A new animal welfare report by the PDSA has revealed that millions of pets are more aggressive, overweight and misunderstood than ever due to fundamental gaps in pet owners' animal welfare knowledge.
The PDSA Animal Wellbeing (PAW) report, which captures the views of pet owners, the veterinary profession and children, reveals that 1.3 million dogs across the UK are displaying problem behaviour. It also highlights the consequences of an obesity epidemic affecting 18.5 million dogs, cats and rabbits, and draws attention to the 11.2 million pets not registered with a vet and therefore at risk of disease due to not being vaccinated or neutered.
The BVA is urging veterinary surgeons and nurses to read the report which identifies where owners are misinformed or unaware and highlights areas that everyone can work on with their clients to help achieve better wellbeing for pets.
Peter Jones, President of the BVA, said: "This is another excellent report from the PDSA offering real insight into clients' motivations. Understanding what drives owners' attitudes, as well as helping them to understand key health and welfare issues, should help us to clarify misconceptions in the consulting room and hopefully change behaviour at home.
"On the positive side, with pet obesity ever rising it is good to see that there is a slight increase in the proportion of owners starting to recognise obesity in their pets. This is, no doubt, in part due to the tireless work of charities like the PDSA and the veterinary profession as a whole.
"Sadly, despite most owners' awareness of the ill effect that bad nutrition has on their pet this has not led to them cutting out pet treats. The fact that few can identify a healthy body shape shows that much remains to be done.
"The section on preventive healthcare remains worrying with many owners seemingly not believing in the concepts of microchipping, neutering and vaccination. Vets have a real responsibility to help communicate these issues to the pet owning public for the benefit of both clients and their animals.
"The report very clearly identifies where owners are misinformed or unaware and highlights areas that vets in practice can work on with their clients to help achieve better wellbeing for pets.
"The report is very clearly laid out and well worth a read. We would encourage all vets to take a look and identify any new educational resources to promote in the practice, in newsletters and on websites in addition to the ones they already make available to clients. The AWF leaflets, the PDSA's own website, and the Education Alliance are all good starting points."
Click here for the report.
Royal Canin has announced the launch of its Christmas promotion through which practice clients will be rewarded with activity balls for cats and leashpods for dogs.
The stocking fillers will be distributed to practices along with promotional materials such as posters and shelf wobblers, to encourage clients to buy Royal Canin Veterinary Care Nutrition (VCN) pet food.
Veterinary Marketing Manager, Lindsay Calcraft, said: "Customers who purchase any 1.5kg bag of feline VCN or any 3.5kg bag of canine VCN from their vet will receive a cat activity ball or a leashpod to thank them for their custom and support.
"For those who don't know what a leashpod is, it's a fantastic dog lead handle to help you carry all those essential items needed for walking a dog. It has an integrated bag dispenser, its own scented mini bin for storing smelly used bags and two secure pockets for treats, keys, money or your mobile phone."
For more information about the Christmas promotion, visit www.royalcanin.co.uk or contact your Veterinary Business Manager.
The RCVS has called for comments on a Concept Note which considers how the Practice Standards Scheme might develop in the future.
The Scheme is administered by the RCVS and the detailed Standards are decided in consultation with the Practice Standards Group (PSG), which includes representatives from all of the key veterinary organisations.
The PSG is considering the future direction of the Scheme as part of the second five-year review that has been undertaken - the first resulted in a new Manual and Standards in 2010.
The proposal this time is to move to a more modular approach, with greater flexibility and an increased focus on behaviours. The proposals also aim to address some of the perceived shortcomings of the Scheme, for example, that it is a 'box-ticking' exercise; that the Scheme puts too much emphasis on paperwork requirements; and, that it is inflexible, particularly at Hospital level, meaning that to qualify, practices would have to purchase expensive equipment that they would never use.
PSG Chairman, Peter Jinman said: "Although the fundamental aim of the Scheme remains to raise and maintain high standards, the PSG recognises that it's important to address criticisms that may be acting as barriers to new members joining.
"It is hoped that changes can also be made that will provide a pathway for existing members to attain higher, more meaningful standards, which are directly relevant to animal care."
The Concept Note is available on www.rcvs.org.uk/consultations, and feedback should be sent to Practice Standards Scheme Manager Eleanor Ferguson, at e.ferguson@rcvs.org.uk, or to a Practice Standards Group member (as outlined in the Concept Note), by 20 December 2012.
This feedback will inform the development of more detailed proposals, which will be put out to full consultation in due course.
Six mixed-practice veterinary surgeons with over 200 combined years of experience have published a book of veterinary tips which they have collected from practising vets all over the UK in order to raise funds for VBF - the charity that supports veterinary professionals.
Alan Jeans, one of the authors, said: "The tips are ideas and techniques that we all use every day in practice but are the kind of thing that you only learn on the job. A range of vets from recent graduates through to veterinary teaching staff have checked the tips for suitability and, although many of the tips are aimed at new or recent graduates, vets of all ages and levels of experience will find plenty of very useful advice.
"The collection started as a 10-tip presentation on an annual CPD sailing trip in Turkey (pictured right) and grew from there. Throughout our careers we have all been impressed by the way that VBF has stepped in to help some of our colleagues in the profession through personal difficulties so we are delighted that we have found a way to fundraise for them."
Nick Short, VBF Director, said: "We are so grateful to all the authors listed in the book for their efforts on VBF's behalf. The tips can either be purchased as a complete collection in paperback by sending a suggested donation of £10 to VBF, 7 Mansfield Street, London W1G 9NQ or you can subscribe to receive regular e-tips on the Vetlife website at www.vetlife.org.uk.
We will also be taking pre-orders at BCVA Congress where VBF is going to be on the BCVA stand this year together with some of the veterinary surgeons who collected the tips.
Bradley Viner reviewed the book. He said: "I defy anyone, however long qualified, to honestly say that they did not learn something worthwhile from this little treasure of a book. And the cartoons are a great giggle as well!"
The book also received good reviews from two BVA Past Presidents. Peter Jinman said: "This little gem of a book is a distillate of the 'art' of veterinary medicine written by those who daily use the science for the benefit of animals under their care." Carl Padgett said: "A great little book. Easy to read and full of those tips that rarely make the covers of academic texts. Tricks old and new that help get the job done written by those that are doing the job."
Bayer Animal Health has produced a take home prescription guide to encourage pet owners to remain compliant with its antimicrobial, Veraflox (pradofloxacin).
The leaflet contains prescription details together with a treatment record and next appointment reminder. Group Product Manager Tracey Dawson said: "There is also a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section explaining why compliance is so important."
Bayer says the leaflet has been developed to help vets and VNs ensure pet owners are encouraged to be responsible with prescribed medicines. Tracey added: "The guide is designed to reinforce the information given by the prescribing vet, and answer further questions owners might have on arrival home or during the treatment."
Bayer highlights that Veraflox's mode of action helps reduce the potential for the development of resistant bacteria¹, but only if it is used correctly. Tracey said: "Although it might seem to be easy for pet owners to adhere to the advice given with prescribed medicines, especially with the more palatable options now available, it is very important that we help preserve the efficacy of the fluoroquinolone class by continuing to encourage strict client compliance through correct dosing, and finishing the course of antibiotics prescribed."
For further information, contact your Bayer Territory Manager or call Bayer Animal Health on 01635 563000.
Wetzstein HG. Comparative Mutant Prevention Concentrations of Pradofloxacin and Other Veterinary Fluoroquinolones Indicate Differing Potentials in Preventing Selection of Resistance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005;49(10): 4166-4173
BCF Technology has announced the launch of the Logiq S7 Expert ultrasound system.
BCF says the new system offers the latest in ultrasound technology and represents a significant leap forward in imaging capability.
The Logiq S7 ultrasound system includes features such as B-Flow, Elastography, Flow Quantification, Contrast Imaging, B-Steer+, 3D/4D ultrasound, Volume Imaging and Multi-Modality Imaging Display.
Nigel Perry from BCF said: "The new Logiq S7 Expert provides the highest image quality currently available in the market. With a wide range of probes available for every veterinary application. If you are looking for the ultimate in ultrasound capability then the Logiq S7 is the system for you."
For more information, visit http://www.bcftechnology.co.uk/ or call +44(0)1506 460 023.
Kruuse has announced that it is to become the exclusive veterinary distributor in Europe for Kit4Cat, a globally patented hydrophobic sand for veterinary use.
Kit4Cat is a biodegradable sand with a natural non-toxic urine repelling coating which allows veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and cat owners to collect a urine sample for urinalysis without resorting to more invasive procedures. Kit4Cat is put in the cat's normal litter tray, whereupon it repels rather than absorbs the urine, allowing it to be collected with a pipette.
Andrew Groom, Managing Director, Kruuse UK Ltd., said: "This exciting agreement and product range further expands Kruuse's small animal product portfolio with its customers in Scandinavia, mainland Europe and the UK; increasing the already extensive range of feline products available to the veterinary practitioner."
Daniel Levitt, BA, MSM, CEO, Co-Founder & Board Member of Coastline Global, the makers of Kit4Cat, said: "This agreement will further expand our products presence within the veterinary industry, using Kruuse's strong relationships within veterinary practices, to promote less stressful ways of urine test collection prior to diagnosis and treatment of cats."
Virbac has published a compendium of recent independently-published studies relating to its range of dermatology products.
Studies are listed according to the disorders investigated with an impact rating given to each piece of research. The compendium also provides details of the active components, clinical benefits and other information about the company's dermatology products.
European Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology Filippo de Bellis said: "Dermatological problems can cause frustration to both clinician and pet owners because of their chronic nature and the wide variety of aetiologies. Best practice is achieved by integrating clinical expertise with the best external evidence.
"Virbac has made a major contribution to the provision of evidence by publishing this Compendium containing scientific information to support its range of pharmaceutical products. It shows commitment to the veterinary profession and to the rule of evidence-based medicine."
Christelle Navarro, DVM, from the Medical Department at Virbac SA, added: "We have spent 30 years working to improve veterinary dermatology with innovative solutions for the profession. Given the complexity of dermatology and the multiplicity of therapeutic offerings, we hope the Compendium will be a helpful tool for clinicians seeking scientific support for the products they use."
Electronic copies of the Compendium are available on request from your Territory Manager or by calling Virbac direct on 01359 243243.
Petplan has announced that nominations are now open for its 14th annual Veterinary Awards.
The awards recognise members of the veterinary community who have gone above and beyond in their daily role.
According to the company, one in three pets make an unexpected trip to the vet each year, making vets the unofficial 4th emergency service. A quarter of pet owners consider their vet a good friend with 42% on first name terms. 98% of Petplan customers have said that they trust their vet; with many saying that they are more trustworthy than police officers - coming second only to doctors.
Petplan's Head of Marketing, Isabella Von Mesterhazy said: "At Petplan, we hear from our customers every day about the exceptional service veterinary staff have given to pets in their care. The Veterinary Awards are an opportunity for Petplan to show our support to members of this profession and thank these hard-working individuals on a national scale. We want to encourage pet owners across the UK to nominate their veterinary stars this year to show their appreciation for all their tireless effort to keep the nations pets fit and healthy."
To make nominate a vet, vet nurse, vet practice and other members of the veterinary team visit www.petplan.co.uk/vetawards before 31st January 2013. The winners will be announced at the ceremony held in Birmingham on 4th April 2013.
Vetoquinol has announced that the vouchers it provides as part of the Epiphen practice support package for monitoring and management of serum levels of phenobarbital will now be provided directly from the veterinary wholesaler and sent with each order.
One or two vouchers are provided with the 30ml and 60ml packs respectively. The vouchers come complete with a pre-paid envelope in which to send samples directly to the laboratory. Each test is valued at £19.80
For further information, contact your local Vetoquinol Territory Manager.
The British Veterinary Association has expressed concern following the announcement by the University of Surrey that it is launching a new school of veterinary medicine, with the first cohort of students due to start in 2014.
Peter Jones, President of the BVA, said: "Reports of a new veterinary course at the University of Surrey will be of significant concern to our members, particularly veterinary students and recent graduates.
"We are already seeing an increasing intake of students at the existing veterinary schools. Another veterinary course will place even more graduates onto the veterinary employment market putting significant pressure on the employment prospects of individual graduates.
"It could also impact on the ability of the profession to accommodate the increasing demand for extra mural studies (EMS) placements and the ability of all schools to continue to provide high quality education and high quality teaching staff.
"The end result could be an oversupply of highly qualified veterinary surgeons carrying significant amounts of debt unable to find employment within the profession.
"New graduates are already reporting difficulties in finding their first jobs with some saying that it takes 6 to 9 months.
"Last year the veterinary profession was removed from the Home Office's shortage occupation list because it became apparent that we currently have sufficient veterinary surgeons to meet demand. Another veterinary course could tip the balance too far the other way.
"The news from the University of Surrey also illustrates that a greater oversight of the number of veterinary graduates coming onto the market is badly needed to properly plan future requirements of the veterinary profession in the UK."
The University of Surrey has announced that it is to launch a new school of veterinary medicine in 2014.
According to the University, the new school will embrace the 'One Health - One Medicine' philosophy and will include the development of a unique research-led veterinary medicine degree programme with an emphasis on research, veterinary pathology and livestock medicine.
The new school will be based at the University of Surrey's Manor Park site in Guildford, in order to encourage collaboration of students and staff from different disciplines, with those studying towards a veterinary medicine qualification being exposed to engineering and physics as well as receiving training in core business skills.
The new School of Veterinary Medicine at Surrey will be delivered through collaborations with key partners including: the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA), the BBSRC Pirbright Institute, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD), Fitzpatrick Referrals, Liphook Equine Hospital and Westpoint Farm Vets. The University says it is looking to extend its relationships with regional veterinary practices over the coming year.
Students will also be exposed to global issues concerning animal health through the University Global Partnership Network (UGPN), a trilateral agreement between Surrey, North Carolina State and São Paulo Universities through teaching collaborations, summer scholarships and research exchanges.
Professor Lisa Roberts, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Surrey, said: "As a research-intensive University we have the expertise, reputation, technical and business skills which our students can benefit from, allowing us to train the veterinary leaders of the future. Combining state-of-the-art facilities, our unique partnerships and a campus location, the new School will provide a stimulating environment not only for undergraduates, but for the professional development training of qualified veterinary surgeons."
Professor John Fazakerley, Director of The Pirbright Institute, said: "This is good news for the UK veterinary research community. The Pirbright Institute currently works in close collaboration with the University of Surrey on research that benefits animal health and welfare; we very much look forward to building on this established and growing association as the new school of veterinary medicine is launched. There is an important place for trained veterinarians in scientific research and we are delighted that the University has decided to emphasise these areas in particular."
Professor Andy Durham of the Liphook Equine Hospital said: "The new School of Veterinary Medicine development programme at the University of Surrey is ideally timed to provide an alternative to the traditional veterinary education and to respond to the demands of a changing profession with fresh plans, ideas and enthusiasm. Enticing newly developed facilities make Guildford an excellent student town and with several collaborative specialist partners within the locality the new School of Veterinary Medicine is perfectly placed geographically to provide a veterinary education fitting for the 21st century."
The University is also in consultation with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Freda Andrews, Head of Education at the RCVS, said: "We were pleased to meet Professor Sir Christopher Snowden, President and Vice-Chancellor and his colleagues from the University of Surrey recently, and interested to hear their proposals to develop a new School of Veterinary Medicine. We will be working with them over the coming months to develop a timetable for considering the new programme against our accreditation standards. The monitoring process will take a number of years."
The University says it has already laid the foundations for the new School through its expansion of teaching and research activities in its Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, including the launch of the BSc programme in Veterinary Biosciences in 2009 and in October of this year a new MSc in Veterinary Microbiology. A new MSc in Veterinary Pathology is also currently under development.
The University says that over the next 12 months it will be recruiting new academic staff, attracting the first cohort of students and beginning building works in preparation for the first cohort of students in 2014.
Almost half of the vets that watched a webinar about ferret medicine have said they would change their treatment protocols for adrenal disease and reproduction management as a result of what they learned.
The Virbac-sponsored webinar was led by John Chitty BVetMed CertZooMed CBiol MSB MRCVS and viewed by more than 600 practices, making it the most popular CPD event hosted by The Webinar Vet this year.
John Chitty said: "I provided an overview of treatment protocols for all of the common diseases but focused on adrenal disease as it's highly prevalent in neutered ferrets but may be reduced by the routine use of deslorelin implants. These implants can also be used to avoid surgical neutering."
According to a post-webinar questionnaire, 33% of clinicians said that they saw ferrets more than five times a year. Chris Geddes MRCVS, Product Manager at Virbac said: "This confirms what we thought: ferrets are being presented more and more in practice and so education on this species is vital. An amazing 41% of respondents said that they would change their protocols for reproduction management and 40% their treatment of adrenal disease following the webinar, showing how useful it was to those attending."
Virbac recently announced that it has gained a marketing authorisation for the use of Suprelorin 9.4mg in male ferrets. Suprelorin, a slow-release implant containing the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist deslorelin, offers temporary sterilisation without the need for surgery.
For those who were unable to see it at the time, the webinar can now be viewed by visiting www.virbac.co.uk. A CPD certificate is also available for download as are six other webinars previously sponsored by Virbac.
Dechra Veterinary Products is offering CPD sessions as podcasts for the first time, as part of a new series of presentations on canine hyperadrenocorticism.
The Cushing's Challenge series, which will also be available as webcasts with supporting notes, is designed to challenge vets to update their knowledge on the syndrome.
There will be six presentations released on the company's online learning resource, The Dechra Academy, starting this month.
Dechra Veterinary Products Brand Manager, Craig Sankey said: "Although Cushing's is a common canine endocrinopathy, it can be challenging to diagnose and can mimic non-adrenal disorders. Test results can also sometimes be inconclusive which is why we've developed this series of CPD sessions to support veterinary professionals who want to update their knowledge.
"The Cushing's Challenge series will be the first time Dechra has used podcasts to deliver CPD, which can be downloaded and listened to on any MP3 player. They can also be viewed on a PC or tablet as a webcast with each of the presentations varying in length, from around 12 to 25 minutes long. By offering the presentations in both of these formats, we are able to offer flexible support to help busy veterinary professionals with CPD.
"The first episodes will focus on pathophysiology, clinical signs and routine lab tests with successive presentations released in the coming weeks. The next two in the series will cover diagnostic tests and then differentiation tests."
CPD certificates will be available at the end of the series via email.
The free-of-charge CPD is accompanied by client support materials for practices as part of Dechra's new Vetoryl campaign.
The Cushing's Challenge CPD is available at www.dechra.co.uk/academy,
Ceva Animal Health has launched Cystease Advanced, a new urinary tract support supplement for cats.
The new product, which contains N-acetyl glucosamine, L-tryptophan and Hyaluronic Acid, is described as an elaboration on the original product, Cystease S.
Ceva says Cystease Advanced has been designed to help support the bladder lining while also reducing stress-related behaviour in cats.
Fraser Broadfoot, small animal product manager at Ceva Animal Health, said: "It is well documented that stress can adversely affect the integrity of the bladder lining. There are many factors that cause stress in cats, for example inter-cat conflict, moving house, new arrivals to the home environment and car travel, to name just a few.
"Our new product has been developed to address both conditions; it contains N-acetyl glucosamine and Hyaluronic Acid which are key components of the GAG lining, whereas L-tryptophan has been proven to reduce stress-related behaviour in cats."
Cystease Advanced is taken orally and is available in pots of 30 and 300 tablets.
Ceva recommends that Cystease Advanced is used with Feliway, the company's appeasing pheromone for cats.
For further details please contact the customer support team on 01494 781510.
The badger culls planned to take place in West Somerset and West Gloucestershire this year have been postponed until 2013.
The postponement came at the request of The National Farmers Union (NFU), following new survey results which revealed higher than anticipated badger numbers in the two pilot areas (4,300 in West Somerset and 3,600 in West Gloucestershire ).
The NFU informed Defra that in light of these new figures they could not be confident of removing the required minimum 70% of the badgers in the two pilot areas this autumn.
Defra agreed to postpone the pilot culls until summer 2013 to allow farmers to continue their preparations and have the best possible chance of carrying out the cull effectively.
Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said: "Despite a greatly increased effort over the last few days and weeks, the farmers delivering this policy have concluded that they cannot be confident that it will be possible to remove enough badgers based on these higher numbers and considering the lateness of the season. It would be wrong to go ahead if those on the ground cannot be confident of removing at least 70% of the populations. Today I have received a letter from the President of the NFU, on behalf of the companies coordinating the culls, explaining why they do not feel they can go ahead this year and requesting that they be postponed until next summer. In these circumstances, it is the right thing to do and, as the people who have to deliver this policy on the ground and work within the science, I respect their decision.
"The Government is determined to tackle bovine TB by all the means available to us. Now, in the next few months, we will ensure that the pilot culls can be implemented effectively, in the best possible conditions, with the right resources. Having looked at all the evidence over many years, I am utterly convinced that badger control is the right thing to do, and indeed the higher than expected badger numbers only serve to underline the need for urgent action. I remain fully committed to working with the farming industry to ensure that the pilot culls can be delivered effectively, safely and humanely next summer."
The Government and NFU say they will now continue to plan so that the pilots can go ahead in Summer 2013.
Ceva Animal Health has announced the launch of Cardalis for the treatment of canine heart failure caused by degenerative valvular heart disease.
Cardalis contains what the company says is a unique combination of benazepril and spironolactone in one tablet which provides "dual blockade" of the RAAS system.
Benazepril reduces the production of angiotensin II, which causes narrowing of the blood vessels, while spironolactone blocks the harmful effects of aldosterone, which include cardiovascular remodelling and fibrosis.
Cardalis tablets are small, beef flavoured and designed to be administered once a day with food. Each pot contains 30 tablets and there are three sizes available. Ceva says it should be given as part of standard heart failure therapy as soon as clinical signs, such as exercise intolerance, coughing or dyspnoea, appear.
Fraser Broadfoot, small animal product manager at Ceva Animal Health, said: "Through our clinical studies, it has been found that dogs receiving benazepril and spironolactone (compared with benazepril alone) have a better quality of life and, at any one time, are three times less likely to die from heart failure.
"We have also assessed 101 dogs in a field study that were prescribed Cardalis for three months, followed by separate benazepril and spironolactone tablets for two weeks. In the study, 97 per cent of dog owners found Cardalis easier to administer than the two separate tablets and 89 per cent of vets found Cardalis easier to prescribe."
For further information about Cardalis, or to receive marketing materials for the product (which include a waiting room poster and client information booklets), visit www.ceva.com.uk, or contact the practice support team on 01494 781510.
Norbrook Laboratories has launched a ready-to-use suspension version of its Cefenil antibiotic.
Cefenil RTU (ceftiofur) is a 50mg/ml suspension for injection, indicated for cattle and swine.
Dr Barry McInerney, Norbrook's GB Veterinary Advisor said: "Cefenil RTU is a broad spectrum injectable antibiotic offering fast and effective treatment of bacterial respiratory disease, foot rot and acute post-partum metritis in cattle as well as bacterial respiratory disease in swine. It offers a zero milk withhold and a 5-day meat withhold which is the shortest on the market."
Norbrook's Cefenil Powder and Solution for Injection has been available for a number of years for the treatment of cattle and swine. It has recently been indicated for the treatment of BRD in horses in the UK. Cefenil RTU will offer vets an additional choice in the treatment of BRD.
Dr McInerney added: "Cefenil is a tried and tested antibiotic which vets have been using for a number of years. We are delighted to extend the Cefenil range with a RTU suspension for cattle and pigs and adding an indication for horses to our Cefenil Powder and Solution for Injection. It gives vets a wider choice for the treatment of BRD with a product with which they are already familiar."
For further product information, visit www.norbrook.com.
The BSAVA reports that its Certificates in Medicine and Surgery have sold out in less than 5 minutes, beating the previous record of 20 minutes in their first year.
The Association says that whilst this is testament to the success and demand for its CPD, it is determined to find a way to avoid disappointing so many aspiring students - and after emergency talks over the weekend has decided to run a second intake of 30 students for each of the two programmes from January.
Dr Frances Barr, BSAVA's Academic Director, said: "Whilst we had only envisioned taking 30 new students onto each course this year, it quickly became clear that there is such a great appetite for this kind of accredited CPD in the profession right now. What a shame it would have been not to find a way to allow those ambitions to be fulfilled. So we are effectively going to run each programme twice in one year."
Quality control and sufficient student support is being met thanks to an overwhelming response from our teaching faculty and mentors. Dr Barr added: "BSAVA owes thanks to all those who lecture and work alongside our Certificate students. Without them we would not have been able to respond so quickly to this unprecedented demand".
The second programme will take place at two sites; BSAVA HQ in Gloucester, and the College of Animal Welfare in Huntingdon. Anyone who has not been able to take a place in the 2013 cohort will be offered priority registration for the 2014 in-take. For more information about BSAVA Certificates visit www.bsava.com or email administration@bsava.com.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed that the name of a Berkshire-based veterinary surgeon, previously convicted of four offences under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, should be removed from the RCVS Register of Veterinary Surgeons.
Dr Ohene-Gyan was convicted at Reading Magistrates Court on 13 June 2012 of offences involving causing unnecessary suffering to three dogs and a cat that he had treated whilst working at Woosehill Vets, Wokingham, between February and October 2011. These offences related to failing to provide adequate or appropriate veterinary care or treatment, or failure to investigate and address an animal's poor condition. He was sentenced to 21 weeks' imprisonment concurrently for each offence.
Dr Ohene-Gyan did not attend the one-day Disciplinary Committee hearing and was not represented, although College records showed that he was aware of the dates of the hearing, and had had opportunity to apply for an adjournment. In the absence of any known good reason for Dr Ohene-Gyan's non-attendance, the Committee concluded that it was in the interests of justice that the hearing go ahead.
In considering whether the Respondent's convictions made him unfit to practise as a veterinary surgeon, the Committee depended on the findings of the District Judge and the remarks she had made when sentencing. "I found as a matter of fact that some of your actions were taken simply to run up a bill for the owners of pets," she had said. "You were in a position of special responsibility, trusted by the owners of the animals to treat them appropriately and to alleviate their suffering. You ignored advice from staff. Several animals were affected by your cruel disregard of their welfare. Some of the cruelty arose due to your incompetence. You have demonstrated that you are not fit to be trusted with the care of animals."
The Disciplinary Committee Chairman, Professor Peter Lees, speaking on behalf of the Committee, said: "The Respondent's actions, motivated by financial gain, caused serious actual injury to the four animals over a prolonged period of time. Clients are entitled to expect that veterinary surgeons will treat animals in their care humanely and with respect, and make animal welfare their first priority. The Committee considers that the care described in the District Judge's findings demonstrated a total disregard for the professional responsibilities of a veterinary surgeon."
The Committee concluded that the removal of Dr Ohene-Gyan's name from the Register was the only appropriate and proportionate sanction in this case in order to protect the welfare of animals, maintain public confidence in the profession and uphold proper standards of conduct, and it directed the Registrar to do so.
Virbac has launched an iPhone app designed to support veterinary surgeons in the diagnosis of canine dermatological conditions.
Called Virbac-Derm-Diag it enables clinicians to create a clinical history (including photographs) of a patient then recommends a clinical chronological approach for the diagnosis of many of the canine skin diseases seen most commonly in practice. It also contains a library of downloadable monographs, videos and images of skin diseases which can be used to support discussions with owners about diagnosis and potential treatment regimes.
Chris Geddes MRCVS, Product Manager, said: "Dog skin disorders are among the most common health problems seen in practice and have a wide range of causative factors. We are really excited about the launch of the app, which should prove really useful as vets work through the various steps of history-taking and examination required to reach an accurate diagnosis.
It also provides a wealth of materials to help them explain the implications of diagnosis to owners and recommended treatment options."
Veterinary dermatologist Anthony Chadwick said: "This is an ideal app for those vets who have an interest in dermatology and want readily accessible information at their fingertips. The images of lesions are likely to be particularly helpful."
Virbac Derm-Diag, it is available by searching for 'Virbac' in the app store (or click here). The content is restricted to veterinary surgeons, who must register at www.virbacderm.com to gain an access code.
Virbac says an iPad version will be available within weeks and there are plans to launch the app on other platforms shortly.
Rimifin (carprofen), an NSAID marketed by Vetoquinol, has been given a new flavour to help increase compliance.
Robert Simpson, Product Manager for Rimifin said: "Pet owner compliance and involvement in chronic pain situations is critical to ensuring effective long term treatment. Ease of administration is also very important in this setting. The addition of this flavouring to this popular and cost effective NSAID will help to ensure that administration to the patient is as easy as possible for pet owners and vets."
To find out more about Rimifin please contact your Vetoquinol Territory Manager or call 01280 825424.
Virbac Animal Health has launched a twitter-based early warning system to alert vets and dog owners of cases of canine parvovirus (CPV) in their area. It is to go live on 1 November 2012.
@parvoalert is a twitter feed that updates followers on the geographic location of cases of the disease using the first half of the relevant postcode. The company is asking vets and owners learning of a case to tweet the first half of the postcode where it occurs to @parvoalert. Virbac will then retweet it to everyone else following @parvoalert. The company is also advising vets and owners to check the feed regularly for news of cases. The service is free.
Virbac says that when it hears of a case, it will also provide practices in 'at-risk' areas with a 'Parvo-alert' Pack, containing a range of tools and support materials to help them alert dog owners. These include waiting room posters, leaflets, stickers and template text for newsletters.
The Veterinary Director of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, Shaun Opperman, said: "As recent viewers of ITV1's 'Paul O Grady: For the Love of Dogs' may have seen, parvovirus causes dreadful suffering to dogs. Unfortunately many people still aren't vaccinating their dogs, so we see cases on a regular basis and it's vital that owners vaccinate their dogs, are aware of the disease and remain vigilant for the early signs."
Simon Boulton MRCVS, Product Manager at Virbac, said: "One of the problems in tackling canine parvovirus is that little information is shared on the frequency and location of cases so, in some ways, it's a hidden problem. While it's not as common as some other infectious diseases, when outbreaks occur, as they did earlier this year in South Wales and Oxford, the disease proves fatal in around half of diagnosed dogs."
Once @parvoalert is established, Virbac says it aims to build it into a comprehensive web-based CPV resource, featuring background on the prevention and treatment of the disease; comment from veterinary experts and downloadable practice support materials.
Simon continued: "It's heart-breaking for owners to lose their pets in this way and to see them suffer from a disease that could easily have been prevented. We hope @parvoalert will help to raise awareness of the fact that CPV continues to represent a significant threat to unvaccinated dogs. It will benefit all practices in areas affected as they will receive a Parvo-alert Pack, which they can use to encourage their clients to get their dogs vaccinated and look out for signs of the disease."
The BVA has welcomed the decision to prohibit the advertising of antimicrobials directly to animal keepers from 2013 in a bid to reduce antimicrobial resistance.
The Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) announced that the Veterinary Medicines Regulations will be revised next year. The change has come as a result of the European Commission's view that the UK did not correctly transpose the European Directive 2001/82/EC which prohibits the advertising of certain veterinary medicinal products to the 'general public'.
When the VMD consulted on proposals to restrict the advertising of antimicrobials to farmers in 2010 the BVA supported the measure as a sensible approach to the responsible use of antimicrobials.
In a letter to stakeholders the VMD explained that: "A number of interested parties from veterinary medicine hold the view that the advertising of antibiotics to keepers of animals leads to undue pressure to prescribe newer antibiotics, which can often be important in human medicine and are associated with the development of multiple resistances."
Peter Jones, President of the BVA, said: "The BVA has consistently argued for the restriction of advertising of antimicrobials to animal keepers and we believe this is the right decision.
"New antimicrobials are heavily advertised by pharmaceutical companies and there can be undue pressure put on veterinary surgeons by clients who want to try new products that promise good results, but which may not be appropriate from the point of view of responsible use.
"Antimicrobial resistance is a very serious issue for both animal and human health and we are pleased that the European Commission and the VMD have taken the view that the Regulations need to be revised.
"Ultimately, it is the veterinary surgeon who will make the decision on which veterinary products to use and vets will continue to work with their farm clients to ensure antimicrobials are used prudently and responsibly."
Two veterinary surgeons from the Animal Health Trust have won international awards for outstanding work in diagnostic imaging at 16th International Veterinary Radiology Association (IVRA) meeting held in Bursa Turkey.
Dr Sue Dyson, Head of Clinical Orthopaedics at the AHT, was awarded the IVRA J Kevin Kealy Award, which recognises members of the IVRA who have made substantial, scientific contributions to veterinary radiology.
The Award, established in 2003, is named in honour of Emeritus Professor J. Kevin Kealy, organiser of the first meeting of the IVRA, the first President, and an Honorary Member of the Association.
Sue has lectured internationally and published more than 200 refereed papers in scientific journals, as well as being a major author and editor of four books. On receiving the award, she said: "I was hugely surprised to receive this award and feel extremely honoured."
Past president of the IVRA, Peter Lord, said: "It is hard to imagine that equine diagnostic imaging today would be the same without the contributions of Sue Dyson and her colleagues. She is an outstanding recipient of the J Kevin Kealy Award."
Ruth Dennis, Head of Diagnostic Imaging (pictured above right), was awarded the European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (EAVDI) Douglas and Williamson Award, established in 1983, to recognise outstanding achievement within the field of veterinary diagnostic imaging.
Ruth was President of the EAVDI between 2000 and 2002 and her long standing contributions to the association have been recognised with this award.
Ruth said: "I am very honoured to receive this award, especially since, as a vet student in Cambridge in the late 1970s, I was taught by Sidney Douglas and David Williamson, who were pioneers of veterinary radiology."
Nuria Corzo-Menendez, current EAVDI President, said: "Ruth's contributions to veterinary diagnostic imaging are vast and we will always be grateful for such great additions to our field."