their pets during the firework season and the precautions they should take to help them cope with their fear of fireworks.
The initiative features a wide range of advice including how to use synthetic copies of natural pheromones, D.A.P. ® and Feliway®, to help comfort and reassure fearful pets, creating a comforting den for dogs to retreat to during firework exposure and treating noise phobias using behavioural therapy with the Sounds Scary desensitisation CD (which is the only behavioural therapy product for noise phobias supported by the RSPCA).
For further information, please visit
EQVALAN® manufacturer Merial Animal Health is extending its free egg worm count promotion, allowing practices to re-run the offer this autumn.
During September and October Merial is giving away 20 free faecal egg count tests with each order of 20 tubes of EQVALAN® DUO (ivermectin + praziquantel). In addition, for every 20 tubes ordered, stockists will get a further 4 tubes of EQVALAN® DUO free.
EQVALAN's product manager Claire Edmunds said: "During the spring campaign, over 1000 horse owners took part in the worm egg count promotion, many of whom we believe had never used testing kits before.
"The tests highlight which horses need treatment and which do not, allowing practices to advise specifically on the necessary treatment*.
For those practices with their own testing facilities, Merial is also offering promotional support to help encourage increased uptake and client buy-in. "The autumn campaign will provide participating practices with another opportunity to add value whilst encouraging loyalty from clients.
Claire added: "Promoting a targeted approach to responsible worming means that only those horses which need treatment are wormed with an appropriate wormer selected for the worms identified from the test."
For further information please contact your local territory manager or call the Merial Customer Support Centre on 0845 601 4236.
Janssen Animal Health has highlighted that enforcement of the Veterinary Medicines legislation will require thousands of poultry owners to change the way they worm in the future.
The company says that in the past many poultry keepers with small to medium sized flocks have used Flubenvet® 2.5% Medicated Premixture 240 gram pack. However, going forwards, it will no longer be possible to do so unless individuals (or companies) are approved and registered to mix medicines into feed. The Flubenvet® 1% 60 gram pack for domestic poultry launched in 2008 remains widely available and can still be used without having to register. Each 60 gram pack is suitable to treat around 20 chickens.
Registered retailers are also only able to sell medicated premixtures for mixing into more than 30kg of feed to customers who are specifically registered with the VMD to mix these into animal foods.
Janssen Animal Health vet Nigel Underwood said: "We are advising all poultry keepers of this legislation. We must comply with the law and are simply not able to supply unregistered wholesalers, merchants, pharmacies of vet practices with medicated premixtures unless they are approved.. The new 60 gram domestic poultry pack of Flubenvet® 1% was developed specifically for the smaller poultry owner and is exempt from the legislation. It is available from vets, pharmacists and suitably qualified animal health advisers and poultry owners do not have to be registered to use it."
Hill's Pet Nutrition and Cat Professional are working in partnership to improve knowledge of feline lower urinary tract disease by giving complimentary copies of 'Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease' by UK feline specialists Dr Sarah Caney and Professor Danièlle Gunn-Moore to veterinary professionals and owners of cats affected by the condition.
Feline lower urinary tract disease is thought to affect up to 10% of cats, with particular prevalence in the indoor cat population and it is often a complex and distressing condition for cat owners to tackle.
Hill's has sponsored 1000 copies of 'Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease' , and is giving away vouchers which allow the recipient to visit the Cat Professional website ( to download an interactive copy of the book.
'Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease' is the third title in the successful 'Caring for a cat' series. Renowned cat behaviourist and bestselling author, Vicky Halls reviewed the book in glowing terms: "Feline lower urinary tract disease is a complicated subject for owners to fully appreciate so it is wonderful, at last, to have one book that contains all the necessary information that can be recommended to everyone"Hill's Pet Nutrition are distributing the complimentary vouchers to owners who contact their customer service freephone line for advice on the condition (0800 282438 - 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday). Veterinary Professionals using the free Urolith Analysis Service offered by Hill's, or the Hill's Veterinary Technical Enquiry Line to gain help and advice on nutritional management of Feline Lower Urinary Tract diseases are also able to claim a complimentary voucher to redeem.
Adrian Pratt, Veterinary Affairs Manager for Hill's comments "FLUTD is a difficult disease to manage, let alone explain to fully to an owner. What Sarah and Danielle have done here is fantastic and will help owners better understand their cat's problem. That can only be good for the pet"
Pfizer Animal Health has announced that its Dental Leadership programme is now available on-line at
The course is offered under the 'Pfizer Academy' umbrella and has previously been available in hard copy for over five years. Almost 1000 vets and nurses have tackled the course since inception and it is anticipated that the on-line version will prove to be equally successful.
Annelies Hall is the AntirobeTM Product Manager at Pfizer Animal Health. She said: "High quality CPD can sometimes be difficult to fit into a busy schedule. We recognised that the open learning format was attractive to vets and nurses because it was flexible and could be fitted around a demanding job. The teaching of dentistry to students has become much higher profile lately but many older graduates feel it is an area where they can learn more, and due to the prevalence of dental disease, can immediately put their learning into action."
A separate course is available for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses and the course contributes 10 hours of CPD time. Learning is assessed through an on-line multiple choice examination and a certificate can be printed off when the pass mark is achieved. The course was developed by Pfizer Animal Health in association with Norman Johnston BVM&S, Dipl.AVDC, Dipl.EVDC, MRCVS, American & European Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry and covers topics such as anatomy, preventative treatment, periodontal disease, the dental workplace, equipment, radiography, economics and marketing veterinary dentistry.
Lisa Milella, President of the British Veterinary Dental Association said: "Dentistry is one of the most important aspects of veterinary healthcare alongside vaccination and medical care. Dental procedures should contribute 25% of the daily operating list in every small animal practice but unfortunately less than 5% of clients realise that their pet has a problem, leaving the onus on their veterinary practice to pro-actively identify dental disease."
The course is free of charge and those wishing to enrol are asked to visit For any further enquiries call 0870 0056554. The dental leadership website also contains details of the 2009 Pfizer Dental Bursary for veterinary nurses wishing to study for the BVNA Certificate in Dentistry.