Veterinary News Headlines

    Zoetis launches new 4ml vial of Convenia

    Zoetis has launched a 4ml vial of the antibiotic, Convenia. Zoetis says Convenia gives veterinary surgeons control by providing an assured injectable treatment course, relieving clients of the burden of daily dosing. This avoids missed or mistimed...

    RCVS says no blanket ban following Chikosi case

    Following the outcry from the profession over the disciplinary hearing into Mr M Chikosi , the RCVS' new Operational Board has clarified the the College's position on the use of blankets to move animals. The hearing found Munhuwepasi Chikosi guilty...

    Norwich vet struck off for insurance fraud

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed that the name of a veterinary surgeon who formerly practised in Norwich should be removed from the Register, having found him unfit to practise veterinary surgery following his Crown Court conviction for...
  • Veterinary surgeons denounce homeopathy

    In the week that Prince Charles has become embroiled in another row about the use of homeopathy in the NHS, British veterinary surgeons have denounced its use for the treatment of pets and other animals. In a survey of veterinary surgeons carried...

    BCF publishes new bovine foetal sexing quick guide

    BCF has released a new bovine foetal sexing quick guide as a free download from the farm animal learning section of the company's website - . To help vets learn the skill of foetal sex determination with ultrasound, the guide...

    Zoetis launches natural joint supplement for horses

    Zoetis, formerly Pfizer Animal Health, has launched Flexi4, a nutritional supplement for horses containing a patented combination of natural plant extracts designed to help maintain joint flexibility and the management of joint pain. Flexi4 contains...

    Horse owners need to understand dewormer resistance

    A new study, published in the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ) 1 has concluded that whilst horse owners are increasingly looking to vets for worm control advice and use faecal worm egg counts more frequently, they remain largely unaware of the threat...
  • New call to scrutinise vets' conflict of interest over exotics

    An article by Consultant Biologist Clifford Warwick DipMedSci CBiol CSci EurProBiol FOCAE FSB in the current issue of the Journal of AWSELVA (the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association) is calling for greater scrutiny of the...

    Purina launches Fortiflora veterinary support pack

    Purina has launched a FortiFlora veterinary support pack designed to help veterinary professionals advice owners about their pet's intestinal health and balance. The support package includes a "Training Toolbox" with Lunch and Learn sessions to...

    Northants veterinary nurse suspended for keeping patient

    The RCVS Registered Veterinary Nurse Disciplinary Committee has suspended a Northants-based registered veterinary nurse who admitted to acting dishonestly with her employer, a client and a pet database company by taking home a patient that was supposed...

    Zoetis relaunches treatment for clinical mastitis

    Zoetis has relaunched a broad spectrum intramammary treatment for clinical mastitis, as Lincocin Forte S. For vets seeking to prescribe an alternative first-choice tube, independent mastitis authority Dr Andrew Bradley suggests it could be a logical...

    Freelance Surgical offers laparoscopy set up for £10K

    Freelance Surgical Ltd has announced a limited offer under which it will supply all of the instrumentation and capital equipment required for a veterinary practice to set up a new laparoscopy service, for £10,000 +VAT The company says it has seen...

    Dog Awareness Week to highlight attacks on posties

    The Royal Mail has launched Dog Awareness Week (15th-19th July) to raise awareness of dog attacks on Royal Mail's postmen and women, and appeal to dog owners to keep animals under control when the postman calls. The Royal Mail says dog attacks...

    BCF launches revolutionary new digital radiography system

    BCF Technology has launched the Cuattro Small Animal DR, a digital radiography system which it describes as 'revolutionary for the small animal veterinary practice'. BCF says the system transforms small animal practices' imaging function, producing...
  • Vets Now responds to RCVS DC ruling on Munhuwepasi Chikosi

    Vets Now has published a response to the RCVS DC ruling in which Munhuwepasi Chikosi, a locum working for the company, was struck off for delaying an emergency OOH home visit . The response is available in full here:

    BVA worried about job security for new grads

    The British Veterinary Association has expressed concern about an increasing trend towards temporary contracts for new graduates following the release of headline figures of a survey by the Institute for Employment Studies on behalf of the RCVS ....

    Parasitologist says profession has vital role in preventing zoonotic disease in children

    Maggie Fisher MRCVS, the parasitologist and chairman of ESCCAP (European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites), has highlighted studies which demonstrate an association between the common parasite, Toxocara spp. and human disease, and has...

    RCVS Charitable Trust is now RCVS Knowledge

    The RCVS Charitable Trust, has announced a complete rebranding that includes a change of name - RCVS Knowledge - and the refocus of its mission on supporting the flourishing evidence based veterinary medicine (EBVM) movement across the globe. ...

    Job prospects for vets unchanged despite increase in graduates

    The RCVS has released the results of a survey which has found that increasing numbers of graduates over the last five years have had little impact on veterinary job prospects. The survey was carried out for the RCVS by the Institute for Employment...
  • Somerset vet struck off following multiple complaints

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed that Somerset-based veterinary surgeon Dr Marcus Hutber be removed from the Register, having found him guilty of serious professional misconduct following multiple complaints made against him. During...

    BEVA says: too many equine vets; not enough horses

    The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) has released the results of a survey carried out earlier this year which has found that there may be up to 5 times as many veterinary graduates wanting to work in equine practice as there are jobs available...

    Vets Now publishes emergency guidelines for owners

    Vets Now has produced a new set of guidelines for pet owners about how to deal with the top 10 emergency situations seen by the out-of-hours care provider. The guidelines are presented as an infographic - which is free to download from the Vets Now...
  • RCVS responds to outcry over DC case

    The RCVS has responded to the outcry sparked by the Disciplinary Committee striking off a veterinary surgeon that delayed an out-of-hours home visit to a dog that had been run over by its owner, a farmer. The RCVS response addresses three main issues...

    RCVS amends microchipping and client confidentiality guidance

    Guidance for veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses on client confidentiality and microchipping has been amended by the RCVS. The amendments deal with situations when a client presents an animal registered in another person's name, and a new...

    Vétoquinol launches improved epilepsy support materials

    Vétoquinol - maker of Epiphen, the anti-epileptic phenobarbital for the control of epilepsy in dogs - has added a new client brochure and a fridge magnet to its Epiphen support packs, designed to help owners understand the condition and make it easier...