The Animal Health Trust has announced a research project which aims to improve the way dogs are treated for cancer. As part of the project, the charity is appealing to veterinary practices to send samples taken from dogs diagnosed with cancer.
Using the samples, the AHT's Oncology Research Group aims to develop prognostic tests for a number of canine cancers. These tests will assist veterinary professionals in predicting how individual tumours will behave and respond to treatment. It means that each dog will be offered the best treatment for its individual case, ensuring that dogs which do not require aggressive therapy are spared the rigours and possible side effects associated with such a treatment.
The samples required are surplus small pieces of the biopsies of suspected tumours, collected for diagnostic histopathology. Cheek swabs, or blood samples that are surplus to those that are often collected for standard clinical investigations are also required. Samples will be submitted for research only with the written consent of each dog owner.
Mike Starkey, from the AHT's Oncology Research Group, said: "To make progress we need to collect many samples of many different tumours. We simply need vets to send us freshly frozen (not fixed in formalin) biopsies of suspected tumours."
Samples of the following tumour types are needed from the following breeds:
Sue Murphy, the AHT's Head of Oncology, said: "We know cancer is a major cause of death in dogs. The research we are doing here will arm us all with the ability to make better informed decisions about the right course of treatment for each patient."
The samples will also aid with the AHT's research into inherited genetic defects. Researchers are investigating to find out why certain pedigree dogs have an increased risk of developing a specific cancer. The AHT is part of a European research group working on the 'LUPA project' which aims to develop DNA tests to identify dogs which carry the mutations. This should enable breeders to alter their breeding strategies to reduce the incidence of dogs affected by those cancers. It will also allow vets to carefully monitor dogs who have an increased risk of developing cancer.
Mike Starkey added: "The help from veterinary practices and dog owners is invaluable in this research. Without the samples we're unable to progress our work."
If you would like further information about the project, please contact Mike Starkey on 01638 555603 or email
Woodley Equipment has announced that it has become the exclusive authorised distributor of Crony IR202 series and Saturno analysers, parts and consumables in the UK and Ireland.
Under the partnership agreement with Crony Instruments, Woodley will also provide service, support and maintenance for the analysers from this Italian manufacturer.
The arrangement covers the new Crony Saturno 100 Vet wet chemistry analyser, which is currently undergoing evaluation on site and will be available from Woodley Equipment in January 2010.
For more information, contact Woodley Equipment on 01798 813659 or email Alternatively, visit:
The WikiQuiz project - a free online question and answer tool which enables vets, vet students and vet nurses to test their knowledge - is now online thanks to £4,770 of funding from the RCVS Trust.
WikiQuiz is a new resource to enable vets and students to structure and direct their learning, and links directly to information on WikiVet, the free research and academic collaboration resource put together by over 40 academics, veterinary surgeons and students from the Universities of Cambridge, Edinburgh and Nottingham, and the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). However, unlike its namesake Wikipedia, WikiVet is designed to be an accurate, peer-reviewed source of information for the veterinary profession and tailored to the undergraduate veterinary curriculum. Some of the material is also of interest to veterinary nurses, in particular those pursuing advanced professional qualifications.
Nick Short, Head of E-Media at the RVC said: "WikiQuiz is purpose-built for vets and students to structure and direct their learning. The questions and answers in WikiQuiz will help vets and veterinary students and work out what topics they might need to study, and link them directly to relevant information published on WikiVet.
"The Wikipedia concept is familiar and popular with students and vets; however, the information on the site can lack quality and relevance", he continued. "In creating WikiVet, we've used the look and feel of Wikipedia - but by making WikiVet available only to veterinary students, surgeons and nurses, introducing a peer-review system and appointing an editorial board to oversee the site, we can ensure the information published is relevant and accurate.
"We are hugely grateful to the RCVS Trust for supporting this project."
Cherry Bushell, RCVS Trust Director said: "Veterinary undergraduates and veterinary surgeons alike need to be able to assess where there are any gaps in their knowledge as part of planning their learning and development. The WikiQuiz resource helps them to do this.
"Using good quality online tools and information can save vets and students valuable time - which is one reason why we chose to support WikiQuiz. The WikiVet project also fits very well with the online Library services provided to vets, veterinary nurses and students by the Trust."
Veterinary surgeons, students and nurses can apply for a free log-in to WikiVet at
Organisers of The London Vet Show 2009 report that the event was a great sucess, greeted with 'considerable delight' by delegates and exhibitors alike.
The event, which featured clinical and commercial lectures as well as a major exhibition, ran on 6th and 7th November at London's Olympia Conference Centre. 2410 veterinary professionals attended, and most were there for both days. attended the event, asking commercial exhibitors: "What's New?" Those of you that didn't make it to the show can click here to watch a video of their answers.
Overall feedback from vets about the quality of the CPD programme was overwhelmingly positive. Delegate feedback forms rated the quality of speakers in the programme as 4.39 out of 5, and rated the event as 4.68 out of 5 in terms of value for money.
Rachel Bolus of Riverside Veterinary Practice said: "All the lectures were to a really good standard - a lot of CPD for a very cheap price."
Bridget O'Farrell of Dick Vet Small Animal Practice agreed: "Very cheap for two days of CPD and the quality of the speakers has been very good. I went to five lectures yesterday and planning on six today. It's been a very worthwhile exercise and I would certainly recommend this to my peers".
Event organiser Phil Nelson said: "We have witnessed an amazing two days, surpassing all delegate estimates and it's gone down really well. The 2010 exhibition is already 40% bigger than this year almost 12 months out and looks set to sell out. We are carefully listening to the delegates and exhibitors comments, and have already a number of plans to develop and build the event going forward. But as a starting point we could never have dreamt for the launch event to be so well received."
For 2010 the London Vet Show is moving to the bigger Olympia National Hall having out grown the Conference Centre. It will run on October 22nd and 23rd. It is committed to retaining the same approach to offering affordable and World Class CPD qualifying clinical and commercial content for all the UKs vets. Having very quickly established itself as a major part of the veterinary calendar the organisers expect to announce their 2010 programme in the early part of 2010.
Chris Jordan, veterinary surgeon at Companion Care vets in Chingford, Essex, is the 500th vet to sign up to the RCVS Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP), which was launched in 2007.
Having completed his Professional Development Phase in July, Chris is now working towards a designated certificate in Small Animal Surgery. He said: "The qualification looks well structured and I think it will serve me well whether I continue as a general practitioner or take up a more surgery-focused role."
Freda Andrews, RCVS Head of Education, said: "The modular approach means vets have much more choice about how and what they study. All certificates show the modules assessed, so that it is easy for veterinary employers to see what a vet has studied, whether or not they have taken a 'named' certificate."
To gain the qualification, vets must first enrol with the RCVS, and then enter for assessment in a combination of core and optional modules through an RCVS-accredited institution. Vets then have ten years in which to complete the qualification. Study can be entirely self-directed; however, there are a number of courses on offer from educational institutions to help vets prepare for assessment. Distance and online learning is a feature of many of these courses.
Vets who want to pursue an area of interest for continuing professional development without working towards any certificate, can equally enrol for assessment in any of the 85 individual modules currently available; this is done directly through the institutions offering assessment and does not need enrolment with the RCVS. Full details of enrolment and module requirements can be found at
Pooch & Mutt has 20x 40-day trials of its new joint & bone supplement, Mobile Bones Concentrate, to give away to veterinary professionals.
Guy Blaskey from Pooch & Mutt said: "At The London Vet Show vets and vet nurses told us that they loved the new Mobile Bones Concentrate because at just £9.99 per month it costs less than other joint supplements (whilst having the same high quality ingredients), it takes up a very small amount of shelf space and it doesn't involve the client having to either change their dog's food or stuff pills down their dog's throat."
In response to requests from vets and vet nurses to try the new joint supplement, Pooch & Mutt have set up a dedicated website at where you can apply from one of twenty 40 day trials.
Guy continued, "We did not want to simply send samples out to everyone. By setting up the site we can choose a variety of dogs from different breed and with different conditions to send a full 40-day trial to. We hope to get regular feedback from the vets, vet nurses and dog owners involved in the trial and publish it on for everyone else to see."
The trials are available to all veterinary professionals and can be for their own dogs, or dogs belonging to their clients.
A survey carried out by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health to launch Plerion, a chewable, flavoured wormer for dogs, has shown that most UK dog owners turn to their vet rather than a pet shop for advice on worming.
Over 83% of owners who took part in the survey said they follow their vet's advice on worming whilst fewer than 8% would follow the advice of their local pet shop. 63% choose to buy wormers from their vet against 35% buying wormers from a pet shop or online pharmacy.
Survey participants understood the importance of carrying out a regular worming programme with almost 80% stating that a dog should be wormed every three to four months. However, some owners cited forgetfulness as a reason for not worming their pet regularly and expressed a need for a reminder from their local vet practice.
Almost 85% of those who took part in the survey believed that not all wormers provide the same level of protection and almost 75% said that vet recommendation is the reason they purchase a specific brand of wormer. 94% of owners are aware that worms can affect people as well as dogs.
The survey revealed that 1 in 5 owners experienced difficulty in administering a complete dose due to their dog spitting out part or the entire tablet.
Intervet/Schering Plough says that Plerion should help reduce compliance issues; its innovative and tasty soft chew formulation meaning that most dogs will take it right out of the hand.
Sarah-Jane Minter, marketing manager at Intervet/Schering-Plough said: "When developing Plerion we knew it was essential to launch a product that made life easier for dog owners by being easy, and even fun, to administer as this would increase the likelihood of owners sticking to a regular worming programme. We are delighted by the feedback we are receiving from owners who report their once fussy dogs are taking the flavoured, chewable Plerion tablets as though they were treats."
Plerion is available in two tablet sizes that provide a combination of Pyrantel, Praziquantel and Oxantel which, the company says, gives effective treatment for the major endoparasites in a single dose including tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, as required by the Pets Travel Scheme (PETS).
For further information, please contact your local Intervet/Schering-Plough Veterinary Business Manager or phone the company's Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has launched an online quiz to test its members' knowledge of the Guide to Professional Conduct.
The Guide outlines what is acceptable professional and ethical behaviour for veterinary surgeons. It is developed and maintained by the Advisory Committee of the RCVS, which, in addition to veterinary members of RCVS Council, also includes lay members, a member of the Veterinary Nurses Council, and independent (ie non-Council) veterinary surgeons. The Guide is the benchmark against which a veterinary surgeon is judged, by both the Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees.
The quiz, which was road-tested at the London Vet Show on 6-7 November, is anonymous, but the College will be collating data on results to help focus future communications activities and see where extra guidance may be required.
On completion of the quiz, it is possible to review answers and view the relevant section of the online Guide.
The quiz is aimed at veterinary surgeons: if it's a success, a version for Registered Veterinary Nurses will follow.
To try the quiz, visit It will initially be online for three months and reviewed thereafter.
CPC, the pet crematorium, has developed a new online survey tool to help practice staff analyse the effectiveness of their bereavement care capabilities.
Called "Bereavement Care - How does your practice compare?", the online survey comprises a series of multiple choice questions designed to produce a star rating out of 5. The idea is that these questions will help practices establish whether they need to improve how staff deal with bereaved pet owners.
Duncan Francis, Director, CPC said: "Coping with the loss of a much-loved pet is never easy for a bereaved owner. While support from those who are close to both the owner and the pet can make a real difference, many vets and vet nurses have received little training on this sensitive topic.
"Understanding client's needs before, during and after euthanasia, helps staff establish a rapport with emotional clients at a critical time and maintains a positive practice image.
"The aim of the survey is to raise awareness among vets and vet nurses of the importance of feeling confident in their ability to help bereaved owners through their grief. This helps clients come to terms with the death of their pet enabling them to move on and welcome another companion animal into their lives."
To find out more about how CPC can help your practice to improve its bereavement care, please ring 01763 207700, email or visit
A survey of almost 1400 ferret owners carried out by the Ferret Education & Research Trust (FERT) and pet food manufacturers James Wellbeloved has revealed that 40% of the UK's ferret owners never take their animals to a vet, with a further 9% saying they visit the vet only occasionally.
In addition, 76% of ferret owners have not had them microchipped, 64% have not bothered with vaccination against distemper and 74% with vaccination against rabies.
Almost three quarters are registered with a vet for emergency treatment, but 26% are not registered at all.
Ian Kearns from FERT said: "This is quite an alarming picture in terms of ferret welfare; however it offers a clear opportunity for vets to address the issue. Ferrets are growing fast in popularity as pets, and it may be that as their role changes they will visit the vet more - but we believe that vets can seize an opportunity by promoting ferret welfare via the waiting room."
The survey also showed that 65% are fed on mixed biscuits and meat. James Wellbeloved Ferret Complete Food was the clear leader, outselling its' nearest rival by almost five times to one. Over half are kept outdoors, and there is a wide choice of bedding material including commercially made washable fabric, straw and paper.
Peter Lancaster, James Wellbeloved marketing director said: "Ferrets are growing in popularity, but because owners sometimes don't do enough research a worrying number are ending up in rescues. Veterinary practices are of course very well-placed to focus on ferret welfare, and we'd urge any vets and vet nurses who want to know more to get in touch with the team at FERT."
CEVA Animal Health has launched the fourth edition of Cardionews, a regular cardiology newsletter written by top experts in the field, featuring upcoming topics of interest in cardiology.
In this edition (click here to download), the renowned cardiologist Adrian Boswood from the Royal Veterinary College discusses cardiac biomarkers, a promising new tool for the diagnosis of cardiac disease in dogs and cats.
Topics covered in future issues of Cardionews will include echocardiography and chest radiography. If you would like to receive the Cardionews newsletters free of charge, please contact CEVA Animal Health on 01494 781510.
Gil Riley of the Pool House Veterinary Hospital in Lichfield, Staffordshire has won the annual Petplan Equine Vet of the Year Award.
The Award was announced at the 21st annual Animal Health Trust (AHT) Equestrian Awards gala dinner held at the Lancaster Hotel in London last Thursday.
Horse owners from all over the UK nominated vets who had gone above and beyond the call of duty. A short list of three finalists was then drawn up and the winner selected by an independent panel consisting of: Peter Webbon AHT Chief Executive and Equine Vet, Alison Bridge Editor-in-Chief of Horse & Rider Magazine, Chris House President of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) and Jo Whitaker Marketing Development Manager for Petplan.
Peter Webbon of the AHT said "We received a record number of nominations this year and the standards were incredibly high. However, Gil was nominated by over 100 clients and we felt he was truly deserving of this award."
Alison Andrew, Marketing Manager for Petplan said: "This award recognises the amazing hard work and commitment of people within the equine veterinary profession and those who provide outstanding service to horse owners."
Gil joined the Pool House Veterinary Group and Equine clinic practice to expand his equine skills after working in a mainly agricultural practice in Wales and is jointly responsible for the Equine part of the Practice. He has subsequently been awarded the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Certificate in Equine Practice and he is particularly interested in lameness and laminitis. He also recently acted as British Team Vet at the International Driving Trials in Germany.
Gil said: "Everyday I feel like I'm pulling the greatest trick in that I get paid for doing what I love. To receive further recognition with this award almost feels greedy. I'm tremendously flattered and indebted to all my clients who nominated me."
In his acceptance speech Gil praised his team for their dedication and support without whom, he said this would not have been possible. Special thanks went to his proud wife Emma on the evening of their fifth wedding anniversary.
The Animal Health Trust Equestrian awards are designed to recognise the outstanding achievements made by horses, riders, owners and trainers throughout the equestrian world. Since the Petplan Charitable Trust was founded in 1994 it has raised over £5million, almost £500,000 of which has been donated to the AHT to fund research and development.
Research by the Kennel Club to promote Discover Dogs (Earl's Court, 14th & 15th November) has found dogs help one in twenty people find love, and one in three to make new friends.
More than four in five said the mere presence of a wagging tail has provided them with the courage or excuse to talk to a stranger - possibly because two-thirds agree that people with dogs seem more friendly and approachable.
The research was carried out in October amongst a representative sample of 530 dog owners. It found that nationally,:
33% have made a new friend when walking their dog
4% have met a partner when walking their dog
64% of dog owners feel people with dogs seem more friendly and approachable
16% say that their dog is the only one that they can trust
40% say that their dog is their best friend
19% spend more time on social networking sites than they do outside socialising
46% rarely meet people outside of their existing social group
Caroline Kisko, Secretary of the Kennel Club, said: "This research confirms that dogs enrich our lives in so many ways and, as well as helping us to make new relationships, they still retain the title of man's best friend. At Discover Dogs we can help people to find the right dog for them and to learn how to give them the best possible life, so that we can return the favour."
CEVA Animal Health has extended its range of injectable anti-infectives with Florkem, a Florfenicol-based antimicrobial for the treatment of respiratory tract infections in cattle and pigs.
According to the company, Florfenicol shows a strong in vitro bactericidal activity against the most common respiratory tract pathogenic bacteria and can be used as a time or dose-dependent bactericidal depending on the target. It also offers very good diffusion in most tissues for an efficient response.
CEVA says Florkem® is very convenient to use: a specifically developed formulation provides for better syringeability, in both warm and cool temperatures, making administration quicker and easier. It is presented in an ergonomic CLAS vial, which is shock resistant, light and easy to handle in the field. This means fewer breakages, which can reduce costs while maintaining efficacy.
For further product information contact CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG, telephone 01494 781510 or visit the website at
Jacqui Molyneux, SPVS President Elect, has announced details of the work she has been involved in to radically restructure and improve the training of veterinary nurses in the UK.
For the last 10 years the VN qualification has involved candidates sitting for an NVQ in veterinary nursing. This NVQ is however being phased out by the Government, whatever party that may be, from next September. The RCVS is therefore taking this opportunity to put in place a viable alternative qualification to improve and build upon the current structure.
Jacqui said: "We are coming from the standpoint that, worryingly, there is a dire shortage of RVNs available for practices to employ. If we do not take this opportunity to do something now, the situation will in all likelihood deteriorate even further.
"I chair a working party convened in May which has been looking at current VN training and how to improve it. There was an initial written period of information gathering followed by three full days of face-to-face consultation meetings with invited interested parties in July and September. This period of consultation has resulted in a proposal being put forward.
She added: "The proposals are radical and in some ways controversial but have been put together in response to the feedback we have received so far. I must, however, reiterate that it is, at this stage, a proposal and we are still in a consultation period.
"At the end of the period we will have another working party meeting and reassess the proposal. This will then go to the Awarding Body Board and on to both VN council and RCVS council for full approval. I hope we will end up with a scheme that reflects the vital role nurses play in a modern veterinary practice."
The consultation document can be found here.
Veterinary training provider Improve International has opened training facilities at its new European head office, near Swindon.
The company says its relocation to Alexandra House Conference Centre is a strategic move, allowing it to offer residential courses, new programmes and extended courses, as it challenges the industry to re-think its approach to Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and postgraduate qualifications.
Nick Fowler, General Manager of Improve International said: "As a training company founded by vets for vets, we want to harness the passion and experience which can be found throughout the profession and nurture a desire for lifelong learning.
"Training shouldn't become a CPD 'tickbox' that's cumbersome to fit around practice commitments. That's why we have moved towards a far more flexible modular programme, where we can design a personal development plan around an individual's career aspirations - whether they are vets in general practice, vets with special interests, a veterinary nurse, or a practice manager.
"Having the very best facilities in which to train is integral to this plan, so having outgrown our centre in Cricklade, we were keen to find new premises which would meet all our needs. Although it's an unusual scenario to move into an established conference and events centre, we felt that the facilities offered by Alexandra House - from the fully serviced training rooms to the uniquely designed practical suite, 5 star bedrooms, acres of grounds, on-site leisure complex and great food - would all enhance the training experience of our delegates."
A separate wing of Alexandra House has been converted into Improve International's office space, training rooms and a 700 square feet state-of-the-art practical facility which the company says will be one of the finest available in Europe.
Improve International will open a second sister centre at Cranage Hall in Cheshire, also part of the Principal Hayley conference group, within the next 12-months.
Information about courses and facilities is available at
The ideal Christmas present for a vet to give a child has just landed on my desk.
It's the Amazing ABC Adventure by Lorna Maxwell, out now in paperback from Long Barn Books and available on Amazon here.
Each letter of the alphabet begins an eclectic list of things to be found within a delightful illustration on the facing page. There's a strong animal theme throughout the book: everything from annoyed armadillos and affectionate alligators to worried wombats and yodelling yaks.
One of those books that it's a pleasure to read a child before bed. A steal at £5.79.
VetCell Bioscience has become the first UK-based stem cell centre to be authorised under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.
Following a rigorous series of inspections and reports by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Inspectors VetCell, in conjunction with their UK laboratory partner Biobest, were officially authorised as an equine stem cell centre on 1 October 2009.
David Mountford, Chief Operating Officer of VetCell Bioscience said: "To have received formal authorisation so swiftly reflects the high standard of our operation and our ability to lead the field in the increasingly competitive sector of stem cell technology."
Stem cell therapy involves implanting millions of the animal's own stem cells and autologous growth factors directly into the injured tendon or ligament. The service VetCell Bioscience offers is the collection, storage, processing and supply of stem cells suitable for administration back into the donor animal.
According to the company, there is considerable interest from the human sector and studies in human medicine, for the treatment of Achilles tendinopathies, could begin as early as next year.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health, makers of Caninsulin, is launching Pet Diabetes Month, a call to arms for owners to check if their pets might be at risk of diabetes. To enable the testing, urine glucose test strips will be made available free of charge to vet practices to dispense during Pet Diabetes Month (1 - 30 November 2009).
ISPAH says that despite general awareness of the signs of diabetes in humans, many pet owners still have little understanding of the condition in their animals. The urine-sampling aspect of the campaign, entitled the Great Pet 'Pee' Test, intends to address this by making test strips freely available. It is hoped that many of the undiagnosed diabetics in the UK's pet population will be identified during the campaign and appropriate treatment plans undertaken.
Practices wishing to participate in Pet Diabetes Month and the Great Pet 'Pee' Test will benefit from practice leaflets containing the test strips, waiting room posters, the website and the opportunity to be included in a regional PR campaign.
Shoumik Das BVM&S MRCVS, Marketing Manager for Caninsulin, said; "The tremendous success of National Vaccination Month clearly demonstrates that pet owners are keen to take an active interest in the care of their pet, but often don't know where to start. By providing the test strips free to practices to distribute to pet owners we are once again giving them the tools to take control of their pets' health. If we can identify even a few of the missing thousands of pets potentially at risk from diabetes, that has to be good news for the pets and also vet practices."
Interested practices should contact their local Intervet/Schering-Plough Territory Manager or phone the company's Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
Maprelin, which contains a new active molecule, Peforelin, is a gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). A single, low volume injection of the ready-to-use solution induces oestrus in sows after weaning, and in sexually mature gilts where oestrus has been synchronised with Regumate Porcine.
According to the company, it works by selectively inducing the release of the animal's own follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), leading to follicle growth - critical to successful reproduction - and the stimulation of oestrus. Conventional GnRHs, because of their mode of action, are used mainly to induce ovulation.
Janssen says Maprelin is the next step in its pig reproduction programme, named Syncoris. Cornerstone of this programme is Regumate for gilt synchronisation.
Trials have shown that with the use of Maprelin (compared with control groups of breeding animals) the number of gilts and sows showing oestrus within six days of treatment increased by about 15 percentage points (Table 1). For first-litter sows the figure was more than 8 percentage points. The duration of oestrus was not affected.
Gilts came on heat two days faster than with Regumate alone, and the weaning to oestrus interval with sows achieved similar statistically significant reductions.
Farrowing rate increased by over 5 per cent for sows, by 6 per cent for first-litter sows and just on 8 per cent for gilts.
Added to those benefits, for each 100 inseminations sows produced an extra 104 piglets, first-litter sows 105 and gilts an even more impressive 158. All gilt groups in the trials, including the control groups, were synchronised with Regumate. With unsynchronised gilts it is not possible to predict the correct time to inject Maprelin.
Phil Macdonald, the company's UK pig and poultry business manager, says the objective of every producer is profitable pigmeat production. "In the UK and other EU states the costs of feed, housing and labour are considerably higher than in other major pig-producing sectors of the world.
"This makes it important for UK producers to optimise management of the reproductive process. Maprelin is a valuable tool that can help with this objective."
The precision injection gun with Maprelin enables accurate delivery of the small amounts required. Gilts require a 2.0 ml dose 48 hours after their last Regumate treatment, first-litter sows a 0.5 ml dose 24 hours after weaning and multi-litter sows 2.0 ml 24 hours after weaning. Injections are intramuscular.
The solution requires no mixing, reducing the possibility for errors. Opened vials have a shelf life of 28 days and unopened vials a shelf life of two years. Sows and gilts need only one injection per parity, and the withdrawal period for meat and offal is zero days.
Petplan, the pet insurance provider has been selected as a Which? Best Buy. The independent consumer guide selected Petplan's 'Covered For Life' policy that covers animals for accidents and illnesses, including reoccurring conditions, such as diabetes and glaucoma, year after year, as long as the policy is renewed annually.
Alison Andrew, Petplan's Marketing Manager said: "The Which? report is crucial to being acknowledged as a worthy pet insurance provider. We feel being selected as a Which? Best Buy reflects how we treat our customers by offering excellent customer service, paying claims quickly, discounts on pet products and regular information about pet care through our magazine PetPeople."
Petplan provides insurance cover for dogs, cats, rabbits and horses and is the largest provider of animal health insurance in the world.
TR Biosurgical will be officially launching its new surgical treatment for canine glaucoma at the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists annual conference in Chicago at the start of November.
TR-ClarifEYE is an sub-scleral implant placed in the eye in a procedure that takes around 30 minutes.
TR Biosurgical CEO Craig Woods DVM said: "TR-ClarifEYE is made from new silicone substrate subjected to a unique process which reduces fibrosis and enhances healing."
"Until now, the primary treatment options for canine glaucoma have been laser surgery, cryosurgery, evisceration or enucleation. Certain procedures can be either complicated and expensive, or fail to save the eye. Previous implants have met with only limited success, and TR-ClarifEYE appears to overcome many of the problems with glaucoma implants."
"This new implant is a relatively easy surgical approach. It has limited post-op complications. It seems to provide long term glaucoma management in the majority of patients, most of which are able to reduce medications."
For more information about TR-ClarifEYE, visit:
Practitioners interested in learning more about this procedure, click here and 'start conversation' with Craig
The Disciplinary Committee of the RCVS has approved an application for restoration to the Register from an Oxfordshire veterinary surgeon who had been struck off for false certification.
In November 2007, the Committee decided that Mr John Williams, of the Avonvale Veterinary Practice in Ratley, near Banbury, should have his name removed from the RCVS Register, having found him guilty of disgraceful professional conduct. Mr Williams had admitted signing export health certificates for three horses in October 2006 to state that they had received negative test results for the contagious equine metritis organism, before these results were actually available.
At the time, Mr Williams was working in his capacity as an Official Veterinarian (OV) for DEFRA and he had previously been suspended from his official duties on three separate occasions, on the basis of export certification irregularities. It was accepted that Mr Williams had not been dishonest, but his approach to certification was described by the Disciplinary Committee as "either irresponsible or cavalier or both".
In December 2007, Mr Williams appealed against this decision to the Privy Council but this was dismissed at a Hearing the following June. He was then removed from the Register in July 2008.
When the Committee met on Monday to consider Mr Williams' application, they heard oral and written supporting evidence from veterinary surgeons and equine clients, and oral evidence from Mr Williams himself. The Committee was satisfied that Mr Williams accepted its previous findings and fully understood their seriousness. He described his removal from the Register as a "salutary experience" which had been highly significant for him and his family, both financially and emotionally.
The Committee stated: "Although the decision of the Committee to remove [Mr Williams] from the Register sent a clear message to the profession of the importance of certification, it should be emphasised that his removal was the consequence of his actions in signing certificates which he could not verify. This followed three previous occasions on which he had similarly signed certificates when he should not have done so."
However, the Committee was satisfied that Mr Williams would not in future sign certificates when he should not do so, even under severe client pressure. It was impressed with the continuing professional development he had undertaken whilst off the Register and noted that no questions had been raised over his conduct during this time.
It concluded that Mr Williams fully understood the importance of accurate certification and that restoring his name to the Register therefore posed no risk to animal welfare. Neither the public nor the profession would benefit from Mr Williams staying off the Register for a further period.
Alison Bruce, Disciplinary Committee Chairman, said: "We would like to make it clear that we always find it distressing to remove clinically competent veterinary surgeons from the Register because of an irresponsible and cavalier attitude towards certification. This would not be necessary if veterinary surgeons were to follow the Twelve Principles of Certification annexed to the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct."
The Committee then approved Mr Williams' application and directed that his name should be restored to the Register.
The Blue Cross is to be the first animal charity to star in a BBC Lifeline appeal to help raise funds for animals in need.
Presented by actress Felicity Kendal and her cocker spaniel George, the short film shows the work of the charity which helps thousands of sick and homeless animals every year.
Felicity Kendal said: "I'm delighted to be able to help publicise the work of this wonderful charity. The Blue Cross does so much to help animals in need and they rely almost entirely on public donations. I hope lots of people watch the BBC appeal to see just where the money goes and why this is a charity worthy of their support."
The BBC Lifeline appeal featuring The Blue Cross will be broadcast on BBC2 on Wednesday 28th October at 2pm.
The film will also be available to view on the BBC website until the end of November at Thereafter it can be viewed on The Blue Cross website at
kcs-intervet.swfIntervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health is running a challenge over the next few months to encourage the early diagnosis of Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), a painful disease which leads to permanent blindness (see right).
Practices are being asked to perform a Schirmer Tear Test (STT) on 50 dogs not previously diagnosed with KCS for the chance to win one of 70 Samsung digital cameras.
Recent studies¹ have shown the incidence of KCS to be 4.6% of the UK dog population, rising to 8.3% in predisposed breeds. However, 20 veterinary practices have recently participated in an Early Diagnosis Programme and the number confirmed with KCS was 9.7%². 17 of the cases diagnosed had Schirmer Tear Test readings of zero.
KCS is thought to be under-diagnosed because not all cases have the classic 'textbook' appearance but look surprisingly normal despite severely reduced tear production. In addition, diagnosis usually requires clinical suspicion and a Schirmer Tear Test.
Claudia Hartley, BVSc CertVOphthal DipECVO MRCVS, European Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology believes that: "All sore eyes (except where a descemetocoele is present) should have a Schirmer Tear Test, whether or not there is corneal change."
Melanie Dass MA VetMB CertSAM MRCVS ACIM, Product Manager for Optimmune said: "The results of our Early Diagnosis Programme made interesting reading and supported what we have always suspected - that KCS is under-diagnosed. It's really important that dogs suffering from this disease are detected promptly as early diagnosis and treatment with Optimmune gives the best prognosis.
"As part of the Early Diagnosis Programme owners of predisposed breeds received a personalised mailing offering them a free Schirmer Tear Test and some practices also elected to test all breeds at routine consultations such as vaccination. The tests were generally performed by veterinary nurses after they had received training, with the diagnosis made by a veterinary surgeon."
For more information about KCS, Optimmune and support in implementing an Early Diagnosis Programme, please contact your local Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health Territory Manager or call 01908 685685.
References¹ Pierce V & Williams D, 2006. Determination of Schirmer Tear Tests values in 1000 dogs. BSAVA Abstract 2006.² Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health Practices Study 2009