After tense negotiations which stretched well into the night, Jenny Smith MRCVS has been confirmed this morning as the new face of
Jenny, who qualified earlier this year (congratulations), will appear in advertisements for the site in Veterinary Practice magazine, The London Vet Show Guide and Cattle Practice. She said: "I'm only too pleased to help promote It helped me understand what happens in the real world whilst I was at university, and I got my very first job as a veterinary surgeon through the contacts I made on the site."
Jenny is the third face of VetSurgeon, replacing Niall Taylor MRCVS, who has held the post since taking over from Gillian Mostyn MRCVS in December 2009. He said: "I'm ruined. Ruined, you hear. Without this contract, I'll probably have to go and open branches of Aldi on wet Saturday afternoons."
In fine tradition, Jenny is donating her £100 fee to the Northern Rose Boxer Rescue charity.
Pfizer is giving away a free equine weigh tape with every purchase of Equest & Equest Pramox (while stocks last), to help encourage accurate treatment against encysted small redworms this season.
According to the company, Equest & Equest Pramox are the only wormers in the UK that treat encysted small redworm in a single dose. Using a weigh tape to work out their horse's weight will help your clients avoid under dosing, which increases the risk of resistance development.
Pfizer says small redworms are the most common worms found in horses today. They can pose a very serious health risk to horses and it's important for owners to make sure that they are treated properly during the autumn or early winter.
Small redworms can grow up to 2.5cm in length and are thin and reddish in colour. Small redworm eggs are passed in the faeces and then hatch on pasture and continue to develop into more advanced larval stages before being ingested by the horse as it grazes. The larvae burrow deeply into the wall of the gut where they encyst and may account for up to 90% of the redworm burden in the horse1. Encysted small redworm will not show up in a Faecal Worm Egg Count - even if the horse has shown a negative or low count it could still be harbouring several million encysted small redworms2.
Encysted small redworms can remain dormant inside a horse for up to two years, but they usually 'wake-up' in late winter or early spring, developing and emerging from the gut wall all at the same time. In severe infestations mass emergence can lead to a disease syndrome known as 'larval cyathostominosis', causing diarrhoea and colic with up to a 50% mortality rate3. Young horses of less than six years of age can often be at higher risk of the disease3 but small redworm can cause life-threatening illness at any time of year and in any age of horse.
Ben Gaskell, Pfizer's veterinary adviser said: "Treating encysted small redworms successfully in the late autumn or early winter is important to avoid the risk of larval cyathostominosis. It's important to advise your customers to choose a product that is licensed to treat the worms they are targeting and that they give the correct dose, by weighing their horse beforehand, as this will help preserve the efficacy of the drug used."
Pfizer's Does your wormer measure up campaign is backed with point of sale materials and a media campaign. To receive a free weigh tape, valued at £7 your clients need to buy a tube of Equest or Equest Pramox, fill in an application form and send Pfizer the batch and expiry flap from the pack. Pfizer will then send them a FREE Weigh Tape while stocks last.
For further information contact your Pfizer Account Manager.
1. Bairden K. et al (2001) Veterinary Record 148, 138-1412. Dowdall S.M.J. et al (2002) Veterinary Parasitology 106, 225‑2423. McWilliam H. et al (2010) International Journal for Parasitology 40, 265-275
The Veterinary Benevolent Fund has launched a survey for veterinary surgeons in order to learn more about how the charity is viewed by the profession, and understand how it might improve the support it offers.
Please take part! The survey is anonymous, contains 21 questions and should take no more than 5-10 minutes of your time.
The survey is here:
The results will be shared in due course.
The RCVS Charitable Trust is offering up to 10 grants worth around £500 each, to support UK veterinary surgeons looking to pursue themes of clinical or non-clinical research involving short-term visits to veterinary or medical centres, or research institutes, outside the UK.
The Travel Awards are open to registered members of the RCVS, as well as to candidates registered for a PhD at a UK veterinary school. The awards are available for up to 12 months from the award date, and awards cannot be made for projects taking place before 31 October 2011.
The successful candidates will be asked to submit an article to the veterinary press and provide the Trust with a diary record including photographs, and/or short video.
All applications must be received by 5pm on Monday 31 October 2011.
Further information including full application criteria, is available from
Alternative, contact or call 0207 202 0741.
Carl Padgett has been elected President of the British Veterinary Association for 2011/2012.
Carl graduated from Glasgow University in 1989 and spent most of his career as a large animal practitioner. He is now a director of Bay Vets Ltd in Lancaster, and has particular interests in cattle health, production and welfare, veterinary politics and the role the profession has to play in the wider livestock industry and the companion animal world.
A former president of the British Cattle Veterinary Association (BCVA) and recent Chairman of Trustees of the BVA Animal Welfare Foundation, Carl has been involved in veterinary politics for over 15 years.
Carl said: "My representative roles for BVA, and prior to that BCVA, have enabled me to understand and realise my interest in the veterinary profession: ensuring the profession has a voice and our place in society is valued.
"Our multi-disciplinary education and training places the profession in a unique position to deliver a healthy future at many levels: representing the health and welfare of animals committed to our care, protecting the consumer by ensuring food safety and security at national and international levels by working within the agricultural world and ensuring public health in a variety of ways. Vets are not just part of the leisure industry making animals better; we fill a much wider role in underpinning society and its contact with animals at all levels."And so to the future. Although we do indeed live in a changing world, many of the challenges we face as a profession continue through from one President to the next, as they span beyond the year-long term of office. Over the last couple of years BVA has made a lot of progress on a number of policy issues and, in some instances, our lobbying efforts have paid off with Government announcements and new legislation reflecting our endeavours. Looking ahead, much of the coming year will be about putting those policies into practice, and that's why the theme of my presidential year will be 'Delivering a healthy future'.
"I am proud and honoured to be elected BVA President to continue serving the membership as part of the BVA Officer team."
Peter Harlech Jones was elected BVA President-elect for 2011/2012 at the same time.
The Disciplinary Committee has directed that Kfir Segev be restored to the RCVS Register, having removed him over two years ago for dishonesty and misleading clients.
Mr Segev, formerly practising in Stanmore, Middlesex, was removed from the Register following an 11-day hearing ending on 19 May 2009 at which he had been proven guilty of deliberately concealing from his clients that their dog was terminally ill, whilst at the same time recommending that she undergo expensive and unnecessary procedures.
This was Mr Segev’s first application for restoration to the Register. The Committee found that, during his period of removal, he had undergone “extensive personal and professional rehabilitation”, which included attendance at a clinical psychologist and voluntary work in the local community.
The Committee found that, during his period of removal, he had undergone "extensive personal and professional rehabilitation.
From 2009 to September 2011, Mr Segev logged 420 hours of certificated continuing professional development, with particular emphasis on ethics, client relationships and animal welfare.
The Committee noted he had also seen practice and taken the advice of mentors, including about 80 days at “a number of high quality practices with eminent members of the profession”.
These included Professor Dick White MRCVS, of Dick White Referrals, Professor David Noakes FRCVS, Emeritus Professor of the Royal Veterinary College and Mr David Grant MBE FRCVS, Hospital Director at the RSCPA Sir Harold Harmsworth Memorial Hospital, all of whom gave evidence at the hearing in support of Mr Segev.
Professor White said that, since late 2009 when he was approached by Mr Segev for help in remedial training, continuing education and mentoring, he had subsequently had frequent dealings and conversations with him.
Professor White said: “I formed the opinion that he invariably exercised professional clinical judgement that is, if anything, considerably deeper than many professional colleagues. I felt he demonstrated compassion for patients and empathy for owners in equal measure and believed him to have come to understand fully the seriousness of his behaviour."
Mr Segev’s efforts at rehabilitation were described as “exceptional” by Professor Noakes, who said he was “impressed by Mr Segev’s genuine acceptance of the fact that he had committed a serious offence and deserved to be punished.”
Mr Grant, who had been in contact with Mr Segev since November 2010, told the hearing that, in his opinion, it was most evident that Mr Segev accepted his wrongdoing and, along with Professor Noakes, indicated that he was willing to offer continued support and help.
The College opposed the restoration of Mr Segev on three grounds, namely: the gravity of the matters found proved at the original hearing; that the length of time off the Register was insufficient to mark these and ensure that the reputation of the profession was not undermined in the eyes of the public; and, Mr Segev’s conduct, relying on two matters arising from the footage in a BBC Panorama programme, which was filmed both before and after the 2009 hearing.
The College also questioned whether Mr Segev genuinely accepted the original findings.
The Committee agreed that the findings of the original hearing were serious; it was, however, impressed by Mr Segev’s complete and genuine written and public apologies for what he had done.
It disagreed that the length of time off the Register was too short.
It was mindful that the purpose of the sanction of erasure is not primarily of punishment and considered that no useful purpose would be served by delaying further Mr Segev’s restoration.
Whilst the Committee found Mr Segev was wrong to have continued to display ‘veterinary surgeon’ on the practice nameplate (as shown in the television footage), it was satisfied that he did not intend to hold himself out as a practising veterinary surgeon and no harm to the public or animal welfare resulted from his mistake.
The footage also showed Mr Segev was in breach of RCVS guidance on the administration of anaesthesia by permitting a student veterinary nurse to induce anaesthesia by using incremental doses of intravenous propofol, with an unqualified assistant offering advice on the depth of anaesthesia during its incremental induction. The Committee considered Mr Segev’s actions to be an error, now cured.
In conclusion, the Committee accepted Mr Segev “had made genuine and successful attempts to reform his previous attitude and failings”.
It noted that a large number of testimonials had been provided by colleagues, friends and clients, and that the impact of removal on Mr Segev had been severe.
It concluded that his previous mistakes provided “no reason, relevant to animal welfare, to suggest that his restoration would be unwise.”
Speaking on behalf of the Committee, Chairman Beverley Cottrell said: “Restoration to the Register of a veterinary surgeon who has been guilty of disgraceful conduct in a professional respect of such seriousness is not something to be undertaken lightly … But, in all the circumstances of this case, [we have] decided that Mr Segev is a fit person to restore to the Register, and so direct the Registrar.”
Virbac Animal Health has announced that registrations on BackHome BioTec, the company's microchip identification service, were moved to the Petlog Database with effect from Monday 12 September 2011.
Virbac says it moved to the UK's largest independent microchip registration database in order to offer an enhanced level of service and support, both to veterinary staff and pet owners.
Practices using the BackHome BioTec system are being asked to log onto to create a new account.
Gillian Brown, Product Manager for BackHome at Virbac, said: "BackHome has established itself as a popular, cost-effective and easy to use microchipping system. We believe that in appointing Petlog to manage our registrations we will now be offering a 'best of breed' service for veterinary staff and pet owners.
"We're extremely grateful to Celia Walsom, Petlog Executive, and her team. They have demonstrated unfailing energy, expertise and total dedication to ensuring this move has run smoothly and effectively for all our customers. I am confident that they will benefit from Petlog's commitment to provide a comprehensive identification service which is easy, convenient and secure to use.
"All our existing customers need to do is go to the new website ( and set up an account - it's a simple and quick process. We'll also be providing a range of promotional materials to help them communicate the change to their own clients."
Petlog is owned and managed by the Kennel Club. Virbac says it is fully data compliant and defers income to ensure it can honour its lifetime promise to pet owners. Its Lost and Found helpline is available 24/7, 365 days a year and it is also a founder member of the European Pet Network.
Further information on BackHome BioTec is available on the new website, which also contains a direct link to Petlog.
For further information about BackHome BioTec, please contact your Virbac Territory Manager or call the company on 01359 243243.
The Veterinary Marketing Association has 10 tickets available for its annual debate being held at the House of Lords on Tuesday October 12th, this year entitled: Internet Pharmacies - Opportunity or Threat?
The debate will be chaired by Professor Sandy Trees, and the panel will comprise:
The debate kicks off at 10:30am, and is followed by lunch at 12:30pm on the famous terrace, overlooking the Thames.
VetSurgeon members may buy tickets at the lower VMA member price of £120 + VAT, which includes the champagne reception and three course lunch with wine.
Click here for more information.
Virbac Animal Health is launching an initiative to highlight the prevalence of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a condition suffered by more than 80% of entire male dogs over the age of five1.
The campaign will take place during November - or 'Movember' as it's called by the thousands of men who grow moustaches during the month to raise funds for male prostate and testicular cancer. Virbac says it hopes the campaign will remind dog owners that men are not the only ones to suffer from prostate disorders.
As part of the campaign, the company will be providing participating practices with promotional materials including free dog leads, owner educational and display materials, a press release for local media and practice educational materials.
Chris Geddes MRCVS, Virbac Product Manager, said: "It's estimated that 20% of the country's eight million dogs remain uncastrated throughout their lives. As dogs age, their prostates enlarge, eventually causing symptoms including constipation, lameness and difficulties in urination. However, most of the time clinical signs are absent or vague so diagnosing BPH can be a challenge."
According to Virbac, the traditional rectal examination technique can be an ordeal for both dog and clinician. It's also sometimes inaccurate even in experienced hands and is impossible in very small or large breeds. As a solution, the company has recently introduced Odelis CPSE, the first ELISA test to screen for, diagnose and monitor BPH, available from three UK diagnostic laboratories. The company says it's a cost-effective, precise and reliable alternative to rectal palpation. Virbac also offers Ypozane, a simple tablet treatment for BPH, which takes effect within a week and lasts for six months.
Chris added: "BPH is a serious threat to the health of entire dogs as they get older but owners are often unaware of the potentially serious health problems it can cause if left untreated.
"We hope that, by running our Prostate Awareness Campaign at a time when the media spotlight is already on the dangers of prostate cancer in men, we can help spread the message that owners should also be monitoring older dogs for signs of prostate disease.
"We're providing practices with all the materials they need to promote the campaign in their locality and hope that those getting involved will find it effective in terms of bringing dog-owning clients into the practice for advice on BPH."
For further information on the Prostate Awareness Campaign and to get your free pack please contact your Virbac Territory Manager or contact the company direct on 01359 243243.
Reference1. O'Shea J.D. Studies on the canine prostate gland: Factors influencing its size and weight. J. Comp. Pathol. 1962 72: 321-331.
The NOAH Code of Practice Committee, chaired by Mr Guy Tritton, has found Dechra Veterinary Products in breach of three items of the NOAH Code, following a complaint.
The complaint related to an advertisement and detailer promoting Felimazole with the wording "Are you taking a heavy-handed approach to hyperthyroidism?" and "with Felimazole, you don't have to!"
The Committee took the view that by implication this referred to Vidalta because Vidalta is the only other licensed oral treatment on the market for hyperthyroidism.
As a result, the Committee found both promotions in breach of Clause 4.3 because of the implication that Vidalta is less safe than Felimazole.
The Committee did not consider the promotions disparaged the manufacturer as there is no evidence to show it is unsafe.
The Committee also found that the table in the detailer (page 4) suggesting that one dosage of 5 mg per day of Felimazole has the same efficacy as two doses of 2.5 mg, (which is contrary to the dosing statement within the SPC: "If, for reasons of compliance, once daily dosing with a 5 mg tablet is preferable, then this is acceptable although reduced efficacy can be expected compared to a twice daily regime.") was misleading, contrary to Clause 4.3 of the Code.
Full details of the Committee's rulings are on the NOAH website at The full report of this particular case will be available shortly.
The Small Animal Medicine Society (SAMSOC) and the BSAVA have together produced a new poster containing guidelines for the appropriate use of antibiotics in practice.
In recent years, alongside wider recognition of resistant bacteria such as MRSA in animals, the veterinary profession's use of antibiotics has been under the spotlight as a possible factor contributing to the increasing prevalence of bacterial resistance seen in human patients. Veterinary surgeons are faced with the dual problem of treating more and more resistant bacterial infections, whilst the threat of withdrawal of the right to prescribe certain antibiotics hangs over the profession.
SAMSoc and the BSAVA say they feel the time has come for the veterinary profession to take a coordinated responsible approach to its prescribing practices.
Ian Battersby of the Small Animal Medicine Society (SAMSoc) has sought to address the need for rational guidelines for the most appropriate antibiotics, for the correct duration, to maximise clinical efficacy but minimise selection of resistant bacteria. Collaboration with BSAVA resulted in a set of helpful prescribing guidelines in poster form, being sent to members of both associations. A limited number of copies will also be available from the BSAVA Balcony at Congress 2012, and BSAVA has dedicated the October issue of its membership magazine, companion, to the subject.
Ian said: "Of course these PROTECT guidelines are suggestions based on current knowledge and in the future we hope they will be further refined as our experience grows. This is an evolving situation and hopefully more work will be undertaken, in particular looking at treatment durations, allowing further refinement and optimization of practice policies. The key principles are that by implementing a prescribing protocol in our practices we are treating our prescribing privileges responsibly and maximizing the efficacy of the presently available agents for the benefit of both veterinary and human patients now and in the future.
"I would like to particularly thank everyone who has helped with this project; Andrew Jagoe, Professor Ian Ramsey, Tom Maddox, Jon Camillari, Alison Woodward and Dr Tim Nuttall, and BSAVA for facilitating the production of the poster".
Woodley Equipment has become the UK distributor for the full portfolio of SpotChem products from Japanese manufacturer, Arkray.
The range of products includes:
For more information about the new SpotChem analysers, visit:, email: or call on +44(0)1204 669033.
Ceva Animal Health has added a new presentation to its Cardio Academy CPD website, entitled: Echocardiography: Common Views.
In the 30 minute multimedia presentation, cardiology specialist Anne French discusses the most common echocardiographic views used in the diagnosis of the cardiac patient.
Veterinary professionals can then receive a CPD certificate by completing a quiz about the session.
In addition, you can still access the the first five sessions, covering the Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Disease, by Adrian Boswood, Clinical Examination of the Cardiac Dog, by Gérard Le Bobinnec and three sessions discussing Thoracic X-rays by Nicole Van Israël.
For further information, please contact your local Ceva account manager.
WebLeC has launched a monthly online equine CPD service.
One hour live interactive sessions will take place every third Thursday at 7:30 pm. A single meeting costs £30 plus VAT, or savings can be made by taking out a flexible subscription that allows the user to choose any 12 meetings for the cost of 10 over a period of up to 24 months.
The next meeting is on 22nd September and is entitled: Colic Decision making: When to wake up the surgeon and what pain control to use. The presenter is Debra Archer form the University of Liverpool. Further details and registration links can be found at:
In addition, a recording of WebLeC's 6th meeting, which was held in partnership with BEVA and the VDS and dealt with the new guidelines and forms for pre-purchase examinations of horses, is now available to view free online at: Use the password: b3va to get access, and you will receive a CPD certificate if you fill in the registration form.
WebLeC has also been asked to host BEVA's online CPD and will be announcing further details of their meetings soon.
MSD Animal Health has launched Zuprevo Cattle, which contains a novel antibiotic molecule to help combat bovine respiratory disease (BRD).
Zuprevo Cattle contains the active ingredient tildipirosin (180mg/ml), a new 16-membered, tribasic macrolide unique to animal health. It is licensed for the treatment and prevention of BRD associated with Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida and Histophilus somni.
According to MSD Animal Health livestock veterinary adviser Paul Williams MRCVS, the new product works extremely quickly in the animal, as well as offering the longest duration of activity in the lungs of all the macrolide antibiotics currently on the market. He says it is also extremely convenient to use: "Zuprevo is readily absorbed by the animal, reaching peak plasma concentrations within 23 minutes of injection. Zuprevo is readily distributed around the body and reaches lung concentration well above MIC90 for all of the three BRD target pathogens within four hours of administration. In addition, it maintains lung concentration above the MIC90 for up to 28 days, which will appeal to many practitioners."
Paul says that it is Zuprevo's 16-membered, tribasic macrolide structure that allows it to deliver these significant pharmacological benefits for the management of BRD in cattle: "Zuprevo works by diffusing into the bacterial cell where its binding action inhibits protein synthesis of the bacterial ribosome. Its unique 16-membered, tribasic structure enables enhanced penetration of the bacterial cell wall, as well as having the ability to bypass some potential bacterial resistance mechanisms."
Paul says Zuprevo also offers vets and their farmer clients important practical usage advantages: "Zuprevo is an easily syringeable solution for injection available in convenient 20ml, 50ml and 100ml vial sizes to suit different usage requirements. At a dose rate of 1ml/45kg, it offers the lowest macrolide dose volume per kg of bodyweight. At 47 days, Zuprevo also has the shortest macrolide meat withdrawal period."
Further information on this new macrolide antibiotic is available from the MSD Animal Health territory managers or by calling the company's Veterinary Services Group on 01908 685685.
Eurovet Animal Health has launched Marbiflox 10%, a new marbofloxacin preparation for the treatment of respiratory infections in cattle and pigs.
Eurovet says the product can be used flexibly to provide a single dose treatment, with a concentration-dependent effect and a relatively short withdrawal period. Marbiflox can be administered intravenously, subcutaneously or intramuscularly in cattle or intramuscularly in pigs.
The main indications, with reference to good prescribing practice, are for the treatment of respiratory infections caused by sensitive strains of Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni and acute forms of mastitis induced by marbofloxacin-sensitive Escherichia coli strains, during lactation. In pigs the main indication is in the treatment of MMA (metritis mastitis agalactia syndrome).
Further information about Marbiflox and the complete Eurovet range of products is available from Eurovet Animal Health. member Dr Sarah Caney's company, Cat Professional, is conducting a survey of owner experiences of caring for cats with chronic kidney disease and is looking for practices to help recruit participants.
Recruited practices will be given a complimentary print copy of the new client education book 'Caring for a cat with chronic kidney disease' by Dr Sarah Caney and a set of flyers to give out to eligible cat owners.
Owners completing the survey will each receive a complimentary electronic copy of the same book.
The book is aimed at owners and aims to support veterinary recommendations regarding management of this common condition.
To find out more about this survey please visit or contact Dr Sarah Caney on 07711 390219.
Vets Now Ltd, the provider of out-of-hours emergency vet care has announced the acquisition of Salus Quality Partnerships (QP), a Health and Safety service provider to the veterinary profession in the UK.
Vets Now says this acquisition will extend the range of its services aimed at improving the quality of life within the profession and supporting practices to run more efficiently.
Vets Now currently runs 50 emergency clinics throughout the country including two referral hospitals in Scotland and the South West of England. In recent years Vets Now has extended its offering to the profession to include business services aimed at supporting vet practices. These services include Lifelearn (Client Education & Compliance), Staff Training Services, RCVS Practice Standards support and Practice Web services.
Salus QP, which has been running for over 18 years, offers veterinary practices information and services to help them comply with Health and Safety legislation and an anaesthetic monitoring service.
Richard Dixon, Founder of Vets Now said: "Our core purpose at Vets Now has always been to improve the lives of vets and pets, and the recent addition of Salus QP will help to do exactly that. The Salus QP team, led by Mark Enright and Alison Clark, have extensive knowledge in their field and crucially they fully understand the issues as they specifically apply to veterinary practices. With Salus QP our aim is to keep it simple and practical, helping practices fulfil their obligations without letting the Health and Safety tail wag the practice dog. I am very much looking forward to working with both Mark and Alison in the future as we take a fresh and common sense approach to Health and Safety in our profession."
Mark Enright said: "Salus QP and Vets Now both share a strong commitment to the veterinary profession and I truly believe that together we will be greater than the sum of our parts. I look forward to a future of innovations and benefits for all, and to continue to form quality partnerships within the veterinary profession."
The Kennel Club has launched Puppy Awareness Week to bring the horrors of puppy farming to the public consciousness and highlight the important steps that are needed when buying a puppy, such as choosing the right breed and finding a responsible breeder.
According to the organisation, 1 in 4 dog owners may have bought a puppy farmed dog. According to a survey it carried out this month, 44% of people don't even know what a puppy farm is, and 29% have bought a puppy from the Internet, a pet shop or a newspaper advert, all outlets which are often used for selling puppy farmed puppies. 60% admitted they did not see their puppy with its mother and more than half didn't see its breeding environment before they brought it home. 66% of owners were also never given the parents health certificates, and 8% were sold a puppy before it was 8 weeks old, which recent research has shown may lead to behavioural problems later in life.
The Kennel Club is concerned that the problem will get worse in the current economic climate, as 66% of people said they would buy a puppy at lower than the average price.
Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: "Puppy farming is a cruel trade that treats dogs as commodities rather than living creatures. You wouldn't buy a commodity, such as a car, from a dodgy dealer offering no MOT or service documents, but people don't ask for the same assurances from a breeder when buying a dog.
"Our worry is that in the future even more people will be fooled by puppy farmers, who hide behind the internet, being drawn in by the knock down prices without being aware of the high cost that they will pay later. This will simply grow the abandoned dog population and result in even more suffering.
"It is absolutely vital that people go to a Kennel Club Assured Breeder or a rescue home and that they know what assurances and information they are entitled to when buying a puppy, or it will lead to hefty veterinary bills and heartache further down the line."
The Kennel Club is urging puppy buyers to go to a rescue home, or a Kennel Club Assured Breeder - the only scheme in the UK which sets standards for and monitors dog breeders. It has also called on the government to put in place standards, similar to those used by the Kennel Club Assured Breeder Scheme, for all breeders.
The Kennel Club has issued the following advice to puppy buyers:
The Kennel Club has also created a petition to help end puppy farming and hopes to reach 100,000 signatures so that it may be addressed in the House of Commons. Dog lovers are invited to add their support by visiting
Puppy Awareness Week will culminate in Pup Aid, the boutique music festival, celebrity-judged fun dog show and family day out at Stanmer House in Brighton on 18th September, organised by TV vet Marc Abraham.
For further information, visit:
Eurovet Animal Health has launched a new product, Bovocycline 2000 mg pessary for cattle.
Bovocycline 2000 is the only veterinary licenced antibiotic pessary for the treatment of retained foetal membranes in cattle. It is licenced for the treatment of post parturient disorders in cattle, for administration after dystocia, retained foetal membranes (RFMs) and endometritis.
According to Eurovet, the incidence of retained foetal membranes in cows varies from zero to 25 per cent, but the average is around 4 per cent in most herds. RFMs result in reduced cow fertility and a higher risk of culling due to poor fertility. Pessaries are still considered the preferred treatment for vulval discharges in cattle by farmers.
Ruth Vernon, Technical Services Manager for Eurovet said: "The control of post partum problems in cattle is rarely straight forward, but it is great to have a veterinary licensed treatment designed specifically for this purpose, in one pessary that contains 2000mgs tetracycline".
For more information please contact Eurovet Animal Health. Tel: 01223 257933. E-mail:
The Royal Veterinary College has launched an appeal to the veterinary profession to raise a target of £10,000 to enable VetAid Kenya to help during what has become the worst drought in living memory in the Horn of Africa.
According to the RVC, the drought has already forced over one million cattle and small stock south into the Tana Delta district of Kenya in search of grazing. Crowded together, these weakened animals are at major risk of infectious and parasitic disease. In some cases 80-90% mortality can be expected in herds or flocks. Without veterinary intervention, breeding livestock for communities in the Horn of Africa drought area will be devastated.
Government veterinary services are stretched and they are assisted in a coordinated response involving Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (Belgium, Switzerland and Germany) and VetAid Kenya which has staff in the field protecting herds. The programme has been partly funded by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), but with funds running low this vital activity is at risk just as it is most needed. VetAid Kenya is now the only veterinary agency working in the area, implementing an emergency vaccination programme to protect the breeding stock.
Gabriel Turasha, Director of VetAid Kenya said: "We only have one team working in Tana River and desperately need funds to send out three more teams as soon as possible. £10,000 would cover the cost of three teams, transport and vaccinations to treat 20,000 animals per week. This will make a real difference as we are providing the only veterinary support in this vast area.
"Our vaccination teams are ready to go out into the field at a few days notice. We just need to mobilize them. This is where the UK veterinary profession can help - every pound donated will make a huge difference!"
RVC Principal Professor Stuart Reid said: "Veterinary services are seriously stretched in Kenya and the only organisations with the flexibility, initiative and expertise to respond this to emergency are the veterinary NGOs such as VetAid Kenya and its Vétérinaires Sans Frontières partners.
"FAO has limited budget to spend on disaster response and RVC has a longstanding relationship with VetAid Kenya and with the region in general. As a College, we strongly feel that we should do all we can to support pastoral farmers in the region, and mounting this appeal is one way in which we can respond to the ongoing disaster and support our veterinary colleagues in East Africa."
The RVC and all other agencies involved in this appeal are contributing their services pro-bono so that all funds raised will go to the programme to help the people and animals struggling with the drought.
To donate, visit:
The RCVS has released the photograph of a man apprehended by Wiltshire police whilst working as a bogus veterinary surgeon at a practice in Swindon.
Peter Keniry, who had been practising under the name of a properly qualified and legitimately registered veterinary surgeon Shaun Kehoe, was arrested on 23 August and appeared in Swindon Magistrates' Court on charges of fraud and practising veterinary surgery unlawfully. He was released on bail.
Mr Keniry is no stranger to the College or the police, and has already been dealt with in 1998, 2001 and 2005 for similar offences. On each occasion, Mr Keniry has impersonated a member of the College whose name is legitimately on the Register, which makes it difficult even for practices that do check the credentials of prospective employees.
Gordon Hockey, Head of Professional Conduct and Assistant Registrar at the RCVS said: "We were alerted to the potential fraud on 23 August and immediately liaised with the police to facilitate Mr Keniry's arrest that same day. The next day, RCVS Council member Dr Bob Moore and I visited Swindon police station to assist the police.
"It appears that Mr Keniry has continued his pattern of re-offending, and we hope that by publicising his photograph any other practice that has employed him recently will recognise him and contact the RCVS Professional Conduct Department, and potential employers and locum agencies will keep his photograph to reduce the chances of this happening again."
The RCVS Professional Conduct Department can be contacted on: or 020 7202 0789.
Petsavers, the charitable division of the BSAVA, is calling for entries to its 2012 digital photography competition, this year themed 'Best Buddies'.
The competition is open to entries from pet owners and veterinary professionals alike. The judges will be looking for qualities like humour and character in the photos, as well as photographic skill.
If you need a little inspiration, you can see the winning images from previous years on the BSAVA website.
The competition has two categories: Adult (16 and over) and Junior (under 16). First prize in each category is £200 in photography vouchers, second prize is £100 in photography vouchers and third prize is £50 in photography vouchers. The closing date is Thursday 26 January 2012. To enter the competition, email your photographs to An application form must also be submitted; this can be emailed with your photograph or alternatively you can print and fax the form to BSAVA at 01452 726701.
Petsavers is also encouraging practices to help promote the competition by displaying leaflets in practice, and telling clients about it.
More information is available by emailing: or visiting
Norbrook Laboratories has announced Arthritis Awareness Month, which will run from 15th October to 15th November 2011, during which the company will be running a series of special promotions and competitions.
Michelle Jones, Companion Animal Brand Manager said: "At Norbrook, we are focusing on arthritis during October when pet owner and veterinary practices can enjoy special promotions on arthritis treatment, enter competitions with a range of great prizes and receive expert advice from our own inhouse Veterinary Advisors on the dedicated Pet Healthcare section on our website."
Michelle added: "Our product range offers veterinary surgeons and pet owners a wide choice of treatments. Loxicom for cats and dogs is our meloxicam product available as an oral suspension or an injectable while Carprieve is our Carprofen product, available as an injectable for dogs and cats and in tablet form for dogs. We have also recently introduced a new liver-flavoured palatable tablet which is proven to be more successful in getting dogs to take the medication. In addition, Norbrook also supply a glucosamine supplement, Noractive, which can also be used for improving joint suppleness and mobility in cats and dogs."
More details about Arthritis Awareness Month will be sent to practices, or you can visit
Elanco has announced the results of a challenge study which the company says demonstrates the ability of Duvaxyn IE-T Plus equine influenza vaccine to cross protect against A/equi-2/Richmond/1/07 (H3N8) two weeks after a two dose primary course1.
The study, conducted by the Animal Health Trust, involved two groups of EIV seronegative horses. The first group, consisting of seven vaccinates, were given two dose of Duvaxyn IE-T Plus, 28 days apart, and challenged with A/equi-2/Richmond/1/07 (H3N8) virus strain 14 days after the second vaccination. The second group of unvaccinated horses was challenged at the same time. Duvaxyn IE-T Plus caused a statistically significant reduction in both clinical signs of the disease and in viral shedding.
According to Elanco, this is believed to be the first demonstration of cross protection by a current UK equine influenza vaccine against a Florida sub-lineage clade 2 reference strain.
The OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) updated its equine influenza vaccine recommendations in 2010 to reflect the fact that all field strains characterised through 2008 and 2009 were of clade 1 or 2 of the Florida sub-lineage. The antigenic difference between viruses of these clades could potentially compromise the effectiveness of vaccines containing a representative of a single clade2.
Anna Jackson, national veterinary manager for Elanco Companion Animal Health, said: "Whilst no vaccine has been updated to match the current OIE recommendations, the results of this challenge study provide reassurance that horses vaccinated with Duvaxyn will be protected against clinical signs of disease caused by currently circulating strains of equine influenza, including those the OIE have identified as being of concern."
Duvaxyn IE-T Plus is an inactivated whole virus equine influenza vaccine, adjuvanted with an aqueous-based adjuvant. Elanco says that experts in the field of human vaccination have expressed the view that whole virus vaccines have the potential to induce a stronger and more broadly-based response to circulating influenza strains than those contained in sub-unit vaccines because of the presence of the full set of virus proteins in the vaccine3.