Davies Veterinary Specialists (DVS), the Hertfordshire-based private small animal referral practice, has launched a pro bono scheme to help deliver the practice's multi-specialist care to deserving patients and clients.
All first opinion practices are eligible to apply for the scheme, which will allow an average of one patient per month to receive free treatment.
Clive Elwood, managing director of DVS said: "The DVS board was unanimous in its desire to introduce a pro bono scheme to help the needy, specifically those patients that are likely to achieve a full recovery following specialist care, but are otherwise precluded from referral because of their owners' particular circumstances."
Pro bono requests are open to all practices. They will be based on advocacy from the clinical head of the referring practice and on genuine need.
To find out more visit http://www.vetspecialists.co.uk/ or call Dr Clive Elwood on 01582 883950.
A PR headache for Fortnum and Mason yesterday, as PETA employee Abi Izzard changed her name by deed poll to StopFortnumandMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com to try and shame the London store into stopping selling foie gras.
To produce foie gras, birds are force-fed several times per day in a controversial practice known as gavage, which causes their livers to swell to many times their normal size. PETA claims the practice causes the birds' livers to become diseased, that many animals bleed to death after their throats are punctured by force-feeding tubes, that surviving birds live in terror as they await the next assault, and become sick and lethargic.
However, Dr. Daniel Guemene, Director of Research & Senior Scientist at the National Agronomic Institute in France, says his research proves otherwise. In one study for example, stress levels in force-fed birds were guaged through the measurement of corticosterone blood levels. The study concluded that there was no significant increase in stress levels, except after the first instance of force-feeding, which researchers said was most likely due to holding the ducks, rather than the force-feeding. In addition, he claims to have demonstrated that ducks show no avoidance behaviour to the force-feeder or force-feeding, as would be expected if they feared these things.
The actor Roger Moore is a supporter of this girl's campaign. He said: "Many people know me as James Bond or 007, but I never went so far as officially changing my name from Roger Moore. I hope the young lady now known as StopFortnumAndMasonFoieGrasCruelty.com royally shames this store".
Companion Care has opened its 80th surgery, within the Ilford Pets at Home store.
Companion Care Vets managing director, Jane Balmain said: "The opening of our 80th surgery proves the success of our joint venture partner business model. At present the majority of our surgeries are located inside Pets at Home stores but we also have four very successful standalone surgeries. Our standalone surgery network is now being developed to create further exciting opportunities for future growth, with our first new standalone surgery opening in Scotland this December."
Joint venture partner and veterinary surgeon at Companion Care Vets Ilford Alberto Arciniega said: "Alongside the fantastic team we have on board, my partners Nick and Claire and I are extremely proud to be opening our second surgery here in Ilford. Having been partners at the Romford surgery since July 2009 we have seen the company grow consistently and successfully. We feel honoured to be opening the groups' 80th surgery and look forward to the challenge of managing both practices and to delivering outstanding veterinary care."
With 102 Joint Veterinary Partners, 83 of whom are veterinary surgeons, 12 veterinary nurses, 6 practice managers and 1 receptionist and a further 789 staff employed by the group Companion Care Vets is one of the largest veterinary employers in the UK. Dividend payments to joint venture partners in the 2010/2011 period totalled £2.181 million and the group says it plans to open a further 10 surgeries across the UK before the end of year.
Merial has released the results of a survey - carried out in conjunction with VetSurgeon.org - into the use of nutraceuticals for the management of canine joint problems.
The company says the total market for nutraceutical products remains strong, holding a value of £8.9 million* in the UK, and that this indicates that despite increasing economic pressures, nutraceuticals are still valued by veterinary surgeons and owners as an important part of the management approach to canine joint disease.
The survey generated 163 responses. Results showed that whilst 58% of canine patients with joint health problems received only NSAIDs for treatment, 28% of patients received both NSAIDs and a joint health nutraceutical and 14% received a nutraceutical alone, demonstrating the importance that veterinary practitioners place on the use of nutraceuticals. The survey also showed that on average, UK vets stock and recommend at least two nutraceutical products.
Supleneo flex Product Manager Claire Edmunds said: “This eshot survey yielded some interesting results and the email received the second highest recorded opening rate this year, indicating that it is a topic of great interest. The survey confirmed that vets are actively recommending nutraceuticals, alongside NSAIDs, for canine patients with joint health problems. These data also show that the market remains stable as the level of dispensing correlates well with our previous research. To encourage even more growth in this sector and support the launch of Supleneo flex we have produced a range of support materials, including the provision of samples, money off next purchase vouchers and a loyalty programme. In this way we can continue to support vets in their management of canine joint problems.”
For more information call Merial on 0870 6000 123 or contact your Territory Manager.
Merial has announced that its canine NSAID, Previcox, is now now uniquely licensed for the relief of pain and inflammation associated with dental surgery in dogs.
According to the company, an estimated 70% of dogs over 2 years of age may have some degree of periodontal disease1, and painful extraction of teeth is often necessary for the successful management of this condition.
Merial says that Previcox has been demonstrated to control the pain associated with dental surgery, in a double-blinded, controlled trial2 in which dogs underwent maxillary canine tooth extraction. The results showed that Previcox treatment significantly reduced pain scores post dental surgery, making it the only NSAID with a specific claim for relief of post-operative dental pain. Results of physical examination and blood testing also confirmed the peri-operative safety profile of Previcox, with no treatment-related adverse effects noted during the trial.
To find out more, contact your Merial Territory Manager on 0870 6000 123. For more information about Previcox visit www.previcoxfordogs.co.uk
1 Wiggs RB and Lobprise HB. Periodontology. In: Veterinary Dentistry, Principles and Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997. p1872 Merial Internal data PR&D0116401.
Eurovet has launched Comfortan, the first EU-authorised methadone in the UK, available as an injectable solution for use in dogs.
Eurovet says that whilst methadone may seem an unfamiliar analgesic choice for some vets in practice, that is about to change very quickly.
Ruth Vernon Technical Services Manager at Eurovet says that prior to the launch of Comfortan, reports show that usage of methadone to manage pain in animals is much higher than previously thought: "We have become aware that many practices are using methadone routinely for orthopaedic procedures and that several specialists use it in preference to any other analgesic where rapid onset of action and profound analgesia is important. This opioid provides vets with an animal analgesic with very rapid onset of action: exerting an effect in just 10 minutes of intravenous administration and 15 minutes of intramuscular administration. Comfortan is licensed both as an analgesic and as a premed in combination with a neuroleptic drug. As a full opioid agonist, Comfortan results in very effective pain relief, particularly when used for moderate to severe pain. Comfortan provides pain relief for approximately four hours and can be re-dosed to achieve the desired level and duration of pain relief."Ruth is anticipating high demand for Comfortan from launch: "Comfortan enables many more patients to be given methadone immediately to control their acute pain without their vets having to go through lengthy protocols involved in using products off-licence, so we think that more vets are about to become convinced of the benefits. Comfortan is licensed for veterinary use and it offers the convenience of a 10 ml vial with a shelf life of 28 days. Those who have not used methadone before, or indeed anyone with a query about storage or monitoring, can source all the information and advice they need by contacting us at Eurovet Animal Health."
For further information contact Eurovet Animal Health on 01223 257933, e-mail: office@eurovet-ah.co.uk, or visit: http://www.eurovet-ah.co.uk/
Lanes Health, manufacturer of the mobility supplement, LitoVet, has announced the nominees for the inaugural Litovet Equine Scientific Achievement Award, part of the annual Animal Health Trust (AHT) awards.
The award which has been set up to recognise a person or group whose clinical or scientific work has made a substantial difference to the equine veterinary world will be judged by a panel of leading veterinary surgeons and scientists.
The nominees are:
Peter Clegg - MA VerMB PhD CertsES DepEVCS MRCVS. Dr Clegg is Professor of Equine Surgery and Deputy Head of the Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, The University of Liverpool. Peter's current research focus is equine orthopaedics, in particular identifying the basic mechanisms of injury and repair in equine joints and tendons. He has supervised 13 successful PhD students and is currently supervising a further nine.
Andy Durham BSc, BVSc, DEIM, Dipl.ECEIM, MRCVS (RCVS & European Specialist in equine internal medicine). Liphook-based Andy Durham exemplifies the premise that veterinarians in practice can maintain an active interest in current research, undertake clinically relevant research projects, interact with researchers on an international stage and contribute to CPD through scientific papers, book chapters and lectures.
Tim Mair BVSc PhD DEIM DESTS DipECEIM MRCVS. Dr Mair ha been innovative in veterinary practice (e.g., an early adopter of standing magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]), has an extensive publication list recently focusing on evidence-based medicine for colic, but spanning the full breadth of common medical disorders in horses. He has made an enormous contribution to veterinary practice within both Europe and America in his role as Editor of Equine Veterinary Education.
Chris Proudman MA VetMB PhD CertEO FRCVS.Dr Proudman is Professor of Equine Studies at the University of Liverpool. His research interests are related to the aetiology and surgical management of acute intestinal disease (colic) in the horse: specifically, the diagnosis of intestinal parasites associated with colic and understanding dietary determinants of colic. Most recently this has involved using metabolomics and molecular microbiology to investigating the intestinal microbiota and its response to dietary change.
The LitoVet Equine Scientific Achievement Award can be granted to any individual or group that is currently undertaking, or has successfully implemented within the past ten years, one or more clinical or other research projects which has, or will, make a significant contribution to equine health and welfare.
The award will be presented to the recipient, or recipients, at the UK Equestrian Awards held at the Lancaster London on Thursday 3 November 2011.
The Veterinary Development Council (VDC) is conducting a survey to investigate the role of paraprofessionals and technicians in veterinary practice, and is asking vets in large animal, equine, and mixed practices to complete a short survey.
The VDC says that information from the survey will help inform discussions on the regulation of technicians.
The survey will take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete and can be found on the BVA website at www.bva.co.uk/vdc. The BVA has also emailed the survey directly to practices.
The survey has been devised by the VDC working group looking at the role of the veterinary-led team, chaired by BVA Past President Professor Bill Reilly. This is one of three working groups that will report to the VDC:
Professor Reilly said: "The relationship between veterinary surgeons and technicians is vital but it varies from practice to practice.
"The working group on the role of the veterinary-led team aims to take a snapshot of how services, such as artificial insemination and foot trimming, are currently delivered, and gauge how veterinary surgeons feel about other services being delivered by non-veterinarians in the future.
"I hope veterinary surgeons in large, mixed and equine practice will take 10 minutes to complete our survey to help us map the current use of technicians in veterinary practice and help shape our future discussions."
An amendment to the EU's draft budget for a €2 million pilot research project into homeopathy and phytotherapy for farm animals has been approved today by the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee.
BVA President Harvey Locke, said: "Millions of Euros have already been spent on trying to prove the scientific efficacy of homeopathic medicines. To date we have not seen any data to prove they can be effective in the treatment of bacterial infections.
"Whilst it is unlikely that €2 million will be able to determine whether or not there is a basis for claiming homeopathic products can work, we welcome European investment in veterinary research and hope that the results of the pilot will be useful."
Boehringer Ingelheim VetMedica has published its equine endocrine webinars online for veterinary professionals to view on demand at www.prascend.co.uk/webinars.
The webinars, which cover 'Diagnostic challenges in equine endocrine disease', presented by equine internal medicine specialist Andy Durham from the Liphook Equine Hospital, and 'A problem-based approach to equine laminitis', presented by equine internal medicine specialist Dr Catherine McGowan from the University of Liverpool, are each one hour long.
Participants will each receive CPD certificates for participation.
An ectoparasitology working group has been set up to provide a set of practical guidelines for veterinary surgeons across Europe.
The group, which has been established to bring together best practice strategies in the light of changing ectoparasite threats met for the first time earlier this year.
Headed by Doctor Marie-Christine Cadiergues, lecturer, researcher and Professor in dermatology at the National Veterinary School of Toulouse in France, and hosted by Virbac, the group of six leading independent experts from across Europe - including Dr Ross Bond from the RVC - has been tasked with developing strategies which can be applied by vets when advising their clients.
Virbac's small animal ectoparasitology product manager Victoria Hudson explains that using evidence-based data where possible, the aim of the group is to produce a clear, practical set of guidelines: "These will cover treatment efficacy, practicability for client education and compliance, impact in terms of animal welfare, public health and potential resistance, and a decision tree covering a wide range of scenario presentations to define the optimal antiparasitic treatment options."
Dr Bond adds that despite the very common occurrence of flea and tick infestations in pets, control strategies can be challenging depending on individual circumstances of the case: "It is anticipated that these guidelines will assist busy veterinary practitioners in their selection of the optimal control strategy."
An initial report is expected in the press in a few weeks time.
Dechra Veterinary Products has launched Celox Veterinary, a product which stops arterial or venous haemorrhage within 3 minutes, described as 'revolutionary' by the company.
Celox Veterinary is available in both a granule formulation and in two sizes of gauze. The granules can be poured into a wound. Once pressure is applied, a clot forms and arterial and venous haemorrhage is stopped within three minutes, independent of the body's normal clotting processes. Celox Veterinary Gauze has the granules ready bonded onto its surface for ease of use.
Dechra says the product works by bonding with red blood cells and gelling with fluids to produce a robust clot which sticks to moist tissue to plug the bleeding site. It can be helpful in treating a wide range of veterinary cases including:
Celox Veterinary is made from chitosan, a natural polysaccharide and by-product of the shrimp industry. It generates no heat while in use and small amounts of residual material left in the body are naturally metabolised.
Dechra Product Manager Rachel Horton said: "Wound care is an area in which Dechra is known for its innovative product range. We are delighted to take this to the next level by offering this revolutionary treatment to vets and believe it will soon establish itself as an efficacious tool when they are faced with significant injuries and severe bleeding."
For further information on Celox Veterinary, please contact your Territory Manager or call Dechra direct on (01939) 211200.
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, manufacturer of the equine pergolide Prascend, has joined forces with the British Horse Society, Redwings Horse Sanctuary and World Horse Welfare to launch the 'Talk About Cushing's (TAC)' campaign.
The initiative, which will take place throughout September and October 2011, is aimed at raising awareness of Cushing's Disease and its clinical signs, perhaps the most familiar of which is hirsutism (abnormal hair growth, or delayed shedding). Horse owners can download a £15 money-off voucher from http://www.talkaboutcushings.co.uk/ throughout the TAC initiative, which can be redeemed through their veterinary practice against blood test costs.
Boehringer says Equine Cushing's Disease, also known as Pituitary Pars Intermedia Dysfunction (PPID), is the most common endocrine disorder in older horses and ponies1 ,and that some estimates suggest over 15% of horses and ponies over 15 years of age are affected2.
Unfortunately, the initial stages of Cushing's Disease are often difficult to detect, delaying the maximum benefit of early diagnosis and intervention. Blood testing is increasingly used to detect the disease and confirm diagnosis, however many horses with clinical signs, including recurrent laminitis, still go undiagnosed.
Craig Beck, vet and equine sales and marketing manager at Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica said: "More than 80% of horses suffering from laminitis may have an underlying endocrine disorder, such as Cushing's Disease3.
"The TAC campaign will raise awareness of Cushing's Disease amongst both veterinary professionals and owners. It should make it easier for vets to go ahead with endocrine testing in horses and ponies with recurrent laminitis, diagnosing and treating earlier in the course of the disease."
Lee Hackett, head of welfare at the BHS, added: "Cushing's Disease is relatively common in horses yet in our experience it frequently goes undiagnosed and untreated. This is why we are fully behind the 'Talk About Cushing's' campaign - anything that raises awareness and understanding of this disease has to be of benefit to equine welfare."
Redwings' head of veterinary services Nicky Jarvis said: "At Redwings we have many horses over the age of 15, all living very happy and healthy lives. 'Old age' is not in itself a disease so when a geriatric horse loses condition or appears unwell there is always an underlying cause. If a horse continually succumbs to laminitis or loses weight, Cushing's Disease could be one explanation. However, with early diagnosis, good management and the correct treatment a horse with Cushing's can live comfortably for many years."
"Early diagnosis of Cushing's Disease can be of great benefit, other conditions such as laminitis are often associated with it and it is important that clinical signs are recognised and treated appropriately. World Horse Welfare supports the 'Talk About Cushing's' campaign as it will help people to recognise the signs and take the right action to prevent horses from suffering," concludes Tony Tyler, deputy chief executive, World Horse Welfare.
Backed by an advertising and PR campaign in the equine consumer media, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica has produced a marketing pack for veterinary practices to use in the run up to, and during TAC. This includes leaflets, invoice stickers, a veterinary practice toolkit featuring an owner evening presentation, editorial copy for newsletters and websites and images to support the campaign.
For further information on TAC or Prascend, the first licensed product for the treatment of Cushing's Disease, please visit http://www.talkaboutcushings.co.uk/, contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica territory manager or call 01344 746959.
1. Donaldson et al. “Evaluation of suspected pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction in horses with laminitis”. JAVMA, Vol 224, No. 7, April 1, 20042. McGowan. “Diagnostic and Management Protocols for Equine Cushings Syndrome” In Practice, November/December 20033. McGowan. “Epidemiology and Clinical Perspectives of Endocrinopathic Laminitis”, BEVA Congress 2009
New research published online by the Veterinary Record suggests that puppies separated from their litters early are significantly more likely to develop potentially problematic behaviours as adults than puppies who stay with the litter for at least two months.
This is important, say the Italian authors, because behavioural problems affect relationships with owners and the risk of subsequent abandonment.
The authors based their findings on 140 adult dogs, half of whom had been taken from the litter and adopted between the ages of 30 and 40 days, and half of whom had been taken from the litter at 60 days.
The dogs' owners, who were clients of several veterinary practices in Naples, Italy, were all asked to complete a telephone questionnaire about their pets, including their provenance, breed, and a range of potentially problematic behaviours.
These included destructiveness, excessive barking, possessiveness around food and/or toys, attention seeking, aggressiveness, play biting, fearfulness on walks, and reactivity to noises.
The dogs were aged 18 months to seven years at the time of the study. Half had come from a pet shop, while one in three came from a friend or relative, and the remainder were sourced from a breeder. None of the dogs had been in a shelter or been obviously traumatised.
Attention seeking and reactivity to noises were the most commonly reported behaviours. And younger dogs (under 36 months) were significantly more likely to be destructive and to tail chase than older animals.
But with the exception of pica eating, aggression towards the owner, paw licking and shadow staring, all behaviours were significantly more likely among dogs who had been separated from their litters before 60 days, irrespective of their breed, neuter status and size.
Similarly, some behaviours were more common among pet shop dogs who had been taken early from their litters than among pet shop dogs taken from their litters at 60 days.
The authors write: "It is generally accepted that dogs go through a sensitive period, the socialisation period, during which social experiences and stimuli have a greater effect on the development of their temperament and behaviour than if they occur in later life."
They say that the evidence increasingly points to a mix of early genetic, environmental and experiential factors that may permanently reconfigure the DNA, so leaving lasting effects. "Early separation from the dam and littermates, especially when combined with housing in a pet shop might affect the capacity of a puppy to adapt to new environmental conditions and social relationships later in life. "Behavioural intervention can address the development of problem behaviours and improve the dog's relationship with the owners, ultimately reducing the number of dogs that are relinquished or abandoned."
Click here to read the paper in full.
The Executors of the Will of the late Mary Brancker have notified the Veterinary Benevolent Fund that she left a share of her estate to the charity.
Mary Brancker was one of only a handful of women vets when she qualified in 1937. She went on to found the Society of Women Veterinary Surgeons; became one of the first women on BVA Council and was later awarded an OBE for her services as BVA President during the century's most serious outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease and a CBE in 2000 for services to animal health and welfare.
Mary was a long-time member of the VBF - a charity that has been run by vets for the profession for over a hundred years.
The VBF currently provides the Vet Helpline, the Veterinary Benevolent Fund, the Veterinary Surgeons' Health Support Programme and the Vetlife website. The charity says it plans to use Brancker's £40,000 bequest specifically for the redevelopment of the Vetlife website which is currently underway and for other essential support for veterinary colleagues in need. The new version of the website will be launched at the London Vet Show in November.
VBF's President Lydia Brown said: "Mary was a personal friend and her gift is so typical of her kindness and her appreciation of her career. I hope others will follow Mary's wonderful example and consider giving generously to VBF. A legacy is of enormous benefit to our charity and the veterinary profession as a whole. Although we are making every effort to adapt to the changing needs of the profession there is always more that can be done if we have sufficient funding."
Veterinary Benevolent Fund T: 020 7908 6385E: info@vetlife.org.uk
Veterinary Surgeons' Health Support ProgrammeT: 07946 634220E: VSHSP@vetlife.org.uk
Vet HelplineT: 07659 811118
See www.vetlife.org.uk for more information. Donations can be made to VBF on-line at www.virginmoneygiving.com
Vethelpdirect.com, the website founded by VetSurgeon.org member, Susie Samuel MRCVS, has launched a new system called VetReviews which allows your clients publish a review of your service directly from your own website.
To use the system, you (or perhaps more likely your website person) embed a small form on your website, called a widget, as shown on this example: www.baytreevets.co.uk (bottom right hand side).
Clients then click the link in the widget to submit a review of your practice, or to read existing reviews.
To ensure fair play, each review is checked by a person who removes any spammy or malicious reviews, and looks for any signs of fraudulent multiple reviews being submitted by one person.
In the event of a negative review, the practice is given 5 days to respond before the review is published, which means the review isn't displayed without the practice's side of the story.
However, as Susie points out, a single negative review is not necessarily a bad thing; most people are able to put one bad review into context. Indeed, a small number of negative, or less positive reviews tends to make the glowing ones seem more credible.
VetReviews are optimised for inclusion in Google search results, which should also help your search engine visibility.
For more information about VetReviews (which is a free upgrade for existing customers), email: vets@vethelpdirect.com, or telephone 0845 4961 204.
Vetericyn VF, the vet-only wound and skin care spray from Innovacyn has been named product of the year by Animal Health International, one of the world's largest food and companion animal health distributors.
Commenting on the award, Innovacyn said: "for an organisation the size and reputation of Animal Health International to give this top honour to Vetericyn is a great vindication of the product's efficacy but also the very positive feedback they have received from professional users."
Vetericyn VF is available throughout the UK from all the leading veterinary wholesalers. Further technical resources are available at: www.vetericyn.com/veterinarians or email enquiries to uk@vetericyn.com
The Forestry Commission, together with other agencies and landowners, is stepping up efforts to find out why some dogs have fallen ill while on countryside walks.
Over 50 cases of so called Seasonal Canine Illness (SCI) occurred during the autumn of 2009 and 2010 in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire, East Anglia and Warwickshire, although there have been reports from further afield.
Symptoms include severe vomiting, diarrhoea, shaking / trembling and high temperature, and have generally been displayed by animals within 24 hours of walking in the countryside, especially in woodlands. A small number of dogs have died. The cause of Seasonal Canine Illness remains unknown.
Jo Atkinson, from the Forestry Commission, said: "Although no cases have yet been reported this year, we are working with our many partners to get a clearer picture of the distribution and reasons behind this upsetting sickness. Both dog owners and vets can play their part too in helping protect cherished pets."
Moves to tackle the illness include:
Veterinary surgeons are asked to:
Kruuse UK has announced that it will be launching its new Android telemetric ECG system at BEVA 2011.
The original Televet 100 supports transmission of ECG data to a range of approx 100m (330ft), allowing recording and displaying of real time data only within a confined lunging or riding arena. By linking this system to a mobile network via 3G Android phone and a Windows 7 based tablet PC, the new Televet system overcomes this range limitation.
The new system requires the rider/horse to carry a 3G mobile phone which transmits data over the mobile internet, allowing the veterinary surgeon to display and record real time data on any PC/laptop with internet access or mobile internet connection. This also includes GPS information collected by the phone allowing the ECG, heart rate and velocity of the horse to be displayed in parallel.
The Android Telemetric ECG system is specifically targeted towards veterinary applications in the field of sports horses where extended range is particularly useful, such as endurance riding, three day eventing and racing.
Televet software can now also be integrated in Dicom infrastructures in practice for data capture and recording.
Sarah Stokes, Kruuse Equine Territory Manager said: "the flexibility and simplicity of the system along with immediate access to ECG data of patients will be an invaluable diagnostic tool for UK vets allowing vital support for patients and owners wherever they are."
Visitors to the Kruuse stand at BEVA 2011 will also have the chance to win an Acer ICONI W500 tablet worth £500.
A research project funded by The Horse Trust has made important discoveries about how two peptides regulate the inflammatory response in horses. This knowledge could help with the development of improved anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to treat a wide range of conditions in horses.
The research project was led by Professor Fiona Cunningham at the Royal Veterinary College in Hertfordshire and Dr Karen Rickards at the Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth, assisted by Dr Andrew Brooks at the RVC, and by Dr Kirstie Pickles, now at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh.
Inflammation is associated with a wide range of equine diseases, including recurrent airway obstruction, laminitis and sweet itch. Anti-inflammatory drugs, such as glucocorticosteroids, mainly work by blocking the formation and/or actions of compounds produced in the horse's body that cause inflammatory responses. However, these drugs are not always effective and can have unwanted side effects.
This research, funded by The Horse Trust, aimed to find out more about two naturally-occurring peptides - chains of amino acids that are shorter than proteins - known as annexin-1 and CXCL8. Both have been shown to affect the inflammatory response but little research has been done on their effects in horses. In the long term, knowing more about these compounds could help in the development of new anti-inflammatory drugs with fewer side effects.
During inflammation, neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) stick to the cells lining blood vessels and migrate into inflamed tissue, where they ingest and break down harmful agents. Using techniques that mimic these events, CXCL8 was found to cause adherence and migration of horse neutrophils. However, when it was used in combination with another pro-inflammatory substance, neutrophil migration and adherence were markedly decreased. This suggests that attempts to reduce inflammation by blocking the actions of CXCL8 might not be as beneficial as had been thought.
At the start of the project, the researchers had no information about horse annexin-1, other than its gene sequence, so their first step was to develop a method to detect the peptide in white blood cells. They established that it was present and, as horse annexin-1 has not yet been synthesised, they used a synthetic peptide derived from annexin-1, Ac2-26, to look at the effects on horse neutrophils.
They found that Ac2-26 decreased neutrophil adherence and migration in response to other pro-inflammatory compounds, although at high concentrations the peptide itself caused some cell activation, thereby increasing inflammation. They also found that dexamethasone (a glucocorticosteroid) increased the levels of annexin-1 in cells, indicating that, as in humans, this class of drugs is likely to act in part through the formation of annexin-1.
These findings suggest that the use of compounds which mimic the actions of annexin-1 may have limitations as anti-inflammatory drugs. As glucocorticosteroids partly work by forming annexin-1, further research is needed in order to find out how annexin-1 will act in the horse's body and establish how its formation contributes to the beneficial effects of these drugs.
Professor Cunningham said: "This Horse Trust-funded research has resulted in some very interesting findings about how inflammatory cells are regulated in horses. The receptors that annexin-1 and CXCL8 act upon could be targets for new equine inflammatory drugs, but more research is needed first to fully understand their actions and how they produce these effects."
The team's research has been accepted for publication by the journal Veterinary Immunology & Immunopathology.
BCF Technology has launched a new bovine reproduction clinical booklet which can now be ordered free from the company.
BCF says the booklet has been specifically designed as a reference guide for the reproductive tract of the cow, providing key clinical commentary and scanning images to show various stages of the fertility and reproductive processes.
The booklet was written by Kimberly Palgrave, BS BVM&S RCVS, BCF's in-house vet, and aims to help the user understand the value in using ultrasound for heard fertility management.
The company says the booklet provides essential information which will be useful to its Easi-Scan and Duo-Scan customers. The correct evaluation of the bovine reproductive tract is an essential aspect of both beef and dairy herd management and this 16 page booklet could help the user either to decide or reaffirm its interpretation.
Kimberly said: "This booklet really demonstrates BCFs commitment to learning and hopefully it will provide a quick reference guide to be used on the farm. It's ideal for students and those new to using ultrasound for cattle reproduction."
To order your free copy, visit the BCF website http://www.bcftechnology.com/, telephone +44 (0)1506 460023 or email info@bcftechnology.com.
VetSurgeon member Neil Forbes FRCVS, Specialist in Avian Medicine at Vets Now Referrals, has been dealing with a rather interesting case: an owl that swallowed a sock.
John Dowling, the owner of a falconry business and keeper of the 13 week old Indian eagle owl called Lydon noticed he was not eating properly, and then looked dazed and confused when taking part in the Stonehouse Horticultural Show & Summer Jolly. After the show, Lydon looked like he was trying to vomit but couldn't, so John took him to Vets Now Referrals in Swindon for a consultation.
Neil examined Lydon and found there was a hard swelling in his abdomen. Radiographs confirmed a bloated and very full stomach. The decision was taken to operate on Lydon to remove whatever was inside. Fearing a growth or tumour, Neil was rather surprised to find instead a smelly old sock in Lydon's stomach. With the sock successfully removed, Lydon was able to go home a few hours later, none the worse for his experience.
Lydon's owner, John, said: "Lydon is a hand-reared Indian eagle and is often in and around the house. The sock is a toy he has played with since he was a owlet, and never did I think he would, or could, have eaten it!
"I was obviously surprised when Neil found the sock in Lydon's stomach but more relieved than anything. I feared the worst but was delighted to find out it wasn't something more sinister."
Neil said: "Never in my 28 years of avian medicine experience have I treated an owl that swallowed a sock, it's just unheard of. Thankfully John brought Lydon into our clinic for a consultation upon suspicion something wasn't quite right and we were able to remove the sock preventing further health deterioration.
"We would always advise owners of pets to be careful when leaving items around the house, as you can never predict how mischievous pets can be."
Virbac has launched a new 12 month version of Suprelorin, the reversible medical castration implant for dogs, widening the options for clients seeking an alternative to surgical castration.
Product manager Chris Geddes MRCVS said: "The launch of Suprelorin 12 gives practices the chance to offer dog owners a more convenient castration option. The implant renewal can now be included with their dog's annual boosters or health check.
"The slow-release implant is inserted at the back of the neck in the same manner as a microchip. There is no anaesthetic, no surgery and no scarring. The current implant, which contains 4.7mg active and lasts for around 6 months after insertion, will continue to be available for those wanting a more brief solution or as a trial.
"Deslorelin is a GnRH superagonist which causes suppression of LH/FSH, and therefore testosterone production, leading to temporary infertility."
For further information on Suprelorin/12, please call and ask to speak to one of our veterinary advisors on 01359 243243, or contact your local Virbac territory manager.
A new session has been added to Ceva Animal Health UK's Cardio Academy CPD website entitled "Thoracic X-rays: Abnormal Features".
In the 30 minute multimedia presentation, the cardiology specialist Nicole Van Israël discusses X-ray abnormalities within the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of cardiac patients. This includes a discussion on how to measure heart size and how to identify and interpret lung patterns.
Participants can then receive a CPD certificate by completing the quiz for this session. The Cardio Academy CPD website is free of charge and can be accessed on www.cardioacademy.cevalearn.com.
In addition, the first four sessions can still be accessed which cover the Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Disease by Adrian Boswood, Clinical Examination of the Cardiac Dog by Gérard Le Bobinnec and Thoracic X-rays - How to Proceed and Thoracic X-rays - Normal Features by Nicole Van Israël.
For further information, please contact your local Ceva account manager.
Bayer Animal Health has announced that following the success of its educational TV advertising campaign, which ran earlier this year and promoted the need to worm cats, a second advertising campaign will now run in September.
Bayer (makers of Profender Spot-on solution) says its first campaign, which ran in May, had the principal aim of driving pet owners to their vet to ask about spot-on worming for their cats.
As part of the same campaign, research was conducted on cat behaviour by interviewing cat owners and attaching 'cat cams' and 'cat navs' to nine cats around the country. The results were analysed by cat behaviour expert Roger Tabor and can be found on the website www.spotonwormer4cats.com/, both as a short video documentary and a 24-page report, entitled 'The Secret Lives of Cats'.
A consumer PR campaign was also run in parallel with the TV advertising, which Bayer says was very successful in attracting entrants to a competition to find the cat with the biggest personality. Winners of the Cats with Cat-titude competition have now been announced and profiled on www.spotonwormer4cats.com.
Dan White, Profender product manager, said: "Post campaign market research revealed there was a 5% increase in the awareness of spot-on cat worming.
"The second phase of TV advertising - using the same advert but without the online competition - will start on 4th September and will build on the success of the previous advertising. And over the following three weeks, it will be broadcast on ITV1, ITV2, Channels 4 and 5, and Sky One, and is expected to reach 7 million of our core target audience."
Veterinary practices can obtain a subtitled version of 'The Secret Lives of Cats' documentary to play in their waiting rooms, and a wide selection of support materials, by contacting their Bayer Territory Manager.