BEVA is giving its members the opportunity to participate in a free practice benchmarking survey, to help them ensure their business is being run as efficiently and profitably as possible. The results of the research will be released at BEVA Congress, 7th-10th September 2011.
The Association has worked with Hazlewoods, chartered accountants and business advisors to the veterinary profession, to develop a detailed benchmarking questionnaire for equine veterinary practices, which allows businesses to compare their practice, anonymously, with other similar practices. The report should identify areas for profit improvement, including practice structure and pricing and may also highlight other potential methods of income generation.
Mark Beaney, partner at Hazlewoods and specialist advisor to the veterinary profession, said: "This is a super opportunity for equine practices to obtain helpful, free advice on how to fine-tune their business for maximum efficiency, delivery and profit. The questionnaire should take no more than half an hour to complete and in return we will provide you with a confidential individual report, with your practice data benchmarked."
Mark will present an overall report on the equine veterinary market at BEVA Congress on Saturday 10th September. All participating practices will remain anonymous. The benchmarking survey can be downloaded from the BEVA website at: and must be completed by 30th June 2011.
BEVA Congress runs from 7th-10th September 2011 at the Liverpool Arena Convention Centre, Liverpool. This year BEVA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary - for further information and to register visit
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association is inviting nominations for its 2012 awards.
The awards, which recognise the achievements of veterinary surgeons around the world in advancing the care of companion animals, are made annually and will be presented during the 2012 WSAVA World Congress in Birmingham from 12-15 April 2012.
Nominations for the 2011 awards have already closed and will be presented at this year's event, which takes place in Jeju, Korea from 14-17 October.
Nominations are invited for the following awards:
The WSAVA Hill's Pet Mobility Award This recognises the outstanding work of a clinical researcher in the field of canine and feline orthopaedic medicine and surgery. Through improvements in the mobility and quality of life of pets, the research should have contributed significantly to the well-being of pets' lives and to the human-animal bond worldwide.
The WSAVA Hill's Excellence in Veterinary Healthcare AwardThis recognises the outstanding work of a veterinary surgeon in promoting companion animal health care and the human-animal-veterinary bond through leading edge clinical nutrition and through advanced medical and surgical techniques which enrich relationships between people and their pets.
The WSAVA International Award for Scientific Achievement This recognises the outstanding contribution of a veterinary surgeon who has furthered the advancement of knowledge of the cause, detection and management of disorders in companion animals.
In addition to these awards, the WSAVA Executive Board makes a special additional award for Service to the Profession. The award recognises exemplary service by a vet to foster and enhance the exchange of scientific and professional ideas throughout the world. For 2012, the award will again be sponsored by Dr John and Mary Holt, Past WSAVA President and Service to the Profession Award recipient, both of whom remain well recognized supporters of the profession.
Finally, the WSAVA's Global One Health Award will also be presented to an individual judged to have made particular progress in an aspect of One Health relating to companion animals. A second award aimed at encouraging younger members of the profession to embrace One Health will also be made to the individual who gives an oral or poster presentation at the 2012 Congress which best encapsulates the One Health concept. The recipients of these awards are nominated by members of the WSAVA's Scientific Advisory and One Health Committees in conjunction with the Local Hosting Committee.
Professor Jolle Kirpensteijn, President of the WSAVA, said: "It's important to recognise and celebrate the outstanding work of our colleagues around the world as they continue to advance the care of companion animals. The developments and scientific breakthroughs they work so hard to achieve are helping to improve the daily quality of life and health experienced by many millions of animals around the world.
"A WSAVA Award confers recognition and gratitude from the global veterinary community. Each year, we receive a higher number of entries and we look forward to reviewing the nominations for the 2102 awards. We are, of course, grateful to Hill's Pet Nutrition for its generous sponsorship and for its continuing support of the WSAVA. The awards are just one of the ways in which we work to deliver our joint vision to foster the development of veterinary knowledge on a global scale."
Nominations must be received by the WSAVA Secretariat by 1 September 2011 and can be submitted by email ( or post. They should include a covering letter, nominee CV and list of nominee publications. Full contact details are at
The BSAVA has launched a series of client information sheets for drugs commonly used off-label.
The information sheets were the brainchild of Professor Ian Ramsey, Editor-in-Chief of the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary. He said: "As a referral vet I write a lot of letters to owners and vets that include instructions about the drugs that I am prescribing or dispensing for a patient. Often these drugs are unusual or cytotoxic, and are very commonly only authorized for human patients. As Editor of the Formulary I am acutely aware of the responsibility that I have for making sure owners understand what these drugs are for and what the side effects might be."
The BSAVA says it hopes the leaflets will overcome the challenge veterinary surgeons have in remembering all the drug information that needs to be related to clients, and the problem of clients forgetting what they have been told verbally by the clinician during a consultation.
In addition to a basic introduction to the Prescribing Cascade, each of the client leaflets provides the following information:
The first batch of client information leaflets, which relate to the following medications prescribed for dogs and cats, is now available for members to download from the BSAVA website (
Each of the leaflets has a space for veterinary practices to add their details before distributing them to their clients, and the BSAVA says more may be added during 2011.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded and warned a Clwyd-based veterinary surgeon on charges relating to falsifying prescriptions to obtain drugs for her own use.
At the outset of the two-day hearing, Mrs Alina Grecko admitted that in 2009 she had written out three prescriptions for her own use whilst working as a veterinary surgeon at Greenfield Veterinary Surgery, Holywell, Clywd, and that this amounted to serious professional misconduct. The Committee found this to be the case, and said she was right to admit it. The Committee also said this was deliberate wrong-doing on three separate occasions and involved an obvious breach of Mrs Grecko's legal duties in relation to prescription which was bound to diminish the profession and public confidence in it. It was also a flagrant breach of the Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons.
In the Committee's opinion the charge was a serious one; it involved falsehoods and disregard of legal obligations and of the profession's standards, as well as compromising another professional - a pharmacist. In mitigation, however, the Committee accepted that the offence involved no harm to any animal or person, nor risk of harm except to herself; nor was there financial gain. Mrs Grecko was a young and relatively inexperienced veterinary surgeon, and the Committee's view was that the offence was the result of her not thinking straight at a time of great stress in her personal and professional life, rather than a clearly thought out course of deliberate conduct. It was in no doubt that Mrs Grecko was genuinely remorseful about her behaviour and had insight into its seriousness.
The Committee also considered evidence relating to the circumstances in which the prescription came to be written. It accepted the general case that the original idea of self-prescribing did not come from Mrs Grecko; however, the Committee did not find that she had been encouraged or persuaded; the most that could be said was that Mrs Grecko had taken up a casual suggestion that she might write the prescription herself.
When deciding on sanction, the Committee took into account both the facts of the particular case and the mitigating factors. It reiterated that the primary purpose of the sanction is not to punish the Respondent but to protect the welfare of animals, to maintain public confidence in the profession, and to uphold proper standards of conduct and said the sanction applied must be proportionate to the nature and extent of the Respondent's conduct, and weigh the public interest with the interests of the Respondent. The Committee also said that in a case involving the writing of false prescriptions the importance of public confidence in the profession and of upholding the standards of the profession mean that the Committee would normally feel that at least a suspension from the Register should be imposed.
Having given anxious consideration to the question whether that course could properly be avoided in this case, the Committee felt able to take an exceptional course and the sanctions it has imposed are that the Respondent will both be reprimanded and warned as to her future conduct. It directed that these sanctions will remain on her record indefinitely.
The five talented winners of the "Vets in your daily life" competition were announced today by DG SANCO, the European Commission's Directorate General for Health and Consumers and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).
DG SANCO launched the worldwide photography competition earlier this year, to coincide with World Vet Year 2011, celebrating the 250th anniversary of the veterinary profession. The five winners are: Somenath Mukhopadhyay (Winner for Asia), Genoveva Kriechbaum (Winner for Middle East), Molly Feltner (Winner for Africa), Ariel Alejandro Corvalán Herrera (Winner for the Americas) and István Konyhás (Winner for Europe). István Konyhás, European winner and leader of the Hungarian Working Group of Cranes said: "The photo I took in Hortobagy's Bird Hospital (a foundation set up for healing injured wild birds) highlights the care put into healing an injured stork. It also reflects the meticulousness of Dr János Déri trying to re-instate the lost parts of the stork's beak with dental treatment. As a volunteer of the foundation I have taken photos of their work for years so I am pleased to be one of the winners and with the prize money, I hope to be able to take even more interesting and striking photos."
István Konyhás' winning photograph highlights the care put into healing an injured stork. © European Commission.Molly Feltner, African winner and Communications Officer for the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project (MGVP) commented: "I am delighted to be one of the winners of this photo competition and am particularly proud of what this photos highlights. Working with the MGVP in Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) we are dedicated to saving the lives of mountain gorillas. This photo beautifully depicts the doctor-patient relationship between MGVP's veterinarians and gorillas."
Molly Feltner's winning photograph depicts the relationship between Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project veterinarians and gorillas. © European Commission.
Ariel Alejandro Corvalán Herrera's photograph won the Americas category. © European Commission.
The winning image for the Asia Pacific region was taken by Somenath Mukhopadhyay. © European Commission.
Genoveva Kriechbaum was the winner for the Middle East. © European Commission.
This year's Veterinary Week, from Monday 16th to Sunday 22nd May, aims to highlight the contribution of the veterinary profession to society under the slogan "Vets in your daily life." This includes a conference on 'Crisis Management in the Food Chain' (organised by the European Commission) today and tomorrow, during which Commissioner John Dalli will present the prizes to the regional winners of the international photographic competition organised jointly with the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). Events to celebrate Vet Week will be taking place across the European Union.
Bicester Vets in North Oxfordshire has become the first to install Improvet, a touch-screen unit through which the practice can gather client feedback.
Improvet is one of a range of services offered by Pfizer as part of Vet Support+. It's designed to help small animal practices gather information, interpret client feedback and ultimately provide targets to drive business improvements. Located in the practice's reception area, the pre-programmed survey takes a few minutes of a pet owner's time to complete and is apparently proving a hit with clients.
The survey covers all aspects of the service the client has received, from booking through to the consultation, payment and administration of their appointment. Client comments are collected into a report assessing the standards of customer service delivered across the practice team.
Jason Williams, veterinary surgeon at Bicester Vets, said: "We have felt for a long time that we needed to make some changes at the practice in order to move forward and be well placed for future challenges and opportunities. With this in mind we undertook a review of our practice with the help of a Pfizer Business Consultant and during this process our staff identified that client communication and gauging client experience was something we were struggling with.
"When our Pfizer Business Consultant explained Improvet it seemed a logical next step. The completely paperless, anonymous nature and automatic report generation means it's taken the hassle out of surveying our pet-owning clients so that now instead of simply talking about the need for a client survey, we actually have one underway. We will use this information to get a clear picture of how we are performing and communicating as a practice before and after improvements are made."
Improvet gives practices a way of surveying clients completely independently of staff. Armed with this data about what clients truly think, a practice can:
Practices that think they would benefit from having an Improvet unit in their reception area should contact their Pfizer Account Manager or call 0845 519 4977.
Vetoquinol has launched, to support the veterinary profession and dog owners in the management of epilepsy.
The company says it has developed the online service to complement its existing monitoring aids and booklets, and give the best possible support to vets and patients during the complex process of stabilising and managing seizures.
The online service enables owners to keep a seizure diary, and share it with their veterinary surgeon so that they can prescribe an appropriate medication and management programme.
According to Vetoquinol, approximately three to five per cent of dogs suffer from idiopathic epilepsy, (which accounts for 80 per cent of epileptic seizures). The condition is inherited in some breeds, including Beagles, Dachunds, Keeshonden, German Shepherds and Belgian Tervurens.
Documenting the animal's history and seizure activity is crucial in assessing the progression of epilepsy. It also provides invaluable information for diagnosis and maintenance of effective therapeutic control.
The entertainer Michael Ball yesterday opened the final phase of Fitzpatrick Referrals' new ultra-hi-tech patient ward, which, according to the practice, will elevate animal care to a whole new level in the UK.
The ward boasts bacterial-resistant wipe-down wall coverings and floor surfaces with underground heating, and air conditioning optimised for high efficiency particulate air to minimise the possibility of infection.
Instead of gates or bars, the kennels have reinforced glass doors which permit a wide field of view for the animals and allow them to feel as much at home as possible. Each kennel has a space for medication and notes, and a "quick reference" daily guide is written on the glass door each morning to ensure continuity of care and ease of visibility for all. Each kennel has a radio and many are equipped with televisions to provide auditory and visual stimulation - creating a home from home experience for patients.
The practice says light is an important part of the "care package" offered in the luxury wards, and numerous windows and night time dimmers provide a diurnal rhythm to help comfort anxious animals and help those with separation anxiety to settle. Webcams are easily connected for remote viewing, and each and every patient is checked hourly by the 24 hour care team of ward assistants, fully qualified veterinary nurses, surgical interns, residents and senior clinicians.
Noel Fitzpatrick said: "I've always felt that people who love animals are generally great people, and they absolutely want to know that when their animal friend is away from home, especially if severely ill, that they are receiving round-the-clock care in the best facility imaginable. This in my head does not involve bars, so I have a "no bars" policy. I want the patient to be super-comfortable and not to feel threatened or "in prison", especially when some of them will have severe physical disability."
Michael Ball said: "I saw the Bionic Vet on television but I never thought I would find myself here. Noel has an extraordinary talent for healing and has built an amazing team who truly do care deeply about each and every one of these patients as if they were their own pets. They really do provide an unparalleled level of care. What Fitzpatrick Referrals has managed to do is truly remarkable. When I look at the level of hands-on care and compassion shown by all of team, I'm overwhelmed. I am hugely honoured to be associated with Fitzpatrick Referrals and what this practice stands for. The work which is happening here is benefitting the veterinary world and the human world - it's incredible."
After cutting the ribbon and declaring the new facility officially open, Michael Ball met with Dr Fitzpatrick for the 'see out consultation' for his dog, Freddie, who has been recovering after a major hip operation at the practice.
The RCVS is calling for comment on a proposed new Case Management Protocol for its Disciplinary Committee.
The new protocol provides additional guidance to all parties, ensuring that evidence is agreed or considered well before the hearing. Its emphasis is on the Committee being able to read skeleton arguments and bundles of evidence from respondents before the hearing takes place, which speeds up the process and enables decisions to be made more quickly. At present, this is not always possible, as the information is not always made available.
Gordon Hockey, Head of Professional Conduct said: "The new protocol formalises the standard procedural direction for cases to be heard by the Committee, with the aim of promoting the timely and efficient preparation of cases and the smooth running of hearings. This is in the interests of all parties."
The Disciplinary Committee hears between ten and 15 cases per year. Under the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, the Committee can consider charges of serious professional misconduct, fraudulent registration and criminal convictions that affect a veterinary surgeon's fitness to practise.
A disciplinary system for registered veterinary nurses was set up in April 2011 and the nurses' Disciplinary Committee would follow the new protocol, as and when it is finalised.
The proposed new Case Management Protocol can be downloaded from Comments are welcomed from members of the veterinary team and from the public, by Monday, 8 August 2011, and should be sent to Carrie Gage, Clerk to the Disciplinary Committee, on
The British Veterinary Association has expressed disappointment at the Government's decision to introduce a licensing regime rather than impose an outright ban on the use of wild animals in travelling circuses.
Defra Secretary of State Caroline Spelman announced today that a ban on circus animals could not be introduced in the UK now because a ban introduced in Austria is currently being challenged under European law. In a written ministerial statement she said that the Government will now draw up standards for a new licensing regime.
BVA President Harvey Locke said: "The BVA strongly supported a ban because we believe the welfare of these animals is emblematic of the way we treat all animals under the care of humans.
"The welfare needs of non-domesticated, wild animals cannot be met within the environment of a travelling circus; especially in terms of accommodation and the ability to express normal behaviour. A licensing scheme will not address these issues."
Together with the RPSCA, Captive Animals' Protection Society and the Born Free Foundation, the BVA has wholeheartedly supported The Independent's campaign to ban wild animals in circuses. Over 15,000 people have signed The Independent's online petition, which is still open. Mr Locke will be joining representatives from these groups to present the petition to Downing Street next week.
Mr Locke added: "Although it only affects a small number of animals at present there is no guarantee that the number of wild animals in circuses won't increase in the future and, despite the best intentions, the needs of these animals cannot be met adequately by the environmental conditions of a travelling circus.
"As soon as the Austria situation is resolved, we would urge the Government to reconsider and take action to prohibit the exploitation of these majestic animals whose existence in the confines of a circus is solely to entertain people."
The Fédération Équestre Internationale (FEI) has added Metacam for Horses to its 'list of detection times'.
According to the manufacturer, Boehringher Ingelheim Vetmedica, Metacam (meloxicam) is the first preferential COX-2 inhibitor to be added to this list, and has stated plasma and urine detection times of 72 hours administered intravenously or orally1. This is the shortest urine detection time of the NSAIDs available for use in horses, and compares to the 168-hour (7 days) detection time for phenylbutazone stated by the FEI.
Craig Beck, equine sales and marketing manager for Boehringer Ingelheim in the UK and Ireland said: "We have been very happy to work in partnership with the FEI to provide the robust data that has supported the FEI in their analysis of Metacam. Metacam is an important addition to the FEI list, that will help vets treating competition horses. There is now a modern and proven NSAID which extends the therapeutic options available to vets."
Metacam is licensed in horses for the alleviation of inflammation and relief of pain associated with musculo-skeletal disorders or colic.
For further information, please contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica territory manager or call 01344 746959.
1 Detection Time agreed with the European Horse Racing Scientific Liaison Committee (EHSLC)
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has announced the launch of PORCILIS AR-T DF, an inactivated vaccine against progressive atrophic rhinitis in piglets with a new adjuvant which the company says is associated with fewer injection site reactions.
PORCILIS AR-T DF uses DILUVAC FORTE (DF), an aqueous vitamin E-based adjuvant and will replace PORCILIS AR-T, a similar vaccine containing an oil-based adjuvant. The newly formulated vaccine is approved to reduce the clinical signs of progressive atrophic rhinitis in their offspring. Progressive atrophic rhinitis is caused by a toxin from the bacteria Pasteurella multocida affecting bone-forming cells in the snout of the young piglet.
Marc Dickie, Senior Director, Global Swine Business Unit at Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health said: "The innovative PORCILIS AR-T DF vaccine combines the proven efficacy of the current PORCILIS AR-T with an improved safety profile and convenience for the veterinarian that is offered by the aqueous DILUVAC FORTE adjuvant. The new vaccine also demonstrates the commitment of our company to continuously improve our vaccines, thereby offering value-added benefits to our customers."
Eurovet has launched Relaquine 35 mg/ml Oral Gel for Horses - a licensed acepromazine (ACP) in a gel format.
The company says Relaquine can be used to sedate horses for examination and in stressful situations that some horses find hard to deal with such as farriery, box rest, dentistry and clipping where highly-strung horses can cause problems. Relaquine is administered orally or mixed with food and is available as an adjustable syringe format containing 10 ml of gel.
Relaquine is the fourth product launch this year by Eurovet and the company says there is more in the pipeline for 2011.
Relaquine Oral Gel is expected to be available to order from veterinary wholesalers from Monday 16th May. Eurovet is also offering an introductory promotion: for further details contact Eurovet on 01223 257933.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has added a cardiology CPD section to its Vetmedin website. The section also includes a number of owner education resources to be used in practice.
The site, which is billed as a one-stop-shop on canine heart disease, includes an interactive radiology viewer, the Vetmedin atlas of cardiac radiology, radiology interpretation and diagnosis, an interactive MVD seminar and online downloadable Vetmedin dosage calculator to assist veterinary surgeons in prescribing the optimum dose.
Owner education materials include an animation explaining how to monitor a dog's resting respiratory rate, a video about heart failure and downloadable charts to help owners monitor their dog's condition.
For further information, visit, contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica territory manager or call 01344 746959.
A YouGov poll commissioned at the start of this month's National Vaccination Month Campaign by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has shown that pet vaccination rates nationally have remained stable between 2009 and 2011 despite the recession.
This could suggest that pet owners who do vaccinate generally accept that vaccination is not a discretionary item of spending which can be dropped in financially hard times. This is in contrast to worming, pet insurance and health checks, things which the survey found that between 6% and 9% of owners have cut back on.
Nevertheless, the survey supported industry data which shows that very considerable numbers of Britain's pets are left unvaccinated, with strong regional variations:
According to the YouGov survey, cost is a factor in more than 39% of cases where owners of a cat, dog, rabbit or horse are failing to vaccinate.
However, during National Vaccination Month, pet owners can download a voucher for a discounted vaccination offering savings of around £30 from participating surgeries throughout May. Unvaccinated and eligible dogs, cats, rabbits and horses are all included in the scheme and more than 2000 vet practices are taking part in the campaign nationwide.
Angus Robinson from Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health said: "The survey suggests that not only is there a demand for National Vaccination Month - 76% of those not vaccinating said they would take advantage of a scheme like this. But there is also a real need for client education. A staggering 91% of those polled said they would get their pet vaccinated if they were aware that there was disease in their area. Without wishing to scare people, we do need to alert pet owners to the fact that pet disease is out there. It is the kind of thing that they never think is going to happen to their beloved pet but when it does, it is devastating."
BCF has launched the Easi-Scan remote display, designed for on-farm use.
The company says the Easi-Scan offers unprecedented display performance, is very portable (weighing less than 2Kg) and very rugged. According to the company, Its 8.4" transflective LCD screen provides excellent quality images for fertility and pregnancy scanning meaning it can be used as the sole display for BCF's Easi-Scan and Duo-Scan ultrasound scanners. And with a dedicated channel button, you can switch between all available ultrasound channels, allowing you to view a number of examinations at once.
The Easi-Scan is also available with a Gorilla pod allowing it to be attached to railings and a carry strap.
Gavin Mitchell from BCF said: "At BCF innovation is key; we have invested a lot of time developing a remote display monitor that is well suited to the needs of the market. Through listening to our customers, we feel we have successfully achieved this. It is ideal for training purposes and viewing multiple exams. It is also the only wireless and splashproof remote ultrasound display on the market."
For more information call 01506 460023 or visit
VetSurgeon member Viki Edmondson MRCVS is taking part in a drive to help 13-year-old Octavia Woodward, who was born with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), raise £100,000 to help The SMA Trust.
Viki, a well-known vet in the carriage driving world, will be joining Octavia on 'Octavia's Mad Marathon', a five-day, 110 mile carriage drive from Windsor to Wincanton.
Octavia will be driving her pony, Diddy, with her mother Henrietta as co-driver. Meanwhile, Viki will be driving a pair of Gelderlander horses. They'll be leaving the main ring at the Royal Windsor Horse Show with a support crew at 3:30pm on 13th May.
Viki graduated from Bristol Veterinary School in 1993. Since 2001 she has run her own equine practice plus a small animal surgery from the Newdigate, Surrey farm she shares with husband Peter. Viki has known Octavia since she was born and it was Viki who paired up Diddy with Octavia and encouraged her to progress from walking round the roads to the excitement of "off-roading". Viki will be providing support and encouragement to Octavia during the trip - of course with any veterinary help being close by.
To support Viki and Octavia, visit:
For the first time BSAVA is running a Case Report Competition to be held at the annual Scottish BSAVA Congress (26-28th August 2011 at the Edinburgh Conference Centre).
Veterinary surgeons, nurses and students are invited to submit abstracts of no more than 400 words detailing a case and interesting discussion points.
Cases will then be selected for a short presentation at the congress
Successful selection will entitle the presenter to free congress registration on that day.
At the end of the session, a BSAVA manual of the winner's choice will be awarded to the case report deemed favourite by the audience.
Abstracts should be submitted via email by the 15 June 2011 and notification of acceptance will be given by the 30 June 2011.
Please send any enquires or submissions to Gerard McLauchlan ( or Yvonne McGrotty (
Vetoquinol has just launched its Marbocyl 10% online case study competition in which veterinary surgeons are being invited to provide information about how they treat E.coli mastitis. Two winners (one in the UK and one in Ireland) will win a BCF EASI-SCAN cattle ultrasound scanner with goggles worth over £6000.
Vetoquinol's large animal product manager, Susan Mitchell said: "We hope that this case study competition will help us gather further information on how E.coli mastitis is treated by veterinary surgeons in the UK and Ireland. I would encourage large animal veterinary surgeons to be part of this UK and Irish survey to highlight the severity of the disease and share their success stories."
The competition will run until the end of October 2011.
For your chance to win a BCF EASI-SCAN and goggles visit
A survey commissioned by a new Sky TV series, Pets for Life, carried out in association with The Blue Cross, has found that 500,000 (2%) of Britain's 24 million pet owners say they no longer have money for their pet's food and are reduced to feeding the household animal with leftovers.
The survey also found that while two-thirds of pet owners dig deep into their pockets to find an average of £11.04 each week to care for their pets, one in five (21%) say they are dropping essentials such as visits to the vet in a bid to bring the weekly pet bill to under £5.
The poll of 1,200 pet owners indicated that higher insurance premiums, rising vet bills and rocketing pet-food prices have pushed the cost of owning a pet up to £574.08 a year. Nearly half of pet owners (47% or 12.2 million people) now spend an average of £9.40 on their pet each week, with a further 15% (3.9 million people) spending £19.50 a week, and 7% (1.8 million people) forking out more than £60 a week to keep their animals healthy and happy.
This comes as The Blue Cross revealed a 19% increase in stray and abandoned animals taken into its adoption centres in the last year compared to the same period the year before, with a total of 38 rabbits, 979 cats, and 419 dogs left to wander the streets. In addition, over 4,000 animals were given up voluntarily, many for financial reasons such as the owner being made homeless, having to move house or losing their job.
Laura Sleight, head of media relations at The Blue Cross said: "We pride ourselves on being a nation of animal lovers, but the sad reality is that some pet owners can either no longer afford to keep their pets or are unable to provide a suitable home for them. Animals add so much to our lives but it's important that people understand the cost, time and commitment involved before taking one on. Pets for Life aims to tackle these issues and provide real solutions to the everyday problems that can result in animals being given up or abandoned."
Pets for Life is on Sky Showcase (Channel 201, Freesat 403) on Sunday 8th May at 6:00pm and on Tuesdays at 7:30pm (repeated on Sundays) for at least a further seven weeks thereafter.
Virbac Animal Health has launched 'Spray to Win' competition in which vets who use the topical corticosteroid Cortavance between now and the end of June have the chance to win one of five Canon Ixus Cameras worth £150.
To enter the competition, ask your territory manager for a Spray to Win card, spray the pictured dog to ease his pruritus, and answer one question.
Winning cards will reveal either a camera or a 124 page manual on topical glucocorticoid therapy compiled by a group of the world's leading dermatologists.
Virbac product manager Chris Geddes MRCVS said the purpose of the campaign is to illustrate the efficacy of Cortavance as the first line treatment for all pruritic and inflammatory skin disorders: "As a potent skin-specific steroid with no detectable harmful effects¹ and competitive pricing, it's an ideal first line treatment for all atopic dermatitis cases."
There are also automatic rewards in the form of a clinical handbook on canine dermatology or a didactic atlas on canine dermatoses with every 10 bottles of Cortavance purchased, or get both with 15 bottles.
The supply of spray cards is limited, so anyone wishing to obtain a card is advised to contact their Virbac territory manager as soon as possible, or call 01359 243243.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has announced the results of the 2011 RCVS and VN Council elections.
Elected to the RCVS Council are:
Not elected are:
For the first time in eight years, all six successful RCVS Council candidates have served on Council before, although one - Sandy Trees - is currently an appointed, rather than an elected, member.
For VN Council, one existing member has been returned and two new members have been elected:
Not elected to VN Council was:
Following rises in previous turnouts, voting figures have dropped markedly this year in both RCVS and VN Councils elections, to 15.9% (3,887 voters) and 7.6% (723 voters) respectively. The previous turnouts were 18.8% (in 2010) and 11.2% (in 2009).
RCVS Registrar Jane Hern said: "It's certainly disappointing that the turnout has dropped so much this year. It's unclear whether this is due to lack of time, lack of awareness, or lack of interest, but perhaps anyone who didn't vote could let us know why, so we can see what we could do to increase participation.
"Nevertheless, my congratulations to all successful candidates, who I look forward to formally welcoming, or welcoming back, onto the Councils at RCVS Day in July, and my commiserations to those who were unsuccessful this time and who I hope won't be discouraged from standing again next year."
This year's chosen charity - the Veterinary Benevolent Fund - will receive a cheque for £922 arising from the College's pledge to donate 20p for each veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse who cast a vote.
An online presentation by Danielle Gunn-Moore, Professor of Feline Medicine at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh, has been launched by Dechra Veterinary Products as part of its Dechra Academy training suite.
During the presentation, Professor Gunn-Moore uses a case study approach to discuss all aspects of the condition from diagnosis through to its treatment, management and on-going monitoring. She reminds viewers that an individual approach must be taken in treating affected cats as the clinical signs can be subtle and starting treatment with the lowest possible dose of anti-thyroid medication is likely to prove physiologically beneficial.
"The study I've recently been involved in showed that the treatment of hyperthyroid cats can result in iatrogenic hypothyroidism*. Hypothyroid cats are significantly more likely to develop azotaemia than euthyroid cats - and hypothyroid cats that developed azotaemia in the study had significantly shorter survival times*.
"The message for practitioners is that there is no 'standard recipe' in treating hyperthyroidism. The clinical signs aren't always obvious and it's important to check for concurrent heart and kidney disease. You then need to tailor treatment, starting with a low dose of medication and, if necessary, increasing it by the smallest increments possible."
To watch Professor Gunn-Moore's presentation, visit
Reference:* Williams, T. et al (2010) JVIM 24: 1086-1092
Defra has announced plans to form a new Animal Health and Welfare Board for England which will bring experts including farmers, veterinary surgeons, welfare experts and others from outside Government together with the Chief Veterinary Officer and civil servants to make direct policy recommendations on policy affecting the health and welfare of all kept animals such as farm animals, horses and pets.
According to Agriculture Minister Jim Paice, it is the first time that people affected by Government policy on animal health and welfare will make recommendations on those policies directly to Ministers.
Mr Paice said: "This is a completely new way of working. It replaces the old ways, where the people most affected by decisions were kept at arm's length from policy making on those subjects.
"This is about the Big Society not just existing in our communities, but in the heart of Government - helping to put the decisions in the hands of those who are doing the work on the ground.
"We've already seen the success of a partnership between farmers and the Government with the work that's been done on bluetongue - which has seen the disease virtually eradicated in this country."
Final decisions on animal health and welfare policy will remain in the hands of Government Ministers.
The Board will be made up of around 12 members, 5 senior Defra officials including the Chief Veterinary Officer, and 7-8 external members including the chair. The external members will have experience and knowledge of kept and farmed animals, animal and veterinary science, and animal welfare, and could be farmers, veterinarians, animal welfare experts.
The Board and its members will have to represent the views of all stakeholders so will be expected to communicate with them regularly.
The Board's responsibilities will include:
The Board will not be set up as a non departmental public body or arms length body. It will form part of the internal structure of Defra.
Commenting on the announcement, Harvey Locke, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: "The BVA is delighted that both the Advisory Group and Ministers have taken note of the veterinary profession's views in drawing up these plans.
"We said from the outset that genuine responsibility sharing has to be achieved before cost sharing can be discussed and we warned against earlier plans to separate animal health policy from animal welfare policy, as the two are intrinsically linked.
"Animal health and welfare policy issues require expert, scientific input and it will be essential that the new Board includes veterinary representation. We believe that the Board will provide the right mechanism for ensuring decisions are based on sound science.
"The new Board will also have to work closely with the three devolved administrations to ensure that animal health and welfare policies across the UK are joined up and complementary."
The RCVS Charitable Trust is offering two 'Blue Sky' grants of between £10,000 and £20,000 for basic or pure research intended to advance veterinary science.
Applications may be made for either an 'open' grant or a Robert Daubney Fellowship. Both are open to academic staff and students within UK veterinary schools. However, the Robert Daubney Fellowship is granted specifically for research within the fields of virology and helminthology, and has additional criteria including that applicants must be on the RCVS Register of Veterinary Surgeons, and hold a postgraduate veterinary qualification.
Cherry Bushell, the Trust's Director said: "This funding is offered for veterinary scientific research projects which meet our interests in innovation and development. In particular, pilot projects aiming to show a 'proof of concept' as a first stage of a more substantial project will be looked on favourably - if the project can then attract support from major funders this is likely to have more impact over the longer term."
The Trust aims to develop mutually beneficial partnerships with grant recipients, and innovative and exciting projects which can respond to these objectives through the grant-giving process and beyond are also preferred.
Further information, including full application criteria, is available from Preliminary applications should be made via the head of a UK veterinary school, and submitted to the Trust by 20 May 2011.