Mars Veterinary is launching the Wisdom Panel Insights mixed breed dog DNA test at the Kennel Club's Discover Dogs event this weekend.
According to the company, more than 2 million dogs in the UK are mixed breed, and it is likely that many owners are unsure of their pet's parentage.
Now, with the swipe of a cheek swab, Wisdom Panel Insights can determine the ancestry of a mixed breed dog by testing for more than 185 breeds, which Mars Veterinary says is the largest database of any canine DNA test on the market. Within three weeks, dog owners are emailed an official Ancestry Report that reveals the dog's genetic background. This, it is claimed, will help owners provide better training, nutrition and exercise for their pet, and will also alert them to any disease predisposition their dog may have.
The test will be on sale for the first time at Discover Dogs at Earl's Court, and from the website: It costs £59.99 inc. vat, discounted for Kennel Club registered dogs.
Caroline Kisko, Secretary of the Kennel Club, said: "A dog's ancestry can influence him in surprising ways. Obvious and not-so-obvious physical traits plus behaviours like digging, herding and barking all come from the various breeds in a dog's family tree. Once an owner understands a dog's natural tendencies, it makes it possible to create a tailored training, exercise and nutrition program to fit his one-of-a-kind needs. This is one of many innovative products that dog owners and lovers will find at Discover Dogs this weekend."
The British Pig Executive (BPEX) is urging veterinary surgeons to promote a 'top five' of farm services which will be available to pig farmers that sign up to BPEX's new national pig health scheme.
The Pig Health Improvement Project (PHIP) became a national scheme in July following regional projects in Yorkshire, Humberside, East Anglia and the East Midlands. BPEX says it is now stepping up a gear as much of the infrastructure has been put in place and clear membership benefits are available.
BPEX's Vet Project Manager Helen Clarke said: "The PHIP takes a collaborative, action-orientated approach to reducing the incidence of disease in pig herds to ensure the long-term sustainability of pig farming. The role of vets in delivering the scheme is key.
"We need to achieve a high level of uptake - and are looking to achieve sign-up from farms that together represent at least 90% of sows nationally. And that's why we are keen for farmers to take advantage of these five services that deliver benefits at farm level."
The services consist of:
Sign-up is free for producers. To find out how vets can support the scheme, visit and contact BPEX on 02476 478877.
Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses will be able to try their hands at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons code-cracking competition at the London Vet Show at Olympia on 24-25 November.
At the RCVS breakfast session on the Friday morning (8.30, part of the Business Stream), President Dr Jerry Davies will unlock the secrets of the proposed new Codes of Professional Conduct for vets and VNs.
To promote this breakfast session, the RCVS is inviting visitors to come to its stand (J90) to solve photo enigmas, using clues provided to decipher a series of words that appear in the proposed new Codes. The winner will be in line to receive a pair of super sleuthing video glasses.
VNs who missed BVNA Congress can also get their hands on a 50th anniversary commemorative chocolate medallion by visiting the RCVS stand.
Coffee and pastries will be served at the morning session on Friday - there's no need to book, just turn up.
Nominations are now open for candidates wishing to stand in the 2012 RCVS Council and RCVS Veterinary Nurses Council elections.
Jane Hern, RCVS Registrar said: "The veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses that sit on the RCVS and VN Councils are vital to the governance of their professions, and in steering the activities the College undertakes under its Royal Charter. If you're interested in making sure that your profession is well-governed, its standards are upheld, and the interests of animals and the public are protected, why not consider standing in these elections?"
Six seats on RCVS Council and two on VN Council are due to be filled in the 2012 elections. Those elected will take their seats on RCVS Day next July, to serve four-year terms, and will be expected to spend at least six to eight days a year attending Council meetings, working parties and subcommittees (a loss-of-earnings allowance is available).
All prospective candidates need to provide the signatures and registered/listed addresses of two proposers, and should also submit a short biography, manifesto and photograph for inclusion in the RCVS News Extra election specials. Nobody may nominate more than one candidate, and no current member of the RCVS Council or VN Council may make a nomination.
Nominations must be made in writing on the prescribed form and received by the Registrar on or before the closing date of 31 January 2012. Full details and guidance notes for both elections will be available on the RCVS website shortly on the RCVS Council Election page and VN Council Election page.
Nomination forms and candidate information forms for RCVS Council may be requested from Mrs Gabi Braun (020 7222 0761 or and those for VN Council from Mrs Annette Amato (020 7202 0713 or
Invicta Animal Health has announced its appointment as exclusive veterinary distributor in the UK for Chloraprep, a licensed human product for cutaneous antisepsis, prior to invasive procedures.
Invicta says Chloraprep is a single use, easy to apply, sterile system, available in a variety of sizes and in clear and tinted versions to enhance the visibility of the area requiring antisepsis, for instance, prior to surgery.
The sterile solution is maintained in a glass ampoule inside a protective outer case and, to prevent contamination, the patented design ensures users don't come into contact with either the contents or the patient's skin.
Rob Watkins, Managing Director of Invicta, said: "Most surgical site infections (SSI's) are the result of contamination from a patient's own skin flora1, a fact which highlights the importance of thorough and effective preparation of the skin as a proactive way to minimise the incidence of SSI's in patients."
According to the company, research has shown that Chloraprep, which contains 2% chlorhexidine and 70% isopropyl alcohol, has demonstrated significantly better antimicrobial activity than other combinations2.
Invicta says the way in which the solution is applied to the skin is as important as the solution itself. Studies show that the most effective way to apply Chloraprep is with a back and forth scrubbing movement because this gives a lower microbial count on the skin than using other application methods3. Once applied, Chloraprep is active in 30 seconds and is effective for up to 48 hours4.
Rob said: "The majority of UK hospitals and the Blood Transfusion Service already use Chloraprep and we are pleased to make this available under the provisions of the cascade."
He added: 'The veterinary nurses I've spoken to love this product, because they're fed up of immersing their dry, cracked hands in disinfectant!'
For further information, please contact Invicta Animal Health on 01403 791313 or email the company at
1. Florman S, Nichols RL. Am J Infect Dis 2007; 3: 51-61.2. Hibbard JS. J Infus Nurs 2005; 28: 194-207.3. Rosenthal K. Nurs Manage 2006; April: 55-66.4. Garcia R et al. Abstracts of the IDSA 40th Annual Meeting 2002; Abs 418.
Dogs Trust, the UK's largest dog welfare charity, has teamed up with leading cardiac rehabilitation experts at Harefield Hospital to help patients in their final phase of coronary recovery.
The recovery programme, Hounds Help Hearts, is, according to the charity, a UK first and encourages post coronary patients to walk dogs as part of their recovery.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation team at Harefield Hospital aims to improve the physical, social and psychological well being of people after a heart attack or similar cardiac event. Among the recommendations for an ongoing healthy lifestyle, patients are being introduced to Dogs Trust Harefield where they can help staff, canine residents and themselves by walking some of the 150 dogs in their care. The charity hopes that heart hospitals UK wide will follow suit.
Hounds Help Hearts is part of a wider initiative to promote The Dog Prescription - a research document that highlights the ways dogs can improve human health. Dogs Trust is urging GPs all over the UK to prescribe a daily dose of dog with The Dog Prescription after research highlights the health benefits of dog ownership for both children and adults.
Lynda Evans, senior nurse /modern matron at Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for patients recovering from a cardiac event and what better way to do it than alongside a grateful canine companion. We have been running the 'Care For Your Heart' Rehabilitation Programme for more than 20 years and as a leading specialist heart and lung hospital we are always looking for new ways to help patients to enjoy the best possible quality of life when they return home. We are delighted to be working with Dogs Trust on this initiative and partnering patients with dogs to help them reach their full potential through interaction and physical exercise."
The Dog Prescription highlights the mental and physical benefits of dog ownership and interaction and names dog ownership as an aid to the recovery of post coronary patients
Clarissa Baldwin, Dogs Trust CEO said: "We undertook this research as we were aware of the health benefits of dog ownership but wanted to fully evaluate its potential. Amongst its ten points (which are not exhaustive), the prescription details health benefits including the fact that dogs can aid the recovery of post coronary patients. We want to spread the word about the health benefits of dogs and we hope that GPs and hospitals will start to encourage patients to engage with dogs for a healthier and happier lifestyle"
You can read the full research here.
The first steps have begun to find Petplan and The Veterinary Business Journal's Practice Manager of the Year for 2012.
Nominations are now being sought for the most accomplished UK practice managers and recommendations are welcome from any member of the veterinary team.
Three finalists will be chosen and the winner announced at the annual Petplan Veterinary Awards in April 2012.
Robin Fearon, editor of the Veterinary Business Journal, said: "It is a distinct pleasure to launch the awards programme each year knowing that at the end of it we will be able to announce another winning practice manager.
"These awards are so important in promoting the role and highlighting the crucial part that managers play in practice strategy and success - we can't wait to see your nominations."
Judges will assess candidates' applications and choose the three finalists based on their competency in areas such as staff development, financial strategy and marketing initiative.
Last year's winner Denise Coston is practice manager at Castle Veterinary Surgeons in County Durham. She said: "Winning this award has meant a lot to me because it makes you feel valued. I would say to anyone thinking of nominating their practice manager: 'just do it'.
"The role of practice manager varies in each practice and can be hard to quantify with specific measures, but it means a lot to celebrate someone getting it right. It is an excellent way to promote the role of practice manager and it is great to get recognition alongside vets and nurses."
This award is supported by the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons and the Veterinary Practice Management Association.
As well as a plaque commemorating their achievements, the winner will once more receive one year's free membership to the VPMA.
Nominations for this year's award close on 10 February 2012. Application packs are available from: Jackie Morrison, The Veterinary Business Journal, Olympus House, Werrington Centre, Peterborough PE4 6NA, or e-mail
Alternatively visit to download yours direct.
Hertfordshire-based, multi-specialist veterinary referral centre Davies Veterinary Specialists' new pro bono scheme has saved the life of a young German shepherd dog twice in fortnight.
'Apollo' first impaled himself on some broken fence panels whilst playing. A splinter of wood, which was around 5cm long and 1.5cm wide, became lodged between his heart and lungs. However, because he initially had no symptoms and there was no obvious puncture wound, his owner Sam Russell from Leighton Buzzard wasn't aware that anything was wrong. It was a week later when the dog suddenly became very anxious, uncomfortable and was struggling to breathe, that Sam rushed him to her local vet practice, Heath and Reach in Bedfordshire.
Hannah Johnston's initial diagnosis was that the dog had some foreign material lodged internally that was causing an infection. Without an urgent CT scan and surgery his chances of survival were minimal, but his owner was uninsured and had no means of affording the treatment. Hannah had recently read about a pro bono scheme introduced by Davies Veterinary Specialists and believed that Apollo's case fitted the criteria.
She said: "It was heart wrenching to think that a young dog, with such a caring owner, was very likely to lose his life and I was determined to do anything I could to help. I couldn't help shedding a tear when DVS agreed to treat him, as I knew Apollo now had a chance. His owner had recently had an awful spate of bad luck and was so deserving of DVS's help."
Manuel Jiménez Peláez, European Veterinary Specialist in Surgery at DVS, who operated on Apollo, said: "A CT scan showed a large, fluid-filled cavity, a partially collapsed lung and a sharp, thin, elongated structure, lodged between Apollo's lungs and his heart. We drained the cavity and successfully removed the foreign body. We also had to remove most of the irreparably damaged left lung."
Apollo was in hospital for two weeks, five days of which were spent in intensive care in a critical condition. Sam was thrilled when she was eventually able to take him home, but two days later disaster struck again. Apollo was diagnosed with gastric dilation volvulus. He needed surgery within six hours to survive the condition and DVS once again stepped in to operate as an emergency, free of charge.
Apollo has made a full recovery is now back at home with the Russell family. Sam Russell said: "Apollo has always been so determined and full of life. Even when he was dangerously ill and in intensive care he wouldn't give up and tried to rouse himself to come home with me. For Davies Vet Specialists to save my dog once is nothing short of amazing but for them to save him twice makes me speechless with gratitude. To be shown such kindness after a dreadful run of bad luck would leave anyone stuck for words."
All first opinion practices are eligible to apply for the DVS pro bono scheme, which will allow an average of one patient per month to receive free treatment. Requests will be based on advocacy from the clinical head of the referring practice and on genuine need. To find out more visit or call Dr Clive Elwood, Managing Director, on 01582 883950.
Norbrook is expanding its NSAID range with the launch of Loxicom Injection for cattle, pigs and horses.
Norbrook says the new product, which will be available to veterinary surgeons from mid-October, offers treatment for a range of symptoms including pneumonia, acute mastitis and calf scour in cattle, swine locomotor diseases such as lameness and MMA syndrome, acute and chronic musculo-skeletal disorders and equine colic.
Rebecca Pullon, Norbrook Product Manager said: "Loxicom is our tried and trusted NSAID range which has been available in suspension or injection for cats and dogs and which has proven exceptionally popular with veterinary practices. According to the GFK data, Norbrook is the most successful generic manufacturer of Meloxicam, by some distance.
"I am delighted that we can now extend this range to include a Loxicom Injection for Cattle, Pigs and Horses, which I am confident will prove equally as popular."
"As a bio-equivalent product, Loxicom Injection for cattle, pigs and horses is as effective as the pioneer product. There is a misperception that a bioequivalent product is somehow inferior to the pioneer product, which is untrue. In order to attain a license, a company must prove that a bio-equivalent product is at least as effective as the pioneer. With Loxicom Injection for cattle, pigs and horses, it comes with the added reassurance that it has been produced by Norbrook, a world leader in animal health and veterinary pharmaceuticals manufacture."
UK veterinary surgeons strongly prefer recommending branded treatments, according to a survey conducted by specialist advertising agency Masius.
The survey, conducted amongst members of, received 725 responses. It gave a conclusive insight to veterinary surgeons' opinions on branding, with 87% of respondents saying that they prefer to recommend a branded POM-V over a generic equivalent.
While branded treatments are clearly preferred over generics, vets recognise that higher prices can be an issue for clients. Price is justified mainly through a higher level of trust in the quality of the product (through extensive trialling). They also cite the added support in the event of client usage issues and the value that clients attach to brands. The cascade is a further factor, requiring the use of licensed drugs.
When it comes to supplements, vets are still in favour of brands, but less so - as the cascade is not a factor. On the issue of price differential, most vets felt that a premium of 10-25% is justifiable for a brand over a generic.
Jonathan Posner, Business Director at Masius said: "As well as the quantitative data, we also got some interesting qualitative comments as well. Looking at these, one can see a range of opinions - from the vets who value the easier client acceptance of brands, to those who feel that their professional care of the patient is paramount and that a generic should be used where it delivers the same benefit as a brand. Client ability to pay was also mentioned as a factor - a generic being more likely to lead to compliance for a client on a tight budget."
The fact that branded products come with better information and marketing support was agreed by the large majority (93%) of respondents.
All the participants in the survey were entered into a draw to win an iPad 2. The winner of the draw was Megan Wood MRCVS (pictured right) from Fife. She said: "The iPad is brilliant; I love it, and am a lucky lady!"
The BSAVA's Scientific Committee has issued a policy statement on the management and treatment of firework phobias in dogs.
The statement says: "It is recognised that dogs may show signs of fear or phobia of the loud noises associated with fireworks. It is the duty of veterinary surgeons to recommend and support evidence-based therapies for this noise fear or phobia in order that they may improve the welfare of animals under their care"
The statement goes on to offer recommendations and guidance for short-term management and longer-term therapy, available here.
The Registrar and Secretary of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Jane Hern, has announced that she will be standing down at the end of the year.
After 15 years in the job, Jane says she has been pleased to oversee a number of significant reforms and new initiatives in her time leading the organisation, but has decided that it is time to move on and pursue other interests.
The College says it is now embarking on a comprehensive review of its governance, committee and management structures, during which the Officers and Council will consider how best the executive should be led in future.
Jane said: "I have greatly enjoyed my time with the College and the Trust. Working with a profession held in such high regard by the public has been a real pleasure. I wish veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and all my colleagues all the very best for the future."
The President, Dr Jerry Davies said: "The Royal College has been very fortunate in having the benefit of Jane's wisdom and guidance for so many years, and we wish her every success in the future."
Companion Care Vets has launched a Graduate Development Programme to develop veterinary graduates into future partners in the business.
According to the company, seven graduates have so far joined the scheme. Five are from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh, one is from The Royal Veterinary College in London and one studied at the Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Each has gone through a rigorous recruitment process devised by the Companion Care Vets HR team, and will be placed in one of the groups established surgeries, where the company will give them an understanding of the entire business from clinical to personal, commercial to management.
Jane Balmain, Managing Director of Companion Care Vets said: "One of my ambitions for Companion Care Vets is to ensure we play a significant role in developing standards in the veterinary profession and I believe that supporting talented veterinary graduates is key to this.
"Our rapidly expanding business is passionate about providing the highest level of pet healthcare and client service and we are proud to be able to help veterinary professionals realise their ambitions and full potential."
Placements last three years, during which Companion Care says each of the graduates will be closely mentored and their clinical learning will follow the framework developed by the RCVS as part of their Professional Development phase. Business support will be given via secondment to Companion Care's support services departments and theory based learning. All graduates are placed in practice from day one, building on their clinical experience.
One of the graduates, Katie Denholm said: "This graduate programme is a brilliant opportunity for me to put what I have learnt at University into practice. What really excited me was the modern surgeries, opportunity to be really hands-on and the added business-advice that will help me to realise my dream of one day, and I hope in the not too distant future, becoming a partner in my own practice."
Katie has been placed at Companion Care Vet's Chelmsford surgery, where veterinary surgeon and Joint Venture Partner Simone Dent said: "This scheme is a fantastic opportunity for graduates to gain all important clinical experience alongside the commercial aspects of a veterinary career. Being a vet these days affords enormous opportunities to build a successful business that provides satisfaction, financial reward and work-life balance. Katie will be given every opportunity to blossom as an integral part of our team learning, and having fun, every step of the way."
To find out more about the Graduate Development Programme please visit or email
The British Small Animal Veterinary Association is inviting its members to submit their views on DEFRA's recently revised and published draft Rabies Control Strategy.
The BSAVA says that while the general control options for dealing with a suspected or confirmed case of classical rabies are determined by law there are a number of issues raised in this document on which its members may wish to comment.
Details are in the Consultations area under the Advice link here at
Please return responses to by Friday 9th December 2011 to allow time to collate the comments and produce a response.
Eurovet Animal Health is to offer veterinary surgeons visiting the London Vet Show a free trial of Cardisure to use in newly diagnosed patients*.
In addition, for every free trial vets sign up for at the event, Eurovet will also donate £1 to The Children's Heart Association to a maximum total donation of £500. The charity is run by families and friends of affected children and aims to improve facilities for children at heart units, maintain standards of improvement as new techniques develop, raise funds to help purchase specialised equipment and support patients and their families.
Eurovet will also be running a prize draw to win one of two Thamescope Cardiology Stethoscopes each day.
The company says bulk buy discounts will also be on offer and following on from news of the recent methadone CPD seminars, the team will also be talking about Comfortan - the first EU authorised veterinary licensed methadone. They will also be taking registrations for the final seminar in the series of three, which takes place at The Gables hotel, Falfield, near Bristol on Wednesday 30th November.
Eurovet will be on stand G70.
*The trial applies to veterinary surgeons only. The free product will be supplied to the named veterinary surgeon at the registered practice address.
Royal Canin has launched a new Skin Care family of dermatological diets, designed for the nutritional support of skin function in dogs with dermatosis unrelated to food intolerance or allergy.
At the same time, Royal Canin has also launched DermAlliance, a campaign to improve skin care knowledge in general veterinary practice. The 2011/2012 DermAlliance campaign will include educational initiatives such as free CPD webinars, a training roadshow, case study collaborations and competitions to win skin disease reference materials.
Gudi Stuttard BVSc MRCVS, Royal Canin's Veterinary Support Manager, said: "The Skin Care diets (available for adult dog, adult small dog and junior small dog) offer veterinarians a proven1 option for the nutritional management of dogs with common skin problems.
She added: "The large volume of skin cases we see in general practice necessitates a certain level of expertise in small animal dermatology and we believe our new Skin Care range, coupled with the creation of our dedicated DermAlliance educational campaign, will help promote greater clarity in an often confusing clinical area."
According to Royal Canin, Skin Care diets help in the nutritional management of dogs with reactive skin; they contain a patented complex to help maintain the barrier effect of the skin and high levels of essential fatty acids to help support healthy skin reactions. They also contain a synergistic complex of antioxidants to help support natural defences, and nutrients to help maintain a healthy digestive system and contribute to good oral health.
1 In a multi-centre trial on 47 dogs, the average CADESI (canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index) score of all dogs improved by a factor of three over three months of being fed Skin Care exclusively. Average CADESI scores increased again after dogs returned to their original diets.
The Veterinary Marketing Association has announced details of a new award for public relations, open to veterinary practices and companies.
The VMA says this award is to recognise the value that media and public relations can add to the marketing mix. It will be awarded to the company or veterinary practice that has delivered the most innovative PR campaign during 2011, as judged by a panel of industry professionals.
Organiser Claire Edmunds said: "The VMA Awards has become a coveted event for those involved in the animal health industry to showcase their marketing achievements. A range of categories has evolved since the awards began over 20 years ago, for marketing, creative communication and new media campaigns. However, we felt that an award for PR was required to complete the marketing mix".
Jane Manning from award sponsor Splash Marketing & Communications said: "We felt it was time to give the opportunity for those involved in PR to obtain the recognition they deserve alongside their creative colleagues.
"An effective PR campaign can be a highly influential marketing tool, so it's great news that the VMA has added this new award category. We hope that companies and agencies serving the animal health sector will embrace this new opportunity to showcase their creativity and hard work".
The award is for the most innovative PR initiative published during the year. This can be a single 'one-off' event or article, or a sustained campaign over a given period. The winner and two highly commended entries will be awarded at the VMA Awards on Friday 9th March 2012 at Shakespeare's UnderGlobe Theatre, London.
Further information on the awards and ticket application forms are available at the VMA's website - or by calling 0844 561 6157. The deadline for entries is Friday 27th January 2012.
MSD Animal Health has launched Expertis Udder Health, a farm management tool for veterinary surgeons to better enable them to monitor and improve udder health in dairy cattle.
Expertis was presented to vets at the International Conference on Udder Health and Communication which took place in Utrecht this week.
Expertis Udder Health consists of a software programme together with educational and communication tools to help veterinary surgeons and farmers find the causes of mastitis more easily.
The Expertis Udder Health program consists of four steps: 1. A farm intake questionnaire about setting goals puts the farmer in a central position, and allows for careful listening in order to align with his/her objectives. 2. The data is analyzed, leading to the identification of the right focus points that are needed to identify areas for improvement. 3. These focus points are presented as fact sheets, i.e. a check list of risk factors for mastitis within the focus point. 4. The information is synthesized into an automatic summary of the actual situation, the udder health objectives and an open space to fill in the tailor-made advice to the farmer for improvement of the udder health status on his farm.
Jantijn Swinkels, DVM, Global Technical Director Pharmaceuticals within the Ruminants Business Unit at Merck Animal Health said: "The structured approach offered by Expertis Udder Health takes into account that mastitis is a multifactorial disease and covers all aspects that influence udder health. To save time, the analysis ensures that the focus is on the most important issues, which can differ greatly from farm to farm. The existing services provided within this tool can be used to optimize udder health on the farm".
Rinse Jan Boersma, MSc, Global Director Dairy Cattle at Merck Animal Health added: "We have developed Expertis to support veterinarians and farmers by improving our service level as well as to contribute to good veterinary practices by implementing preventive measures and prudent use of antibiotics."
MSD says that as a consequence of the reduced milk production, discarded milk, veterinary and treatment costs and extra labor costs, mastitis is considered the most important cause of economic loss for dairy operations. Recent data from Sweden indicates an average economic loss of €278 per case of clinical mastitis and of €60 per case of sub-clinical mastitis.*
The Expertis Udder Health program is being rolled out country to country, and will be distributed to veterinary surgeons via local MSD Animal Health representatives.
* Nielsen C, Østergaard S, Emanuelson U, Andersson H, Berglund B, Strandberg. Economic consequences of mastitis and withdrawal of milk with high somatic cell count in Swedish dairy herds. Animal 2010;4:1758-70
Inocul8 and the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed), have launched a free new online database of information about livestock and poultry vaccines.
Currently the Vetvac database contains information on nearly 2,000 livestock vaccine products produced by more than 95 manufacturers. This included cattle, sheep, goat, pig and poultry vaccines available in the UK, Australia, Africa, India, South America and the United States. It is being expanded and updated on a continuous basis, and aims to cover all markets, providing the most complete compendium of licensed livestock vaccine products available worldwide.
The database developers say that they hope will be especially useful to vaccine manufacturers and developers, and animal health professionals and livestock keepers.
Josef Geoola, Vetvac's co-founder, said: "Although there are a number of on-line databases and websites that focus on livestock vaccines, none provide the global coverage that aims to achieve - our product will be unique."
Elanco (maker of Comfortis) has released the results of a survey of 1006 dog owners which showed that nearly half are not aware that turning on their central heating can cause pupal fleas to hatch and go in search of a host to feed on.
50% of those questioned said their dog has had fleas at some point. Of those, 79% said their dog gets infested at least once a year. 20% said they did not believe fleas would be found in the carpet, dog bedding and soft furnishings, and over a third didn't treat their carpets or soft furnishings when their home became infested.
Elanco says it has extended its range of practice support materials available to help educate dog owners about flea infestation and the benefits of veterinary prescribed flea treatments. They include client leaflets, waiting room posters and assistance with bespoke direct mail client communications.
For further information, contact your local Elanco Animal Health key account manager.
Woodley Equipment Company Ltd has been appointed as the UK and European master veterinary distributor for the Mythic 18 Vet haematology analyser manufactured by Orphee-Medical, Switzerland.
The Mythic 18 Vet is a fully automated, 18 parameter haematology analyser dedicated for veterinary applications. Woodley says it delivers the ultimate technology in haematology, requires little maintenance and benefits from low reagent consumption. It's quick and easy to use with touch screen technology and can produce accurate results in just 60 seconds for over 10 different species using a small sample volume.
For more information, visit:, email: or call: +44(0)1204 669033
Animalcare Ltd has launched Tilmodil (tilmicosin 300mg/ml solution for injection), a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic licensed for pneumonia in cattle and sheep, foul in the foot in cattle, and footrot and mastitis in sheep.
According to the company, Tilmicosin is fast-acting1, long-acting2 and highly effective against the major Gram-ve bovine respiratory pathogens.2,3 In addition, the company says tissue penetration is excellent.1 In calves a single SC injection at 10mg/kg bw results in lung concentrations exceeding the MIC90 of Mannheimia haemolytica for 72 hours.2
Animalcare says that pooled data from greater than 6000 cattle has confirmed the effectiveness of tilmicosin in the treatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) in well-controlled, randomised field studies. Tilmodil treatment has been proven equally effective compared to antibiotics, such as florfenicol, marbofloxacin and danofloxacin.
A recent report by the Farm Animal Welfare Council estimates that three million of the national sheep flock are lame at any one time. It is estimated that footrot is responsible for greater than 90% of lameness and is present in 97% of flocks. Tilmicosin has good activity against the key Gram-ve pathogens2 and has been successfully used in the treatment of footrot.4
Tilmodil has been developed for animal use only and is administered by veterinary surgeons only. Dosage is 1ml per 30kg bw for respiratory disease and mastitis in sheep and 0.5ml per 30kg bw for interdigital necrobacillosis (foul in the foot/footrot/bovine pododermatitis).
Tilmodil is administered as a single, low volume subcutaneous (SC) injection dose and presented in 50ml multi-dose vials.
1. Apley M., Antimicrobial therapy of Bovine Respiratory Disease.Veterinary Clinics of North America.Food Animal Practice (1997) 13,3:159-5622. Tilmodil SPC3. Giguere S et al .,Antimicrobial therapy in Veterinary Medicine.4th edition 2006.Chp.12,2014. Winter A., Lameness in sheep. 2. Treatment and control. In Practice (2004),3, 130-139.
Fiona Knight, a Customer Care Manager from the Woodcroft Veterinary Group in Cheshire, has won the 'Petplan Insurance Advisor Award 2011'.
The award, announced at the British Veterinary Nursing Congress in Kettering, recognises the hard work and dedication that Petplan Insurance Advisors do to highlight the importance of insurance to pet owners.
Fiona said: "It was such a shock to actually win the award, I'm very pleased!. All the finalists, including me, have worked incredibly hard to carry on promoting something we feel so strongly about. It's not something we can do on our own which is why I am so grateful for the dedication and support from my team at the practice.
"The Petplan PIA is such a great scheme as it helps increase the awareness of pet insurance, and really helps owners have financial security and their pets get the best treatment should anything happen."
The finalists were judged by Petplan Business Developers Lisa Allen and Spencer Jones.
Spencer said: "All three finalists have worked extremely hard to educate pet owners about pet insurance so that they are able to give their customers informed and up-to-date advice, however Fiona's commitment and dedication really stood out and she is a very deserving winner."
As part of her award Fiona receives a 16GB Ipad2 with WiFi, worth £399. The other finalists were Harriet Goulden, veterinary nurse at the Feldon Veterinary Centre in Leicestershire, and Alison Sawyer, receptionist at Medivet in Watford.
For information on how to become a PIA contact Vetline on 0800 316 8800 or alternatively log onto
Following the announcement from the Dogs Trust that the number of stray and abandoned dogs has reached an 11 year high, Pedigree has launched it's fourth annual Adoption Drive.
The campaign, which seeks to raise awareness and funds for the thousands of strayed and abandoned dogs in the UK, comes at a time when recent statistics put the number of dogs being picked up by local authorities in the last year at 126,176 - the worst in over a decade.
Since its launch, The Pedigree Adoption Drive has raised over £1million for rescue centres up and down the country who are working tirelessly to find new and loving homes for abandoned dogs. Last year alone, grants of almost a quarter of a million pounds were distributed to 34 rescue homes and went towards funding the vital refurbishment of dilapidated kennel blocks, desperately needed veterinary facilities and the supply of essential surgical equipment.
TV presenter and wildlife vet Steve Leonard, who is supporting this year's campaign, said: "Rescue centres across the country are at capacity due to the overwhelming number of stray and abandoned dogs in Britain - a number which is sadly still on the rise. We need to work together to make people aware of this issue and educate them about both the benefits and commitment involved in owning a dog. The funds and support generated by this campaign, help to give abandoned dogs everywhere a second chance at the loving homes they deserve."
During the campaign, Pedigree is sponsoring Pete Wedderburn's blog on
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica and the Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) have launched Spot The Signs, a campaign designed to help owners spot the signs of painful, age-related conditions in cats, such as arthritis.
According to the company, which makes Metacam, 46% of cats are now classed as 'mature and older', and 87% of vets have treated cats aged 22 or more. Yet a survey of 3000 cat owners found that 75% would not recognise the signs of chronic pain in their cat. And despite 50% of owners believing that cats suffer pain the same way as humans, 78% of cats had never been taken to the vet for an old age check up.
99% of 77 veterinary surgeons surveyed agreed that chronic pain often goes unnoticed and that signs of pain can be confused with cats simply getting old. When shown a list of common signs of long term pain in cats, 65% of owners recognised at least one of these signs in their own cat.
Claire Bessant, leading feline author and CEO of FAB, said: "In a recent study, 65% of cats aged 12 and above showed evidence of arthritis when X-rayed. The survey also showed that a large proportion of cats do show signs that may be caused by chronic pain, including becoming withdrawn, reduced grooming and reduced activity, but these were not attributed to pain by the owners. Arthritis has only just been recognised by the veterinary profession as a major problem in cats and so it is not surprising that 80% of cat owners do not realise that their cats can develop this painful condition."
Most owners understand that arthritis can cause significant pain and discomfort, and 93% said they would feel guilty if their cat was in pain and they hadn't realised. 65% of Brits see their cat as member of the family, with 20% saying their cat is like a child to them.
The Spot the Signs campaign is being 'fronted' by Jess the Cat, Postman Pat's sidekick, with expert support from a panel of cat medicine and behaviour specialists including leading feline author Claire Bessant and / blogger, Pete Wedderburn MRCVS. The campaign includes support materials for veterinary practices and a facebook page.
Claire Fowler, Boehringer Ingelheim, said: "Despite a steady increase in the number of cases of arthritis and chronic pain in cats being diagnosed, our research shows awareness amongst cat owners of how to look for pain in their cats remains surprisingly low, despite 86% saying they would want their vet to let them know if their cat might be in pain. For many owners, spotting the signs of pain in their cat can be difficult, so we have set out to educate cat owners about what to look for and to encourage them to consult their vet or vet nurse if they are concerned."