The British Veterinary Association's Members' Services Group has devised a Vet Helpline sticker as a practical way to promote the help and support available to members of the veterinary profession suffering from anxiety or depression. It will be sent out with the 20th February edition of the Veterinary Record.
The suicide rate within the veterinary profession is around four times higher than in the general population and around twice that of other high risk groups including farmers and medical practitioners. Research has shown that long hours, the risk of professional mistakes and rising client expectation and administrative work lead to high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Ready access to and knowledge of lethal means such as medicines and firearms may also be contributing factors in the increased suicide risk.
The Vet Helpline sticker acts as a constant reminder to veterinary professionals that a confidential helpline, manned by trained volunteers from the veterinary profession, is available around the clock on every day of the year to offer support and direct them to specialist help where appropriate. In addition to the Vet Helpline phone number the sticker also gives the number for the Samaritans and includes the address of the Vetlife website which is a "one stop shop" for all the help available.
BVA President, Professor Bill Reilly, said: "Please remember that if you're feeling depressed, lonely or under pressure, or are perhaps worried about a colleague, you can talk it over in confidence with trained volunteers from the veterinary profession. The Vet Helpline is there for all veterinary surgeons, nurses and students.
"Ours is a small profession and sadly most of us know someone who has suffered mental ill health or taken their own life. We hope that by reminding colleagues how to get help and continuing to publicise the Vetlife website and the Veterinary Benevolent Fund support services the BVA can play its part in supporting vets in crisis."
Novartis Animal Health's year long campaign to drive pet-owner awareness of the importance of worming pets regularly got off to a rather damp start in London today, with 63 people in doggy suits - mostly company employees I gather - running around the capital accompanied by two 'pooch vans'.
The 'Worm Patrol' team will be visiting veterinary practices over the summer to help promote, set up and run Pet Worming Awareness Days and attend practice open days. Veterinary practitioners will have access to the Worm Patrol support kit including the branded pooch van, Chewy the dog mascot and a worm patrol ambassador. Additional support will include educational leaflets for owners, giveaways and waiting room materials.
Maggie Fisher, Chairperson of the European Scientific Counsel for Companion Animal Parasites is backing the campaign. She said: "Raising awareness of worm control throughout the life of cats and dogs is important, particularly when it is reported that 80 percent of children kiss their pet and 21 percent let them lick their fingers after sharing food. While the risk may be relatively low, the consequences can be serious, especially in children.
"It's important that pet owners take responsibility for their animals and we are pleased that initiatives such as the Worm Patrol and 'Pet Worming Awareness Days' will help practices highlight the risk that endoparasites pose to humans and companion animals in a novel and light-hearted way."
To arrange for the Worm Patrol to visit to your practice, or for further information about setting up a Pet Awareness Worming Day, please contact your Novartis Animal Health Territory Manager or Novartis Animal Health UK Ltd on +44 (0)1276 694402.
From 1st March vets can sign up to be alerted to all recorded equine influenza cases in the UK, thanks to a new service from the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and Merial Animal Health.
Tell Tail is the UK's first equine influenza (EI) text alert service exclusively for equine vets, set up to provide practices and their clients with what could be invaluable information in the face of a potential outbreak.
Dr Emma Batson from Merial said: "Vets will be notified of an EI outbreak within 48 hours of confirmed diagnosis. Not only will this allow them to alert their clients, but we believe that it will also help to encourage horse owners to become more compliant with vaccination schedules.
"Currently it is estimated that only a third of the UK horse population is vaccinated for EI. This situation is not only a potential welfare issue, but it also provides practices with a significant opportunity to increase the number of horses protected against EI, resulting in a win-win situation for all."
Dr Richard Newton, Head of Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance at the AHT, believes the text alert service will also help improve awareness and knowledge of EI, and he hopes all equine vets will sign up for the scheme. He said: "We believe that the launch of the alert service for vets marks an important step in the quest to help minimise the risk of an EI outbreak in the UK.
"EI doesn't have a carrier state, which means that it never goes away and re-emerges, instead it circulates continuously. So without continued surveillance we could easily lose track of it.
"We hope that as well as allowing practices to track and respond to outbreaks in their area, the alerts will also encourage vets to send in samples from animals with cold and flu-like symptoms. This is a free service which in turn provides us with more information to circulate within the industry, allowing everyone to be more effective at managing the disease.
"Vaccination is our best defence against EI, but to remain effective the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Expert Surveillance Panel, needs to make any update recommendations based on the latest position in the field. And this information can only be gathered via effective surveillance."
Dr Batson agrees and hopes that the combination of the Tell Tail text alert service and surveillance scheme will help to reduce the risk of an outbreak occurring in the UK. She said: "In the UK we continue to see regular confirmed outbreaks of EI, so we can never afford to become complacent about the risks.
"You only have to look at the relatively recent major outbreaks in Australia, South Africa, India and China, to see the devastating effects which can ripple throughout equine industries, both in financial as well as welfare terms."
Tell Tail is a free service. To register your interest, text your name, practice and postcode to 07797 801863. Alternatively, visit and click on the Tell Tail link, or speak to your Merial territory manager.
Novartis Animal Health has launched a chewable formulation of Milbemax wormer, for dogs.
According to the company, clinical studies have shown that the chicken-flavoured formulation and chewy texture of Milbemax Chewable Tablets is highly palatable, with more than 94% of dogs showing spontaneous acceptance from hand. Novartis says this should help make worming simpler and improve compliance, something which is particularly important given market research which shows that difficulties in administering medications often leads to missed treatments.
Containing milbemycin oxime and praziquantel, the new tablets deliver the same broad spectrum efficacy as existing Milbemax formulations, effective for the treatment of roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, lungworm and tapeworm, and for the prevention of heartworm.
Folkert Kamphuis, Chief Operating Officer at Novartis Animal Health said: "The new EASYCHEW™ formulation represents Novartis Animal Health's latest innovation. It will make worming a treat whilst providing tried-and-trusted Milbemax efficacy. With Milbemax chewable tablets we give pet owners a wormer that is easy to administer and veterinarians the trusted efficacy of Milbemax."
Milbemax Chewable Tablets are available for both dogs and puppies, in four and forty-eight tablet packs.
Bayer Animal Health is currently sponsoring GMTV's Pet Clinic feature to promote its wormer, Drontal.
Running until Friday 19 February, the All About Pets short programmes feature TV vet Emma Milne who will be advising viewers on a variety of topics from choosing the right pet to hidden illnesses.
All About Pets will be aired twice daily and Drontal will be featured after the short programmes.
Bayer says the advertising will target the product's core target audience - housewives with children during half term - with key messages on the importance of regular worming with Drontal. In addition, GMTV will also include details on Drontal on its website - - and pet owners will be able to follow a link to the award-winning website
Hill's has added to its range of Science Plan Snacks with a large biscuit size, big bag version for large breed dogs. The 400 gram packs are available as Large Breed Light and Large Breed Healthy Mobility Snacks at a launch price of £2.49 (normal recommended retail price £4.99).
The company says that this follows fantastic feedback from veterinary practices about Science Plan Snacks, and requests for more variants tailored to fit the needs of their client's pets.
The Science Plan snack range offers products across five areas of functionality which, according to Hill's, have proven to be highly motivating for clients: light, immunity support, healthy mobility, oral care and skin & coat. There are adult variants across the range and puppy variants in immunity support and skin & coat.
For further information, please contact your Hill's Territory Manager or Hill's customer service on 0800 282438.
Veterinary Nurse Nick Shackleton has started a campaign to protect the title Veterinary Nurse
The campaign has a section on Facebook where Nick explains: "The title veterinary nurse at present is not a protected title. A lot of people who work in practice call them selves veterinary nurse, when they have no theoretical training in such a position. As qualified nurses we feel that this issue should be addressed so that the general public are no longer confused as to the qualification and hopefully make them more aware of the hard work it is to gain the qualification. As we are heading for autonomy within the profession I think it is right and fitting that the title should be protected."
The group has already gained an impressive 781 members.
In addition, Nick has started a petition on the Prime Minister's website:, which has gained 139 signatories so far.
If you'd like to sign the petition on, I recommend you add the letters after your name (MRCVS / RVN).
A rural social scientist has argued in this week's Veterinary Record that the dwindling influence of vets in the public health arena threatens food safety in the UK. Philip Lowe, from the Centre for Rural Economy at the University of Newcastle, argues that a shift in practice from treating animals used for food on farms to looking after pets in urban communities, is largely to blame. The proportion of time vets in private practice spent treating animals used for food halved between 1998 and 2006. Most vets run their own businesses, and pet owners have proved a more sustainable and lucrative source of income than farmers. Professor Lowe sympathises with the need to make money, but laments this drift towards the profession turning into "another private sector service industry." He says this fails to make use of vets' considerable and wide ranging expertise, adding: "I would argue that it also diminishes the public standing of the whole profession. I certainly couldn't imagine the medical establishment in this country accepting a role that marginalised public health, even if the NHS did not exist. More seriously for all of us, I believe that not involving vets in this important area also puts food safety in the UK at risk. "At the same time we live in an age when there is real and widespread public concern about welfare standards for farm animals, threats from animal diseases old and new (such as blue tongue, bird flu and swine flu), and food safety." Professor Lowe says that in the past, the veterinary arm of government traditionally provided leadership for the profession that was embodied by the Chief Veterinary Officer and was underpinned by the proportion of vets' income derived from public funding. But this is no longer the case, and is further undermined by the percentage of vets employed by government having shrunk from 11% to 4% over the past 40 years. Professor Lowe argues that the profession needs to rethink its role and the direction in which it is travelling. He says there needs to be more specialist support and training for student vets and novice practitioners so that they are not put off from farm practice before they have had a chance to develop their skills and confidence in this area. However, he cautions against returning to the stereotype popularised by the fictional James Herriot vet, who was depicted as a mainstay of the rural community: "The farm vet's position and respect for their expertise needs to be restored, but not in the old Herriot mould. He or she has to take on the much greater challenge of risk and welfare regulation and management across the whole food system".
Hill's Pet Nutrition has announced an average price reduction of over 5 per cent across almost 80 per cent of its product range from 1st March 2010.
The company says this is the first time in its history that such a big price reduction has been implemented, and it comes with a promise that superior nutritional quality won't be compromised.
The price cut comes following market research by Hill's which shows that after one of the deepest recessions in 50 years, more pet owners are becoming cost-conscious, and many are now buying their petfood in the grocery channel or mixing premium foods with economy products.
Another factor in decision-making for some pet owners is the cost per pack, particularly on the larger bag sizes. From April 2010, some Hill's Prescription Diet products will be resized to make them a more affordable purchase. Canine Prescription Diets c/d, d/d, i/d, k/d and j/d will be moved from a 14 Kg bag to a 12 Kg bag. Feline Prescription Diets c/d, k/d, r/d, i/d and s/d will be moved from a 2 Kg bag to a 1.5 kg bag. The price reduction will also be applied proportionately alongside the smaller bag size, so many clients should see a significant reduction at point of purchase. The smaller bags are also easier for practices to store and can increase frequency of client visits providing more opportunities to offer advice and support.
Blake Hawley, Hill's General Manager for UK and Ireland said, "We would like to thank vets, nurses and support staff for their continued support and dedication. Every pet needs and deserves a nutritional assessment and this price reduction will make it easier for vet teams to recommend the best Hill's product, confident those pets are getting high quality nutrition at new, lower prices. Having listened to what the profession had to say in 2009, this year we will demonstrate our commitment to the veterinary profession in very clear and visible ways."
For an up to date price list and support material to assist in communicating the change to clients, please contact your Hill's Territory Manager or call 0800 282438
The Veterinary Wound Healing Association (VWHA) has become the third veterinary association to make a new home on
VWHA President Jacintha Wilmink said: "We're very excited about joining and how it will allow our members to connect with each other and share information quicker and more easily than ever before".
In common with the other associations, the VWHA is making its content available for all VetSurgeon members to access, however only VWHA members can submit cases to its section for discussion, or participate in the VWHA forum. Jacintha added: "We hope that the cases and discussions in our section of the site will be of value to all practitioners, and that many more of you will want to join the association and participate".
Information about the benefits of joining the VWHA is available here.
Virbac Animal Health has launched a new pet owner information pack to help practices raise awareness of reproductive health issues in dogs and cats.
The pack consists of a leaflet holder with four different leaflets covering unwanted sexual behaviour, castration, prostate disease and misalliance. The holder has a small footprint so will sit nicely in any practice reception area.
Product manager Chris Geddes MRCVS says that the pack will make it easier for vets and VNs to raise the sensitive issue of pet reproductive health with owners. "For example, prostate disease in men is well documented and public knowledge is high, but we believe that few people know that it can affect pets too.
"It is estimated that 80% of male dogs over the age of five suffer from prostate problems, but experts agree that it is underdiagnosed at present. This is possibly due to a combination of a lack of awareness and client unease on discussing reproductive subjects at their vet practice."
To obtain your free pack or for further information, please contact your local territory manager or call Virbac on 01359 243243.
CEVA Animal Health is rolling out what it describes as a hard-hitting TV campaign on four national TV channels to highlight awareness of stress related feline behaviour problems and encourage cat owners to talk to their vet about Feliway.
This second bout of TV advertising will run in March and April on ITV2, ITV3, E4 and More 4 and on Channel 4 in the London region and will be seen by over five million people.
Featuring the animated character 'That Purple Cat' who first appeared in CEVA's TV advertising and marketing push at the end of 2009, the new campaign will see 'That Purple Cat' displaying signs of stress in the home environment to raise awareness of the issue amongst cat owners.
Lucy Brett, product manager at CEVA Animal Health said: "Our first TV advertising campaign back in the autumn went a long way to raise awareness. We found that more cat owners were able to recall the advertising for Feliway than for any other animal health brand.
"However, it is clear that in practice merchandising is crucial if practices are to make the most of this opportunity and I would encourage them to get in touch to request a display pack, which includes a waiting room poster and leaflets, as soon as possible."
A limited number of desktop and floor standing merchandising units are also available. For more information or to order your FREE waiting room merchandising materials call 01494 781510.
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons last week directed that the name of a man who had been illegally practising as a veterinary surgeon in the North West of England be removed from the RCVS Register, having found him guilty of fraudulent registration.
In March 2008, Russell Lewis Oakes had been charged with fraudulent entry onto the Register of Veterinary Surgeons, on the basis that he had (either (A) knowingly, or (B) unknowingly) submitted a fake degree certificate and letter of 'good standing' from Murdoch University, Australia. Mr Oakes agreed that the hearing could proceed in his absence provided the Committee confined itself to consideration of charge B alone.
The hearing commenced on 18 April 2008, but the Committee decided to adjourn, as Mr Oakes was also subject to a police investigation which required that the hearing be held in private. The Committee felt that it was in the public interest for an open hearing to take place in respect of both charges at a later date. Mr Oakes' bail conditions prevented him from practising as a veterinary surgeon at this time.
On 16 October 2009, Mr Oakes was convicted at Liverpool Crown Court, on a guilty plea, of a substantial number of offences, including those under consideration by the Committee: he was sentenced on 11 January 2010 to two years in prison.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee's hearing resumed and concluded on 5 February 2010. Mr Oakes was not present.
The Committee was provided with evidence from RCVS staff regarding the registration process, and received statutory declarations from representatives at Murdoch University. The latter confirmed that signatures on the certificate submitted by Mr Oakes were fake and that there had never been a student with his name at the University. Furthermore, a letter purporting to be one of support from Professor Edwards of Murdoch University contained text he would not have written and was signed with a false signature.
The Committee was also provided with evidence from equine veterinary surgeon Seamus Miller, who had become suspicious of Mr Oakes' qualifications and membership of the College. He outlined incidents which had cast doubt on Mr Oakes' competence. Mr Miller's complaint had initiated enquires which led to the charges against Mr Oakes by the College, and the Committee recorded its commendation of Mr Miller, and his colleagues.
Having found that Mr Oakes knowingly submitted fraudulent registration documents, the Committee was bound, under Sections 14 and 16 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, and paragraph 17 of the 2004 Rules, to direct that his name be removed from the Register.
Alison Bruce, Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee, said: "Even if it retained any discretion by virtue of Section 16 of the Act in respect of sanction, the Committee would have had no hesitation in directing Mr Oakes' name to be removed from the Register in this case. This was a deliberate and dishonest offence by a man without the necessary qualifications to practise as a veterinary surgeon, and it had the effect of exposing members of the public to his fraud, and their animals to harm."
The College has revised its registration procedures in the light of this case, and now requests that all registrants produce original copies of certificates and letters of 'good standing' at the registration ceremony.
Somerset-based veterinary wholesaler, Centaur Services has been bought by US veterinary distributor MWI Veterinary Supply Inc.
According to MWI (the letters stand for Millard Wallace Ickes, the name of the company's founder), the transaction is valued at approximately $47 million, consisting of $45 million in cash and $2 million in a note payable in one year.
Jim Cleary, President and Chief Executive Officer of MWI, said: "MWI has positioned itself to continue its growth within the United States and now internationally. Centaur is a high-quality company that will allow us to serve veterinarians in the United Kingdom. We believe that it will be a great partnership and one that will bring further growth opportunities. We welcome the Centaur team to MWI."Paul Gerring, Managing Director of Centaur, commented: "We are looking forward to working with a strong company that has a great reputation in the animal health industry. Our team is excited to develop this relationship and be part of a company with proven success. Both Centaur and MWI are focused on providing high levels of customer service to veterinarians."
A new company offering general practitioners online consultations with veterinary specialists launched in the UK last month. Televetdx ( has grouped over 40 veterinary specialists to offer their services to GPs in the UK and Europe.
Company director and veterinary pathologist Dr Anne Pietersma said: "Most pet owners want to provide their pets with the best possible care and this means access to the best possible advice from a specialist. Televetdx brings together specialists from referral practices and academia for radiology, cardiology and internal medicine that veterinarians can use as part of their practice to help with accurate diagnosis and treatment decision-making."
According to the company, the Televetdx service offers a convenient alternative to immediate referral and can save owners time and money despite the telemedicine fee. When pet owners, advised by their veterinary surgeon, agree to a telemedicine consultation, they are electing for the comfort of care and follow-up at their local clinic. This saves owners time but also minimises stress to the pet and costs due to travel or referral fees. The specialist or veterinary surgeon will be able to judge when a case needs referring to a centre, for example if the clinic is not equipped for the specialised medical care required.
Dr Pietersma said: "A referral is often not accessible to the pet owner for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, a veterinary surgeon might feel comfortable handling a more complex case but lack some of the needed expertise. Consulting and working closely with specialists allows veterinarians to quickly obtain tailored advice on a case and work more efficiently while providing a high quality service to pet owners. She added: "We include full follow-up as part our standard charge with no additional costs for resubmitting the same case with extra information, for example, additional test results or images".
Televetdx works through a secure on-line interface that vets use to upload scans or images and other test data. These are then passed to the most appropriate expert in the Televetdx consulting team who can assess the data and offer expert opinion and data interpretation. The specialist that first attends a telemedicine case is usually the closest to the requesting veterinary surgeon since a thorough understanding of disease and therapy takes into account variations that may occur due to differences in geography or pet-keeping culture and also the medications and formulations that are available nationally.
Dr Pietersma said: "Being part of a team has tangible benefits to vets and pet owners - we can refer cases to other colleagues if appropriate to provide the veterinary surgeon with the most accurate information we can for their diagnosis. When pet owners witness their vet working closely with specialists they are given the assurance that their pet is receiving the best possible care".
The National Association of Veterinary Physiotherapists (NAVP) is calling for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) to establish an independent register of veterinary physiotherapy practitioners. According to the Association, such a register would eliminate individuals practicing without proper training and qualifications and raise the standard of veterinary physiotherapy by providing a disciplinary role.
NAVP President and leading veterinary anatomist Dr Sue Kempson is heading the NAVP campaign for the establishment of an independent register. In a letter to the President of the RCVS, Dr Kempson said: "Recognition by the veterinary profession of the role of physiotherapy in post-operative rehabilitation and in supporting both companion and performance animals is growing. However, we do believe that referring veterinary surgeons are increasingly faced with a dilemma caused by the wide differential between qualifications offered by the various organisations representing practitioners in areas such as physiotherapy. There is an urgent need for a distinction to be made between these different types of qualification. To this end, there should be a clearly defined independent register of practitioners with appropriately validated qualifications which are clearly understood by the veterinary profession."
In partnership with Harper Adams University College, the NAVP has introduced a fully-validated post-graduate course in veterinary physiotherapy which offers a choice of Post-Graduate Diploma or Masters Degree. Only one other professional body, the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Animal Therapy (ACPAT) currently offers a similar qualification at this level.
Dr Kempson said: "The establishment of a register of physiotherapists would greatly assist vets and their clients to make informed decisions on their choice of therapist. It would eliminate those individuals without proper training and qualifications and help raise the standard of veterinary physiotherapy by providing a disciplinary role. At present there are no sanctions on those people practicing without the necessary qualifications or those whose work is sub-standard or who are guilty of professional misconduct.
"We do not believe that such a register should rest with any individual professional body or be affiliated to specific educational courses. To have authority, it requires independence and a register held under the auspices of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons would carry the credibility that the veterinary profession requires."
A new study has found that the UK domestic cat and dog population is larger than previously reported by industry figures. Cats and dogs are amongst the most popular pets in the UK but it has been over 20 years since domestic cat and dog population estimates in the UK have been published in scientific peer-reviewed journals.
The paper published in the Veterinary Record by Dr Jane Murray in the Department of Clinical Veterinary Science at Bristol University and colleagues, aimed to estimate the number of UK domestic cats and dogs and identify the characteristics of their owners. The figures are also useful to the animal health and welfare professions, including rescue charities, which can use these and future estimates to assess population changes.
In 2007, a telephone survey of households randomly selected from the electoral roll revealed that cats and dogs were owned by 26 per cent and 31 per cent of households, respectively. The number of owned cats and dogs were predicted by two variables: the number of people in the household and the geographical location (London/rest of UK) of the household. UK census information and mid-year population estimates of the number of households and the average household size in 2006 in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were used to estimate that UK households owned approximately 10.3 million cats and 10.5 million dogs in 2006.
Dr Murray said: "Our 95% confidence intervals were 9.4-11.3 million cats and 9.6-11.4 million dogs".
This compares with PFMA estimates of 7.2 million cats and 7.3 million dogs in 2007, and 8 million cats and 8 million dogs in 2009.
Characteristics associated with cat and dog ownership were also identified. Cats were more likely to be owned by; households with gardens, semi-urban/rural households, households with someone qualified to degree level, respondents who were female and respondents who were aged less than 65 years. Cats were less likely to be owned by households with one or more dogs.
The likelihood of dog ownership increased as the household size increased. Dogs were more likely to be owned by households with gardens, rural households and less likely to be owned by households with someone educated to degree level and households with cats or children aged less than 11 years.
Female respondents and those aged less than 55 years were more likely to report dog ownership than other respondents. Dogs were less likely to be owned by households with one or more cats.
Dr. Murray added: "The study has shown many common factors relating to cat and dog ownership, such as a garden and rural location, but it has also identified some notable differences.
"In particular, the difference in the level of education achieved by a household owning cats and dogs. The reason for this association is unclear. It is unlikely to be related to household income as this variable was not shown to be significant but it could be related to household members with longer working hours having less time available to care for a dog.
"Past reports have suggested that the number of pet cats exceeds the number of pet dogs in the UK. However, results from our study suggest that there are similar numbers of pet cats and dogs."
The researchers recommend the study is repeated in 2011, (the year of the next scheduled UK census), as any increase or decrease in population numbers will enable pet ownership trends to be monitored.
The completion date for the RCVS surveys of the veterinary and veterinary nursing professions is Monday 8 February, and the College is urging anyone who has not yet completed their survey to do so.
The data collected will be used to help develop policy, in discussion with government and other bodies, and in response to requests from journalists and members of the public who wish to have an accurate picture of the veterinary profession today. So it's important that as many people as possible complete their surveys.
For the first time, a standard set of questions about well-being (the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale) has been included. Over time, data collected will enable the College to monitor population changes in mental health and well-being, and work with other organisations to address any issues identified.
If you have mislaid your paper copy, the survey can be completed online:
Veterinary surgeons click here:
Veterinary nurses click here:
All responses are confidential.
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has directed that the name of a veterinary surgeon who had been practising in Essex be removed from the RCVS Register, having found him guilty of attempting to obtain medicines dishonestly.
James Alexander Lockyear, a graduate from Pretoria University in South Africa, was charged with two offences. The case was heard in his absence, although the Committee did not draw any adverse inference from this. One charge concerned his attempted purchase of steroids from a pharmacy in Colchester by dishonestly representing that the medicine was for legitimate veterinary use. The second charge related to several instances of what the Committee referred to as "inappropriate and unprofessional behaviour", including showing an offensive image to another staff member on a mobile phone, placing the testicle of a castrated dog in his mouth and the misuse of an endotracheal tube.
All of the incidents had taken place between April 2008 and September 2009, while Mr Lockyear was practising as a locum veterinary surgeon at St Runwald's Veterinary Surgery, Colchester, Essex.
The Disciplinary Committee heard evidence from a pharmacist, Mr Noble, to whom Mr Lockyear had presented an incomplete veterinary prescription for 12 ampoules of Sustanon, a prescription-only anabolic steroid for humans, and a further pharmacist, Mr Foskett MRPharmS, who outlined his suspicions that the steroids were in fact for Mr Lockyear's personal use (Sustanon is a substance which can potentially be misused in relation to body-building). Mr Lockyear had originally claimed the drugs were for general stock at the practice; he later returned with a second prescription, for double the amount of Sustanon, claiming it was for his own dog; later again, he said the prescription was for a friend's dog.
The Committee also heard evidence from the veterinary owner of the practice, a veterinary nurse and a student veterinary nurse working in the practice team, and from Dr Maddison MRCVS, an expert on small animal clinical pharmacology. Dr Maddison informed the Committee that there was a veterinary alternative to Sustanon, so it was not necessary for that drug to have been sought by Mr Lockyear. She was also of the view that Sustanon would not have been suitable to treat the ailments for which Mr Lockyear claimed it was to be used.
The Committee found Mr Lockyear guilty of the first charge - that is attempting to obtain medicines dishonestly. Chairing the Disciplinary Committee, Mrs Alison Bruce, said: "Whilst it was a one-off incident, it is conduct which falls far short of that which is expected of a member of the profession. It involves serious dishonesty; it represents an abuse of a veterinary surgeon's authority to prescribe drugs; it is conduct which tends to undermine public trust in the profession, and the honesty of its members; it is conduct which compromised other professionals, the pharmacists involved, and undermined the trust which ought to exist between pharmacists and veterinary surgeons generally, in the important area of drug prescription." The Committee therefore directed that Mr Lockyear's name be removed from the Register.
Regarding the second charge, the Committee was most concerned about the incident relating to the dog's testicles, which it felt offended against Mr Lockyear's duty to treat with respect all animals which were his patients. Taking the three incidents as a whole, the Committee felt that Mr Lockyear should be seriously criticised for behaviour that was "unprofessional... juvenile, inappropriate, disgusting and offensive". However, they felt that the conduct was not malicious, and did not occur in the presence of a member of the public, so concluded that this did not amount to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
Does your vet practice or an individual in the team deserve to be recognised for their commitment and dedication to their job? If so, this is your last chance to nominate your practice or colleagues for the Petplan Veterinary Awards held at a glittering award ceremony at BSAVA in April.
You can nominate under four categories:
Alison Andrew, Petplan's Marketing Manager, said: "Nominating your colleagues for an award is a fantastic way of expressing your appreciation for their hard work. The veterinary profession is dedicated to animal welfare and at Petplan we believe that their invaluable care and support deserves special recognition. The 11th annual Petplan Veterinary Awards will bestow great accolades upon the stars of the industry."
Ben Jones was awarded Vet of the Year in 2009. He said: "It was a great honour to be named the 2009 Petplan Vet of the Year and it has had a really positive impact. The award has greatly increased the practice's exposure in the local and national press and we've also been able to use the award to generate our own publicity."
However Ben says the greatest impact of the award has been on his customers: "They were all delighted and I think it gave them a lot of reassurance in the service we provide. It has also generated more business with new clients saying they have come to us because of the award."
Ian Patterson, a partner at St Clair Veterinary Group in Fife, said being named the 2009 Practice of the Year has also had a tremendous impact on their practice. He said: "The award meant so much to everyone right across the practice and the team here is extremely proud of their efforts. It has also given us the opportunity to generate more business through the exposure that the practice has received since winning the award."
You can nominate online at Remember to also encourage your clients to nominate your team for the contribution you have made to their pets wellbeing.
Genitrix is encouraging practices to capitalise on the growing market opportunity for dental treatments by offering a free pack of its Dentagen Dental Wax and a special offer of six products for the price of five for the rest of its Dentagen dental range during March 2010.
The company is also urging practices to declare March 'Dental Care Month' and to use it as a platform to step up the education they offer to pet owners on this important welfare issue.
According to Genitrix, the Dentagen range uses a plant extract called RF2 which operates as an 'anti-biofilm' treatment, modifying the membrane of oral bacteria to prevent them from producing plaque even at low concentrations. Dentagen Wax is applied to dogs or cats at the end of dental procedures in practice, while the animal is still sedated. It forms a protective coating over the teeth, which lasts for several days.
Each pack of wax contains five syringes enabling practices to offer free wax applications to pets during Dental Care Month. Pet owners can then maintain the protective coating by giving their pet either Dentagen plaque prevention chews every other day or the Dentagen Aqua drinking water additive.
For dogs, the chews are supplied in two sizes with the larger size designed for dogs over 8 kg and a smaller size for dogs less than 8 kg. Dentagen Aqua is a drinking water additive containing RF2. The company says the palatable liquid, which is added to a pet's drinking water, has proved particularly effective in treating cats which don't respond well to tooth-brushing or dental chews.
Rob Watkins, Genitrix' marketing director said: "It's well known that dental disease affects 80% of pets over three years' old and, if left untreated, can go on to cause serious health problems.
"Data from veterinary practices also confirms that many of them are not achieving the revenue they could from offering dental treatments to their clients. We want them to get their teeth into this important revenue opportunity so we're calling on practices to make March 'Dental Care Month' and are offering them a special deal on Dentagen products to get them started.
"The efficacy of the Dentagen range in inhibiting plaque formation has been proven in clinical trials and it has proved popular with pet owners, increasing their compliance with preventative health regimes."
To order your free pack of Dentagen Wax and to take advantage of the special offer on the rest of the range, contact Genitrix on 01403 786345 or by email at
A DNA test which will save foals from unnecessary pain and suffering, and ultimately death, has been launched by the Animal Health Trust.
Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), a genetic disorder which is known to affect Fell and Dales ponies, causes foals to become anaemic and prone to opportunistic infections. Any foal born with the syndrome will not survive.
The new diagnostic DNA test, which costs £40, is the result of ten years of research by the Animal Health Trust (AHT) and the University of Liverpool. The test will not only identify foals which have the fatal condition but will highlight adult ponies who are carriers of the genetic trait which causes the syndrome. Affected foals will be prevented by avoiding covering a carrier mare with a carrier stallion.
Owners and breeders who wish to find out the genetic status of their ponies can arrange for a simple pulled mane or tail hair sample to be taken by a vet and submitted to the AHT. The Fell Pony or Dales Pony Societies will supply sample bags for submission on request. A fast-track system to identify foals suffering with the condition will report results within three working days.
The team that developed the DNA test was led by the AHT's Dr June Swinburne and Professor Stuart Carter of the University of Liverpool with research student Laura Fox-Clipsham. They believe that by using the test, owners and breeders will eventually be able to eradicate this awful condition.
Dr. June Swinburne, said: "The DNA test gives owners and breeders the power to overcome this devastating illness. It enables them to make informed decisions about which ponies to breed. We have already had samples submitted by HM The Queen from her own breeding stock of Fell ponies. I'd urge any breeders of Fell or Dales ponies to submit samples in order to arm themselves with the facts they need to prevent the birth of affected foals and thereby avoid this distressing condition."
Professor Carter, said: "The research, and ultimately the DNA test, has only been possible thanks to funding from The Horse Trust and the support of the Fell Pony Society and the Dales Pony Society who have supplied DNA samples. We consider that the efforts of all involved in enabling this research have lead to a major advance in animal welfare."
For more information on testing, contact the Fell or Dales Pony Societies. Alternatively visit the AHT website or email
The Pet Doctors Group has announced that it will continue its New Graduate Programme for Autumn 2010, an initiative which the company says has proved successful since its launch in 2008. The aim of the scheme is to appoint new graduates to work in a selected number of its practices, spread across the South East of England.
Brodie Collins, Area Manager at Pet Doctors, will be meeting final year students at the Bristol University School of Veterinary Science, the Royal Veterinary College in London and the University of Cambridge Veterinary School during February and March 2010 to promote the scheme and explain the firm's approach to supporting graduates during their critical first year in practice. Successful applicants will be shortlisted by August 2010 with appointments made by September.
With the economic climate causing many practices to postpone recruitment or reduce support and training for new qualified graduates, competition for places on schemes such as this is expected to be high this year.
Brodie said: "The first twelve months out of vet school can be the most daunting of a vet's career. They're suddenly thrust into a public facing role with little experience of communicating with clients or making a diagnosis. Many have limited surgical experience and even fewer have business acumen. They really need structured support and training to build their confidence and enable them to perform effectively both from a clinical and a business perspective. Mentoring is a key support tool so our graduates are all placed with practices where this can be provided regularly.
Feedback from our scheme last year showed that what the graduates we recruited most valued was working within a team which encouraged them to be open and honest so that they could readily ask for advice and help when they needed it. We're all individuals and perform much better if we feel comfortable with the people we're working with. Our scheme enables us to build on our graduates' strengths and support them in areas which they find more challenging.
We provide clinical and surgical training but also focus on the development of communication and management skills to help graduates fulfil their role as part of a business team. The graduates we appoint will each spend their first year based within one of our smaller practices, working as part of a small and closely knit team. At the end of the first year, if all is going well, they will have the option to stay on and help grow that practice.
In addition to veterinary skills, we're looking for graduates with a good personality fit, a strong work ethic, a caring approach and ideally some level of business understanding."
For further information on the scheme, please contact Brodie at
Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health has announced that Optimmune - which is used to treat Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) in dogs - is back in stock three weeks ahead of schedule following a temporary shortage in January.
Melanie Dass, product manager at Intervet / Schering-Plough Animal Health said: "We were aware that the shortage would happen so took steps to manage the supplies that were available and to resume production as soon as possible.
"We wrote to all our veterinary customers informing them of the likely shortage and fortunately, as a result of doing everything we could to minimise disruption, the product is now back three weeks earlier than expected and we are confident in our long term supply."
Melanie added: "We will be allocating stock in February to ensure all practices receive enough product to meet the needs of clinical cases, which amounts to approximately 125% of average monthly usage. This should allow a smooth return to normal deliveries in March.
"We would like to thank all our veterinary customers for helping us manage the allocation of the product and for their understanding during this difficult situation."
Any practices that require additional stock for clinical cases during February, should contact their Intervet / Schering-Plough account manager or the Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has launched the Intestinal Health Center for Poultry website (, a website to keep producers, veterinarians, nutritionists, academics and students informed about this aspect of poultry production.
The company says it has published a wealth of practical, science-driven information and ideas to help producers manage costly gut diseases more effectively through vaccination, nutrition, sanitation and prudent drug use.
Marcelo Lang, global marketing director for the company's Poultry Business Unit said: "The new website lets you find virtually anything you need, quickly and easily, on specific intestinal health topics and products".
The website also offers a library of past issues of the company's Intestinal Health magazine and its predecessor, CocciForum, as well as three newsletters - Broiler Health, Layer Health and Turkey Health. In addition, the website includes an interactive feature called "Gut Reactions," where visitors can answer a frequently updated questionnaire related to intestinal health, immediately view survey results and then access links with more information on that topic. There is also a product finder to help users find Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health intestinal health products available in their market.
Marcelo added: "The Intestinal Health Center for Poultry is another example of Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health's commitment to educating the industry about this increasingly important segment of poultry health. We look forward to getting feedback on the site so that we can make it even better."