Ceva Animal Health has added a new session to its Cardio Academy CPD website entitled 'Thoracic X-rays: Normal Features'.
In this 30 minute multimedia presentation, the cardiology specialist Nicole Van Israël discusses how the normal thoracic radiograph should appear, as well as the differences observed between breeds. Participants can then receive a CPD certificate by completing the quiz for this session. The Cardio Academy CPD website is free of charge and can be accessed by visiting http://www.cardioacademy.cevalearn.com/.
The first three sessions in the series can still be viewed on the website. They cover the 'Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Disease, by Adrian Boswood, 'Clinical Examination of the Cardiac Dog', by Gérard Le Bobinnec and 'Thoracic X-rays: How to Proceed' by Nicole Van Israël.
The BSAVA has announced the launch of its third smartphone app - the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary App.
This member-only access app is available to download now from iTunes and Android Market and offers the same reference materials found in the latest 7th edition printed version.
The BSAVA says the app contains more than 450 drug monographs and a wealth of additional information, allowing easy and rapid access to vital information about those medications that veterinary surgeons most commonly prescribe. It is hoped that the convenience of having the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary on a smartphone will mean that vets in practice will always have this valuable reference tool within easy reach.
Once the app is installed it will ask for a validation code that can be obtained from the smartphone app validation code page within My BSAVA pages at www.bsava.com. All future BSAVA member-only smartphone apps will be validated using the same process.
BSAVA IT Manager Emma Hayes said: "BSAVA is continually aiming to provide a range of valuable member benefits in a variety of formats so they can be used in the most efficient and effective way by our members. The BSAVA Formulary was a natural candidate for release as a mobile application, following the successful launch as an online searchable database at Congress in April. By developing this application it has also provided us with a platform that will enable us to produce additional useful applications in the future that can provide unrestricted content for our members."
The BSAVA Small Animal Formulary App follows on from the BSAVA Congress App and the BSAVA Guide to the use of Veterinary Medicines App. You can find out more about these other BSAVA smartphone apps through My BSAVA at www.bsava.com.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has launched new, more palatable Metacam Chewable Tablets.
According to the company, the tablets are proven to be taken by 90% of dogs voluntarily1 and 80% will even take them from the floor1 which aids compliance. Available in pop-through blister strips of seven for easy dispensing and administration, the 1mg and 2.5mg Metacam Chewable Tablets are packed in boxes of 84 and priced the same per tablet as the current tablet range.
Claire Fowler, companion animal marketing manager at Boehringer Ingelheim, said: "The existing Metacam Chewable Tablets are readily accepted by most dogs. However, to appeal to as many dogs as possible, we have launched an even more appetising 'beefed up' meaty flavour."
For further information on the new flavoured Metacam tablets, including special offers, please contact your Boehringer Ingelheim territory manager or call 01344 746959.
The Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials has announced a £15,000 bursary to the Animal Health Trust. The bursary will be used to help fund the development of a rapid result blood test to identify horses infected with Strangles.
The AHT has already developed a test that can detect the disease, however the result is not known for 48 hours. The aim of the new research is to develop the test to produce a result within 10 minutes. The test, which is being developed in conjunction with Forsite Diagnostics Ltd, will be a useful tool for disease screening at sales and competitions.
"As an independent charity we receive no government funding and this bursary is extremely important to us and we are delighted to be working in partnership with The Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials on this specific project," said Dr Richard Newton of the AHT who is carrying out the research in partnership with Professor Andrew Waller. "Without this vital funding to carry out the painstaking work that will give us the confidence to launch the test, it will remain no more than a theoretical possibility."
The Bursary will be presented at this year's Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials (1- 4 September 2011) - in recognition of the 50th Anniversary of the event.
"With increasing horse movement, not only world-wide but closer to home between competitions and livery yards, preventing the spread of disease is an increasingly important challenge facing the horse world," said Elizabeth Inman Director of the Trials. "We are delighted to be able to play a part in this challenge and hope that this anniversary bursary will help to fast-track this new test out of the laboratory and into the field and thereby help reduce the spread of what is a horrible disease for horses and owners."
BCF Technology has launched a competition in which the person who submits the best photograph with the theme of: All in a day's work - animal imaging, will win an iPad 2.
To enter the competition, you need to post your photographs, (and tell BCF a little about the story behind the images) at www.facebook.com/bcftechnology or email them to: info@bcftechnology.com
Jason Rogers, Marketing Manager at BCF said: "We wanted to create a fun way to show just how interesting and different each days work is when imaging animals. We have made the competition open to all that work with animal imaging including our staff, dealers and vets, vet nurses, animal contractors, etc from all over the world.
"It is great to see the BCF office in the States and our international dealers also promoting the competition in their own countries, making the competition truly international. Response to the competition has been fantastic - see our facebook page to some entries for yourself."
The closing date for the competition is 30th September 2011.
For more information, visit: www.bcftechnology.com
Petplan has launched a new look policy range to give pet owners more comprehensive cover and make it easier for them to understand the types of cover available.
Simon Masding, Petplan's Head of Sales and Partnerships said the refreshed policies will not only benefit the pet and their owner but the changes will also allow veterinary staff to explain the policies with a lot more clarity: "Since Petplan started 35 years ago the pet insurance market and vet industry has changed significantly, especially in the last few years. There are now over 250 policies in the market with varying benefits and levels of cover, which often confuses customers to a point where they think they're getting lifetime cover but they're instead trapped with a restrictive policy.
"The veterinary industry is also continually changing with advances in new technology and better diagnostics allowing the industry to save and treat more pets, which means our policies need to evolve with them."
To better understand these changing market dynamics, Petplan held focus groups with veterinary staff from across the UK and undertook extensive research with charities, breeders, customers and non-customers.
Apparently, the feedback showed that Petplan needed to communicate its range of policies more clearly, to shift away from the confusion created by other brands and meet the changing demands of the vet industry and pet owners better.
For this reason, Petplan says it has simplified its policy range, adding and increasing each policy's benefits, making a 12 month policy available for practices to offer, and developing easy-to-understand policy names.
Petplan's new look policies for both cats and dogs are:
Petplan says its Covered for Life policies, Petplan Ultimate and Petplan Classic, will continue to provide pet owners with the best cover in the market. However, the company recognises that these policies are not always suitable for people with older pets or a limited budget.
Simon said: "Petplan Essential, our 12 month policy, will also now be available for veterinary staff to offer to their customers. While our Covered for Life Ultimate and Classic will continue to be our leading policies and at the heart of what we do, it's better that a pet owner has some type of cover rather than nothing at all and Essential is a market leading 12 month policy."
Zeta Frasca, practice owner and vet at Kitten to Cat in Richmond London said: "These changes will not only make it clearer for the pet owner but it will also make it a lot easier for us as an industry to explain pet insurance to our clients, which is really important."
For more information about Petplan's new look policies visit www.petplan.co.uk, call their dedicated Vetline on 0800 3168 8900 or talk to your Petplan Business Developer.
The following table outlines each policy and its benefits:
Dechra Veterinary Products has added to its Veterinary Essentials range of veterinary-licensed post-patent products with the launch of Fiprocat and Fiprodog, a fipronil spot-on solution for the treatment and prevention of on-animal flea infestations in cats and dogs.
Available in packs of 3 or 6 pipettes, Fiprocat and Fiprodog are only distributed through the veterinary channel. Dechra highlights the product's convenient self-standing pipette. which it says makes the process of applying the spot-on easier.
Dechra says it offers a wealth of client support material, and practice promotional support to go with the product.
Fiprocat and Fiprodog can be used as part of a treatment strategy for the control of Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD).
Rob Simpson at Dechra said: "Fipronil has been used in the treatment and prevention of on-animal flea infestations for many years and is one of the most commonly used treatments in practice. Fiprocat and Fiprodog join R.I.P Fleas Extra to offer a cost effective complete flea solution to tackle both on-animal and environmental flea infestations."
VetSurgeon member Shailen Jasani MA VetMB MRCVS DipACVECC has launched the Ralph site (theralphsite.com), a website offering support and advice to those coping with pet bereavement.
The site contains forums, downloadable advice sheets, a directory of crematoria and cemeteries, and offers owners the ability to create a memorial for their pet.
The Ralph site was named after Shailen's own cat, which died after a car accident in 2010. Shailen funded the setup of the site, and it is a not-for-proft.
Defra has announced that new rules on pet travel will be introduced from 1st January 2012. The changes will mean that the rules on rabies vaccination for entry into the UK will be in line with the rest of Europe.
Defra has carried out a risk assessment to find out how the changes will affect the level of risk of rabies entering the UK. Although the probability of rabies introduction into the UK will increase, the assessment found the risk will remain very low after the increase.
The British Veterinary Association and the British Small Animal Veterinary Association are informing their members of the new rules so that the right advice can be given to pet owners planning to travel abroad with their animals.
Dogs, cats and pet ferrets entering the UK from an EU or 'listed' third country from 1 January 2012 must:
The current requirement to carry out a blood test followed by a six-month wait before entry into the UK will no longer be required.
From 1st January pets entering from a non-listed third country must pass a blood test 30 days after vaccination followed by a three-month wait.
Until now, the UK, Ireland and three other Member States have had derogations from EU pet travel rules to allow for additional controls to protect against rabies, ticks and tapeworms.
Successful vaccination programmes in wildlife in mainland Europe have now allowed the UK to consider whether the additional controls for rabies are still necessary.
The BVA and BSAVA have continued to lobby in Europe for additional controls to be maintained for tapeworms, which could introduce Echinococcus multilocularis to the UK - a significant public health concern.
Although a final decision has not yet been made the European Commission has indicated that it will support the UK case for additional tapeworm controls.
Harvey Locke, President of the BVA, said: "It is vital that any controls on animal movements are proportionate to the risk.
"Due to the highly successful vaccination programme in wildlife in mainland Europe there has been a huge reduction in the incidence in rabies. Research carried out by Defra reveals that the risk of introducing rabies under the new rules is very low.
"However, it is essential that pet owners get good veterinary advice when planning to take their animals abroad because pets can be exposed to a number of diseases not currently endemic in the UK, for example leishmaniasis, babesiosis, and ehrlichiosis.
"As part of responsible ownership we would always advise pet owners to visit their vet for a pre-travel consultation to discuss how to protect the health and welfare of their animals when travelling abroad."
Andrew Ash, President of the BSAVA, added: "The Pet Travel Scheme has been highly successful in keeping the UK free of rabies. BVA and BSAVA have been working closely with Defra to ensure that any changes to the pet travel rules do not threaten our disease-free status.
"The rabies vaccine has advanced and now has a longer duration of immunity and we welcome the continuing requirement for all pets to be vaccinated before travel."
Vetoquinol UK Ltd is launching a dedicated large animal/equine sales force on the 1st July.
The company says the move reflects the change in cattle and equine veterinary practice to become specialists.
Vetoquinol's large animal brands include: Marbocyl®, Sedalin®, Equistro®, Tolfine®, Pro Rumen and Locatim®.
The new team comprises:
The new sales team will be managed jointly by Hugh Gibson and Stuart Wade.
For further information or to make an appointment please contact your local Territory Manager direct or telephone 01280 825424
Merck has announced that its animal health division, formerly known as Intervet/Schering-Plough, has changed its name to MSD Animal Health in countries outside the United States and Canada from today.
Intervet/Schering Plough will now be known as Merck Animal Health in the United States and Canada.
Raul Kohan, President of Merck Animal Health said: "The name change reflects Merck's commitment to animal health and its complementary role to the overall business. We are unwavering in our commitment to veterinarians, producers, pet owners and society as a whole. We aim to generate additional value and sustained growth by continuing to provide integrated solutions with innovative animal health products and services to meet the evolving needs of our customers."
Mr. Kohan continued: "With the scientific and business backing of Merck, Merck Animal Health possesses the necessary mix of resources to enhance our position as an industry leader."
Merck says it values the diversification that Merck Animal Health brings to its portfolio, and sees growth opportunities in the business that can be leveraged across both animal and human health. The company intends to capitalize on Merck Animal Health's broad and innovative portfolio going forward, and to develop the unit into a best-in-class global animal health leader.
The name change follows the joint announcement on March 22, 2011 by Merck and sanofi-aventis that ended plans to form a new animal health joint venture. Both companies mutually decided to discontinue their agreement primarily because of the increasing complexity of implementing the proposed transaction.
Two new Postgraduate Deans have been appointed by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons to advise and monitor new veterinary surgeons during their Professional Development Phase (PDP), the first stage in veterinary continuing professional development.
Jill Hubbard, a partner at Cibyn Veterinary Surgery, Caernarfon, and organiser of BVA North Wales' young graduate meetings, and Nicky Paull, a former BVA President with extensive experience of running veterinary practices and understanding of the needs of veterinary graduates, were selected from over 40 applicants. They join existing Deans, Professor Agnes Winter and Julian Wells, and replace Professor David Noakes and Stephen Ware, who are retiring from the role having served since 2007, when PDP first became a requirement for veterinary graduates.
Jill Hubbard said: "I have always had a particular interest in how we support and guide our new graduates. This seemed a way of being actively involved - a useful niche to try and fill."
Nicky Paull said: "The development of young veterinary graduates has been of special interest to me for some years. In employing young veterinary surgeons, meeting recent graduates through my political work and the time spent with undergraduates through extra-mural studies and the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons' final year student seminars, I'm aware of the need for help and guidance for development of the young vets who are joining our profession."
The PDP applies to every newly qualified veterinary surgeon. It consists of an online record which the vet completes, and which is signed off by a Postgraduate Dean. This helps new vets and their employers check that sufficient experience is being gained so that the vet can progress from the 'Day-One competencies' of a new graduate to those expected of a vet with about a year's in-practice experience.
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has dismissed a case against a Staffordshire veterinary surgeon, having found that his convictions under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and the Public Order Act 1986 did not make him unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
At the one-day hearing, the Committee heard that Mr Richard Conlon of Warrendale Veterinary Care Centre, Biddulph, was convicted of one instance of common assault and one public order offence involving threatening, insulting or abusive language, both of which occurred during an altercation in a public house in Biddulph on 28 November 2009. The court ordered Mr Conlon to pay two fines of £300 each, a victim surcharge of £15, and £700 of court costs.
As the facts involved in Mr Conlon's offences had been proved by the court that convicted him, and Mr Conlon admitted to his convictions, the Committee considered only whether these offences made him unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
The Committee was advised that although the convictions were unrelated to Mr Conlon's professional practice, any criminal conviction may call into question a veterinary surgeon's fitness to practise if the conduct for which they are convicted raises doubts over their capability as a veterinary surgeon. Convictions that damage the wider public interest in the good reputation of the profession and public confidence can also raise questions about fitness to practise and may be considered.
Speaking on behalf of the Disciplinary Committee, Vice-Chairman Professor Sheila Crispin said: "In reaching our decision, it is important to emphasise that the Disciplinary Committee does not condone Mr Conlon's behaviour in any way. We accept the submission of the College 'that it is incumbent on any veterinary surgeon to act with decorum and not to engage in any violent, aggressive or intimidating behaviour,' and, on any view, for a veterinary surgeon to get involved in a brawl in a public house is unacceptable behaviour.
"In the Committee's judgment this was a one-off incident of brief duration with no premeditation on Mr Conlon's part; fortunately no significant injury was suffered by anybody involved. From the nature of the charges and the sentence of the court, it can be seen that this was at very much the lower end of seriousness and, as is accepted by the College, involves no concern about Mr Conlon's ability to practise as a veterinary surgeon."
The Committee ordered the charges be dismissed.
Novartis Animal Health has launched its Summer Worming Packs.
The packs are part of an ongoing campaign by the company to get pet owners to worm their animals at least 4 times a year (as recommended by the European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites1), as opposed to the current norm of 2.6 times per year2.
The Summer Worming Packs include waiting room and client materials, and practice PR support materials. There is also a pet owner website http://www.wormpatrol.co.uk/.
For further details about the Summer Worming Pack or the Worm Patrol Campaign, veterinary practices should contact their Novartis Animal Health Territory Manager.
Vets are being asked to help pig producers assess their health status and biosecurity measures, as part of BPEX's new National Pig Health Improvement Project (PHIP).
The national programme is currently running alongside existing programmes in East Anglia, Yorkshire and the East Midlands and will cover all the remaining regions. BPEX will now start to combine all programmes into the National PHIP. So all English pig producers and vets can join the industry-wide drive to improve pig health and reduce costs.
BPEX says the national Pig Health Improvement Project (PHIP) project will need the support of veterinary surgeons to:
BPEX regional health coordinator Helen Clarke said: "The surveys are filled in by vets during quarterly farm visits to gather information on prevalence of four key diseases - swine dysentery, PRRS, enzootic pneumonia and mange. This is then used to populate a confidential online mapping service, which PHIP members can use to keep informed of health challenges in their area.
"The biosecurity audit is a series of simple to answer questions about current biosecurity practice of a unit. This then forms the basis for biosecurity planning and discussions to help clients make improvements and review their impact."
A further benefit when producers sign up to the PHIP is free-of-charge post-mortem information from the BPEX Pig Health Scheme (BPHS). The BPHS provides producers with detailed post-mortem health reports when they submit pigs to participating abattoirs.
Clients who are:
Practices can claim £50 per unit for completing the survey and biosecurity audits. This still needs to be claimed through specific regional systems because of current funding contracts.
Contact Helen Clarke for details: helen.clarke@bpex.ahdb.org.uk or 07973 701369. Visit http://www.pighealth.org.uk/
Royal Canin is to launch a hepatic diet for cats.
Available from July 2011, Royal Canin Hepatic Feline is designed to provide nutritional support to the cat post-surgery and throughout a wide range of clinical conditions including cholangitis, cholestasis, portosystemic shunts, hepatic encephalopathy, liver failure and hepatic copper accumulation.
Royal Canin says the diet includes the use of highly digestible vegetable proteins which reduce the workload of the recovering liver; low copper levels to help reduce the risk to the liver of damage caused by copper and bile interaction; an exclusive antioxidant complex to neutralise free radicals, and balanced mineral levels to help counteract electrolyte imbalances caused by liver disease.
The company also says Royal Canin Hepatic Feline is 'outstandingly palatable', making it much easier for the cat (and the owner) to adhere to the regime.
Royal Canin Hepatic Canine is also available in both wet and dry versions. For more information, contact your Royal Canin Veterinary Business Manager, call 0845 717 800, or visit http://www.royalcanin.co.uk/.
The National Office of Animal Health has completed its annual review of its Code of Practice for the Promotion of Animal Medicines, and a number of changes will come into effect on 1st July 2011.
One change spells out the way antimicrobial medicines are promoted to farmers, with a firm emphasis on correct use and education.
Advertisers will be required to describe the condition the product is aiming to treat, and to promote an understanding of the treatment of the disease.
The phrase "use medicines responsibly" will always be included in text, making the voluntary strapline introduced in 2009 a formal part of the NOAH Code. As with all promotions to people other than prescribers, farmers will always be reminded to consult their veterinary surgeon.
Advertising text will always state clearly the name of the company and the brand being promoted, and promotion must not be designed to disguise its real nature.
Withdrawal periods for products will be stated, but these must not be unduly prominent and not in a font size greater than the body copy containing recommended dosage and species description.
The changes were proposed by NOAH within its formal response to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate's consultation on the Veterinary Medicines Regulation 2010. The Minister decided in December 2010 to continue to allow the advertising of antimicrobial veterinary products to farmers.
Phil Sketchley, NOAH Chief Executive, said: "Whilst welcoming the Government's decision in December not to further restrict the advertising of animal medicines, we feel that the industry should take a proactive role to ensure the system works properly. We believe it is important for farmers, who are legally responsible for the health and welfare of their animals and the food produced from them, to be aware of the medicines that are available to protect the health of their animals, and at the same time we want them to know that these medicines must be prescribed and used responsibly.
"The issue of antimicrobial resistance is one that affects us all. The way to promote best practice is through education by maintaining all lines of communication between farmers, vets, scientists and animal medicine producers.
"Antibiotics are essential for maintaining the health and welfare of all animals, but like any medicine they need to be used responsibly in order to maintain their effectiveness, and their availability for future generations."
Seven graduands from The University of Nottingham's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science have become the first from the new school to become members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Nottingham is the first new veterinary school in the UK for over 50 years, and the process to recognise its degree for the purposes of RCVS membership is currently in its final stages. Following a visitation and audit process, RCVS Council unanimously recommended the degree's approval to the Privy Council, where the final decision lies.
Generally, veterinary graduates become RCVS members - which they need to be in order to practise in the UK - at a ceremony on the day of their graduation. However, sometimes they wish to start work before graduation and can therefore apply to register as graduands, as in this case.
Although formal Privy Council approval of the Nottingham degree is still awaited, RCVS external examiners have overseen the School's final exams during the last year of the course to ensure that they meet the required standards.
The Nottingham graduation ceremony will take place on 22 July, when a further 77 students will graduate, and those wishing to practise in the UK will become members of the College.
The RCVS 2010 Survey of the Veterinary and Veterinary Nursing Professions indicated that, on average, new graduates took one month to find work on graduating, with 63% going straight into clinical practice.
Ceva Animal Health UK has announced that following the success of it's TV advertising campaign for Feliway earlier this year, which boosted sales by 30%, it'll be running the Feliway campaign again, throughout July.
Featuring 'That Purple Cat', who is liked by over 2,300 people on Facebook, Ceva says the campaign will help raise awareness of the signs of behavioural issues in cats, such as vertical scratching, and highlight the benefits of using the pheromone. The advertisement will target Feliway's key audience and will be seen by over 5 million people when it appears on channels such as Dave, E4, Gold, More4 and Yesterday.
For further information or to view the TV advertising campaign, visit www.secrettohappypets.com.
Supreme Petfoods has launched the VetCarePlus range of Monoforage® diets for rabbits.
According to the company, the new range represents an entirely new generation of rabbit food, made possible because of a breakthrough in production technology.
The big advance is the level of fibre within a mono-component style diet: 28%-34% across the range, along with the inclusion - uniquely - of essential long fibre particles. Supreme says the result is a less dense food that is beneficial for a rabbit's sensitive digestion system, with the added benefit of extending the feeding time, which is good for dental wear.
The company also says VetCarePlus performs exceptionally well in palatability tests and that it's been widely welcomed throughout the rabbit welfare community. Molly Varga BVetMed DZooMed MRCVS said: "This is exactly what convalescing rabbits need, an excellent level of fibre with no chance of selective feeding plus a good slow chew rate".
The range comprises three specific formulas for Weight Management, Urinary Tract Health and Digestive Health.
Supreme says feedback on samples sent to welfare organisations, veterinary schools and practicing vets so far has been very positive. Vets are delighted with the simplicity of the products, and have welcomed the way Monoforage encapsulates all the benefits of hay, with minimal processing compared to other diets.
Molly Varga added: "All the benefits of hay are preserved while this diet gives more volume of fibre per measurement of food than I have seen before, without increasing the weight (and therefore energy) components". VetCarePlus delivers the maximum possible crude fibre and long fibre content available to date.
Claire Hamblion, Marketing Manager for VetCarePlus said: "Supreme Petfoods feels that VetCarePlus is pushing forward the boundaries on specialist diets for rabbits. Monoforage provides completely unique levels of fibre and we're delighted that all the feedback we have received from a wide range of experts has been exceptionally enthusiastic and welcoming".
For more information on how to stock VetCarePlus products contact Supreme Petfoods at sales@supremepetfoods.com or visit http://www.supremeprofessional.com/
The BSAVA has announced that Nottingham Trent University will be the accrediting body for the new Postgraduate Surgery and Medicine Certificates being launched in January 2012.
BSAVA says the planning for this new education initiative has been exhaustive, ensuring that the needs of the profession and the individual vet can be met by a provider with an excellent legacy in veterinary education. And also, an organisation with a genuine interest in seeing the highest scientific standards are matched by a relevant, cost-effective, and accessible programme that fits with life in practice today. To that end, finding the right validation partner was a crucial part of the planning.
Dr Frances Barr, BSAVA Academic Director, said: "This is an exciting new venture in postgraduate CPD, and will ultimately lead to qualifications which are achievable for those in practice and directly relates to their experience. Yet of course, these qualifications must remain challenging enough to merit the respect of the profession and meet the standards of the clinical excellence we all want to see.
"We are confident that BSAVA is the provider to deliver just this, but finding the right partner to validate the programmes was especially important. We want to know that we can move forward with the support and backing of an accrediting body that encourages academic excellence and at the same time understands the need to remain relevant and engaging to busy professionals."
These new qualifications are primarily aimed at veterinary surgeons in small animal practice, who have a particular interest in small animal medicine or surgery. So busy professionals is exactly who they are designed for. This appeals particularly to BSAVA President Andrew Ash, who as well as running the Association heads a six site practice in Sussex. He said: "As an employer I see more and more people who want some recognition for the time they spend fulfilling their professional CPD requirement - and with these discipline-based certificates I can see a way that at any point in your career you can now be rewarded with not only a greater breadth of knowledge and confidence, but with a certificate to show for your efforts.
"I am a great advocate of continual education, and having made a commitment to postgraduate study myself in the past I know how important supported learning is, and how essential it is to have an environment that both acknowledges your other commitments and gives you the support to achieve your ambitions. We are determined to do that.
"Of course I am delighted that this is being launched in my year as President. I am even more delighted that we have Frances Barr to lead this - her experience and enthusiasm is as impressive in this role as it was when she was BSAVA president".
Gill Richards, Director of Professional Development at Nottingham Trent chaired the validation visit at Woodrow House. She said: "Nottingham Trent is especially interested in working with professions in this way to help ensure the quality of provision on postgraduate education for people at all stages of their careers. It was our pleasure to confirm validation today and we look forward to working with the team at BSAVA. It is unusual for anyone to receive the number of commendations that were made today, and what has impressed us most about BSAVA is the impressive quality of the teaching team and materials, and the innovative response to meeting a national demand for a course of this quality".
Enrolment will opening October. The courses will be limited to 30 in each programme. Anyone interested in enrolling for one of these certificate programmes can email academicdirector@bsasva.com or call 01452 726700.
According to a survey carried out by Pfizer, veterinary surgeons are generally upbeat about the business prospects for their practice this year, despite predicting a harsh economic environment for the industry as a whole in 2011.
The Pulse Survey of more than 400 practice owners and their senior management teams, which presents a snapshot of market sentiment, revealed that predictions for the veterinary market in general remained as gloomy as 2010. Over half (52%) of respondents believed that conditions for the industry would get more challenging.
However, the response from owners about their own practice's performance was more bullish with a third (34%) believing their prospects will improve.
Pfizer Business Consultant, James White, said: "Practices are right to remain cautiously optimistic about 2011 if we accept it's going to be a challenging year. Some practices came slightly unstuck in 2010 as a result of the knock-on effects of the economic downturn on pet owners' pockets. However, by implementing the correct strategies now there are still opportunities for growth. Client loyalty is the buzz word and should remain a key component of any practice strategy being implemented in the coming months."
Pfizer launched the Pulse survey in Autumn 2010 to deliver up to date analysis on a range of issues that senior management teams at practice level are witnessing. According to the company, the survey is attracting a growing volume of respondents. All participants receive a summary report of the Pulse Survey findings.
Pfizer's team of Business Consultants is working with practices throughout the country to pinpoint their individual business challenges, offer solutions through the company's Vet Support+ service and work with the practices to drive growth. For further information visit http://www.vetsupportplus.co.uk/.
It's the final call for comments on the draft new RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons, as the consultation closes on Friday, 24 June 2011.
The new draft Code, which is intended to replace the existing RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct for Veterinary Surgeons, was produced by a Working Party set up by the RCVS Advisory Committee.
The new Code is a short, principles-based document using the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe's Code of Conduct as the starting point. It will be supported by additional advice on specific areas of veterinary practice or issues, for example, clinical governance.
New requirements in the Code include compulsory continuing professional development, the RCVS Health Protocol and more on clinical competence. It also contains an updated declaration to be made by veterinary surgeons, which gives increased emphasis to animal welfare.
The new Code, together with the consultation paper, can be downloaded at www.rcvs.org.uk/codeconsultation.
Comments, which are welcomed from the profession and the public, should be sent by email to Christopher Murdoch, Secretary to the Guides Review Working Party, at c.murdoch@rcvs.org.uk by Friday, 24 June 2011.
A separate consultation will open shortly on a draft RCVS Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.
Abbott Animal Health has announced the launch PropoFlo Plus, a 28-day preserved version of propofol intravenous anaesthetic for use in dogs and cats.
PropoFlo Plus contains benzyl alcohol, an antimicrobial preservative that provides it with a shelf life of 28 days, once opened. PropoFlo Plus is indicated for therapeutic use as a short-acting, intravenous general anaesthetic with a short recovery period. PropoFlo Plus can be used for procedures of a short duration, lasting up to approximately five minutes, and for induction of general anaesthesia where maintenance is provided by inhalation anaesthetic agents. Abbott says the extended shelf life of PropoFlo Plus provides an option for practices that may not routinely use an entire bottle of unpreserved propofol.
Jeff Schaffnit, Senior Director of Global Sales, Marketing and Business Development, Abbott Animal Health said: "Many veterinary surgeons are rightfully concerned about ways to save on costs and reduce waste in their practices, including anaesthetic waste. PropoFlo Plus is designed to minimise waste while providing veterinary surgeons with the confidence of using a familiar, trusted anaesthetic."
Abbott says that in addition to an extended shelf life, PropoFlo Plus provides the same established performance of PropoFlo, including:
The company also claims that studies show administering PropoFlo Plus results in no pain on injection.
PropoFlo Plus is available now through veterinary wholesalers. Abbott says it will be providing expert product support for PropoFlo Plus through local representatives, anaesthesia consultants and training tools for staff.
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association has established a new Foundation with a remit to improve global companion animal care through science and education.
The WSAVA Foundation, a not-for-profit body, is now identifying a range of potential projects, which it says are likely to include:
It is also identifying sources of funding, grants and partnerships with the veterinary pharmaceutical and pet nutrition sectors and other potential donors.
Dr Larry Dee, WSAVA Foundation President, former WSAVA President and co-owner of a large companion animal practice in Florida, said: "The creation of this new Foundation is one of the WSAVA's most exciting initiatives to date. We have an ambitious vision to improve global companion animal care through science and education.
With its establishment, global veterinary medicine now has a wonderful opportunity to utilize the networking resources and global 'connectivity' of WSAVA to deliver on its goal of improving companion care everywhere. We will be announcing details of our first initiatives shortly."
For further information on the WSAVA Foundation, please contact the WSAVA Secretariat at wsavasecretariat@gmail.com.