The International Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis has published new, evidence-based guidelines for diagnosing, grading and treating Canine Atopic Dermatitis (AD).
Recently published in Veterinary Dermatology, the series of guidelines for general practitioners covers all aspects of the disease, including the recent rise in food allergy-related cases, and offers practical guidance for vets in diagnosing and grading the severity of AD.
The report also reviews the most appropriate treatment options for acute and chronic forms of the disease, and has awarded Cortavance (hydrocortisone aceponate) the best strength of evidence mark of any current treatment available.
Virbac technical director Chris Taylor MRCVS says the paper shows that Cortavance is now the benchmark for Atopic Dermatitis: "Not only do the guidelines confirm evidence of treatment success with Cortavance, but they also highlight that the skin-specific steroid spray has been shown to have no systemic effects, even when applied to one-third of the dog on a daily basis."
Chris also highlights the cost-effectiveness of Cortavance: "Some AD treatments can cost clients more than £2 per day, but with Cortavance owners are usually looking at costs of just pence per day.
"This report shows that not only is Cortavance the most effective treatment with a high safety margin, it is also surprisingly inexpensive too. And of course this should also help with compliance, particularly in uninsured animals."
The guidelines can be viewed or downloaded online free at:
CEVA Animal Health is giving away a digital thermometer with every purchase of three bottles of Rehydion gel Formula Plus
According to CEVA, dehydration can be a big problem for farmers, causing weakness, scouring and weight loss but Rehydion gel Formula Plus has transformed the management of this common condition. Historically treatments could not be added to milk as the bicarbonate, citrate and the high levels of glucose in the solutions inhibited milk clotting. Rehydion gel Formula Plus, however, helps to maintain a low abomasal pH and guarantees milk clotting.
The company says calves with dehydration and diarrhoea still tend to crave milk, which not only provides vital fluid but is also the best possible source of energy for weight gain. Milk also has many other advantages such as helping with gut healing and providing natural antimicrobial actions. Rehydion gel Formula Plus's high palatability and efficient dilution in milk allows weight gain to continue, even in cases of severe scour.
CEVA also has a leaflet to help farmers minimise the problem of dehydration and diarrhoea in beef and dairy cattle. To order copies and for further information contact your CEVA representative or CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG, telephone 01494 781510 or visit the website at
Horiba Medical has announced it is the official exclusive UK distributor of the fully automated Vet abc Plus+ veterinary haematology analyser from scil animal care company GmbH, Germany.
According to the company, the compact Vet abc Plus+ provides a complete blood count (CBC), including 4-part white blood cell (WBC) differential, from only 10 µl of EDTA whole blood, in only 60 seconds.
The Vet abc Plus+ provides pre-installed settings to analyse samples from dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, mice, rats, cattle, pigs and sheep. For dogs, cats and horses, the Vet abc Plus+ provides a 4-part WBC differential blood count, including a differentiation of the leucocytes to identify lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes and eosinophils. Results are available in 60 seconds on screen or can be automatically printed out and transferred to the practice information system or clinical notes. For ease-of-use, the Vet abc Plus+ also incorporates a self-contained reagent and waste system which provides a clean operation whilst being easy to replenish.
Borne from an existing manufacturing partnership, scil and HORIBA Medical already have over 6000 veterinary haematology analysers placed globally. Horiba says the new UK distribution agreement enables UK veterinary professionals to not only procure the Vet abc Plus+ analyser, but also receive expert service and support directly from the manufacturer HORIBA Medical and its team of UK specialists.
For more information, visit:
Animal training and behaviour experts have joined forces to try and end bad practice by poorly trained individuals.
The Animal Behaviour and Training Council is being launched to regulate the education and training of those working in the animal behaviour modification sector.
The new organisation brings together leaders in the veterinary, welfare, rehoming, animal training and behaviour therapy fields. It aims to set standards for the knowledge and skills required to be a recognised professional.
The agreed standards will be used to assess the competency of practitioners before they are included on the Council's national register of animal trainers and behaviour therapists. The details will be publicly available to help people to find an appropriate expert.
The standards will also help those seeking a career in animal behaviour or further developing the skills of those already practicing the profession.
Council chairman David Montgomery said: "Regulation of this industry sector is long overdue. The formation of the council has been met with widespread enthusiasm and support from professional organisations both in the UK and overseas."
Organisations represented on the Council already include major charities such as RSPCA, Guide Dogs and The Blue Cross, with interest being expressed from organisations in Europe, Australia and Brazil.
Senior lecturer in companion animal behaviour and welfare at Bristol University Dr Rachel Casey said: "There is currently a plethora of groups and individuals providing dog training which makes it difficult for owners to choose the right one to suit the needs of their pet.
"We believe that the ABTC will aim to solve this problem and will be a very important step forward in raising standards in animal training and behaviour."
For more information visit:
Genitrix has launched Dentagen toothpaste which, the company says, uniquely both cleans teeth and inhibits the formation of plaque.
Dentagen toothpaste is based on RF2, a plant extract, which is clinically proven to inhibit the formation of dental biofilm or plaque. It has been formulated to a dentrifrice abrasivity (RDA) index of 34 to ensure that it removes plaque while causing no damage to the enamel layer of the teeth. The toothpaste is packaged with a free finger-brush to help introduce the pet to having its teeth brushed. It costs £5.50 for a 70g tube.
The toothpaste completes the range of Dentagen health products - the fastest growing dental products in the UK (according to GFK data in May 2010).
Genitrix says Dentagen is the only veterinary dental system to combine a procedure carried out in practice with a variety of aftercare regimes to ensure owner compliance. In 2008, Genitrix launched the Dentagen plaque protection system. It consists of a RF2-impregnated wax provided to practices in a syringe and applied to the gingival layer and the buccal area of teeth of dogs or cats at the end of dental procedures. Pet owners then maintain the protective coating by using the new Dentagen toothpaste or other products in the range - either the RF2-impregnated vegetable-based palatable Dentagen chews or Dentagen Aqua, a palatable liquid containing RF2, which is added to a pet's drinking water on a daily basis.
Rob Watkins, Genitrix' Marketing Director, said: "Brushing has long been recognised as the 'gold standard' when it comes to dental health care so we felt it was important for the Dentagen range to include this option. Regular brushing makes a significant contribution to the maintenance of oral health and the RF2 in the Dentagen toothpaste actually suppresses plaque formation between brushing which is a further benefit. It sets a new efficacy standard for pet toothpaste.
However, while many owners understand the importance of dental health, many of them find actually brushing their pet's teeth difficult - especially those with cats. This is why the Dentagen range includes a variety of options. It enables pet owners to select the method that is right for them and their pet and thus maximise the likelihood of their compliance with a good preventive health regime."
CFH Docmail, a traditional print and posting service that you manage entirely online, has introduced personalised colour postcards to its range.
Docmail mailings - whether a single letter or a personalised mailing to thousands - are written and created on-line by the originator, sent electronically to Docmail where they are printed and delivered via CFH's own Downstream Access (DSA) facility.
Whether for appointment reminders or other practice messages, the remarkable thing about this service seems to be the price: from 27p plus VAT for A6 colour postcards printed on both sides, including production and postage. The postcards can either be designed via a template on the Docmail website, or you can upload your own artwork. There's no minimum order, and Docmail mails the personalised cards out on a two day standard delivery to the address database that you provide.
Dave Broadway, managing director of CFH Total Document Management, creators of Docmail said: "Postcards are of course an established means of communication. What's different about Docmail is that production and mailing costs are considerably cheaper than traditional methods.
"Our user friendly website is quick and easy to navigate, and you have total control over the contents of your mailing."
Fraser Robertson, Financial Director of Docmail customer Eye Tech Group said: "We've been using Docmail for our regular mailings for some time now, and the introduction of postcards will be invaluable for our appointment reminders. We estimate that Docmail is saving us over 60p per letter and crucially is also freeing up administrative time."
For more information, visit:
The Dogs Trust has responded to the RSPCA's proposal to re-introduce the dog licence
Clarissa Baldwin, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust said: "Dogs Trust is adamant that a return to the dog licence would provide no welfare benefit to dogs. Dog licensing is little more than a punitive tax on responsible dog owners who already contribute estimated £451 million to the public purse through dog related tax resources.*
"The dog licence is still a requirement in Northern Ireland yet only an estimated one-third of all dog owners currently have their dogs licensed. Despite this Northern Ireland still has the highest number of stray dogs per head of population of any part of the UK. The number of dogs put to sleep in the region represents a staggering 34% of the total UK figure.
"Dogs Trust recommends that a system of compulsory microchipping, linking dog to owner is effective in returning stray and stolen dogs to their owners and which would improve the traceability of battery farmed dogs."
Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare charity and cares for over 16,000 stray and abandoned dogs each year through its network of 17 Rehoming Centres nationwide.
*Mintel research 2010
An annual dog licence fee of as little as £21.501 could help reduce the number of strays and help tackle irresponsible dog breeding, according to a new RSPCA report released today.
Owners would face a cost of less than 42p a week per dog, in order to provide huge improvements to dog welfare and dog control services.
The report - 'Improving dog ownership - The economic case for dog licensing' - suggests a licensing scheme could deliver resources to improve dog welfare worth in excess of £107.4 million1. With an estimated 10 million dogs in Britain2, this works out at £21.50 per dog with a compliance rate of 50 per cent1. A compliance rate of 75 per cent would work out even less at £14.30 per dog1.
The new report was written by the RSPCA's director of communications David Bowles and is based on research by Reading University, which was commissioned by the Society.
It makes three recommendations in its conclusion:
David said: "Now is the right time to invest in the future health and welfare of Britain's dogs. A dog licence would raise money which could be targeted into improving enforcement of laws at a local level, improve the welfare of dogs and reverse the use of certain breeds of dogs as a status symbol or weapon.
"The dog licence would achieve three important goals. It would raise money for dog welfare, increase the numbers of responsible dog owners by getting people to think before they get a dog and start to reverse the surplus of dogs on the market by providing incentives such as reduced fees for neutering dogs."
He added that the costs are given as an indication of what the licence fee could cover, and a dog licensing scheme could in reality be set at between £20-30 per dog per year - between only three and four per cent of the annual costs of owning a typical breed of dog.
Twenty-three countries in Europe currently have a dog licence or registration scheme3. In some countries, such as Germany, Slovenia and the Netherlands, the RSPCA says there have been improved dog control provisions and low numbers of strays with compliance rates of more than 50 per cent.
David said: "The RSPCA believes that Britain has slipped behind other countries which have started to tackle and solve the problems of dog over supply and only the introduction of a dog licence could ensure we catch up.
"In countries which have a dog licence it is seen not as a tax, but as an important part of owning a dog. In Britain we know that a dog licence is welcomed by two out of every three dog owners, more than 70 per cent of who are happy to pay more than £30 for the pleasure and responsibility of owning a dog."
References1. Figures taken from Table 2, p16, Improving dog ownership - The economic case for dog licensing (see below).2. Murray, J.K., Browne, W.J., Roberts, M.A., Whitmarsh A. And Gruffydd-Jones T.J. (2010) Number and ownership profiles of cats and dogs in the UK. The Veterinary Records 166: 163-168.3. Tasker, L. (2007) Stray Animal Control Practices (Europe). WSPA and RSPCA.
Novartis Animal Health is warning livestock producers to keep an eye on the weather, because wet conditions are ideal for fluke to thrive and pose real challenges to cattle and sheep this year, even in areas where there has been little risk before.
Novartis Animal Health veterinary adviser Saul Harvey said: "We are approaching the main season for fluke and with the changes in weather patterns and two previous wet seasons, there is a serious risk of an increase in the fluke challenge this year. The wet spell will also increase worm challenge on pasture as increased moisture allows worm larvae to migrate away from dung pats to be ingested by stock."
Mr Harvey said there were already definite signs of snail activity in regions much further east than before: "The recent rains and warm temperatures at up to 2o centigrade above normal in some parts of the UK will kick off the fluke cycles this year.
"In cattle, liver fluke can lead to falls in milk yield of 500g / day over a 305-day lactation, as well as reduced weight gains of up to 1.2 kg a week in growing cattle. A flukicide that kills all three stages of fluke including immatures should be used in this high risk period, such as Fasinex 240 which is a low volume concentrated formulation and can be given through the floating hook doser for ease of administration.
"Liver fluke also affects the condition and growth of sheep and often leads to "sudden death" in acute cases. The first indication of fluke in sheep may come after slaughter at the abattoir, where damaged livers are often condemned due to liver fluke damage. To avoid these problems a flukicide such as Novartis's Fasinex, that kills all three stages of fluke - early immature, immature and adult - should be used. Fasimec Duo S, with ivermectin, should be used if worm control is also required."
Mr Harvey advised cattle farmers to dose their cows with a flukicide two weeks after they had been housed to clear out all the fluke ingested by the livestock while they were out grazing infected pastures. He said: "It is particularly important that they use a product like triclabendazole (in Fasinex 240) that will kill all stages of fluke after housing, because using an adult-only treatment will leave immature fluke around to continue to cause liver damage and that will affect productivity over the winter period."
Norbrook has launched Loxicom 0.5mg/ml oral suspension for small dogs, indicated for the alleviation of inflammation and pain in acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders.
Loxicom Oral Suspension comes in a clear 15ml bottle which allows vets and clients to monitor levels of the product and re-order when necessary.
Loxicom 0.5mg/ml for Dogs comes with two sizes of syringe, a 1ml syringe graduated from 0.25kg-5kg to treat even the smallest of dog breeds accurately, and a 5ml syringe graduated from 1kg-25kg to treat small and medium dog breeds. The syringes plug securely into the bottle to ensure a tight-fitting connection and minimal leakage when administering the product.
This new oral suspension joins the range of 1.5mg/ml oral suspensions for Dogs and 5mg/ml injections for Dogs and Cats, launched in 2009, and the 0.5mg/ml oral suspension for Cats launched earlier this year at the BSAVA Congress.
CEVA Animal Health is launching a new TV advertising and marketing campaign to promote its veterinary behaviour products, DAP and Feliway, in the run up to this year's firework season.
The campaign will feature a new animated character 'Dap the Dog', who will join 'That Purple Cat' in educating pet owners on the behaviours expressed by pets that are fearful of loud noises during fireworks, and the benefits of using DAP and Feliway. The adverts will be aired throughout October on ITV2, E4, More4 and Channel 4 (London only) starting on Monday 4th October and will be seen by 11.5 million ABC1 women.
A range of firework marketing materials have been produced to support veterinary practices and help educate owners who have noise phobic pets. These include client leaflets, an A4 leaflet holder, waiting room display materials and a firework poster all featuring the characters from the advert. CEVA's petfireworkfear website - - has also been updated to include the new TV advert, downloadable versions of all materials and tips on how to prepare pets for fireworks. In addition, and will feature a voucher offering pet owners a free 60ml spray when they purchase a DAP or Feliway diffuser from their local veterinary practice.
The support comes in light of recent research1, carried out by CEVA, that revealed 80% of pet owners have had a pet that has been afraid of fireworks, with more than half of dog owners wanting to ban them altogether because they are too upsetting for their animals.
Julia Wood, product manager at CEVA Animal Health, said: "Fireworks are the most stressful event that a pet can experience and, in most cases, owners have noticed their animals becoming visibly unsettled with 49% of dogs shaking1 and 65% of cats hiding1. The new TV advertising campaign and marketing support will educate pet owners on behaviours expressed by pets with a fear of loud noises and the importance of taking proactive action by using DAP and Feliway."
CEVA will be running its annual firework display competition amongst veterinary practices throughout October for the best decorated waiting room.
For further information on CEVA's firework campaign or its marketing support, please contact your local CEVA territory manager or call CEVA Animal Health on 01494 781510.
Time is running out to nominate your fellow staff members for this year's 'Petplan Pet Insurance Advisor Award'.
The award recognises the hard work and dedication that Pet Insurance Advisors (PIAs) do to highlight the importance of insurance to pet owners so that they are protected financially.
Donna Lewis, President of The British Veterinary Nursing Association said: "The PIA in a practice is an important role for a member of staff to fill and the award is just as relevant as the Vet Nurse of the Year or Receptionist of the Year award. The Petplan PIA Award recognises the individual who fully understands and works to help educate clients and staff about insurance, it is also recognises their passion for their role."
To nominate your dedicated PIA for Petplan's PIA of the Year Awards, please visit The PIA of the Year will receive a new laptop and their practice will receive £100 in vouchers!
Nominations close on 3rd September and the nominees will be judged by industry professionals. The winner will be announced at the annual BVNA Congress on 9th October.
Pfizer Animal Health is reminding horse owners of the importance of treating encysted small redworm larvae this autumn.
According to the company, these hidden, dormant parasites can account for up to 90% of the redworm burden in a horse (1). Furthermore, encysted small redworm larvae won't show up in a faecal egg count (FEC). Even if a horse has shown a negative or low count it could still be harbouring several million harmful larvae, hidden within the gut wall (2)
Encysted small redworm are a potential time bomb, with the ability to survive inside a horse for up to two years. They usually 'wake-up' in the late winter or early spring, developing and emerging from the gut wall all at the same time. Such a sudden mass emergence can cause a disease syndrome known as 'larval cyathostominosis', causing diarrhoea and colic with up to a 50% mortality rate (2). Treating encysted small redworm successfully in the late autumn or early winter is vitally important in order to prevent this serious risk.
Pfizer says that Moxidectin, the key ingredient of EQUEST, is recognised as the only single dose treatment for encysted small redworm. It has been shown to kill the larvae in-situ, without resulting in severe inflammation of the gut wall that other multi-dose treatments may cause (3). In addition, Moxidectin is licensed for persistent activity against small redworm over two weeks, killing larvae ingested as the horse grazes for up to two weeks after treatment.
Ben Gaskell, Pfizer's veterinary advisor said: "A responsible and sustainable worming programme involves good pasture management, regular diagnostic tests and targeted worming, carefully planned using specialist advice. However, it is also vital to remember the danger of encysted small redworm. Even if a horse's FEC is clear, there could still be a significant encysted small redworm burden that must be treated properly every year in late autumn / early winter."
1) Bairden K. et al (2001) Veterinary Record 148, 138-141 2) Dowdall S.M.J. et al (2002) Veterinary Parasitology 106, 225‑242 3) Steinbach T. et al (2006) Veterinary Parasitology 139, 115‑131
The British Veterinary Association, some of the UK's largest animal charities, law enforcement agencies and unions have today called on the leaders of the main political parties to work together to introduce improved and updated legislation to protect dog welfare and public safety.
The 20 groups have come together to demand action against irresponsible dog owners by the Government and the provision of necessary resources for those tasked with policing dog control laws.
It comes ahead of the summary of responses from Defra's consultation on dog legislation which is expected this autumn. The consultation received more than 4,000 responses by the time it closed in June, indicating the scale of interest in the subject.
The joint statement will be sent to Prime Minister David Cameron MP, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP and acting leader of the opposition Harriet Harman MP.
The statement says: "We believe that irresponsible dog ownership, whether it is allowing dogs to stray, be dangerously out of control or indiscriminately breeding them, causes significant problems for the safety and welfare of both humans and animals. Current legislation is proving inadequate in many cases to ensure sufficient protection.
"We believe that both the provision of sufficient resources at a local level for local authorities and the police, and updated and consolidated legislation that has a genuine preventative effect, are needed to address this problem.
"We call on the coalition Government to act and bring forward legislation that addresses these areas effectively."
BVA President Professor Bill Reilly added: "The Government must not ignore this overwhelming call for action to protect dog welfare and public safety.
"The problems caused by dangerous dogs will never be solved until dog owners appreciate that they are responsible for the actions of their animals. The BVA believes very strongly in the principle of deed not breed - targeting dogs for their actions, not what they look like - and new legislation must tackle the actions of irresponsible pet owners that can cause dogs to become aggressive. Current legislation is not tackling irresponsible owners who increasingly put the public and other animals at risk.
"Compulsory microchipping - and an effective and workable registration system - should be put in place for all dogs, not only to reunite stray dogs with their owners, but also to help prevent puppy farming and to promote responsible ownership.
"I cannot stress too strongly that responsible ownership is the key to resolving the issue of dangerous dogs."
Thermo-insulated wellington boots to keep feet warm on farms during winter time are being launched by Bekina of Belgium in the UK and ROI.
Like the Bekina Steplite X boots designed for general farm work, the Thermolite cold weather wellie is moulded from polyurethane rather than traditional rubber or PVC. However, the Thermolite wellie also has extra thick uppers and soles, making them suitable for use by farmers and vets in temperatures down to minus 40C.
Wide fitting for extra comfort, Bekina Thermolites are supplied with a free pair of removable, insulated insoles. They are also available with safety toecaps.
For details Freephone AgriHealth 0800 731 2490,or visit
Quantum Vet Diagnostics (a division of Woodley Equipment Co Ltd) has announced the launch of a new wet chemistry analyser.
The Quantum Saturno is offered exclusively by Quantum with a total maintenance and reagent package. One fixed monthly payment provides all standard reagents for a month, control solution, monthly maintenance visits by an experienced technician, all parts, consumables, repairs and support from a dedicated wet chemistry division. There are also a wide range of special chemistry tests available.
Quantum says the key features of the new analyser are:
For more details contact 01798 813659 or email:
BEVA President, Madeleine Campbell will be announcing plans for a veterinary-led European Transport Forum at BEVA Congress this year (8-11 September 2010), to discuss how the welfare of horses during transport can be improved through the better enforcement of legislation.
Dr Campbell is also the British Veterinary Association representative on the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) working party for transport. The Forum, which will be held in Brussels on 29 November 2010, has been jointly organised by the FVE and BEVA and is sponsored by World Horse Welfare (WHW). It is hoped that it will be attended by over 150 participants, including representatives of EU Member States, CVOs, Members of the European Commission and European Parliament, scientific experts, national veterinary organisations, animal transport associations and animal welfare associations.
The Forum will review the enforcement of the existing European regulations that currently govern the transport of horses for slaughter and for other purposes. Areas for practical improvement will be identified with the key focus on the enforcement of current legislation and the role of vets in ensuring that the welfare of horses in transit is protected. The conference will endeavour to define the critical control points, effective control systems and good practices. It will also look into trade flows, animal health risks, horse identification and the effects of closing horse slaughterhouses.
Dr Campbell said: "It is all very well to campaign for new regulations but at present even the existing regulations are not being enforced adequately. The crux of the matter is enforcement and there are none better placed to help with this than vets. If we can all work collectively we should have the strength to make a real impact. This is what the Forum is about."
Dr Campbell will be speaking about the European Transport Forum at the Congress press conference on 10 September between 9am and 10am.
BEVA Congress runs from 8-11 September 2010 at the International Convention Centre, Birmingham. For further information and to register visit
Janssen Animal Health has launched a new website providing information on the subject of coccidiosis in calves and lambs:
The website builds on the findings of an expert workshop on bovine coccidiosis held at the First European Buiatrics Conference, which was facilitated by Janssen. In particular, the site looks at all of the areas that the experts focused on as being especially problematic, including immunity, sources of infection, risk factors, prevention and treatment.
According to the company, arriving at a diagnosis of coccidiosis is not always straightforward: it must be supported by history and clinical signs, as well as evidence of pathogenic species of the Eimeria parasite. Interpretation of oocyte counts can be particularly difficult and results have to be viewed in the context of the farm situation. The site contains explanations about the timing of sampling and how that can impact upon the results.
Janssen adds that treatment has traditionally relied on fluid therapy and the use of sulphonamide drugs but recommendations on the use of more recently introduced treatments such as diclazuril (Vecoxan) focus on single dose treatments administered 14 days after a stress factor - such as moving to a higher risk environment, weaning or transportation. The various treatment strategies including prophylactic and metaphylactic approaches are described for those who have experienced problems with coccidiosis in the past and want to avoid recurrence on an individual farm.
Janssen says the site is an ideal on-line resource for veterinary professionals, SQPs and farmers looking to update their knowledge, seeking a tool that explains the disease in greater depth or just searching for specific information that helps in their own individual situation or with interpretation of a difficult case,
Pfizer Animal Genetics is expanding its presence in the UK with the appointment of a dedicated team.
The company says it will use state-of-the-art genetic technology to improve the health, welfare and productivity of animals, and that the move comes at an exciting time for genetic research, as complete sequencing of the bovine genome has resulted in explosive growth of the possibilities.
As well as being able to provide tests addressing parentage (SireTRACE) and traceability (SureTRAK), Pfizer Animal Genetics can also help farmers identify the genetic potential that each animal has to produce tender, well marbled meat and to perform at optimal feed conversion efficiency (GeneSTAR) - vital management information that can improve profitability and enable effective decision making in long term breeding plans.
The company promises there is more to come, with exponential growth in the identification of genetic markers, which will allow the imminent introduction of new tests set to provide much more detailed predictive information about individual animals - all available virtually from birth onwards.
Richard Chew (above right) is Customer Service Manager and the first port of call for anyone with questions about pricing & submission forms, samples and reports. Richard grew up in rural Lancashire and went on to study at the University of Bristol. Since graduation his career has taken him through a variety of scientific and customer facing roles. He has worked for Pfizer Animal Health for six years in the clinical development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals for livestock and is looking forward to the new challenges of the genetics business. Richard is based in Pfizer's Surrey office and can be reached on 08345 3037398 or
Mike Marron and Peter Quigley are Dairy Sales Manager and Beef and Sheep Sales Manager respectively and will be the contact points for breed associations, organisations and individuals who want to discuss how genetic assessment and identification can help assure the quality of a breed or herd. Mike has an honours degree in biological and biochemical science and a decade of experience in the animal health industry, with special interests in fertility and calf management. Peter also comes from the animal health industry and is looking forward to continuing the company's work with the Aberdeen Angus Society as well as developing programmes for other beef breed societies.
Mike or Peter will be in attendance at various agricultural shows across the UK including Agrilive, the South West Dairy Show, Surecalf, Agriscot, Thainstone Christmas Classic, the Welsh Winter Fair, The Great Yorkshire Show and the Northern Ireland Winter Fair, where they will be explaining how genetic testing can make a contribution towards improving the brand value of a breed and shortening the time frame to allow better management decisions to be made.
Dr Gary Evans is Technical Services Manager and will be providing detailed advice on how to improve pedigree herd books, the interpretation of results of genetic testing and detection of certain genetic diseases. Gary is a geneticist with fourteen years experience in the application of genomics to livestock and joins Pfizer Animal Genetics from PIC/Genus.
Bayer has unveiled a major TV marketing campaign to promote Drontal.
An advertising campaign featuring the Drontal Schnauzer will run for two months. In addition, the company is sponsoring the TV series The Dog Whisperer, which is due to be aired from October to December this year.
The company is also launching a competition to enable owners to show off their pets and win a number of prizes. They include appearing in a double page spread in Your Dog and Your Cat magazines, holidays at pet-friendly hotels, digital cameras, shopping vouchers, pet accessories and much, much more! Pet owners will be able to submit photos, videos and stories to which has four competition categories:
Dan White, Drontal product manager said: "My Pet Superstar aims to celebrate the unique traits and talents that make us love and take pride in our pets. Visitors to the website will be able to vote for their favourite entries and even post these to their Facebook and Twitter accounts. With four very different categories, this competition will be wide open to all dog and cat owners. Our motto is that healthy pets are happy pets, and we will use the competition to remind dog and cat owners about the benefits of regular worming.
Practices can get involved by displaying waiting room materials including A4 static window posters, shelf wobblers and mobile hanging devices by calling 0845 257 4798.
The Royal Veterinary College is embarking on an educational tour to provide advice to school children on studying and working in the veterinary sector.
The tour will visit secondary schools in the following towns:
The RVC says the event is designed to demonstrate the diversity of the profession, looking at both clinical and non-clinical careers within it. RVC staff, students and recent graduates will be on hand to answer questions for all of those interested in becoming a vet, veterinary nurse or bio-veterinary scientist.
Visitors will have the chance to carry out practical veterinary and scientific skills and discover diagnosis techniques using the RVC's state-of-the-art Haptic laptop, which contains the Core Skills Trainer; a collection of computer games that use touch technology to teach key manual skills needed to become a veterinary professional.
The event will also allow attendees to compete against each other to test their aptitude for core veterinary skills.
The sessions will be open to secondary school students, teachers, parents and careers advisers. It will present information on the wide-ranging courses offered by the RVC and the differing career choices available in the sector.
Booking is essential in order to attend and can be completed at For further information please call 020 7468 1257 or email
CEVA Animal Health has launched the anti-inflammatory Meloxidyl for cattle and pigs.
Meloxidyl is meloxicam-based solution for the management of respiratory disease, mastitis and diarrhoea in cattle and non-infectious locomotor disorders and puerperal septicaemia and toxaemia in pigs. It is given via a single injection, when used in combination with suitable anti-infectives.
According to the company, Meloxidyl's one shot protocol means it is quick and economical to use; it allows control of inflammation and endotoxins and reduces somatic cell count, recovery time and risk of culling after clinical mastitis; it reduces the economical impact of respiratory signs in comparison with flunixin-based products and reduces the major clinical signs caused by toxins in cases of neonatal diarrhoea.
Meloxidyl can be used in combination with the company's range of anti-infectives, which includes Marbokem, Cevaxel and Florkem.
For further product information contact CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG, telephone 01494 781510 or visit the website at
Veterinary practices are signing up fast for the opportunity to take part in Pet Smile Month in September 2010, according to organisers.
Participating practices carry out free dental checks in September as part of a nationwide campaign to promote dental health in pets.
Pet Smile Month founder, veterinary surgeon Bob Partridge said: 'Pet Smile Month is all about relieving pain and suffering in pets and educating owners on the importance of dental care for pets. It also highlights the caring nature of the profession and provides practices with an opportunity to promote the range of services it offers.'
Registered practices will receive information leaflets to give to clients, and an educational poster - illustrating the problems of dental disease and encouraging clients to seek dental care.
For Pet Smile Month 2010, as well as the Pet Smile Art Competition (with prizes for young clients), Kruuse has offered the iM3 42-12 dental scaler as a prize for the best waiting room Pet Smile Month display, together with runner-up prizes.
Pet Smile Month could not exist without the long-standing commitment of Petosan, Genitrix, CEVA, Kruuse, NVS, Centaur, Dunlops, Veterinary Surgeons' Supply Company and IGP UK Ltd.
To find a participating local veterinary practice, owners can use the 'Find-a-PSM-Vet' button at There is also a dedicated vet area on the website.
Hill's Pet Nutrition says that the company's 5% average reduction across most Science Plan and Nature's Best products and 6.1% average reduction on Prescription Diet products has proven popular with practices and pet owners alike.
As evidence of this, the company points to data from Euromonitor*, the independent market analyst, which shows Science Plan Healthy Development Puppy is experiencing faster volume sales than the rest of the market, outpacing the growth of popular grocery brands**.
*Euromonitor July 2010 & Hills Data May 2010.**Such as Pedigree, Winalot and Bakers brands.
Vets Now has announced its selection centre dates for young vets applying for a place on the new 'Cutting Edge' Emergency and Critical Care fast track programme.
With the 20 August deadline for applications fast approaching, Vets Now has confirmed that interviews for the first intake in October will take place on 25th and 26th August. Applications received after this date will be considered only if the applicant meets the necessary criteria and is able to take up a place on the programme if extra places become available.
According to the company, the 'Cutting Edge' initiative is the first training programme of its kind in the UK. It'll see 40 vets who are likely to have graduated between 2006 and 2009 selected for a place on one of two 10 week fast track training programmes which will take them straight to the heart of emergency, working as a veterinary surgeon in a Vets Now clinic.
The induction courses will be held in October and January, each taking up to 20 vets through 10 weeks of intensive ECC training on a robust programme which has been designed by Vets Now Clinical Director and ECC Diplomate, Amanda Boag.
Amanda said: "The recruits who we select will embark upon an intensive period of training over the 10 week period which will give them the necessary skills and knowledge to launch their career in ECC. They will also receive ongoing support during their first two years as a Veterinary Surgeon in a Vets Now clinic with a very generous CPD allowance. The initial 10 week period will be a combination of lectures and interactive seminars, practical training in our clinical skills laboratory and mentored work in our clinics. Developing clinical expertise and problem solving skills will clearly be the most significant component of the training but there will also be support and training in other vital skills including communication."
She added: "Initial response to the programme has been very promising and we are delighted to see so many veterinary surgeons interested in developing their career in ECC."
Vets Now will continue to accept applications for the January intake to the 'Cutting Edge' programme throughout September and October.
Graduates who are interested in applying for a place on the 'Cutting Edge' training programme should contact the Vets Now recruitment team on 01383 841181 or email