Elanco Animal Health has announced the launch of Kexxtone this month, a new treatment which it claims can reduce the incidence of ketosis in dairy cows by 74%* following a single treatment.1
Kexxtone is a targeted solution for any dairy cow or heifer that is expected to develop ketosis around the period of calving. It is administered as a bolus,and provides coverage during the main risk period for the condition.
Ketosis often goes undetected because the signs are not immediately apparent. However, it is a common condition, affecting around 30% of cows2 and has a negative impact upon cow health, fertility and milk production. Ketosis can result, on average, in milk losses of around 350-500 litres per cow4 per lactation. The cost of production losses and disease related consequential losses due to subclinical ketosis has been estimated at around 250-600 EUR per cow.5
Elanco says this new approach is likely to significantly expand the array of options open to vets actively involved in dairy herd health management. Kexxtone comes with the benefit of a zero day milk and meat withdrawal3 and the formulation is based on monensin - a molecule with a long history of beneficial use.
According to the company, Kexxtone uses novel technology to allow a continuous and regular release of the active ingredient into the rumen which forms a gel when exposed to rumen fluid. This gel is progressively released into the rumen by a pressure sensitive spring in the Kexxtone device. The active ingredient shifts the microbial balance in the rumen to produce more of the glucose precursor propionic acid, therefore increasing glucose delivery and ultimately increasing the energy available to the cow. This improvement in energy utilisation buffers dairy cows against the tendency to drop into negative energy balance during the transition period around calving and early lactation - the major cause of ketosis.
Mike Steele, Technical Consultant at Elanco said: "Kexxtone offers an exciting opportunity in which everyone wins - vets who can offer positive interventions able to make a big impact on the bottom line, are going to be increasingly integral to their farm clients' herd health planning framework. It's no longer just about nutritional intervention and emergency salvage; it's about being able to proactively easily measure the true herd prevalence of ketosis and where appropriate, take preventative targeted action to really make a difference."
Kexxtone is available to order now from veterinary wholesalers - for further information contact the Elanco Territory Manager or call Elanco Animal Health on 01256 353131.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has released a series of photographs taken at its last council meeting on 7th March 2013.
Anyone for a photo-caption competition?
The full album can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rcvs/sets/72157633046308352/
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has severely reprimanded and warned as to his future conduct a veterinary surgeon who failed to make sufficient enquiries about the location or condition of a cat; unreasonably refused to provide it with first aid and pain relief; and failed to provide it with adequate 24-hour emergency care.
Following a three-day hearing, the Committee found Marcus Kutschera, of South London Emergency Veterinary Centre, Streatham, guilty of serious professional misconduct in relation to events on 16 May 2011. Mr Kutschera was Clinical Director of the practice, which provided out-of-hours emergency services to several London veterinary practices. At about 1.45am, the practice received two telephone calls from a representative of a registered charity about a cat, which the caller considered should be seen by a veterinary surgeon as soon as possible. The charity was itself a client of one of the practices whose out-of-hours emergency services were provided by the South London Emergency Veterinary Centre. The cat was later euthanased by the RSPCA.
After listening to a recording of a telephone call between a representative of the charity and Mr Kutschera, during which Mr Kutschera failed to ask about either the condition or location of the cat, the Committee was in no doubt that the caller believed Mr Kutschera would not see the cat unless he was able to pay when it was presented. The Committee said that, once the telephone call had been received, the primary responsibility of the veterinary surgeon was the welfare of the animal, and Mr Kutschera had no good reason not to see the cat or to follow the procedures set out in the Guide to Professional Conduct 2010. If he had made proper inquiries, he would have been able to make a provisional diagnosis that the cat was likely to be euthanased. Mr Kutschera was guilty of unreasonably refusing to provide first aid and/or pain relief to the animal, and of failing to provide adequate 24-hour emergency care.
The Committee concluded that Mr Kutschera's conduct fell far short of that to be expected of a veterinary surgeon. Although he did recommend that the cat should be taken to the RSPCA, his primary concern was the ability of the client to make a payment on presentation of the cat, and not the animal's welfare. He had a responsibility for ensuring that proper emergency cover was provided.
In mitigation, the Committee noted that the event was a single, short telephone call between Mr Kutschera and the client in the early hours of the morning, and there was no evidence to suggest similar behaviour on his part on other occasions. Mr Kutschera accepted that he made no inquiries into the cat's condition or location, and the Committee accepted that he had shown some insight into what went badly wrong. He said that he had subsequently changed his practice when speaking to clients on the telephone. The Committee also took account of the impact on Mr Kutschera of the case hanging over him since the complaint was made in August 2011 and, as the cost of the Disciplinary Committee inquiry was not covered by his professional indemnity insurance, he had taken on a substantial financial commitment to pay for legal representation.
Professor Peter Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee said: "The primary purpose of the sanction is not to punish but to protect the welfare of animals, maintain public confidence in the profession and uphold proper standards of conduct. Whilst there are undoubted financial issues that can arise in the operation of an out-of-hours service, the primary responsibility of the veterinary surgeon is for the welfare of the animal."
The Committee recommended that Mr Kutschera undertake, within 12 months, continuing professional development training, with a particular emphasis on animal welfare, ethics and client care, in the context of providing out-of-hours services. It imposed on Mr Kutschera the sanction of a severe reprimand and a warning as to his future conduct.
The RCVS is reminding veterinary surgeons that the retention fee payment deadline is 31 March. Fee payments received after 1 April are subject to an extra £35, and veterinary surgeons whose fees remain unpaid after 31 May are removed from the Register.
Veterinary surgeons also need to confirm or update their Register details annually as part of renewing their registration. Although the deadline for this is 30 September, members may find it convenient to do this at the same time as making fee payments. UK- and overseas-practising members need to confirm additionally that they have met the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements. Renewals can be made either online or via the form included with the annual renewal notice, regardless of how payments are made.
Fees can be paid through the RCVS website, by cheque, direct debit (which will need to have been set up in advance) or bank transfer. Particularly relevant for those making payments on someone else's behalf, is to remember to write the vet's name and Register number on the back of the cheque, or as a bank transfer reference. The RCVS processes over 22,000 registrations every year and needs to know to whom each payment relates.
For those who have set up a direct debit, the RCVS generally aims to take the payment on 31 March. As this will be a Sunday this year, the payment will be taken as soon as possible afterwards. To set up a bank transfer (which can be from a bank account online, telephone banking, or a branch, depending what the bank offers) the RCVS account details are available by telephoning the Finance Department (020 7202 0723). Payments cannot be taken over the phone.
A veterinary surgeon's registration acts as a licence to practise and those removed from the Register may not practise unless and until they have been restored.
Elanco Companion Animal Health has announced that Comfortis (spinosad) flavoured chewable flea control tablets have been licensed for cats.
In addition, the company has extended its range with the addition of two new sizes for toy dogs and smaller cats.
Comfortis chewable tablets for dogs and cats are fast-acting, monthly oral adulticides that start to kill fleas in cats and dogs in 30 minutes and, according to Elanco, rapidly achieve 100% efficacy.
Comfortis chewable tablets for dogs and cats kill adult fleas for a month and Elanco says the fast speed of kill means that adult fleas are killed before they can lay eggs, making Comfortis effective in preventing new infestations.
Patrick Bourdeau, Dip ECVD-Dip EVPC, of the Veterinary School of Nantes (Oniris), France said: "Comfortis offers a highly effective format to those owners who have not had relief with other forms of flea control. The tablet offers a high level of convenience to owners to ensure both cats and dogs receive immediate relief from flea infestation.
"This is especially pertinent to the nearly 30% of cat owners who have reported problems with administering other forms of flea treatment, including spot-ons, which can have an effect on efficacy1. This includes the animal escaping when they sense a topical treatment is about to be administered or during actual administration3".
He added: "Comfortis is a highly effective treatment for flea control for cats and dogs, and one that will aid with compliance because it is easier to administer correctly."
Charlotte Mayne MRCVS, principal and veterinary surgeon at The Mayne Veterinary Clinic in Colchester, Essex, said: "We have used Comfortis chewable tablets for cats in practice, with 94% of clients who were prescribed the product for their pet being able to administer Comfortis and 80% of owners able to give the treatment so easily that they did not need to pill it2. Indeed, all the clients who were able to administer the treatment said they would use it again with comments such as 'it's brilliant - the best product ever' to 'my cat ate it like sweets' and we had 'lots of dead fleas'."
Comfortis chewable tablets for dogs and cats are available in 90mg, 140mg, 270mg and 425mg packs of six. Comfortis chewable tablets for dogs is also available in 665mg, 1040mg and 1620mg packs of six.
For further information on Comfortis, please contact your Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or phone 01256 353131.
Greendale Veterinary Diagnostics has announced a partnership with a referral practice in order to provide general practitioners with additional support and advice with their exotic cases.
Through this partnership, Birch Heath Veterinary Clinic will provide interpretation of test results and practical advice for Greendale clients wishing to discuss perplexing cases.
Steve Clarke, Business Development Manager at Greendale said: "Exotic veterinary work relies heavily on diagnostic laboratory investigation, and Greendale's technical excellence, combined with Birch Heath's clinical expertise, provides a unique service for veterinary surgeons treating the increasing number of exotic pets seen in the UK."
In addition, the company has produced a new brochure which gives advice concerning how to obtain blood samples from exotic species. Each brochure contains a voucher for one free sample submission to encourage vets to gain confidence in our new service.
For a copy of the brochure or further information, call: 01483 797707.
Bayer Animal Health, maker of Advocate and organiser of the Be Lungworm Aware campaign, is warning that last year's damp summer and the mild winter conditions may lead to a continued spread of Angiostongylus vasorum in the UK.
Biodiversity & Conservation Officer for The Natural History Museum, Professor Fred Naggs, said: "An increase in the number of slug and snail populations this year would suggest there will consequently be a continued spread of the parasite. However, this depends on a number of factors: (i) the number of slugs and snails around last year, of which there were many (ii) the level of precipitation throughout the year, as slugs and snails will breed continuously when temperatures are mild to warm and there is adequate relative humidity. According to many reports in the press, last year was one of the wettest on record (iii) the survival of slugs and snails over the winter. As this winter has not been particularly harsh, reasonable numbers of slugs and snails should have survived."
In addition, a study by the RVC as shown that A. vasorum is spreading beyond the traditional geographic distribution with 20 per cent of veterinary practices across the country reporting at least one case of A. vasorum. 1
To help raise awareness of the parasite, veterinary surgeons and nurses are being encouraged to support the 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign. The scheme will offer support and education to owners and participating vet practices throughout this month, which has been labelled 'Lungworm Awareness Month'.
Caroline Braidwood, Group Product Manager at Bayer Animal Health said: "While dog owners are becoming more aware of A. vasorum, there is still a real lack of understanding as to the warning signs associated with the condition and how to prevent or treat it. Some owners still believe that Lungworm can be prevented by using normal intestinal wormers which is not the case - Advocate is the only product that can prevent A. vasorum, and from the first application. Our aim with the 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign is to drive pet owners to their vet practice, where they can then be informed of the danger of the parasite and educated about correct preventative treatment."
Practices can request a range of materials including a practice press pack by calling their Bayer Territory Manager. The pack is designed to promote the awareness campaign to local dog owning clients and includes a regional press release, images and other collateral including leaflets, posters and a campaign DVD for display in waiting rooms.
For more information on lungworm, visit www.lungworm.co.uk
1. Royal Veterinary College survey 2012, 1,419 veterinary practices
Ceva Animal Health has launched a competition - open to veterinary surgeons and nurses - to support Cardalis (benazepril and spironolactone), its dual-acting treatment for heart failure in dogs.
To enter the competition, which will run till the end of April, visit www.cardaliscompetition.co.uk and answer 4 questions about Cardalis. There's a £400 Amazon gift voucher up for grabs.
Fraser Broadfoot, small animal product manager at Ceva Animal Health, said: "Cardalis is proving extremely popular and we are therefore very excited to offer veterinary professionals the chance to win a great prize by sharing their knowledge of the product."
The RCVS Council and Veterinary Nurses Council elections are now underway for 2013, and ballot papers and candidates details have been posted to all veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses eligible to vote.
Gordon Hockey, RCVS Registrar, said: "At a time when the College is experiencing a period of significant change, it's more important than ever that the Councils have the right personnel to help steer us along the path to becoming a first-rate regulator. The annual Councils elections represent a key opportunity for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to ensure this happens."
This year, 13 candidates, five of whom are current Council members, will contest the six available seats on RCVS Council, and four candidates are contesting the two available places on VN Council, including one existing member. The candidates are as follows:
RCVS Council
VN Council
*denotes existing Council member
For the first time this year, the College is organising an online hustings for RCVS Council candidates to allow veterinary surgeon voters to put their questions to them directly. This will be run as a free, live webinar by 'The Webinar Vet' and will take place on Tuesday, 19 March at 7pm. Questions need to have been submitted in advance as there are too many candidates to hold a debate, but veterinary surgeons can still register to listen to the hustings at www.thewebinarvet.com/rcvs. The hustings will also be recorded and available to listen again via the same web address until the voting deadline.
Votes in both elections may be cast online, by text message or by post, and must be received by 5pm on Friday, 26 April 2013. Details of how to vote are printed on the ballot papers and candidate information is also available on the RCVS website at www.rcvs.org.uk/rcvscouncil13 and www.rcvs.org.uk/vncouncil13.
Anyone in need of a replacement ballot paper for RCVS Council should contact Ian Holloway (i.holloway@rcvs.org.uk / 020 7202 0727), or for VN Council, contact Annette Amato (a.amato@rcvs.org.uk / 020 7202 0713).
To ensure independence, the elections are being administered by Electoral Reform Services.
Pfizer has divested itself of its animal health business unit, which has become a stand-alone company called Zoetis. The new company unveiled its vision for Europe, Africa and the Middle East (EuAfME) region at a press conference in Paris last week.
The company says it aims to have its products, services and people as the most valued by animal health customers around the region, and the world.
Alejandro Bernal, Zoetis Executive Vice President and Area President for the EuAfME region said: "We are united around this shared vision, and we strive every day to help customers meet their real-world challenges through quality medicines and vaccines, complemented by diagnostic products, genetic tests and a range of services," said "As the largest standalone company in the industry, we are dedicated solely to animal health and focusing on our core business so our customers can grow theirs."
In addition to working closely with customers, Zoetis said it strives to collaborate with universities and other research organisations, to help advance the animal health sector and those who raise and care for animals. One example of this is the partnership with the University of Stirling, one of the leading research organisations, based in Scotland.
Professor Randolph Richards, from Stirling said: "Academia is increasingly realising the benefits of working with industry on research projects, and is concentrating on those with more direct impact rather than on pure research. In our own case, Zoetis has been able to provide resources which were otherwise unavailable to us, with funding opportunity being provided through the UK Technology Strategy Board."
Kruuse has launched a range of seven specialized sterile surgical disposable drapes and gowns developed for the surgery team working in equine clinics or hospitals.
The company says its new surgical sets have been designed so they include a comprehensive set of sterile drapes, towels, instrument covers and adhesive tapes needed to perform particular procedures:
Andrew Groom, Managing Director, Kruuse UK Ltd. said: "This exciting new range of products increase the Kruuse's equine product portfolio and develop further our commitment to provide specialist species available products to support the veterinary practitioner."
The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has dropped the requirement that veterinary practices display a poster in waiting rooms which tells clients what the top ten medicines they supply are, and their costs.
The requirement was apparently dropped, initially for a six month period, following pressure from the Royal College, which felt says it felt the poster did not entirely serve its purpose.
The requirement for the poster was brought in following the Competition Commission investigation into veterinary medicine sales in 2005, as part of a range of measures. Some of the responsibilities were enforced via the RCVS as an alternative to legislation under the Fair Trading Act, to ensure that clients have access to sufficient information to be able to decide where to obtain veterinary prescriptions and medicines.
The poster, which was outlined in the Guide to Professional Conduct, and subsequently the Code of Professional Conduct, had to include information about prescriptions and repeat prescriptions, together with the 'ten relevant veterinary medicinal products most commonly prescribed during a recent and typical three-month period'.
How 'most commonly prescribed' has been calculated has often varied - for example, by price, volume, number of prescriptions, etc - and, in addition, different formulations, brands or pack sizes of the same active ingredient could cause confusion.
RCVS President, Jacqui Molyneux said: "Having seen how this has worked in practice, we have been keen to push for change because it was felt that the list could be confusing to clients.
"We have also been mindful of the fact that the ways in which consumers access information has changed radically over the last seven years or so, with internet searches becoming more prevalent.
"These factors conspired to make the list less meaningful as a tool that allowed consumers to shop around. It is thus hoped that the removal of the list will reduce potential misunderstanding among the public."
During the first six months following the change, the College and the OFT will monitor the situation. If there is no appreciable level of complaint from the public, the change will become permanent.
The other requirements of supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct Chapter 10 (Fair Trading Requirements) remain unchanged (www.rcvs.org.uk/fairtrading), and the OFT recommends that the notice advising clients that they can obtain a prescription from the practice be made even more prominent.
In addition, it remains important that veterinary surgeons communicate medicines prices clearly to their clients and other callers, and that invoices itemise individual products supplied (www.rcvs.org.uk/medicines).
Petplan has announced the finalists for the 2013 Petplan Veterinary Awards.
Now in its 14th year, the Petplan Veterinary Awards received its biggest response yet, with 11,000 nominations submitted for exceptional veterinary staff across the UK.
The finalists for each of the categories are:
Vet of the Year
Vet Nurse of the Year
Vet Support Staff of the Year
Vet Practice of the Year
Practice Manager of the Year
Isabella von Mesterhazy, Petplan's Head of Marketing, said: "As the leader in the pet insurance market for over 35 years, we have a rich history of working with veterinary practices across the UK. The Veterinary Awards is a great way to recognise and celebrate the fantastic work that goes on helping keep pets healthy and their owners happy. This year we have seen a near fourfold increase in nominations which goes to show the appetite from both staff and clients for celebrating exceptional work, it is going to be a fantastic night."
Gyles Brandreth will compère the award ceremony on the 4th April at Birmingham Town Hall.
Dairy nutrition consultant Hefin Richards of Profeed Nutrition Consultancy is warning vets to be on the lookout for an upsurge in over-conditioned cows as winter progresses through spring.
He says his prediction is based on a number of factors that have come together over the last year to greatly increased the risk of cows being over-conditioned at calving, not only potentially affecting productivity but predisposing to a number of clinical conditions.
A high body condition score at calving significantly increases the risk of subclinical ketosis in early lactation, depressing the immune response and increasing the risk of conditions such as retained foetal membranes, metritis and left displaced abomasum.1,2 Conversely, these obese cows go on to suffer excessive body condition loss due to decreased voluntary feed intake and poor energy metabolism.
The ketosis risk has been increased in part because national milk yields were low last summer and autumn as a result of poor weather conditions, low milk prices, high feed costs and the spread of Schmallenberg virus (SBV).3
Hefin said: "SBV and bad summer weather with associated poor forage quality may have delayed rebreeding, leading to more extended lactations and longer dry periods. These two factors can lead to excessively fat cows at calving."
Through the winter many herds were running average milk yields some way below usual winter levels and currently mid and late lactation cows are substantially under target yields.4 This lower yield means that feed intake is very likely to be in excess of actual energy demands, with subsequent fat deposition.
Increasing awareness of this potential issue gives vets the opportunity to reinforce the need to monitor body condition, adjust feeding, review milk yields and consider drying cows off early, using controlled energy feeding.
Hefin suggests that vets ensure that their clients' dry cow nutrition and management is geared towards maximising feed intake in early lactation to help prevent animals falling into a state of negative energy balance. Ketosis is often missed on farm because the signs are not apparent. Consider routinely monitoring herds for ketosis using either blood monitoring or Elanco's Keto-Test cow-side milk test to identify both at-risk cows and herds. Forming a team involving vets, nutritionists and herd managers and harnessing the different skill sets and knowledge allows strategies to be developed that can improve herd performance.
Kruuse has announced the launch of two new two new wound dressing products: Kruuse HydroGel and Kruuse Foam Dressing.
Kruuse HydroGel is a clear amorphous hydrogel with Polyhexanide (0.04%). According to the company, HydroGel will help maintain a moist healing environment encouraging autolytic debridement and gentle removal of slough and necrotic tissue. It is presented as a single dose 15g applicator tube.
KRUUSE Foam Dressing is a non-adhesive; absorbent hydrophilic foam wound dressing coated with bacterial resistant micro porous thin foam backing. The company says it 'breathes' to allow oxygen in, expands as it absorbs exudate and conforms to shallow wound cavities. It is presented in 3 sizes: 5x5cm, 10x10cm and 15x15cm.
Andrew Groom , Managing Director, Kruuse UK Ltd. said: "Both products enhance the Kruuse's wound care product portfolio available to all customers, combined they increase the already extensive range of wound products available to the veterinary practitioner".
Both products will be on dispay and available at BSAVA 2013.
A study published by Mike Dryden - one of the world's leading parasitologists - in Veterinary Parasitology has demonstrated that spinosad (Comfortis, Elanco) provides a high level of flea control one month after a single treatment and maintains a high level of effectiveness under conditions of natural challenge following subsequent monthly treatments.
The multi-clinic, investigator-blinded study1 was undertaken in client-owned dogs provided with three consecutive monthly treatments of oral spinosad (SPN) and fipronil/methoprene spot-on (FSM). All other household dogs and cats, to a maximum of four pets per household, were dispensed the same treatment. Subsequent treatments were given when the dog returned for whole-body flea counts and pruritus-scoring on days 30 and 60, with final assessments on day 90 (plus/minus five days on each occasion).
One hundred and twenty eight dogs were enrolled on the study at 10 veterinary practices in the USA (65 in the SPN arm and 63 in the FSM arm). On day 0, mean flea counts were 57.7 (range: 10-1469) and 44.8 (range: 10-717) for the SPN and FSM groups, respectively. On day 90, 55 of the 58 (95%) SPN dogs were flea free compared with only 21/55 or 38% of dogs in the FSM group. Mean pruritus scores declined to 0.92 (6.67 on day 0) in the SPN group and 3.83 (6.33 on day 0) in the FSM group by day 90. Mean flea counts were 0.08 and 5.19 for SPN and FSM groups respectively on day 90 correlating to a reduction in flea counts of 99.9% in the SPN dogs and 88.4% in the FSM dogs. Between treatment differences were found to be highly statistically significant (p<0.0001) for every parameter measured at every time point during the study in favour of SPN.
Anna Jackson, national veterinary manager for Elanco Companion Animal Health said: "The recent study confirms oral spinosad's outstanding efficacy in controlling fleas and associated pruritus in dogs when administered by owners following natural challenge in the home environment".
For further information please contact your local Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or phone 01256 353131.
1 Assessment of owner-administered monthly treatments with oral spinosad or topical spot-on fipronil/(S)-methoprene in controlling fleas and associated pruritus in dogs. Michael W. Dryden, William G. Ryan, Margie Bell, Anthony J. Rumschlag, Lisa M. Young, Daniel E. Snyder. Veterinary Parasitology 191 (2013) 340-346
Boehringer Ingelheim has announced that its 'Talk About Laminitis' campaign will run from Mid March until the end of June.
Last year, the initiative saw over 9000 horses and ponies tested for PPID through its free ACTH test scheme. This year, to build on this success and support the testing of even more animals, the company has announced a high impact, co-ordinated campaign to drive awareness that up to 90% of laminitis cases may have an underlying endocrine cause1,2.
Once again, Boehringer is urging veterinary surgeons to carry out free ACTH blood tests on laminitic or foot-sore horses as part of the campaign, which is backed by Redwings, The British Horse Society and World Horse Welfare.
Professor Andy Durham from the Liphook Equine Hospital, where the ACTH tests are performed, said: "We are learning so much from these tests. For example, we are now recognising PPID routinely in laminitic horses and ponies as young as 10 years old, and in the spring when we might expect to see more EMS cases, where veterinary surgeons have also tested for PPID we are seeing both abnormally elevated ACTH and insulin. Unless the PPID is addressed, horses will continue to be at risk of painful recurrent laminitic episodes which is a significant welfare issue to the horse and extremely frustrating for owners."
To participate in the scheme, veterinary surgeons and horse owners can download ACTH blood test vouchers from www.talkaboutlaminitis.co.uk. Attach the voucher to the ACTH sample submission form and the ACTH laboratory fees will not be charged.
Lee Hackett from The British Horse Society said: "Without the 'Talk About Laminitis' initiative and the support of Boehringer Ingelheim, literally thousands of horses may not be receiving the appropriate treatment and management for their laminitis to help prevent recurrence. We hope as many veterinary surgeons as possible get involved this year to continue this welfare success."
To ensure that horse owners are fully aware of the initiative, a PR and advertising campaign in the equine consumer media will start in March. The ad campaign includes an infomercial on Horse & Country TV (SKY Channel 280), with viewer numbers in excess of 450,000 per month.
There will also be a live online broadcast for horse owners on endocrinopathic laminitis presented by David Rendle BVSc MVM CertEM(IntMed) DipECEIM MRCVS, from the Liphook Equine Hospital in Hampshire. The one-hour webinar, which takes place at 8.00pm on Wednesday 10 April, will educate horse owners on how the veterinary profession's understanding of this debilitating and devastating disease has been completely revolutionised over the past five years. It will be followed by an interactive Q&A session when viewers will be able to pose questions for David to answer.
David said: "As our knowledge of the two hormonal diseases responsible for the majority of cases of laminitis improves, veterinary surgeons can offer their clients more comprehensive advice on treatment options to prevent laminitis. For many owners who have struggled with this condition, this is an absolute revelation and has enormous welfare benefits".
Horse owners can register to view the online programme by visiting www.talkaboutlaminitis.co.uk.
To ensure that veterinary surgeons are versed in the most up to date research available, Boehringer Ingelheim will also be hosting a webinar for veterinary professionals at 8.00pm on Wednesday 13th March, presented by Professor Andy Durham BSc BVSc CertEP DEIM DipECEIM MRCVS. The online seminar, 'The laminitis revolution.... An update on our understanding of endocrinopathic causes of laminitis', will entitle the viewer to a downloadable certificate for one hour of CPD. To register, visit www.bi-academy.co.uk. Places are limited, so register early to avoid disappointment. The webinar will also be available to view after the event on demand.
For further information on how you can promote 'Talk About Laminitis' in your practice contact your Boehringer Ingelheim Territory Manager or call 01344 746959
1. Karikoski et al. (2011). The prevalence of endocrinopathic laminitis among horses presented for laminitis at a first-opinion/referral equine hospital. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 41 111-117
2. Donaldson et al. (2004). Evaluation of suspected pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction in horses with laminitis. J Am Vet Med Assoc;224:1123-1127.
Dr. Tracy Hill, a specialist in internal medicine, has joined the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, bringing with her expertise in interventional radiology.
Tracy completed a fellowship in interventional radiology and endoscopy at the Animal Medical Centre in New York, will be researching new techniques in this developing field.
She will also work in the clinic at the School's Hospital for Small Animals and as a senior lecturer.
She said: "Interventional radiology is an emerging and expanding area in veterinary medicine. Interventional radiology employs the use of fluoroscopy and endoscopy to enable minimally invasive treatments for diseases in many body systems. These techniques often reduce morbidity, mortality, or cost associated with more invasive procedures. The Dick Vet has been performing interventional cardiac procedures for some time and we are looking to expand this field into treatment of non-cardiac diseases."
Tracy, who carried out her residency in small animal internal medicine at North Carolina State University, where she also completed a PhD, will help the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh to provide interventional radiology procedures.
This includes a minimally invasive treatment for certain liver shunts using a procedure only being regularly performed at a handful of veterinary hospitals in the world. In this procedure, fluoroscopic guidance is used to access the abnormal vessels in the abdomen via a catheter placed in the jugular vein in the neck. The abnormal shunt vessel is then closed using coil embolization, without the need for abdominal surgery.
Tracey said: "I am delighted to join the Dick Vet. There is no denying the expertise at the vet school, as well as its partnership with The Roslin Institute for research."
The PDSA has announced the launch of a new graduate programme to help train the veterinary surgeons of the future.
Applications for PDSA's Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Programme open today, and the programme is open to all veterinary surgeon graduates - including the current 2013 graduating student cohort.
According to the PDSA, its Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Programme is one of the first comprehensive - UK wide - graduate schemes in the veterinary profession to combine clinical experience, development of surgical skills, promotion of preventive services and pet wellbeing education. It is delivered via a structured programme with dedicated support including mentoring, training and continuing professional development opportunities - within a busy small animal charity practice environment.
Following the framework of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Professional Development Phase (PDP), the duration of the programme is one year. Successful applicants will be based at one of five PDSA PetAid hospitals - Glasgow East, Bradford, Liverpool Kirkdale, Stoke-on-Trent or Bow - and will also work at several other PDSA PetAid hospitals within the geographic location, building up experience in different hospitals and working with different teams. There will also be dedicated time off the veterinary rota to be able to train and coach the new graduates to develop their clinical skills.
The charity says that the programme will provide the necessary experience for new graduates to complete their compulsory PDP. It is hoped that those successfully completing the graduate programme will continue their careers with PDSA taking on available permanent opportunities in the charity.
Richard Hooker, PDSA Director of Veterinary Services (pictured above left), said: "At PDSA, we have great talent within our veterinary teams and we are looking to add to that even further with the launch of our Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Programme; five outstanding graduates will join us in September 2013 to be part of PDSA's future and to develop their skills and experience as veterinary surgeons.
"On average, our PetAid hospitals see around 5,695 pets each working day - including consultations, emergency treatment, surgical procedures, through to preventative measures and education on pet wellbeing. The Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Programme will give our cohort the opportunity to gain invaluable small animal practice with the UK's leading veterinary charity, home to some of the most experienced and long-serving vets in our profession."
Applications are open until 29 March 2013. For further information and to apply, visit http://www.pdsa.org.uk/careers/graduate-programme/veterinary-graduates/apply-now or contact PDSA at hr.adminstration@pdsa.org.uk
Elanco Companion Animal Health has launched of Dexdomitor 0.1 mg/ml, adding to its range of alpha-2 agonists and antagonists.
Produced and manufactured in partnership with Orion Corporation, Elanco says Dexdomitor 0.1 mg/ml contains all the properties of dexmedetomidine in a formulation that allows accurate and convenient dosing for the smallest patients. It can be used as a sedative for non-invasive, mild to moderately painful procedures and examinations which require restraint, sedation and analgesia in dogs and cats. It can also be used for deep sedation and analgesia in dogs in concomitant use with butorphanol for medical and minor surgical procedures and as a pre-medication in dogs and cats before induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia.
Dexdomitor 0.1 mg/ml has been designed to provide accurate dosing in very small dogs (up to 5kg) for sedation and pre-medication, small to mid-size dogs (up to 20kg) for pre-medication, and small cats (up to 3kg) for sedation and pre-medication.
Ed Whittle MRCVS, technical consultant at Elanco Companion Animal Health said: "With nearly a quarter of dogs weighing less than 6kg and nearly three-quarters weighing less than 23.1kg1, Dexdomitor 0.1mg/ml is ideal for small animals that require low concentration doses of dexmedetomidine for convenient and accurate dosing".
Elanco has has also produced a sedation and pre-medication dosing guide to educate veterinary professionals on the recommended doses for its range of alpha-2 agonists and alpha-2 antagonists.
For further information contact your Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or email elancoCAH.uk@elanco.com.
The RCVS is to hold an online hustings on Tuesday, 19 March at 7pm to help voters decide who they wish to vote for in the upcoming RCVS Council elections, and is inviting members of the veterinary profession to suggest questions for the candidates to answer.
Gordon Hockey, RCVS Registrar said: "From feedback we've received, one of the reasons why people don't vote is because they know little about the candidates or their views. We hope this hustings will provide the candidates with a platform to address the veterinary electorate directly, and give voters the chance to put their own questions to those hoping to serve on Council."
The hustings will be run as a live webinar by 'The Webinar Vet' and will be free to listen to. However, the College says that due to the high number of candidates standing for election, it isn't possible to hold a debate, so questions should be submitted in advance (see below). Each candidate will be allocated around three minutes to introduce themselves and answer up to three questions of their choosing. The whole event will run for just under an hour.
Anthony Chadwick, who runs The Webinar Vet, will moderate proceedings, and Gordon Hockey will be on-hand to address any factual inaccuracies.
Veterinary surgeons can register to listen to the hustings at www.thewebinarvet.com/rcvs and submit their questions at the same time; alternatively, questions can be emailed to Ian Holloway at the RCVS (i.holloway@rcvs.org.uk).
Questions should be relevant to the role of the RCVS and the role of Council Members (see www.rcvs.org.uk/about). If questions should remain anonymous, please say so.
Ballot papers and candidates' biographies and manifestos are due to be posted on 7 March. Votes may be cast online, by text message or by post, by 5pm on Friday, 26 April 2013.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has reprimanded a veterinary surgeon for submitting a certificate of Clinical Inspection for Veterinary Inspectors ("TB52") for tuberculin tests he had undertaken on cattle, despite knowing that he had not fully complied with the standard operating procedures (SOP) for these tests.
At the outset of the three-day hearing, John Wilson admitted that, when acting as an Official Veterinarian (OV) he had not carried out tuberculin tests on cattle at a Wiltshire farm on 19 May 2011 strictly in accordance with the SOP required by the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA), an executive agency of Defra.
The admitted shortcomings were that on 19 May, the second day of testing, Mr Wilson had failed to confirm the identity of all the animals, failed to inspect the animals digitally (ie using his hands) and had not measured the fold of skin at the injection site of all the animals. The College argued that this was contrary to the directions of the AHVLA and, in subsequently signing the TB52 certificate, he was either dishonest or should have known that the certification was incorrect. Mr Wilson admitted that he ought to have known the certification was incorrect but denied dishonesty, because he believed that he had conducted the test in a satisfactory manner and had correctly identified all the reactors in the herd.
Mr Wilson was a veterinary surgeon of over 40 years experience and unblemished record, and the Committee found his account of events to be accurate and honest. He said the farm involved was unprepared and test arrangements were chaotic, with poor handling facilities, and he would have been concerned for the safety of the animals and their handlers if he had complied fully with the SOP. He had advised the farmer to delay the test but his advice was rejected.
The Committee accepted that the testing had been carried out under exceptional and difficult circumstances. It noted that Mr Wilson had identified a reactor and taken appropriate actions, knowing that the outcome would be the quarantining of the whole herd. He had made no financial or other gain, other than the nominal fee charged for the work. Although failing to comply with the SOP fell short of what was expected of a veterinary surgeon, because of these circumstances, and as he had acted in what he considered to be the best interests of the animals and personnel, these actions did not amount to serious professional misconduct.
The Committee found that, even allowing for these difficulties and concerns, in signing the TB52 certificate a few days later, without any qualification, Mr Wilson ought to have known that it was incorrect, and his actions fell far short of the standards expected of the veterinary profession. They did not however find that he had been dishonest.
The Committee stressed the importance attached to accurate and reliable certification, in maintaining the confidence of the public and the profession, and in ensuring animal welfare.
Professor Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the committee said: "The Committee is aware, as confirmed by AHVLA, that this is a single, isolated event and the first offence in some 40 years of the Respondent working as a LVI [local veterinary inspector] or OV. After considering all the mitigating factors.and, given the exceptional circumstances of this specific case, the decision of the Committee is to reprimand Mr Wilson."
A new study1 published in the Equine Veterinary Journal's (EVJ) special American Association of Equine Practitioners supplement has concluded that maggots can play an integral role in modern veterinary care for a variety of wounds in horses.
The study assessed the efficacy of maggot debridement therapy in a diversity of equine lesions and found that the method was beneficial in 93% of cases.
Maggots have been used for the treatment of wounds for hundreds of years. Freshly emerged, germ-free larvae of the common green bottle fly are usually used for the purpose. Their wound-healing action is attributed to a debridement effect, an antiseptic effect, a direct effect on cytokine and cell proliferation involved in wound healing and breakdown of biofilm formation. Maggots also destroy and digest bacteria and may also be beneficial in the fight against multi-drug-resistant bacteria such as MRSA.
The study involved the retrospective analysis of 41 horses with various lesions including foot injury, limb laceration, soft tissue abscesses and musculoskeletal infection. Depending on the type, size and location of the wound the maggots were applied either in direct or indirect contact. In some cases a second maggot application was necessary to reach the desired level of healing. Debridement, disinfection and healing occurred in all but three cases, in less than a week. Of the three that did not respond two were complicated by the presence of tumours and one by pre-existing damage to the underlying bone.
Olivier Lepage of the University of Lyon, who led the study, said: "These results show that maggot debridement therapy potentially has an integral place in modern veterinary wound care. It can be used to treat many types of lesions, although not those involving tumours or bone sequestration. Associated high costs present a limiting factor but maggot debridement therapy should certainly be considered for lesions that fail to respond to conventional methods."
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of the EVJ, said: "Horses often suffer from non-healing wounds, particularly in the limbs where the skin is under continuous movement and there is very little subcutaneous tissue. Although at first glance this study might seem counter-intuitive and we might think of maggots as being the last thing one would want on a clean wound, it shows that maggots can be an effective way to clear damaged tissue and this is an important adjunctive approach in equine wound management."
1The use of maggot debridement therapy in 41 equids OM Lepage, A Doumbia, MF Perron-Lepage and M Gangl. EVJ ISSN 0425-1644 DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00609.x
The study is published by Wiley-Blackwell and can be accessed at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00609.x/abstract
Vetoquinol - makers of the NSAID Cimalgex - has announced the launch of its updated website www.CiMyDog.co.uk.
The company says the website has been developed to provide reliable online information about pain in dogs to cater for the increasing needs of pet owners and vets.
The website has two sections. The first is a pet owner focussed, educational tool which takes the visitor on a journey through the process of pain; from spotting the signs of pain all the way through to ways of relieving pain, culminating in the recommendation that the visitor seeks advice from their veterinary practice.
The second section requires registration as it contains more in depth information on the pain process and potential treatment options available, this section is for veterinary professionals only. Also on this section of the website there are many scientific abstracts related to pain and treatment with links to enable the veterinary visitor can view this peer reviewed material.
Robert Simpson, Cimalgex Product Manager said: "The internet is a very powerful tool in terms of increasing education, especially in areas such as canine pain. Unfortunately there can also be a lot of misinformation online and so we felt it was important for Vetoquinol to try and redress the balance by producing www.CiMyDog.co.uk. This can be used as a reliable and up-to-date resource by pet owners and veterinary professionals alike. -
www.CiMyDog.co.uk is a very interactive site which aims to demystify the pain treatment process, ensure pet owners look out for behavioural signs of pain and looks to improve overall canine health with assistance from their veterinary practice. We hope that this will be a valuable resource to which vets can refer their pet owners."
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has refused an application for restoration to the Register by Mr Joseph Holmes, who was struck off in 2011 for serious professional misconduct associated with surgery he had carried out on a dog and two cats.
At a two-week Disciplinary Committee hearing that concluded on 14 January 2011, two separate complaints had been considered against Mr Holmes, formerly of Waltham Veterinary Clinic, Grimsby. These involved a total of 31 charges, of which 28 were found to amount to serious professional misconduct. Mr Holmes was found to have advised on and undertaken surgical procedures without sufficient clinical grounds or consideration of alternative treatment options; failed to obtain the informed consent of his clients; undertaken procedures outside his area of competence; failed to refer or discuss the option of referral to a specialist; and, failed to provide his patients with adequate pain relief.
The then-Committee directed Mr Holmes' name be removed from the Register, whereupon he appealed to the Privy Council, who dismissed his appeal on 22 December 2011, concluding that removal from the Register "was the only disposal which could properly reflect the primary need to serve both the interests of animal welfare and the reputation of the veterinary profession".
At the hearing last week the Committee considered several factors in relation to Mr Holmes' application for restoration. Although Mr Holmes gave assurances that he accepted the findings of the original hearing, this contrasted completely to the robust way in which he had challenged all of these at that hearing and the majority in his appeal. Mr Holmes had been off the Register for only 12 months - just over the minimum period before an application for restoral was permitted. The Committee took the view that the application was premature and was not satisfied that Mr Holmes truly appreciated the seriousness of the findings made against him.
In response to questions from the Committee, Mr Holmes showed deficiencies in his knowledge, such as not knowing all of the constituents of the human drug, Anadin Extra, in spite of having produced a record of continuing professional development (CPD) on analgesia and having prescribed it to a dog in the original complaint. He did not provide records of CPD for 2010, 2011 and 2012, and although recognising that working in isolation from the majority of his fellow practitioners had contributed to his failures, he had made very limited efforts to observe first-opinion veterinary practice.
The Committee accepted at face value Mr Holmes' statement that he had not worked as a veterinary surgeon whilst de-registered, and accepted that removal from the Register had had a profound effect on Mr Holmes and his family, including the sale of his practice. It noted that Mr Holmes produced only the testimonials previously submitted to the Privy Council, which were of limited scope.
Professor Peter Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee said: "Having regard to all the factors set out above, the Committee regrets that it is not satisfied that the applicant is fit to be restored to the Register. Accordingly, the application is refused."