Hannah, who graduated from the RVC in 2015, was nominated for her dedication to excelling in first-opinion practice through her farm, small animal and equine work as a mixed animal vet in Aberystwyth.
She was selected from a field of more than 100 entrants by the award judges BVA President Malcolm Morley, President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Melissa Donald, Professor the Lord Trees, Zoetis National Veterinary Manager Jonny Lambert and last year’s winner of the award, Alex Davies.
Hannah said: “This is fantastic! I’m so pleased to accept this award.
"I want to say a huge thanks to my practice for giving me the freedom to explore my passions and enabling me to work with a wide of range of species.
"I want to particularly mention my mentors Dafydd, Phil and Kate, who inspired me to focus on what I love.”
BVA President Malcolm Morley said: “Hannah’s incredible enthusiasm and passion for her work as a mixed-practice vet really made her stand-out to us.
"She is excelling in her work across species, which is challenging enough, but she’s also doing it at a high level.
"It is great to recognise the contribution that Hannah and other first-opinion vets make to our profession."
Improve Veterinary Education will maintain its core mission and quality promise: to deliver all postgraduate training and education programmes for vets and vet nurses through face to face, online learning, blended learning and short course options.
Improve Veterinary Practice offers an online knowledge hub so veterinary professionals can access the latest advice, news and information across all specialties.
Membership also offers ways to keep track of and meet your annual CPD targets.
ISVPS assesses our training programmes and awards globally recognised postgraduate veterinary qualifications to both vets and vet nurses in a range of clinical subjects.
Katie Hungerford, Director of Marketing at Improve International Group, said: “We have modernised all aspects of the Improve International Group to reflect our movement towards providing more online and blended learning choices.
"The experience for veterinary professionals will now feel coherent with simplified graphics and information, no matter which part of the business they need to use.”
Mark Bordo, CEO and CoFounder, Vetster.com, said: “Our new mobile app is one more way we can provide veterinary professionals with a flexible platform to connect with pet parents in between appointments, traveling between clients, or from the comfort of home. With just a few taps on their mobile phone, veterinarians connect with pet parents with great video quality, and easy-to-use scheduling and follow-up features.”
So now, at long last, vets can diagnose disease in animals on an even smaller screen than ever before.
What a breakthrough.
The mobile app also means you can diagnose whilst on the move.
So, no need to waste any more time reading a book on the 14:25 from Paddington to Bath Spa, instead you could be consulting pet owners (or 'pet parents' ... ugh) and examining their animal on your two inch mobile phone screen from the comfort of your train seat.
Client confidentiality could be a problem on the 14:25, but if you wear headphones and whisper into the phone, you should be alright.
Tunnels might also cause a bit of a problem, but hey, the pet owner can always call you back when you're out the other side.
To register to practice on Vetster, visit vetster.com.
Once registered and approved, you can then download and use the app.
The article argues that as the equine influenza (EI) vaccine supply returns to normal, there is sound scientific evidence why bi-annual vaccination schedules should be re-implemented promptly.
Whilst the scale and number of outbreaks has been relatively small since the introduction of mandatory EI vaccination by most competitive equestrian disciplines in the 1980s, disease events such as those experienced in the UK in 1989, 2003 and most recently in 2019 have demonstrated EI’s epidemic potential, even in vaccinated horse populations.
In their article 'Equine influenza bi-annual boosters: what does the evidence tell us?' Victoria Colgate and Richard Newton discuss what has been learnt from previous outbreaks and explain the evidence from mathematical models to show why bi-annual boosters are beneficial.
The authors say that epidemiological data from previous natural EI outbreaks have repeatedly demonstrated the impermanent nature of the protection provided by vaccination and observational field studies have repeatedly highlighted the potential for 12-monthly boosters to leave a vulnerable immunity gap at both the individual animal and population level.
Mathematical models of EI transmission confirm that six-monthly rather than annual EI booster vaccinations are preferable to establish and maintain effective population level immunity to EI.
Ideally vaccine strains should be updated in a timely manner to ensure inclusion of the most epidemiologically-relevant strains, however, this is a slow and expensive process for equine vaccine manufacturers.
In the absence of updated vaccine strains, bi-annual vaccination is strongly recommended to help compensate for antigenic drift between vaccine and circulating EI viral strains
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of the EVJ said: “Although the recent EI vaccine shortage has necessitated a temporary relaxation of competition vaccine schedules, we must now renew the message that six-monthly boosters are optimal and necessary.”
The Editorial can be found at https://beva.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/evj.13898 and is free to view.
Two related articles can be found here: https://beva.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/evj.13874 and here: https://beva.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/evj.13885
The audit1 was led by Paragon Veterinary Referrals’ head of cardiology, Chris Linney (pictured), to review treatment for patent ductus arteriosus.
He set up the study whilst working at Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service, and the other centres collaborating on the study were Anicura Oslo Animal Hospital, Heart Vets; Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and the Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, University Hospital of Companion Animals, Copenhagen and Veterinary Cardiology Consultancy.
Other clinicians taking part included Brigite Pedro, Mike Martin and João Neves, formerly of Willows, along with Jo Harris and Dave Dickson, of HeartVets.
Chris, an RCVS and EBVS specialist in cardiology, said: “This published multicentre prospective clinical audit was a first of its kind in the cardiology world.
“This type of audit acts as a quality control to improve patient outcomes through systematic review of care, comparing to predefined criteria and then implementing change, and so the process repeats.
“Improving patient outcomes and benchmarking against existing standards is essential for elevating patient outcomes.
In the centres in this study, we are already delivering excellent patient outcomes but with room for improvements, however small, this audit will help future patients but also colleagues across the cardiology world.”
The new brand has a couple of display stands that practices can use to show off the range of memory boxes, paw print kits, paw moulds, fur/hair bottles, plant markers and forget-me-not seeds, and hanging/seasonal decorations.
Oh So Precious is the brainchild of Helen Davies, founder of The Lovely Gift Group (pictured right).
She said: “Having lost pets myself and sold many keepsakes, I know how much emotion and passion we put into our relationships with them.
“When my daughter asked for a keepsake for her best friend I realised their was a gap in the market.
“We also identified a need for good quality, pet related items through our existing gift customers.
"We learn a lot from them and they continually highlight requirements for themselves and as thoughtful gifts for friends who have lost pets.
"The unity among pet owners – that need to convey an understanding and appreciation for those suffering the pain of pet loss - is very real.”
Helen says that as well as providing a new revenue stream, the range will help practices meet client needs and provide new ways to be empathetic to clients in times of distress.
There will be a special show offer for orders taken at The London Vet Show, and in 2023 the team is planning to launch personalised pet keepsakes via links from vet practice websites.
Certified B Corps are companies that meet exceptionally high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability.
The process examines a company’s full range of processes, from supply chain to charitable giving and employee benefits.
Other well-known names that have achieved B Corp status include Patagonia, The Body Shop, BrewDog, TOMS, Ben and Jerry’s and Innocent Drinks.
Dr Caroline Collins, from Pennard Vets, said: “We’re extremely proud to achieve B Corp status and there’s no doubt that it will be transformational for the business, in the same way that becoming an employment ownership trust has been.
"Being employee owned and socially minded is a huge draw for vets and nurses seeking a change in their career, who want to be part of an organisation where they can have a real say in the running of the practice and make a tangible difference to the environment.
“It also means that we can now make very long-term decisions, that could even take several decades to pay off, which would be very difficult to do in a traditional shareholder business, and that gives our team the authority to always do the right thing.”
Whilst you're there, the company will doubtless use the opportunity to bend your ear about how its technology can save time, drive revenue, and strengthen patient care.
Still, all in a good cause, and the company says it expects to be making a significant donation towards supporting members of the veterinary community who are experiencing financial and mental health challenges.
ezyVet Chief Growth Officer Pete Brown said: ““As innovators in the veterinary software space, we’re passionate about bettering the lives of veterinary professionals and we recognise the critical work Vetlife is doing to support the hard-working veterinary community.
"We’re going to be donating £1 to Vetlife for every person that visits the ezyVet booth at the London Vet Show, so we encourage everyone to come down and help us support this very worthwhile cause.”
Bruce Bladon will describe current antibiotic use in equine practice, Victoria South will consider the use of Highest Priority Critically Important Antimicrobials, and Bettina Dunkel will describe strategies to reduce antimicrobial use.
The webinar is free for both members and non-members.
To register, visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7016678281618/WN__XNTbcxoQ2K1mXUGOIVL_g
Photo: Safia Barakzai, Equine Surgeon
The Action Plan presents what the College is doing to tackle the issue and explains how collaboration, culture change, career development and leadership, among other things, could help with workforce shortages by improving retention of current members of the professions, encouraging more people to join, and making it easier for those who have left the professions to return.
The report lists seven main areas to be addressed:
The full list of actions, with context about what has fed into ambitions, can be found in the Action Plan which is downloadable at www.rcvs.org.uk/publications.
Dr Sue Paterson FRCVS, Junior Vice-President and Chair of the RCVS Advancement of the Professions Committee, said: “This is a very complex, broad and multi-faceted area of concern so the Action Plan has been a long time in the making to ensure that we adequately capture what needs doing and how, in order to enable us to work collaboratively with all veterinary organisations going forward.
"This is not a finished list, but gives all within the veterinary sector the ability to look at the key areas of work that need to be done and prioritise the ones that most suit their organisational needs."
The new resource, which is sponsored by ManyPets pet insurance, is a complete secondary school lesson in a box.
It is designed in-line with National Curriculum key stage 3 Science, where students will participate in ‘real-life’ veterinary scenarios, performing diagnostic tests similar to those used to diagnose real animals and interpreting scientific evidence.
The project aims to demystify the veterinary professions and some of the perceived barriers to joining it for both young people and their advisors.
The box includes a range of content, from science, critical thinking, communication, mathematics, analytics to problem-solving skills and teamwork.
Aimed at pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9, schools will be able to “book the box” via project collaborators Loughborough University (producers of HE Unboxed) and have it delivered to them for free.
The box is available to all schools, however schools which have a high number of pupils from diverse backgrounds will get booking priority and additional support.
The box will be showcased at the London Vet Show on 17th/18th November at ExCel London and then available to schools from late November.
'Managing Veterinary Medicines' teaches safe and responsible use of veterinary medicines and medicine regulations.
RCVS Knowledge says it will also show you how to put systems in place that will reduce errors, improve patient outcomes and improve practice systems.
It's worth six hours of CPD.
The course has been produced in collaboration between RCVS Knowledge and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD), and includes a range of webinars, podcasts and articles.
Executive Director at RCVS Knowledge, Chris Gush said: “In England alone, more than 1,700 people die yearly because of medication errors.
"While we don't know the true figures in veterinary medicine, we do know that 30% of errors reported to the VDS's VetSafe system are due to medication errors.
“That's why we think it's vital to have good robust systems in place in the practice dispensary and to use QI tools like guidelines, protocols, and checklists.
CEO of the VMD, Abi Seager said: “Managing Veterinary Medicines will help teams comply with legislation as well as keep patients, team members and clients safe when prescribing and dispensing medicine.”
The course will also prepare practices for a VMD inspection or an RCVS Practice Standards Scheme assessment.
The company says its new brand has also been designed to communicate choice more clearly, thereby making vets' busy lives a little easier.
Malcolm Dickinson, Category Manager at NVS, said: “As a familiar and trusted brand, we’re always listening to our customers and designing products that closely meet their needs.
"We understand the challenges vets are facing, including rising costs and supply chain issues.
"That’s why we’re always looking to help relieve the impact on the day-to-day burden of the profession with the right products that help deliver the very best animal care.”
The new brand will be on display at Stand P20 at the London Vet Show.
One Health – the symbiotic relationship between human, animal and environmental health – is becoming increasingly important, encompassing things like sustainability, the increase in antimicrobial resistance and the link between human and animal obesity.
Krista Arnold, Honorary Secretary of BSAVA said: "The complicated relationship between human and animal health has been the subject of scientific investigation since the 19th century.
"Important discoveries and the recognition of disease connections have helped to develop strategies for disease prevention in humans and animals alike.
"This collection in the BSAVA Library will contribute to further understanding and knowledge of this important topic."
The collection can be accessed via the BSAVA Library here: https://www.bsavalibrary.com/content/one-health
It is freely available until the end of December 2022; after this time access is £16.25 for BSAVA members and £25 for non-members.
The survey for vets is about two minutes long: www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/ZCONJA/.
A prize draw will be carried out after the survey closes with 10 participants winning a Q fever snood.
Renzo Di Florio, veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health, said: “Despite Q fever being endemic in GB dairy herds1, we believe that awareness amongst farmers and the related farming industries is low.
"Our national Q fever surveys will help us ascertain how we can support farmers and vets when it comes to diagnostic challenges, treatment options and prevention through vaccination to help protect farmers, farming families and the related professions from the disease and reduce the impact of Q fever on farms.”
Jonathan Statham MA VetMB DCHP FRCVS, a RCVS registered specialist in cattle health, co-author of the ‘Dairy Herd Health’ textbook and chief executive of RAFT Solutions, added: “Multiple surveys in the UK support Q fever prevalence ranging from 60 to 80% in our national dairy herd, including recent work carried out by RAFT Solutions in NE England and SW England (2021)2.
"Reproductive issues are of course multifactorial and it is important therefore not to associate a Q fever positive diagnostic result as a single cause of infertility.
"However, increased level of metritis and endometritis, abortion and pregnancy loss or extended calving-conception intervals merit further investigation with Q fever as part of a herd health discussion that should of course address other infectious disease such as BVD, IBR or leptospirosis.
"Q fever is of further significance as a zoonosis and also as a potentially emerging disease in the context of climate change and changing vector patterns.”
Ceva has also launched a social media toolkit containing social media graphics and content on the disease that can be posted on vet practice social media channels, available from your local Ceva account manager.
The project, which has been supported by Zoetis, came about after 45 vets from 35 CVS practices identified osteoarthritis (OA) as the main clinical area their practice team wanted to develop over the next 18 months.
As a result, the VOA and CVS came together and signed a Memorandum of Understanding under which the VOA will support CVS with training, resources and research.
The goal is to improve the care of OA patients by engaging the whole practice team and clients in their pets’ care.
Professor Stuart Carmichael, VOA Director said: “VOA’s aim is to provide access to the latest research, evidence and technologies and facilitate a multi-professional collaboration supporting practices wishing to improve their management of osteoarthritis.
CVS practices participating in this project will become eligible for accreditation by the VOA in recognition of the training they've undergone.
As the project develops, CVS says it will assess the results of the initiative, learning more about strategies that can improve and enhance management of OA.
This should translate into the development of better long-term approaches for the management of OA that can be used across the profession.
Meantime, the Veterinary Osteoarthritis Alliance (VOA) has a practice accreditation scheme which is available to any practice which is looking to improve its management of OA.
Further information is available at: vet-oa.com
MSD says the new chip is compliant with ISO standards, has proven temperature accuracy1 and as yet is the only microchip on the market that combines identification and temperature monitoring.
The HomeAgain Thermochip has been designed to work for the lifetime of the pet, and it's being launched alongside the HomeAgain Pet Recovery Database, which is free of charge.
Michael Morrow BSc BVSc MRCVS, Director of St Vincents Veterinary Surgery in Wokingham, has been involved in trials of the new chip. He said: ''The launch of HomeAgain Thermochip is a real game-changer in the market.
“We have been trialling the Thermochip for some time and it’s now our default option to measure temperature.
"It’s incredibly useful in everyday practice, particularly when it comes to fractious cats or extremely nervous dogs, and it improves efficiency in consultations.
"We also use the Thermochip extensively during anaesthetic and post operative monitoring – with minimal handling.
“Reassuringly, we’ve never had any issues with the microchip reader or with the chip migrating to other parts of an animal’s body so it’s very reliable.”
In addition to the benefit of being able to measure temperature in a non-invasive way, MSD points to recent studies which suggest that a pet’s ‘normal’ temperature is not a specific number, rather a range of values that depend on numerous factors such as the time of day, the site of measurement, sex, breed, size, age, activity and stress levels2.
The HomeAgain Thermochip makes it easier to take multiple temperature readings easily over time, thereby establishing a pet’s individual temperature range.
For animal identification, the microchip works in much the same way as other microchips.
Once the owner registers their pet’s microchip with a recovery database, their animal – in theory – can be traced if lost.
The reality is often different, because owners' contact details are frequently out of date, making it difficult to reunite pets.
MSD says it aims to have the most comprehensive reunification platform, with a database which:
For more information, visit: homeagain.co.uk
The online risk checker, which is available at www.parassess.co.uk, asks pet owners a series of questions to assess their dog's risk from fleas, ticks, lungworm roundworm and tapeworm.
The test, which has been developed with parasitologists, takes a few minutes and appears to produce sensible results (not every test produces a "Danger, high risk, emergency, get to your vet NOW" result, as you might expect if this had been entirely produced bv the marketing department).
The subsequent report can then be shared with the vet to review it and make a treatment decision.
Being online, the test can be taken on a smartphone whilst in the practice waiting room, or on tablet or computer at home.
It might be worth sharing the test with your clients by email or social media, inviting them to book an appointment if their results suggest it is necessary.
To that end, Boehringer Ingelheim has produced a range of communication materials, such as waiting room displays and digital content for web, email, SMS, and social media.
For more information, contact your local Boehringer Ingelheim territory manager or phone 01344 746957 (UK) or 01 291 3985 (Ireland).
The term ‘evidence synthesis’ describes a range of methodological approaches used to systematically review, appraise, and summarise evidence on a specific area.
The approaches differ from conventional literature reviews or narrative reviews, which are not required to have a specified search strategy or methodology for appraising evidence, and usually present a personal perspective or opinion.
There are three main types of evidence syntheses: rapid reviews, systematic reviews, and scoping reviews.
All have key principles in common, which includes the formulation of a structured question, a systematic search of the available literature, a defined process of reviewing and selecting suitable publications, and a methodology for analysing the final included evidence.
Evidence synthesis is still not widely used in the equine veterinary world, despite its recognised value in human evidence-based medicine.
In the new virtual collection, the EVJ discusses the what and the why of this important evaluation method, as well as providing free access to all the equine veterinary evidence reviews published to date, including:
“Evidence synthesis makes an important contribution towards generating the evidence base which underpins equine clinical practice,” said Professor Sarah Freeman. “The challenge compared to human medicine is that equine veterinary data sets are much smaller, and study approaches and methodologies often vary significantly which means that it may not be possible to combine or collate data sets.
“Given this shortfall, scoping reviews can be helpful to identify what information is out there, find areas where a systematic review could be performed, and provide a useful summary for all the studies in a particular area.”
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of the EVJ said: “As increasing numbers of evidence syntheses are published, they will expand our understanding of the current bodies of evidence in veterinary medicine.
“The existing studies are already informing us on how we use evidence in our practices and policies, and it is encouraging to anticipate how they will shape our development of future research, to generate the best evidence as the norm, in every case.”
The virtual issue can be found at https://beva.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/toc/10.1001/(ISSN)2042-3306.evidence-synthesis-collection
The ‘2022 AAFP/ISFM Cat Friendly Veterinary Interaction Guidelines: Approach and Handling Techniques’ and the ‘2022 ISFM/AAFP Cat Friendly Veterinary Environment Guidelines’ cover all aspects of a cat’s veterinary experience, including the journey to the practice and interactions with veterinary team members, as well as the clinical environment.
The new guidelines cover things like:
Dr Nathalie Dowgray, Head of ISFM (pictured right), said: "We are extremely proud of our new guidelines; they have been a lot of hard work with large amounts of literature to review and multiple time zones to work across, but the effort has been worth it.
"We hope all veterinarians working with cats will take the time to read them and apply the concepts and ideas to their clinics and to how they personally interact with their feline patients.’
The guidelines are available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/page/jfm/collection/cat-friendly-special-issue
For its research, the company surveyed 700 veterinary veterinary professionals.
The subsequent report, "Digital Adoption in Veterinary Medicine", provides up-to-date data on the levels of digital adoption by vets in the UK.
It also explores their attitudes to technology and digital communications tools, and the barriers to adoption. At the Zoom meeting, Scott Goodsir-Smyth, Provet Cloud’s VP of Growth for the UK & US will share and discuss some of the main findings of the report. He will also be answering questions about how practices can go digital, what the pitfalls are, how you can get the most value out of practice management software, and whether you should switch to the cloud. With the RCVS currently in the process of changing the rules regarding telemedicine, and only 23% of veterinary practices currently using telemedicine, this meeting could not be more timely. VetSurgeon.org and Provet are now inviting questions from vets about adopting digital technology, including online booking, integrated payments, pet owner apps, telemedicine, referral portals and digital whiteboards. The people who submit the best ten questions will be able to ask them before anyone else on the night and the best of the lot will get a bottle of champagne in time for Christmas.
To download the report, visit: https://www.provet.cloud/provet-cloud-digital-adoption-report To submit your question, email it to editor@vetsurgeon.org by Wednesday 9th November at 11:00am.
To register to join the Zoom meeting, visit: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsdOugpzMoGd0mrFcC_cyz1kNrGcwpMULV
Sandymoor Vets and Westbrook Vets are headed by Clinic directors, Dr Becky Crossfield and Dr Rhys Peters, supported by a team of 18 vets, nurses and receptionists at each practice and a six-strong head office support team providing finance, marketing, property and HR expertise.
North Star Vets which was launched by Dr Sean Cleary, Dr Richard Thomas and chartered accountant, Jane Platt, opened its first practice about 11 months ago.
The company is aiming to grow to 10 practices over the next four years.
Sea, said: “The ethos of North Star Vets is about giving the next generation of ambitious vets an opportunity to own a share of their own practice and to run it the way they want, without the risk and substantial capital investment that would usually be required to open their own site.
“Our practices also have the added benefit of our central resources spanning clinical, financial, HR, marketing, procurement and property expertise, which are all required to create a successful business.
"In addition, clients enjoy the service levels and continuity that owner managed businesses are renowned for.”
“We knew our offering would be attractive to high quality vets who have the ambition and drive to go beyond heading up a corporate practice, and want to take their career, experience and earning potential to the next level.
“Burford Lane Vets has been very successful achieving a monthly turnover of £100,000 within its first 12 months and we’re very pleased to follow this with the opening of Westbrook Vets and Sandymoor Vets.
"Both practices are in great locations and have undergone high quality fit outs that incorporate all the latest equipment and facilities.
"When this is combined with the knowledge, experience and enthusiasm of Becky and Rhys, it’s easy to see why both practices are proving popular, with almost 700 clients already registered at Westbrook Vets and more than 400 at Sandymoor Vets.
“We’re already planning to open two more sites in the North West, and are currently looking for high-calibre vets who want to be masters of their own destiny by becoming part of our unique co-ownership model.
"Anyone interested should contact us now.”
Edited by Matthew Rendle and Jo Hinde-Megarity, the manual covers a wide range of species, including cats, dogs, exotic companion and zoo animals.
The book integrates ethics and theory with quantifiable measurement of welfare and evidence-based practical solutions.
It also takes into consideration the welfare of the veterinary team.
The BSAVA says that the book will be relevant to all veterinary professionals and animal carers, as well as those studying animal welfare and behaviour.
Dr Sean Wensley, Chair of the Animal Welfare Working Group, Federation of Veterinarians of Europe, said: "implementing animal welfare policies and activities in a range of settings … can improve patient welfare, client satisfaction, staff morale, staff health and safety, and professional reputation.
"This valuable book will make a significant contribution to helping ensure all of these benefits are realised".
The BSAVA Manual of Practical Veterinary Welfare is available from the BSAVA store: https://bsavaportal.bsava.com/s/store#/store/browse/detail/a1B8d000000icQ9EAI (£90; £58.50 for BSAVA members).
This brings the total reported the UK so far this year to eight, following 28 last year and 287 in total.
For a map of all confirmed cases and information for veterinary professionals and pet owners about CRGV, visit: www.alabama-rot.co.uk.
Alison (pictured right) was nominated for making a significant difference to the lives of aquatic animals, for creating strong, positive relationships with clients, and for always making a difference through her work as a fish vet.
Kirsty has been nominated for excelling at her clinical work as a small animal vet, co-leading her practice’s environmental strategy and becoming a member of the Vets4Pets sustainability strategy steering group, on which she represents all practice colleagues across the group.
Hannah was nominated for her impressive surgical and clinical skills, enthusiasm and positive attitude.
BVA President Malcolm Morley said: “With over 100 nominations for this year’s Young Vet of the Year award, it was a tough job to select just three vets for our shortlist.
“These inspiring and dedicated finalists are a credit to the veterinary profession, and we know they have shining careers ahead of them. Congratulations to them all, this is a fantastic achievement, and they should be very proud.”
The winner of the award will receive a prize package which includes £1,000 prize money, a year of free BVA membership, a mentoring/engagement opportunity with Zoetis and career development opportunities.
The winner will be announced at the BVA’s Gala Dinner at London Vet Show on Thursday 17th November at Excel London.