The Veterinary Marketing Association is running a free seminar on Thursday 24th November from 5-7pm for any delegates of the London Vet Show, or those in the vicinity, that feel they'd like to learn about the principles of marketing.
The VMA says that in today's competitive environment, the key to success for a veterinary business is often making oneself heard and standing out above the competition, but questions how many vets are taught any marketing at college or whether marketing is something that most vets just pick up over time?
The VMA's Principles of Marketing seminar will aim to address the basics in marketing, with an emphasis on the veterinary sector. It's taking place at the Hilton Hotel, London Olympia, a few minutes walk from the show.
The VMA has enlisted the services of Paul Fifield (Visiting Professor in Marketing Strategy at the Southampton University School of Management) to deliver the seminar.
This event is open to anyone and entry is free. As spaces are limited to a maximum of 60, registration is strongly advisable. For more information, or to register, please visit the VMA's website -
The seminar will be followed by a free buffet and time for questions.
Pet owners who believe in preventative healthcare have maintained or increased the money they spend on their pets this year, and 84% visited their vet at least once in 2010, up from 78% in 2007, according to a survey commissioned by the National Office of Animal Health.
According to the survey of 1000 owners carried out by Noesis, 44% of 'preventers' increased their spending on their pets in the last year with only a very small number (5%) decreasing it. There has also been a significant increase in the number of dogs insured by this group since 2007, which now stands at 55% compared to 41% in 2007.
The research covered both 'preventer' and 'non-preventer pet owners and sought to understand: awareness of preventative medicine in cats and dogs; how the decision is made as to what areas of preventative medicine are important and which to adopt; what types of preventative medicine are carried out and the reasons and frequency of this behaviour as well as the sources of information.
In addition to visiting their vet more frequently and spending more on their pets, preventers also visited a pet shop significantly more often than non-preventers with nearly two thirds (61%) of preventers visiting at least once a month compared to 36% of non-preventers, a figure that has decreased from 43% in 2007.
Looking at specific preventative treatments, attitudes to vaccination had not changed between the 2007 and 2010 surveys, with preventers believing that being a responsible pet owner means regularly vaccinating your pet, while non-preventers did not believe vaccination was relevant to their situation. This points to a clear need to educate non-preventers to break habits that have sometimes been handed down from generation to generation.
Most owners from both groups had used a flea treatment on their pets in the past two years although 68% of preventers were much more proactive in their usage of flea products compared to only 40% of non-preventers. Cats (80%) are more likely to have been treated than dogs (69%) among both groups of owners although flea treatment of cats has significantly decreased among non-preventers since 2007.
Use of wormers was also in decline. Although 86% of preventers worm proactively as part of a healthcare routine for their pet, this figure has decreased from 96% in 2007. Non preventers chose not to worm because they did not see the need, citing reasons such as their pet being fit and well or not going outdoors. Likewise, although preventers are more likely than non-preventers to be aware of the zoonotic implications of pet parasites, this awareness had decreased since 2007 pointing to the need for more work to be done on this aspect of pet health. On a more upbeat note, those that were worming proactively wormed their pets more frequently with 50% worming at least every three months in 2010 which was significantly more than compared to 41% in 2007.
When asked where they obtained general healthcare advice, the vet was the most frequently cited source of information with 84% of preventers and 58% of non-preventers referencing their vet. The internet is an increasingly important information channel for non-preventers with almost a third (31%) citing it as their source for pet healthcare advice, an increase from 25% in 2007.
There was huge interest from both groups (87% of preventers and 79% of non-preventers) in using a dedicated website such as NOAH's which 10% of the pet owners surveyed had heard of. It was welcomed for providing easy access, immediate, independent advice and being written by veterinary experts.
Commenting on the research, Phil Sketchley, chief executive of NOAH said: "We commissioned the original piece of research in 2007 to understand the differences between both groups of pet owners and understand where they sourced their information in order to influence the pet healthcare habits of the non-preventers in particular. The importance of the internet as a source of information proved that our strategy to launch was on target and the latest survey shows that this channel is increasingly important, particularly among non-preventers.
"The 2011 survey also reveals some positive insights into the preventative healthcare habits of those pet owners that we termed preventers. This group are more likely to insure their pet (45% vs 12%), go to the vet at least once a year (84% vs 30%) and visit a pet shop at least on a monthly basis (61% vs 36%). And, as a final piece of good news, this group have increased their total spend on their pets in the last year and very few members of either group had decreased their spend.
"Whilst all pet owners consider themselves responsible clearly some do not see regular preventative healthcare as part of that responsibility. So there remains a clear need to educate pet owners, particularly the non-preventers, to change some of the patterns of behaviour and complacency regarding their pet's health that have become entrenched and seem to have been influenced by friends and family."
Vetoquinol has announced the launch of Equistro Flexadin UCII, an equine joint supplement.
Equistro Flexadin UCII contains a new ingredient, UC-II, which the company claims is one of the most effective and influential ingredients available that aids and supports healthy joint function.
To celebrate the launch of Flexadin UCII Vetoquinol is offering a £10 money off voucher available through purchases of Horse & Hound magazine starting from November 10th.
Caitríona Mullin, Equine Product Manager at Vetoquinol UK Ltd said: "We are very excited about the launch of Flexadin UCII in the UK and Ireland, we have already received excellent feedback from our German and French colleagues. Flexadin UCII is a product that will further enhance our premium range of equine supplements formulated specifically for the performance horse."
A research project funded by equine charity The Horse Trust has found that lameness is the most common reason for euthanasing a geriatric horse.
According to the charity, this research is the first in the UK to provide data on the causes of death in geriatric horses. Although post-mortem studies have provided some data regarding causes of death, "old age" was previously reported as a common reason for the euthanasia of adult horses.
The research was carried out by Joanne Ireland at the University of Liverpool and led by Dr Gina Pinchbeck. Ireland surveyed horse owners living in the North-West and Midlands areas of England and North Wales who have a horse aged 15 years or older. 918 owners of geriatric horses were followed in a cohort study and 118 mortalities were reported during the 18 month follow-up period, of which 111 were euthanased.
The researchers found that 24% of horses were euthanased due to lameness; an additional 12% were euthanased due to laminitis - a common cause of lameness. After lameness, colic was the next most common cause of euthanasia, with 21% of owners citing this as the main reason.
In an earlier stage of the project, the researchers had found that half the geriatric horses surveyed suffered from lameness, but only 24% of owners reported the problem.
Dr Pinchbeck said: "Although lameness is common in older horses, this is the first study to quantify its contribution to their mortality.
"Owners are often missing the early signs of lameness in their horse, which means the condition isn't being managed and may deteriorate faster."
Dr Pinchbeck said it would be useful to carry out further research into lameness in geriatric horses to find out the main causes of lameness and how these may be prevented or treated.
The research team also found that half of the horses euthanased were suffering from concurrent health problems and these influenced the owner's decision to euthanase in 43% of cases. The most frequently reported additional health problems were musculoskeletal problems, such as arthritis.
The mortality rate among the horses surveyed was 11 per 100 horse-years at risk, meaning that if 100 geriatric horses were followed for a year, an average of 11 would die. The mortality rate for horses over 30 years of age was over five times the rate than in horses aged 15 - 19 years.
Jeanette Allen, Chief Executive of The Horse Trust, said the data provided by this research is likely to provide useful information for both horse owners and vets to enable them to improve the welfare of older horses. She said: "As there are a significant number of geriatric horses in the UK, it is vital that we understand more about the health problems that affect them. We hope that more owners of older horses will give their horse an annual health-check to enable the horse to have a longer, healthier life."
The research was published in the September 2011 issue of Preventive Veterinary Medicine.
Vetoquinol is launching Forcyl, an injectable anti-infective for the targeted therapeutic treatment of respiratory infections in cattle, in November.
Forcyl is a patented 16% marbofloxacin solution, registered as a single intramuscular injection, which the company says will ensure a high level of compliance.
Forcyl follows the SISAAB concept (single injection short acting antibiotic), with an optimised dosage to minimise the risk of development of antibiotic resistance. Shorter exposure time limits the opportunity for resistance to develop. The formulation means a lower volume of administration (10 ml for 160 kg body weight) is required. Vetoquinol says that other benefits of Forcyl include excellent injection site tolerance and short withdrawal periods (meat: 5 days, milk: 48 hours).
For further information on implementing the SISAAB concept in your practice, please contact one of Vetoquinol's large animal team on 01280 814500.
Hill's has launched 'Lose 60 Tonnes in 6 months', a campaign to help clients get their pet to a healthy weight.
Sixty tonnes is equivalent to the weight of twelve elephants, which is a huge target. Hill's says that if every practice makes a small contribution, it can be achieved.
Hill's support includes a public relations pack which the company says contains everything veterinary surgeons and nurses need to help raise awareness and encourage pet owners to bring their pets in for a weight assessment. The pack includes proforma press releases and guidance on how to cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with local media. There is also a 'Lose 60 tonnes in 6 months' point of sale kit that includes a poster, stickers and a noticeboard kit for clinics, to drive awareness while clients wait for consults.
As part of the campaign, Hill's is also hosting a series of nurse webinars on weight management and offering additional support material such as consult room posters, weight clinic packs and pet tape measures, an item often requested by nurses. There are also promotional offers available through Hill's Territory Managers, subject to stock availability.
Hill's Customer Marketing Manager, Sara Locke MRCVS said: "We feel it is important to support practices at the grass-roots level and to develop a campaign that will have real meaning within the local community. I hope practices will get behind it, engage with pet owners and as a result, gain new clients. They are also helping thousands of pets live longer and happier lives."
Further information is available from local Hill's Territory Managers or by calling Hill's on 0800 242438 or in ROI 1 800 626002.
The BSAVA has launched a new app for iPhone / Android users, the Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice.
The guide, which is aimed at vets and students, covers more than 70 of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures commonly performed in small animal veterinary practice.
The Association says it always planned to extend the number of digital member benefits, but has been spurred on by feedback about its Formulary app, like this comment from 'talland' on the iTunes store: "Absolutely fantastic App - in some ways even easier to use than the book itself. Well done BSAVA. It'd be great if the Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice could be an App too".
The BSAVA says the key features of the new app are:
Once installed on your phone you will need to launch the Application by entering a unique activation code which can be obtained from the App Activation Code page (member login required).
The British Veterinary Association has criticised the conclusions drawn by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust in its report on badger vaccine deployment.
The report considers the effectiveness of the Trust's programme of deploying the injectable BadgerBCG vaccine in seven nature reserves covering only 170 hectares (1.7 sq km) during the summer.
It concludes that the badger vaccine is a viable alternative to culling in the battle against bovine TB, but according to the BVA, does not give evidence to support this claim.
Carl Padgett, President of the BVA, said: "We welcome the initiative by the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to investigate the deployment of the badger vaccine but this work must not be confused with an investigation into the effectiveness of the badger vaccine in reducing or eradicating bovine TB.
"To conclude from this report that the badger vaccine is a viable alternative to culling in eradicating TB is unrealistic at best and spin at worst.
"The fact remains that the vaccine has no protective effect on infected badgers and we know that at least 30-40% of badgers within an area will be infected. Many young badgers will be infected before they can be trapped and injected.
"In terms of the practicalities of deployment this report provides interesting information but we will learn much more as a result of Defra's Badger Vaccine Deployment Project which is looking at a much larger area of 100 sq km.
"Vaccination of badgers certainly has a role to play in an effective TB eradication programme but it is only one tool in the toolbox."
Bayer Animal Health is to hold a free webinar for companion animal veterinary surgeons about its new fluoroquinolone for cats and dogs, Veraflox.
The one-hour webinar begins with a talk on mutant prevention concentration (MPC) from Dr Joe Blondeau, head of clinical microbiology at the Royal University Hospital & the Saskatoon Health Region, in Canada. He's followed by Dr E Bensignor, President of the European College of Veterinary Dermatology, who will present the findings of clinical studies. The final presentation by Dr Joy Olsen, global veterinary services manager for Bayer Animal Health, reviews the features and characteristics of Veraflox (pradofloxacin) and its use in cats and dogs.
The webinar can be watched live on Tuesday 25 October at 7:30pm, when you'll have the opportunity to put questions to the speakers. Alternatively, a recording of the event can be viewed at any point afterwards.
To register, visit, to receive a login name and password.
For further information on Veraflox, contact your Bayer representative or call 01635 563000.
Woodley Equipment Company Ltd has announced the launch of InSight rapid diagnostic test kits. The test range includes FeLV, FIV, FeLV-FIV Combi, Giardia, Canine Heartworm, Canine Parvovirus and with more tests in development.
The test kits are available to veterinary practices across the UK and to Woodley's global veterinary diagnostic distributors. Each test is based on a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay and contains 10 cassettes per box. The company says that the diagnostic kits are simple and easy to use and will provide point of care testing direct to the veterinary practice. The kits are stored at room temperature (2⁰C - 30⁰C).
The range of InSight Rapid Diagnostic Tests includes:
To place an order, email, fax 01204 669034, or telephone 01204 669033.
For more information, visit:
The RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council has celebrated the 50th anniversary of veterinary nursing at the House of Commons with a call for statutory regulation for the profession.
At a Golden Jubilee event hosted by Mr Roger Gale MP, Veterinary Nurses Council Chairman Liz Branscombe drew attention to the fact that there is no legal protection for the title 'veterinary nurse', despite qualified nurses playing "a unique role in the practice team".
This effectively means that anyone could work in a veterinary practice as a nurse, without taking the three- or four-year training required for Listed or Registered Veterinary Nurses.
Liz said: "We believe that the nation's animals and their owners deserve better than this. And it's not just a question of animal welfare: public health is at risk from the incorrect use of medicines - for example, the well documented development of antimicrobial resistance."
The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 was put in place only five years after the introduction of veterinary nurse training and too soon to fully recognise the potential of veterinary nursing as a profession in its own right.
As an interim measure, the RCVS has put in place a non-statutory Register for Veterinary Nurses, to which 86% of eligible nurses have signed up. Registered Veterinary Nurses agree to follow a code of conduct, keep their skills and knowledge up to date and abide by a disciplinary system. However, it is not possible for the College to bar those removed from the Register for serious professional misconduct from working as a veterinary nurse.
The Register also does not address the misuse of the title 'veterinary nurse' by unqualified people.
Liz asked MPs present at the House of Commons reception to sign up to an Early Day Motion tabled by Andrew Rosindell MP, which calls for statutory regulation for the veterinary nursing profession.
Others are urged to sign a petition on the Government's website which has been mounted by the British Veterinary Nursing Association and is supported by the College and the British Veterinary Association:
The issues are being considered by the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Legislation Working Party and the group's recommendations will feed into the wider work of the RCVS Legislation Working Party, which will be reporting to the Defra Minister of State in the summer of 2012 with proposals as to how statutory regulation could be provided for a range of veterinary services, including veterinary nursing.
Virbac has announced that it is to increase production of cat vaccines at its French plants to help practices in the UK manage a shortfall in supply.
The predicted shortfall follows warnings by other manufacturers of stock shortages of between three and six months.
Virbac, which makes the Feligen RCP, Leucogen and Leucofeligen cat vaccines, says it wants to reassure practices that it will do its utmost to ensure continuity of supply during this period and is urging them to order as usual and not stockpile product, which could exacerbate the problem.
Simon Boulton MRCVS, Product Manager for Virbac's vaccine range, said: "Our priority is to keep stock flowing to our existing customers. With this in mind, we've now ceased to supply wholesalers with our cat vaccines. Once wholesaler stocks have been depleted, we ask customers to contact us directly so that stock can be despatched to them from our own warehouse.
By taking this step, we can manage our own stocks effectively and, while we'll be putting our existing customers first, we also stand ready to help supply the rest of the veterinary sector during this period. As a primary manufacturer of vaccines, we're well placed to react quickly to stock shortages and expect to have significantly increased supply by November."
Practices wanting further information should contact their Virbac Territory Manager. Direct orders to the company should be made by calling Virbac on 01359 243243 and selecting Option Three (Direct Orders).
The RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council has decided that the College should cease being an awarding body next year, which means it will no longer offer the vocational Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing.
The College says it will ensure that the Diploma continues to be available by transferring the intellectual property associated with the qualification, such as the question banks and systems, to another larger awarding body, in a move which is likely to take effect for the beginning of the 2012 academic year.
According to the College, this decision reflects recent changes in the regulatory Conditions of Approval for awarding bodies, which it would have been hard for the College to meet while continuing to offer the Diploma cost-effectively. The changes mainly relate to potential conflicts of interest between the College's primary role, as professional regulator that safeguards standards within the veterinary professions, and its role as an awarding body. The standards-setting role includes the regulation of education and training leading to the veterinary and VN registers, and it was felt that the College could no longer exercise this role effectively if it was also an awarding organisation, as it might be suspected of treating its internal qualifications more favourably, or of obstructing competitors.
Although the College says this has not been a problem in the past, the rules are now more stringent, and the costs of setting up a fully independent awarding body would be prohibitive.
The market for the Diploma is also likely to fragment in the future, with three other awarding bodies expressing an interest in offering a Level 3 Diploma. Any reduction in the number of students taking the RCVS Level 3 Diploma would further push up the costs, potentially making the RCVS Awarding Body unviable. A larger awarding body can take advantage of economies of scale across a range of awards in a way that the RCVS cannot.
Colonel Neil Smith, Chairman of the RCVS Awarding Body Board said: "The RCVS has been offering vocational qualifications since 1998 and the decision to cease being an awarding body has not been taken lightly.
"We have taken this decision in order to focus on our core responsibilities of professional regulation and standard setting. However, we remain committed to maintaining the Diploma, which has been carefully developed by the RCVS and the profession. This move ensures that it will stay in safe hands."
The name of the awarding body to which the qualification will be transferred has not yet been announced because the process is not complete. However, the College says it felt it was important to give those involved with the delivery of training as much notice as possible of the change. More information, and the change-over plan, will be released in due course.
Libby Earle, RCVS Head of Veterinary Nursing said: "Our priority will be effecting a smooth transfer for students, Colleges and training practices, and we are confident that the impact of the change will be minimal. Furthermore, it will be a condition of the transfer that the veterinary profession continues to have a say in the future development of the qualification."
Those students still in the process of completing the old NVQ qualifications, the accreditation of which is due to run out in 2013, will continue to be serviced by the RCVS.
As the professional regulator, the College will continue to issue RCVS certificates and badges to those who have successfully completed a registerable qualification - such as an approved vocational qualification run by another awarding body, or an RCVS-recognised veterinary nursing degree.
The Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing will be unaffected by the change as the qualification is awarded by the College under its Royal Charter powers.
The RCVS has opened a consultation on the future of veterinary specialisation, which includes a proposal that the use of postnominals and titles by veterinary surgeons should be rationalised in order to avoid confusion amongst the public.
The proposals are submitted for comment by the RCVS Specialisation Working Party, which is chaired by former Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Kenneth Calman.
The Working Party's review was precipitated by a finding that the structure of veterinary specialisation is "confusing and opaque" to both animal owners and the profession (Unlocking Potential - a Report on Veterinary Expertise in Food Animal Production, by Professor Philip Lowe, 2009).
The Working Party has explored the routes to RCVS Recognised Specialist status. It has also looked at the use of 'specialist' more broadly, given the fact that it is not a protected term in the veterinary field, and has considered animal owners' expectations of a 'specialist'.
The Working Party also makes proposals for encouraging more veterinary surgeons to become specialists, given that there are currently only 319 on the RCVS List of Recognised Specialists, out of a UK practising arm of the profession of some 17,400 veterinary surgeons.
The proposals from the Working Party could have far-reaching impact. One suggestion is that all those meeting the criteria for specialist status would also become Fellows of the RCVS (FRCVS) - a status currently only held by those who complete a thesis or exam, or who qualify on the basis of 'meritorious contributions to learning'. There are also proposals that the term 'RCVS Recognised Specialist' be dropped and replaced with the much simpler term 'specialist' or 'veterinary specialist'.
Further proposals include the introduction of a 'middle tier' of veterinary surgeons - potentially to be called 'advanced practitioners' - who would be below full specialist status and subject to periodic revalidation.
There are also recommendations that veterinary surgeons should be obliged to explain referral options to their clients, including the level of expertise of those to whom they are referring cases.
The future of the RCVS subject boards, which currently manage the various Certificate and Diploma examinations, is also considered in the proposals.
The emphasis throughout is on simplification and improvement, according to Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, who said: "New legislation to introduce statutory registration for veterinary specialists would no doubt make things clearer, as it is for doctors and dentists, but, in the meantime, we believe there are a number of actions which the RCVS could take to improve matters."
The consultation paper can be downloaded from, and comments are welcomed from members of the public, veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. The closing deadline for comments, which should be sent to RCVS Head of Education, Freda Andrews, on, is Friday 9 December.
Comments received will be considered by the RCVS committees and Council in early 2012.
Bayer Animal Health has launched a next generation fluoroquinolone antimicrobial - Veraflox (pradofloxacin) - for the treatment of bacterial infections in cats and dogs.
Bayer Animal Health's marketing manager Dr Markus Edingloh said: "Veraflox, with its molecular compound pradofloxacin, developed exclusively for veterinary medicine, marks a major leap forward in veterinary antibiotic therapy and patient care.
"Veraflox has an enhanced spectrum of antimicrobial activity which encompasses Gram-positive and anaerobic bacteria. In addition, Veraflox has demonstrated high levels of bactericidal activity against target pathogens including activity against dormant bacteria typically found in chronic infections."
For cats, an oral suspension is available in which a fine-grained ion exchange agent binds to the antibiotic, apparently allowing it to pass the cat's taste buds undetected. Bayer says this innovation has been adopted specifically to ensure the product is palatable to cats, and help ensure owner compliance. The oral suspension comes with a syringe with both millilitre and gramme graduations, to help ensure accurate dosing.
Veraflox oral suspension is indicated for the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections, wound infections and abscesses. The 15mg tablet is also licensed in cats for treating upper respiratory tract infections.
Bayer says that in addition to its other indications, Veraflox is also very effective at combatting anaerobic bacteria that play a major role in aggressive bone destruction in canine periodontal disease, and it is the first fluoroquinolone to be licensed in dogs for the adjunctive treatment of severe infections of the gingiva and periodontal tissues.
In addition to its dental claim for dogs, Veraflox is also indicated for the treatment of wound infections, superficial and deep pyoderma, and acute urinary tract infections. It is given to dogs as a once-daily flavoured tablet.
Dr Edingloh added: "The unique chemistry and way in which Veraflox works gives it superior antibacterial activity compared with existing fluoroquinolones. In addition, during field studies, Veraflox was shown to be superior to other leading antibiotic products.
"Pradofloxacin has been proven to have a wide spectrum of activity, outstanding antibacterial activity, and an excellent safety margin. Its pharmacokinetic features ensure this active ingredient can rapidly get to the site of infection, at which it has a great impact on the pathogen population.
"One of the most common reasons for treatment failure where antibiotics are concerned is lack of owner compliance. The availability of Veraflox as an oral suspension with a graded syringe for cats, will enable more accurate dosing, far easier administration and so ensure higher cure rates.
"The launch of Veraflox is the first major advance in its class, since the introduction of Baytril, the first veterinary fluoroquinolone, over 20 years ago. Veraflox provides vets with more predictability, reliability and peace of mind, especially in difficult to treat infections."
For further information on Veraflox, please contact your Bayer representative or call 01635 563000.
VetUK, an online supplier of pet products and veterinary prescription only medications, has announced that it now processes over £750,000 worth of online transactions per month.
The point of the press release was to highlight that this has been achieved using to handle the tens of thousands of orders that VetUK says it receives each month, and process the payments.
However, it does also highlight the ever growing competition to veterinary practices from online. You might like to check VetUK's POM prices here.
Free veterinary careers materials are available from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons for vets going back to school to give careers talks.
Freda Andrews, Head of Education said: "We know that, although veterinary surgeons are busy people, they often say yes when schools ask them to give careers talks. "Since September last year we've responded to around 500 requests for our 'Veterinary Science...for all Walks of Life' careers information. If you are giving a talk, these are well worth a look."
Comprising a printed booklet and a series of short videos available online, the careers materials were produced by the RCVS in collaboration with the vet schools and with government funding. They aim to show the variety both in veterinary work, and in vets themselves, to encourage teenagers from all backgrounds to consider aiming for a career in veterinary medicine. The videos can also be watched on the VetCareers channel on YouTube.
Each video features a vet working in a different field within veterinary medicine, and the brochure contains information about different types of veterinary careers, routes into the vet schools, and the entry requirements. Anyone who is in a position to advise aspiring vet students on the university entry requirements needs to be aware that there are now a variety of different routes into vet school, including options for students with vocational qualifications such as BTEC Diplomas, and pre-entry or foundation years aimed at increasing the diversity of the student population.
A new careers leaflet will also shortly be available from the RCVS to encourage would-be veterinary nurses, and will include the new RCVS Level 3 VN Diploma and the mixed-practice route to qualification newly introduced by the RCVS.
Freda said: "Veterinary surgeons can come from all walks of life - as our careers materials show. It's important that the profession reflects the population it serves and for teenagers to have good advice about veterinary careers and how to get into the profession. So, if you're going back to school to encourage the next generation, then get in touch!"
Free hard-copies of the brochure are available by contacting the RCVS Education Department ( or 020 7202 0791). An interactive version of the booklet can be found at, and individual videos viewed at
Vetoquinol is launching Cimalgex, a new NSAID for dogs this month.
Cimalgex (cimicoxib) is a new second generation COX-2 inhibitor which can be used for the treatment of pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis and the management of peri-operative pain associated with orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery, for which it can be given two hours before surgery and continued for 3-7 days post surgery.
Vetoquinol says that an important consideration in treating dogs with osteoarthritis, many of which are geriatric, is that there are no contraindications to using Cimalgex in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment.
According to the company, field trials showed that over 90 per cent of per owners and vets identified that animals experienced excellent analgesia post operatively*.
Available in a chewable, splitable tablet, Cimalgex can be given with or without food.
Vetoquinol says that the excellent tolerability, efficacy profile and ease of use of Cimalgex means that veterinary patients could benefit from pain relief in situations where clinicians are worried about the risks versus the benefits of prescribing a NSAID for pain management.
Further information about assessing pain and decision making when it comes to prescribing NSAIDs, will be presented in a free webinar on 19th October at 8.30pm. To register go to and enter code CIM1.
Reference*E. Grandemange: Field evaluation of the efficacy and the safety of cimicoxib in the relief of peri-operative pain in dogs; 2008, study number n°3008C2F1
The RCVS is to launch a new badge for registered veterinary nurses (RVNs) at the British Veterinary Nursing Association Congress later this week.
The launch ties in with the 50th anniversary of veterinary nurse training, and highlights the fact that RVNs, while qualified to the same level as their listed colleagues, stand apart because they additionally agree to account for their professional practice and keep their skills and knowledge up to date.
The non-statutory RCVS Register of Veterinary Nurses was introduced in 2007, and RVNs abide by a code of professional conduct, commit to continuing professional development and, from 1 April this year, can be taken to task via a disciplinary system.
The new badge builds upon the old version but with the word 'registered' underneath. Plans for a more dramatic departure from the existing badge were dropped when the College saw the affection in which veterinary nurses held the traditional antique silver and red-enamel badge, introduced in 1984.
Liz Branscombe, Chairman of the RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council said: "There is currently no legislation to protect veterinary nurses' title and area of work, but we have not stood still and the Register shows a real commitment to developing our status as professionals. We need to ensure this commitment is recognised by clients and others in the veterinary team, and hope the new badge will make it easier to identify who is professionally accountable."
All those veterinary nurses qualifying since 2003 automatically became registered and those qualifying earlier could choose to do so. Currently there are 8,682 registered veterinary nurses, and 1,463 remain on the unregulated list.
CPD Solutions has launched four topic-specific veterinary webinar clubs for the veterinary profession, available to view at
For veterinary surgeons, there are three clubs, one focussing on neurology, another on orthopaedics, and a final one on small animal practice. There is a fourth webinar club for veterinary nurses and technicians.
Susie Coughlan, Managing Director at CPD Solutions said: "We have given a lot of thought to setting up these clubs so that they reflect what people really need from their CPD. Neurology and orthopaedics are always incredibly popular topics and many vets have told us that they feel that in these subject areas, rapid developments and new techniques can really change their approach to cases."
Each club provides a monthly live webinar, in afternoons or evenings and all webinars are available for club members to view after the live event at their convenience. Susie said: "We decided to limit the available webinars to one a month during the annual membership period because with the best will in the world, many vets and nurses have only a limited time available to spend on CPD and there is very little point in paying for a multitude of webinars that they will never have the time to attend. Part of the appeal of webinars is their low cost and value for money, although we know many vets and nurses put flexibility as to when and where they view as the most exciting attribute of webinar clubs."
CPD Solutions is offering a special launch price of £247 + VAT to anyone who joins a webinar club for one year before 10th October (after which, the price rises to £327 + VAT per club). The offer includes a free CD/DVD which the company says is packed with content relevant to the club topic. All members can also access the full back catalogue of webinars relating to the topic.
For more details or to join a webinar club visit or call 0151 328 0444.
Merial Animal Health is inviting practitioners to submit original clinical pain management cases for The Previcox & Equioxx European Clinical Case Award for Excellence.
Set up last year, the award recognises excellence in pain management in companion animals and horses. Submitted cases will be evaluated for successful management of pain associated with osteoarthritis, surgery or other conditions in companion animals and horses using firocoxib.
Two winners will be selected and each awarded €1,000 and an invitation to present their clinical case during Merial's next European Pain Management Symposium in 2012, with all travel and accommodation expenses paid.
Open to all veterinary practitioners, the deadline for submission is December 1st 2011. For an application form please email
Parasitologists from ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites) have been voicing their concern over the implications of the imminent changes to the UK's DEFRA-run Pet Travel Scheme (PETS).
Under the new regulations, which take effect from Jan 2012, tick control will no longer be mandatory. According to ESCCAP, a recent study has demonstrated that a population of exotic tick species has already become established in the south-east of England1. With up to 15,000 animals travelling under PETS each month, the possibility of exotic ticks (and their associated tick-borne diseases) entering and establishing in the UK becomes increasingly likely. The European Parliament has yet to rule on mandatory tapeworm control. The decision will impact on the future distribution of, and disease threat from, Echinococcus multilocularis.
ESCCAP UK is advising all veterinary surgeons to discuss the risks with their clients and to ensure they make an informed decision about tick control when the new legislation comes into effect.
In addition, the UK branch of ESCCAP is holding a free seminar in Bristol on 28th October to highlight the role that veterinary practices can play in helping clients understand how the changes could impact upon their pet's health.
ESCCAP says the seminar will provide all the information clinicians need to have an informed dialogue with clients. Presentations will provide an overview of the impact of the changes to PETS in relation to rabies, Echinococcus and ticks, as well as advice about how to communicate the information to pet owners and the tools and support available.
Additional support includes ESCCAP UK's website, which offers updates on the PETS situation, guidelines for parasite control programmes and podcasts for veterinary surgeons, nurses and pet owners.
The seminar takes place at Engineers' House, The Promenade, Clifton Down, Bristol BS8 3NB.
To register, telephone: 01684 568998, or email:
Reference1. Smith F D, Ballantyne R, Morgan E R, Wall R (2011) Prevalence, distribution and risk associated with tick infestation of dogs in Great Britain. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2915.2011.00954.x
The BSAVA reports that within 20 minutes of the opening of enrolment for its Medicine and Surgery certificates at 9:00am yesterday, both courses were filled and a waiting list had been established.
According to the BSAVA, interest in the courses had been flooding in over recent months, however the number of applications still surprised the Education team, led by Dr Frances Barr.
She said: "There was a lot of confidence in this programme from the start, and we had lots of people requesting information, but until yesterday we did not know for certain that we would meet the maximum number of 30 delegates on each Certificate. So to have a waiting list and pre-registration requests for 2013 is fantastic. As veterinary professionals we want to strive for clinical excellence, to have our achievements recognised, and be encouraged and supported on the way there. This is what BSAVA aims to do with the medicine and surgery certificates".
For more information about all BSAVA CPD visit or call 01452 726700.
Norbrook has launched a new iPhone app designed to give veterinary professionals essential pharmaceutical product information at the touch of a button.
The Norbrook Veterinary Excellence Tool includes information on the company's full range of animal health medicines including pharmaceutical presentation, uses, dosage and administration, withdrawal periods, contraindications & warnings and pharmaceutical precautions.
Mr Jorge Rodrigues, General Manager at Norbrook said: "Norbrook is committed to providing the best possible service to our customers. Time is a precious commodity for veterinary professionals and with the range of products on the market it can be very time-consuming to access essential product information. We have designed the Norbrook VET app to give our customers a quick and easy reference tool for all our products with the facility to filter searches for product information by species, category or brand. And of course the beauty of the iPhone app is that the information is accessible anytime, anywhere so if a customer is out at a client's premises, in their practice or at home, the information is readily available."
The Norbrook VET app also has a facility which will keep users up-to-date with relevant industry and company news and a dedicated Contact Us section which will allow customers better communication channels with the company.
Katie Norton, Web SEO Marketing Co-ordinator said: "It is our intention that the Norbrook VET app will become a key communication channel with our customers. The app will be updated regularly and we will continue to add new features to enhance the service we offer to our valued customers."
The Norbrook VET iPhone App is available to download direct from the iTunes store.
A survey of 246 veterinary surgeons and nurses attending a lunch and learn webinar sponsored by Supreme Petfoods has revealed that they rate high fibre as the most important factor in making a recommendation for rabbit or guinea pig food.
High fibre was the top factor for 53% of respondents and rated as being much more important than monocomponent kibbles (27%), or a recommendation by an exotics expert (18%).
Supreme says it has addressed this concern by increasing the fibre content of its Science Selective Rabbit food to 23% fibre - the highest of any concentrate for small furries in the UK. The new VetCarePlus range, based on the monoforage technology developed by the company, contains up to 34% fibre. Fibre is vital for small furries, playing an active role in gastro intestinal health, dental health, weight management and behavioural factors.
The survey also revealed that vets and nurses are feeling optimistic about the impact of small furries on veterinary practice. 70% of respondents felt that, even in the face of the recent recession, small furries/exotics had made a growing contribution to their business profits over the last five years and 90% felt that there was potential for them to make an even bigger contribution to practice profits in the future. The biggest barrier to more small pets being brought forward for treatment was felt to be the cost of treatment relative to the cost of the pet - 55% felt that this was the most significant stumbling block - but another 45% felt that lack of education and an inability to recognise illness were the main factors.
Supreme's Marketing Manager Claire Hamblion has recently launched a trial programme in a limited number of practices to provide the tools needed to help grow the small pets sector. She said: "Our experience to date indicates that having the right tools and providing a warm welcome to owners of small furries that projects a willingness to treat them, can make a difference. We would love to hear more from those who have successfully grown this part of their business and those who are looking to expand their capabilities in this exciting area." Interested parties, or those who would like to pre-register for the further roll out of Supreme's business programme can send an email with their contact details to
The company says it has been delighted by the positive response to its lunch and learn webinar format, and more events are being scheduled for the winter months. Those interested in attending future events, or receiving educational material, can register their interest by email at to receive priority notification of dates and availability.