Hill’s Nurse Roadshows return in May with a 4 venue tour of the southern region. The theme is weight management and mobility and the organisers promise fun-filled, fact-packed events.
The evenings will address a broad ranging syllabus that includes setting up a weight management clinic using the latest dietary innovations alongside sessions on how to effectively promote it to your clients. It also will explain how to develop an individual exercise plan for both overweight but mobile animals, and for those overweight pets with mobility impairment.
Guest speakers include vet Lowri Davies who runs her own sports medicine and rehabilitation veterinary clinic in Swansea and is a holder of Certificates in both Veterinary Acupuncture and Canine Rehabilitation and Julie Corey Dip AVN (Med) Cert AAB MBIPDT (Adv) who qualified as a veterinary nurse in 1994 and has a Certificate in Applied Animal Behaviour as well as an Advanced Grade from the British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers (BIPDT).
The roadshows are being held at Milton Keynes on 12th of May, Tunbridge Wells on 13th of May, Exeter on 14th of May and Cheltenham on 15th of May. All the roadshow events run from 7.00 pm for an 8pm start and include a buffet meal and refreshments.
To book a free place at any of the roadshows including the practice based event in Cardiff call Jane Quail, Education Coordinator at Hill’s on 01923 814454.
Royal Canin is offering Dyson Animal handheld bagless vacuum cleaners (normally retailing at £130) with orders of over £500 at Congress this year.
The Royal Canin Veterinary range will be on display, including the latest additions for cats, Renal Special Dry and Renal with Tuna.
Delegates can also find out more about Royal Canin’s programme of on-site in-practice staff training on nutrition, Pet Health Counsellor courses and extensive support material for veterinary nurses, receptionist courses, display material for the waiting room, and a helpline to ensure that vets and their teams have quick access to the most up to date information.
Everyone who drops in on Royal Canin will also be able to enter a free draw to win a flight in a hot air balloon.
The RCVS has published a revised complaints procedure on RCVSonline.
The procedure represents the culmination of 12 months of work from the College's Preliminary Investigations Committee, with the aim of making the decision-making processes more transparent.
There are four information packs about the complaints procedure, all of which are available on RCVSonline. These are for complainants, veterinary surgeons who are complained about, those involved in decision-making at the RCVS and additional guidance for Lay Observers who provide independent, lay input to the process.
View an introduction to the RCVS complaints procedure and download the protocols by clicking here
A Pet Obesity Task Force, the first of its kind in the country, has been launched at the European Pet Obesity Conference, hosted by Hill’s Pet Nutrition to help tackle the growing number of obese and overweight pets and put in place strategies to help overcome the condition.
The Task Force hopes to raise awareness of the growing health implications of obese and overweight pets, such as diabetes and osteoarthritis. The fact that pets are obese or overweight is often overlooked by owners and the group also aims to encourage them to identify weight problems and seek appropriate advice from vets.
Mark Evans, chief veterinary adviser at the RSPCA, who will be sitting on the board, comments: “We’ve been trying to treat and prevent pet obesity for 20 years, but the problem hasn’t gone away. In fact it seems to have got worse despite everyone’s efforts. It’s incredibly frustrating. So, is there any point in fighting on in the same old way if we’re not winning the battle?
“Let’s take a step back, review our knowledge, re-evaluate our approaches, think outside the box and innovate. What could we learn from social scientists, human psychologists and others engaged in trying to tackle the very same problem in people – especially children?”
Members of the Pet Obesity Task Force include:
Mark Evans, chief veterinary adviser, RSPCA BVetMed MRCVS Professor John Innes BVSc PhD CertVR DSAS(Orth) MRCVS Professor Danielle Gunn-Moore BSc BVM&S PhD MACVSc MRCVS Daniel Chan DVM DipACVECC DipACVN MRCVS Nicola Ackerman BSc(Hons) RVN Cert SAN MBVNA Rachel Casey BVMS Dip(AS)CABC MRCVS Dr Ian Campbell GP Mike Jessop BVetMed MRCVS Dr Jacques Debraekeleer DVM, DipECVCN Simon Wheeler Head of marketing at Petplan
TV vet and writer Emma Milne has just returned from two weeks working at IFAW-supported animal clinics in Soweto and Mdzananda with a plea to other vets:
“I would urge other vets in the UK to consider spending some time helping out there; I can guarantee it will be an incredibly fulfilling experience they will never forget!”
Both clinics offer much-needed medical care to the pets of people living in some of South Africa’s poorest communities, as well as caring for and neutering homeless dogs and cats and rescuing animals from cruelty.
The Mdzananda clinic has just one vet to serve the Khayelitsha township, which has more than one million inhabitants and no other veterinary services, while the mobile clinics in Soweto often operate without a full-time vet.
Emma said: “Working at these township clinics and meeting the people and their pets has been life-changing for me and I am eager to get back to Soweto again and do what I can to help.
Meanwhile, I hope that through words and pictures I can convey what I saw and experienced and get help for people who love and need their pets just as much as we do.
Vets wishing to volunteer at the projects are asked to email their names, email addresses and phone numbers to: info-uk@ifaw.org
Two guides for equine veterinarians have just been produced by Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging covering the role of MRI in diagnosing lameness.
MRI Cases in the Standing Sedated Horse looks at fourteen cases from seven clinics in the Hallmarq user community. Compiled for Hallmarq by Dr Julien Olive DMV and complete with clinical MRI images, this 38 page booklet reviews the history, clinical examination, MRI examination, diagnosis, treatment and outcome of each case. The examples illustrate how MRI can enable a diagnosis to be made and a suitable course of treatment prescribed in difficult or ambiguous cases.
The second booklet, MRI Protocols for the Standing Sedated Horse, focuses on the procedures and terminology associated with MRI, from a brief description of the technology and the types of image that can be obtained, to a more detailed description of the methodology.
Hallmarq says that with 20 scanning centres now operating in the UK and Europe the ability now to refer selected cases for an MRI examination makes these booklets relevant to routine practice.
The booklets are available free of charge from Hallmarq for equine veterinarians and veterinary students, and they may be previewed on Hallmarq’s website.
Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging: (01483) 877812 or email info@hallmarq.net
The Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS, Charity no 1100485) is appealing to veterinary practices, equipment suppliers and pharmaceutical companies to donate unwanted supplies to its Parcel Appeal 2008.
The charity, which exists to provide a sustainable veterinary resource to assist animal charities and non-profit organisations, sends donation parcels of veterinary supplies to 138 associated animal charities around the world.
Hannah Westen, WVS International Projects Co-ordinator said: "Last year we were able to help over 50 associated charities in this way with nearly £90,000 worth of donated items. This year we hope to double this but to do so we also need help to cover postage costs."
Some parcels are sent as responses to urgent requests, where it is essential that the parcel arrives within a matter of days, while others are a way of providing assistance to charities where it is not practical to send a veterinary team. Hannah added: "Donation parcels are a simple way for WVS to provide assistance for charities and shelters in even the most remote locations. We recently sent several parcels to St. Helena, one of the most remote islands on the planet."
For further information, visit: http://www.wvs.org.uk/, telephone: 01725 551123, or email: info@wvs.org.uk
There has been a lot in the press lately about the high rates of suicide, addiction and depression within the veterinary profession. So it seems apt that SPVS has chosen the theme of 'happiness' for this year's congress.
Congress will be held at the serene and stunning Slieve Donard Hotel at the foot of the Mourne Mountains in Newcastle, County Down, Northern Ireland from 23rd-25th May, and will seek to reveal how to overcome the stresses and strains of modern life.
Special guest speakers including Dr Jo Griffin and Dr Desmond Rice will suggest ways to improve your relationships with others and get the best from your team as well as provide tips on how to get things done more effectively and how to take responsibility for your own emotional state, among other topics.
For more information, and to book your place, please contact the SPVS office on 01926 410 454 or email office@spvs.org.uk
Animal Health has today launched a free news alert service to help people keep in touch with the latest developments on notifiable animal disease.
The service is targeted mainly at the farming community, although it is available to everyone. By registering, subscribers will receive alerts on up to five notifiable animal diseases – foot and mouth disease, bluetongue, avian influenza, Newcastle disease and classical swine fever. Subscribers can choose to receive alerts via a voicemail on a landline telephone or mobile telephone, via text, fax or email.
To sign up online to the Animal Health Subscription Service visit the Animal Health website at www.defra.gov.uk/animalhealth.
To sign up by telephone dial 0844 884 9888 and follow the press button instructions.
The BVA Animal Welfare Foundation has announced the availability of an updated version of its A3 poultry poster designed to assist veterinary surgeons identify diseases in free-range birds.
Based on information compiled by Victoria Roberts, Honorary Veterinary Surgeon to The Poultry Club, the BVA says the poster provides an invaluable source of information on diseases affecting exhibition chickens, hens, ducks, geese, turkeys, ornamental waterfowl, quail, ornamental pheasants, guinea fowl and peacocks.
The poster details the symptoms of different diseases, the cause, treatment and species affected as well as sections covering common problems and some causes, common diseases by age and life expectancy for the various bird species. A separate highlighted box contains useful tips for veterinary surgeons to pass on to their clients.
Copies of the poster have been circulated to BVA members as an insert in this week’s Veterinary Record. For further copies (free of charge) please ring 020 7636 6541 and ask for the BVA AWF or email bva-awf@bva.co.uk stating your name and postal address, and quoting AWF Poultry Poster.
Dechra Veterinary Products, manufacturer and distributor of Equipalazone®, has launched a new information leaflet to support the Equine Passport scheme.
Since 2005, when equine passports became mandatory, 958,000 have been issued. The passport is a method of identification as well as a medical record and ensures that horses treated with veterinary medicines do not enter the human food chain.
“Many substances used in commonly prescribed equine medicines can only be given to horses not intended for human consumption,” says Giles Coley, Dechra’s managing director. “Under the passport scheme, owners must declare whether their horse is intended for human consumption.
The leaflet, which outlines the importance and benefits of the Equine Passport scheme, will be inserted into every box of Equipalazone Powder 100 sachets. It will also be made available for veterinary practices to hand out to their clients.
Practices wishing or order copies of the Equine Passport leaflet should contact Rachel Horton at Dechra on 01743 441 632.
Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine r/d has been reformulated following new findings regarding the role of protein in weight loss and the development of new fibre technology.
According to Hill's, trials of the new formulation resulted in some impressive results, with individual overweight animals losing at least 22% of their body fat in 8 weeks while still maintaining muscle mass.
In addition, the company has developed a range of support measures to help raise awareness about obesity and encourage pet owners to come forward. There's a new website: http://www.%20hillsweightloss.co.uk/ containing tips on weight loss and e-mailed reminders about returning to the surgery for weight checks; a pet passport containing information on helping the pet live a longer and healthier life, an anatomy poster that describes the dangers of excess weight gain and a practice display materials kit. Libby Sheridan, Veterinary Affairs Manager at Hill’s, “It can be time consuming to put together a really good wall or table display. This kit offers the opportunity for use in its entirety, while also giving scope to add individual elements for those who want to customize the display further.”
Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine r/d will be available in 1.5Kg, 4Kg and 12Kg bags. The recipe of the current 350g can remains unchanged.
For more information call Hill’s Customer Service on 0800 282 438 or (ROI) 1-800 626002.
Hot on the heels of the new license claim for Prac-tic comes the news that Novartis has launched new tasty Milbemax for cats.
The new tablet is the same small size as the original, but is beef-flavoured to ensure high palatability. According to Novartis, trials show that 100 per cent of cats accept the treatment with wet food and 83 per cent with dry food.
To help promote worming the palatable way, Novartis is offering practices some tasty marketing tools to use including posters, client leaflets, worming reminder pads and even a sturdy cut-out cat for reception.
Novartis will also be running a ‘Name Our Cat’ competition with the chance to win an iPod touch complete with an educational podcast; there are five to be won. Entry details can be obtained from Novartis Territory Managers.
For more information about new tasty Milbemax, please contact your Novartis Animal Health Territory Manager or call the Practice Support Line on 0800 854100.
Prac-tic® – the spot-on flea and tick treatment from Novartis Animal Health has added a new claim to its licence.
It now states that adult fleas are killed before they lay eggs for a minimum of four weeks after treatment and, as the product completely eliminates egg production, it also breaks the flea life cycle.
Animus4Vets has launched a new complete series of training CDs. The new series of 4 CDs is entitled Sales and Merchandising and covers aspects such as consulting room sales, waiting room sales and educational displays.
Animus4Vets says the new CDs have been designed in a similar format as their first Client Care series and aim to enable veterinary practices to run their own in-house training.
For more information go to http://www.animus4vets.com/ and follow the CD training links or phone 01449 775330.
VetCell is celebrating a win at Cheltenham, after 'Knowhere' won the Cotswold Chase following pioneering stem cell treatment for a serious tendon injury.
Knowhere had had a good start to his racing career as a four-year-old, winning his first two races as a novice hurdler. But after his second race in 2004 he suffered injuries to both forelimb superficial digital flexor tendons. The left fore showed low grade tendonitis while the right fore had a significant percentage of fibre rupture. As a promising racing prospect, Knowhere’s connections wanted to give him the best possible chance of recovering from his injury so they opted for stem cell therapy. He was treated by Tim Beauregard MRCVS of Summerhill Farm in Gloucestershire.
Bone marrow samples were collected from Knowhere’s sternum and were processed in VetCell's laboratory over a five week period to generate millions of stem cells. Knowhere was sedated, the tendon area was anaesthetised and the leg was then surgically clipped and disinfected. Stem cells, which had been suspended in serum obtained from the original bone marrow sample, were then injected using ultrasound guidance, into the core of the damaged area of the tendon fibres.
For the first week after the implantation Knowhere was kept in his stable to allow the cells to adapt to their new environment. Each day after this he was given walking exercise in order to stimulate the activity of the stem cells, encouraging them to differentiate into tendon cells and form into strong tendon fibres. The amount of exercise was incrementally increased, building up over a three-month period from five minutes each day to 45 minutes twice a day.
By the autumn of 2005 both of Knowhere’s tendons had healed very well and showed good fibre pattern on ultrasonography. He was re-introduced to the racetrack the following year and of the 15 or so races he has been in since, he has finished in the frame on eight occasions and has amassed some £175,000 in winnings.
Vet Tim Beauregard said: “Knowhere’s successful return to the track has been exciting and immensely satisfying to follow and he showed particularly brilliant form in the Cotswold Chase. It remains to be seen whether he will be heading for the Ryanair Chase, the Gold Cup or the Grand National but all involved will be hoping for the best.”
For more information please contact VetCell on +44 207 691 2062 or 866 764 0340, email: info@vetcell.com or visit the website at http://www.vetcell.com/
In response to growing demand for graduates equipped for a wide range of careers in veterinary and biomedical science, the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has developed the BSc (Hons) course in Bioveterinary Sciences.
The Bioveterinary Science degree supersedes the BSc Veterinary Sciences that has been offered by RVC since 2002. Graduates go on to pursue careers within the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries, veterinary-related professions, and biomedical research.
Prospective students interested in finding out more about the course are invited to attend an open day on Wednesday March 12 at the Camden Campus in London. Members of staff will be on hand to discuss aspects of the BSc in Bioveterinary Sciences degree, including entrance requirements and teaching and research facilities. In addition, current students will lead a tour of the London campus and talk about student life at the College. Further information and an online booking form can be found at http://www.rvc.ac.uk/
Genitrix has launched a scheme to help vet practices generate revenue through increasing sales of its canine mobility product, C2Collaplex. The scheme offers a money-back guarantee if clients and practices don’t see clear benefits from using C2Collaplex on dogs with mobility problems within a month.
In order to validate the scheme, clients are asked to complete a simple mobility score sheet and return it to the practice one month from the date of their original consultation. If both vet and client agree that C2Collaplex has made no difference, the practice will refund the client and Genitrix will forward on a replacement pack of C2Collaplex.
C2Collaplex, designed to promote the continuation of normal joint function in ageing and less mobile dogs, contains a range of nutritional substances, including Glucosamine HCl, Chronodroitin Sulphate, Vitamin C and Manganese, which help to support the musculo-skeletal system.
In addition, it contains purified Type II collagen which is the major protein of the cartilage in the joints. C2Collaplex is the only veterinary product to provide this protein in a purified form. According to Genitrix, it works by helping to switch off adverse processes and keeps cartilage normal.
In a retrospective study of 100 dogs presenting to practice with mobility problems, C2Collaplex was given as the only supportive agent and over 80% of veterinary surgeons and owners perceived a benefit from its use.
Commenting on the launch of ‘C2Collaplex Money Back Guarantee Scheme,’ Rob Watkins, Marketing Director of Genitrix, said: “The C2Collaplex Money Back Guarantee Scheme offers a win/win. It gives pet owners a well-priced, next generation product, which will help their dog. For the practice, it helps to build a strong revenue stream, with the guarantee of a refund if it fails to help an individual patient.”
For further information on participating, practices should contact Genitrix on 01403 786345.
Two recently published studies have demonstrated that the canine anti-emetic Cerenia® (maropitant - Pfizer) which was launched last year also relieves car sickness in dogs.
In a pilot study, 17 dogs were given either Cerenia or placebo one hour before being taken on a car journey. After a washout period of 10-14 days, each dog was crossed over to the other treatment and once again taken on a journey to assess travel sickness. The results showed that likelihood of vomiting was reduced by 70% when the dogs were given Cerenia compared to placebo – but due to the small number of dogs enrolled the results did not reach statistical significance.
The same research group also carried out a large, multicentre, blinded and placebo controlled study of Cerenia in preventing vomiting in 213 dogs known to be prone to travel sickness. They were given a single oral dose of Cerenia or placebo one hour before a car journey. The results showed that Cerenia was associated with a reduction in vomiting of 79% compared to placebo (p<0.0001).
The dosage of Cerenia used in both studies was 8mg/kg dose for the prevention of motion sickness–higher than the 2mg/kg dose that is routinely used to treat general emesis, administered at least one hour before the journey. According to the researchers’ report in the Veterinary Record, the need for a higher dose is linked to the specific neural (central) pathway of emetic stimulation that is involved in motion sickness. Cerenia acts primarily at NK1 receptors in the emetic centre and thus has the ability to block vomiting due to vestibular stimuli.
According to Pfizer, a single oral dose lasts for at least 12 hours, so pets can be dosed the night before an early start. For motion sickness prevention, Cerenia is licensed for up to 2 days’ consecutive use, so owners can use it for a return journey the next day if need be.
Pfizer also says that market research suggests almost one in five dogs suffers from travel sickness, which is not only inconvenient but does also stop some owners from travelling with their pet. In the past, owners have had to rely on OTC (over the counter) remedies or medicines developed for use in humans to prevent travel sickness. Many of these are ineffective or have unwanted effects such as sedation or extrapyramidial effects in dogs. Cerenia is the first anti-emetic to be developed specifically for use in dogs and was launched in April 2007– higher dose tablets aimed specifically for the prevention of travel sickness are expected to be made available early this year.
Alstoe Animal Health has launched Dolagis, a carprofen tablet for dogs that uses a unique delivery system which the company claims offers palatability and dosage benefits over other versions of this analgesic.
Called Delicament, the delivery system is essentially a clever tablet design which allows a single table to break easily and accurately into four pieces. That allows correct dosing for all dogs above 3kg, from just one tablet size. Delicament has also been designed to be highly palatable, both in terms of flavour (pig's liver, before you ask) and texture.
To further simplify practice stocking requirements, Dolagis comes in only one pack size, complete with dispensing envelopes that explain how to split the tablet.
Dolagis 50mg tablets are packed in individually perforated blister strips of 10 tablets to aid prescribing accuracy and product integrity. This also reduces the chance that high palatability can lead to patient self-consumption. There are 100 tablets per Dolagis pack, which are available from all wholesalers. For further information contact Alstoe on 01347 878606 or email info@alstoe.co.uk.
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh’s Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies are to start testing whether a compound of cooling chemicals, extracted from mint, can be used to treat laminitis, a condition which affects seven per cent of the British horse population.
The new project, funded by The Horse Trust and led by Professor Sue Fleetwood-Walker, builds on recent work that revealed for the first time that, there is significant nerve damage, as well as inflammation, within the hoof of laminitic horses. This explains why anti-inflammatory drugs are so ineffective in treating the pain of chronic laminitis and highlights the need for therapies to treat nerve injury-induced or ‘neuropathic’ pain in horses.
Prof Fleetwood-Walker’s team discovered in 2006 that the ‘mint’ chemicals have a pain–killing effect in laboratory studies of chronic pain. They will now investigate whether this synthetic treatment could help horses with laminitis.
Bayer Animal Health has doubled the number of pipettes in its Advocate all-in-one flea, worm and mite spot-on to provide an additional range of six-month treatment packs for cats and dogs.
Bayer says the doubling of the number of pipettes in a pack is aimed at providing vets with greater prescribing flexibility and to help improve compliance for owners over a six-month period. Bi-annual vet visits will now give a full year’s parasite cover with Advocate.
Advocate is now available in three- and six-pipette packs for small and large cats and for medium, large and extra large dogs, and three-pipette packs for small dogs. The product remains the only combined flea, worm and mite spot-on that is licensed for the treatment of A. vasorum in dogs.
Pfizer Animal Health has launched Dexdomitor, a new, advanced form of the popular sedative /analgesic Domitor (medetomidine).
According to Pfizer, Dexdomitor contains only the right-handed enantiomer (dexmeditomidine) which is responsible for the beneficial pharmacological effects of the meditomidine molecule. By removing the left-handed enantiomer (levomedetomidine) from the original racemic mixture the same sedative and analgesic effects can be achieved with a lower metabolic load, less potential for interaction with other drugs and half the active substance.
According to Dr Jo Murrell, Senior lecturer in veterinary anaesthesia in Bristol Vet School, the use of dexmedetomidine has a number of advantages in terms of veterinary use:
"Because dexmedetomidine had to undergo a lot of safety studies to get market authorisation in humans, we have a huge amount of cardiovascular data about the effects of dexmedetomidine in dogs,” she said. “That means we know very precisely the effects of dexmedetomidine on cardiac output, on organ blood flow and the changes in blood flow to vital organs such as the heart and brain."
Dr Murrell recommends that vets who are currently using Domitor should consider switching to Dexdomitor when it becomes available.
"You won’t notice any disadvantages as a result of the switch, but you may well notice that the effects of dexmedetomidine are more reliable compared to medetomidine, and you may notice some benefits in terms of recovery from anaesthetic combinations."
Hill's Pet Nutrition has announced that Canine i/d™ is now available again from wholesalers.
The company says that Canine i/d has been reformulated to improve texture quality, while still retaining the nutritional profile that makes i/d ideal for dogs with digestive problems and as a post-surgery recovery diet.
Hill’s Prescription Diet Canine i/d Recovery Packs are back early March; Hill's recommends use of regular i/d in the interim.
For more information, speak to your Territory Manager, or ring Hill’s Customer Services on: 0800 282438 (UK), or: 1 800 626002 (IRL)