Veterinary News Headlines

    BVA offers free three-month trial membership

    The BVA is now reaching out to non-members with a three-month, no strings attached, free trial. The offer ends on 31 August. Over the past few years the BVA membership package has changed significantly in response to the needs of veterinary surgeons...

    Veterinary profession petitions for CCTV in abattoirs

    VetSurgeon member Anthony Todd has started a petition amongst veterinary surgeons and nurses, calling for the installation and routine monitoring of CCTV in all pre-slaughter areas of licensed abattoirs in the UK. The petition was triggered by a news...

    RCVS warns of dodgy VN training courses

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is warning practices and would be veterinary nurse students to check that VN training courses are approved by the College, or they will not lead to qualification as a veterinary nurse. The RCVS has reported...

    Dechra adds carprofen to Veterinary Essentials range

    Dechra Veterinary Products has launched Rycarfa carprofen tablets for dogs and injection for cats and dogs into its Veterinary Essentials range. Dechra's Veterinary Essentials range comprises a series of post patent products designed to offer practices...

    Money off vouchers and other fleabies from Virbac

    Virbac is launching a nationwide consumer campaign directing pet owners into practice with a special £1 off Indorex voucher promotion. Indorex product manager Victoria Hudson said: "Participating practices also have the chance to win £250 worth of...

    New precision dose pimobendan

    Eurovet Animal Health has launched Cardisure, a new look pimobendan which the company claims will help deliver more precise dosing in the treatment of cardiac disease. Dogs have the widest range in bodyweight of any species, and it's long been a problem...

    Nominate someone for an RCVS honour

    The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is calling for members to nominate veterinary surgeons and non-veterinary surgeons who merit the award of Honorary Associateship or Honorary Fellowship. Honorary Associateships are awarded annually to people...

    New blog offers expert opinion on pain management

    In what is believed to be a first for the profession, a group of experts have joined forces to publish 'Chronic Pain in the Dog' , a blog about managing pain. The blog, which is sponsored by Vetoquinol and available exclusively to members...

    Veterinary nurse launches CPD company

    Veterinary nurse Beverley Burnett has launched North East CPD, a new CPD provider in the North East of England. Beverley said: "It's not always time- or cost-effective to have to travel far and wide for courses, sometimes overnight, leaving surgeries...

    Protexin Veterinary launches cystophan

    Protexin Veterinary has launched Cystophan, a new product to aid in the management of Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC). Protexin says nearly 50% of cats with FIC will have a recurrent signs within one year, so it is important to offer a high quality...
  • RCVS needs to demonstrate relevance to its members

    A quick survey of VetSurgeon members 1 has found that of those that didn't vote in the 2011 council elections, 37.9% 'did not believe that voting in the RCVS elections will have any impact on my working life' However, as Wynne Richards pointed out...

    Free Logic sachets and pinboard display now available

    Ceva Animal Health UK is now providing Logic Oral Hygiene Gel sample sachets to veterinary practices free of charge, to enable clients to try before they buy on their cat or dog In addition, to help veterinary practices promote the importance of dental...

    MSD launches new Bravoxin 10 Farm Pack

    MSD has announced that the broad-spectrum clostridial disease vaccine for sheep and cattle, Bravoxin 10, is now available in a new 6 x 100ml farm vaccination pack. The pack contains enough vaccine for 600 sheep or 300 cattle boosters. Buyers of the...
  • BVA challenges FSA to act against animal abuse

    The BVA has challenged the Food Standards Agency (FSA) to take further investigative action to enable Defra to consider prosecutions against the Essex abattoir where appalling animal welfare abuses were highlighted in footage obtained by Animal Aid ...

    Dog owners pained by risk of medication

    Vetoquinol has released the second set of results from a survey of over 1000 dog owners which the company says has revealed some surprising findings on owner attitudes to pain and pain relieving medications. 1 In particular, Vetoquinol says it thinks...
  • Kruuse launches new manuka honey dressing

    Kruuse is to launch a new Manuka honey dressing at BEVA 2011 in September. Kruuse says that honey has been used as a topical anti-microbial agent and dressing for over 2000 years, and that honey derived from the nectar of the Manuka tree (Leptospermum...

    New spaying iPhone app

    Ceva Animal Health UK has launched a new Galastop iPhone application to calculate the optimal date for spaying in order to reduce the risk of post-operative false pregnancy. Enter the end of oestrus date (when the last season finished), and the app...

    Register early for BSAVA Congress and win prizes

    The British Small Animal Veterinary Association has opened registration for next year's BSAVA / WSAVA / FECAVA Congress, offering the added incentive of some high value prizes for booking early. Every month between now and December, everyone registered...

    Zolvix released in 0.5L pack for quarantine dosing

    Novartis Animal Health has launched a 0.5L pack of the anthelmintic Zolvix to make the product more readily available for quarantine dosing, and for the smaller sheep farmer. Novartis says that because Zolvix is a broad spectrum anthelmintic that...

    New dental x-ray system from BCF

    BCF has launched the CR7, a new dental x-ray system to add to the company's range of digital radiography equipment. BCF describes the CR7 as a portable, desk-top sized, small format CR X-ray dental system which has been specifically designed for dental...
  • New ultrasound 'how to' videos and CPD on

    BCF has launched a new gallery of ultrasound 'how to' videos, with an accompanying CPD-qualifying questionnaire, on In the series of 9 short videos, BCF's in-house vet, Kimberly Palgrave , demonstrates how to perform a basic abdominal...
  • Petplan & VetSurgeon call for PIA award nominations

    Petplan has launched this year's Insurance Advisor Award in association with, and is calling for nominations. The award is to recognise the hard work and dedication that Petplan Insurance Advisors (PIAs) do to highlight the importance...

    100% success rate for Grenadian grads entering the RCVS

    Five graduates from St George's University School of Veterinary Medicine (SGUSVM) , in the Caribbean island of Grenada, have passed the Statutory Membership Examination of the UK's Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. According to the University...

    Norbrook launches new website

    Norbrook Laboratories Ltd has relaunched its website with a focus on veterinary technical support, farmers and pet owners, and a new online recruitment system. The new site has sections dedicated specifically to farm animal, equine and pet healthcare...

    Online pig movement recording to start in October

    From the beginning of October this year, the electronic recording of pig movements will be written into legislation. Following a recent consultation, Defra intends to amend the existing Pigs, Records, Identification and Movements Order (PRIMO) 2007...