The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons is claiming that: "owners can now be confident homeopathic medicines can be effective for common canine and feline conditions in many animals, following a recently published clinical study."
In what the BAHVS says was the largest-ever study of its type, the Clinical Outcomes survey has identified a number of clinical conditions in dogs and cats that homeopathic veterinary surgeons believe may be promising targets for future research in veterinary homeopathy.
In the study, twenty-one homeopathic vets in the UK recorded data from their patients over a 12-month period, and collected information from a total of 1500 dogs and 400 cats. The most frequently treated feline conditions overall were dermatitis, renal failure, overgrooming, arthritis and hyperthyroidism. The most commonly recorded canine conditions were dermatitis, arthritis, pyoderma, colitis and fear. By owners' assessments, a moderate or major improvement was reported overall for 68% of dogs and 63% of cats.
The authors of the study concluded that a programme of controlled research in homeopathy for frequently-treated feline and canine conditions is clearly indicated.
John Alborough, co-publisher of said: "I also find that if I shove toenail clippings up my bottom, it totally cures my indigestion."
ReferenceMathie RT, Baitson ES, Hansen L, Elliott MF, Hoare J. Homeopathic prescribing for chronic conditions in feline and canine veterinary practice. Homeopathy 2010; 99: 243-248.
William McEwan BSc MRes PhD, now working at the MRC-Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, has been awarded the ABCD and Merial Young Scientist of the Year Award 2010 for his work on the replication and cross-species transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus infection in domestic cats and lions, and the restriction factors in these species in particular.
Dr McEwan said: "Understanding the means by which host species are able to prevent viral replication gives us insight to the mechanisms of infection and may allow us to engineer therapy based on similar mechanisms or by enhancing immune responses."
The award was presented by Professor Marian C. Horzinek, Chair of the European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases (ABCD) and of the award jury. He said: "William McEwan presented a very original, high quality paper. His research has indicated the ability of hosts to potently restrict retroviral replication - given sufficient evolutionary time. It has also highlighted felids as a taxon that is potentially highly prone to cross-species transmission of immunodeficiency viruses".
The ABCD and Merial Young Scientist Award, created in 2008 and worth 1000 €, is funded by Merial and is presented to a young scientist in veterinary or biomedical science, who has made an original contribution in the field of feline infectious diseases and/or immunology. Applicants should have published their findings in a journal listed in PubMed or Web of Science or have had them accepted by another recognised assessing body.
Candidates should be based in Europe, have completed a veterinary or biomedical curriculum, and be under 35 years of age at the time of application. Applications for the 2011 award are now being invited (deadline 15 January 2011). For more information, visit:
A quick poll carried out by Michael Woodhouse amongst the members of VetSurgeon suggests that the majority of UK veterinary surgeons do not brush their own dog's teeth.
98 members took part in the survey, as follows:
Dechra Veterinary Products has launched the first in a series of 'How To' videos for pet owners which are now available online at and via youtube
In the videos, Louise O'Dwyer, Head Nurse at Petmedics in Manchester demonstrates how pet owners can complete simple tasks to look after their animals.
Carol Morgan, Product Manager at Dechra, said: "The feedback we get from vets suggests that pet owners would welcome advice and guidance on how to complete simple tasks. Many owners have a fear of getting it wrong so just don't do it. For example, when it comes to cleaning their pets ears, owners are concerned that it could be difficult to do or that they may hurt their pet. As these simple tasks are very important to the health of all pets, we decided to produce the videos as helpful tools for pet owners. They show owners what to do in easy to follow steps. By effectively carrying out these procedures, owners can also reduce the risk of their pet having problems in the future."
In addition to "How To Shampoo Your Dog" and "How To Pill A Cat", "How To Clean A Dog's Ears" and "How To Clean A Cat's Ears" will be available shortly.
Louise O'Dwyer, Head Nurse at Petmedics in Manchester, added: "To us it is quite straightforward but any of the four activities we have focused on can be quite stressful for pet owners. If anyone has ever had to give a pill to a cat, they will know how difficult this can be. The videos are simple to follow and demonstrate how to complete each task, with clear verbal instructions. We really hope this will help to overcome some of the fears and help pet owners in looking after their pets."
Incidentally, if your own practice website is short on video content, you might like to consider adding (or 'embedding') the videos on your site. Because they are hosted on youtube, it is very simple to do, even DIY.
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has announced that Metricure is now back in stock and available from the veterinary wholesalers with immediate effect.
Metricure is the only licensed intra-uterine antibiotic for the treatment of endometritis and is specially designed for the anaerobic intra-uterine environment.
The company would like to thank the profession for its patience and understanding, and looks forward to supporting vets striving to improve fertility on clients' farms.
Please contact the Intervet/Schering-Plough Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685 if you require any further information.
A study published in the Veterinary Record has shown that Plerion, the broad-spectrum anthelmintic combination preparation for dogs (5 mg pyrantel + 20 mg oxantel + 5 mg praziquantel per kg body weight) is an efficacious and well-tolerated treatment against all important endoparasites, according to manufacturers Intervet Schering-Plough Animal Health.
In addition, because Plerion is formulated as a flavored chewable tablet, the product was readily consumed by the vast majority of dogs.
Although the product has been on the market in the UK since last year, this is the first time that the evidence for its efficacy has been published in the public domain.
Linda Horspool BVMS, PhD, DipECVPT, MRCVS, Global Technical Director Companion Animal Pharmaceuticals at Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health said: "Pyrantel, oxantel and praziquantel, the active ingredients of Plerion, are well-established anthelmintics, having been used successfully in humans and animals for decades. The combination of these ingredients in one preparation offers the possibility to eliminate relevant parasites from most dogs in a single treatment. Moreover, the good palatability of the flavored chewable tablets makes Plerion easy to give and helps owners to remember to treat their dogs regularly which contributes to adequate deworming".
The efficacy, safety and palatability of a single-dose treatment with Plerion were assessed after experimental as well as natural infection with common helminths such as whipworms, tapeworms and roundworms. In five controlled studies (48 treated dogs/49 untreated dogs) and three field studies (30 treated dogs), a total of 127 animals were included. In all comparisons, Plerion-treated dogs had statistically significantly lower worm counts than untreated dogs. Moreover, in treated dogs efficacy against whipworms (Trichuris vulpis) was more than 99 percent after experimental infection and 100 percent after natural infection. For roundworms (Toxocara canis), the corresponding figures were 94 and 100 percent, respectively. For tapeworms (Echinococcus granulosus), the efficacy was more than 99 percent after experimental infection.
The preparation was well-tolerated, evidenced by the finding that treatment of dogs with doses up to 6 times the recommended dose or twice the recommended dose on 3 consecutive days did not result in adverse changes in blood parameters, clinical findings or behavior.
In client-owned dogs, Plerion was readily consumed as demonstrated by the fact that 88 percent of dogs spontaneously accepted the tablet. The proportion of spontaneous acceptance appeared higher than the 78 percent that was obtained with another commercially available flavored reference preparation containing pyrantel, febantel and praziquantel.
Worm infestations in dogs are important parasites in terms of prevalence, pathogenicity and, occasionally, zoonotic impact. Therefore, the European Scientific Counsel on Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) has re-emphasized in its 2010 guideline update titled "Worm Control in Dogs and Cats" that veterinarians and pet owners (1) must take measures to protect pets from parasitic infestations, (2) protect the pet population from risks associated with travel and its consequent potential to change local parasite epidemiological situations through the export or import of non-endemic parasite species, and (3) should work together to reduce the risks associated with zoonotic transmission of parasitic diseases.
*ReferenceSchmid K, Rohdich N, Zschiesche E, Kok DJ, Allan MJ. Efficacy, safety and palatability of a new broad-spectrum anthelmintic formulation in dogs. Veterinary Record 2010;167:647-651
Dechra Pharmaceuticals PLC has announced that it has acquired the entire issued share capital of Genitrix Limited ("Genitrix") from its owner managers for an initial cash consideration of £5.4 million, with a further £0.8 million being payable upon achievement of specific milestones.
Dechra says the acquisition of Genitrix is consistent with its strategy to grow its international veterinary pharmaceutical business. In the year ended 31 March 2010, Genitrix achieved revenues of £2.4 million.
Ian Page, Chief Executive of Dechra, said: "Genitrix range of equine and companion animal products enhances and complements our UK product portfolio. Furthermore the recently approved canine epilepsy product, Libromide, provides future growth opportunities through potential mutual recognition in Europe. The acquisition is expected to be earnings enhancing in the first full year following ownership."
Guillaume Fournié and Dr Javier Guitian from the Royal Veterinary College - working with colleagues from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Imperial College - have developed a model to understand how live bird markets act as a "hub" of infection for domestic poultry and if rest days, during which such markets are emptied and disinfected, may reduce transmission.
The results are published today in Interface - the Journal of The Royal Society. PhD student Guillaume Fournié, who led the research, said: "Live bird markets can be a reservoir of infection for domestic poultry and may therefore be responsible for sustaining H5N1 HPAI virus circulation.
"Compared to interventions applied in farms - such as stamping out and vaccination - our model shows that frequent rest days are an effective means with which to reduce H5N1 HPAI infection rates. Furthermore, our model predicts that full market closure - as has been implemented in some countries such as Egypt and Vietnam - would only be slightly more effective than rest days to reduce transmission of the disease."
The models used in the study are based on the live bird market chain in Hong Kong and the analysis restricted to chickens. Fournié, who qualified to be a vet in Alfort in his native France, was awarded fully-funded studentships (tuition fees and a living allowance) in 2007 by The Bloomsbury Colleges - a consortium of six colleges of the University of London: Birkbeck, IoE, LSHTM, RVC, School of Oriental and African Studies, and The School of Pharmacy - to conduct the research.
Since December 2003 outbreaks of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPA1) affecting domestic poultry have been reported in 50 countries across the world. Massive economic losses and the pandemic threat make H5N1 HPAI one of the greatest current public health concerns.
A full copy of the report can be seen in Interface at
The Veterinary Karting Championship, organised by NVS, is proving a huge success, according to the company. At the half way stage of the championship, around two hundred drivers have already participated in regional events in Manchester, Edinburgh, Essex, Surrey and Reading.
Drivers arrive following evening surgery and change from veterinary uniforms into their race suits. All drivers receive race and safety briefings before heading off to meet their team mates and get a feel for the track during the practise session.
Racing lasts for an hour and a half, during which time teams have to use clever strategies and tactics to remain in pole position and avoid eviction from the track for foul play. At the end of the evening, all competitors get a goody bag and jacket, with each member of the winning team receiving a bottle of champagne, a trophy and certificate.
Caitrina Harrison, Sales & Marketing Director at National Veterinary Services, said: "All the evenings have been great fun and have certainly shown the competitive side of the veterinary profession. The ladies have definitely given the men a run for their money, especially in Scotland. Some drivers have been so inspired by the events that they are looking to host their own inter-practice championships next year."
The teams that have qualified so far for the National Final are: Manchester Bears, Essex Panthers, Scottish Bears (pictured), Reading Bears and Camberley Elks. There will be a break from racing over the festive period, with the next regional heat taking place in Bristol on Tuesday 18th January. Further heats will then be held in Birmingham, Loughborough, Aylesbury and Leeds, followed by the National Final on Sunday 20thMarch in Milton Keynes.
Caitrina Harrison continues: "NVS would like to thank the event sponsors for their support, which has been invaluable in making the championship happen. The championship sponsors are Agria Pet Insurance, Hill's Pet Nutrition, Dechra
The British Veterinary Association is delighted to announce the election of new chairmen for two of its standing committees.
Fred Landeg is the new chairman of the Veterinary Policy Group (VPG) and James Yeates is the new chairman of the Ethics and Welfare Group (EWG).
Both positions were filled at the first meetings of the Association year in November when Richard Harvey and Peter Jinman reached the end of their three-year terms as chairmen on VPG and EWG respectively.
Fred Landeg CBE BVetMed MSc MRCVS qualified from the Royal Veterinary College in 1971 and spent some time in veterinary practice before joining the Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food in 1975 as a Veterinary Officer. In 2004 he was appointed UK Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer and Director in Defra and became acting Director General and Chief Veterinary Officer in November 2007. He retired from public service at the end of April 2008. Mr Landeg said: "The UK veterinary profession is small and has a very wide range of diverse skills and specialisms. It will continue to become more diverse but in diversifying, if the profession is to continue to have influence, it must have a coherent public voice based on sound policies and respect for each other's specialism.
"The BVA provides that coherent voice and the VPG is a key component in developing BVA policy."
James Yeates BSc BVSc DWEL MRCVS qualified from Bristol in 2004 and worked as a veterinary surgeon, undertaking a bachelors degree in bioethics and starting a PhD in veterinary ethics. He is currently an RCVS diplomate in animal welfare science, ethics and law, an active member of the SPVS, and works as the BSAVA Petsavers/RSPCA Bristol Resident Scholar in Animal Welfare, Ethics and Law. Mr Yeates said: "Bringing together scientific, clinical and ethical insights, the BVA EWG is uniquely placed to give progressive recommendations about how we interact with animals. Animal owners, vets, retailers and our whole society have to make difficult ethical decisions about the millions of animals that rely on them for their care.
"There is so much that the profession does, and even more to do in the future. The EWG can provide a focal point for that progress."
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health is now supplying Cepravin dry cow antibiotic treatment in a new 'flexi-cap' tube which offers two ways of infusing the product into the cows' teats.
According to the company, the new cap is easier to remove and can be quickly flicked off with a fingernail, whilst the shorter, thinner nozzle option may reduce the chances of damaging the teat canal and teat end. Farmers can be assured that administering Cepravin dry cow therapy with a shorter, thinner nozzle still delivers the antibiotic where it needs to be, and at the correct dose.
Jennifer O'Connor, vet adviser at Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health said: "The teat canal is a vital barrier to infection. A gentle infusion technique is essential to avoid causing damage, reducing its ability to close properly and form a keratin plug to help keep infection out. We are delighted to be introducing an innovative development for one of the UK's most widely used dry cow tubes."
Two new edition's of Veterinary Focus, Royal Canin's free journal for companion animal veterinary surgeons are now available free of charge to UK vets.
Focus on Respiratory Disease includes features on brachycephalic syndrome, feline asthma, thoracic radiography of respiratory cases, canine fungal rhinitis, tracheobronchial foreign bodies in dogs and cats, emergency care of patients with acute respiratory distress, and respiratory parasitic diseases. Contributors include representatives from veterinary universities in Germany, Spain, Italy, the USA, and Argentina, and from the UK, Martin Sullivan BVMS, PhD, DVR, Dipl. ECVDI, MRCVS from Glasgow University and Mike Stafford Johnson, MVB, MRCVS, DVC Cert, SAM, MACVS from the Veterinary Cardiorespiratory Centre in Kenilworth.
Focus on Liver Disease includes features on feline inflammatory liver disease, canine portosystemic shunts, jaundice in the dog, extra-hepatic biliary system surgery, laboratory tests for liver disease, liver enzyme testing, diagnosis and treatment of liver tumours, and liver biopsy sampling. Contributors include representatives from veterinary universities in France, Spain, Italy, the USA, New Caledonia, Argentina, and Grenada, and from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Danielle Gunn-Moore, BSc. BVM&S, PhD, FHEA, MACVSc, MRCVS, Nicki Reed, BM&S, Cert VR.DSAM (Feline) Dipl. ECVIM-CA, MRCVS, and Kathryn Pratschke, MVB. MVM, Cert SAS, Dipl. ECVS, MRCVS.
Lee Danks, Royal Canin Veterinary Support manager, said: "Focus is a really interesting and informative publication, and with each issue focusing on a particular body system it offers a complete review of the latest thinking in each area. The contributors are all highly renowned in their individual fields, and being able to provide this kind of expertise to our veterinary partners is something we are really proud of."
Veterinary Focus is published in English, French, German, Chinese, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and Russian and reaches over 80,000 veterinary surgeons worldwide.
For a free copy of Focus, speak to your Royal Canin veterinary business manager, who will add you to the subscription list.
Pfizer Animal Health is advising vets and horse owners to be on guard against the threat of West Nile Virus (WNV) in the UK, following a spate of outbreaks of the disease in several European countries this year.
West Nile Virus has recently made headline news because of a human outbreak in Greece which resulted in a number of deaths. Outbreaks have also occurred in Russia, Romania and Italy during 2010. West Nile Fever is a viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes, which carry the virus after biting infected birds. Primarily occurring between July and October, in line with typical peak activity of mosquitoes, it can have serious consequences on human and equine health, with severe cases resulting in fatal neurological disease.
There is no cure, though supportive treatment can aid recovery. However if the disease progresses to a state where the animal is not able to stand up, their chance of survival is considered low. Prevention of infection is difficult, but any steps that reduce mosquito numbers or the likelihood of horses and people being bitten may help to reduce the risk in areas where the disease is present. However, the only way to reduce the risk of an individual horse developing disease due to WNV is through vaccination.
Ben Gaskell, Pfizer's equine veterinary advisor said: "West Nile Virus may well become a very real threat to both horses and humans in Northern Europe. It is important for vets, horse owners and infectious disease experts to work together to mitigate its impact in the event of the virus becoming endemic across Europe. The rapid spread of the disease across North America is an illustration of what could potentially happen in Europe and it is important to remember there is no curative treatment - the only way to prevent clinical disease in horses is by vaccination."
Pfizer Animal Health supports the PrEquID (Prevention of Equine Infectious Disease) group, which consists of internationally recognised equine and infectious disease experts. The group was formed to develop guidelines on the prevention and control of a number of equine infectious diseases, on a global basis.
Klaus Osterrieder, Professor and Chair in the Institut für Virologie in the Veterinärfakultät at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany and a member of the PrEquID group advises: "Horse owners should ask their veterinarian for advice on appropriate prevention measures. Experience has shown that adopting a prudent prevention strategy can be a very effective way of managing this devastating disease."
Further information on WNV is available at
The supermarket Morrisons is to launch new pet food packaging which will alert shoppers to the ideal portion size their cat or dog should be eating, in a bid to tackle the UK's growing pet obesity problem.
Morrisons is the first supermarket to add portion control guidance to the front of their pet food packaging, and it follows research from Petplan which found that 36% of all dogs and 29% of cats treated by vets are obese. In addition, 71% of vets agree that cases of obesity are continuing to rise.
Each packet of Morrisons pet food will provide the correct portion for a healthy weight pet and, according to the company, the packaging will communicate the amount of servings each product provides clearly.
Apparently, 70% of owners believe that their dog or cat has never been overweight, which shows that there is a level of confusion amongst owners as to how much their pet is eating. A further 83% do not even worry about giving their pet too much food. Morrisons is aiming to make it easier for pet lovers to ensure their animal doesn't put on any unnecessary weight especially with Christmas just around the corner and the temptation of being fed leftovers and treats.
According to vets asked by Petplan there are five main reasons for an obesity problem amongst household pets. They are:
John Cannan, New Product Development Manager for Pet Food at Morrisons said: "We've had feedback from our customers which says that they are often in the dark about how much food they should be buying and giving their pet. Our new packaging will ensure that shoppers have a clearer sense of portion sizes whilst also saving them some pennies"
Brian Faulkner Petplan Vet of the Year said: "It's great to see Morrisons taking the lead on this and helping shoppers make more informed decisions about what they are feeding their pet. Whilst it's normal to give your animal a treat every now and then, pets do need to follow healthy regimes just like we do. Keeping your pet fit and healthy will ultimately save you money on veterinary bills as well."
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has postponed judgment on sanction for 12 months in the case of a Hampshire veterinary surgeon found guilty of serious professional misconduct for cumulative failures to provide adequate professional care, and insufficient regard for animal welfare whilst treating a dog.
At a hearing which concluded last Thursday, Peter Ardle MacMahon MRCVS faced a six-part charge after working as a locum for Vets Now at North End in Portsmouth where, on the night of 14/15 July 2009, he treated Wilfred, a Cocker Spaniel who had ingested broken glass along with raw mince.
The Committee found that, having decided that surgery was an appropriate treatment, Mr MacMahon had not removed the glass identified on a radiograph. Nor had he even superficially searched the stomach contents he had evacuated to check that a large piece of glass he had previously identified on the radiograph had been removed. He had also not taken adequate steps to prevent contamination of Wilfred's abdominal cavity prior to the incision to the stomach.
Mr MacMahon admitted he knew there had been considerable spillage of stomach contents into Wilfred's abdomen. The Committee found that, with this knowledge, for Mr MacMahon to use only 250ml of fluid to lavage the abdomen was inadequate. This contributed to the Spaniel developing chemical peritonitis which might have developed into septic peritonitis but for a second operation the next morning, after the dog had been returned to the care of his usual veterinary practice. The Committee also expressed concern that Mr MacMahon had failed to effectively communicate the abdominal contamination to Wilfred's usual vets when he was handed back into their care.
Taken as individual allegations, these would not, in the opinion of the Committee, constitute serious professional misconduct. However, the Committee was of the view that, taken cumulatively, the charges were proved, and therefore the treatment given to Wilfred, fell far short of the standard to be expected in the profession.
When considering mitigating and aggravating factors, the Committee accepted that Mr MacMahon and the veterinary nurse assisting him were unfamiliar with the premises in which they were working, resulting in a difficulty in locating important equipment, and there were also multiple urgent cases during the evening the operation took place. The Committee also noted that 17 months had passed since the operation, and no further complaints against Mr MacMahon had been received by the RCVS.
The Committee further took into account that Mr MacMahon had little recent experience, having returned to practising veterinary medicine in January 2009, following almost ten years spent outside the veterinary profession. During this hiatus he undertook no continuing professional development (CPD), and completed only a five-week period of supervised practice prior to re-entering the profession.
Mrs Caroline Freedman, Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee said: "The Respondent placed himself in this situation: he knew that he had been out of practice for ten years, had not done any formal CPD during that time and chose to accept an appointment to work as a locum in a sole-charge out-of-hours emergency clinic. A foremost aggravating factor is that animal welfare was adversely affected. A non-critical patient was placed at risk by the Respondent's failures."
The Committee reiterated that the purpose of sanctions was not to be punitive, but to protect animal welfare, to maintain public confidence in the profession and to maintain professional standards. "A postponement of judgment, with suitable undertakings from the Respondent, is the correct course of action," said Mrs Freedman. Mr MacMahon has subsequently signed undertakings relating to CPD in both surgical and medical disciplines, and the Committee has postponed for 12 months its judgment as to any further sanction.
Genitrix has launched a free epilepsy faxback advice service for veterinary practices prescribing Libromide.
A form downloadable from the Genitrix website will enable practices to provide detailed case histories, and challenging canine epilepsy cases will be reviewed by Dr Clare Rusbridge, RCVS and European Specialist in veterinary neurology. Clare runs a small animal neurology referral practice based at the Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital in South London. She is board certified by the European College of Veterinary Neurology.
Launched earlier this year, Libromide is the first and only licensed formulation of potassium bromide for refractory canine epilepsy. Rob Watkins, Marketing Director at Genitrix, said: "When we launched Libromide, it was our goal to ensure that generalist practices, which may not deal with cases every week, were given more accurate guidance and advice on treating canine epilepsy than was possible when only unlicensed products were available.
"Our subsequent launch of the discounted blood test, the dosing wheel and now the Libromide Epilepsy Advice Service through Clare, are examples of our commitment to achieving this goal.
"The advice service is aimed specifically at practices which are finding it difficult to control seizures or which have a patient experiencing unusual side effects, even after receiving dosing advice from Genitrix. I hope that having Clare's experience and expertise 'on tap' for challenging cases will prove reassuring for our customers."
For more information on the Libromide Epilepsy Advice Service, practices are asked to call Genitrix' head office on 01403 786345.
The British Veterinary Association has contacted the BBC programme 'Countryfile' following the broadcast of an item on identifying wild ponies in North Wales using 'ear marking' on 31st October 2010.
The programme visited a farmer in Snowdonia during the annual health check during which the wild ponies are brought into the town with support from the Countryside Council for Wales. During the programme presenter Jules Hudson asked the owner of the ponies, farmer Gareth Wyn Jones, how he can tell which pony is which. Gareth Wyn Jones explained that each pony has 'special ear marks' and there was footage of ponies with both ear tags and ear notches (marks or cuts). However, ear notching is no longer permitted under the Animal Welfare Act.
The BVA contacted Countryfile expressing concern at the programme's contents and asking for a clarification to be made. Countryfile responded to explain they were not aware of the law in relation to ear notching and tagging but that they would undertake to clarify the facts in a future programme.
The BVA has also been contacted by the pony welfare charity People4Ponies expressing concern about the ongoing practice of ear notching and tagging in England and Wales.
In light of the programme the BVA is asking its members to remind horse and pony-owning clients that ear tagging and ear notching are not permitted in Great Britain under the Animal Welfare Act as they do not appear in the list under Schedule 1 of the Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) Regulations 2007 (or under the Animal Health and Welfare [Scotland] Act).
Since July 2010 there has been a legal requirement that all horses and ponies are permanently identified by microchip (with some small exceptions) and the BVA believes this removes the need for any other form of identification, such as ear marking and hot branding, even for wild equids.
The BVA will also contact Local Government Regulation (the new name for LACORS - the Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services) and the Welsh Local Government Association to ensure that those with responsibility for policing animal health and welfare legislation in England and Wales are taking the appropriate action.
Harvey Locke, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "This is a simple fact of legality and it appears there was widespread ignorance of the rules amongst all those taking part in the programme.
"As veterinary surgeons we have a responsibility to work with clients to ensure they are complying with animal health and welfare legislation. Ear mutilations are not permitted and we must make sure that message is reaching horse and pony owners.
"The BVA will also be contacting those responsible for enforcing the legislation relating to ear mutilations in horses and ponies to make sure the law is being policed."
To mark today's European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2010, the British Veterinary Association is warning veterinary surgeons in the UK that failure to use antimicrobials responsibly could result in their use being restricted.
The BVA promotes the responsible use of antimicrobials and last year published a poster and guidance for vets: 'Responsible use of antimicrobials in veterinary practice: the 8-point plan'. According to the association, the poster received very positive feedback from across the UK and from the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE).
Concerns regarding resistance to antimicrobials and antibiotics span both the human and animal medicine fields and in 2008 the Chief Medical Officer called for a ban on the use of certain types of antibiotics in animals in order to protect their activity in humans.
Furthermore some EU Member States already restrict the availability of antimicrobials to veterinary surgeons and adopt a strict formulary approach to the medicines that they can prescribe. The BVA says it is concerned that this trend will reach the UK and the freedom of vets to prescribe according to their clinical judgement will be restricted.
Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "Antimicrobial resistance is an enormous problem for both human and animal health. As veterinary surgeons we have a duty to use these medicines responsibly for the good of animal health and welfare as well as public health.
"The BVA's poster on responsible use should be displayed in veterinary practices across the UK as a constant reminder, and I would urge all vets to refer to it.
"Failure to heed the message of responsible use could result in vets losing the right to prescribe certain medicines, which could have a significant impact on animal health and welfare.
"On Antibiotic Awareness Day our message to vets is clear: use them responsibly or lose them."
Fitzpatrick Referrals has announced the launch of a new outpatients diagnostic imaging service, available to all primary care veterinary surgeons.
According to the practice, its Siemens CT and closed field MRI scanners are among the most advanced in small animal practice in the world, and enable more accurate and timely diagnosis of both routine and potentially life-threatening conditions, including tumours. The practice is now making these scanners available to outpatients from primary care practices.
The service will be available 7 days a week, from 09:00hrs to 21:00hrs. Primary care vets can access the service directly and schedule an appointment at a time convenient to them and their patient, without the need of referral. The qualified team of radiographers at Fitzpatrick will operate the scanners and all scans will be complemented by detailed imaging reports created and sent electronically by Vet CT Specialists, a teleradiology company headed by radiology specialist Victoria Johnson BVSc DVR DipECVDI MRCVS.
Fitzpatrick Referrals says it acknowledges that many primary care veterinary surgeons do not have the resources to provide advanced diagnostic imaging on site, so it is very pleased to be able to offer its CT and MRI suite to help expedite diagnosis, whilst the patient remains under direct supervision by the referring practice and the patient is immediately returned to their care thereafter. This can be an extension of the service offered by the primary care clinician to the client, hopefully resulting in rapid and appropriate treatment for the patient and expanding the range of services offered by practices to their clients.
Dr Noel Fitzpatrick, Director said: "It's as if the MRI and CT were actually in your own practice, because our facility is just an extension of your care package and you can advertise it as such. This improves the profile of your practice and enhances the bond of the client with the referring practice whilst facilitating appropriate intervention in a timely fashion. All types of scanning, soft tissue, orthopaedic and neurologic, can be catered for and all patients will be cared for and monitored by qualified veterinary nurses at a time to suit the owner. I see this as a win-win situation. If the primary care clinician needs any further help with the case, they can just ask on the day. Seven-day week advanced diagnostic imaging is now within the grasp of each and every practice, marking a new era of an integrated team approach to efficient cost-effective diagnosis and treatment."
To book an appointment, call Fitzpatrick Referrals on 01483 423761 and in due course there will be an online booking facility. For more information on the Outpatients Diagnostic Imaging Service, call Simon Hester on 07802 584133 or visit
Animalcare has launched Florgane, a novel, patented, long acting florfenicol 300mg/ml suspension which the company says has significant advantages over existing organic solvent-based florfenicol products on the market when used for the treatment and prevention of bovine respiratory disease (BRD).
Florgane is an aqueous, low viscosity advanced formulation, which, claims Animalcare, means that it is easier to inject even at temperatures as low as 5°C. Low temperature syringeability is important, as a large number of calves may need to be treated during colder weather at a time when the challenge from infectious agents is greatest. A syringeability study apparently demonstrated that Florgane is up to five times faster to administer when compared to the leading florfenicol non-aqueous formulation.
A paper on the treatment of naturally occurring respiratory disease with Florgane was presented recently at the British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) Congress in Torquay. According to the company, the multi-centre field studies in Belgium, Germany and Italy, in over 400 cattle with bodyweights ranging between 73-180kg, demonstrated that Florgane given by a single intramuscular injection, at a 25% lower dose of 30mg/kg, is as efficacious as non-aqueous florfenicol 40mg/kg administered by subcutaneous injection, measured by treatment success and relapses.
Post mortem examination at day 27 (meat withdrawal of 37 days) confirmed that, despite being given via the intramuscular route, Florgane is well tolerated at the site of injection due to its aqueous base and physiological pH. Maximum volume per injection site is 15ml allowing calves up to 150kg to be treated.
Animalcare adds that a further advantage of Florgane is that it persists in plasma above the MICs for the three most common pathogens for significantly longer than conventional extended action 300mg/ml florfenicol solution preparations - thereby prolonging bacterial killing time. Therefore, owing to its improved bioavailability and excellent pharmacokinetics, Florgane can be given at an easy to remember dose of 1ml per 10kg.
Tony Liepman, Marketing Manager at Animalcare said: "Using Florgane will result in faster administration, resulting in less stress for the calves and a saving in time and money for the farmer."
Florgane is presented in polypropylene 100ml and 250ml multi-dose vials with a three year shelf-life.
For more information, visit
Ceva Animal Health has launched Hepatosyl Plus, a development of the liver support supplement for cats and dogs.
Hepatosyl Plus contains the same ingredients as the original product but now also includes Silybin. According to the company, Silybin is the most active isomer of Silybum marianum (milk thistle) which acts as an antioxidant by increasing cellular superoxide dismutase. It joins S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) and Vitamin E to create a triple antioxidant approach to liver support, helping to neutralise free radicals within the liver. Ceva also says Hepatosyl Plus is the only liver supplement to contain Vitamin K, which is needed by the liver for the production of clotting factors II, VII, IX and X, making it ideally suited for pre- and post-anaesthetic liver support.
Hepatosyl Plus is available in 50mg, 100mg and 200mg sprinkle capsules. For anaesthetic support, Hepatosyl Plus should be administered for one week prior to and following anaesthesia. For long-term use, the capsules should be given once daily for 2-3 months and then reduced to every other day for ongoing maintenance.
For further information, please contact your local CEVA Animal Health territory manager or call 01494 781510.
HMRC has published advice concerning the forthcoming increase in the rate of VAT, from 17.5% to 20% on Tuesday 4th January 2011.
From 4th January, you will need to charge the new 20% VAT rate on all standard-rated sales you make and all retail takings your receive.
The new VAT fraction for the 20 per cent rate is 1/6 (used to calculate the VAT element of standard-rated gross takings).
If your business issues VAT invoices, you must use the new 20 per cent rate for all VAT invoices you issue on or after 4 January, which are issued within 14 days (or longer period that has been agreed with HMRC) of you providing the goods or services.
Supplies that span the rate changeIf you supply goods or services before 4 January 2011, but issue a VAT invoice on or after that date, you can choose to charge VAT at 17.5 per cent.
Continuous supplies of servicesFor a contract that started before 4 January you can choose to charge the old rate, 17.5 per cent, on services actually performed before 4 January, and the new rate of 20 per cent on the value of services actually performed after.
Reclaiming VATFrom 4 January 2011, you may receive VAT invoices with the new 20 per cent rate, as well as VAT invoices with the old 17.5 per cent rate for goods or services you bought before the rate changed. In such cases, you should claim back VAT at the rate shown on the invoice.
Completing a VAT returnThe deadlines for submitting VAT returns remain the same, so you should continue to submit VAT returns in the usual way - whether you send them monthly, quarterly or annually. For returns that span the change in rate, you will need to add together both the VAT on sales charged at 17.5 per cent and those charged at 20 per cent. You then put this total in box 1 of your VAT return.
Countering arrangements designed to take advantage of the VAT rate changeIn order to counter businesses taking advantage of the VAT rate change by making arrangements that aim to apply the 17.5 per cent VAT rate to goods or services to be delivered or performed on or after 4 January 2011, anti-forestalling legislation has been introduced. Further details of this can be found in the web link below.
Further informationHMRC has published detailed guidance on the rate change, which can be found at
Dechra Veterinary Products has launched a new CPD programme covering Feline Hyperthryoidism, Canine Hyperadrenoncorticism and Otitis Externa.
The CPD is available both as face-to-face sessions, and online at
The face-to-face sessions are taking place at various locations throughout the country and run until the end of June 2011. There is no charge for veterinary surgeons and nurses to attend, and each session counts as two hours CPD.
The Feline Hyperthyroidism CPD session will cover pathophysiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment options. The Hyperadrencorticism CPD will focus on the diagnosis and treament of hyperadrenocorticism. The Otitis Externa CPD event will focus on the approach to acute cases, with subjects including ear anatomy and physiology, causes of otitis externa and treatments available. Two cases studies, developed in association with Peter Forsythe, an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology, will provide practical advice on how to manage dogs with otitis externa in practice.
To find out more about Dechra's CPD sessions or reserve places, call Lisa Isherwood on 01939 211 200.
The Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has approved a new Health Protocol, which formalises a more compassionate approach to veterinary surgeons with health problems.
The Protocol will allow - in appropriate circumstances - veterinary surgeons (and, from next year, registered veterinary nurses) who suffer from health concerns affecting their ability to practise safely, to have the matter dealt with confidentially, without going to a full public Disciplinary Committee hearing.
It will allow individuals to access appropriate support and help away from the public spotlight, while ensuring that they do not put animals or the public at risk.
According to independent legal advice sought by the College, such an approach is appropriate and necessary in order for the College to fulfil its regulatory responsibilities - similar systems exist within other regulators.
The draft Protocol was the subject of consultation amongst the profession and the public over summer. Proposed amendments to the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct, to support the introduction of the Health Protocol, were also approved in the November meeting.
RCVS Head of Professional Conduct, Gordon Hockey said: "The Protocol encourages anyone coming into contact with veterinary surgeons - including other veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses, members of practice staff, clients and healthcare professionals - who have concerns about a veterinary surgeon's health to report those concerns to the RCVS as soon as is reasonably practicable.
"Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses who are concerned about the health of a veterinary surgeon must also take steps to ensure that animals are not put at risk and that the interests of the public, including those of their colleagues, are protected."
The Royal Veterinary College has announced the appointment of Professor Stuart Reid as its new Principal and the successor to Professor Quintin McKellar.
Professor Reid BVMS, PhD, DVM, DipECVPH, FRSE, MRCVS, joins the RVC from the University of Glasgow, where he was Professor of Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology and Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine. He will take up his new role on 1st January 2011.
Professor Reid began his career in 1987 as an Assistant Veterinary Surgeon before joining the University of Glasgow as a Clinical Research Scholar in 1988. In 1992 he assumed the role of Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University and was promoted to Senior Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in 1994. He was appointed to the first joint Chair between the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow in 1997, as Professor of Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology. In 2004 he became Associate Dean of Research and, in 2005, he became Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
"I am delighted and honoured to be joining the Royal Veterinary College at this important time." said Professor Reid. "The RVC has an enviable heritage and is a world leader in terms of its innovation and leadership in veterinary education, research and clinical service. I recognise that I am enormously privileged to be moving from a great School to a great College and I look forward to building on the successes achieved by RVC under Principal McKellar at the same time as rising to the challenges of a new funding environment."
Professor Quintin McKellar was appointed Principal in August 2004. He leaves the RVC to take the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hertfordshire.
Chairman of the RVC Council, The Right Hon the Baroness Shephard of Northwold, said: "Great strides have been made under Professor McKellar's dynamic leadership, and I am sure I speak for all at the College when I say we will be sad to see him go. We look forward to welcoming Professor Stuart Reid, and firmly believe that his experience and distinguished academic record will assist the Royal Veterinary College in strengthening its position over the coming years."