The course covers wound management, making decisions on dressings, drain management, how to complete biopsies and fine needle samples, how to complete a number of suture patterns and how to remove cutaneous masses and complete other surgeries under Schedule 3 legislation.
The course includes eight hours of practical skills training on cadavers as well as 2 hours online training, covering suture selection and legislation.
On completion of the course, CVS nurses are able to recognise what nurses can complete under Schedule 3 legislation, identify the correct dressing for each stage of wound healing, identify the equipment and correct technique for a range of biopsies, complete a number of different suture patterns, and remove cutaneous masses and complete other surgeries under Schedule 3 legislation.
Each nurse has a skills checklist to inform their ongoing training needs and is encouraged to have regular, informal meetings with a local mentor – who is able to support their learning.
The next Surgical Schedule 3 Course is scheduled for 21st March 2024.
Karen Learmonth, LED Nursing Lead at CVS said: “I am excited about the opportunity that Surgical Schedule 3 provides for nurses within CVS to further their skills and knowledge.
"Advocating nurses’ involvement in Schedule 3 procedures supports improved patient care and provides nurses with rewarding careers.
“It’s fantastic to see so many nurses completing the course to date and we’ll further develop nurse utilisation in 2024 where we’ll rollout both ultrasound and lab skills training.
"We hope this will encourage nurses to utilise all aspects of their role in line with Schedule 3 guidelines.”
Fran Wood, an RVN at Albavet - Rogers, Brock & Barker said: “I have been loving doing surgery and felt the course was the best CPD I have ever been on!
"It has given me the confidence to complete stitch ups, tail amputations and many other procedures.”
One of the critical factors in allowing vet nurses to use all their skills is having vets who are comfortable delegating.
To that end, CVS has vets who have pledged to support nurses to achieve this work.
The group has also published guidelines for its vets to provide clarity around effective delegation under Schedule 3.
The Standards Framework for Veterinary Nurse Education and Training sets out the professional values, skills and behaviours required of approved educational institutions (AEIs), delivery sites and the training practices (TPs) responsible for providing the training and support for student veterinary nurses.
The College reviews the standards framework every five years to ensure that AEIs, delivery sites and TPs have the structures to best provide contemporary and innovative approaches to education for student veterinary nurses, while being accountable for the local delivery and management of accredited programmes.
The new draft framework includes updates relating to sustainability and academic integrity.
Julie Dugmore, RCVS Director of Veterinary Nursing, said: “We are looking for veterinary nurses in all walks of life – as well as student nurses and veterinary surgeons – to provide constructive and specific feedback on our proposals.
“Your insights will help us ensure that the standards continue to enable veterinary nurse educators to deliver the best training and support possible for our students, prepare them for life in clinical practice, and ensure that animal health and welfare is a foremost consideration.
“In fact, animal health and welfare and public safety is central to our standards.
Students will be in contact with patients and their owners throughout their education and it is important that they learn in a safe and effective way.”
The consultation runs until 5pm on Wednesday 3 April 2024 and all members of the veterinary team – including RVNs, student veterinary nurses and veterinary surgeons – can take part in order to provide detailed feedback on each of the six core standards and each of individual requirements within these standards.
A PDF version of the new draft Standards Framework is available to download from
If you have any questions about the document or how to respond to the survey, contact the RCVS Veterinary Nursing Team on
Of particular note is the guidance that prescriptions should no longer be written in mg/kg, as it may lead to errors when the dose is calculated.
The Standards and Advice update also answers questions about:
The company has introduced this service after conducting research amongst veterinary professionals which found that 90% of practices have been asked by clients for a payment plan to spread the cost of their bill, but only about 33% of practices could offer one.
On top of that, 53% of practices said they're regularly asked for a discount on treatment and 30% said that their clinical advice was not followed because the client was short of money.
The new loan service is built into Animal Friends' claims submission platform, 'Pawtal'.
It is open to all UK practices, regardless of whether their clients have policies with the company.
There is no late payment interest and no charges to the client.
Animal Friends says that with the ability to spread the cost of treatment over a number of months, pets that might have gone untreated could now get the support they need providing relief for pet owners who may not have insurance or enough savings.
The ‘Advances in Diabetes’ module, taking place at BSAVA Congress 2024 in Manchester Central, will offer delegates the chance to hear first-hand from the clinical researchers and specialists who have used these drugs, such as Dr Ellen Behrend, Prof Ian Ramsey, Prof Stijn Niessen, and Dr Anna Lena Kramer.
Stijn said: “Although not suited as a sole therapeutic for dogs, the current data suggests that a majority of diabetic cats could be treated with once daily oral formulations of these drugs.
“Some of the past barriers to successful long term diabetic treatment included the owner having to inject insulin twice daily and having to watch for hypoglycaemia.
"These lifelong impacts on the owner’s lifestyle are now being taken away.”
Delegates will also be able to learn about advances in the monitoring of canine diabetes, such as the use of Freestyle Libre monitors and haemoglobin A1c, as well as a review of recent developments and management practices for ‘complicated’ cases.
Stijn added: “Gone are the days that we saw diabetes mellitus as a disease; instead, it is the consequence of one or many diseases.
“As such we now ought to approach diabetic cases with a much more open mind and being willing to try and determine the exact aetiology of the diabetes mellitus, doing so can pay off and prevent a diabetic case from becoming a complicated case.”
Ellen added: “Although diabetic ketoacidosis is no more common with the use of SGLT2-inhibitors, it is more likely to be euglycemic with a blood glucose <13.9 mmol/L.
"The recognition of euglycemic ketoacidosis and the correct approach of treatment is crucial.”
Stjn concluded: “Each patient is an individual and therefore diagnosis, treatment and monitoring practices should be adapted to the individual pet-owner combination.
Vets must adjust their approaches significantly when using these drugs, the ‘Advances in Diabetes’ module will provide an in-depth look at these adjustments.”
Delegates will also be able to get their hands on the brand new fifth edition of the BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology, which includes a chapter on feline diabetes mellitus that discusses various treatments including the use of SGLT2-inhibitors.
Jacquie Rand, author of the chapter said: “SGLT2-Inhibitors will be a game-changer for diabetic cats and their owners. However, it is important that cats are diagnosed earlier in the disease process while some insulin secretory capacity is present, for these to be used as the sole drug therapy.”
The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Endocrinology will be available to purchase on the BSAVA Publications Stand in the Exhibition Hall. ‘Advances in Diabetes’ will take place on Thursday 21st March in the Exchange Hall.
Registration for BSAVA members starts at £115 +VAT for a one-day event pass.
Illustration: What a presentation about SGLT2-Inhibitors might look like (this has been photoshopped)
Pergocoat contains pergolide, a long-acting dopamine receptor agonist.
It is available in 0.5mg (off-white) and 1mg (yellow) tablets for accurate dosing without the need to split tablets.
The tablets are film-coated to mask the bitter taste of pergolide and create a barrier between the horse owner and the active ingredient.
Available in two different pack sizes containing 60 or 160 tablets, Pergocoat tablets are packaged in double layered blister packs to help minimise the risk of accidental ingestion.
Rachel Addison BVM&S MRCVS, equine field support manager at Dechra said: “Pergocoat is available in two convenient tablet sizes to achieve an optimal treatment response.
"Horses can be monitored and reviewed every four to six weeks until stabilisation or improvement of clinical signs is observed.”
Cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency (CCLI) affects 3% to 5% of dogs1.
Past research has demonstrated satisfactory short (6-12 weeks)2 and medium (mean 16 months)3 term outcomes for lame dogs treated with TTA.
However, Steve says there is limited research on longer (>16 months) follow-up periods.
It has also been speculated that dogs with tibial plateau angles (TPA) of greater than 30⁰ are not well suited for a TTA4.
For the study5, the researchers reviewed patient records for a total of 149 TTA-Rapid procedures carried out in 120 dogs over an 80 month period.
They also reviewed owner questionnaires that evaluated the outcome of at least six months after surgery, using a validated clinical metrology instrument, Liverpool Osteoarthritis in Dogs (LOAD).
Follow-up questionnaires were received from owners of 64 of the 120 dogs (53.3%), with a median follow-up time of 37.5 months.
This cohort included a wide range of breeds, aged between 2&12 years and with bodyweights ranging from 6.3 to 41.8kg.
The dogs included 37 females and 27 males, and of the 79 limbs treated in these dogs, 41 were left and 38 were right.
The researchers found 26 of the dogs (40.6%) had a TTA performed with a TPA less than 30◦ and 38 (59.4%) with a TPA of 30◦ or more.
Of the 79 procedures, meniscal injury was noted in 27 (34.2%), surgery to stabilise the patella was required in 11 (13.9%), there was one surgical site infection (treated successfully with a short course of antibiotics), one dog sustained a fracture of the tibial seven days after surgery, and one sustained a late meniscal tear 12 months after initial surgery (treated successfully by partial meniscectomy).
The outcome was judged to be satisfactory, based on frequency of lameness, in 63 (98.4%), while satisfactory outcomes were achieved in 61 (95.3%) based on severity of lameness and in 50 (78.1%) based on mobility score.
Statistical analysis showed that age, bodyweight, tibial plateau angle (TPA), meniscal injury, and concurrent patellar surgery did not influence the outcome, but time to follow-up positively correlated with mobility score (suggesting mobility declined with time from surgery).
The researchers concluded that the long-term (median of 37.5 months) outcome for dogs undergoing TTA-Rapid for cranial cruciate ligament disease is satisfactory, with no risk factors associated with poorer outcomes identified.
The study also revealed no evidence to support the suggestion that dogs with TPAs of greater than 30◦ may be inappropriate candidates for TTA - after testing several parameters to judge outcome including frequency of lameness, severity of lameness, distance walked daily and mobility score.
Steve said: “This research is important in trying to ensure that decisions on whether to use this treatment modality, are based on sound clinical evidence.
"The only factor identified that influenced the outcome measure was that of time since surgery.
"All other factors, including TPA, had no effect on the outcome.”
The survey of 2717 horse owners, 56% of which were leisure owners and 35% professionals, found that most horses (62%) were retired between 15-24 years of age, mainly for health reasons.
Mares had a higher risk of retirement than geldings, which the researchers say may be due in part to mares used for breeding not doing much structured exercise.
Just over 1 in 6 horses in the study were affected by low muscle mass according to their owners.
Age, sex, osteoarthritis, laminitis, pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), and primary use were identified as risk factors for low muscle mass.
Geldings had a higher risk of low muscle mass than mares, which the researchers say may be a result of low testosterone.
Horses with owner-reported veterinary-diagnosed PPID, osteoarthritis and laminitis had a higher risk of low muscle mass.
Primary use was identified as a risk factor for low muscle mass, with retired horses having a higher risk than horses used for competition or pleasure riding.
Owner-reported low muscle mass was perceived to affect welfare and the ability to work in the majority of senior horses.
Alisa Herbst, who led the study, said: “A prolonged working/active life may not only be desired by owners but is also likely to provide health and welfare benefits to the horse.
"We hope the results of this study may be useful for veterinarians caring for senior and geriatric equines, by helping to achieve this."
“The information may aid in the investigation of diseases affecting senior horses and in establishing senior horse-owner education programs.
"The low muscle mass risk factor list may assist vets in identifying horses at risk of low muscle mass to be selected for close monitoring.
“Vets may also consider inclusion of an objective measurement of muscle atrophy, such as the muscle atrophy scoring system (MASS)***, in annual wellness exams, so that atrophy can be identified and managed as early as possible."
Sarah Nelson, Product Manager at Mars Horsecare added: “This survey has highlighted several interesting retirement trends.
“With a better understanding of when and why senior horses are being retired we hope, eventually, to be better placed to monitor for, prevent (where possible), and treat the underlying conditions early on, to help horses stay active and healthy for longer.”
Each candidate will produce a written reply to two questions of their choice, which will be included on their candidate profile webpage ahead of the start of the election.
The 14 candidates who are standing in this year’s election for the three available elected places on RCVS Council are:
The biographies and election statements for each candidate are available to read at
The three candidates with the most votes will join Council for their four-year terms at the College’s AGM in July.
The College says it will only accept one question per person and questions must be decent.
Offensive, defamatory and inaccurate questions will not be passed on to candidates.
You can email your question to:
Happy Snack is described as a light, delicious creamy snack which contains alpha-casozepine, a natural milk protein with claimed appeasing properties.
In a study conducted by the company, the new treat was taken by 86% of cats.
Happy Snack is suitable for cats and kittens from 12 weeks of age and can be used directly from the sachet, on food or from a finger.
Feline behaviourist, Lucy Hoile, said: “I am very excited about Happy Snack, as I think there is a real gap in the market!
"Something delicious that a person can give easily to a cat, is a great tool to help with general distraction and bond building.”
Happy Snack by Feliway is available in packs of six sachets.
The programme covers periodontal treatments, restorative dentistry, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgeries, among others.
Improve says training will be delivered via a mixture of face-to-face theory and practical skills using real-life cases that can be immediately applied in practice.
The course is led by Alix Freeman (pictured), a European and RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Dentistry, who developed the course content.
Alix said: “This course will equip you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to enable you to perform advanced dentistry and oral surgery procedures in practice.
"The tutors will enthuse you with their passion for dentistry and oral surgery.
"You'll be taught the most up to date and innovative treatments in a leading dedicated dental training lab with the best equipment and materials.
"You'll gain the confidence to undertake root canal treatments, jaw fracture planning and repair, oronasal fistula repair and oral oncologic surgery.
"This is the first advanced dentistry certificate of its kind in the UK and is sure to be very popular”.
Upon completion, participants will be eligible for the General Practitioner Advanced Certificate in Small Animal Dentistry (GPAdvCert SADen&OS) from the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS).
The app allows practices to submit results along with cytology and histopathology results in order to help train the AI algorithm and improve its accuracy from an original sensitivity of 85% and negative predictive value of 97%.
Liron Levy-Hirsch, Managing Director of HT Vista, said: “The HT app has provided us with over 700 additional validated scans to analyse this year alone.
"The validation process is well controlled, whereby we use the lab results to tag the scans as benign or malignant and let the algorithm know if it was correct or not.
"The more we train the algorithm the more accurate it becomes, and it is extremely exciting to see the sensitivity increase to 90% and the NPV to 98%.”
HT Vista says the app was developed to meet demand from clinics.
Liron said: "By having a portal to upload lab results alongside the device’s results not only do we further improve the device, but we also increase confidence among our vets and nurses that the device is a reliable tool.
Developed in conjunction with Fiona Lovatt BVSc PhD FHEA DSHP DipECSRHM FRCVS, past president of the Sheep Veterinary Society and RCVS-recognised specialist in sheep health and production, NoBACZ Navel disinfects and dries the navel in a couple of hours and seals with a colourful, natural resin that forms a long-lasting waterproof barrier to protect against bacterial ingress from the environment.
It can also be used on the area around ear tags in lambs and calves.
Nobacz Navel can be applied by dipping or spraying and contains a bitter agent to deter ewe or cow interference.
Fiona said: “Attention to detail is an essential component in the care of neonatal lambs.
"To reduce the risks of joint ill, shepherds need to do whatever they can to protect lambs from bacteria infecting either the navel or the ears at the point of tagging.
"This product has been carefully designed to both desiccate the area and to form a barrier to protect these vulnerable sites.
"I’ve seen it used successfully in a number of flocks now – both in late lambers from last year and early lambers from this.”
The event will include empowering talks by Vet Empowered founders Katie Ford and Claire Grigson MsRCVS.
Expert guests include Aoife Smith, an ex-RVN and psychotherapist, Chloé Hannigan from VetYogi and Jo Kelly, a registered veterinary nurse and accredited nutritional therapist.
There'll be hands-on workshops and immersive activities aimed at challenging comfort zones, fostering connections, and cultivating a mindset of growth and empowerment.
The organisers say Vet Empowered Live also offers the chance to connect with like-minded professionals, share experiences, and build a supportive community of peers committed to personal and professional growth.
Katie said: "We're thrilled to bring Vet Empowered Live to life and provide veterinary professionals with a unique opportunity to invest in their personal development.
"Our mission is to empower individuals to unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and create fulfilling careers on their own terms.
"We are passionate about providing a safe and inspiring space to do this."
Tickets cost £150 and include six hours of CPD and food and drink throughout the day.
25% of owners said they have seen their dog running away on hearing the word 'vet' and 30% have actively avoided a visit to the vet because of the animal's stress.
To try and get round the problem, 30% of owners use language to avoid alerting their animal: either spelling out the word 'V-E-T', or using a different word, like the 'dogtor'.
47% of owners disguise the trip and take their dog for a walk first, whilst 46% give their dog extra treats that day.
Duncan makes three requests of the UK Government:
The first is to make changes to encourage more overseas vets, and specifically the return of EU vets.
The second is to increase funding for UK universities to provide veterinary courses.
The final request is to update the regulatory framework to enable veterinary nurses to expand their role.
Full article:
RCVS Council recommended the increase due to inflationary pressures and increased business costs.
Dr Tshidi Gardiner MRCVS, RCVS Treasurer, said: “We recognise that these are difficult economic times, so Council has endeavoured to limit the fee increase as far as possible; however, in proposing these new fees, Council has had to take account both of increased costs due to inflation, and of additional costs related to ensuring we are fulfilling our regulatory remit to the best of our abilities and meeting our strategic priorities.
“For example, increased costs related to the additional number of veterinary degrees coming on stream, modernising our membership database, our Charter Case Committee, the trial of our private prosecutions protocol against non-vets breaching the Veterinary Surgeons Act, and much more besides.”
Vets need to pay their annual renewal this year by 1st April.
Anyone who hasn't paid by 1st May will face a late payment charge of £35.
Anyone who hasn't paid by 1st June risks removal from the Register.
As part of the annual renewal process, vets also need to confirm their registration and contact details, declare any convictions and declare they are compliant with the College’s requirements for continuing professional development (CPD).
Anyone who expects to encounter any difficulties in paying their fees is asked to contact the RCVS Finance Team on or 020 7202 0722.
As part of the University of Bristol, Langford is the only referral hospital in the South West which has an educational facility.
The new academy will also offer access to its Recent Graduate Scheme for vets that have been qualified for less than five years, advanced CPD delivered by specialists, the chance to be involved in research collaborations with Bristol Vet School, and rotating internships and residencies.
Chloe Higgins MRCVS, who is on the Recent Graduate Scheme, said: "I recently did my first splenectomy and having done the abdominal emergencies session last month, it made both the surgery and all the discussion points with the owner a lot easier and less stressful!”
For more information, email:
The RCVS ERP provides an ethics review mechanism for researchers who are based in practice and don't have access to this process through university and industry connections.
The subcommittee has representation across a range of areas of veterinary expertise, including veterinary nursing, and also includes lay researchers and scientists.
Since its formation as a trial service in 2016, the ERP has reviewed more than 530 research proposals on behalf of the College.
Nicola said: “I am honoured to be offered this position.
"Having been a member of RCVS ERP for the past three years and undertaking a similar role as the Chair of the Clinical Research Ethical Review Board at the Royal Veterinary College, I felt that I had the right expertise to take on the role
“It is vitally important that all research, regardless of where it is undertaken, undergoes ethical review to ensure that robust results are produced especially when they have the potential to influence clinical practice, and so I really welcome the work the ERP has been undertaking.
“As chair of the ERP I hope to build on the success of my predecessor and continue to support those working in clinical practice that is not associated with a university to undertake valuable research and add to the body of evidence that supports our clinical decision-making.”
The company says the new addition leverages a combination of image recognition technology, algorithms, and cloud-based deep learning AI to enable accurate, in-clinic sediment analysis of fresh urine, delivering results within minutes.
The system evaluates red and white blood cells, squamous and other epithelial cells (e.g. urothelial and renal tubular epithelial cells), hyaline and non-hyaline casts, struvite and calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals, and cocci and rod bacteria.
Zoetis says its performance is comparable to that of a clinical pathologist.
Richard Goldstein, DVM, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Global Diagnostics Medical Affairs at Zoetis said: “Urinalysis is an essential diagnostic test for veterinary surgeons, and often a good indicator of potential wider issues.
"Having the ability to get these results faster will improve the speed and level of care teams can provide their patients, facilitating efficient medical decision-making and helping to ensure smooth workflows.
For the research, the medical histories of 188 Basset Hounds and 270 Dachshunds presenting to CVS’ Dovecote Veterinary Hospital and Chestergates Veterinary Specialists, and the University of Ghent were retrospectively assessed.
Information included signalment, whether the dog had received a diagnosis of TL-IVDE, the duration of clinical signs, affected discs and anatomical region and the neurological grading at presentation and discharge.
Basset Hounds and Dachshunds are both chondrodystrophic breeds which are predisposed to IVDE.
However, the study found 77.4% of Dachshunds had presented with IVDE, compared to only 36.2% of Basset Hounds.
Dachshunds also presented earlier (66.5 months) compared to Basset Hounds (median 87.5 months).
Dachshunds had a lower proportion of midlumbar IVDE and were more frequently non-ambulatory at discharge than Basset Hounds.
In addition, Dachshunds were more likely to be paraplegic without sensation at presentation than Basset Hounds (16/154 Dachshunds compared to just one Basset).
The Basset Hound is the largest chondrodystrophic breed and the physical characteristics of this larger body conformation may have benefits, with previous studies suggesting the protective effects of being a larger dog2.
One hypothesis is whether breed conformation and anatomy – the relative height/weight ratio - influences the severity and occurrence of IVD and points to a link between the size of the patient and the space in the vertebral canal.
A smaller spinal cord versus vertebral canal ratio in the Basset Hound may indicate a less compressive lesion.
Sergio Gomes, Head of Neurology and specialist in veterinary neurology at Dovecote Veterinary Hospital, who led the study, said: “This is the first time that IVDE data for Basset Hounds has been directly compared with that for Dachshunds.
“We now need to look closely at the conformation and anatomy of the Basset Hound to see what learnings we can take.
"This could have positive future implications for Dachshund breeding programmes, so that longer term we can try to minimise this painful and common canine condition.”
The company says that although some UK insurers are continuing to offer protection to existing policy holders, Agria is one of the few insurers to offer lifetime veterinary fee cover to new customers.
Insurance will be available to owners who have an exemption certificate.
Vicki Wentworth, Managing Director at Agria Pet Insurance, said: “We know that the last few months have been particularly difficult for owners of American XLBully dogs, and we are pleased to be able to reassure them that we can provide lifetime veterinary fee cover for their dog, so we can support them in prioritising their pet’s welfare”.
The company says that although it can provide cover for veterinary fees, it can't cover third party liability.
Agria is advising owners to contact an organisation such as Dogs Trust which can provide third party cover.
The judges praised the practice group for leveraging employee ownership (EO) to drive growth and staff satisfaction, protect independence, and champion EO in the veterinary sector.
Pennard Vets, which has eight practices in Kent, says its driving ambition when it took the decision to transfer the business into an employee ownership trust and make its 150-strong team business owners, was to protect its independence and core values.
Pennard Vets has also been eager to spread the word about employee ownership to other veterinary practices.
Matthew Flann, a director from Pennard Vets, said: “Winning this award is a huge coup for our entire industry, who have been searching for ways to secure the future of their independent practices.
"Set against a backdrop of increasing corporatisation of UK veterinary practices, we chose to protect our heritage by becoming an EOT.
“It hasn't been easy, but it has been massively rewarding and our team have passionately bought into their new status as owners, and the results can be seen throughout the practice – from team-led initiatives to the impact on the range of procedures we can now offer to our patients.
"It’s genuinely been transformational and since 2021 we’ve doubled turnover and grown our team by 30%.
"We’ve also welcomed Abbotsley Veterinary Group and Priory Lodge into the group with the two local Kent practices citing our EOT status as a motivating factor for their moves.
“Crucially our EOT structure provided the launchpad to becoming the first veterinary practice in Europe to achieve B-Corp status in 2022, which we see as another step towards becoming the very best practice possible, using input and ideas from our team to provide a better service, give back to our community and protect the environment.
“We’re also determined to make the journey less arduous for other veterinary practices to follow our lead and we regularly hear from practice owners who are exploring becoming EO.
"We’ve established the British Veterinary Employee Owned Association to help guide other practices through the journey of becoming an EOT by networking, attending events and presenting webinars.
"This year we have supported thriving practices to become EO in all parts of the UK, including Arrowfield Vets in Herefordshire, Animal Tails Veterinary Practice in Stirling, Shetland Vets and Cornerstone Veterinary Clinic in Belfast.
“We believe intrinsically in the value of supporting and promoting our team as the best way to grow our business and provide the best possible service to our clients and patients, and that same approach will pay dividends for other veterinary practices. Because of this we fully intend to continue to campaign for the benefits of EO.”
James de le Vingne, CEO of the EOA, said: “Congratulation to Pennard Vets on winning this award.
"The awards recognise businesses and individuals that are delivering great employee ownership. Collectively, great employee owned businesses deliver significant uplift in productivity and performance, outperforming their non-EO counterparts across multiple impacts for employees, society, the environment and the economy.”
The first, hosted by Sam Taylor, head of veterinary specialists at ISFM (International Society of Feline Medicine) is titled ‘Whetting the appetite: purr-fectly feeding your knowledge of feline inappetence and why early detection shouldn’t be overlooked’.
The session, which starts at 12:30pm on Tuesday 6th, will explore the importance of feline inappetence, how it goes overlooked by owners and practices alike and why it shouldn’t be underestimated.
In the second session, which starts at 12:30pm on Friday 9th, Libby Koytzoumis, veterinary technical advisor at Dechra (pictured), will talk about one of the most commonly diagnosed endocrine diseases in dogs, Cushing’s syndrome.
Libby's webinar, ‘Are you seeing these usual suspects in practice?’ will explore the common signs, routes to diagnosis and the effective treatment and monitoring of Cushing’s.
The Scottish Fold is bred for a cartilage abnormality which gives them their distinctive folded ears.
However, that same cartilage abnormality affects their joints, meaning that they go on to develop painful arthritis, even from a young age.
The charities say the impact of using this breed in a Hollywood film cannot be overstated and is likely to significantly increase their popularity with potential cat owners.
Nathalie Dowgray, Head of ISFM, said: “International Cat Care (iCatCare) and its veterinary division, the International Society of Feline Medicine (ISFM), believe that it is simply unethical to continue to breed cats with a genetic mutation that is known to cause significant painful disease – the rationale for breeding these cats was purely for traits considered attractive to humans, as some people believe the folded ears look appealing.
"This is an unnatural appearance for a cat, and the underlying genetic defect has far-reaching and severe consequences for the health of the cat.
"Health should always be more important than looks.”
The trailer for the film also shows a cat travelling in a backpack and subjected to rough handling, including being picked up by the scruff and thrown from a building.
ISFM says that although these scenes have been created using digital animation, the organisations share concerns that suggesting these interactions with cats are acceptable or entertaining may have a negative impact on the welfare of cats.
Sarah Ellis, Head of Cat Mental Wellbeing and Behaviour at International Cat Care, said: “Scruffing a cat is an unacceptable form of restraint that can cause a cat considerable discomfort, fear and even pain, as the weight of its body is completely unsupported, and the cat cannot escape the pressure from its skin being grasped.
"Backpacks are not a cat friendly way to transport a cat; they can leave a cat cramped, without enough ventilation, struggling to control body temperature, and uncomfortable due to the unpredictable movement from being worn on a person’s back.
"Backpacks are simply not cat friendly - they do not respect the cat as a species and run the risk of psychological and physical suffering to the cat.”
The organisations have contacted Universal Pictures, asking them to adopt Cat Friendly Principles in future, and not to promote cat breeds with extreme features in future.