A research project funded by The Horse Trust has found that various types of ocular tumours can be successfully treated with mitomycin C, a cytotoxic antibiotic isolated from a bacterium.
The research concludes that mitomycin C offers a safe and cost effective alternative to current treatment options such as surgery and radiation.
The research project was led by Fernando Malalana, while working as The Horse Trust's Clinical Scholar in Equine Internal Medicine at University of Liverpool. Fernando is now working as a Clinician Teacher in Equine Internal Medicine at the university.
Ocular tumours are more difficult to treat than tumours in other parts of the horse's body due to the risk of damaging the eye. In the study, Malalana investigated the use of mitomycin C in treating ocular squamous cell carcinoma, the most common ocular tumour in horses, and occular sarcoids, skin tumors that frequently affect the eyelids .
Mitomycin C is an antibiotic isolated from a bacterium, Streptomyces caespitosus. It is known to have cytotoxic effects and has been used to treat tumours in horses before, but only in combination with surgery.
Currently, the main method of treating ocular squamous cell carcinoma is by removing the tumour surgically or with radiation. Both treatments are costly and have a number of associated risks. There is also the risk of damage or scarring to the eye.
Fourteen horses with ocular squamous cell carcinoma, three of which were affected bilaterally, were included in the study. Mitomycin C was applied to the conjunctival sac of the affected eye; in some of the cases the treatment was combined with surgery. Malalana found that of the 8 eyes treated with mitomycin C alone, clinical resolution occurred in 6 cases. Of the 9 eyes treated with both surgery and mitomycin C, clinical resolution occurred in 7 cases.
Mitomycin C was also used to treat various types of sarcoids found in the eye. Currently, the most effective treatment for occular sarcoids is radioactive wire. However, radioactive wire treatment is not ideal as it is expensive, only offered in two locations in the UK, and has potential health risks to the vet applying the wire due to exposure to radioactivity.
Six horses and two donkeys with occular sarcoids, including one horse that was affected bilaterally, were treated with mitomycin C, which was injected directly into the tumour. Malalana found that of the nine nodular and fibroplastic occular sarcoids treated with the antibiotic, all were completely cleared. However, the vets did not have good results with verrucous sarcoids.
Malalana said: "The results of this research should offer hope to the owners of horses that have eye tumours. We have already been contacted by vets from across Europe to find out more information about this treatment and hope that it will be offered to more horses with occular tumours in the future".
Vets at the University of Liverpool are now testing the use of mitomycin C on other tumours that are difficult to treat surgically, including melanomas near the horse's anus. So far, two cases have been treated, but it is too early to tell whether treatment has been successful.
Malalana's research has been submitted to Veterinary Ophthalmology journal.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has removed a veterinary surgeon formerly working in Lincolnshire from the Register, after finding him guilty of serious professional misconduct for drink-driving related convictions, failing to inform his employer of these convictions, and driving whilst disqualified.
Jaroslaw Slominski, a former employer of Grants Veterinary Services plc, chose not to attend the three-day hearing. The Committee considered whether to proceed with the case, using criteria identified by the Court of Appeal in R v Jones (Anthony) in 2002 and confirmed by the House of Lords. It concluded it was in the interests of justice that the hearing should go ahead.
The charges related to two convictions Mr Slominski received on 17 March 2010 at Lincoln Magistrates Court: failure to provide a specimen of breath for analysis and driving without due care and attention (after his vehicle collided head-on with another car). Mr Slominski failed to inform his employers of these convictions, as he was contractually obliged to do, and that he was now disqualified from driving.
Having heard evidence from Mr Slominski's line manager, the Committee also found that he had driven his employer's vehicle whilst disqualified, although it could not be sure that he had done so on all the occasions alleged. Therefore, the Committee did not go on to consider an alternative part of the charge - that Mr Slominski had dishonestly claimed money from his employer by falsely submitting expenses claims.
Disciplinary Committee Chairman Prof Peter Lees said: "The combination of factors in this case, namely, the serious nature of his conviction in failing to provide a specimen of breath, his subsequent premeditated conduct in not informing his employers and driving whilst disqualified should be treated by the profession very seriously. The Committee has concluded that the combination of the conviction and the conduct is incompatible with Mr Slominski practising as a veterinary surgeon."
The Committee directed that Mr Slominski's name be removed from the Register.
Her Royal Highness Princess Anne has opened the Royal Veterinary College's new Teaching and Research Centre.
The Centre - at the college's Hawkshead Campus in Potters Bar, Hertfordshire - will provide a home for the RVC's lifestyle research, which includes conditions such as obesity/diabetes, chronic kidney disease and arthritis as well as those with genetic roots.
RVC Principal Professor Stuart Reid said: "The RVC is extremely proud to have welcomed Her Royal Highness to open the new Teaching and Research Centre - a facility where our students are taught within an environment that is all about advanced scientific discovery and first class research. The building houses the engine of academic enquiry and is a wonderful space where our academic community generates new insights into diseases that affect humans and animals.
"The Centre allows us to tie together the various threads we have around the study of illnesses that result from lifestyle in humans and animals, such as those associated with age or genetic disorders. Our College collaborates with the research hub that is the London scientific research community. We are extremely well placed to carry out the work in conjunction with human medical research groups and bring the veterinary perspective to the understanding of disease. The building offers new opportunities, both nationally and internationally".
Funding for the building of the new centre was provided by HEFCE and The Wolfson Foundation.
Photo: Paul West
Companion Care Vets has opened its first new standalone joint venture surgery in Ayr, Scotland.
At 3,071 sq ft the £300,000 surgery is the largest of the groups' 86 strong network and is the first standalone surgery to be opened under the joint venture partnership model that has been in place since 2001.
The surgery is located in a retail park environment, to give easy access for clients and their pets. It is a full service practice, which Companion Care says is fitted with all the latest equipment, including digital x-ray machines and a full operating suite.
Managing Director, Jane Balmain, said: "The opening of our first new standalone surgery in Ayr is a real milestone for us as a business because it opens up our offering to the vets and veterinary nurses who are interested in a joint venture partnership, but whose preference is to have a more traditional looking standalone surgery."
Whilst the Ayr surgery is standalone in its own right, due to the unique relationship Companion Care Vets has with Pets at Home, the surgery works in close partnership with the local Pets at Home store. This will help to drive client registrations and business development and further enable Pets at Home to develop the full pet care experience for its customers.
Jane added: "We believe that this new venture offers any potential partner the best of both worlds: a superb in-store surgery with footfall of thousands of customers a month, or a standalone new surgery linked to local store network to develop the business. I don't believe any other company can offer this unique proposition."
Veterinary surgeon, and joint venture partner of the Ayr surgery, Kirstin Fyfe says, "I am extremely proud to be opening the first standalone surgery alongside the Companion Care team and the facilities available to my team and I and local pet owners are fantastic. The latest equipment, coupled with a spacious and modern waiting area and the convenience of our location is what makes this a winning formula."
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has produced bookmarks for accredited practices to give clients, which explain the RCVS Practice Standards Scheme (PSS).
Lizzie Lockett, Head of the RCVS Communications Department said: "A key part of the PSS is helping practices explain their accreditation to clients - and the bookmarks are a simple and eye-catching promotional tool for this. We hope they will have the advantage over conventional leaflets of being kept, and used, by clients, meaning the accredited-practice message is more likely to be taken on board. Although many people are using e-books these days, the traditional book - and bookmark - still has a place."
All accredited practices may order a free sample of 100 bookmarks, and a further 400 free bookmarks are available to practices recently renewing or receiving accreditation. More bookmarks may also be ordered from the RCVS, as well as the new accredited-practice logos. To find out more, or download an order form, practices can visit www.rcvs.org.uk/PSSpromo.
The RCVS Charitable Trust has announced that it is working in partnership with Imperial College London and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to co-fund a doctorate entitled 'Veterinary training and veterinary work: a female perspective, 1919-2000.'
This will look at the shift in women's expectations, experiences, professional networks and career trajectories, and examine how and why certain veterinary activities came to be regarded as suitable (or unsuitable) work for women. In the course of this research the personal collections of two prominent members of the veterinary profession, Connie Ford and Olga Uvarov, will also be catalogued, to make these papers more accessible to both professional researchers and more generalist readers.
Clare Boulton, RCVS Charitable Trust Librarian and the Trust's project supervisor said: "This exciting project is an opportunity to really use the archival material held by the RCVS Charitable Trust Library, interview transcripts and surveys, to describe and analyse the educational and work experiences of successive generations of female British vets. It's great to be able to work with other academic institutions on a project of this nature so we can share expertise - and make the most of the research findings."
The research will be carried out by Julie Hipperson, who holds an MA in Modern History from King's College London, and whose interests include women in the professions in the twentieth century, and rural environments and communities. She said: "I hope new insights will be gained into the most famous of veterinary female pioneers.
"More than this, however, I will be looking at the mainstream of female vets, their aspirations, motivations and achievements since 1919, and also the obstacles they encountered, in order to contextualise the 'feminisation' of the profession. This is a sizeable challenge, but one which I hope will be invaluable not only to the veterinary profession, but also to understand more fully women in the professions throughout the twentieth century."
More information can be found on the Trust's website http://trust.rcvs.org.uk/pioneers-and-professionals/ and on Julie's 'Pioneers and Professionals' blog at http://pioneersandprofessionals.wordpress.com/
RCVS President, Dr Jerry Davies, has committed to prioritise the establishment of a new Audit and Risk Committee, following publication of the recommendations of a report into two overspends at the College.
Earlier this year, outgoing President Peter Jinman had announced that a review would be carried out into the circumstances that led to higher-than-expected expenditure on the College's new database and building development works in the Lower Ground Floor at Belgravia House.
The RCVS Officer team asked Professor Bill McKelvey - a member of the College's Governance Review Group - and two of the College's Privy Council-appointed Council members to look at all aspects that related to its budgeting and expenditure process of those projects, and propose lessons that should be learned.
Dr Davies said: "That such a review was required is regretted, but I would like to thank Professor McKelvey, Richard Davis and Judith Webb for their diligence in this work. Their recommendations will be a very helpful addition to the work that is currently underway to ensure corporate governance is fit for purpose and, in particular, that the management of capital projects within the College is optimised."
The full Overspend Report (one sentence was redacted on legal advice) was considered by Council at its meeting on 3 November. Council agreed that the recommendations should be made public. The College is currently seeking further legal advice on whether it is proper for the report to be made available under the Freedom of Information Act.
Dr Davies added: "The recommendations of the report are under consideration by a group of five past Presidents, together with Richard Davis and Judith Webb as lay members of Council, under the Chairmanship of Peter Jinman, and their proposals will be considered by Council in due course.
"The recommendation that an Audit and Risk Committee be set up will be prioritised, as this was highlighted as an imperative. Other related activities, such as the development of a protocol for the management of major projects, had already been put in place by Officers prior to the overspend review."
Regarding the two projects at the heart of the report, the College says building work in the Lower Ground Floor at Belgravia House has been complete for some time and the new rooms and their facilities are being used, particularly when Disciplinary Committee hearings render much of the rest of the building out of bounds. The new data management system is also in use and an external consultant is currently looking at the work that has been carried out so far, and will make recommendations for the future.
"Meanwhile, although there are many lessons to be learned from the report, it's business as usual in terms of bringing to a conclusion many of our important ongoing initiatives, such as the introduction of the new Code of Professional Conduct, the consultations on the recommendations of the Specialisation Working Party and a draft Performance Protocol, and, of course, the ongoing work of the Disciplinary and Preliminary Investigation Committees," said Dr Davies.
The recommendations of the report, which were adopted by Council, can be downloaded from www.rcvs.org.uk/McKelvey.
Animalcare has been found in breach of Clause 18.2 of the NOAH Code of Practice for offering and supplying infusion pumps/equipment in exchange for veterinary practices entering into written contracts for the purchase of a range of its products, including the POM-V Benazecare.
The value of the equipment offered by Animalcare equated with a discount agreed with the veterinary practice, and was applied as medicinal products were purchased. The equipment was supplied on the signing of a contract. The terms of the contract required a particular quantity of medicinal products to be purchased, and if the veterinary practice failed to meet that requirement, there was a liability to pay a pro-rata element of the equipment purchase price.
The Code of Practice Committee was of the view that a piece of equipment was neither 'price' nor 'product' within the meaning of Clause 18.2 of the Code of Practice; and as such amounted to a gift being offered in relation to the sale; or purchase; or prescription of animal medicine. The Committee took into account that Guidance Note 4, paragraph 7, states that the word "gift" includes any pecuniary advantage being offered, with the exception of price or product itself.
To comply with Code of Practice Clause 18.2, the offer or inducement based on price had to be one of cash as rebated discount. If then there were facilities to enable the veterinary practice to use that rebated discount to purchase the equipment from the supplier, that might be acceptable, but there was a necessity for cash as rebated discount to be provided in the first instance.
Full details of the Committee's rulings are available on the NOAH website at www.noah.co.uk/code.
Norbrook Laboratories has launched NoroQuin, a nutritional glucosamine-based supplement which the company claims will help maintain healthy cartilage and joint fluids in cats, dogs and horses.
The NoroQuin range has six active ingredients including glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, manganese sulphate, zinc sulphate, absorbic acid and N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine which combine to maintain glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) levels in joints and, according to Norbrook, ease and reduce the onset of joint damage and cartilage degeneration.
Michelle Jones, Norbrook Brand Manager, said: "Our new NoroQuin range is an exciting new development to our joint-management range.
"NoroQuin offers more ingredients than the competition with 6 active ingredients working together to help improve mobility. The main ingredient, glucosamine stimulates natural repair and prevents cartilage degeneration and thinning while it is widely considered that glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate have anti-inflammatory properties, making Noroquin ideal for assisting with pain management. The addition of manganese sulphate helps stimulate natural cartilage repair."
NoroQuin is available in a range of meat flavoured tablet sizes that have been formulated to treat all dogs from growing puppies to the largest dogs. For cats, the range is available in a tablet form or as a powder which can be added to a cat's food.
NoroQuin for dogs and cats is available to order from wholesalers now.
Fitzpatrick Referrals scooped two awards at last week's Vet Marketing Awards, held at the London Vet Show.
The practice picked up the Training Initiatives Award, in recognition of its CPD, Internship and Residency programmes, the launch of Fitzpatrick Learning Academy and the commitment of Fitzpatrick Referrals to pushing the boundaries to advance the veterinary profession.
Noel Fitzpatrick was also awarded the 2011 Science prize for his dedication and commitment to moving the profession forward through scientific and technological development, his research, philosophy and practice.
Organised by Grove House Publishing, who produce OvertheCounter magazine,Vet Marketing and Farm Business, the Vet Marketing Awards are designed to award best practice companies and individuals who are driving innovation in branding, communications and product development, in a way that promotes health and wellbeing for the good of practice, customer, and animals in their care.
Commenting on the Training Initiatives Award, the judges said: "The mission of Fitzpatrick Referrals is to deliver 'the best level of surgical, medical and compassionate care for small animals,' and they have certainly achieved this since the opening of their state-of-the-art practice in 2008. To offer their unparalleled level of care means a high level of training for their staff, and for vets and trainees from across the country. The judges were impressed that they offer more residencies, internships and fellowships than any other private practice in Europe, their commitment to CPD and the in-depth nature of their entry."
Presenting Noel Fitzpatrick with his Science Award, host of the awards ceremony, Alan Whibley, publisher of Vet Marketing said: "For the judges, this is was by far the winner in this category. Noel Fitzpatrick advances scientific and technological development in the veterinary profession, based on the moral and ethical obligation to adopt these new techniques responsibly. He pushes the boundaries, through technology, and also his support for his fellow veterinarians, through internships, CPD lectures and key note speeches, such as the one earlier today. He promulgates the moral imperative to ensure that whilst the client is fully aware of every procedure possible, that a pet is a member of the family and should be treated as such."
Vetoquinol has announced that the 50g pack size of Ipakitine will shortly be replaced by a 60g pot.
The company says this will provide the convenience of a 30 day supply for a 5kg cat or dog who is on 1g/5kg bodyweight twice a day (one level scoop twice a day).
The 60g pot will be available from the end of December. Also at this time, the existing 150g size pot will be replaced by a 180g pot.
The new packaging is more eye-catching, easier to read and gives more description. A 300g pot will also be available in February 2012. Pricing will be in-line with increase in pack size, so proportionally a 20% increase for 20% more product.
Ipakitine is a phosphate binder formulated specifically for veterinary use. It is designed for both cats and dogs and is available as a tasteless powder formulation for easy administration with food.
The London Vet Show was a runaway success this year, with more delegates on day one than visited the entire show in 2010.
Rob Chapman from CloserStill Media, organiser of the event said: "We're still number crunching, but it looks like numbers were up something like 40% on last year."
VetSurgeon.org visited the event and filmed a number of the commercial exhibitors, many of whom said what a good atmosphere there was at the show and how busy it was.
CloserStill has already confirmed that the London Vet Show will again take place in the Grand Hall at London Olympia next year. However, it will be expanding into West Hall for the clinical lectures, so that everyone can have a seat, unlike this year when demand was so high, some had to sit on the floor.
The BSAVA has announced a partnership with the University of Liverpool to develop a national UK disease surveillance network for companion animals.
Originally established in 2008, the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network, SAVSNET, aimed to monitor the disease status of the UK small animal population (mainly dog, cat and rabbit). However, funding for the project came to an end in August 2011. At this point, BSAVA stepped in with support, as it believed that not only would the profession benefit from this source of information, but that it is in fact vital for the successful management of disease in small animals.
BSAVA President Andrew Ash said: "SAVSNET ticks all the boxes for BSAVA. High quality large scale epidemiological research helps us fulfil our obligations as a charity to public good, the information on disease surveillance gives us the information to treat animals better, and the research papers help us inform veterinary policy and education. This is an important scheme for both animal and human health."
Participation by diagnostic labs and practices is voluntary, and all data gained will be made anonymous before being reported. For more information, email savsnet@liverpool.ac.uk.
Dunlops has changed its name to Henry Schein Animal Health.
David Hinton, Managing Director said: "As we change our name to Henry Schein Animal Health, we also reaffirm our company's strong commitment to offer a comprehensive array of products and services to help animal health practitioners in the United Kingdom operate more efficient and successful practices, and provide the best quality patient care.
"We have a new name, but we have the same strong team, the same values, and the same dedication to providing excellent service to our customers."
Henry Schein Animal Health’s expanded offerings include VetLink and Thrive. VetLink is a new e-commerce web site system that enables veterinary surgeons to access the growing internet sector, allowing you to sell anything from pet prescriptions to accessories online, to be delivered to your customers’ homes by Henry Schein Animal Health. Thrive is a new veterinary business analysis service that integrates with practice management software to use a Key Performance Indicator based approach that provides insight into a your practice and identifies areas where you can enhance your business.
Avid has released a new version of it's microchip registration system, which offers a significantly enhanced statistical analysis of the microchipping done at your practice.
The new MicroChip Plus section of the site is specifically for implanters, and contains the following:
Avid says the registration system, which has built-in postcode software, can now re-use more registration details, so that registering a complete litter will take less time. This is especially important when microchips are being registered for or by breeders.
Denise Chaloner, Manager at Avid said: “Avid MicroChip Plus gives our customers more control of how they manage pet microchipping within their organisation. Listening to feedback has inspired Avid to develop a more tailor-made and efficient system for the end user, also enabling the generation of reports, statistics and targets”.
Customers with supporting practice management systems may register microchips directly from their software using VetXML and VetEnvoy.
For more information contact Avid on freephone 0800 652 7 977 or email sales@avidplc.com
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded and warned as to his future conduct a Hampshire veterinary surgeon found guilty of serious professional misconduct for cumulative failures to provide adequate professional care, and insufficient regard for animal welfare whilst treating a dog that had ingested broken glass.
The sanction was decided following a 12-month postponement of a decision ordered at a hearing on 19 November 2010.
At last week's hearing, the Committee was asked to decide what sanction would be appropriate in the case of Peter Ardle MacMahon for his treatment of a Cocker Spaniel called Wilfred, while working as a locum in Portsmouth. In 2010, the Committee found that Mr MacMahon had not removed the ingested glass from Wilfred's stomach or adequately checked that he had done so; had inadequately prevented abdominal contamination; and, had failed to communicate this contamination problem to Wilfred's usual veterinary surgeon. Considering these charges cumulatively, the Committee found that the treatment Mr MacMahon provided to Wilfred had fallen far short of the standard to be expected in the profession and amounted to serious professional misconduct.
Shortly prior to treating Wilfred, Mr MacMahon had returned to practice after a ten-year absence and, at last year's hearing, agreed to comply with undertakings regarding his professional development. These included performing at least 70 hours of medical and surgical continuing professional development (CPD); providing the Disciplinary Committee Chairman with quarterly CPD reports and two employer reports regarding his competence; observing 24 days of current practice by shadowing another veterinary surgeon; and, providing reports from this veterinary surgeon as to his competence and a case diary.
The Committee considered the factual findings from the November 2010 hearing and the concerns then expressed about Mr MacMahon's conduct and capabilities as a veterinary surgeon, as well as his compliance with the agreed undertakings. As advised by the Legal Assessor, the Committee's considerations of sanction began at the lowest level that would ensure that the welfare of animals was properly protected; that proper standards would be maintained among practitioners in the profession; and, that would be in the interests of the public.
Speaking on behalf of the Disciplinary Committee, Chairman Professor Peter Lees said: "The Committee is satisfied that the respondent had complied fully with the spirit of the requirements of the undertakings he had entered into on 18 November 2010. Indeed, the view is that the respondent has done well to achieve the level of compliance that he has, given that he had suffered a period of significant ill-health during the period since he entered into those undertakings.
"The ultimate decision is that the respondent's conduct [...] warrants the imposition of at least a reprimand," he continued. "However, it is also the Committee's firm view that the respondent must be warned about his future conduct so that he will know the Committee considers he needs to maintain the level of continuous professional development that he has achieved [over the last] 12 months, and to have constantly in mind the paramount obligation of all veterinary surgeons to ensure the welfare of animals under their care.
"Such a warning as to future conduct should, and the Committee believes that it will, serve as a constant reminder to the respondent that he must undertake only those procedures, and only proffer professional advice, in the areas where he has the requisite up-to-date skills, knowledge and experience."
The Committee reprimanded Mr MacMahon and warned him as to his future conduct.
Nutricat, a supermarket cat food launched this year, has released the results of a survey which, it says, shows that modern day lifestyles are resulting in British cat owners anthropomorphising their cats.
The survey found that 54% of cat owners believe their cat shares similar emotions to them, 40% sign greetings cards from their cat, and 1/3 say their cat is a better listener than their partner.
Anthropomorphism is nothing new, and since the press release came from a supermarket brand, it would ordinarily have been destined for the 'Deleted Items' folder.
However, one thing caught my eye. In the press release, Nutricat was described as: a new brand of veterinarian approved advanced feline nutrition'.
But it's not just how Nutricat is described in the press release. The title of the Nutricat website is: 'Veterinarian approved cat food', and the words 'veterinarian approved' appear no less than 3 times on the home page. It doesn't stop there. Tesco seems to have got the message too.
So how many veterinary surgeons are required to endorse something in order to claim, reasonably, that it is 'veterinarian approved'. A couple of RCVS Specialists in Feline Medicine? 10 general practitioners? 20? 50? 100?
VetSurgeon.org rang the PR agency for Nutricat and asked the question.
The answer is one.
What do you think? Take part in our poll, here: http://www.vetsurgeon.org/forums/t/9928.aspx
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has dismissed a case against a Nottinghamshire veterinary surgeon, having found not proven the charge that he had caused, allowed or failed to prevent a potential breach of the Rules of Racing of the Greyhound Board of Great Britain (GBGB).
During the re-scheduled, three-day hearing, the Committee heard that Dr Gary Samuel was on duty on 10 October 2009 as the GBGB licensed track veterinary surgeon at Nottingham Greyhound Stadium. When the trainer came to collect her dog for the race, she discovered a biscuit in his kennel in the paddock area, in potential contravention of the rules of the GBGB, which do not allow greyhounds access to any food, drink or other substance after weighing in, prior to a race. She reported this discovery to the paddock steward. The dog was withdrawn from the race, so there was no prospect of prize money. The trainer, despite her unblemished record, was put at risk of disciplinary action by the GBGB, which could have resulted in the loss of her training licence and livelihood. Following the events of 10 October, the GBGB held a disciplinary hearing, at which Dr Samuel was disqualified indefinitely from holding a GBGB licence and fined £2,500, and the matter was referred to the College.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee confirmed that it should not be bound by the GBGB decision, and that the charges laid against Dr Samuel must be resolved on the basis of the evidence before it. Both Counsel for Dr Samuel and the College urged the Committee to have close regard of CCTV footage from 10 October, which showed Kennel 21 where the dog had been placed and the biscuit found. From evidence given by the paddock steward and the trainer, the Committee accepted that the kennel was clean when the dog entered at 5.30pm, so the biscuit must have been introduced between 5.30pm and 9pm, when the trainer collected him for the race.
The footage available to the Committee from Nottingham Race Track was only four-and-a-half minutes long. The Committee was concerned that there were almost three-and-a-half hours of footage that it had not been shown and that, in addition, witnesses were not able to state that they had viewed the remainder of the footage. In those circumstances, the Committee considered that the footage available must be of the best quality to allow it to reach a sure conclusion as to what exactly Dr Samuel may have been doing in his position close to Kennel 21. From the quality of the footage available, the Committee was not able to be sure.
Speaking on behalf of the Disciplinary Committee, Vice-Chairman Professor Sheila Crispin said: "The fact remains that the Committee cannot be sure that the Respondent caused the biscuit to enter Kennel 21, [so] finds the charge against the Respondent not proved."
Dr Samuel therefore remains on the RCVS Register and is entitled to practise.
The British Veterinary Association has welcomed the European Commission's Action Plan on Antimicrobial resistance (AMR), launched yesterday on the eve of European Antibiotic Awareness Day.
The Action Plan sets out 12 actions:
However, the association has expressed concern that the Commission has given only qualified support for new antimicrobials for veterinary use. Carl Padgett, President of the BVA, said: "There is much to be applauded in this action plan. In particular the BVA supports the calls for more and better coordinated research, more responsible use of antimicrobials in human and veterinary medicine, and the development of diagnostic tools to quickly and accurately identify the right drug for the right bug.
"The use of antimicrobials in the treatment and control of animal diseases is essential and the BVA supports the strong messages in this plan. Any option for managing AMR must be firmly rooted in sound scientific assessment of the risk.
"While the report recognises the difficulties that have led to the hampering of research into new antimicrobials for veterinary use, we are concerned that there is only qualified support from the Commission for the development of these new medicines for animal use.
"Research into new antimicrobials should be supported in both human and veterinary medicine. We need to ensure the creation of a more predictable regulatory environment to encourage new products for animals to be brought to the market.
"Finally, while the BVA supports the need for a new regulatory framework any new regulations must not impede the ability of veterinary surgeons to prescribe and dispense medicines according to their clinical judgement."
Meanwhile, Jill Moss of the Bella Moss Foundation added her voice to those calling for responsible use of antibiotics, highlighting recent research from the Royal Veterinary College that has established a clear link between pets with MRSA infection and human hospital-associated MRSA. What is less widely recognised, she says, is that resistant bacteria can be passed from human to animal.
The charity is now calling on health and veterinary professionals to work together to achieve a reduction in resistant infections by raising awareness and promoting the responsible use of antibiotics.
The RCVS has published the conclusions of The McKelvey Report, a review into the circumstances leading to a substantial overspend on the College's new database and development works at Belgravia House.
The review was carried out by Professor Bill McKelvey - a member of the College's Governance Review Group - and two of the College's Privy Council-appointed Council members to consider all aspects relating to the College's budgeting and expenditure process, and propose lessons that could be learned.
Whilst the full report has not yet been published, its conclusions highlight:
Overall, the report concluded that:
Weaknesses exist in the governance of the RCVS which pose significant risks to the proper conduct of its business. Executive staff have not been provided with a robust governance framework by the Council, and this has led to a number of unnecessary misunderstandings between Executive staff and Non Executive members of Council. These matters should be urgently addressed by Council in order to ensure that the confidence of ordinary members of the profession in their College can be restored.
Dr Jerry Davies, RCVS President said: "That such a review was required is regretted, but I would like to thank Professor McKelvey, Richard Davis and Judith Webb for their diligence in this work. Their recommendations will be a very helpful addition to the work that is currently underway to ensure corporate governance is fit for purpose and, in particular, that the management of capital projects within the College is optimised."
The full report is available here.
The Office of Fair Trading has concluded that it has no grounds to take action against IDEXX Laboratories Limited following an investigation into alleged abuses of a dominant position in the veterinary diagnostic testing sector.
The OFT opened its investigation in November 2010 after it received a complaint alleging that IDEXX was abusing a dominant position in the market for the supply of in-clinic pet testing equipment in order to foreclose competition.
The conduct assessed by the OFT included alleged practices of:
The full reasoning for the OFT's conclusion, including details of the methodologies used by the OFT to assess potential theories of harm relating to alleged mixed bundling (also known as multi-product rebates) and alleged predatory pricing in systems markets, is available from the OFT's website, here.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is calling for comment on a draft Performance Protocol, which aims to manage proportionately any justified concerns about the professional performance of veterinary surgeons and registered veterinary nurses.
The RCVS's Preliminary Investigation and Advisory Committees have been working together to develop a new protocol setting out the way in which the College will respond to ongoing performance-related concerns. There is an expectation that veterinary surgeons and RVNs are already regularly reviewing their clinical work in the workplace. This will be reinforced by the new principles-based Code of Professional Conduct, currently being finalised, which is likely to require clinical governance to be part of professional practice for veterinary surgeons and RVNs.
According to the College, the draft protocol is intended to formalise and build on the way it already manages ongoing serious performance-related concerns. It introduces new measures, including supervision and undertakings, to seek to ensure that veterinary surgeons and RVNs take reasonable steps to address any serious performance concerns. This will bring the RCVS into line with other professional regulators and enable a tailored and proportionate response to these cases to protect the welfare of animals and the public interest. The College's current system of offering advice to veterinary surgeons and RVNs will remain for complaints which are closed, because there is no indication of serious professional misconduct.
The College says that according to independent legal advice, such an approach is appropriate and necessary in order for it to fulfil its regulatory responsibilities. The draft performance protocol follows similar legal advice that supported the implementation of the RCVS Health Protocol, and both protocols clarify the College's parallel jurisdiction relating to health and performance-related issues.
RCVS President Jerry Davies said: "When veterinary surgeons and registered veterinary nurses are unable to deal with performance-related concerns, it is important that we are able to provide a supportive framework to oversee remedial steps that are designed to address those concerns and encourage professional development. This is best achieved outside a Disciplinary Committee hearing, if at all possible".
The approved draft protocol is now open for public consultation, and may be found at www.rcvs.org.uk/performance. All comments on the draft should be emailed to Simon Wiklund, Advisory Manager at s.wiklund@rcvs.org.uk by 13 January 2012, with 'Performance Protocol' added to the subject heading.
The feedback received from the consultation will be considered by the Preliminary Investigation and Advisory Committees in January 2012, before being submitted to RCVS Council for approval in March.
The College says it hopes that a performance protocol will form part of the supporting guidance to the new RCVS Codes of Professional Conduct for both veterinary surgeons and registered veterinary nurses.
A research project funded by equine charity The Horse Trust has found that 40% of horses suffered a traumatic injury within the past year.
Only 13% of injuries occurred during ridden exercise, while 62% occurred while the horse was turned out in the field.
The research, which has been accepted for publication by the Equine Veterinary Journal, was carried out by Rosie Owen, who is currently working as The Horse Trust's Clinical Scholar in Equine Orthopaedics at the University of Liverpool.
Rosie said: "This Horse Trust-funded research shows that horses get injured relatively frequently - much more often than you would expect. Interestingly, most of the injuries happen during turnout, rather than during ridden exercise."
The results were obtained through analysing the responses from 652 randomly selected horse owners from north-west England, Midlands and North Wales, all of whom had a horse aged 15 years or younger. Owners sought veterinary treatment for 47% of the injuries reported, while the remainder were treated by the owner or a friend, or required no treatment.
Rosie identified a number of factors that were associated with an increased risk of injury. For example, horses that had been owned for a shorter period of time were found to be significantly more at risk of injury. She says the increased risk may be due to aggression from other horses when a new horse is introduced to a field, but owners can take various steps to reduce the likelihood of injury: "It's worth trying to avoid regular changes in group composition. A new horse should be introduced to the group gradually, preferably by providing adjacent stabling initially. Protective boots may help as the lower limbs are most at risk of injury. Also, if possible, the other horses in the field should have their shoes taken off during the period of adjustment, so they are less able to injure the new horse."
Rosie also found that horses turned out within larger groups were at an increased risk of injury. This is probably due to there being a larger hierarchy with multiple horses competing for dominance. However, she found that the risk of injury reduced when additional feeding areas were provided in the field: "If you provide hay or haylage to horses in the field, it's worth including an additional feeding area to reduce competition for food."
Other interesting findings included the lower incidence of injury in cob and pony breeds, compared to other breeds. Horses used competitively also had a higher risk of injury, which may be due to the additional athletic demands placed on these horses, or due to the way these horses are managed. Horses trained using Parelli methods were also found to be at an increased risk of injury, but as the numbers in this group were small, more research is needed to confirm this.
Although most of the injuries recorded in the survey occurred during turnout, 11% occurred in the stable, with most of the injuries affecting the head or eye. Rosie says owners can easily reduce the risk of stable injury: "There are various simple steps that owners can take to reduce the risk of injury in the stable. Try to provide hay from the floor, instead of in a hay rack, and make sure there are no protruding nails, hooks or sharp edges in the stable."
Rosie said that it would be useful to conduct further research to understand how injuries occur during turnout: "A lot of injuries are reported during turnout, but we're uncertain about what happened. It would be useful to observe the behaviour of horses in the field to see whether it's competition for food, or another factor, that is responsible for the high rate of injuries among horses."
Jeanette Allen, Chief Executive of The Horse Trust, said: "We are pleased that the research we've funded has provided such useful statistics on the risks of injury for horses. We hope that horse owners will follow some of the tips that Rosie has suggested to reduce the risk of their horse being injured."
Dr Tiffany Hemming has been elected the new chair of the British Veterinary Association Animal Welfare Foundation (BVA AWF), the veterinary profession's own animal welfare charity.
After graduating, Dr Hemming worked in mixed practice before completing her doctorate in epidemiology at the University of Guelph, Canada. She joined the Territorial Army as a Veterinary Officer in 1997, transferring to the Regular Army in 2000.
She has been employed in several different roles all over the world, has commanded a medical squadron for two years and deployed with them to Afghanistan in 2009/10.
Holding the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, Dr Hemming is currently employed in a policy position in Whitehall. Her particular interests within animal welfare science are working animals and educating owners about improving the welfare of their animals.
Dr Hemming said: "I am delighted to have been elected as chair of trustees for the BVA AWF. The Foundation is committed to improving the welfare of all animals through veterinary science, education and debate and I am looking forward to leading the charity, with the valuable assistance and expertise of my fellow veterinary trustees.
"I will ensure good governance for our work as we continue to review what we do, building on a process started by my predecessor Carl Padgett."
B&W Equine Group has opened a brand new, state-of-the-art equine clinic at Breadstone in Gloucestershire.
The new facility opened on 1 October 2011. It cost over £2.2 million and is, according to the company, one Europe’s most advanced diagnostic and surgical centres.
B&W Equine Group was created in 2008, following a merger between Willesley Equine Clinic and Bushy Equine Vets. The 23 vet practice has four local equine clinics in Breadstone, Cardiff, Failand and Willesley.
The new clinic, located on a four acre site at Breadstone, close to the M4 and M5 intersections, provides state-of-the-art diagnostics and advanced laboratory facilities. It houses the only equine MRI scanner in Wales and the South West, as well as a CT scanner and scintigraphy unit. Orthopaedic and colic theatres, adult and neonatal intensive care suites and separate isolation units have all been custom-designed and are supported by five examination rooms and two knock down boxes.
Clinical and referral services are led by RCVS and European Recognised Specialists in surgery, orthopaedics, diagnostic imaging and internal medicine and include gynaecological management of breeding mares and pre-season disease screening. The on-site laboratory is one of only 30 in the UK to be certified by the HBLB to test for CEM and EVA.
Ian Camm, BVSc CertEP MRCVS, Group Director, said: “We are all extremely excited about the new clinic but our day-to-day first opinion work remains a top priority. For all our local clients it’s very much a case of business as usual but the fact that we have invested in the latest portable equipment, including video endoscopes, digital radiography and ultrasound scanners, means we can undertake more specialist work at client’s yards, as and when needed.”
For further information, visit www.bwequinevets.co.uk.