The RCVS Operational Board has announced that it will ask Council to review its decision to remove postgraduate postnominals from the Register, following the largely negative response from the profession to the idea, including a petition from Derbyshire surgeon, Victoria Lilley.
The original decision was made by Council in June 2012 as part of a package of measures aimed at developing clarity around postgraduate skills and knowledge.
The College says that the removal of postgraduate postnominals from the Register was intended to help dispel confusion amongst the public and some members of the profession about the level of various qualifications, by introducing the Advanced Practitioner status alongside the existing Specialist list.
Chairman of the Operational Board, CEO Nick Stace, said: "Over the last few days we have listened to the disquiet amongst the profession - which has included direct contact with staff and Operational Board members, a petition and discussion on fora and social media - and feel that we should address some misunderstandings but also give Council the opportunity to review the decision at its 5 June meeting.
"Many good points have been made by members of the profession and I am pleased that the Operational Board has agreed to reflect on them and consider whether there is a better way to achieve the clarity we were seeking for the public and the profession.
"The introduction of Advanced Practitioner status is a positive move for both the profession and the public, and underlines the College's commitment to lifelong learning.
"It is important to have the profession's support for the direction we are taking in advancing standards across the sector."
The College has also provided some Q&A's concerning the original decision made by Council in 2012, as follows.
Bayer Animal Health has launched a new marketing campaign for Drontal that celebrates the special roles pets play in people's lives.
As part of the campaign, the company has carried out research amongst 2,000 cat and dog owners to discover how owning a pet changes behaviour and positively impacts their daily routine.
The survey found that 76% of dog owners say their four-legged friend is like a personal trainer that motivates them to take exercise, with one in four saying they've lost weight since getting their pet. Of these, one in ten say they've lost half a stone or more.
As part of the Special Roles campaign, Bayer has launched a competition to find the nation's most interesting pets. People can upload their favourite pet photo and explain what it is that makes their animal so important to them. The winner of the Special Roles competition will be chosen on the 31st July by a judging panel which includes the editors of Your Cat and Your Dog magazines.
The winner will receive £500 as well as the chance to appear in a Drontal advertorial. The two runners-up will be decided by public vote and will receive £250 worth of vouchers to spend in Pets at Home. Entries to the competition can be submitted here:
The Special Roles theme is being supported by a new TV and print advertising campaign that celebrates the role our pets play in our lives. The ad communicates the importance of regular worming with Drontal, with the tagline: "It's their job to be special, it's our job to keep them that way". The print and TV campaign will run for 2 weeks, from 14th April.
Kathrin Tetzner from Bayer said: "The Special Roles campaign for Drontal celebrates the joy, love and humour pets bring to our lives, while reminding owners that it is their responsibility to keep them happy and healthy in whatever role they play. The Special Roles competition will give pet owners nationwide the chance to show off their pet's special role and help us celebrate a nation of happy and healthy pets."
The British Association of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care has released the results of a survey into practitioners attitudes to 24-7 and OOH home visits.
360 veterinary surgeons took part in the survey, nearly all of whom have been practising for more than 2 years. 70% work in small animal practice, 12% at a dedicated OOH provider, and the bulk of the remainder in referral or mixed practice. 81% described the work they do as small animal first opinion, and 76% were employees. 35% said they had already responded to the RCVS call for evidence on the provision of 24/7 emergency cover.
26% said they work for a practice that outsources its OOH to a dedicated provider, and more than 85% of those said they would not return to an on-call system.
In terms of dedicated out-of-hours providers, a clear pattern emerged. Namely those practitioners who outsource their OOH feel that patient care, staff safety and professional well-being are all enhanced by dedicated OOH services, but that dedicated OOH comes at a cost of reduced value for money for the pet owner. Customer service between the different OOH provisions is perceived to be similar (on-call better 25%, same 48%, and dedicated better 27%).
Among those practitioners who work for a dedicated OOH service, dedicated OOH services perform best in all categories. 68% responded that OOH customer service is better with a dedicated OOH service compared to an on-call system (12% responded that on-call provided better customer service on average). 44% responded that customer value for money was better with dedicated OOH service compared to 19% who responded that customer value for money was on average better with an on-call system.
Among those practitioners who do their own on-call, customer service and value for money were perceived to be better with an on-call system (42% v 26% and 61% v 15% respectively). In the other categories dedicated OOH services again out-performed an on-call system.
Whether routine or emergency, 'owner demands' were felt to be the biggest reason for home visit requests (41% and 30% respectively). However, 'genuine clinical need' was the main reason cited by 19% of respondents as the main reason for emergency home visits. Inability to move the animal was given as the main reason by a further 28%.
Participants in the survey were asked to score (out of 10) how much their decision to perform a home visit was affected by the threat of a complaint, either to their employer or to the RCVS. Interestingly, 37% said a complaint to their employer weighed heavily on the decision (ranking it 8 or higher) where, by comparison, 52% said the threat of a complaint to the College ranked 8 or higher in their decision making.
69% of respondents said they make visits alone, either sometimes or always. When asked if they had ever felt threatened whilst performing an OOH visit, 48% said yes. This compared to 23% who said that they had felt threatened when performing a visit in normal hours.
When asked to rank (out of 10) the stress home visits cause, 7% said none at all and 36% said 8 or above.
72% said they believe that the profession should continue to be obligated to provide 24/7 for animals.
Respondents were then asked to say whether they support or disagree with the suggestion that the need to perform house visits is removed from the CoPC. 59% were strongly for the idea (scoring it up to 3), compared to 22% who were strongly against it (scoring it 8 or above).
Opinions about whether the College should clarify the need to perform house visits was far more clear cut. 77% strongly supported clarification (scored up to 3), whereas only 16% said there was no need (scored 8 or above).
However, an overwhelming 93% said that they would continue to perform visits in the case of genuine clinical need even if the Code of Professional Conduct was changed to make it dear that there was no risk of disciplinary action for not attending off-site.
Eli Lilly and Company, which owns Elanco Animal Health, has announced an agreement to acquire Novartis Animal Health for approximately $5.4 billion in cash.
Lilly says that on completion of the deal, Elanco will be the second-largest animal health company in terms of global revenue. It will also solidify its number two ranking in the U.S., and improve its position in Europe and the rest of the world.
As part of the agreement, Lilly will acquire Novartis Animal Health's nine manufacturing sites, six dedicated research and development facilities, a global commercial infrastructure with a portfolio of approximately 600 products, a pipeline with more than 40 projects in development, and an experienced team of more than 3,000 employees.
The transaction is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2015, subject to clearance under the U.S. Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, similar requirements outside the U.S., and other customary closing conditions.
John C. Lechleiter, Ph.D., Lilly's chairman, president and chief executive officer said: "Animal health continues to represent an attractive growth opportunity for Lilly. We intend to keep Elanco and to take advantage of the substantial synergies between our animal health and human health businesses.
"Significant investments in our animal health business in recent years have enabled Elanco to double its revenue since 2008, leading the industry in growth. Global trends suggest continued sustained demand for animal health products in the years ahead. Through this acquisition, which moves Elanco to top-tier in the industry, we intend to create value for our shareholders by adding to our promising pipeline of innovative animal health assets, increasing sales through a larger commercial footprint, and improving efficiencies and lowering costs."
Derbyshire surgeon Victoria Lilley BVSc CertSAM MRCVS has launched a petition calling on the RCVS to abandon its plans to remove Certificate and Diploma holders' post nominals from the RCVS Register at
Under the current plan, which followed a consultation in 2011 and a submission to Council in 2012, the College will only distinguish the new "Advanced Practitioners" and "RCVS Recognised Specialists" in the Register from some time after the autumn. Vets with old-style RCVS Certificates can apply for "Advanced Practitioner" status but must complete module A of the CertAVP or 100 hours of equivalent CPD and pay £50 to apply, plus £110 per year to maintain the status.
Victoria said: "I want to spread the word that this is happening, as I don't feel the RCVS has publicised it well enough. I did my certificate in practice, it was a lot of hard work and I feel that the RCVS removing my CertSAM post-nominals from the register undermines this. Whilst I acknowledge that I could apply for "Advanced Practitioner" status, I strongly feel that spending a large proportion of my CPD time and budget learning about ethics and public safety is not going to help me improve my small animal medicine knowledge or skills. I also don't feel that I should be penalised by having to pay to be an "Advanced Practitioner" when the Royal College should be supportive of vets who undertake further study. My biggest objection is to post-nominals being removed from the register, which I feel is very unfair."
Speaking at the RCVS's online Question Time on, RCVS Treasurer and Vice-President-elect Dr Bradley Viner said: "To clarify the situation with the Register: the Register no longer goes out to members routinely as a printed document. It is now primarily online, and in line with other regulators such as the GMC, the only information that is in the official part of Register is whether that person is a Member or a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and their registrable qualifications, in other words the primary qualification they achieved which entitled them to become a Member or Fellow of the Royal College.
"But we are certainly not going to be inhibiting people from using their post-nominals freely. They can use any of the post-nominals that they have achieved as long as they are not misleading.
"But I think there is confusion between a qualification and a status. A qualification is something that you obtain and you've got for life, and of course the old style Certificate is one of those, the new RCVS CertAVP is another. A status is something that a qualification within our context might enable you to attain, but it is something that has to be maintained.
"So what is going to be happening, hopefully from autumn this year, is that in line with the recommendations of the Specialisation Working Party, [there will be] an extra tier. So there will be Practitioners, there will be Advanced Practitioners and there will be RCVS Recognised Specialists, and there will be lists of those available via the Royal College. An Advanced Practitioner will be somebody who has a relevant qualification in the area of their advanced practice, and that may well be an old-style Certificate, certainly the CertAVP but there are also other qualifications which can also be relevant and used for that purpose. But they also have to prove that they are working actively in that area of practice, and they have an advanced requirement for CPD.
"Now in the case of old style RCVS Certificate holders, that qualification will be in line with the qualification they require to be listed as an Advanced Practitioner, but within the first three years they will have to show that they have either done the RCVS A module which is part of the new RCVS Certificate, or have done work that is equivalent to that in various areas such as communications, teamworking and personal and professional development, because we think from a Royal College point of view that it is really important that those areas are included within the Advanced Practitioner Status."
To sign the petition, visit:
The Privy Council has overturned an RCVS Disciplinary Committee to strike Leeds-based Dr Gary Samuel MRCVS from the Register following his conviction for theft, common assault and a public order offence at Cardiff Magistrates' Court in November 2011.
The Disciplinary Committee had agreed the sanction following a hearing in February 2013, at which it decided that Dr Samuel's conviction made him unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
Dr Samuel appealed the decision and the Privy Council heard the case on 26th March.
Dr Samuel had been sentenced by Cardiff Magistrates' Court to concurrent terms of 28 days' imprisonment for theft and common assault and 12 weeks' imprisonment for the public order offence, all suspended for 12 months. He had also been ordered to carry out 140 hours' unpaid work and to pay compensation of £75 and costs of £625. The charges related to an incident involving Dr Samuel and his neighbour, described by the Privy Council as "a spontaneous outburst in the course of an angry quarrel between neighbours", for which it felt that the Disciplinary Committee's sanction of removal from the Register was "disproportionately severe."
The Privy Council felt that, in making its decision, the Disciplinary Committee followed too closely the verdict reached by the Magistrates' Court, and did not take mitigating circumstances sufficiently into account, including whether the attack by Dr Samuel on his neighbour had been provoked by racial abuse.
Delivering the Privy Council's judgment, Lord Toulson said: "It is apparent from the reasons given by the Committee, both on the question of fitness to practise and on the question of sanction, that it was considerably influenced by the fact that the magistrates imposed a suspended prison sentence.
"Although Dr Samuel pleaded guilty to the theft of the camera and he was not in entitled to go behind his plea, it is nevertheless difficult to understand on the evidence how the prosecution would have proved that there was an intent permanently to deprive [the victim] of it. In all the circumstances, it is hard to conceive that the court would have considered that the offences truly passed the custodial threshold for a person of good character, if it had not had the power to suspend the sentence... Dr Samuel's conduct was thoroughly reprehensible, but the Board [Privy Council] does not consider that its gravity was such that it would be in the interests of the public now to remit the case to the Committee".
Dr Gary Samuel will not now be removed from the Register
The Privy Council's judgment can be read in full at
Supreme Petfoods is calling on veterinary surgeons and nurses to take part in its 'Think Rabbit Month' campaign coming up in May.
The campaign is designed to attract more rabbit and guinea pig owners into practices.
Over 500 UK vet practices took part in the campaign last year and, according to the company, many used the opportunity to raise awareness about their rabbit healthcare services, such as dental checks and vaccination programs.
In the run up to Think Rabbit Month, Supreme has published the 'Think Rabbit Virtual Manual', a guide which shows how to make veterinary practices more rabbit friendly. It is now free to download from Supreme's website. In addition, there are a range of goodie bag giveaways, money off vouchers, care guides and food samples for clients, together with educational material to promote best practice care.
Participating practices can display the Think Rabbit 'Small Furry Promise' certificate, posters for the waiting room and can register for the 'Happy Hoppers Club' - a scheme that brings vets and pet owners together to promote small furry welfare.
The event is backed by RCVS Exotics Specialist, Molly Varga who said: "I'd encourage all vet practices to take part in Think Rabbit Month this May to help improve the health and welfare of the nation's rabbits and guinea pigs."
Vets and nurses are also being encouraged to help promote the national 'Rabbit Habits' survey to learn more about how owners care for their pets. The results will be shared with the profession in due course.
For more information, visit:
The WSAVA is calling on veterinary surgeons and nurses to volunteer to help with outreach projects in Africa in September 2014.
The projects are part of a new initiative from WSAVA called the 'WSAVA Global Outreach', which is designed to help share the knowledge and experience of its members more widely around the world.
The first two projects will take place as an extension of the WSAVA World Congress in Cape Town, from 16th-19th September:
The WSAVA-SAVA Community Veterinary Clinics ProgrammeThe WSAVA is also offering the opportunity for ten veterinary surgeons registered to attend World Congress to volunteer for a five day placement working with the South African Veterinary Association's Community Veterinary Clinic (SAVA-CVC). They will assist with a range of activities including running mobile veterinary clinics and providing basic care such as vaccination and parasite treatments. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to carry out basic diagnostics and treatment including neutering.
WSAVA President Colin Burrows said: "WSAVA Global Outreach is a vehicle to enable us to create a lasting legacy in every region which hosts World Congress because, if we all work together, we can help to build a better future everyone in the profession."
Further details on how to apply for both volunteer programmes can be found at
The BSAVA has released the final figures showing that 6,331 veterinary surgeons, nurses, practice managers and students attended the event, up from 6,178 in 2013.
Outgoing BSAVA President Professor Michael Day was delighted that so many attended. He said: "What continues to set BSAVA Congress apart is simply 'quality'. The quality of the faultless organisation, the quality of the scientific content, and the quality of our exhibition and incomparable social programme."
A few other numbers from Congress this year included:
Sunday saw the inauguration of the new BSAVA President Katie McConnell. She said: "Like so many previous presidents, I look back on my early volunteering days with deep affection but it would have been a great surprise to my earlier self to be told that one day I would be the BSAVA President.
"During my presidential year I would like to meet as many BSAVA members as I can, hopefully in their own regions. I plan to travel to regional BSAVA continuing education meetings, not to stand up and lecture but to listen to individual members and find out what the BSAVA means to them. The BSAVA is run by members for members and the only way to shape its work is to become engaged with it."
Petplan has announced the winners of its annual Veterinary Awards.
The awards recognise and celebrate staff and practices throughout the country who have delivered an exceptional level of care, going above and beyond the call of duty in keeping the nation's pets healthy and owners happy.
Suzanne Cheadle, Petplan's Acting Head of Marketing said: "As the leader in the pet insurance market for over 36 years, we have a rich history of working with veterinary practices across the UK. The Petplan Veterinary Awards recognise and celebrate the fantastic work that goes on across those practices."
She added: "This year saw over 12,000 nominations which demonstrates the appetite from both staff and clients for celebrating exceptional work. We had a wonderful selection of first class finalists and I'd like to congratulate all the winners who thoroughly deserve their awards."
The winners for each category are:
VET OF THE YEAR: Hector Low, Old Mill Veterinary Practice, Isle-of-LewisThe judges said: "What really stood out was Hector's dedication to the profession and how he moved his practice to a new premises so it could offer better facilities and a wider range of services for animals and owners alike. He has always got his clients and their pets at the forefront of all his decisions and is truly passionate about his role within the profession". VET NURSE OF THE YEAR: Tina Wright, Warbeck House Veterinary Centre, MerseysideThe judges said: "Tina is particularly responsible for setting up an Ear Care Club for animals at the centre who suffer from recurrent ear problems, which she has put her heart and soul into over the last year, while also tutoring student veterinary nurses and running puppy socialisation classes which have proved hugely popular among clients. Tina is a shining example of how vital the role of the vet nurse is when delivering outstanding service to clients and their pets. She is enthusiastic, passionate and always puts her clients' needs first". PRACTICE SUPPORT STAFF OF THE YEAR: Henrietta Fidler, Beech House Veterinary Centre, SurreyThe judges said: "Henrietta is somebody who loves her role within the veterinary profession, thriving on the interaction she has between both the clients and animals. She has nurtured and developed strong and solid client relationships as well as good working relationships with her colleagues. If there is anything that the Veterinary Awards highlights, it is that team work is a vital part of the job, and Henrietta is proof of that". PRACTICE OF THE YEAR: The Vets' Place, CheshireThe judges saiod: "Wendy and Michael Hough set up their practice, The Vets' Place, from scratch in 2009. Since then, the practice has grown from strength to strength. As a small practice they have plenty of opportunity to really get to know their individual clients and their pets and have built strong relationships that their customers value. The Vet's Place is a shining example of the exceptional service a practice can deliver". PRACTICE MANAGER OF THE YEAR: Sharon Lane-Kieltyka, Shepton Veterinary Group Ltd, SomersetThe judges said: "Sharon is a people person through and through which feeds the passion she has for a role that extends beyond the care of clients and their pets. Sharon has overseen a large scale building project that saw the practice double in size and been a key driver in the recent rebranding of the practice, highlighting not only her steadfast can-do attitude, but her ability to drive change in the interest of her clients. Her enthusiasm for the industry is something to be admired".
The Sutton Bonington Campus, home of the University of Nottingham's School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, has raised £610 for Sport Relief with its annual Science Cake Competition.
There were thirty entries to the competition, in categories which included Animals & Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Infection, 'Nerdy' Science, Plants, Crops & Environment, and Veterinary Medicine.
A special category this year was 'Cakes for Animals', which Emily Blight, an undergraduate vet student, organised for a panel of dogs to judge on tastiness.
The winner of the public vote was 'What came first, the chicken or the cake?' (pictured right), whilst the overall winner was Alex Burgess with ‘Dave’s Allotment’.
One of the judges, Dr Mike Jones said: "Choosing the winner was extremely hard. Every cake had its own specific merits be it the execution of the design, through to the novelty of ingredients and ideas or how they fitted into the categories." He added that he "was almost put off jelly beans for life - they will be forever associated with sheep back sides."
The cakes are all on display here.
The RCVS has announced that nominations are now open for the Veterinary Nursing Golden Jubilee Award 2014, an an honour which recognises those who have made an outstanding contribution to the veterinary nursing profession.
Nominations can be made until 1 May 2014 and this year the College is looking for nominees who have made an exceptional contribution to the profession, animal welfare or patient care - whether in clinical practice, education, research or politics. Nominees can be registered or listed veterinary nurses, veterinary surgeons or lay people.
Kathy Kissick, Chair of VN Council, said: "With this award we are looking for someone who can be an excellent ambassador for the veterinary nursing profession; who has made a real and substantial difference to the profession; and who can raise its profile and fight its corner.
"I would urge all those who are passionate about the profession and its future to put forward someone who they think is deserving of this honour."
The award was launched in 2011 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first RCVS veterinary nursing training scheme. The first recipient of the award was Jean Turner, while Sue Badger received the accolade in 2012.
The nomination form for the award can be downloaded from which also features a video of Kathy Kissick talking about its importance. Alternatively, you can view the video on
The nominators must be registered/listed veterinary nurses or veterinary surgeons but the two additional proposers can be lay people.
For further information about the award please contact Annette Amato, Deputy Head of Veterinary Nursing, on 020 7202 0713 or
Ceva Animal Health has announced the winners of its 2014 Animal Welfare Awards. The awards recognise volunteers, charity workers and veterinary professionals who have gone the extra mile in improving animal welfare around the world. Winners were decided by a panel of industry professionals, including Christopher Laurence MBE BVSc and Claire Bessant of International Cat Care.
The winners of the 2014 Ceva Animal Welfare Awards were as follows:Christopher Laurence Vet of the Year AwardMarc Abraham, veterinary surgeon and founder of Pup Aid, for his tireless campaigning about puppy farming. He recently gathered more than the 100,000 names required to trigger a parliamentary debate about puppy farming in a record breaking six months.
Volunteer of the Year Welfare AwardJohanna Beumer from Whittingham Kennels, Essex, for dedicating the last 50 years of her life to finding loving homes for retired racing greyhounds. Joanna is one of the Retired Greyhound Trust's longest-serving volunteers.
Farm Animal Welfare AwardMolly McKay from Norfolk Farm Vets Ltd, Norfolk, for her tireless work to ensure the health and wellbeing of her farm animal patients.
Charity Professional of the YearLuke Gamble MRCVS from the Worldwide Veterinary Service, for raising awareness about animal welfare and in particular his recent work in launching Mission Rabies, a worldwide campaign to highlight this issue and bring about control.
Charity Team of the YearHope Rescue, a small charity dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned dogs. Last year it successfully rehomed 143 dogs and on top of that placed a further 384 dogs with reputable rescues.
Welfare Nurse of the Year AwardJodie Foster from Haygate Veterinary Centre, Muxton, for her work helping owners whose pets have behavioural problems, and organising blood drives for the Pet Blood bank.
International Cat Care Welfare AwardAgnes Dufau from Plataforma Gatera for her work to ensure the welfare of cats in Spain.
Jodie Foster said: "I didn't even know I had been nominated until very recently so I'm still in shock! I'm loving every minute of the night though. Awards like these really help raise awareness of the work veterinary nurses and other veterinary professionals play in improving animal welfare."
Upon receiving their award, Vanessa Waddon of Hope Rescue, winners of the Charity Team of the Year Award, said: "We are so proud to have been recognised for all the hard work that our volunteers and one paid member of staff do. We are a very small charity, and it is amazing to have been picked as winners over hundreds of other larger charities, all deserving of awards for the fantastic work they do in animal welfare. Even though we are a small charity, we do try to make a big impact and it is wonderful that Ceva are here in recognition of the important work that smaller charities, like Hope Rescue, do."
Ceva Managing Director, Alan Doyle said: "The judging panel were overwhelmed by the quality of the entries we received this year. It is truly wonderful to read so many stories about honourable people dedicating their time to improve the welfare of animals both in the UK and internationally. The judges had a tough time whittling down the short list as there were so many well-deserved entries; however we are pleased with the final result."
Claire Bessant CEO of International Cat Care adds: "I began my charity career more than 20 years ago and I only wish awards like these one had existed then as the wonderful work that these people do needs celebrating. Ceva's Animal Welfare Awards provide a real insight into the lengths people are prepared go to improve animal welfare. The stories were both tear jerking and inspiring - each and every one deserves to be a winner."
Vétoquinol has launched a competition to promote its NSAID Cimalgex, in which a veterinary surgeon or nurse will win (get this) an Aston Martin DB9.
In addition, Vétoquinol will be offering the winner a day's performance driving course at the Millbrook Proving Ground and £1,000 towards the costs of insurance.
To enter you need to answer some questions relating to Cimalgex. Until the end of BSAVA Congress, you can do this at the Cimalgex stand (821). Thereafter, you can enter the competition by visiting: and answering the same questions online.
This competition will close and the winner will be announced on the last day of London Vet Show 2014.
Robert Simpson, Cimalgex Product Manager said: "Giving this beautiful DB9 to a vet or nurse in the UK is an incredibly exciting opportunity. This competition stands out as one of the most sensational and audacious I have heard of in the veterinary industry and hopefully it will create a lot of fun and excitement both at BSAVA and beyond."
The RCVS is calling on veterinary surgeons and students, and listed or registered veterinary nurses to complete its Survey of the Professions 2014.
The four-yearly, confidential survey provides the College with data that helps it develop policy, plan its activities and respond to questions from stakeholders such as government and the media.
The survey aims to find out more about individuals' employment type and experiences, working patterns and professional development. It also asks about aspirations for the short- and long-term and current views on the veterinary profession.
Questions are also asked about mental health and well-being, using the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale. The data will be used to track the mental well-being of the profession at a population level over successive years - a process that started with the 2010 survey - which will feed into other work being carried out across the profession.
Finally, the survey includes a set of questions about 24/7 emergency cover, the answers to which will feed into the RCVS Standards Committee's current evidence-gathering exercise.
This year the survey, which is being carried out by the Institute for Employment Studies, will only be available online. All those for whom the RCVS has a personal email address (ie not 'info@' or similar) have been sent a participation request. Others will be sent a letter, including the survey URL. Those who do not receive this letter by Monday 14 April should contact Lizzie Lockett, on or 020 7202 0725.
The deadline for completion of the survey is 30 April.
Novartis Animal Health has announced the launch of Strenzen, an oral water medication for pigs, indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections caused by Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens and Salmonella Typhimurium, and for respiratory tract infections caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida and Streptococcus suis.
Strenzen contains contains a combination of amoxicillin trihydrate (500 mg/g) and potassium clavulanate (125 mg/g) in ratio of 4:1. Novartis says it is ideally suited for the treatment of post-weaning infections in pigs.
According to the company, the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid broadens the performance of amoxicillin1,2, especially against resistant strains of bacteria capable of producing ß-lactamase enzymes. Certain bacteria are able to produce ß-lactamase enzymes as a protection mechanism, making the amoxicillin molecule ineffective against them. The clavulanic acid in Strenzen binds to the molecules of the ß-lactamase enzyme, ensuring the amoxicillin remains unaffected and free to attack bacteria. Prof. Dominiek Maes, DVM, MSc, MS, PhD, Dipl. ECVPH, Dipl. ECPHM, from the Porcine Health Management Unit of the Ghent University, Belgium said: "Weaning is a stressful event for piglets and there are several opportunistic diseases that can impact them during this period. The challenge with E. coli and S. suis infections is that in many countries there are currently no commercial vaccines available with proper efficacy. I believe Strenzen can indeed be very helpful in managing those infections which are so prevalent after weaning."
Novartis says Strenzen is rapidly excreted, leading to a withdrawal period of one day, which in turn maximizes production flexibility for pig producers. In addition, the water-soluble formulation of Strenzen ensures that treated pigs get a therapeutic dose even when they stop eating, making it an ideal treatment for sick pigs with compromised appetites.
Recent field trials on infected farms in Spain and the Czech Republic demonstrated that Strenzen-treated pigs give better production performance, better economic returns and require less medical intervention3,4,5. The reduction of the overall amount of antibiotics needed to treat severe post-weaning infections not only saves producers the costs of the labour and the medication, but is also important in regard to the development of resistance in bacteria.
Dr. Ulrich Klein, Global Technical Services Manager, Novartis Animal Health said: "With the launch of Strenzen, Novartis Animal Health demonstrates its commitment to continually broadening our product portfolio to address the specific needs of farmers and food producers. Strenzen has the ideal spectrum for the treatment of post-weaning infections, delivering better productivity results than current therapies for those infections."
The 2014 Vet Charity Challenge is now open and teams can register via the website at
The event takes place on Saturday 27th September at St Francis School, Pewsey, near Marlborough in Wiltshire. The day consists of teams of four taking part in walking/running, cycling and kayaking, some orienteering as well as some mental and physical tasks. All the time trying to gain as many points as possible. Last year the event raised over £50,000 for the three selected animal based charities. In 2014 the charities being supported are Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, SPANA and Cats Protection.
Gavin Mitchell from BCF Technology said: "Interest in the Vet Charity Challenge was so great last year that we had teams on a waiting list. To ensure your team gets a place we highly recommend that you register your team on the website early. We will be entering five teams from BCF this year, such is the demand from our own staff."
Andrew Groom from Kruuse added: "The Vet Charity Challenge is a great event. Helping you build your team within your veterinary practice, acting as a goal for those that want to become a bit fitter, encouraging training together over the summer months. It is great fun and also raises considerable sums of money for some really deserving charities. Don't delay, get your teams together and register now on the website. The event is designed for all levels of fitness. It is not the fittest team that wins, but the team that works the best together."
The Dogs Trust has officially launched the Free Microchipping Through Vets Campaign through which all owners can get their dog microchipped free of charge through participating veterinary practices.
Microchipping becomes compulsory for all dogs in England in April 2016 and Wales in March 2015, and with 20% of dogs in the UK still unchipped, the charity says it thinks demand for the procedure is likely to be significant over the coming year.
1500 practices have already joined the year-long campaign, as part of which they will be given free microchips in exchange for implanting them at no cost to the owner. The charity says it hopes that up to 75% of the UK's 3075 practices will have joined the campaign within the next few weeks.
Clarissa Baldwin, Chief Executive of Dogs Trust, said: "We are delighted about the proposed new legislation and see it as the start of a very positive movement. From April 2016 in England and March 2015 in Wales it will be compulsory for each and every dog to be microchipped on first change of hands which represents a significant step forward for dog welfare and responsible dog ownership. To show its support for the implementation of this legislation, Dogs Trust is teaming up with vets to make sure that all dog owners can have the procedure done for free. We'd like to say a huge thank you to the vet practices already supporting the campaign and urge others to come on board. An essential element to the success of microchipping is for dog owners to take responsibility for updating their details with the database should their circumstances change.
"Last year 111,986 stray and abandoned dogs were picked up by Local Authorities across the UK, with only 40% reunited with their owners. This initiative will help to reduce that number dramatically."
To join the campaign vet practices should contact Dogs Trust at
Ceva Animal Health has launched a series of puppy training films to educate dog owners on new puppy ownership, from buying through to training.
The three films, which are available to view in the puppy section of are presented by the leading dog trainer and behaviourist Carolyn Menteith and senior veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, Sarah Endersby. The films, which range in length from 5 to 25 minutes, are entitled 'How to pick the right puppy', 'General healthcare of your puppy' and a 'Practical guide to basic training with your puppy'.
The first film - 'How to pick the right puppy' - features information on how to look for a puppy using adoption centres and Kennel Club registered breeders and the considerations to take into account when choosing a dog. These include how much exercise different breeds require, grooming (for example would an owner like a long or short haired dog) and whether a particular breed of dog is good with children. The first film also advises new dog owners on preparing a home for a new puppy and the equipment that they may wish to buy.
The second film - 'General healthcare of your puppy' - consists of information on how to settle a puppy when it is brought home and how to choose puppy classes. It also features details on vaccinations, keeping control of fleas and worms and diet, together with educating dog owners about toilet training their new pet and the importance of socialisation and habituation.
The third film - a 'Practical guide to basic training with your puppy' - features practical demonstrations on how to start training a puppy including teaching a dog to sit, go down, recall and walk on a lead. It also advises owners on what to look for in a puppy class and the importance of training a puppy in a variety of locations, not just at home.Emma Jackson, Adaptil product manager at Ceva Animal Health said: "The puppy training films are ideal tools for animal health professionals to utilise to help educate puppy owners on every aspect of new puppy ownership. They can even be embedded into your own website via YouTube."
MSD Animal Health UK has announced the launch of Bravecto, which it says is the first and only treatment available for fleas and ticks in dogs that is rapidly effective and offers 12-weeks duration of efficacy.
Bravecto (fluralaner) is the first of a new generation of systemically active ectoparasiticides, the isoxazolines, and will only be available on prescription through veterinary practices. The new product will be available in five strengths of pork liver flavoured palatable chew for different size dogs - one chew per weight band - which MSD says are readily accepted from the hand. Jolian Howell, marketing and technical lead at MSD Animal Health UK said: "Bravecto is a truly unique and exciting innovation which will transform the effective treatment of fleas and ticks - providing protection like never before from a single dose. It is the first in a new generation of products that offer a full 12-week protection and will help keep the treatment of fleas and ticks within veterinary practices."
He continued: "Estimates suggest that flea and tick treatments are applied for just 2.8 months per year so just one dose of Bravecto will immediately deliver much improved levels of treatment for dogs in veterinary care, which is good for the animal and good for the vet." MSD Animal Health says it is investing in the launch of Bravecto with a major marketing and practice support package which aims to raise awareness of fleas and ticks and drive pet owner footfall into practices for flea and tick control.
The new product will be available after BSAVA Congress, where MSD will be giving visitors the opportunity to learn more about it.
Horiba UK is to launch Gluco Calea, a new handheld blood glucose meter developed and calibrated for monitoring sugar levels in the whole blood of cats, dogs and horses, at BSAVA Congress this year.
Horiba says the new product is highly accurate and easy-to-use for the assessment of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in animals. It is also designed to be used both in veterinary practice and at home for regular monitoring and subsequent treatment optimisation.
The Gluco Calea uses disposable test strips that can measure glucose from 0.5 µL of capillary whole blood. In addition, its memory will store 300 test results and display blood glucose averages for 7, 14 and 30 days.
Paul Lymer, Veterinary Market Specialist at Horiba said: "Using a meter calibrated for humans when measuring animal blood glucose may result in inaccurate readings and an underestimation of blood glucose. This is because animals and humans have very different blood compositions, notably the concentration of glucose in blood plasma is significantly higher in animals. Therefore, it is essential to use a blood glucose meter specifically developed for animals such as the Gluco Calea."
Horiba is also highlighting 'Gold energy plus liquid sugar', its new vanilla-flavoured gel for hypoglycemia in small animals. The company says it is easy to give, rapid acting and highly effective over a long period.
For more information and a special offer whereby you can claim a free Gluco Calea meter with every purchase of 50 test strips, visit stand 505 at the BSAVA Congress, or
Vétoquinol has announced the return of Navilox powder (isoxsuprine hydrochloride), the only medication specifically licensed in the UK for use in cases of navicular disease in horses.
Navicular disease is a chronic degenerative condition of the navicular bone and associated structures. It is a syndrome with a complex pathogenesis which combines various underlying causes. Vétoquinol says it is a common cause of lameness in the middle aged riding horse.
Robert Simpson, Navilox Product Manager said: "Navilox has been sorely missed by equine vets in the UK which is why I am thrilled to be able to announce that it is available again."
To order Navilox powder, call Vétoquinol on 01280 825424 or contact your wholesaler directly.
White Cross Vets, a group with 11 surgeries in the Midlands and the North of England, has picked up two Veterinary Marketing Association awards at an event usually dominated entirely by big pharma.
The group was joint winner of Public Relations Award, alongside Bayer Animal Health.
White Cross Marketing Manager Justin Phillips also walked off with the Young Marketeer of the Year award, fighting off competition from Elizabeth Rawlings from Dechra and Beverly Hammond from Animalcare Ltd.
The practice group won the PR Award for a campaign in which it managed to generate a massive amount of media coverage for the business primarily by spotting a good opportunity, and acting quickly to make the most of it.
The story began last July, when a man spotted an exotic-looking bird walking around Guisely, near Leeds. When he tried to capture the bird, it told him to 'bugger off'. Undeterred, he picked it up and took it to White Cross Vets. Once the vets had examined the bird to make sure it was in good health, White Cross instructed its PR agency to begin a media campaign to reunite the animal with its owner. The resultant story generated over £145,000 worth of branded coverage in local and national media, including the Daily Mirror, Metro, the Yorkshire Post and ITV.
By contrast, Bayer Animal Health's winning campaign, which ingeniously used LED lights strapped to snails to bring the lungworm story to life, was nevertheless the product of month's of planning and what would have been a considerable budget.
The judges felt both entries were impressive in completely different ways, so a draw was the only option.
Picture shows, left to right: Heidi Bruckland (Pegasus), Emma Swain (Pegasus), Helen Moore (Markettiers4DC), Marcus Edingloh (Bayer), Luke Hopkins (Pegasus), Caroline Braidwood (Bayer); Jane Manning (Splash); Tim Harrison (White Cross Vets); Justin Phillips (White Cross Vets)
Mike Brampton, inventor of the CAT Doppler blood pressure system and Managing Director of Thames Medical, is to start the 'Tour de Vet', a 1,300 mile tour of the UK during which he'll be stopping to give BP CPD and coaching to veterinary surgeons and nurses in return for a donation to the charity Canine Partners.
Mike says the CAT Doppler system is the most widely used in the UK. He also lectures at Nottingham Vet School and normally charges something in the order of £600 for talks and training sessions.
During the 'Tour de Vet', however, he'll be giving his talks free, in exchange for a donation to the charity of £250-£300.
Mike said: "At a recent BVNA Congress, 85% of nurses said they would like more skills and information in BP techniques. This is your chance to book some quality, certified, hands-on CPD at a massively reduced price, which will benefit not only your staff and practice but also help train a puppy for Canine Partners".
Mike's target is to raise £10,000.
The tour starts in Worthing on May 19th 2014. It ends three weeks and 1300 miles later at the Vettrust Conference in Stirling.
To book your blood pressure monitoring CPD or nurses' coaching, call Mike on 01903 522911 or email
Alternatively, if you just want to support his efforts, text 70070 with the code TDEV55 and your donation or visit
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has restored Joseph Lennox Holmes to the Register of Veterinary Surgeons, two years after he was originally struck off.
Mr Holmes was removed from the Register in February 2012 after the Disciplinary Committee found him guilty of multiple charges of serious professional conduct. Mr Holmes lodged an appeal against the decision, which was heard and dismissed by the Privy Council.
The original charges related to two separate complaints; the first involved numerous charges in respect of Mr Holmes' treatment of a King Charles Spaniel between October 2007 and March 2008; the second, several charges in relation to his treatment of three cats in 2008.
The Committee found that the majority of the charges amounted to serious professional misconduct. In removing Mr Holmes from the Register, the Committee found that "aggravating factors in both... cases included actual injuries to the animals... and a serious breach of the trust which Mr Holmes' clients had placed in him to make the welfare of the animals his primary consideration according to the standards to be expected of the profession". In addition, the Committee cited 10 further aggravating factors including lack of reference to continuing professional development (CPD) in clinical policies and practices; lack of reference to accepted practice; lack of appreciation of the importance of adequate pain relief when performing painful surgical procedures; reluctance to consider referral as an option; and lack of understanding about what information is required by a client to enable fully informed consent to be given.
Following the dismissal of Mr Holmes' appeal by the Privy Council, his first application for restoration was heard by the Disciplinary Committee in February 2013. The Committee was not satisfied that he was fit to be restored to the Register, citing the fact that his application was "premature" and that he had failed to truly appreciate the seriousness of the findings against him. The Committee was also unimpressed with the efforts he had made to keep up-to-date with skills and developments in practice and with his CPD, noting in particular that he had made very limited attempts to observe the function and experience the culture of a modern first opinion practice.
However, in this week's two-day hearing, the Committee was satisfied that Mr Holmes was now fit to be restored to the Register. It heard that Mr Holmes had made a concerted effort to engage in CPD and bring his skills and knowledge up-to-date. During a period of observation at a veterinary practice, he had gained insight into modern practice and the need for veterinary general practitioners to be aware of the advantages in referring patients to specialists.
Professor Noreen Burrows, who chaired and spoke on behalf of the Disciplinary Committee, said: "The Committee has concluded that, in the course of genuine efforts to do what was necessary to address the deficiencies identified during the original Inquiry and at the last restoration hearing, the Applicant has at last understood the seriousness of his previous misconduct and has learned new skills and, most importantly, to recognise his limitations from the extensive course of study, reflection, and other training that he has undertaken."
Furthermore, the Committee was satisfied that Mr Holmes had gained a proper understanding of the importance of securing the informed consent of his clients and building a relationship of trust with them and, in addition, recognising the importance of maintaining close relations with fellow professionals and engaging with CPD opportunities.
Additional factors considered when making the decision included: that he had been off the Register for two years; that, through self-improvement, he had equipped himself to treat animals appropriately; the impact that being removed from the Register had in both personal and financial terms; his conduct since being removed from the Register; and, a number of positive testimonials from previous clients and professional colleagues.
The Committee's full findings and decision are available on the RCVS website (