The Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has unanimously approved the introduction of a disciplinary system for registered veterinary nurses from 1 April 2011.
The RCVS established the non-statutory Register for Veterinary Nurses in 2007, and says that registration signals a commitment from veterinary nurses to account for their professional practice.
Registered Veterinary Nurses (RVNs) commit to keep their skills up to date via mandatory continuing professional development and abide by the Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses. The disciplinary mechanism is the final component of this regulatory framework. From 1 April 2011, an RVN can be removed or suspended from the Register if found guilty of serious professional misconduct, fraudulent registration or criminal offences affecting his or her fitness to practise.
The decision has been awaited for some time, as according to the College, there has been some dispute about whether an RVN could be removed from the statutory List of Veterinary Nurses (meaning veterinary surgeons would be barred from delegating to them tasks allowed under Schedule 3 to the Veterinary Surgeons Act, such as medical treatment or minor surgery), as well as the non-statutory Register.
Following legal advice that it would not be appropriate to remove someone from a statutory list via a non-statutory regulatory system, RCVS Council and the Veterinary Nurses Council opted for removal from the Register only, with the caveat that any such removed VNs will be clearly identified on the List. In addition, veterinary surgeons will be advised, via the Guide to Professional Conduct, against delegating Schedule 3 tasks to them.
Council also confirmed that it would seek an amendment to Schedule 3 as soon as possible, to enable it to remove the names of nurses found guilty of serious professional misconduct or other charges from the List.
VN Council Chairman Liz Branscombe said: "The Veterinary Nurses Council is committed to moving towards statutory regulation for veterinary nurses. This non-statutory commitment to a disciplinary system is our chance to show government and the public that we are ready and willing to be regulated, which should stand us in good stead for the future."
The RVN disciplinary system will mirror that for veterinary surgeons, with the same complaints-handling, investigation and decision-making processes and sanctions.
Registered Veterinary Nurses will receive more detailed information about the system over the coming months.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has produced a new medicine record book to help producers effectively document animal health product usage, to coincide with the cattle pneumonia season.
The Resflor-sponsored booklet incorporates space to record all the necessary information to comply with legislative requirements.
Intervet/Schering-Plough livestock veterinary adviser Paul Williams MRCVS said: "If you are in the business of rearing, producing or treating farm animals that will end up as food for human consumption, you must keep a record of any veterinary medicinal product you give or treat them with.
"You must also keep proof of purchase of all veterinary medicinal products and keep all your records for a period of five years. A format for keeping all these records is set out in this book."
To order Resflor medicine record books to give your clients, ring: 01694 731777
Andrew Robathan MP has opened Companion Care Vets latest surgery in Leicester, bringing the number of surgeries across the UK to 67.
The surgery is located within the brand new Pets at Home store at Fosse Park, and the joint veterinary partners are Shabbir Shariff and Sameer Bheda.
The surgery houses a full operating theatre, digital x-ray facilities, in-house laboratory and a hospital ward providing a full range of treatments from health checks to emergency operations.
Shabbir said: "I have always wanted to own my own surgery and jumped at the opportunity to work with Companion Care Vets."
Cat Professional is carrying out a survey to assess the use of Zylkène in cats with idiopathic cystitis (FIC), and is looking for owners whose cats are using the treatment to complete an online survey.
Zylkène is a nutritional supplement which has been reported to have positive effects in managing stress in cats and dogs. Zylkène is commonly used for reduction of stress in cats with FIC.
Veterinary practices that agree to help Cat Professional recruit clients whose FIC cats are receiving Zylkène will receive:
On completion of the survey, participants will receive a free electronic copy of the book 'Caring for a cat with lower urinary tract disease'.
For more information on the study, please visit our website:
The survey is accessible from the home page or directly at
Vygon Vet has launched a procedural custom pack service.
Vygon Vet's procedural custom packs contain all the single-use devices required for a specific procedure enclosed within a sterile wrap. Components available include draping material, theatre clothing, swabs, kidney dishes, forceps etc. Vygon Vet says the service has been developed to reduce infection risks, but also to help manage staff resources more effectively and identify total procedure costs for billing purposes.
The first custom pack is now being used by the team of clinicians at Charter Veterinary Hospital. Dave Tittle BVetMed MRCVS said "The pack contains everything we need, designed to our specification, and will save us theatre preparation time and added expense".
A number of customers have committed themselves to the new service and by the end of 2010 Vygon Vet aims to have many more practices on board. The custom pack service supports Vygon Vet's range of theatre draping packs already available.
For more information, visit
Petplan is calling for nominations for this year's 'Petplan Veterinary Awards 2011'.
The awards, which are now into their 12th year, are an opportunity for colleagues and pet owners to thank their local veterinary stars who go above and beyond the call of duty.
Alison Andrew, Petplan's Marketing Manager, said: "At Petplan, we work closely with vets and hear first hand about the incredible work that is carried out by the profession, so we believe that their invaluable care and support deserves special recognition. Nominating a colleague for an award is a fantastic way of expressing your appreciation for their hard work."
Alison added: "Last year, Petplan was inundated with over 1,800 nominations from across the UK, highlighting that more pet owners understand the great work vets do to help animals and their owners, and with 40% of pet-owners in the UK, stating that they trusted their vet more than their GP, it is not hard to see why the awards are so highly commended."
Closing date for entries is 4th February 2011. All finalists will be invited to a glittering awards ceremony in Birmingham on 31st March 2011, where the winners will be announced.
Winners will be selected based on the evidence given on the nomination forms by veterinary association presidents, so make sure you provide as much information as possible. To nominate today visit
Medivet is celebrating its 100th batch collection for Vet Blood Supplies, the north London-based bloodbank set up in 2007 to provide blood products for its branches around the country.
Veterinary nurse Laura Brind, who is responsible for collecting the blood, said: "We are really proud to celebrate the 100th collection. We travel to Retired Greyhound Trust kennels across south-east England who kindly agreed to arrange the donation in return for free preventative treatment for the dogs."
The collection was taken from Barn Kennels, the Portsmouth branch of the Retired Greyhound Trust, which has been donating blood for the past 18 months.
Vetoquinol has launched the Vet-Touch Digital Atlas, an innovative communication tool to help veterinary practices explain complex conditions to clients at the touch of a screen.
Vetoquinol says the Vet-Touch Digital Atlas saves valuable time and will allow you to offer an improved service to your clients, by maximising their comprehension of the case.
The Vet-Touch Digital Atlas has a 15 inch (38cm) touch screen monitor and comes with a range of animated movies. It's available to buy from your Vetoquinol Territory Manager.
For further information visit or contact Vetoquinol on 01280 825 424.
Scientists at the Royal Veterinary College, contributing to a programme to tackle some of the most harmful and widespread endemic diseases that commonly affect farmed animals in the UK, have developed a severity estimation calculator for post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS).
Post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) is a common disease of young pigs in the U.K. It is extremely debilitating, causes considerable suffering and poor welfare, and has a high mortality of up to 30%. It is estimated that the disease costs the UK farming industry £30m per year.
The £2.4m project - headed by Professor Dirk Werling from the Royal Veterinary College and funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) through its "Combating Endemic Diseases For Farm-Animal Sustainability" programme (CEDFAS), the British Pig Executive (BPEX), and two industrial partners, Pfizer Ltd (UK) and BioBest - aims to identify why PMWS occurs and to develop new methods of controlling the disease.
One key-component of the project is the direct involvement of British pig farmers, thereby guaranteeing that pigs in Britain will be the first to benefit from this research, while collaboration with a major international pharmaceutical company will ensure that new veterinary products will be made available to pig farmers worldwide.
Now, two members of the team, Dr. Barbara Wieland and Pablo Alarcon-Lopez, a second year PhD student, have developed a novel approach to quantify severity of PMWS based on morbidity and mortality data and presence of porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). They applied factorial analyses, using data collected from 147 pig farms in England to identify variables contributing to variation in PMWS severity in a biologically meaningful way.
Together with other known variables linked to PMWS, the resulting factors were used to derive an algorithm for PMWS severity. The derived algorithm was used to develop a PMWS severity calculator, which now can be used by farmers directly to assess the PMWS severity on their own farm (
The levels of PMWS severities identified on farm level can now be used to identify risk factors related to the different severity-categories, to assess the efficacy of PCV2 vaccination and to investigate the economic impact of potential control measures on a farm.
Eleven members of staff at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons are growing moustaches this month in support of the Movember Challenge, a campaign which raises funds to help combat prostate cancer.
Simon Wiklund, Advisory Manager and instigator of the College's participation in Movember 2010, said: "Visitors to the College over the next few weeks shouldn't be alarmed if some members of staff begin to resemble a Village People tribute band. I suggested this to the chaps last week, and was delighted so many were willing to look daft for such a good cause."
According to the Movember website, the aim is simple: "One man dies from prostate cancer every day in the UK. Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men's health by growing a moustache. All MoBros should be clean shaven on 1 Movember and then grow a moustache for the entire month. The moustache becomes the ribbon for men's health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that affect men."
The RCVS team - 'All 'Taches Great and Small' - comprises at least one member of every department in the College, so whilst the team as a whole will be raising as much money as it can, the College says it expects interdepartmental competition to get "quite hairy".
"In spite of ourselves, reputations are at stake here," admits Simon. "We're a mixed-ability team, so it will be interesting to see who sports the best tache at the end of Movember. This is no trivial hirsute."
Lending his support to the team's efforts, and off to something of a head start in the facial forestry department, is RCVS President Peter Jinman. He said: "I'm impressed that so many of the gents on the staff have taken it upon themselves to support The Prostate Cancer Charity in this way. If it's true that eight out ten chaps really do prefer whiskers, they should raise a decent amount of money."
Anyone wishing to support the All Taches Great & Small team in their bristling endeavours should please visit their fundraising pages (via Donations can be made to individual MoBros, or to the team as a whole.
Andy Trevan, a veterinary surgeon at the Gayton Veterinary Group in Redhill, has won the prize draw to win an Apple iPad.
The draw was held to raise awareness in the profession of the growing community on, and all UK-based veterinary surgeons that joined the site before 1st November 2010 were entered. welcomed nearly 600 new members to the site whilst the draw was open, bringing the site to just shy of 6000 members.
Congratulations to Andy - the shiny new toy will be winging its way over in the next few days.
The British Veterinary Association is calling on its members to consider standing in the upcoming elections for the organisation's primary representative body, BVA Council.
According to the association, there has been overwhelming support for changes to the Council structure which will see it slimmed down to 41 members, including 12 regional representatives for the UK. For the first time all UK members will have a directly elected representative on Council.
The BVA is now looking for members to stand as regional representatives in the 9 English government regions, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Ideal candidates must be committed to promoting the ideals of the BVA and the veterinary profession in general and have a willingness to devote time and effort to representing the members in their region. The BVA is developing an online communication structure to help regional representatives reach their members quickly and easily. Representatives will be expected to gather views and ideas to ensure there is a genuine two-way communication process between BVA Council and the wider membership. Regional representatives will also receive dedicated BVA staff support.
The BVA has written to every member with a copy of the role profile and details of how to nominate themselves. Any UK BVA members can nominate themselves for their region with a supporting statement of up to 500 words. All details are available on the BVA website .
The Council will continue to be served by representatives from the BVA's specialist divisions, the chairs of the BVA's five standing committees, two recent graduates, three past presidents and the BVA's three officers. In addition there will be representatives from BVA Scottish Branch and BVA Welsh Branch and two non-voting representatives from BVNA and VPMA.
Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "We want BVA Council to really drive our Association but it can only do that with representatives who are willing to communicate directly with the members in their region, bringing opinions and ideas to meetings and feeding back afterwards.
"Members should not rule themselves out of veterinary politics by saying they are 'just an ordinary vet'. We are looking for anyone who is committed to improving the BVA and who has good communication skills. It doesn't matter what your background is, it's about what you can offer to members in your region."
Andrew Parker, Cornwall Veterinary Association representative on BVA Council, added: "It is a privilege to be a member of BVA Council representing the diverse views of grassroots vets. There is certainly a time commitment, but it is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience and I see it as a way of giving something back to the profession which has given me a privileged working life.
"It is also a fantastic way to meet other veterinary surgeons from a wide range of backgrounds to share thoughts and ideas both on a political front and clinically. I would urge anyone with an interest in the future of our profession and our Association to stand as a regional representative."
Fidavet has launched Surosolve, a vet wholesaler exclusive, non-prescription ear cleaner for cats and dogs.
Fidavet says the product has multiple uses for complete cat and dog ear cleaning:
Surosolve maintains healthy ears by acting as an antibacterial flush1, 2 and antibiotic potentiating agent2, 3 while contributing to restoring the normal microbiological balance of the ear canal.
According to the company, the product has already received positive feedback from veterinary practitioners that have used it: 79 per cent liked the appearance of the formulation and over 80 per cent appreciated the fragrance.
Helen Goldberg, marketing manager for Janssen Animal Health, said: "Surosolve has a unique, powerful yet non-irritant formulation, ideal for the ears of cats and dogs. This non-irritating solution with an almost neutral pH of 6.8 allows cleaning while respecting natural ear physiology.
"Surosolve also contains Tris-EDTA, which gives extra power to concurrent topical antibiotics. EDTA is a chelating agent, active in damaging the cell surfaces of bacteria, while Tris enhances the effect of EDTA by buffering the pH, ensuring the solution is not irritating to the ear and maximising the anti-bacterial effect."
Marion Lannegrace, Janssen Animal Health international product manager for Fidavet said: "The Fidavet range is only available through veterinary wholesalers because we firmly believe these products should be used only with veterinary advice. This gives clients peace of mind that their pet is receiving the best care."
For further information on Fidavet Surosolve, visit
1 Cole LK. Anatomy and physiology of the canine ear. Veterinary Dermatology, 2010, 20 (5-6), 412-4212 Cole LK, Nuttall TJ. Pseudomonas otitis. Advances in Veterinary Dermatology, Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, 2005, (5), 324-3303 Roberts NA, Gray GW, Wilkinson SC. The bactericidal action of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbios, 1970, (7-8), 189-208
The British Veterinary Asssociation and British Small Animal Veterinary Association have strongly welcomed moves to tighten up the rules on dog breeding in Wales with the publication of the proposed Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2011.
The draft proposals follow a report by an expert Task and Finish Group, including veterinary representatives, which made recommendations for new legislation to tackle the significant problem of puppy farming.
The BVA and BSAVA were both represented on the Task and Finish Group and have welcomed the proposals, which include:
The draft legislation is now out for consultation until 13 January 2011.
Harvey Locke, BVA President, said: "The Welsh Assembly Government should be congratulated for driving forward legislative changes to tackle the abhorrent practice of puppy farming.
"The Task and Finish Group brought together everyone with an interest in dog health and welfare so the Minister should be confident that these proposals will gain widespread support.
"Puppy farming is not only a problem in Wales and it is clear that the rest of the UK is now lagging behind. We will be encouraging England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to follow suit and ensure dog health and welfare is promoted across the country."
Grant Petrie, President of BSAVA, added: "Vets are often faced with the terrible consequences of puppy farms and bad breeders, which can lead to suffering for both the animals and their owners.
"We are delighted that this action is being taken by the Welsh Assembly Government.
"The compulsory microchipping of dogs and puppies on licensed premises is a particularly welcome move but the veterinary profession will continue to campaign for this to be extended to all dogs."
Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal opened a new ward for canine cancer patients at the University of Edinburgh's Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Hospital for Small Animals last week.
The Kennel Club Charitable Trust provided £30,000 towards the 26-kennel ward, which is specifically designed to provide recuperative care and comfortable kennelling facilities for dogs at the University's Hospital for Small Animals.
The facilities the new dog ward provides will complement the School's £3 million Riddell-Swan Veterinary Cancer Centre, which opened last year. The cancer care centre houses state-of-the-art equipment including a computerised tomography (CT) scanner and a linear accelerator that can provide radiotherapy treatment.
Caroline Kisko, Secretary of the Kennel Club, said: "The Kennel Club Charitable Trust is extremely pleased that the money it has given to the University of Edinburgh has helped to ensure that its Canine Cancer Care unit could be built.
"The Trust has supported the groundbreaking research being conducted by the University, which is helping to improve our ability to diagnose and treat cancer in dogs, for some time. The Cancer Care Unit will help in a different way, by providing post-treatment and after care for dogs that have been through cancer therapy.
"People love their dogs as a member of their family, so this is a vital part of the care process. It is comforting for them to know that there are comfortable kenneling facilities where their dogs will receive the recuperative care that they need, as well as the potentially life-saving treatment.
"The Charitable Trust has given millions of pounds to projects which help to improve the health and welfare of dogs across the UK. This unit has established the University's place as a leader in conducting not only lifesaving but also life enhancing work for dogs, and the Trust exists precisely to help projects such as this realise their goals."
The canine oncology support ward replaces the old feline ward, and the cats have been moved to a new ward further away from the dogs to help prevent cats from becoming stressed by the noise of barking.
Professor Elaine Watson, Head of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies said: "The dog ward, along with our new feline ward enhances the facilities for animals receiving treatment at the School's Hospital for Small Animals and we are very appreciative of the tremendous support from the Kennel Club Charitable Trust."
The Royal Veterinary College has received a donation of £1m from the Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust towards a £1.5m refurbishment of the Beaumont Animals' Hospital in Camden, London.
The Hospital will be renamed as the Beaumont Sainsbury Animals' Hospital in Jean Sainsbury's honour, as a reflection of the matched values shared by Jean and the College. The Hospital has remained open during the refurbishment, which is due to be completed in Spring 2011.
Graham Milligan, Clinical Services Director at the Royal Veterinary College said: "This Landmark donation enables the College to create a 21st century veterinary primary care practice that is unrivalled in Central London. We are delighted to be able to celebrate Jean's life by renaming our Hospital in her honour, as she was dedicated to improving animal welfare and promoting responsible care of animals and sound primary veterinary care."
Jean Sainsbury, who died in 2007, was a frequent visitor to the hospital and provided funds to assist clients in receipt of state benefit with essential care and treatment of their pets. Jean especially valued the work of the Beaumont Animals' Hospital because it provides the highest quality first opinion services for pet owners in Camden, and that this service is based on the ethos that all treatments and procedures should be necessary and appropriate to the animal's needs.
Colin Russell MBE, Chairman of the Jean Sainsbury Animal Welfare Trust said: "The Trustees feel it is a fitting tribute to Jean Sainsbury, who was dedicated to animal welfare, to have her name added to the Beaumont Animals' Hospital which she supported so enthusiastically during her lifetime."
For many years Jean Sainsbury was a supporter of the Royal Veterinary College and its hospital for small animals in Camden. Grants to the College helped to fund the first phase of the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals at the Hawkshead campus in Hertfordshire and grants were used at the Camden Town site to refurbish operating theatres and waiting and reception areas in the animals' hospital. Since 1994 the Trust has subsidised veterinary costs for those on low incomes. Jean Sainsbury's support was formally recognised in 1994 by the award of an Honorary Fellowship of the College.
The extensive £1.5 million refurbishment of the hospital includes improvements to the reception and waiting areas for clients, refitting of the five consultation rooms; major upgrades to the dispensary and treatment room, a complete refit of the radiography suite including updating to the latest digital standards, a refit of surgical facilities including the creation of a new dedicated dental suite, the expansion of ward facilities for exotics, an overhaul of the ward space for dogs including expansion of the isolation facilities (to minimise likelihood of spread of infectious diseases) as well as complete refurbishment of seminar room facilities for students, new office accommodation and major improvements to living quarters for the veterinary nursing team.
Ceva Animal Health has produced a new booklet explaining the discharge procedures for horses that have been treated with Equidronate (formerly called Tildren), a bisphosphonate infusion used for the treatment of bone spavin.
Ceva says the new booklet is designed for vets to give their clients to help convey the most effective post-treatment management protocol. It explains what Equidronate is, how it works and how it is administered. It goes on to cover how owners can help to monitor progress once exercise has commenced, by completing the specially created assessment forms contained within the booklet every couple of weeks.
According to the company, trials published earlier this year show that horses suffering lameness caused by bone spavin can show marked improvement following treatment with an Equidronate infusion, in combination with controlled exercise.
Copies of the new leaflet are available free of charge from your Ceva sales representative. Leaflets on understanding bone spavin, understanding navicular disease and understanding sacroiliac disease are also available.
Wafcol, or The Worcestershire Animal Foor Company Ltd as it is known in full, has launched a new website.
The company says it has always claimed its food, developed with leading dermatologist Sue Paterson and BVA President Harvey Locke, can change dogs' lives and that the site now allows you to see how that happens.
Along with the usual dietary information and range details you would expect to find, the website has a section dedicated to customer testimonials featuring stories like that of Rocco, a five year old chocolate Labrador that was given to The Labrador Lifeline Trust because his owners were unable to cope with the endless vet bills for his skin condition.
Pennie Medland, Area Co-ordinator for The Labrador Lifeline Trust said: "His face was sore and all under his chest and tummy was dry and crusty...he looked thoroughly miserable and depressed."
As part of Rocco's treatment by the Trust's vet, his food was changed to Wafcol Salmon and Potato and after just a few weeks he became a different dog. Pennie said: "The hair on his face has grown back, the awful itching has stopped and his general demeanor is so different from the sad depressed boy I first saw. He has cheered up no end and is really bouncy - it's fantastic to see. Our thanks go out to Wafcol."
For further details about the Wafcol Sensitive range of diets, visit or call 0844 375 7002 now.
Companion Care is launching a new division to develop a network of joint venture surgeries on high streets around the UK.
Thus far, 62 out of the company's 66 surgeries have been located inside Pets at Home stores. The company says it plans to more than double the number of surgeries over the next 5 years, both within Pets at Home stores and on the high street.
The new surgeries will be branded Companion Care Vets. According to the company, they'll be full service practices featuring the latest equipment, situated in locations which offer clients easy access. Managing director, Jane Balmain, said: "The in-store model we operate has been very successful and offers a unique business proposition based around the customer footfall in Pets at Home stores. We will continue to accelerate the growth in numbers of in-store surgeries as the Pets at Home store footprint expands. "While in-store has been hugely successful and the driver in our growth, we know that there are many vets and veterinary nurses who are interested in a joint venture partnership but whose preference is to have a more traditional looking standalone surgery. To enable us to launch partnerships with these professionals we are developing a standalone surgery network plan. We already have 4 very successful standalone surgeries and we feel now is the right time to develop the stand alone concept as a mainstream business proposition." While the new surgeries will be standalone, Companion Care says they will be affiliated with local local Pets at Home stores to drive client registration and business development.
Jane added: "These stand alone surgeries will offer a unique business proposition due to our Pets at Home relationship. We believe that with this new venture we can offer any potential partner the best of both worlds: a superb in-store surgery with footfall of thousands of customers a month, or a standalone new surgery linked to local store(s) to develop the business. I don't believe any other company can offer this unique proposition."
Is this the warm up for the mother of all high street battles between Companion Care and Vets4Pets?
Hipra, a veterinary pharmaceutical company with subsidiaries in 19 countries, has opened in the UK and launched Eficur (ceftiofur hydrochloride).
Eficur is a ready to use injectable suspension for the treatment of bacterial respiratory disease associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Histhophillus Somni in cattle and additionally Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia, Streptococcus suis and others in swine.
Eficur is also licensed for the treatment of acute interdigital necrobacillosis (panaritium, foot rot) and the bacterial component of acute post-partum (puerperal) metritis in cattle.
Eficur is available in a presentation of 50 ml, 100 ml and 250 ml. The 250 ml presentation also includes an innovative unbreakable protector.
For further information please contact: Hipra UK on 0115 812 0499 or, or visit
Janssen Animal Health has produced a new DVD called 'Fluke: That's a Fact', which is available free from the company.
The 18 minute film features TV presenter Michaela Strachan discussing the big issues surrounding fluke in sheep, such as the effects on productivity and fertility and the need to adapt treatment regimes to reflect the current challenge in the environment, weather patterns and the possibility of resistance to commonly used flukicides. There is also a section on Haemonchus, the Barber's Pole worm, as the parasite has been reported in a number of farms in the last few years.
According to the company, fluke is becoming increasingly common and is moving into new areas of the UK. There is increasing evidence that a single autumn / winter dose of flukicide may not always be enough to control the disease on some farms and more frequent dosing programmes are now often proposed that look more long term to reduce the level of the disease on farms, especially on those farms with high infection pressure. The film clearly explains these different approaches and the benefits of treating at various times of the year.
Janssen's Livestock Marketing Manager Nigel Underwood hopes the film will be a great educational tool that will help both farmers and SQPs better understand the disease: "With ten easy to watch sections, people will be able to listen to the whole story or just dip into those areas where they feel they need to know more. With her long standing interest in the countryside and wildlife, Michaela Strachan was the perfect choice to present what can be a rather complex story and I'm sure everyone will enjoy her clear explanation of the facts."
To request a DVD or for further information, please contact Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG. Tel 01494 567555 Fax 01494 567556 Email:
The British Veterinary Association has reacted to the Comprehensive Spending Review announced by the Government.
BVA President, Harvey Locke said: "Clearly this is a substantial hit on Defra's overall budget but there are some elements to welcome.
"We are pleased with the commitment to protecting the science base and Defra's clear focus on tackling TB and we await with interest future announcements on how the Government plans to introduce responsibility and cost sharing.
"However, the Government has put a lot of emphasis on securing flood defences within Defra's budget and we remain concerned that other crucial animal health and welfare issues could be further squeezed in this massively reduced budget.
"The BVA will continue to champion these health and welfare issues to ensure they remain a priority for the Department."
A PVC-U window company based in Oldham has launched a new range of animal cages specifically for use in veterinary surgeries, animal rescue centres, kennels and catteries.
Liversidge Windows was approached by its local animal rescue centre Pennine Pen last year to build a series of bespoke cages for its sick animals, and the company says the results were so successful that it is now marketing the range nationwide.
Ian Liversidge, Managing Director of Liversidge Windows, said: "Once we started building the cages, we wondered why no one had thought of it before. Our REHAU PVC-U is the perfect material for this application and overcomes all of the problems associated with the steel or wooden alternatives."
He added: "The cages exploit all of the inherent benefits of PVC-U as a construction material to deliver a safe, hygienic and warm environment for virtually any kind of pet.
"They are robust and durable and overcome all of the maintenance and cleaning problems normally associated with plywood or steel cages. They are hygienic and easy to wipe clean, with a smooth internal and external surface which does not harbour germs or disease."
Weather proof for either indoor or outdoor use, Liversidge says they are also much warmer than cages made with conventional materials and can also be supplied with insulated panels for additional comfort.
Liversidge can design pens to customers' own sizes and specifications, with options including double or single accommodation, left or right hand door opening and castors if required. They are supplied fully assembled and can be delivered nationwide.
Further details are available at:
Mary Bale, 45, has been banned from keeping animals for five years today after she admitted causing unnecessary suffering to a cat which she dumped in a wheelie bin, in a case brought by the RSPCA.
Bale, of St Michael's Road, Coventry, was also fined £265 and ordered to pay the costs of the case, which totalled £1,171.
Coventry magistrates' court heard how Bale picked up the four-year-old tabby cat, named Lola, outside the cat's home in Brays Lane, Coventry, and put her into the bin on Saturday 21 August this year.
Lola's owners, Stephanie and Darryl Andrews-Mann, discovered their cat inside the wheelie bin the next day. She had been there for approximately 15 hours.
Upon viewing their CCTV the owners saw Bale approach Lola, who was sitting on a garden wall. She then looked both ways before picking the cat up by the scruff of her neck and dropping her into the bin.
The RSPCA was alerted after the footage was posted on the internet and Bale was identified.
District Judge Caroline Goulborn said: "I accept that you were in a stressful situation but that is no excuse. The potential to cause harm to the cat was substantial."
RSPCA inspector Nicola Foster said: "This was a deliberate act and could have had far worse consequences as the defendant had no way of knowing if there was anything like broken glass in the bin, nor how long the cat would be there before she was found, nor if the bin was due to be emptied.
"We are pleased that the Court agreed that a complete disregard was shown for the cat's welfare and that the cat suffered/cat's needs were not met as a result of being stuck inside the bin for so many hours.
"However, we hope that this sentence will act as a deterrent to anyone who feels that it is acceptable to mistreat animals in any way."
In mitigation, Bale said that her father had been taken to hospital following a fall. She said she walked past the house daily and regularly stroked Lola. She said she had asked herself on an hourly basis since the incident why she had put Lola in the bin, but had no answer.
The RCVS is holding a session at the London Vet Show on Saturday 23rd October from 8:30am-9:30am to provide guidance and advice concerning the work your nursing team does in practice.
As the RCVS says, the recent Panorama programme "It shouldn't happen at a vets'" was a stark reminder of the importance of ensuring that all practice staff are working within the appropriate legal framework.
The session will answer such questions as:
Because of the early start, the RCVS is providing breakfast from 8:15am, though I wouldn't get your hopes up for eggs benedict and freshly smoked Loch Fyne kippers.
The RCVS says the session will be relevant for all members of the practice team, but that if you can't make the session, they will be on hand to discuss VN legislation on stand M26.