Dechra Veterinary Products has launched a range of support material to help educate owners about pet ear health.
Senior Brand Manager at Dechra Veterinary Products, Larry King, said: "This extensive range of new material will help veterinary professionals raise client awareness of ear infections and also help owners understand why ear health is important.
"The information available includes a leaflet for owners on how to treat their pet's ear infection as well as a guide to effective ear cleaning, which is also available as a video for practice and client use."
Videos entitled: 'How to clean your dog's ears' and 'How to clean your cat's ears are available to view at
The It's Time to Change campaign offers best practice guidelines and information on ear disease in cats and dogs. It provides assistance in helping to diagnose the organisms associated with infection, support in choosing the correct approach to control as well as help in educating owners to apply and use treatments correctly.
More information on the support material can be found at or veterinary professionals can contact their local Dechra representative.
Petlog has kicked off its annual National Microchipping Month by joining forces with Hampden Veterinary Hospital in Aylesbury.
Petlog holds National Microchipping Month throughout June each year to promote the benefits of microchipping and the importance of keeping contact details up to date.
This year, Hampden Veterinary Hospital has been encouraging pet owners to make sure their pets are microchipped by offering half price microchipping at a 'responsible pet ownership' event hosted at the hospital.
Celia Walsom, Petlog Executive said: "National Microchipping Month is a fantastic chance to promote the benefits of microchipping, and we are thrilled that Hampden Veterinary Hospital took such a proactive role in encouraging responsible dog ownership through this event. Microchipping is a great way to permanently identify your pet, and ensure that if he or she goes missing that you are reunited as quickly as possible."
Petlog says that last year, it received almost 120,000 lost and found calls in total from around the UK.
This June, Petlog customers can upgrade to the Petlog Premium lifetime service online for £7.50, allowing them to update their contact information as often as needed with no extra costs.
For more information on National Microchipping Month or Petlog visit or
Elanco Companion Animal Health, maker of Comfortis, has launched a new campaign to raise awareness of the perennial problem of fleas, and the importance of regular treatment.
The campaign revolves around some new research which shows that while nearly half of dog owners1 allow their pets to swim at least once a month during the summer, over 45% of those questioned were unaware that if a dog is bathed or swims it may lose protection from spot-on flea treatments with only a sixth realising that the active ingredients in some spot-on insecticides can harm aquatic organisms2.
Gavin and Stacey actress Joanna Page, and RSPCA veterinary surgeon David Grant (pictured right) are being wheeled out to talk about the new research, both on the radio and on web TV.
In addition, Elanco says that a range of Comfortis support materials are available to help educate pet owners about fleas and the healthcare issues associated with fleas and encourage enquiries about flea control solutions.
For further information please contact your local Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or email
MSD Animal Health has obtained regulatory approval in 21 European countries, including the UK, for Cobactan LA 7.5% (cefquinome) - a new-generation, injectable antimicrobial for the treatment of swine respiratory disease (SRD).
Raul Berro DVM, global marketing director swine at MSD Animal Health said: "Cobactan LA 7.5% is a long-acting version of our highly effective Cobactan 2.5%. Its longer duration of action means greater compliance for swine producers with fewer injections and less stress to the animals, without sacrificing performance."
According to the company, the long-acting antibiotic formulation is effective against three major SRD pathogens in growing and finishing pigs - Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Haemophilus parasuis and Pasteurella multocida. Considered the most important threat to the swine industry worldwide, SRD causes increased mortality, decreased weight gain and increased feed consumption.
Cobactan LA 7.5% requires two intramuscular injections 48 hours apart, compared to Cobactan 2.5%, which requires three daily injections. The recommended dose rate is 1 mL (3 mg cefquinome) per 25 kg bodyweight. The product isavailable in 50-ml, 100-ml and 250-ml glass vials.
Raul aded: "COBACTAN LA 7.5% also has a short withdrawal period of seven days. This makes the injectable product also safe to use throughout the finishing period for the treatment of SRD."
MSD adds that the use of COBACTAN LA 7.5% should be according to established responsible use guidelines and strictly according to the label instructions where specific restrictions apply to this class of antibiotics.
For more information, contact your local MSD Animal Health representative or go to
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has dismissed a case against a Kent veterinary surgeon convicted of tail-docking and also charged with misleadingly altering an owner's record relating to tail dockings.
At the outset of the four-day hearing, David Smith, of Lakeview Veterinary Centre, Deal, admitted he had been convicted of an offence of tail docking on 14 December 2010 at the Channel Magistrates Court.
He said that, in 2008, he had misinterpreted the legislation about tail docking and as a result had removed the tails of a litter of 13 Rottweiler puppies. He was subsequently convicted of illegal docking.
Mr Smith also accepted he had altered the owner's record, at the owner's request, when the RSPCA was investigating the circumstances of the docking by adding the words "for law enforcement", but maintained this alteration was to clarify the record to which he had initially added the words "for security selection"; he denied any attempt to mislead, or that he ought to have known it may mislead.
The Committee accepted that Mr Smith misinterpreted the legislation and had taken some steps to satisfy himself that the tail docking was legal, namely: he had asked an employee colleague to make enquires of the College and, as advised, he had downloaded a copy of the AWA 2006 to read and to make his own decision with regard to legality; some enquiry had been made by the practice of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) at Reigate; and, Mr Smith had himself researched dog breeds on the Kennel Club website.
The Committee also accepted that he had asked and been told that the client had previously supplied dogs to the police.
However, the Committee found that these steps were inadequate; in particular, he should have contacted the College and Defra himself and not delegated this to administrative staff. Furthermore, that he should have obtained confirmation of the advice given in writing.
Regarding the alteration of the owner's record, the Committee was satisfied that this annotation was added for clarification. The Committee was not satisfied that the addition 'for law enforcement' altered the meaning of what was already stated on this form, and found the wording confirmed Mr Smith's misapprehension at the time of the legality of the tail docking.
This charge, which alleged that the alteration had been carried out misleadingly, was dismissed.
The Committee also said that Mr Smith's reluctance to engage with the police and the RSPCA during their later investigation had been regrettable: as a professional he had had a duty to co-operate fully. However, it concluded that this had been "of little probative significance".
The Committee would like to make it clear that it is the responsibility of every practising veterinary surgeon to ensure that tail docking is legal in each and every instance before carrying out the procedure. If there is any doubt, then tail docking should not take place.
In deciding whether Mr Smith was fit to practise, the Committee took into account two previous RCVS Disciplinary Committee findings involving tail-docking.
It concluded these were significantly different. In the first case, the respondent knew that the tail docking he had carried out was illegal. On the contrary Mr Smith had misguidedly believed the docking he carried out was permitted.
In the second case there had been several charges, in addition to the charge of tail docking. In this case no charges other than those related to tail docking had been alleged against Mr Smith.
It further noted that no issues of clinical competence were raised, and that the dockings were undertaken less than 12 months after the new legislation came into force.
Speaking on behalf of the Committee, Vice-Chairman Beverley Cottrell, who chaired the hearing, said: "The Committee has expressed its disapproval about Mr Smith's failure to make adequate investigations of the College and of Defra, and his erroneous interpretation of the Act.
"In reaching its decision, the Committee has paid particular attention to issues of animal welfare, maintaining public confidence in the profession and the upholding of proper standards of conduct.
It has concluded that Mr Smith's conduct fell short of that to be expected of a veterinary surgeon but does not consider that it fell far short."
After directing that the case should be dismissed, Mrs Cottrell added: "The Committee would like to make it clear that it is the responsibility of every practising veterinary surgeon to ensure that tail docking is legal in each and every instance before carrying out the procedure. If there is any doubt, then tail docking should not take place."
New research published in the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) has shown that the use of standing sedation to repair lower limb fractures in racehorses produces similar results to surgery performed under a general anaesthetic, but with the advantages of less surgical complexity, time, cost and risk.
The study Short and long term results following standing fracture repair in 34 horses was conducted by Richard Payne and Polly Compston at Rossdales Equine Hospital1.
Standing fracture repair in the horse is a relatively new surgical procedure with very little follow-up data available. Treatable fractures sustained by racehorses in the UK have traditionally been repaired under general anaesthesia but it is well known that this carries an increased risk of anaesthetic-related death compared with other elective surgical procedures. However, despite the substantial increase in the number and type of surgical procedures performed under standing sedation over the past decade there has previously been very little work undertaken on standing fracture repairs.
The study looked at the case records of 34 Thoroughbred and Arab racehorses that had a lower limb fracture surgically repaired by one surgeon at Rossdales up until June 2011. The injuries included non-displaced fractures of the proximal phalanx, the third metacarpal bone and the third metatarsal bone, all of which are relatively common fracture sites in racehorses. Hospital records, owner and trainer telephone questionnaires and website research were used to evaluate follow-up. The short and long-term results were similar to those of horses undergoing repair of comparable fracture configurations under general anaesthesia, with 20 of the horses returning to racing within an average of 226 days.
This early research indicates potential for tangible benefits, including avoidance of the inherent risks of general anaesthesia as well as a reduction in surgical complexity and associated costs, leading the way for future research into larger cohorts of horses.
EVJ's Editor Celia Marr said: "The recent fatalities at the Grand National highlight that it is critical that the equine veterinary research community strives to reduce the prevalence of fractures in our racehorses. We also need to continue to seek better ways of treating those horses that do develop fractures and, while not every fracture will be amenable to this approach, this study is an important first step towards treating some of the non-displaced fractures that occur in racehorses without the need for anaesthesia."
1Short and long term results following standing fracture repair in 34 horses Richard Payne and Polly Compston, Equine Veterinary Journal ISSN 0425-1644 DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00569.x
Bioscience students from the Royal Veterinary College are more likely to be in industry relevant employment six months after graduation than any other institution in the UK, according to new university rankings.
The Guardian University Guide 2013 places the RVC's Bioveterinary Science programme eighth overall, out of 97 institutions across the UK. This represents a significant improvement on previous years - in the 2012 University Guide the RVC ranked 31st overall and in 2011 was placed 46th.
The RVC also ranks top for student satisfaction of both the course overall and the standard of teaching - 100% and 99% respectively. This success follows a focus on improving student experience across the College with the RVC picking up the 2012 Times Higher Education award for Most Improved Student Experience.
Professor Stephen May, vice-principal for teaching at the Royal Veterinary College, said: "It is a fantastic achievement to see our Bioveterinary Sciences programme performing so well, especially in terms of student satisfaction and employment. The success of this programme indicates the College's firm belief that veterinary science is much bigger than just veterinary practice; the combination of veterinary medicine, human medicine and environmental science will, in future, be essential to tackling some of the biggest health issues in society."
The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) has launched the Accredited Internet Retailer Scheme, through which veterinary medicines retailers can now be accredited by the regulator.
The scheme, which is voluntary, involves an application process and site inspection to check ongoing compliance with the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.
The British Veterinary Association has supported the move, but called for the scheme to become compulsory. The BVA says it is also calling for more robust measures to stop prescription fraud and is in discussions with the VMD.
Harvey Locke, Past President of the BVA, said: "Our biggest concern with online medicines retailers has been that animal owners didn't know whether they were buying genuine, safe medicines that comply with UK regulations.
"This simple scheme launched by the VMD will allow customers to know within seconds whether the company they are using complies with the high standards set by UK legislation and the regulator.
"The scheme is a very welcome positive step in protecting the public from illegal sites, but in future we would like to see it becoming compulsory so that everyone can be confident that they are buying products that are safe for their animals and themselves."
The new RCVS brand has been highly commended in the 'Brand Development' Category of the Membership Communication (MemCom) Awards.
The new look, which was launched last year, aimed to clarify the role and function of the College, with the strapline 'Setting veterinary standards' and a professional new livery of blue and gold.
The award was made at a presentation at the Institute of Directors on 17 May, and the judges' citation said: "[The rebrand] sought to overcome a remote and stuffy image whilst at the same time seeking to underline that it is the only Royal College that is primarily a regulatory body acting in the public interest," adding that "to put this into second place took a remarkable entry".
The top award in the category was taken by the Wildfowl and Wetland Trust, with its book 'Watching Waterbirds', endorsed by the TV celebrity Kate Humble.
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS Head of Communications said: "Design can be subjective but the important thing is what it communicates. We are delighted to have received this commendation in recognition of the work we have done to ensure the role of the College is clearer for both the public and the profession."
The Royal Veterinary College is calling for dogs diagnosed with osteoarthritis to take part in a revolutionary study in which their movement will be monitored by a state-of-the-art recorder.
The recorder (pictured right), which is attached to the dog's collar, uses miniaturised sensors based on those found in smart phones. It can distinguish between different activities independent of the dog's location, allowing constant recording of movement in the dog's home environment, to complement the traditional clinical assessments carried out as part of the trial.
The study is being carried out to assess the efficacy of the joint mobility supplement Yumove in reducing the clinical signs of osteoarthritis. This will be the first time that the real effect of a joint supplement has been measured.
Dr. John Howie, co-founder of Lintbells, the company that makes Yumove, said: "This is the first time the real effect of a joint supplement has been measured and it will be a very fast trial. Yumove is a supplement that has been specifically formulated to include glucosamine, chondroitin and Omega 3 from green-lipped mussel, which all work together to increase joint mobility and provide an anti-inflammatory effect."
The research is being led by Dr Matthew Pead the RVC's Academic Director of Professional Assessment and Development. He said: "The results of this study will have important clinical implications for the understanding and treatment of canine OA, with the ultimate aim of advancing the treatment of this difficult and degenerative disease for the benefit of many thousands of dogs."
Any veterinary surgeon with a patient in their practice that might benefit from this study is invited to refer them. Further details are available the Clinical Investigation Centre at the Royal Veterinary College - email or phone 01707 666605.
Dechra Veterinary Products has launched a case study competition to find out how veterinary professionals are using Celox, its new haemostatic agent designed to stop heavy bleeding.
According to the company, Celox Veterinary forms a gel-like clot within 30 seconds when mixed with blood.
Dechra says it would like examples of how it has been used, whether for planned procedures or in an emergency, and is asking veterinary surgeons and nurses to send in case histories and photos for the chance to win an iPad2.
Rachel Horton, Dechra's Brand Manager for Woundcare, said: "Celox Veterinary was launched to the market last year, with the human version of the product being used with great success on the battlefield by the British military for several years.
"Now we are asking veterinary professionals to share their experiences of using Celox Veterinary in practice, whether used in its gauze or granular form. It is ideal for fast-acting haemostasis, and provides a quick and efficient solution wherever and whenever bleeding needs to be stopped fast.
"Entrants providing case histories with accompanying photos can enter as many times as they like and have a chance to win an iPad2. Learning about how veterinary professionals are using products is important to Dechra Veterinary Products and assists in developing the high level of support we offer to vets and vet nurses."
Dechra says Celox Veterinary is being used not only for trauma injuries and emergency first aid but also for planned operations including castration, mass removal, nasal polyps, dental extractions and soft palate resections.
Case histories should be emailed to before the closing date of July 20th 2012 to be eligible for the draw. For further information about Celox Veterinary, please visit see
A study carried out at the University of Leicester's School of Psychology has found that disagreeable younger people are more likely to prefer aggressive dogs, confirming the conventional wisdom that dogs match the personality of their owners.
Researchers found that low agreeableness was the best predictor of a preference for those dogs seen as more aggressive, such as bull terriers or boxers. Individuals low in agreeableness are typically less concerned with others' well-being and may be suspicious, unfriendly and competitive.
However, the study found no link between liking an aggressive dog and delinquent behaviour, or the possibility that liking an aggressive dog is an act of 'status display' to show off or attract romantic partners.
Dr Vincent Egan, lead researcher on the study, said: "This type of study is important, as it shows assumptions are not the whole picture. It is assumed owners of aggressive dogs (or dogs perceived as aggressive) are antisocial show-offs. But we did not find persons who expressed a preference for aggressive dogs had committed more delinquent acts, or reported showing off more.
"However, we did find a preference for a dog with an aggressive reputation was related to being younger and being lower in agreeableness (i.e., being less concerned with the needs of others, and being quicker to become hostile)."
The study looked at the reasons why some people prefer aggressive dog breeds. Professor Egan explained: "A lot of human behaviour involves status display and dominance, and evolutionarily this helps with finding mates. Basic personality also influences a lot of our behaviour. By measuring both at the same time, we could see whether they each had an influence on liking aggressive dogs, or whether one was due to another.
"We were surprised mating effort did not have an influence here, but think it might be because we looked at a wider age range. A preference for a non-aggressive dog may also make a statement about a person; liking a pedigree Labrador or a clipped Poodle may be as much a statement as having a pit-bull with a studded collar."
In the study, participants indicated their preference for different types of dogs, and filled in personality tests. The dogs were independently rated according to how aggressive people perceived them to be. Bull terriers were rated as most aggressive, followed by boxers; retrievers and cocker spaniels were seen as least aggressive.
Analysing the findings, the research team found that certain personality factors indicated a preference for dogs perceived to be more aggressive. Low agreeableness and higher conscientiousness were related to a preference for aggressive dog breeds. Younger people were also more likely to prefer the aggressive breeds.
Surprisingly, the results indicated a small effect suggesting that those who liked aggressive dogs showed signs of conscientiousness - being careful, reliable and thoughtful about their actions. This contradicts the perception that owners of aggressive dogs are always irresponsible.
Dr Egan said: "These results with conscientiousness were unexpected, but the effect is a small one, and needs to be repeated in a different group of people. Studies of this kind tend to only look at a restricted age ranges, which may exaggerate findings which do not occur across the entire lifespan, so we believe a stereotype is always true, whereas it may only be true under certain conditions. Our study employed a broader age range.
"We were surprised to find a small association between a preference for aggressive dogs and greater conscientiousness (i.e., valuing and following rules). However, dogs also prefer rules and firm boundaries themselves. We speculate that cheap dog-training classes would be enjoyable and beneficial for both dog and owner."
The findings were published last week in the journal Anthrozoos.
Novartis has made a last call for entries to its competition in which you can win an iPad whilst getting the latest update on the correct use of NSAIDs from an acknowledged expert in the field.
To enter the competition, watch the first in a series of webcasts by Dr Jo Murrell, Senior Lecturer at Bristol Vet School, then answer three questions about what you've seen.
Competition closes at the end of May. More information here.
The Feline Advisory Bureau (FAB) has announced the winners of four 'Easy to Give' Awards, given to the makers of veterinary medicines designed to be easy to administer to cats.
Claire Bessant, FAB's Chief Executive, said: 'Medicating cats is notoriously difficult. It is, therefore, always a pleasure to be able to reward companies who have made great efforts to make their products easier to administer to cats'.
The 2012 FAB Easy to Give Award winners were:
ALSTOE: Therios - The antibiotic cephalexin as a palatable tablet that can be split easily for accurate dosing in cats.
VIRBAC: Effipro - A spot-on preparation for the treatment of fleas, ticks and lice. The new transparent pipette prevents spillage and ensures a complete dose is given. An image of a cat appears on each pipette, so that if one is separated from its packaging it is still clear for which animal the product is intended.
NOVARTIS: Atopica - A treatment for allergic dermatitis that comes in solution form and can be given in food or directly into the cat's mouth. The specifically-designed syringe dispenser allows accurate dosing.
CEVA: Fiprospot - A spot-on medication for treating fleas and flea allergic dermatitis.
The winning products join 20 others which have been given an Easy to Give Award by FAB's expert panel of veterinary surgeons since 2005.
For more information about FAB, visit:
The British Veterinary Association has launched a survey of its members: "Your BVA, Your Say".
The focus of the research, which will take place throughout June and July, is to measure and evaluate the levels of satisfaction BVA members have with the Association and examining the value members place on BVA's representative role and benefits package.
A selection of members will be contacted by the external research agency Research by Design to take part in in-depth interviews to explore key themes of the research. Members who are currently practising and those in their final year at veterinary school will then be asked to complete an online survey.
Ahead of the research BVA is urging members to check that the Association has their most up-to-date contact details by visiting the member area of the website or contacting the membership team on 020 7908 6350.
The results of the research will be used to develop and adapt BVA member services, activity and communication to ensure the Association meets members' requirements throughout their careers.
BVA President Carl Padgett said: "Our members are at the heart of everything we do, so it is essential we hear directly what our members think about, and want from, their Association.
"I'd like to encourage members to find time to contribute their ideas and opinions which will shape the future direction of the BVA. This is the chance to really make a difference to the Association."
Burgess Excel has announced the launch of a new app for Android and Apple devices called The Fibrevore Handbook.
The free app, which is available from Apple here, and from Google for Android here, contains a guide to the veterinary care of rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas:
In addition the Fibrevore Handbook contains links to a range of Academic Articles, CPD courses and information on Burgess Excel and its products.
Burgess says the app will be updated on an on-going basis with further research findings, articles, images and general information
MSD Animal Heath has launched a new dispensing pack to help veterinary practices develop retail sales for Cosequin DS, the joint supplement for pets.
The new dispensing pack, which doubles up as a display pack, contains 300 chews foil-wrapped for extra freshness in 30 packs of 10 strips, allowing Cosequin to stand in the waiting room or on reception.
The new pack, available now in wholesalers, replaces the previous 90, 120 and 180 DS chewable tablet pack sizes.
The RCVS has announced that its former President, Professor Sandy Trees, will be appointed to the House of Lords as a non-party-political (cross-bench) peer, following recommendation by the House of Lords Appointments Commission.
Professor Trees, who was President of the RCVS in 2009-2010, has served on the College Council for 12 years. He becomes only the second veterinary surgeon to take a seat in the House of Lords, joining Lord Soulsby of Swaffham Prior.
Professor Trees said: "This is a great honour, and a wonderful opportunity. I look forward to the prospect of ensuring that legislation relating to animal health and welfare is fit for purpose, but I also feel that veterinary surgeons have a great deal to offer society more broadly, and I will relish the opportunity of raising the profile of the profession and what it can contribute.
"Beyond the immediate veterinary sphere, my areas of experience include science, the environment, education, middle eastern politics and tropical medicine, so I hope to be able to contribute to the work of the House of Lords on many fronts."
Dr Jerry Davies, RCVS President, said: "I am delighted to hear that Professor Sandy Trees has been appointed to the House of Lords. I know that he will not only represent the profession on all matters of veterinary science, veterinary education, animal welfare and public health, but as a cross-bencher, he will also bring a breadth of experience to bear on issues outside the immediate interests of our profession. He is a well informed and articulate advocate of whom the profession can be rightly proud."
The BVA also welcomed the appointment. BVA President Carl Padgett said: "The British Veterinary Association is absolutely delighted at Professor Trees' appointment to the House of Lords. He will bring a wealth of experience and scientific expertise into the political arena, not only in the fields of animal health and welfare but also public health, where he has particular knowledge and experience.
"We are pleased that the value of veterinary input in legislative debate has been recognised by the Appointments Commission.
"We are also proud that Professor Trees will be formally opening this September's BVA Congress in Liverpool where he inspired two generations of vets through his teaching and research, and we look forward to working with him to deliver a healthy future for animals, vets and the country."
Electoral Reform Services (ERS), the independent body that carries out the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons' Council election, has offered reassurance that the election was fair, in spite of a number of voters being sent duplicate ballot papers.
According to the College, ERS designs and prints the ballot papers, and receives back votes via the post, internet and text message, but it does not distribute the ballot papers: this was carried out by a separate mailing house contracted directly by the RCVS. Although the exact number of voters who received duplicate papers is not known, it may have been up to 289, as that was the shortfall of voting papers at the mailing house.
ERS carried out a review of voting patterns, including issues such as multiple votes coming from a single IP address, and concluded that it was not possible to say there had been instances of dual voting. Even in the small number of cases where there was a suggestion of dual voting, if those particular votes had been discounted it would not have affected the outcome of the election.
In a letter to the College, Adrian Wilkins, ERS Senior Consultant said: "Our view is... that although a number of members were sent two ballot papers, there is no firm evidence of fraud, and that the result is an accurate reflection of the views of the members of the Royal College. Our recommendation is consequently that the result should be declared as per our election report of 30th April 2012."
As a consequence, the RCVS returning officer, Gordon Hockey, Acting Registrar, declared the election results on 30 April.
Ceva Animal Health has added a new module to its Cardio Academy website which will provide practical advice on the management of dilated cardiomyopathy in practice.
The module contains an interactive seminar hosted by leading cardiologist and professor of medicine and cardiology at North Carolina State University, Clarke Atkins. The seminar lasts around 30 minutes, after which you're are invited to answer quiz questions relating to the presentation in return for a CPD certificate.
Small animal product manager, Fraser Broadfoot, said: "Our online Cardio Academy is an extremely popular CPD resource that can be accessed at any time, day or night! By using leading specialists, the interactive seminars provide cutting edge and practical advice on a variety of cardiology subjects. We add a new module every month, so check the website regularly."
To access the Cardio Academy please visit
Woodley Equipment Company has launched RapidVet-H IC a testing kit for identifying blood types in cats and dogs.
RapidVet-H IC uses immuno-chromatographic technology to identify the feline blood groups: Type A, Type B and Type AB, and the canine blood groups: DEA 1.1 Negative and DEA 1.1 Positive
According to Woodley, this is the first such system to present a positive result as a red line on a white background, thus making it very easy to read.
RapidVet-H IC consists of a hand-held device containing three membranes and uses a diluent specific for these tests. It uses whole blood, or packed red blood cells. It is a cell capture assay, so patients exhibiting auto-agglutination or low PCV can be typed. The system displays results in 5-10 minutes.
For more information about RapidVet-H IC, email:, or call Woodley on +44 (0) 1204 669033 Option 1.
Edinburgh-based charity the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) has announced three drug discovery contracts in an effort to combat animal African Trypanosomosis (AAT), a disease which is estimated to cost Africa US$5billion a year.
Animal African trypanosomosis, transmitted by the tsetse fly, is a parasitic disease which affects livestock, resulting in a chronic illness which often ends in death. An estimated 50 million cattle and 70 million sheep and goats are at risk, with around 3 million cattle dying annually from the disease.
AAT causes economic losses in livestock, reducing meat and milk production and leaving animals so weak they are unable to help cultivate land. It affects over 10 million square kilometres of fertile land spread across nearly 40 countries in Africa and therefore has a huge impact on food and nutritional security and livelihoods across the continent.
The drugs that are currently used were developed in the 1950s and 60s and drug resistance is now a commonly reported problem. With few other options available, these drugs are the most important method of controlling the disease.
In May 2011 the Department for International Development (DfID) awarded GALVmed 30 month grant for £8million to facilitate the development of drugs, diagnostics and potential vaccines for the control of AAT.
The first contract was awarded to Anacor Pharmaceuticals Inc., a California based biopharmaceutical company established in 2002.
As part of a Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) supported project, Anacor and their partners discovered a series of compounds to combat the human form of AAT, Human African Trysanosomsis (HAT). A number of compounds produced under this programme have properties which could make them suitable for the treatment and prevention of animal AAT. These relevant compounds will now be screened for efficacy and safety under the GALVmed contract.
The second and third contracts have both been awarded to the College of Life Sciences at the University of Dundee, one of Europe's top-ranked universities for life science research.
Dr Kevin Read, who is Head of Drug Metabolism and Pharmokinectics at the drug Discovery Unit is leading a piece of drug discovery and development research, which aims to develop new drugs for the treatment and possible prevention of AAT in cattle, and also a diagnostic test for use in the field. This builds on the university's work on HAT and drugs that were unsuitable for human treatment are now being re-evaluated as potential drugs for cattle.
Dr Read said: "I am very excited to be working in partnership with GALVmed to apply our extensive drug discovery expertise in HAT to identify and bring forward new potential drugs for the treatment and prevention of AAT. The new project offers an exciting opportunity to reposition compounds showing great promise for the treatment of first stage HAT into AAT, thus improving food security in some of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa."
BCF has announced a number of special deals available on a variety of ultrasound and X-ray products.
With the launch of the new Mindray DP-50 ultrasound scanner, available exclusively from BCF, the company is offering a free trolley and a year's supply of gel.
If you buy a Carestream Vita CR X-ray system and generator from BCF, the company will update your X-ray protection with 3 gowns and 2 thyroid protectors (worth £600, €750) free.
Purchase an Easi-Scan with one battery, and you'll get a second battery and carry bag for free.
Buy an equine DR X-ray system and you'll receive £1,000 (€1,250) to spend on Podoblocks accessories.
Call +44 (0)1506 460 023 or visit for further information. Offers valid until 31st June.
Merial Animal Health has announced the launch of its new feline vaccine Purevax Rabies in the UK and Ireland.
Merial says the product offers a simple but elegant solution to rabies vaccination, without the need for adjuvant. According to the company, the non-replicative vector is processed by the cat's immune system in the same way as a live virus, triggering both a powerful cell mediated and humoral response without the need for adjuvant. However, because the vector cannot replicate effectively in mammalian cells, there is no risk of any reversion to virulence.
Merial's Veterinary Technical Manager Kevin Whelan, said: "This is a perfect complement to our existing range of advanced technology vaccines, which already offer the benefits of highly effective protection, including updated FCV strains, without the need for adjuvant. It also represents Merial's continued commitment to the development of innovative products for the animal health market".
The vaccine is licensed for use in cats from 12 weeks of age, and administration of a single injection has been shown to provide protection against disease.
Contact your local Merial Representative or the Merial Technical Support line on 0870 6000 123 for further information.
A Europe-wide survey has found that speed and accuracy are the key features that farm animal veterinary surgeons and farmers want from diagnostic tests
More than 334 individuals from 8 countries were asked about their current usage and knowledge of diagnostics, and asked what they would like to see in the future. Greater accuracy was the number one need among veterinary surgeons, mentioned by 37%, followed by more speed (22%); cost savings (16%) and greater confidence in the results (8%) were other features that they would like to see improved.
The survey, which was commissioned by global biotechnology company Life Technologies, showed that most test results are currently available in one to three days, but still a significant proportion have to wait three to six days for results (39%) or even more than six days (20%). Only 10% currently get their results within 24 hours.
Although many of the vets were aware of modern molecular diagnostics tests such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) which generally offer quicker results than culture testing, most did not know which were used most often. The vast majority of farmers were happy to leave the decision on type of diagnostics test to their veterinarian.
Frederic Bar, Sr. Marketing Manager EMEA at Life Technologies said: "The results show that veterinarians are looking for the speed and accuracy that modern molecular diagnostics, such as PCR, can provide, but this technology is still not being used as widely as it could be."
"One way in which veterinarians could get faster, more accurate-results would be to specify PCR when they submit samples to diagnostic laboratories.
"Diagnostics have really moved on in recent years and the modern tests can give very reliable results, often in just one day, so veterinarians and farmers can make herd health decisions more quickly."
The survey found that BVD, IBR and MAP tests were the most commonly used in cattle, while PRRS, Influenza A and Salmonella topped the list for swine. For sheep and goats, Salmonella, MAP and Chlamydia were the most frequently mentioned tests; for horses, EHV, equine infectious anaemia and Salmonella were most common. Avian influenza was by far the most commonly tested disease in poultry.