The RCVS has announced the steps it will be taking in response to the Standards Committee's review of 24/7 emergency care.
Whilst the College has stopped short of making home visits entirely discretionary, it has confirmed that with regards to 24/7 emergency care overall:
This follows RCVS Council's agreement in principle on recommendations that flowed from the Standards Committee's comprehensive review of 24/7 emergency care. The review was triggered by a number of issues, including the profession's response to the Chikosi Disciplinary Hearing of June 2013.
The College says the recommendations were developed out of a detailed process of evidence gathering, which included 656 pages of views submitted to the College, 2,801 signatures to a petition on home visits, a three-day select-committee-style hearing where representatives from 15 organisations and a further 10 individuals gave their views, a snapshot of responses from 1,062 vets taking part in the RCVS Survey of the Professions, and an online survey of 1,250 animal owners.
Council praised the work, which had been carried out under the guidance of Standards Committee Chair Clare Tapsfield-Wright, and agreed that draft changes to the supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct should be refined and agreed by the Standards Committee and published over the next couple of months.
Clare said: "This process was not carried out as a typical consultation, with proposals being issued for consideration: we really wanted to be open to the views of the profession and the public from the start.
"We found that the profession did not wish to remove the 24/7 requirement, but there was a lot of frustration and concern, particularly around safety, home visits, who should be seen, outsourcing and contingency planning.
"The Standards Committee looked in detail at all of these issues and I am delighted to have Council's support for the general direction of our proposals. We will now review some changes to the wording of the new guidance, to improve clarity, and publish it as soon as possible."
President Neil Smith said: "I am delighted with the way this process has been carried out. No doubt the outcome will not please everyone, but these changes are based on robust evidence.
"The approach taken by the Standards Committee forms a useful model that could be adapted to address other such issues that we may face in the future."
The presentation given to Council on 5 June can be downloaded from the RCVS website at .
Vétoquinol has announced that Zylkène, a complementary feed used to help pets cope with unpredictable situations, is now available in a 20 capsule pack.
The new packs have been designed to have more 'stand out appeal' on the shelves. Veterinary practices will now be able to display the new packs in waiting rooms and reception areas in a custom-made display unit to generate interest from pet owners and increase revenue for the practice.
Krystyna Joyce, Product Manager at Vétoquinol, said: "This has a huge benefit for the vet practice. As well as increased revenue, pet owners are much more likely to initiate a discussion about behaviour if they can see that there is a product to help their pet adjust to unusual circumstances or environmental changes."
Krystyna added: "With a number of behaviour products on the market, it can be confusing for pet owners to know which ones can be used when. We want to make it easier for pet owners: now when they come to their vets, they can see Zylkène, know what it's for, understand which strength will be right for their pet and pick it up."
As well as increasing product awareness, the packs will work alongside Vétoquinol's ongoing series of pet owner guides which offer advice on how best to help an animal deal with an unusual situation or life change.
Zylkène retail packs are available now from any veterinary wholesaler.
The PDSA has announced the start of its annual pet slimming competition, and revealed the 17 competitors who will be fighting to win the title of Pet Fit Club Slimmer Of The Year.
The competition is run to highlight the high level of pet obesity in the UK. According to the charity, around a third of all dogs (2.5M) and a quarter of all cats (2M) are estimated to be overweight.
PDSA research has shown that 87% of owners give their pets treats, despite the fact that 91% realise the resulting obesity can reduce their pet's lifespan. The PDSA's PAW Report, produced in conjunction with YouGov, discovered that a wide range of inappropriate treats are being fed to pets, including fast food, leftovers, crisps, biscuits, chocolate and chips.
Elaine Pendlebury, PDSA Senior Veterinary Surgeon, said: "Obesity is one of the biggest welfare issues affecting pets in the UK today. Sadly, it also means millions of pets are at risk from potentially life-threatening health problems related to obesity."
For more information about the finalists, please visit
The Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics is urging the Prime Minister to make the announcement on antimicrobial resistance he promised the House of Commons during Prime Minister's Questions on Wednesday 7th May 2014.
In a reply to a question from Zac Goldsmith MP, David Cameron acknowledged that the problem of antibiotic resistance could have 'unbelievably bad consequences' leading to quite minor ailments not being properly treatable by antibiotics. The Alliance is urging the government to take urgent action to reduce antibiotic use in both medicine and farming.
The issue was further highlighted at this year's World Health Assembly (WHA) Conference when attendees confirmed that a catastrophic post-antibiotic age - in which minor, common infections could again become killers - is a real possibility unless urgent action is taken.
At the conference, the Netherlands' Minister of Health, Edith Schippers said: "People are getting seriously ill and are dying as a result of skin infections and diarrhoea. Common surgeries like knee replacement will become potential killers because of secondary infections that are untreatable. This is a global problem on a par with, if not more serious than, nuclear security, international terrorism and climate change."'
In a letter to David Cameron on 13th May 2014, the Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics said: "It simply does not make sense to be feeding nearly half of all the antibiotics used in this country to farm animals, just so that they can be kept in high numbers indoors, often in conditions which carry with them the risk of high levels of disease."
The Alliance says the measures the Prime Minister is due to announce must include the urgent phase-out of the routine preventative use of antibiotics in farming.
Alison Craig, Campaign Manager for the Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics said: "Our near European neighbour the Netherlands has phased out routine preventative use of antibiotics in farming by government taking strong and decisive action and industry taking voluntary measures - so why can't we do the same in the UK?"
In 2007 the Netherlands was one of the world's heaviest users of antibiotics in food animals. In 2009 the government decided to decrease farm use of antibiotics by 50%. This was achieved by 2013.
Alison continued: "It is alarming that, in this country, we don't even yet know how many people are already dying due to antimicrobial resistance. By contrast, in the Netherlands they know that there are 2 million hospitalisations per year due to resistance.
"If the Prime Minister knows that there will be 'unbelievably bad consequences' for families, why is his government being so slow about getting a grip on the problem?"
Luis Sainz-Pardo, a Spanish vet who migrated to the UK, has started VetAbroad, a new company which will offer advice and support to practices employing foreign vets, and training to non-UK practitioners in order that they are better equipped to work in this country.
Luis says it's not unusual for practice owners and managers to have concerns about how best to mentor and support non-UK veterinary graduates. Teamwork and a sense of what it means to be part of the UK veterinary community are essential. But cultural differences, professional obligations and coping with regional accents and idioms, all present significant challenges for both the non-UK vet and the practice employing them. Luis says he's experienced these challenges from both sides of the fence: first as a vet migrating to the UK and later as the owner of one of the first practices to achieve BSAVA practice standards.
To help foreign vets coming to the UK, VetAbroad has launched a new e-learning course Working as a foreign vet in the UK that trains non-UK vets to practise in the UK. It is suitable for graduates who've recently started to work here, those preparing for work in the UK and graduates who have been in the UK for longer but would benefit from brushing up on the expectations of UK regulatory bodies, clients and practices.
The 140-hour course includes a significant audio element to ensure competence in the understanding of spoken English. It addresses all aspects of life as a vet in the UK, including culture, necessary adaptations, the RCVS Code of Conduct, teamwork & productivity and client & patient care. The course ensures that graduates know what they need to fulfil their obligations of professional conduct, to respond appropriately to UK clients and to fit with the needs of busy UK veterinary practices.
To help practice owners and managers that employ foreign vets, VetAbroad offers a mentor scheme to help deal with their issues or concerns. For a nominal monthly fee, the mentor is able to counsel, provide advice, identify training needs, or liaise between the two parties, taking into account cultural differences, common misconceptions and barriers to communication. VetAbroad says the percentage of vets not adapting to the UK system is close to 50% and providing appropriate support is likely to improve employee retention, client satisfaction and productivity.
For more information, visit
Elanco Companion Animal Health has launched a competition to encourage veterinary professionals to showcase the company's new range of practice support materials for the company's parasiticides, Comfortis and Trifexin.
To enter the competition, you'll first need to order the support materials, which include: waiting room posters, client leaflets and a waiting room leaflet dispenser, modular window hangers, social media artwork and display kits which consist of 19 die-cut colour pieces for waiting room displays. Entry / order forms are available here.
Then create your display and email a digital photograph of it to Elanco before the 29th August 2014.
Matthew Rowe, Senior Brand Manager at Elanco said: "We're asking veterinary practices to use their creativity and imagination when putting up their parasite control displays. Last year's winner, the Animal Health Centre in Torquay, even composed their own song, so the more creative the better!"
The overall winner will win a team celebration worth £1000, and there are £250 Amazon vouchers for 11 regional winners.
For further information contact your local Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or email
The RSPB has reported the results of two studies which revealed that a greater diversity of birds of prey, including some eagles, are killed eating carrion contaminated with diclofenac.
The RSPB says that these findings strengthen the case of banning the use of veterinary diclofenac in livestock across Europe, including Spain and Italy where the drug has already been approved.
In the first paper1, published in the journal Bird Conservation International, scientists present results of tests carried out on two steppe eagles found dead at a cattle carcass dump in Rajasthan, India. Both birds had diclofenac residue in their tissues and exhibited the same clinical signs of kidney failure as seen in Gyps vultures experimentally given diclofenac.
Steppe eagles are closely related to the golden eagles found in the UK, the vulnerable Spanish imperial eagle and other globally vulnerable or declining Eurasian eagles. Scientists now fear that all species in this genus, known as Aquila, are susceptible to diclofenac. With fourteen species of Aquila eagle distributed across Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe and North America, this means that diclofenac poisoning should now be considered largely a global problem.
Dr Toby Galligan, RSPB conservation scientist and one of the authors of the paper, said: "We have known for some time that diclofenac is toxic to Gyps vultures, including the Eurasian griffon vulture, but we now know it is toxic to an Aquila eagle too. This suggests that the drug is fatal to a greater number of birds of prey in Asia, Europe and around the world. We had suspected as much from observed declines in non-Gyps vultures in Asia, but this study confirms our worst fears."
In another paper2, published in Bird Conservation International, Dr Galligan led an examination of recent population trends in Egyptian and red-headed vultures in India. That study shows population declines of similar timing and scale as the declines observed in Gyps vultures, providing indirect evidence that these species have been impacted by diclofenac as well.
After years of campaigning by conservationists, the governments of Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan banned veterinary formulations of diclofenac between 2006 and 2010. Recently, experts have recorded a slowing of Gyps vulture declines as a result of the bans. However, formulations of diclofenac intended for use in humans are still widely available and illegally used to treat livestock, the carcasses of which are the main food source for vultures in South Asia. It was announced in March that veterinary diclofenac had been authorised for manufacture and use in Italy and Spain and had been distributed to other European countries. Since then, a coalition of organisations including the Vulture Conservation Foundation, the RSPB and BirdLife International have been campaigning for this decision to be reversed.
Dr Galligan continued: "In light of recent developments in Europe, our findings take on an even more worrying meaning. All of Europe's charismatic Aquila eagles, like the Spanish imperial eagle and, closer to home, the golden eagle, are opportunistic scavengers and therefore could be at risk of diclofenac poisoning. As we have seen in South Asia, wherever free-ranging livestock are treated with diclofenac, population declines in vultures and eagles can occur. The European Commission needs to recognise this problem and impose a continent-wide ban on veterinary diclofenac before it can impact on our birds."
Last week, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) announced measures against the drug.
In a statement the VMD said: "The UK's Veterinary Medicines Directorate is taking the issue of diclofenac's risks to vulture populations seriously. As a precautionary measure the VMD will not approve any requests from vets to import products containing diclofenac. Furthermore, the VMD has agreed not to issue any export certificates which name diclofenac-containing products in the list of products to be exported."
Sacha Cleminson, Head of International Biodiversity Policy at the RSPB, said: "The announcement from the Veterinary Medicines Directorate is a welcome signal to Europe that the UK is taking the issue seriously. This new evidence underlines the need for a ban across Europe, and ultimately beyond."
Have population declines in Egyptian Vulture and Red-headed Vulture in India slowed since the 2006 ban on veterinary diclofenac? Toby H. Galligan et al. Bird Conservation International Online. 1st April 2014.
The University of Liverpool's School of Veterinary Science has released the results of research carried out in collaboration with the Royal Canin Research Centre in France, which shows that cats eat 15% less in the summer than the winter.
Researchers spent four years monitoring how much cats chose to eat. The 38 cats studied had a microchip on their collar which allowed them to take as much food as they wanted from a dispenser which only opened for them. At the same time, this microchip recorded how much the cat had eaten and when.
Veterinary surgeon and study author, Dr Alex German, said: "Cats, like many humans are more inclined to comfort eat when it's cold outside but, in their case, it's likely to be due to the extra energy they need to keep warm when out and about."
The study found that cats ate approximately 15% less food during summer, and the researchers concluded that the extra effort to keep warm in winter and the temptation to rest during hot summer days contributed to the swing in activity levels during the year.
The cats were all inhabitants of a centre in southern France where they were allowed to play and exercise outside all year round. The cats were of mixed breeds, ages and genders. Data on food was compared to the climate in the area using computer modelling to provide information about how the temperature changed over the year.
Seasonal food intake has also been examined in the past on farm animals, such as dairy cows, to establish new ways of increasing milk production, but this is the largest study that has yet taken place with domestic cats.
Dr German said: "People should consider the amount of food their cats need at different times of year as this can be part of helping them to maintain a healthy weight."
The paper was published in the journal PLOS One.
The Animal Health Trust has repeated its call for veterinary surgeons to take part in its survey study on breed differences in clinical features of canine hyperadrenocorticism.
40 veterinary surgeons have so far taken part in the survey, and preliminary results show that some breeds tend to present with fewer clinical signs than others, which fits with the study's initial hypothesis.
In addition, researchers say that the frequency of most of the clinical signs in dogs affected by hyperadrenocorticism, including polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia, abdominal distention, alopecia, panting, comedones and muscle weakness, seem to be lower than previously reported in earlier studies published decades ago.
The AHT says it hopes the results of this study will help veterinary surgeons in the diagnosis of canine hyperadrenocorticism. However, in order to progress the study and draw firm conclusions, more responses from veterinary surgeons are needed.
Michael Bennaim, veterinary surgeon at the AHT, said: "We need members of the veterinary profession to help us increase knowledge of this disease and to promote this study to their colleagues. The online questionnaire takes around 10 minutes to complete and all the information that is collected will be processed anonymously."
The AHT requests that the online questionnaire is completed for each case diagnosed with spontaneous hyperadrenocorticism . The questionnaire can be found at
Participants can request to be notified of the results of this study when available. Each questionnaire submitted has a chance to win a £100 Amazon voucher.
If you have any questions about the study, contact
Virbac has announced the launch of Carprox Vet, a carprofen-based NSAID indicated for the alleviation of post-operative pain and inflammation following orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery in dogs and cats and for the treatment of chronic pain and inflammation in dogs.
Carprox is presented as a palatable tablet for dogs in three sizes - 20 mg, 50 mg and 100 mg. An injectable 50 mg/ml solution for dogs and cats has also been launched (in bottles of 20ml).
Virbac Marketing Manager for Companion Animals Simon Boulton MRCVS said: "We launched our meloxicam-based solution for acute and chronic pain, Inflacam, in 2013. With the arrival of Carprox Vet, we are now able to offer vets a carprofen-based alternative for added flexibility and choice. We are delighted to add it to our product range and are proud to say that Virbac now offers one of the widest ranges of products for the treatment of small animals in the UK."
The RSPCA has published the results of a survey which found that teachers in the UK are strongly in support of teaching animal welfare in the classroom, with 93% of respondents stating they would teach animal welfare in the classroom if they had the time.
95% also said that they believe that teaching children about animal welfare would help make them more compassionate and socially aware.
According to the survey of almost 800 teachers across England and Wales, 83% felt animal welfare should be part of the national curriculum. However, some had concerns about how it would be integrated into existing frameworks, and whether it would mean more demands on already overworked teachers.
RSPCA formal education manager Claire Morris said: "We felt it is easy to sit on the sidelines and state that animal welfare should be part of the curriculum, but it is far more practical and helpful to show that it can be done."
To address these concerns, the RSPCA says it created over 90 free lesson plans for teachers, which are linked to the English and Welsh Curricula. Many of the RSPCA's lesson plans overlap in subject areas including Science, Citizenship, Literacy and Numeracy, as well as provide springboards for assemblies and student councils.
Claire added: "We urge the government to consider integrating animal welfare into our children's education as a matter of urgency - as skills such as empathy, compassion and social consciousness have value as a child goes through the education system as well as when they enter adulthood and the world of work."
The RSPCA says this is particularly important because only 70% of respondents knew what the five animal welfare needs - which are central to the Animal Welfare Act - are.
As well as looking at the ethical side of animal welfare, 92% of teachers also expressed a strong preference for lessons specifically on animals' role in food and clothing production. It was felt that with young people better connected than ever before, they have an increasing awareness of social issues and expect higher ethical standards from companies.
A bogus vet who pleaded guilty to a number animal cruelty and fraud offences is being sought by Humberside Police after he failed to appear at court for sentencing.
Jayson Paul Wells (pictured right), 30, of Driffield in the East Riding of Yorkshire, is wanted by detectives in Grimsby after he failed to appear at Grimsby Crown Court.
The RCVS assisted Humberside Police with its original investigation and is publicising its appeal to help locate Mr Wells. Police believe that he may be trading as a herdsman in Nottingham or Cornwall and are keen to establish whether he is currently in either location.
Mr Wells was arrested on 2 October 2013 and charged with the following offences:
Mr Wells pleaded guilty to all offences.
Anyone who is aware of his whereabouts is asked to call Humberside Police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
The RCVS has released the results of a survey it conducted which has found that the vast majority of recent graduates from UK veterinary schools consider extra-mural studies (EMS) to be an essential component of the veterinary degree.
The survey was launched earlier this year in order to help the RCVS build up a picture of how EMS placements are currently working and whether graduates felt that they had gained knowledge and experience from placements that they could not have learnt from their core studies. Some 287 veterinary graduates from 2012 and 2013 participated in the survey, the overwhelming majority of whom (95.6%) agreed that EMS was essential.
Furthermore, the majority of the recent graduates said that they had found EMS placements to be beneficial in terms of the variety of clinical skills, professional skills and working practices they encountered. The only area in which a large number of graduates (42.9%) said that they did not find EMS placements useful was in gaining experience of out-of-hours and weekend work.
Despite the overall positive results, however, a number of concerns about EMS were raised. Issues included variable quality of placements; significant numbers of respondents feeling they were not able to gain as much 'hands-on' experience from placements as they would like; costs of accommodation and travel; and a lack of farm/mixed animal practices for placements.
Other key findings included the fact that the vast majority of veterinary students identified and booked their own placements at EMS practices and that their placements were at the type of practice they were looking for.
Christine Warman, RCVS Head of Education, said: "We launched this survey as an information-gathering exercise to see how EMS placements are currently working, following our last review of EMS in 2009 - and the results have certainly been very interesting.
"What is clear is that the current system is working well and that there is no need for an immediate review or urgent action. Most graduates found the experience gained on placements useful for their studies and find that EMS sets them up well for their first job in practice.
"However, there are a number of issues that we will keep a watching brief over and we plan to repeat the survey every two years in order to monitor these."
The full results of the survey are available to view at Detailed guidance on EMS placements for students, university staff and EMS practices is also available at
Any queries about EMS can also be directed to the RCVS Education Department on or 020 7202 0704.
The President of the British Veterinary Association has written to the Badger Trust to clarify the BVA position on the pilot badger culls in England, stating that it will not be supporting the Trust's application for a judicial review.
The BVA Council agreed a position on the continuation of controlled shooting in the pilot areas on 16 April. The position states that the BVA could only support further culling using controlled shooting in the pilot areas if steps are taken to improve both its effectiveness and humaneness and if there is robust monitoring and collation of results and independent analysis and auditing by a non-governmental body. It also states that the BVA supports the Independent Expert Panel's (IEP) recommendations for improving effectiveness and humaneness and urges Defra to implement all the IEP's recommendations fully.
The BVA says that since 16 April, it has been in dialogue with Defra to seek assurances that these issues will be addressed, and those discussions are ongoing. It will not be taking a further position on the pilot culls until BVA Council has had the opportunity to consider Defra's plans in full, when they are made available.
In a press release dated 20th May, The Badger Trust CEO Dominic Dyer said: "It is not acceptable for the DEFRA Secretary of State to now push aside the concerns of both the Independent Expert Panel and the British Veterinary Association, by moving ahead with a further badger cull in Gloucestershire and Somerset this summer without any independent monitoring in place."
The BVA says it is concerned that this misrepresents its position, and has led to some media reports suggesting that the BVA has withdrawn its support for badger culling as part of the overall strategy to eradicate bovine TB. It has not. The BVA says it continues to believe that the TB eradication strategy for England will only be successful if we are able to use all of the available tools, including targeted, humane badger culling.
Kellie Price, a Kent-based Registered Veterinary Nurse has been suspended from the Register for nine months by the RCVS RVN Disciplinary Committee after she admitted dishonestly creating four prescriptions, one of which was then fraudulently presented to a pharmacy.
The Committee heard that in January 2013, Miss Price, who did not attend the hearing and had no representation, had dishonestly created a prescription for two inhalers while working at a veterinary practice in Kent.
This prescription had been written and signed in the name of a locum veterinary surgeon, Cristiana Tudini MRCVS, without her knowledge or consent. The false prescription was subsequently presented to a pharmacy for dispensing.
In addition, in March 2013, Miss Price dishonestly created a further three prescriptions - one of which was written in the name of her colleague Cormac Higgins MRCVS, and two written in the name of Cristiana Tudini MRCVS without either's knowledge or consent. All four false prescriptions had been made out for Miss Price's Jack Russell terrier.
Upon discovering the false prescriptions, Mr Higgins asked Miss Price for an explanation and subsequently suspended her from her position pending further investigation. However, after being interviewed by Mr Higgins, she resigned before any in-house disciplinary hearing could take place. The allegations were then reported to both the RCVS and the police, the latter giving Miss Price a formal caution in respect of the false prescription made in January 2013.
In considering Miss Price's sanction, the RVN Disciplinary Committee took into account a number of aggravating and mitigating factors. In mitigation, it accepted Miss Price's explanation that, in the early hours of 6 January, she had suffered an asthma attack and that she had created the false prescription at work in a panic after realising her inhaler was empty and fearing a further asthma attack. The Committee also took into account a witness statement from Cormac Higgins MRCVS which described her as a "great nurse" and "good with patients and clients".
However, the Committee also considered aggravating factors including Miss Price's dishonesty and the fact that she then made further false prescriptions in March, although these were not then presented to a pharmacy.
Professor Noreen Burrows, who chaired the RVN Disciplinary Committee and spoke on its behalf, said: "The Committee is... satisfied that the admitted dishonesty amounts to disgraceful conduct in a professional respect [and] is satisfied that the respondent's conduct fell far short of the conduct to be expected of a registered veterinary nurse."
On deciding the sanction she added: "Taking into account all of the circumstances, the Committee has concluded that the suspension of the Respondent's name from the Register for a period of nine months is the proportionate sanction in this case."
The Committee's full findings and decision are available on the RCVS website (
The Westpoint Veterinary Group and Eville & Jones, a veterinary control provider, have joined forces to form Xperior Farm Health, which will bid for appointment as a Delivery Partner for bovine TB and other farm animal disease testing under AHVLA's Veterinary Delivery Partnership Programme.
The Delivery Partnership Programme, under which the AHVLA will cease to contract OVs directly and instead procure disease testing services from around ten Delivery Partners, is expected to roll out in the summer.
Eville & Jones is an experienced service provider in inspection and testing services in the fields of animal health, public health and animal welfare. The company employs more than 450 veterinary staff nationwide and already provides fully managed Official Veterinarian (OV) services to UK Competent Authorities.
Westpoint Veterinary Group is a specialist, farm-animal-only veterinary practice operating from 17 sites countrywide to provide farmers with specialist and locally based services. It is the largest veterinary group in the UK specialising in production animals, employing more than 50 veterinary surgeons.
Veterinary Director Phil Elkins MRCVS says the resources and experience of the two parent companies in both farmer-facing and back office dimensions make Xperior Farm Health well equipped to fulfil a Delivery Partner service expected by AHVLA. He said: "Our ambition is to provide an exemplary standard of accurate and trustworthy on-farm animal health testing services, where possible using subcontracted practices. If appointed, of course, these will be farmer friendly, provide an ongoing source of work and revenue to subcontractor Official Veterinarians, and represent excellent value for money to the taxpayer."
XLEquine and the Animal Health Trust (AHT) have launched Plan, Prevent, Protect, billed as the UK's first equine biosecurity booklet for horse owners and yard managers to work through with their veterinary surgeon, to minimise disease risk on yards and maintain the health and welfare of the horses in their care.
Mark Tabachnik MRCVS, of XLEquine member practice Wright & Morten Veterinary Surgeons said: "For many yard and horse owners, biosecurity is just not on their radar. It only becomes important after they have had an outbreak! Strangles in particular can have devastating effects which impact not only on horse welfare, but the disruption and paralysis of animal movement has significant consequences with relationships on the yard, not to mention the financial costs in some cases.
"We wanted to develop a practical guide that pre-empts these issues by helping owners to set in place simple and in many cases common sense, plans and procedures to prevent a disease outbreak, along with practical steps should the worst happen, and an outbreak occurs.
"Our veterinary farm colleagues and the medical profession are well ahead in terms of biosecurity measures. It's about changing people's mind-sets. For example the NHS "Catch it Bin it Kill it" campaign has been highly successful in adapting our thoughts and actions towards disease spread, and consequently many of us are more aware of the importance of good biosecurity in one way or another."
Dr Richard Newton, Head of Epidemiology and Disease Surveillance at the AHT was also involved in the development of the booklet. He said: "I hope that this will encourage all equine practices to raise their game, it is so important for the whole equine community."
The booklet is available to all equine clients of XLEquine member practices, or it is available to view at
Merial has announced the launch of a new Blippar app designed to educate horse owners about gastric ulcers.
By using the app - which is available free from the App Store for iPhone or Google Play for Android phones - to scan the company's Gastrogard (omeprazole) adverts, posters or website, clients can watch an educational film with one of the UK's leading specialists in equine ulcers, Richard Hepburn BVSc MS(Hons) CertEM(IntMed) DipACVIM(LA) MRCVS, American and RCVS Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine, demonstrating the signs of ulcers and diagnosis via gastroscopy.
Merial's Equine Marketing and Technical Manager Louise Radford MRCVS said: "With 60% of competition horse and 38% of leisure horses & ponies estimated to have gastric ulcers¹,²,³, it's important that horse owners are aware of the signs of this under-diagnosed condition.
"We know that the number of horses diagnosed and treated for ulcers falls significantly short of incidence levels. We hope that this app will help to raise awareness and prompt more horse owners to consult their vet about gastric ulceration."
A separate Blippar app is also available for horse owners that have been prescribed GastroGard. By scanning the pack, clients can view educational video footage on gastric ulcers, find management tips on treatment and prevention, and set a reminder for future risk periods.
For more information, visit:, contact your local Merial equine territory specialist or call Merial Customer Support on 0870 6000123.
Registered VN Lindsay Newell has been found guilty of six counts of cruelty to animals at Stafford Magistrates' Court, following an investigation by the RSPCA.
The charges related to a ewe, two lambs, a Welsh pony, a goat and a pig at the Burton Wildlife and Animal Rescue Centre, a sanctuary founded in 2008 by the 27-year-old nurse in memory of her murdered grandparents.
The pig had made headlines in the Daily Mail in 2012 when Newell rescued it from a Derby council house.
Newell was given a 2-year conditional discharge, ordered to pay £2000 in costs, and disqualified from keeping sheep, equines, goats or pigs for five years.
Passing sentence, district judge David Taylor said: "These were not deliberate or intentional acts. They were a consequence of you trying to take on too many animals of a wide range."
Newell was cleared of 25 other charges of failing to feed the animals in her care properly.
RSPCA inspector Jayne Bashford who led the investigation said: "We are satisfied that the court has found the defendant guilty of six charges of unnecessary suffering. The scene the RSPCA discovered when they visited with Police, Derbyshire Trading Standards and an independent vet were quite shocking.
"This was an extremely disturbing case where there was clear neglect and mistreatment of animals by a registered veterinary nurse.
"I am sure she set up this centre with the best intentions but things got totally out of control."
More on this story
Dog owners who allow their dog to attack people or assistance dogs will face tougher prison sentences from today.
Changes to the Dangerous Dogs Act will also mean dog owners can now face prosecution if their dog attacks a person in their home or on any private property, except if they attack a trespasser.
The maximum sentences for allowing a dog to attack someone in England or Wales have also been increased as follows:
Animal Welfare Minister Lord de Mauley said: "Dog attacks can have horrific consequences for victims and families and it is only right those responsible should face tough punishments.
"Irresponsible dog owners will not only face longer prison sentences, but will also be liable for prosecution regardless of where an attack takes place, even in their own home. This will give protection to those who provide vital services in the community - postal workers, nurses, utility workers - as well as people visiting family and friends."
For the first time, the Dangerous Dogs Act also includes a specific offence to protect assistance dogs from attacks.
Guide Dogs Chief Executive Richard Leaman said: "An attack on a guide dog can be devastating. It can rob someone with sight loss of their independence and freedom, leaving them virtually housebound. We're delighted that irresponsible owners can now be given tougher sentences if their dog attacks an assistance dog.
"With an average of 10 guide dogs being attacked every month, we're looking to the police to fully use their new powers to protect vulnerable people from these sometimes life-changing attacks."
The changes will also see new preventative powers for the police and local authorities so they can act early to stop dog attacks before they occur. These measures include steps the dog owner can take to address their own or their dog's behaviour, for example:
Attending dog training classes.Repairing fencing to their property to prevent the dog escaping.Requiring their dog to be muzzled in public.
Crime Prevention Minister Norman Baker said: "The coalition government is already making real progress in defending the public from out of control dogs and their irresponsible owners. Today's measures will protect individuals and also assistance dogs, which bring security, confidence and independence to their handlers.
Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary said: "The Kennel Club sees these amendments as being extremely positive overall for the welfare of millions of dogs in this country, as well as helping to protect the public and the UK's responsible dog owners. For too long, irresponsible owners who consistently allow, or even encourage, their dogs to act aggressively or behave dangerously have essentially been protected by regulations which tend to penalise the dogs rather than their irresponsible owners. This updated legislation makes it absolutely clear that this is not acceptable and owners must take responsibility for adequately training their dogs.
"We have been very careful during our work with Government to ensure that there are adequate defences for those otherwise responsible dog owners who find themselves in unforeseen circumstances. This includes scenarios such as dogs protecting their homes from intruders or responding to provocation.
"Disappointingly however, the issue of breed specific legislation still remains unaddressed, with the government failing to use the opportunity whilst amending the Dangerous Dogs Act to repeal this ineffective element of the law.
"The Kennel Club believes in the principle of 'deed not breed' and that genetics plays only a small part in the temperament of a dog, with breeding, socialisation and environment having a far greater effect. The majority of dog bite incidents are a result of the irresponsible actions of owners who have either not taken the time and trouble to train their dog correctly, or have in fact trained them to behave aggressively. Consequently any legislation based on genetics that ignores the influence of the dog's keeper on its behaviour is highly likely to be ineffective, as has been proven with the Dangerous Dogs Act."
Researchers at the Royal Veterinary College are seeking the help of veterinary surgeons in the UK who are treating dogs infected with Streptococcus zooepidemicus, a potentially fatal bacterial pneumonia-type disease which they say has been on the increase over the past five years.
The researchers are also trying to raise awareness of the signs of infection amongst vets and dog owners.
Streptococcus zooepidemicus is an infection that manifests itself similarly to human Toxic Shock Syndrome, causing a severe, bloody pneumonia in dogs. It has an acute onset and in a small proportion of cases the disease has been known to kill dogs within 24 hours of contracting the infection.
Outbreaks are sporadic, but particularly occur in situations where dogs mix in groups, such as rehoming or boarding kennels and in hunting and racing greyhound communities.
Although it is rarer in family pets, researchers are still keen to highlight the signs to owners, particularly if they regularly visit kennels or attend events where large groups of animals gather.
In the early stages, signs are similar to those of kennel cough, which is seen in similar environments. However, in Streptococcus zooepidemicus outbreaks, dogs rapidly become very ill and show very severe signs, with a mortality rate of up to 50% reported. In contrast to this, in more typical cases of kennel cough, most dogs will have a relatively mild illness and deaths are rare.
Researcher and veterinary pathologist Dr Simon Priestnall from the Royal Veterinary College said: "Although Streptococcus zooepidemicus was first identified in dogs in the 1970s, veterinarians and researchers have seen the number of cases spiral upwards over the past five years, particularly within rehoming kennels and the greyhound community. This suggests that the bacterium may have mutated to become more virulent and contagious.
"There is currently very limited public awareness of the problem. Signs for owners to look out for in their pets include a fever, which is usually accompanied by sneezing and nasal discharge which is often bloody, and their animal becoming lethargic. If owners notice the rapid onset of these signs, they are advised to seek veterinary help immediately. With prompt identification, medical treatment and supportive care, dogs can make a full recovery."
Dr Priestnall and his colleagues are working alongside the Animal Health Trust (Dr Andrew Waller) and the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science (Drs Jenny Stavisky and Janet Daly) to investigate this potentially fatal bacterial pathogen.
They are developing a test that will allow them to determine, from a nasal or throat swab, how many dogs are suffering from the disease and how many are carriers. The hope is that by detecting patterns within the bacterial isolates or the infected dogs, they can uncover potential risk factors and limit the spread of the disease.
If you would like more information or to submit swab samples to help with the research into this disease, contact:
A short film about Ami Sawran MRCVS, who simultaneously works as a vet, an actress and the editor of a lesbian magazine called Reprobait, is being released in Vue West End and Vue Piccadilly cinemas from today.
The film, being shown ahead of big screen blockbusters, is part of a series which make up 1000 Londoners, a project to create a digital portrait of the city.
Each film dips into the life of a Londoner for three minutes. The first ten films being shown over the next two months include one about an entrepreneurial hula-hooper from Hoxton, another featuring the last cloth trader in Shoreditch, one about a cage-fighter on the day of his first professional fight and another about a Big Issue seller who works on the Strand.
Rachel Wang, director of 1000 Londoners, said: “This release gives the people of London an opportunity to see these fascinating documentaries in the greatest way to watch any film in London – on the big screen in the West End. By making this possible Vue Entertainment have been extremely open and forward-thinking in their programming.”
The 1000 Londoners films are currently being released weekly on The latest film "Danny" looks below the city into Bazalgette's Victorian sewers, where professional 'flusher' Danny Brackley works. Forthcoming Londoners include an ex-SAS author, a third generation blacksmith from Stepney and a woman who has withdrawn from mainstream society to live on a canal boat.
Supreme PetFoods has published a series of rabbit lectures for veterinary surgeons and nurses by world-renowned experts.
The lectures, which were held at London Vet Show last year, covered a variety of topics in rabbit medicine and surgery, including dental disease, digestive disorders, calcium metabolism, urinary disease and 'sticky bottom' syndrome. The round table of case-based discussions also provided an opportunity for the audience to have their questions answered by rabbit specialists and discuss the complexities of some example cases.
Claire Hamblion, Marketing Manager at Supreme Petfoods said: "The success of Think Rabbit Month really highlighted that raising awareness and expanding rabbit-related expertise is becoming increasingly important for vets. However, in comparison to cats and dogs, specialist information is less widely available - even though rabbits can often be the trickiest patients! This is why we're so thrilled to able to make contemporary thinking from world-class specialists available at the click of a few buttons."
In addition to the lectures, vets and nurses also have access to an array of free Supreme support materials including a series of professional waiting room videos and a variety of downloadable practice documents, available at
Expert speaker, Molly Varga, BVetMed DZooMed MRCVS,RCVS Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, whose lecture was entitled, 'Rabbits and Calcium: how much is too much?'said: "With current concepts in rabbit medicine and surgery rapidly evolving, access to convenient, concise and cutting edge information is crucial for the whole veterinary team. The only way this is possible is through initiatives such as this seminar series, which drives our knowledge and expertise forwards."
Other speakers in the seminar series included, Charly Pignon DVM (pictured right), Head of the Exotics Medicine Service at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire d'Alfort in France, Professor Anna Meredith MA VetMB CertLAS DZooMed MRCVS, Livia Benato MRCVS, Lecturer in Rabbit and Exotic animal Husbandry and Nutrition and Wendy Bament RVN BSc (Hons) MSc, Exotic Animal Veterinary Nurse.
Claire added: "Not only are these specialists regarded as academic leaders in their profession but they are also renowned successful speakers, which makes for superb presentations. The watch-again capability of the online seminars makes it easy for vets and nurses to dip in and out at their leisure, gaining maximum value for minimum effort."
RCVS CEO Nick Stace has published a refreshingly candid acknowledgement of recent concerns voiced by the profession on his blog,
In his post, he gives a firm commitment to listen to the profession, asking just that in return, MsRCVS get more involved in College matters, such as voting in the elections and getting involved in consultations (starting with this one).
Definitely worth reading the full post:
The European Board of Veterinary Specialisation (EBVS) has announced that it has approved the creation of a new European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ECVECC).
The 10 Founding Diplomates will comprise the Organising Committee of Amanda Boag, Joris Robben and Nadja Sigrist along with Sophie Adamantos, Marcel Aumann, Andrew Brown, Dan Chan, Cristina Fragio, Isabelle Goy-Thollot and Francoise Roux.
Amanda Boag, Chair of the Organising Committee said: "This is the final milestone for achieving recognition for Emergency and Critical Care as a defined speciality within Europe.
"Over the last 10 years, ECC has grown within Europe and especially the UK. Academic institutions, notably the RVC, have supported and developed ECC through their student and post graduate education.
"Commercial companies such as Vets Now have also grown and have strong internal training programmes such as the Cutting Edge.
"There are multiple opportunities for those working in practice to obtain further skills in this area with the RCVS certificate and the BSAVA/Vets Now ECC certificate and it is fantastic that we will now be able to offer European Diploma training programmes in the UK.
"Alongside this, opportunities for our nursing colleagues are growing including a large number of nurses registered for the City and Guilds Nursing Certificate in ECC delivered by Vets Now.
"Creating a European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care is the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle and the Organising Committee are delighted that all the hard work of those who have been involved with the development of ECC in Europe has paid off."
The College will be formally launched at the EVECCS Congress in Prague ( in June.