Welsh Environment Minister, John Griffiths, has announced changes to some bovine TB cattle and surveillance controls to provide a higher level of protection against the disease.
The Minister confirmed that from 1 April 2013, some existing Pre Movement Testing exemptions will be amended. The main changes concern movements from markets and common land.
New key measures are:
The Minister announced that a new dedicated TB epidemiologist was to be appointed for Wales and that he or she would work within the AHVLA and focus on specific areas or clusters of disease. The postholder will be in place by April 2013.
He also announced new advice and support to farms dealing with breakdowns: "I have also asked officials to develop a way to provide additional advice and support to farmers to clear up breakdowns more quickly and efficiently. We have started to explore how private vets could become more involved with this new initiative called the Integrated Breakdown Management Project.
"I know that bovine TB is a devastating disease that has a big impact in rural communities. Since I launched the Strategic Framework for Bovine TB Eradication last March, we have kept the programme under constant review. With the new tools I have outlined today, we are addressing TB in livestock and wildlife and maintaining an effective eradication programme for the benefit of farmers, rural communities and the economy in general."
Elanco Animal Health is reminding vets about the importance of correctly interpreting oocyst counts in the diagnosis of coccidiosis during the post lambing period.
The company says scouring lambs that are failing to thrive should immediately ring the alarm bells for coccidiosis. Typically, oocyst counts of >20,000 per gram are cited as diagnostic for coccidiosis in sheep, but counts of up to 100,000 oocysts per gram have been reported in apparently healthy lambs and disease can also occur in the presence of low or negligible counts where there is gut damage but before oocysts have been shed.1 These discrepancies can lead to misdiagnosis and as such, oocyst counts should always be interpreted with care.
Oocysts of the fourteen Eimeria species described as specific to sheep are indistinguishable from each other by eye and only two species - E. ovinoidalis and E. crandallis, are actually pathogenic.1 For this reason, diagnosing coccidiosis based on clinical signs of diarrhoea and oocysts in their faeces alone can generate false positives. This could lead to important differentials, such as Nematodirus battus infection (for lambs at pasture) being left untreated.
According to the company, false negatives are also a concern, particularly as prompt treatment of clinical cases with an anti-coccidial, such as diclazuril (Vexocan® 2.5mg/ml oral suspension) has been proven to reduce the convalescence period.2 Shedding of oocysts varies with disease progression and faecal counts can fluctuate significantly.3 For example, a delay between the development of clinical signs and oocysts appearing in faeces is common. Another possibility is sub-clinical disease, with affected lambs showing no typical outward signs. The gut damage caused by the parasite can be significant in these animals though, adversely affecting growth rates.
Elanco says that for reliable diagnosis of coccidiosis, faecal oocyst counts should be considered alongside disease and farm history, followed with Eimeria species identification if possible. The disease typically affects groups of lambs aged between 3-8 weeks old and is often triggered by a stressor such as castration, weaning, turnout and/or bad weather. If clinical signs appear around three weeks after such an event, the suspicion of coccidiosis can be heightened. For some farms, predictable stressors cause disease outbreaks year after year and in these cases, a metaphylactic dose of Vecoxan® can be administered to susceptible lambs 14 days after the trigger event.
Finally, the company says veterinary surgeons should also not forget the importance of good management when advising farmers about coccidiosis control. Lambing pen and high traffic area hygiene and age batching lambs are essential for long term control.
The University of Surrey has appointed Devereux Architects to create a masterplan for its new School of Veterinary Medicine.
As one of the University's largest and most prestigious future development sites, the new school, which sits within the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, will comprise three complimentary and inter-related buildings totalling approximately 9000m2 - an Academic Building, a Veterinary Clinical Skills Centre and a Veterinary Pathology Facility.
The new building will be positioned at the corner of the new campus green at Manor Park. It will feature naturally ventilated office and teaching spaces along one side of the atrium and research spaces and lecture halls along the other. The roof of the atrium is shaped to guide rising, warmed air into the plant room where the heat can be extracted and reused.
The new academic building will provide world-class teaching and research laboratories, lecture theatres, and flexible break out spaces organised around a common shared atrium.
Professor Lisa Roberts, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, said: "We were very impressed with the design concept for the new School of Veterinary Medicine that Devereux Architects presented at the tendering stage. We are looking forward to working with the professional team at Devereux Architects to deliver this major project for the University of Surrey."
Grahame Gardner is offering a 25% discount across many of its scrubwear ranges till the end of February 2013, including the Urbane Scrubs collection, the unisex Easiephit range and the Scrubzone brand.
For further information, visit www.grahamegardner.co.uk or call 0116 255 6326.
The Royal College has announced that a Legislative Reform Order (LRO) to reconstitute its disciplinary committees separately from its Council has been signed by Defra Minister David Heath, and will come into force on 6 April 2013.
The LRO will amend Part I of Schedule 2 of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (VSA) and require that the RCVS Preliminary Investigation and Disciplinary Committees are made up of veterinary surgeons and lay members who are not RCVS Council members, and who are appointed independently.
This will ensure that the same group of people is not responsible for setting the rules, investigating complaints and adjudication, and will bring lay people formally into the Preliminary Investigation Committee.
The LRO will also allow the RCVS to increase the pool of people available to investigate complaints and sit on disciplinary hearings, reducing the workload on the individual Committee members whose primary appointment is to RCVS Council.
The RCVS has been working on the LRO with Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) officials since late 2010, and the Order was based on consultations undertaken by the RCVS and Defra.
According to the College, the Order was commended at every stage of Parliamentary scrutiny as an effective means to address the single biggest deficit of the VSA and to improve how the RCVS regulates the profession. During debate in Grand Committee of the House of Lords on 10 January, the RCVS received considerable praise for its strenuous efforts to modernise under the constraints of the present legislation, and the LRO received unanimous support.
Following the Order coming into force, the first external members will join the Disciplinary and Preliminary Investigation Committees from July 2013. After a two-year transition period, members of the RCVS Council will become ineligible for membership of these committees. Information about how to apply to join these committees will be available shortly.
President Jacqui Molyneux said: "I am delighted the LRO has been made and I am immensely thankful for the hard work of the Defra team and my colleagues in the College. The LRO is the single biggest reform to the regulation of veterinary surgeons since the 1966 Act, and it will bring the RCVS in line with regulatory best practice and improve the perception of the independence of the RCVS disciplinary processes."
Liverpool based online CPD provider, The Webinar Vet reports that more than 350 veterinary surgeons from over 30 countries registered for its first virtual Veterinary Congress held earlier this month.
The one day congress consisted of six streams with top speakers from the UK, Australia and the USA covering radiology of the chest, cardiology, endocrinology, feline internal medicine, practice management and dermatology, totalling 18 hours of CPD.All six streams can still be accessed by delegates after the congress.
Anthony Chadwick MRCVS, founder of The Webinar Vet said: "Delegates were able to watch two streams on the day and then the other lectures at their leisure. And those who were unable to attend on the day, they can still register to access the congress.
"I was so pleased with the way the congress went. We had internationally renowned speakers being beamed into our homes without us having to go out in the cold wet weather to drive somewhere. Many of the early bird delegates also enjoyed the Fairtrade goodies we sent them in the post to enjoy during the coffee breaks."
Joe Hollins MA VetMB MRCVS, senior veterinary officer on the Island of St Helena has been based there since 2009, and believes that the Webinar Vet CPD has been a lifeline. He sent this message to the team: "Many congratulations to you and your team for putting together what must be deemed an historic event, the first ever virtual international veterinary congress. It's no mean feat. Your masterly control of proceedings, your cool, calm response to small technical glitches, the background coordination of proceedings by your staff; all this combined to create a useful, instructive, purposeful day.
"The fact that you manage to attract world class speakers says it all. My isolation in St Helena from 2009 initially presented me with major concerns regarding my CPD commitment, but The Webinar Vet has resolved any issues - and some. In fact my access to CPD has been greatly enhanced, and whether I was in the UK or not, I would encourage anyone involved in the profession to enrol."
Veterinary surgeons can buy recordings of the event at www.theinternationalwebinarvet.com
The RSPCA has made a formal complaint against the Daily Telegraph to the Press Complaints Commission after the newspaper failed to print an apology or offer a right to reply after printing a series of articles which the charity considers potentially defamatory.
The RSPCA claims the stories are factually incorrect and 'reflect biased and unbalanced reporting style'.
The charity has taken particular issue with stories which, they say, claim it broke charity rules over the successful prosecution of a hunt and saying that the RSPCA was warned on hunt prosecutions by the Charity Commission. According to the RSPCA, the Charity Commission has been clear that no rules have been broken and no warning has been issued.
RSPCA chief executive Gavin Grant said: "These stories are a sustained attack on the RSPCA. The facts are that we have always and will continue to only act in the interests of the animals. We simply want the truth to be heard. The Daily Telegraph is entitled to its editorial position in support of blood sports despite the overwhelming public rejection of that view.
"They are not entitled to produce factually inaccurate articles that smear the good name of the RSPCA"
Petplan has launched what it says is the biggest advertising campaign in its 36-year history.
The company won't reveal what it's spending on the campaign, but its built around a TV advert (below) being shown on all the major channels throughout January, so certainly a bob or two. The ad features 45 different breeds of cats, dogs and rabbits - representing some of the breeds Petplan has insured over the years.
Simon Masding, head of sales and partnerships at Petplan said: "As the UK market leader, it is imperative pet owners recognise and understand who we are and what we stand for. We want to help our partners educate pet owners not only why pet insurance is so important, but explain why they should choose Petplan over any other provider. In 36 years, there's not an illness or accident that we haven't seen and our new advert dramatises in a charming way the depth and breadth of our breed and claims experience".
As part of the campaign, Petplan is running a 'Guess the Breed' game: correctly identify 10 of the breeds featured and be in with the chance to win a Petplan gilet. To enter, visit www.petplanvet.co.uk
The Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) has unveiled a new brand identity and fresh new website design to kick-start its 30th anniversary celebrations.
According to the charity, market research had shown that most respondents thought its old logo was unrecognisable. The new one aims to strengthen the charity's identity by making it more visually appealing and by representing the wide range of species the charity covers in its research funding, information leaflets and its advice to vets.
The new website remains at www.bva-awf.org.uk and combines the new logo with a fresh design to help guide vets, researchers and the public to the relevant resources and information quickly.
New features include a revised grants section which now includes a list of past and present projects and advice to guide potential grants recipients through the application process. To emphasise the Foundation's reliance on donations and legacies the donation button has been made more prominent and the new site also contains case studies which help veterinary students work through welfare dilemmas.
The charity's unique selling point and strapline 'The charity led by the veterinary profession' is also clearly displayed to further strengthen the AWF brand.
AWF Chair Dr Tiffany Hemming said: "We have tried to make the site as appealing, well-structured and easy to navigate as possible to show off all our areas of activity and to encourage use of our excellent resources.
"In the year of our 30th anniversary I am pleased to have this fresh new image to help us stay in people's minds where animal welfare is concerned, whether it is a veterinary practice wanting to provide clients with easy-to-understand leaflets, a researcher looking for funding or a member of the public who has heard of our initiatives and resources.
"We have more exciting plans in the pipeline to celebrate AWF at 30 so visit the website and look out for more information."
BVA President Peter Jones added: "With a strong new brand and website I hope AWF becomes an increasingly popular destination for vets in particular and for the general public with its simple and practical advice for everyone concerned with animal welfare.
"I also hope that the profession will find renewed enthusiasm for its own animal welfare charity which needs to attract donations to continue its work to promote animal welfare through research, education and debate."
Would-be candidates in the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeon Council and Veterinary Nurse Council elections are reminded that the nominations deadline is 5pm on 31 January 2013.
Veterinary surgeons need two nominations from veterinary surgeons, and veterinary nurses two nominations from veterinary nurses, to stand in the respective elections.
Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses not presently on either Council can nominate one candidate each.
Nomination forms, full instructions and guidance notes are available from www.rcvs.org.uk/rcvscouncil13 and www.rcvs.org.uk/vncouncil13.
Six seats are due to be filled on RCVS Council, and two on VN Council. Those elected will take their seats on RCVS Day next July, to serve four-year terms. Council members will be expected to spend at least six to eight days a year attending Council and Committee meetings, working parties and subcommittees (for which a loss-of-earnings allowance is available).
New research from the USA, published in the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ), has shown that a toxin from the box elder tree is the likely cause of Seasonal Pasture Myopathy (SPM), the US equivalent of the European disease known as Atypical Myopathy (AM).
According to the British Equine Veterinary Association, preliminary comparisons of these results with cases of AM in Europe suggest that the European condition may be linked to similar trees which could have an important bearing on the future prevention of the disease in Europe.
Seasonal Pasture Myopathy is a highly fatal muscle disease in Midwestern USA and Eastern Canada. A similar disorder called Atypical Myopathy is becoming increasingly frequent in the UK and Northern Europe. Outbreaks of both diseases tend to be seasonal, with most cases occurring in the autumn. Horses that develop SPM and AM are usually kept in sparse pastures with an accumulation of dead leaves dead wood and trees in or around the pasture and are often not fed any supplementary hay or feed.
The research1 identified that seeds from box elder trees were consistently present in the autumn pastures of all 12 horses enrolled in the study. These horses were from 11 different farms and had all presented with the clinical signs of SPM, which include muscular weakness and stiffness, dark urine, periods of recumbency, colic-like signs and muscle trembling. The toxic amino acid hypoglycin A, which is known to cause acquired multiple acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) was shown to be present in the box elder seeds and hypoglycin metabolites were identified in the serum or urine of all the horses. All but one of the cases proved fatal.
Professor Valberg DVM PhD of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, who instigated the study, said: "The fact that another acquired form of MADD in rats and humans is caused by hypoglycin A ingestion strengthens our conclusion that hypoglycin A is the likely toxic cause of SPM in horses. We are intending to conduct further studies to determine the factors that affect the highly variable hypoglycin A concentrations in box elder seeds."
Professor Valberg has established collaborative links with groups in Europe in order to investigate if a similar toxin is involved in European Atypical Myopathy. Working with Professor Vince Gerber and Dr Lucia Unger at the University of Bern, Professor Valberg has obtained seeds from a tree related to the Box Elder found on many pastures where Atypical Myopathy has occurred.
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of Equine Veterinary Journal said: "This is a really important step forwards. We don't yet know for sure that the cause of European disease, Atypical Myopathy, is the same as Seasonal Pasture Myopathy in the US. But the clinical signs and MADD aberrations are identical and both conditions have a high fatality rate. It remains to be seen whether this research will help European horses, but there is no doubt that it will allow American horse owners to prevent this devastating condition affecting their horses with immediate effect."
1 Seasonal Pasture Myopathy/Atypical Myopathy in North America associated with Ingestion of Hypoglycin A within Seeds of the Box Elder Tree Stephanie J Valberg DVM PhD1, Beatrice T Sponseller Dr. med. vet2, Adrian D Hegeman PhD3, Jennifer Earing PhD, Jeffery B. Bender DVM MS1, Krishona L Martinson PhD4, Steven E Patterson PhD5, Lawrence Sweetman PhD1
The RVN Disciplinary Committee of the RCVS has removed an Armagh-based nurse from the Register after finding that she'd entered the details of four injections into clinical records when she had no reasonable basis for doing so.
During the four-day hearing, the Committee considered two alternative charges against Ms Tracy Nicholl (nee Wilson) relating to her actions on 3 February 2011, whilst employed by O'Reilly & Fee veterinary surgery, Armagh.
Ms Nicholl was alleged by the College to have administered Dolethal, a pink liquid containing pentabarbitone and used for euthanasia, to a dog called Butch without being directed to do so. It was also alleged that she had made dishonest entries into the dog's clinical records, or had administered drugs without a veterinary surgeon's prescription.
Ms Nicholl was alleged to have administered the Dolethal via a fluid bag and giving set on the morning of 3 February, which she denied. The Committee found that, although a veterinary surgeon believed that she saw pink fluid in the line, uncertainties in the surrounding circumstances made the Committee unable to be sure the line contained pink liquid. Expert and forensic evidence revealed Butch had received Dolethal, but not the route of administration or the timing. Therefore the Committee could not be sure Ms Nicholl administered the Dolethal and dismissed this charge.
However, the Committee found that Ms Nicholl did enter on Butch's clinical records that four drugs had been injected, when she had neither administered them nor been told that the drugs had been administered. Although she denied making the entries in evidence submitted to the hearing, in evidence from an interview with the College on 11 July 2011 she had admitted this and her initials were on the record entries.
The Committee noted these injections would be chargeable, and was satisfied the public would regard making these incorrect entries as dishonest. As Ms Nicholl was a highly experienced, senior nurse who also lectured to veterinary nursing students, the Committee was sure she knew she was acting dishonestly. Further, she had breached her responsibilities to clients by failing to maintain accurate case records, and the entries raised potential animal welfare issues. In mitigation, her actions affected no animal's actual welfare, and there was no evidence that Ms Nicholl had made any financial gain or repeated her conduct.
Ms Judith Webb, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee, said: "In addition to the fact that the charge involved dishonesty, there were a number of other aggravating features. The Respondent has not demonstrated any recognition of the seriousness of the record entry allegation, specifically the importance of keeping proper records ... It is in the wider public interest and to protect the reputation of the veterinary nursing profession that the Respondent's name should be removed from the Register."
Ms Nicholl is the first Registered Veterinary Nurse to be struck off since the introduction of the title.
National Veterinary Services has announced that from 14th January, veterinary practices will be able to place their daily orders up to 8pm, 7 days a week.
The veterinary wholesaler will also be providing a telephone ordering service on Saturday mornings from 9am until 12pm.
Martin Riley, NVS Managing Director said: "We are always keen to understand practice needs and to deliver on their requests. This is a significant change for the industry and with the introduction of more new tools and services later in the year we believe NVS will make a great difference to our customers."
For further information please contact 01782 770319.
A survey carried out by Cats Protection has found that around a quarter of Britain's cats (23%) are being fed treats despite the fact that their owners consider them overweight already.
The survey of 1,120 cat owners revealed that 70% of cats described as 'slightly' or 'very overweight' are given a special food treat at least once a week by their owners. 28% of them are being given a special treat at least once a day.
The survey also found that all cats - irrespective of their weight - are fed special treats over Christmas that are not suitable for their health. Nearly 8% feed their cats a special Christmas dinner consisting of human food, whilst some cats are given chocolate (2%) stuffing (2%), and Christmas pudding (1%).
Maggie Roberts, Cats Protection's Director of Veterinary Services, said: "The survey showed that Britain's overweight cats continue to be fed too many treats, which owners principally did out of love, habit or a desire to make their cat feel like a member of the family. However, overweight cats are at significant risk of diabetes and arthritis so there is the danger that owners are making a bad situation even worse.
"The survey also shows that it wasn't uncommon for cats to be given treats such as milk, chocolate or cheese. All of these could make cats quite ill."
Life Technologies has announced the launch of a new ELISA test for bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies.
According to the company, studies have confirmed that the LSI VET Ruminant Bluetongue II-serum ELISA can detect antibodies to BTV in experimentally infected sheep after 6 days, and in cattle after 7-8 days - several days sooner than some other commercially available test kits, including the company's previous ELISA test which the new product has replaced.
Life Technologies asked the UK's Pirbright Institute, the European Union Reference Laboratory for BTV, to conduct a preliminary assessment of the new test. The new test was able to detect antibodies in all 24 BTV reference sera and BTV 26 held by Pirbright, and showed high sensitivity in a longitudinal study of experimentally infected animals.
The Pirbright study also demonstrated that the LSI VET Ruminant Bluetongue II-serum ELISA could detect BTV antibodies in cattle and sheep that had been vaccinated with an inactivated Bluetongue vaccine.
The new test was developed by Life Technologies Animal Health in its research laboratory near Lyon in France and will be available in EU countries via Life Technologies Animal Health distributors according to local regulatory requirements (see www.lifetechnologies.com/lsi-animal-health) for details.
Norbrook Laboratories Ltd has launched Cleanor, an ear cleaner for cats and dogs.
Norbrook says Cleanor Ear Cleaner has been developed for regular, routine cleaning to help remove excessive ear wax from the ear canal as well as providing a moisturising effect to the ear canal's delicate epithelium.
Michelle Jones, Norbrook Brand Manager (Small Animals) said: "Ear disease represents one of the most common skin problems seen in veterinary practice. Checking the cat or dog's ears should be part of the normal health routine for pet owners. Cleanor Ear Cleaner has been designed to make the ear cleaning process simple and stress free for both the animal and owner. It comes with a long, soft and flexible nozzle to allow easy access to the ear canal and is gentle enough to treat even the most sensitive ears."
Cleanor Ear Cleaner is available in two sizes: 50ml and 120ml. It is supported by educational brochures to assist veterinary practices in discussing good ear cleaning practice with their clients. The brochures are available through Norbrook's local sales representatives.
Cleanor Ear Cleanor is available in the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
Royal Canin has announced the winner of its second annual Weigh In Club initiative: a 32kg 12 year old Beagle called Amber that lost 12.5kg, or 39% of her bodyweight.
The dog lost weight with the help of Veterinary Nurse Gabby Taylor from Wilson Vet Group in Bishop Auckland, and won a year's supply of Royal Canin food along with £500 of gift vouchers for her owner. Gabby also won £500 of vouchers for her efforts, as well as £1000 of equipment vouchers for her practice.
Gabby said: "Amber was referred to my weight clinic and we quickly started her on Royal Canin's Satiety Support diet. Over the course of six months, Amber lost weight healthily and reached her target weight of 19.5kg, making her a much happier dog."
117 dogs took part in the initiative, with the 12 finalists invited to appear in a Royal Canin 2013 'Weigh In Club Winners' calendar.
The competition, which is due to be repeated in 2013, was open to all vet practices which run weight clinics and use Royal Canin 'Obesity Management' and 'Satiety Support' diets as part of weight loss programmes run by Veterinary Nurses.
Ian Williams BVSc MRCVS, Royal Canin's Veterinary Support Manager, said: "With canine and feline obesity on the increase, Veterinary Nurses have an important role to play in educating pet owners and supporting the weight loss process. Choosing the right nutrition for the individual pet is a key part of a successful weight management programme, along with a tailored exercise plan, regular monitoring and commitment from the owner."
For more information about Royal Canin's diets, call the company's veterinary helpline on 0800 717800 or visit www.royalcanin.co.uk
Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital, a first opinion and referral practice in Wimbledon, has announced that European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology Dr Sergio Rodenas, DVM DipECVN has joined the team to work alongside the Hospital's existing Veterinary Neurologist Dr Clare Rusbridge BVMS PhD DipECVN MRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Veterinary Neurology.
The practice says that this will allow it to offer a full neurology referral service five days a week.
Sergio joins Stone Lion from his current post as Clinical Instructor in Neurology and Neurosurgery at the Veterinary College, St Hyacinthe at the University of Montreal. Before moving to Canada, he worked at the Southern Counties Veterinary Specialist (SCVS), a small animal specialist referral practice in Ringwood, Hampshire. He qualified at the Veterinary School, University of Extremadura, Spain, in 1996 and has also worked in both Spain and France.
The Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital is part of the Goddard Veterinary Group. It offers referrals in neurology, ophthalmology and physiotherapy. The Neurology Referral Practice is run by Clare Rusbridge and was established in 1997. She said: "Neurology is our busiest referral practice, drawing patients from across the South East of England and sometimes further afield. We see it as a growth area and wanted to offer our clients a five day a week service to make it easier for them to come to us. Sergio's experience especially in spinal surgery will be a huge asset to us and will enable us to meet this goal. We're delighted to welcome him."
Sergio added: "I am delighted to join the Neurology Service at the Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital. The facilities, team and professionalism of the staff and the track record of the Goddard Veterinary Group will make an excellent environment in which to practice small animal Neurology at the highest level and to offer the best care to patients."
The Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital can be contacted on 020 8946 4228.
Animalcare has announced that Buprecare buprenorphine single dose ampoules are now back in stock and ready to order from all veterinary wholesalers.
Production of the product had ceased in July 2011, when the company's previous manufacturer closed its sterile production unit.
Animalcare says that since then, it has been working to identify a reliable, high quality manufacturer which will be able to meet demand. The company has now signed a new contract with a German company which operates a substantial sterile injectables manufacturing facility in France. This facility is approved to manufacture Buprecare single dose ampoules and has produced, tested, quality assured and shipped its first batches.
Stephen Wildridge, CEO of Animalcare Group plc, said: “It was very disappointing to lose our marketing leading product Buprecare ampoules so abruptly. However after some excellent work from the Animalcare team in identifying and working with a very competent manufacturer we are now back in a market that has been eagerly awaiting our return and with a supplier that puts us in an even stronger position. It’s a very good way to start 2013.”
Available in the familiar 5 x 1ml pack, the Buprecare single dose ampoules now have a ‘one-point-cut’ design giving greater assurance of a clean ‘snap’ when opening the ampoule, enhancing the safety of the user.
Additional support is also now available to veterinary practices that purchase Buprecare ampoules or multidose vials, including CPD pain management talks and a peer-reviewed pain assessment chart.
Norbrook Laboratories Ltd has launched the 2013 - 2014 edition of its UK Veterinary Surgeon's Product Compendium.
The compendium contains data sheets for the complete range of over 120 Norbrook products which are available in the UK and Northern Ireland, including 17 new products which have been launched since the last compendium was issued.
The compendium is available from your Norbrook representative or can be downloaded from www.norbrook.com. Norbrook also offers an iPhone App through which users can access essential product information including pharmaceutical presentation, uses, dosage and administration, withdrawal periods, contraindications & warnings and pharmaceutical precautions.
The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) and the British Association of Equine Dental Technicians (BAEDT) have joined forces to set recognised standards for equine dental treatment.
The two organisations are working in association with the RCVS, BVA, BVDA, WWAED and LANTRA to develop National Occupational Standards that will pave the way to allowing equine dental technicians the freedom to work within the Law under an Exemption Order. This should make it safer and easier for owners to source the most suitable dental treatment for their horses.
Currently all equine dental care falls within the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (VSA) and should only be carried out by veterinary surgeons. Equine vets from BEVA and equine dental technicians from the BAEDT have been trying to address this anomaly with government for many years. In 2004 the organisations drew up a list (revised in 2009) of procedures that could be safely carried out by suitably qualified equine dental technicians and a list of those which should only be carried out by qualified veterinary surgeons because they involve sensitive tissues.
The envisaged Exemption Order will also provide better protection for horses and their owners by reinforcing the fact that only suitably qualified individuals are allowed to carry out equine dental care and treatments. While unqualified individuals should become easier to identify under the proposed new scheme, those qualified will also be held to account if their performance is not up to scratch.
The first step towards the Exemption Order is the drawing up of National Occupational Standards for Equine Dental Technicians. It is hoped that these will be formalised by LANTRA in early 2013.
Keith Chandler, BEVA President said: "After many years of working closely with the BAEDT on the continuing education and qualification of its members, we are thrilled that progress is finally being made towards an Exemption Order."
BAEDT Chair, Gemma Lilly, said: "BAEDT and its membership is very happy to be a key part of the team that hopes to put the Exemption Order in place - it will be good news for equine dental technicians, horse owners, and their animals."
Equine Dental Technician and member of the Worldwide Association of Equine Dentists, Martin Brookes, also supports the initiative. He said: "This will be a really important step forward for responsible Equine Dental Technicians. It will further improve the working relationships between EDTs and vets and help to protect the welfare of the horse."
Ceva Animal Health has launched its 2013 ReprodAction desktop calendar, with a droll take on cycling cows.
The calendar is available free of charge to vet practices.
If you haven't received your calendar yet, contact Ceva Animal Health on 01494 781510 or email cevauk@ceva.com.
Ceva Animal Health has published Causes of scour in growing pigs: an overview, a technical review on pig scour.
The company says its aim is to provides vets with an easy-reference guide to the main causes and clinical signs of this common and potentially fatal condition.
At best, scour in growing pigs can cause significant weight loss and damage to the intestinal mucosa. At worst it will result in high mortality. Causes of scour in growing pigs: an overview summarises the causative agents of scour throughout the stages of growth, from sucking piglets through to finisher pigs.
Ceva adds that although it is difficult to be too prescriptive about assigning clinical signs to specific diseases because of variable immunity and the occurrence of mixed infections, the review provides useful guidelines to aid accurate diagnosis. Preventative management strategies are also discussed where applicable.
For further product information contact your local Ceva representative or Ceva Animal Health Ltd, Unit 3, Anglo Office Park, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 9FB, Telephone +44 (0) 1494 781510.
On Tuesday 15 January the RCVS will hold a 'Meet the RCVS Day' for those standing or considering standing for election to RCVS Council or the Veterinary Nurses Council.
The event offers prospective candidates an opportunity to find out more about what the role of a Council member involves, and what would be expected of them, if elected.
Candidates and prospective candidates will have the chance to meet the RCVS Officers and senior staff, and to find out what goes on behind the scenes. The day will start at 10.30am, and finish at approximately 3.30pm, to allow plenty of time for questions. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
For further information, or to book a place, prospective candidates can contact Fiona Harcourt, Communications Officer (f.harcourt@rcvs.org.uk or 020 7202 0773).
Nomination forms for RCVS Council and Veterinary Nurses Council, full instructions and guidance notes are available from www.rcvs.org.uk/rcvscouncil13 and www.rcvs.org.uk/vncouncil13. The deadline for nominations is 5pm on 31 January 2013.
Council and VN Council members will be expected to spend at least six to eight days a year attending Council and Committee meetings, working parties and subcommittees (for which a loss-of-earnings allowance is available).
Expert speakers at Advances in Diagnostics, a meeting held in Brussels last month, have said that molecular technology will play a vital role in safeguarding the health and productivity of food animals in the future.
Dr Willie Loeffen, President of the European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (EAVLD) said: "Technology is taking over. Laboratory diagnosis used to be 99% labour and 1% technology, nowadays the emphasis is the other way around. Technology is now an integral and indispensable part of veterinary laboratories."
Dr Loeffen used the investigation of PRRSV infection in pigs and the more recent appearance of Schmallenberg virus in Europe to highlight how modern molecular techniques could help to characterise new disease threats rapidly.
"It took four years of laborious work for us to characterise the cause of PRRS, but thanks to sequencing technology Schmallenberg virus took just a few months.
"Technological developments mean that diagnosticians now do things that they could only dream about 10 or 20 years ago."
As well as providing a means of identifying new disease threats quickly, the meeting highlighted the increasing role of diagnostic tools as an integral part of maintaining animal health.
Dr Kirk Adams, Director of Product Management at Life Technologies, the meeting sponsor, said: "Diagnostics are no longer just a way of finding out what an animal died of - they have a multitude of uses on farm. They mean that we can take a more holistic and proactive approach to animal health; in contrast to the reactive, disease-driven approach of the past.
"As just one example, better diagnostics allow a more targeted approach to treatment, and the potential to reduce the use of broad-spectrum drugs - such as certain antibiotics - and thus comply with the wishes of consumers and legislators."
Dr Adams said that modern diagnostic tools also provided the means to improve vaccination programmes and biosecurity, and were essential for disease eradication schemes and for improving herd health status, for example by identifying persistently infected, asymptomatic animals.
They also enable veterinary surgeons to monitor herd health and build up an accurate and dynamic picture of health status and risk profile - and screen for emerging disease threats.
Dr Adams added: "Veterinarians now have access to a wider range of better diagnostics than ever before. Tests are now faster, more accurate and more precise than ever before.
"The next twenty years could see the biggest change in the way we manage production animals in over a hundred years."
The meeting was also addressed by Dr Kees van Maanen, from the Netherlands Animal health Service (GD), an expert in modern diagnostic technology and its application on both local and national levels. He called for greater international co-operation to protect European animals against threats from increasing global interaction. He said: "Pathogens and insects do not respect borders: trusting each other's results requires further harmonization and transparency for diagnostic procedures between laboratories and countries.
"Rapid and accurate diagnosis contributes to disease management, but does not stop epidemics. However, it has contributed significantly to gaining insight into the epidemiology of emerging diseases and formulating appropriate measures.
"The development of modern diagnostics has given us the potential to manage animal health and control infectious diseases in production animals far more effectively in the past - both on a local level and a national or regional level. Recent experience with unexpected disease outbreaks has shown that we can now characterise and track pathogens far more quickly and accurately than ever before.
"However, we need to make sure that we keep veterinarians and farmers informed about these developments, so they know how to apply them in practice in order to make the most of them.
"Diagnostics will continue to become a more integral part of animal health management in the next decade, we just need to make sure we can apply that knowledge in the best possible way."