Containing ceftiofur (50mg/ml) and ketoprofen (150mg/ml), Curacef Duo is presented in a ready-to-use suspension for injection at a low volume dosage – 1 ml/50kg – which is identical to short-acting ceftiofur alone.
Virbac says that Curacef Duo’s combined action can help to minimise production losses in calves and offer a quick return to production for dairy cows affected by bacterial BRD. It can also improve welfare by targeting infection, inflammation and pain all at once, while its ease of use and simple dosing help to increase compliance. Curacef Duo offers a zero milk withdrawal period and an eight day withdrawal period in meat.
Brigitte Goasduf MRCVS, Large Animal Product Manager at Virbac, said: "In creating the first 'two-in-one' combination of two tried and trusted actives, the antibiotic ceftiofur and NSAID ketoprofen, we are offering practitioners an alternative to the treatment of bacterial BRD.
"We believe that the benefits Curacef Duo offers in terms of efficacy, ease of use and action on inflammation and pain, will be valued by both practitioners and farmers."
The company provides official veterinarians, meat hygiene inspectors and other technical staff to the regulatory compliance sector, and its other clients include Defra, APHA, the Food Standards Agency, DAERA, AHDB, and several private organisations across the UK.
Hallmark says discussions have been ongoing with FSS since mid-2018, since when the company has faced increasing challenges in recruiting and retaining veterinary staff, as a result of eroding salary values and the weakening pound post-Brexit.
David Peace, Chairman of HallMark Meat Hygiene said: "The position we presented to FSS set out HallMark’s case for a substantial increase in funding to apply entirely to frontline veterinary salaries.
"Starting salaries for veterinary staff working with HallMark in this sector had altered very little during the past twenty years. As a responsible employer and trading partner, and with inflation and a weaker pound severely testing real pay levels, HallMark felt it necessary to address those issues robustly and directly to ensure staff are properly compensated and, as a result, that services are stabilised for the benefit of the Scottish meat industry."
"We’re naturally disappointed to part company with a valued customer such as FSS. By mutual agreement last year, we submitted a business case setting out what we believe is necessary to stabilise and maintain service delivery into the future. Ultimately, FSS decided not to accept that business case, and we consequently requested to be released from our contract with them.”
HallMark says it will continue to provide veterinary and technical services to government departments across the UK. Indeed, only last year HallMark’s parent company acquired MLCLS (Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited), the leading independent carcase classification business, originally owned by AHDB. HallMark is also an equal partner in its joint venture company, Probita Solutions Limited, which recruits and deploys vets in support of veterinary practices involved in TB testing activities.
The company also says it will continue to bid for major meat sector tenders in the future.
Mr Peace added: "This news should absolutely not be interpreted as a HallMark withdrawal from meat industry official controls. We will continue to offer the same diligence and dedication to welfare and hygiene standards, wherever opportunities arise, and it will be our mission to offer to government the most efficient and professional compliance services possible, optimising the cost of compliance delivery."
The company said:"The RSA Referral Vet Network has been established to give customers access to a trusted network of vets that provide a high standard of service and value for money. However we do understand that in some cases where the primary vet recommends a referral practice and circumstances dictate that our nearest Network partner is not suitable, we will allow our customers to make a choice without being penalised.
If the treatment in question is covered under the policy, there will be no additional fee charged whether or not they choose to use a Network practice."
Vets For Choice, a group of referral practices campaigning against RSA's Preferred Referral Network, welcomed the news.
However other brands, such as MoreThan, Tesco and Argos, have proceeded with the penalty.
Clive Elwood, one of the referral practitioners behind Vets For Choice, said: "The big question to ask now is if John Lewis can opt out of the fines why can’t Tesco and Argos?
"John Lewis clearly does not agree with springing extra charges on their customers at the point of need and this seems to be in line with their reputation for better customer service.
"MoreThan, Tesco and Argos customers should rightly ask why they are being treated differently to John Lewis customers."
In a press release, Vets For Choice highlighted RSA's July announcement that it was extending its then 29-practice strong referral network by 24, noting that only weeks later it announced its group operating profit was up 20% to £312 million.
In a robust response, an RSA spokesperson said: "The handful of vets behind Vets for Choice have point blank refused to discuss the real issue with non-emergency referrals - the huge variation in costs being charged to pet owners by some vets and paid for by insurers. Vets for Choice has refused to address this issue with us either directly or indirectly, and their desire remains to have a complete lack of transparency about their costs and charges. We are no longer prepared to duck the issue of cost and the lack of transparency in vets’ charges. This impacts on pet owners and means their cover limits do not go as far as they should.
"Our network partners recognise that for pet insurance to remain affordable, the veterinary and insurance industry needs to work more closely together on behalf of customers. Vets for Choice are happy to discuss any issue but the real one and they continue to knowingly distort the facts. The reality is that we have now had 12,700 referral claims from our Network partners, with only 79 customers choosing to pay the £200 charge to use a non-Network partner – well under one percent of all customers. The reality is there is no huge public outcry. The reality is that we have not seen any rise in complaints. The reality is that is our customers are more than happy to have our Network partners treat their pets, knowing that their cover limits are going further.
"Vets for Choice also mentioned our 20% rise in Group Operating Profit. The key word here is Group – the fact is the majority of our profit was made from our international markets. Group operating profit bears no relation to how our UK pet insurance business performed and it is disingenuous to link the two. It is also disingenuous to imply that all brands should act in the same way as their business models differ according to the customer segment they wish to attract. As ever, the choice remains with the customer."
There were two charges against Mr Staton, the first being that he failed to comply with eight requests from the RCVS sent by letter between November 2014 and August 2017 in relation to his continuing professional development (CPD) records.
The second charge was that between 1st January 2012 and 7th November 2017 he failed to have professional indemnity insurance or equivalent arrangements in place.
Mr Staton’s request to adjourn the hearing and agree undertakings was not opposed by the RCVS. The Committee had regard to advice of the Legal Assessor and submissions from both counsel for the RCVS and legal advisor for Mr Staton. In accepting Mr Staton’s request for adjournment and his undertakings no admissions have been made in respect of the charges against him.
In deciding whether to accept the adjournment and undertakings, the Committee was asked to consider a number of factors including Mr Staton’s age and health, his unblemished career of more than 50 years, the fact that he had closed his practice and retired from clinical practice on 31 March 2018 and that he had no intention of practising as a veterinary surgeon again. For those reasons the Committee felt it would be disproportionate to take Mr Staton through a full hearing.
Ian Green, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: "In coming to this decision the Committee considered the respondent’s application to adjourn this inquiry in the light of the evidence he adduced. It had regard to the interests of justice, the public interest in ensuring high standards are maintained by veterinary surgeons and the need to ensure the protection of animals and their welfare."
Should Mr Staton seek to apply to rejoin the Register then the proceedings will become active again and a Disciplinary Committee hearing will be scheduled.
The group, which was convened by Boehringer Ingelheim, made its recommendation in a poster published at the National Mastitis Council meeting in Arizona1, prior to the launch of Boehringer's new teat sealant, Ubroseal.
The poster added that those animals that are likely to be infected need to receive antibiotic dry cow therapy (ADCT) in addition to a teat sealant.
Boehringer says various studies have shown that using an ITS reduces the risk of new intramammary infections and reduces the risk of clinical mastitis after calving, pointing to a meta-analysis of published papers which showed a 25% reduced risk of new infections and a 29% reduced risk of clinical mastitis for cows receiving ITS plus ADCT compared with ADCT alone
Boehringer’s veterinary adviser, Kath Aplin said: "Against the backdrop of targets from RUMA to reduce antibiotic use in the dairy sector3, adopting ITS for all cows could significantly reduce the need for antibiotics. An increase in the use of ITS is included in the dairy sector targets.
"We estimate that, currently, around 29% of the national herd is dried off without an ITS, so there is huge room for growth4."
Kath added: "With a 300-cow US study showing that a week after drying off, 47% of teats had still not formed a keratin plug5 and a New Zealand study showing that one in 20 cows had teats that remained open for 60 days6, it is clear to see that delayed teat closure is a very real problem in many herds. Teats remaining open after dry off make the udder highly susceptible to infection and delayed teat closure exacerbates the risk of acquiring an intramammary infection post-dry off4."
The expert group also recommended developing a herd plan, classifying herds as low risk or high risk and having a different approach to each.
High risk herds will have had a bulk SCC of >250,000 cell/ml in at least two of the last six months, they may also have a problem with Strep. agalactiae or could be experiencing an unavoidable risk period (a new building for example).
The priority should be to improve udder health management during both the lactation and dry period and any decision to abandon ADCT should be made with care and a full risk assessment.
The group said that in reality, it may be prudent to continue blanket ADCT until udder health has improved.
The group’s recommendations for low risk herds (<250,000 cells/ml in four out of the last six months) were to actively strive towards selective ADCT, supported by ITS for all cows.
The full recommendations are published in the proceedings of the NMC1 or can be obtained from your local Boehringer Ingelheim representative.
Kath said: "It has long been established that the mammary gland is highly susceptible to infection in the dry period and that the majority of clinical mastitis in early lactation is picked up during the dry period.
"Moving towards selective ADCT may not be appropriate immediately for all producers. However, the use of ITS for all cows on all farms will reduce new infection rates, assisting in the drive towards improved udder health and reduced antibiotic use."
Photo: Curious cattle on farmland in Cornwall UK. Shutterstock/Shzphoto
Headed by Esteban Gonzalez-Gasch, a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery, the new department enables the practice to undertake a wide range of complex small animal procedures.
Injuries and conditions treated include fracture fixation, including complex and simple fractures; cruciate disease, including tibial osteotomies and extracapsular repair; arthroscopy; arthrodesis of chronically painful joints; elbow dysplasia; lameness investigation in adults and juveniles; treatment of growth deformities including distraction osteogenesis; osteoarthritis and musculo-skeletal neoplasia.
Esteban, who joined Southfields earlier this year from the leading Spanish veterinary hospital Ars Veterinaria, in Barcelona, said: "These new facilities really do put Southfields at the cutting edge of 21st century veterinary science and practice in the UK."
Southfields is also carrying out a full refurbishment of its existing facilities and recruiting a number of additional specialist veterinary surgeons, nurses and support staff.
Southfields’ operations manager Daniel Hogan said: "This is a very exciting period for us. We are growing in every possible area and working more closely with referring practices to continue to develop our bespoke and exceptional service for patients and clients.
"Our aim is aspiring and simple: to create the very best referral centre possible by bringing together the expertise of the very best of veterinary professionals supported by the very latest in technological innovation."
As well as orthopaedics, the practice accepts referrals in soft tissue surgery, internal medicine, oncology, neurology, feline medicine and cardiology. For more information, go to
The first two episodes, which discuss feline cardiomyopathy, are available now at: and all the leading podcast platforms (including Apple, Spotify, Amazon and Google).
Future topics will include pre-clinical feline cardiomyopathy and a practical approach to puppy murmurs.
There'll also be a number of special guests, including Prof Virginia Luis Fuentes from the Royal Veterinary College, who will discuss the treatment of feline heart disease beyond standard therapy, and Dr Brian Scansen from Colorado State University, who will talk you through the diagnosis and management of pulmonic stenosis.
To keep up with the latest from Kieran and Jose, you can follow them on Twitter or Instagram @heartbeat_pod.
They'd also love you to post to questions for their guests, or any comments you have about the podcasts, on their social media channels.
The book guides the reader through the evolutionary background of dogs and cats and explains how inherited diseases and deformities associated with certain breeds can cause breathing problems, heart disease, skin problems and back problems.
The book concludes with practical advice to help owners buy a healthy puppy or kitten and to avoid the risk of supporting puppy farms.
Emma said: "I’ve been campaigning on this issue for twenty years and, if anything the conformational issues and inherited disease problems in dogs and cats, are getting worse with some breeders striving for ever more extreme body shapes.
"Selecting a pet with inherited defects can cost thousands in vet bills and cause anguish for family members. It also creates a relinquishment problem for animal shelters as they have to take in abandoned pets with health problems.
"While awareness is certainly increasing, too often prospective pet owners are still unaware of the health implications of the pet they are buying and it is difficult for my veterinary colleagues to criticise the choice of a client’s puppy or kitten once it has been bought. All too often though they are left to pick up the pieces."
Emma added: "Education is the key. It is vital that prospective owners understand why different body shapes could be detrimental to health and how far removed from nature some of our breeds now are. If we can encourage them to stop choosing the quirky extremes in some breeds, demand for them will soon fall. My message is simple – we should all prioritise health and temperament way above what animals look like.
"I hope that responsible prospective pet owners will find Picking a Pedigree? an enlightening read and that it will inform their choice of a new family member. I also hope that it will be a useful resource for vets and nurses to be able to recommend to reinforce their pre-purchase advice."
Publishing Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "I've lost count of the number of vets who remark that all veterinary recruitment adverts say that there's a 'happy working team' or a 'supportive environment', or 'all the latest toys' and it's only when they arrive at the practice that they discover that everyone's at each other like ferrets in a sack, and the practice's idea of 'all the latest toys' is a 1972 Goblin Teasmade."
VetSurgeon Jobs now includes the ability for advertisers to display in their advert links to the VetSurgeon profiles of other employees at the practice who are prepared to have an informal chat with candidates about what it's like working there.
Using the messaging system on, the potential applicant and the employee can then arrange a time for a chat, without revealing the employee's email address, after which the candidate will hopefully feel far better placed to decide whether it's the job for them.
Arlo said: "Of course, no advertiser is going to display the name of an employee who is going to say bad things about the practice, but it still offers the chance for candidates to ask questions and make their own mind up before applying for an interview."
Aside from that, just the fact that a practice shows that it has the confidence in its employees to put them in touch with potential candidates says something very positive about those practices which use the feature.
To use the new feature, job advertisers need to enter the email address of another employee at the practice who is also a member of and has agreed to talk to candidates, when they place their advertisement. When it goes live, the advert will then contain a direct link to the employee's profile, under the title: "Talk to other employees of this practice."
The debate, which was described as 'robust but good-humoured', was moderated by BEVA past-President Madeleine Campbell, sole partner at Hobgoblins Equine Reproduction Centre.
Keith Chandler, former BEVA President and member of the acquisitions team at Independent Vet Care and Karl Holliman, partner and director at Cliffe Veterinary group and past chairman of XL Equine, argued for corporatisation.
Their supporting witnesses were Lesley Barwise Munro of AlNorthumbria vets which was sold to CVS in 2015 and Julian Samuelson a former managing partner of Bell Equine, which was sold to CVS earlier this year.
In the opposing corner were Andrew Harrison, a partner at Three Counties Equine Hospital and Tim Greet, who recently retired as an equine partner at Rossdales.
Their supporting witnesses were Louise Radford MRCVS, who now works in the pharmaceutical industry and Nenad Zillic, partner at the Barn Equine Surgery.
As the moderator called 'seconds out', opinion was relatively evenly divided, with 44% of the audience agreeing with the motion and 56% disagreeing.
The pro corporatisation team advocated that obvious commercial and business advantages, together with the scale and diversity of a corporate, can give vets greater potential for a more flexible career path and advancement within the industry, and a more sustainable working career in equine practice.
Karl Holliman pointed out that corporates enable greater purchasing power, better health and safety resources, improved career structure and the freedom for employed vets to focus on clinical expertise rather than becoming bogged down with practice management.
Keith Chandler went on to argue that selling to a corporate is a solution to the problem of succession planning. In a climate of unwillingness for younger vets to buy in to practice, selling allows partners to realise the value they've built up and release that equity to do something else.
This is all very well, said Tim Greet, on the anti corporatisation panel, but the good reputation the profession currently enjoys is based on service to clients and above all the animals in our care. Clinical rather than commercial elements drive practice and partners are light on their feet and can respond quickly to decisions without referring to "a ponderous corporate hierarchy".
Tim also argued that clients like continuity and the quickest way to lose them would be to send in different vets. A bespoke approach to client care was needed rather than hard targeting.
Andrew Harrison went on to suggest that the only vets who really benefit from selling out are those who have one eye on retirement. Younger partners may be able to pay off the loan they took out to buy into practice in the first place but are then likely to take a considerable drop in salary and be given a middle management job, moving from the "pilot seat into the passenger seat." He argued that young vets cannot afford to buy into practices because the industry is being "fuelled by the corporates who are falling over themselves competing to buy equine practices and squeezing out our fellow professionals."
Pro corporatisation witness Julian Samuelson maintained that since Bell Equine has been sold to CVS there has been no change to client service, no restrictions on clinical performance and that no targets have been imposed to achieve set revenues.
Anti-corporatisation witness Louise Radford made the point that big corporates could exert pressure on pharmaceutical companies to drive down prices, which would reduce their capacity to invest in research and development trials and CPD, to the ultimate detriment of the veterinary industry.
The session closed with 72% of the audience disagreeing with the motion Corporatisation is inevitable and will benefit vets and their clients.
BEVA President Jon Pycock said: "Whether we like it or not corporatisation of equine practices is on the rise. But it shouldn’t mean that the future isn’t going to be viable for independents too as there is a role for both to co-exist. Importantly, this should mean that vets and their clients will both continue to have choices."
Dr Kettle faced a charge that he had grabbed the dog, a Shih Tzu named Bella, when she was in a kennel, and/or failed to take sufficient care to ensure that Bella did not fall from her kennel, hit Bella with his hand and/or muzzle, and carried Bella only by her collar and/or scruff.
At the outset, Dr Kettle admitted that he had committed the acts as alleged and that his conduct represented serious professional misconduct.
Having taken evidence from the College and the respondent into account, the Committee considered that Dr Kettle’s actions had not only placed Bella at risk of injury but had also caused her actual injury evidenced by her tongue turning blue for a few seconds, the fact that she soiled herself and her stillness in the treatment room.
However, it also concluded that the incident was a single episode in respect of a single animal that had occurred over a period of 30 seconds, so whilst his actions were serious, they were not aggravated by being sustained or repeated over a period of time.
In terms of mitigating factors, the Committee considered that the circumstances at the time of the incident were relevant.
It found Dr Kettle to be a credible witness and accepted that, during the time that the incident occurred, he had been going through a very difficult time personally with the loss of locum staff, the increased work pressure during the pandemic and unrelated adverse comments on social media.
The Committee considered that whilst these factors did not excuse his behaviour, they had affected how Dr Kettle had reacted towards Bella on the day.
The Committee also noted from clinical records that Dr Kettle had been Bella’s veterinary surgeon for over seven years, on nine occasions prior to the incident and on seven occasions subsequently.
There has been no such evidence of any other incidents happening within this time. Dr Kettle received highly positive testimonials attesting to his usual high standards of practice, both before and since the incident, and the Committee was satisfied that this incident could properly be characterised as isolated and out of character.
Kathryn Peaty, Chair of the Disciplinary Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “It was clear that Dr Kettle was deeply remorseful and ashamed of his actions, immediately recognising the seriousness of what he had done.
"Indeed, it was apparent to the Committee from Dr Kettle’s evidence that this remorse and regret continue to weigh heavily on him.
“In all the circumstances, although the Committee did not consider that Dr Kettle’s misconduct was at the lower end of the spectrum of seriousness, given the absence of future risk to animals or the public, and the evidence of exemplary insight, the Committee concluded that a reprimand was the appropriate and proportionate sanction in this case.
“The Committee was satisfied that a reprimand would mark Dr Kettle’s misconduct and reassure the public that veterinary surgeons who act as Dr Kettle had done, would face regulatory consequences and sanction.”
'Potential role of veterinary flea products in widespread pesticide contamination of English rivers1, was carried out by Professor Dave Goulson and Rosemary Perkins MRCVS from the University of Sussex and co-authored by Martin (pictured right) and Wayne Civil from the Environment Agency.
For the study, they looked at 3,861 samples taken from 20 rivers around the UK between 2016 and 2018. Fipronil was detected in 98% of the samples and imidacloprid in 66%.
Currently, there are no environmental quality standards for fipronil or the compounds it breaks down into (fipronil sulfone or fipronil sulfide) or for imidacloprid in British surface waters.
The authors therefore used the acute and chronic toxicity limits for fipronil from a report from the Department of Environmental Toxicology at the University of California Davis2, and from Morissey et al (2015)3 for imidacloprid.
They found that the average fipronil concentration across the rivers sampled by the Environment Agency exceeded chronic safety thresholds five-fold. The overall pollution levels in English rivers indicate that fipronil and its toxic breakdown products pose a high risk to aquatic ecosystems.
While, in most rivers, imidacloprid was found to pose a moderate risk, in seven out of the 20 rivers sampled there was a high environmental risk.
The paper, published in Science of the Total Environment, noted that the highest levels of pollution were found immediately downstream of wastewater treatment works, which the authors say supports the hypothesis that significant quantities of pesticide may be passing from treated pets to the environment via household drains.
Professor Dave Goulson said “Fipronil and imidacloprid are both highly toxic to all insects and other aquatic invertebrates. Studies have shown both pesticides to be associated with declines in the abundance of aquatic invertebrate communities. The finding that our rivers are routinely and chronically contaminated with both of these chemicals and mixtures of their toxic breakdown products is deeply troubling.”
Bathing of pets treated with spot-on fipronil flea products has been confirmed as a potentially important route to waterways for fipronil via sewers. The washing of hands, pet bedding or other surfaces that have come into contact with treated pets are potential additional pathways for entry to sewers.
Rosemary said: “We’ve identified a number of steps that can be taken to minimise or avoid environmental harm from pet flea and/or tick treatments. These range from introducing stricter prescription-only regulations, to considering a more judicious and risk-based approach to the control of parasites in pets, for example by moving away from blanket year-round prophylactic use."
Martin said: "The profession urgently needs to adopt ‘responsible use of parasiticides’ similar to the way it is adopting responsible use of antimicrobials. The VMD needs to strengthen the environmental assessment of pet pesticide products in the authorisation process, and they are currently considering this issue. The VMD should also collate and publish annual sales figures for these pesticides as they do for antimicrobials."
He added: "My veterinary hospital has never had a ‘pet health plan’ to provide year round flea products, because we believe that year-round, intensive treatment for almost all dogs and cats does not constitute responsible use of such powerful pesticides."
Morrissey, C.A., et al., 2015. Neonicotinoid contamination of global surface waters and associated risk to aquatic invertebrates: a review. Environ. Int. 74, 291–303.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed that Somerset-based veterinary surgeon Dr Marcus Hutber be removed from the Register, having found him guilty of serious professional misconduct following multiple complaints made against him.
During the 11-day hearing, the Disciplinary Committee heard eight, separate and unrelated complaints against Dr Marcus Hutber, made whilst he was the owner of the veterinary company Epivet Ltd, with practices in Williton and Wiveliscombe, in 2009. The complaints involved a series of allegations including lack of adequate professional care, failure to have regard to animal welfare, failure to make or maintain adequate clinical records (and to provide them on request), and failure to treat clients with courtesy and respect.
In the first case, Dr Hutber was found to have performed surgery on a dog inadequately; failed to provide adequate post-operative pain relief; failed to obtain informed consent for the surgery from the dog's owner; and, failed to keep adequate clinical records of the dog's treatment. In a second case of inadequate professional care, Dr Hutber failed to ensure a cat's condition was monitored adequately; failed to ensure that the cat received appropriate fluid therapy; and, failed to keep adequate clinical records.
Dr Hutber was found to have brought the profession into disrepute by speaking rudely to one of his clients. On a separate occasion, a different client was found to have been treated without due courtesy or respect when Dr Hutber told her to come to the practice at once to get tablets and give them to her dog, otherwise the dog would die (of a disease he had diagnosed without carrying out the necessary investigations) - an instruction he then later repeated despite being told the dog was now being treated at a different practice.
One other complaint, where charges were proved, involved Dr Hutber's refusal to provide an animal's clinical records to a former client.
The Disciplinary Committee found Dr Hutber's conduct in respect of the charges proved in relation to each complaint, standing alone and taken collectively, amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In reaching its findings, the Committee considered the oral evidence and written statements of 20 witnesses (including Dr Hutber), two expert witness reports, a large quantity of documentary evidence, Dr Hutber's extensive rebuttal material and Counsels' submissions. Generally, the Committee preferred the evidence of the College's witnesses to that of Dr Hutber. Despite the Committee accepting he was of previous good character, it found him to be unhelpful and uncooperative, frequently lapsing into periods of silence that could last minutes, and staring fixedly (and, in the Committee's view, intimidatingly) at witnesses and College Counsel. There were also inconsistencies between his written rebuttal to the College, his witness statement and his oral evidence, about which the Committee found him evasive and illogical.
The Committee considered Dr Hutber had shown no insight into the allegations, or appreciated the significance or impact of his conduct upon his clients and their animals. He had shown no remorse or regret for his actions, and had continued to assert that he had done nothing wrong.
Further, he had caused actual injury to an animal by subjecting it to unnecessary revision surgery; displayed an inadequate and incomplete understanding of the concept of informed consent; demonstrated a lamentable lack of concern for animal welfare; brought the profession into disrepute with his treatment of his clients; and, exhibited conduct that fell far short of that to be expected of a member of the veterinary profession.
Chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee, Professor Peter Lees, said: "The Committee has found that there were fundamental failings in the Respondent's clinical competence, and that there were serious defects in his interpersonal skills in relation to clients. He has throughout displayed a tendency to blame others for things which have gone wrong. [The Committee] is not satisfied that there is a realistic prospect of the Respondent having the ability or inclination to remedy his failings [and] remains unconvinced that there is a real possibility of a change in his attitude.
"The Committee is fully conscious that the purpose of sanction is not to punish, but to protect animals and the wider public interest and to uphold the reputation of the veterinary profession. Having regard to the serious aggravating factors [in this case], the Committee considers that the Respondent's conduct, taken as a whole, is so serious that removal of his professional status is the only appropriate sanction."
Accordingly, the Committee directed the Registrar to remove Dr Hutber's name from the Register.
The full details of the Committee's findings and decision are available on the RCVS website (
The webinar, which will be streamed live at 8pm on Wednesday 20th November and will be available to watch for six months thereafter, is being presented by James Husband, an RCVS Specialist in cattle health & production.
Topics will include oxidative stress, its impact on cattle performance and the role of trace minerals in immunity and cattle health. The webinar will also cover the current complexities of oral supplementation including absorption and mineral antagonism, along with offering information about the latest innovation to boost trace mineral availability during high demand periods in the production and breeding life cycle.
To register for the webinar, visit:
All vets who view the webinar, either live or as a recording on the website, will be able to download a CPD certificate.
Neptra has been approved for the treatment of acute canine otitis externa or acute exacerbations of recurrent otitis caused by mixed infections of susceptible strains of bacteria sensitive to florfenicol (Staphylococcus pseudintermedius) and fungi sensitive to terbinafine (Malassezia pachydermatis), by the European Commission.
Mario Andreoli, Head of Marketing at Bayer Animal Health, said: "Otitis externa is a common disease in dogs and a leading cause why owners take their dog to a veterinarian.
"Neptra offers a key advantage, unlike competing products, it requires just one dose, administered by the veterinarian in the practice."
No at-home applications by the dog owner are required. The treatment stays in the hands of the vet who has full control over compliance.
Mario added: "With Neptra we provide a high-quality veterinary treatment that is convenient for the dog owner and ensures the well-being of dogs with a proper, effective application."
VetSurgeon understands the new product will be available in the UK in January 2020.
The support pack features information on the role anaesthetic induction agents can play in the maintenance of anaesthesia to help veterinary surgeons provide appropriate care for their patients.
The pack includes a user guide to achieving the best outcome when using Alfaxan for the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia, a summary of peer-reviewed key clinical papers on the use of Alfaxan and how it can be used for the maintenance of anaesthesia, an article discussing the use of intravenous agents to maintain anaesthesia in the dog and cat, frequently asked questions and an Alfaxan dosage chart for CRI (Constant Rate Infusion) and intermittent bolus.
To download the pack, visit
Richard Beckwith, country manager for Jurox (UK) Ltd. said: "We have received a significant increase in enquiries following the isoflurane supply issues.
"The new support pack will provide veterinary professionals with comprehensive information on Alfaxan to help practices develop options in providing appropriate anaesthesia for patients."
For more information, call Jurox customer services on 0800 500 3171, or e-mail:
Elanco Companion Animal Health has launched Trifexis, an oral tablet to provide dogs with three-in-one protection against fleas, intestinal nematodes and heartworm.
Trifexis contains two active ingredients: spinosad, which is active against fleas, and milbemycin oxime, which is active against intestinal nematodes and heartworm.
Pointing to a survey which found that two out of three owners prefer administering medication in tablet form, Elanco says it is offering the prescription-only product in a beef-flavoured tablet format that delivers vet practices with an exclusive solution many pet owners would choose.2
Matthew Rowe, senior brand manager at Elanco Companion Animal Health said: "By combining spinosad with milbemycin oxime, Trifexis provides the fast speed of flea kill already experienced with Comfortis (killing 100% of fleas within four hours), but now with the added protection against the hidden danger of intestinal nematodes and heartworm disease; of specific concern for owners whose dogs travel to or from heartworm endemic areas."
Prof. Patrick Bourdeau, Dip ECVD-Dip EVPC, of the Veterinary School of Nantes (Oniris), France, added: "Until now, the treatment of intestinal nematodes has often been overlooked. Recent independent research shows that in Europe a majority of dogs (70%) are treated against fleas; whereas the year-round (and potentially zoonotic) threat of intestinal nematodes is commonly overlooked, with only 49% of dogs being treated.2 The benefit of Trifexis is that it aids treatment compliance against these important yet overlooked worms by providing a tablet format, combined with flea control."
In addition, Elanco highlights the fact that the tablet format satisfies a need for those owners who prefer the cleanliness and assured efficacy of tablet administration, have young children or pets in the home, dogs that swim or are bathed frequently or dogs with skin sensitivity or dermatological issues.
For further information about Elanco's new Trifexis three-in-one oral tablet treatment, contact your local Elanco Companion Animal Health key account manager or telephone 01256 353131.
The RVC has published the results of a study which showed that dogs treated with pimobendan at the preclinical stage of mitral valve disease (MVD) remained asymptomatic for an average 15 months longer and lived for significantly longer than the placebo group.
The EPIC study (Evaluation of Pimobendan In Cardiomegaly), published open access in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine1, is the largest prospective veterinary cardiology study carried out to date. The authors say that the quality of the data it produced rivals that of human clinical trials.
The study was double-blinded, placebo-controlled and randomised. It took seven years to complete and involved 360 dogs across 11 countries in four continents.
To qualify for enrolment in the study, dogs had to be 6 years of age or older, have a body weight ≥4.1 and ≤15 kg, have a characteristic systolic heart murmur of moderate to high intensity (≥ grade 3/6) with maximal intensity over the mitral area, have echocardiographic evidence of advanced MMVD defined as characteristic valvular lesions of the mitral valve apparatus, mitral regurgitation on the colour Doppler echocardiogram, and have echocardiographic evidence of left atrial and left ventricular dilatation, defined as a left atrial-to-aortic root ratio ≥ 1.6 and body weight normalized left ventricular internal diameter in diastole ≥ 1.7, in addition to radiographic evidence of cardiomegaly (vertebral heart sum > 10.5)
In fact, the study was terminated early following an interim analysis as the evidence was considered conclusive and it was deemed unethical to continue to withhold treatment from the placebo group.
Adrian Boswood, Professor of Veterinary Cardiology at the RVC (pictured above right), led the research. He said: "Thanks to the EPIC study results, vets no longer have to adopt a 'watch and wait' approach to suspected preclinical cases of MVD. When a typical mitral valve murmur is detected, vets should now investigate further to look for cardiac enlargement. If demonstrated, this suggests the patient will probably benefit from treatment with pimobendan before the onset of clinical signs.
"It's great that as a trusted treatment, pimobendan has a wealth of safety data behind it in addition to that gleaned from the EPIC study, which can help support vets when prescribing it in this new way."
Adrian added: "As far as evidence-based medicine goes, this is about as good as it gets. The size and design of the study places it in the top-tier. The study was designed and run by an independent team of investigators and sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim. We, as lead investigators, had the right to publish the results regardless of the outcome. This makes EPIC very special indeed."
In light of the findings, Adrian says vets should now consider testing early for signs of preclinical MVD, and in dogs with cardiomegaly secondary to preclinical MVD, consider the use of pimobendan to delay the onset of congestive heart failure and extend the asymptomatic period.
To read more about the EPIC study and results, visit
This, says the company, highlights the need for increased awareness of MCTs, which, accounting for up to 21% of skin cancer cases2 in dogs, are the most common form of canine cutaneous neoplasia.
The incidence of MCTs is highest in dogs aged 6 to 10 years old3,4 with predisposition in some of the UK’s most popular breeds such as Labradors, French Bulldogs, Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Golden Retrievers.
Virbac says that until the launch of Stelfonta, surgical removal of tumours was the standard of care, but surgery can pose challenges for the veterinary surgeon, such as the accessibility of the tumour in order to obtain sufficient margins and anaesthetic risks, particularly in senior and brachycephalic pets.
Apparently, however, 77% of delegates at London Vet Show said they were either likely or very likely to use Stelfonta on their next mast cell tumour case.
To help veterinary professionals and pet owners identify skin masses, Virbac has created a range of resources available at:
Vetoquinol has announced the launch of Rubenal®, a new product for use in renal health management for dogs and cats.
Normal kidney function is dependent upon normal nephron and interstitial tissue structure. When the balance of renal health is tipped, this structure can change and fibrous tissue can accumulate.
Simon Boulton, Rubenal®'s product manager said: "Rubenal® is the first palatable veterinary formulation of Rheum officinale available for use in both dogs and cats. It can be used as an aid to the maintenance of the normal renal fibrotic architecture."
The company has also produced a new guide to the management of chronic renal failure in dogs and cats: Chronic Kidney Disease: Addressing quality of life and life expectancy.
Simon said: "Vetoquinol is dedicated to supporting renal health and the guide is designed to illustrate factors which can affect both quality and quantity of life, including hyperphosphataemia, hypertension, proteinuria, azotaemia and fibrosis in renal disease."
The booklet contains guidelines on the appropriate management of these factors including a wall chart reference guide.
For more information about Rubenal, or a free copy of the guide, please contact your Vetoquinol representative or telephone 0800 1698197.
The award recognises an exceptional farm vet who has been working in the dairy industry for three to five years and contributed significantly to the health and wellbeing of the herds under their care.
Rob joined LLM Vets after graduating from Cambridge University Vet School in 2017. He has particular interests in lameness, calf rearing and housing design. He said: “Since joining LLM, I have thrown myself into all aspects of the practice – from the Agricultural Show season to driving LLM’s BVD eradication efforts and revamping our herd health planning scheme. My role in practice management is also growing. I currently oversee work for the Johnes CHeCS programme and help to guide our industry-leading team of VetTechs."
He added: “I find the interaction between dairy cattle and their environment fascinating and, following some specialist training I undertook with the Dairyland Initiative in Wisconsin, I’ve been helping our farmers to make major changes to their cow and calf housing, particularly by improving ventilation.”
CREAM judge Rob Drysdale said: “Rob Hall really stood out because of the additional services he’s trying to offer, for instance, getting involved in the Stamping Out BVD campaign and utilising his specialist skills in calf housing ventilation to increase welfare standards. Rob would be a real asset to any farm or vet business.”
Charlotte Read, Key Account Manager – Farm, at Krka, added: “Newly qualified vets represent the future of this exciting and rapidly-evolving profession so we are particularly delighted to have the opportunity to highlight their achievements. Krka is proud to support the UK’s dairy sector and we congratulate both Rob and Rupert on the huge contribution they are making to their clients and their practices.”
Morally injurious events are defined as experiences which violate one's moral or ethical code.
The research will consider the types of moral injuries veterinary professionals might encounter, their prevalence, the perceptions amongst professionals around how these moral injuries come about, and what support is needed when they occur.
The project is being led by psychologists Professor Neil Greenberg, Dr Dominic Murphy and Dr Victoria Williamson.
The research revolves around an online questionnaire which the researchers say should take no more than 20 minutes to complete:
Victoria said: “If you have experienced an upsetting event in your veterinary role, it would be really helpful if you could fill in our questionnaire which is anonymous and confidential. As part of this study, we are particularly interested in hearing about experiences that may have caused you to question the kind of person you are, or the kind of world we live in. These are things that you feel you may have done or failed to do, or things that others did or failed to do.
"We hope our results will help us to find better ways of meeting the needs of veterinarians in future so we would encourage veterinary professionals to also circulate this study to colleagues. Some participants may be invited to take part in a follow-up telephone interview; however, we would like to assure you this element of the project is completely voluntary.”
The survey will be followed by 1 hour telephone interviews with those who have indicated they are happy to be interviewed about their thoughts, feelings and beliefs since their challenging experience and how the event may have affected them.
The results of the study will be published in scientific journals and summaries will be made available for the relevant stakeholders with the aim of informing future research studies to support veterinary wellbeing, as well as clinical practice and policy.
Those who wish to find out more about the study before completing the survey can contact Victoria at:
Sue qualified from Cambridge in 1984 and then spent time in mixed practice in Devon before taking her Certificate and then British and European Diplomas in Veterinary Dermatology.
Sue has been an RCVS and European Specialist for more than 20 years. She has recently been elected as a Fellow of the RCVS for meritorious contributions to clinical practice, is an elected member of the RCVS Council and is the Senior Vice President of the European Society of Veterinary Dermatology.
Sue is the Veterinary Director of two companies: Veterinary Dermatological Ltd, a manufacturer of a range of veterinary dermatology supplements, and Virtual Vet Derms, a veterinary telemedicine company. She has published seven text books as well as writing numerous peer reviewed articles and contributing chapters to both small animal and equine text books. She lectures extensively in Europe and America.
During her Presidency, Sue intends to consolidate everything she believes to be great about the Association. She said: "BSAVA has just completed a three-year strategic plan and my Presidency is going to be all about driving this forward. There are so many new initiatives in the pipeline I can’t wait to get started. I am looking forward to working with my dynamic teams of BSAVA officers and our amazing Woodrow House staff to show just how great BSAVA really is."
Professor Ian Ramsey becomes Vice President.
James qualified from Glasgow University in 2002 before joining Rosemullion Veterinary Practice, a mixed practice in Falmouth, Cornwall, of which he became a Director in 2008.
In 2014, Rosemullion separated its farm and small animal work, whereupon James became Clinical Director of the new farm practice, Coast2Coast Farm Vets.
In 2015, following the acquisition of Rosemullion and Coast2Coast by CVS, he was appointed to the group's Farm and Equine Clinical Advisory Committees. These Committees comprise clinical staff from across the Farm and Equine Divisions and make decisions on important issues, including purchasing, advice and information for its clinical teams and investments in the latest equipment and facilities.
James said: "I’ll be spending time each week travelling around the UK, Ireland and Holland to visit our farm practices and meet with colleagues within CVS and from the wider farming and veterinary industries.
"During my first six months, I’ll be focusing on developing frameworks and policies that will enable our practices to guide clients through difficult issues, such as antimicrobial and anthelmintic resistance and to help them succeed in the highly competitive marketplace for both prescription and non-prescription medicines.
"I will also be creating a bespoke farm New Graduate Programme for young vets which all our farm practices will be able to access.
"I see an exciting opportunity for CVS Farm to become a major force in the sector and am looking forward to working with my new colleagues to bring this about."
Doxycare is a doxycycline indicated for the treatment of bacterial respiratory tract infections in cats and dogs due to organisms sensitive to doxycycline, and for the treatment of tick-borne Ehrlichia canis infection in dogs. Doxycare is presented in two strengths: 40mg and 200 mg. Both are licensed for use in cats and dogs. The meat-flavoured tablets are scored for quarter splitting to support more accurate dosing.
Metrocare is a metronidazole indicated for the treatment of gastrointestinal tract infections caused by Giardia spp. and Clostridia spp. and the treatment of infections of the urogenital tract, oral cavity, throat and skin caused by obligate anaerobic bacteria. Metrocare is available in two strengths: 250mg and 500 mg. Both are licensed for use in cats and dogs. The meat-flavoured tablets are scored for quarter splitting.
Cephacare, Animalcare’s first-generation cephalosporin, is now also available in a 1000 mg strength meat-flavoured tablet. Cephacare is licensed to treat skin infections, urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, digestive tract infections and infections of the oral cavity. The existing 50 mg strength tablet is licensed for use in cats and dogs. The new 1000 mg size tablets are scored to be halved and licensed for use in larger dogs.
James Beaumont, Product Manager, said: "We aim to offer our customers flexible and convenient solutions for the products they need to use every day in practice, while supporting more accurate and responsible dosing. The additions of Doxycare and Metrocare to our range, together with the new 1000 mg Cephacare strength tablet, mean that we are now able to offer a broader range of antibiotics for use in both cats and dogs."