CEVA Animal Health, makers of the natural pheromonatherapy product D.A.P.® - Dog Appeasing Pheromone, is supporting National Dog Adoption Month in August and has produced a ‘how to get involved' pack for veterinary practices. During the month, rescue centres throughout the country are hosting open days to raise awareness of the benefits of re-homing rescue dogs and provide people who are looking to re-home a pet with the opportunity to meet the dogs up for adoption. Featuring details on how to join forces with participating rescue centres, including information on giving talks at the events, CEVA's pack is available to download from the National Dog Adoption Month website - http://www.dogadoptionmonth.co.uk/. For more information on National Dog Adoption Month or on how to get involved, please visit http://www.dogadoptionmonth.co.uk/ or phone CEVA Animal Health on 01494 781510.
The RSPCA has launched a campaign to try and help stamp out puppy trafficking. As part of the campaign, the charity has released the results of a survey of vets (June 2008) which shows that: 23% of you reported an increase in puppies being presented at your practice that may have been bred on a puppy farm (compared to three years ago). 73% of vets are 'fairly' or 'very' concerned about the trade in puppies. 33% of you have seen an increase in puppies presented with canine parvovirus (compared to three years ago), 34% with endoparasites (e.g. worms), 31% for ectoparasites (e.g. mites) and 35% with campylobacter. 54% of you say that you believe there is a higher incidence of parvovirus in puppies from puppy farms, 66% for endoparasites and 65% for ectoparasites and 44% for campylobacter. 36% of you report that there has been an increase in puppies presented at your practices in the last three years that have not been vaccinated at the appropriate age for their primary course. A separate survey found that nearly a third of 16-24 year olds are contemplating buying a puppy, and that half would consider buying from a pet shop. The RSPCA said it believes it's high time that people planning on buying a puppy know the risks they face if they don't do their research and get one from either a rescue centre or a responsible breeder.
Animal Friends Insurance (AFI), a not-for-profit pet insurance business, has a High Court injunction which paves the way for its customers to make a smooth transition from the company's previous underwriters, Equine and Livestock Insurance Company (E&L), to Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Limited.
Equine and Livestock terminated their underwriting agreement with AFI in February 2008, citing unprofitablility of the book for them as the reason.
Negotiations over the transfer of the book to Red Sands Insurance Company (Europe) Limited foundered when E&L demanded £750,000 from AFI for the transfer and for their agreement not to solicit AFI customers.
Following legal advice AFI wrote to its customers offering to renew policies with Red Sands. This spawned letters to AFI customers from E&L which caused great confusion amongst customers as to what was happening with their insurance. The letters also offered first a 10% then a 20% discount to tempt AFI customers to renew with E&L and not to stay with AFI.
AFI therefore applied for an emergency injunction to prevent E&L making further contact with AFI customers (except in agreed situations, notably claims), to stop the escalating confusion and also to require them to acknowledge renewals advised to them by AFI into Red Sands and not to take further payments on those insurances. The application was successful.
Elaine Fairfax, Managing Director and Founder of AFI said: "I am delighted at the Court ruling. It has resolved the terrible confusion that followed E&L's letters to our customers. Unfortunately we know that some customers said they would renew with E&L thinking they were staying with us! Now we can simply renew our customers' policies with our new underwriters as we had originally intended to do at no inconvenience to them as they need do nothing if they want to stay with Animal Friends. They will enjoy exactly the same policy terms and premiums as before and our underwriters will even take on existing ongoing conditions where a policyholder has lifetime cover."
She added: "Although this has been a horrible experience we are delighted to have new underwriters as they have given us authority to handle everything in-house. For vets this means that Animal Friends will now be handling claims at our Wiltshire H.Q. We have a bespoke pet claims software systems and veterinary nurse staff to give the best possible service. We have the facility to pay claims swiftly direct into a customer's bank account or direct to a vet. It is also exciting that we shall be able to draw on Hollard's* international pet insurance experience to introduce some unique new products and ideas into the UK pet insurance market in the near future."
Dechra Veterinary Products is offering vets free Identichips® worth £100 when they order Equipalazone® Powder 100s. The European Union (EU) has now approved regulations that any equine foal born after July 1 2009 should be micro-chipped, and Defra is currently consulting with equine industry professionals about the best method of implementation. The combination of a micro-chip and horse passport provides a reliable method of identification and also a medical record. Larry King, Dechra's equine product manager said: "We want to make it easier for vets to offer clients the best method of identification and in turn, make it difficult for horses treated with veterinary medicines to enter the human food chain. "We are pleased to support the micro-chipping initiative and the Equine Passport Scheme with our Identichips offer and an owner leaflet about passports to promote responsible horse ownership. They will both help prevent important products like Equipalazone from inadvertently entering the food chain. He added: "We stand to lose up to 70 per cent of veterinary medicines if the industry and horse owners don't comply with EU legislation of horse passports and micro-chipping for every equine". The owner leaflet outlines the importance and benefits of the Equine Passport Scheme and is being inserted into every box of Equipalazone Powder 100s. Further copies are available from Dechra Veterinary Products for practices to distribute to their clients. Practices can claim their free Identichips by ordering boxes of Equipalazone Powder 100s from Rachel Horton at Dechra Veterinary Products on 01743 452 847 before August 31 2008.
The BVA has announced that Young Vet Network (YVN) members can now benefit from discounted access to Vetstream, the online peer reviewed service that provides clinical information about the veterinary care of dogs, cats, horses and rabbits.
YVN members, 3-8 years graduated, will now be able to benefit from large discounts (up to 63%) on Vetstream’s services, while graduates up to two years qualified already have free access to Vetstream via Vetstart.
Further information about the new package can be found on the BVA website at http://www.bva.co.uk/youngvetnetwork/vetstream_for_yvn_members.asp
Other YVN news includes the appointment of John Remnant as the new junior graduate BVA Council representative, while senior graduate rep Louisa Rance has given an interview to VETS.TV - the new web TV service currently being piloted by BVA - in which she talks about the work of the YVN and how it is helping newly qualified vets with the challenges faced after leaving vet school.
Defra has published a final epidemiology report into the Avian Influenza outbreak confirmed in Oxfordshire on 4 June.
The report concludes that at the time of writing (2 July) infection was confined to a single premise, and there is no evidence of infection on any contact or geographically close premises, or evidence of spread of infection to any other premises to date
While it has not been possible to conclusively identify the source of the infection, the two most likely sources of the outbreak are thought to be:
Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer, Alick Simmons, said ''This incident has demonstrated again the potential for avian influenza to be introduced into domestic poultry in the UK. The risk of further incidents, while low, remains. I urge poultry keepers to maintain the highest standards of biosecurity and to report suspicion of disease promptly including where records indicate increased mortality or reduced performance.''
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is stressing the need for employers to check the registration status of the veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses they recruit.
This comes following several incidences where veterinary surgeons have been found to be either not registered or registered in the wrong category. For example, foreign nationals wishing to work in the UK must be registered as home-practising members, not overseas-practising members. The latter category is for those practising overseas who wish to retain their MRCVS status.
Furthermore, there have been some cases of veterinary surgeons registering as ‘non-practising' and going on to carry out veterinary nursing roles, in the absence of relevant qualifications or being listed/registered as a veterinary nurse. This may be happening in cases where overseas veterinary surgeons are struggling to find work in the UK, possibly due to language difficulties.
RCVS President Jill Nute said: "Vets and veterinary nurses have complementary roles within the practice team. If someone wishes to undertake a veterinary nursing role, they should be qualified and registered as such. Many skills are taught in the veterinary nursing training that are not included in the veterinary degree. Although some veterinary nursing tasks can be carried out by veterinary surgeons, they certainly must not be undertaken by those who are not on the RCVS Register of Veterinary Surgeons".
She added: "Ours is a self-regulated profession and it is important that employers play their part by ensuring that practice employees are appropriately qualified and registered".
The registration status of vets and veterinary nurses can be checked on RCVSonline at: www.rcvs.org.uk/checkregister or www.rcvs.org.uk/vnlist respectively.
Mrs Jill Nute has been invested as president of the RCVS at the AGM and Awards Day, held on 4th July in London.
Mrs Nute graduated from Liverpool University in 1970 and initially assisted in mixed practice in the Lake District, Droitwich and Leominster. In 1976, she established a mixed practice with her husband Geoff, a fellow Liverpool graduate, in Wadebridge, Cornwall.
The practice is now an eight-veterinary surgeon concern, a veterinary nurse Training Practice, an RCVS Accredited Tier 2 Small Animal General Practice and Farm Animal General Practice, and an equine practice accredited to Tier 1; it is also a Meat Hygiene Service approved contractor.
Mrs Nute has been an RCVS Council member since 1993, serving on all of its committees. She has chaired many of these committees and additional working parties, including the Advisory and Public Affairs Committees. She served on the Officer team as Treasurer for three years, from 1996-1999, and is currently Chairman of the Practice Standards Group. Spending several years on the Councils of the British Veterinary Association and the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS), she was elected President of SPVS in 1991.
RCVS Day also brought other changes to the RCVS Officer team: Dr Bob Moore, outgoing President, became Senior Vice-President, and Professor Sandy Trees took up the role of Junior Vice-President.
Professor Sheila Crispin stood down as Senior Vice-President, with Dr Moore commenting that: “The veterinary profession is privileged to have such a knowledgeable and committed advocate.”
Retiring Council members included David McDowell, Debby Reynolds, Neil Smith and Wendy Harrison. New lay observer to the Preliminary Investigation Committee, Catherine Harvey, will replace retiring observer Diane Mark. The President paid particular tribute to long-standing Council member and past-President Stephen Ware, who retires from Council but will remain active in veterinary politics as Vice-President and Treasurer of the Federation of Veterinarians in Europe, he also remains Chairman of the RCVS Trust.
As part of the AGM, newly-elected Council members Richard Stephenson, Charles Gruchy and Bertie Ellis were welcomed. A fourth new member, Catherine Goldie, was not present. It was also announced that Professor Michael Herrtage and Professor Duncan Maskell have been reappointed for further four-year periods by the University of Cambridge, and Professor Sandy Tress has been reappointed for the same term by the University of Liverpool.
Dot Creighton was re-elected to the Veterinary Nurses Council and Katherine Kissick was elected for the first time. New lay member Penelope Swindlehurst and appointed veterinary surgeon Helen Torrington were also welcomed to the VN Council and the President thanked retiring VN Council members Diane Guinan, Donna Hunter and Neil Smith.
President Dr Bob Moore conferred a range of awards, including an Honorary Associateship upon Petplan and Petplan Trust founders Mrs Patsy Bloom and Mr David Simpson who, he said, have had a “remarkable effect on the veterinary profession, animals and their owners.”
Honorary Associateship was also awarded to Mr Geoff Davies, who has dedicated his 30-year career at the University of Bristol Veterinary School to the training, support and development of future veterinary surgeons. He has also served as a valued member of the RCVS Extra-Mural Studies Committee for many years. “It is his enormous contribution in supporting and encouraging the students that is being recognised today,”said Dr Moore.
Honorary Fellowships were awarded to Mr Gary Clayton Jones, Professor Paul Flecknell and Dr Christine Gibbs, and the Dame Olga Uvarov Award, a cash prize for a researcher under the age of 40, was awarded on behalf of the RCVS Trust to Dr Harriet Smythe (in her absence)
Anyone unable to attend the latest in the increasingly popular BVA Animal Welfare Foundation discussion forums, held in May, can now catch up on the presentations on VETS.TV - the new web TV service currently being piloted by BVA - which can be accessed at www.vets.tv.
All the presentations, including ‘Put your money where your mouth is - can people afford animal welfare in food production', ‘Designer animals or breeding for welfare' and ‘Electric aid or shock collar' as well as the Norman Hayward Fund sponsored session - which included presentations on both the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) and Edinburgh University laminitis studies and the casualty slaughter of sheep - along with the Chair of the BVA:AWF Trustees, Carl Padgett's summary of the day, are now available online to view at your convenience.
Also new on VETS.TV is an interview with Young Vet Network (YVN) senior graduate BVA Council representative, Louisa Rance who talks about the work of the YVN and how it is helping newly qualified vets with the challenges faced after leaving vet school and a series of videos, courtesy of Farmers Weekly, on Bluetongue - what it is, how it is transmitted, the symptoms and vaccination advice.
CPD Solutions has announced an eight module course on Feline Medicine starting in September. The company says that the course, with Tim Gruffydd-Jones of Bristol University, will help vets to ensure that their knowledge and clinical skills are up to date in this fast-moving area.
The new course is designed for vets working in first opinion practice, who want to develop their skills and the services that they can offer to their cat-owning clients. A comprehensive grounding in all of the important areas of Feline Medicine is combined with areas in which there have been significant advances recently, such as infectious diseases, emerging endocrine disorders, blood groups and blood transfusions. Problems that owners find particularly distressing, such as adverse behaviour and lower urinary tract disease will be addressed in detail, together with emergency presentations and strategies to cope with them effectively. Vets can enrol on the whole course or select individual modules for their own tailored CPD programme. Susie Coughlan, Managing Director of CPD Solutions said: ‘We have put together key topics in feline medicine, with an emphasis on updating current approaches to the most commonly encountered feline problems. We will also cover the newly recognised disorders that vets are very likely to encounter in first opinion practice. Our aim is to help vets to develop a practical and effective approach to all of their feline patients'.
More information on the course, Keysteps Feline Medicine, is available from CPD Solutions on 0151 328 0444 or on the website at www.cpd-solutions.com.
CEVA Animal Health has introduced Carprodyl® F, a new flavoured version of Carprodyl®.
The company says that the original version of Carprodyl®, the carprofen-based painkiller, has proved very popular with vets, partly thanks to its cost-effective pricing and special offers which help to maximise practice profitability. Carprodyl® F is still priced to boost practice profits, but is now packed with additional improvements.
Palatability is known to be an important factor when it comes to owner compliance. Carprodyl® F contains new pork and yeast flavouring, which has been shown to be extremely appetising for dogs. In CEVA's palatability studies, 100% of dogs took the flavoured tablets voluntarily from the hand or in food. In addition Carprodyl® F is now available in a new 100mg tablet size, which makes dosing easier and more cost-effective for the owners of large dogs.
For further product information and details on how Carprodyl® F can benefit your clients and improve practice profits, please contact your local CEVA representative or call the veterinary support team on 01494 781510, CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG.
The British Veterinary Association has expressed disappointment, but no surprise, at the Government's decision to reject the multi-faceted approach unanimously recommended by the House of Commons Environment Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRACom) to address the spread of Bovine TB within the cattle and badger population.
BVA President Nick Blayney said that the veterinary profession was "deeply concerned about the ongoing lack of disease control and the resulting impact on cattle and badger health and welfare" and that "to date, measures directed at cattle alone have not led to disease control".
While welcoming the commitment to increased funding for research on vaccines, Mr Blayney said: "There is little doubt that any progress is some years down the line and it is hard to see how the Minister can expect either dairy farmers or the veterinary profession to ‘move forward' in tackling the disease when nothing, other than yet another group, albeit under a new name - the Bovine TB Partnership Group - is envisaged for the foreseeable future. Both badgers and cattle are significant animals in the spread of TB as all the science agrees."
Congratulations to Merial for a creative initiative to celebrate the 25th birthday of Eqvalan®.
The company made a much needed donation towards the upkeep of the Pewsey White Horse in return for being able to use it as part of Eqvalan's birthday celebration publicity programme for 2008.
The money will be used to restore the protective fencing around the ancient landmark, near Marlborough in Wiltshire.
Merial's Claire Parry- Baggott explains: "There are a number of white horse sites across the UK, many of which are extremely popular visitor destinations. To keep these sites open to the public requires year-round maintenance, often from a small army of volunteers.
"Horse owners have been using Eqvalan to help protect their trusty companions for 25 years, and this initiative will help provide protection of a different kind!
"The idea sprang from the current Eqvalan advertising campaign which celebrates 25 years of worming protection. The result is a fantastic 100 feet replica of our Eqvalan birthday horse, and brand new fencing for the Pewsey White Horse!
"We were delighted to help the Pewsey Council raise funds to preserve the site and hopefully this money will enable the horse to be enjoyed by many for years to come," concludes Claire.
Vets Now, the UK's only national dedicated out-of-hours veterinary emergency care provider, is set to open its 33rd clinic in July.
The clinic will be located in Portsmouth and will operate from the premises of the Harbour Vet Hospital, 251 London Road, Northend, Portsmouth, PO2 9HA.
Prior to the clinic opening Vets Now will be holding an open evening on the 22 July 2008. The evening is an opportunity for practices in the area or veterinary professionals thinking about working within the clinic to come down and find out more about Vets Now.
Richard Dixon, Managing Director of Vets Now said, "The open evening is an excellent opportunity for the practices in the area who have already subscribed to the service to come down to the host clinic, the Harbour Vet Hospital, and see the facilities that Vets Now will be using. Likewise for those who are interested in using Vets Now as their 0ut-0f-hours provider it is an ideal opportunity for them to come and meet the team, see the facility and find out a little bit more about the service we'll be providing.
He continued, "With regard to staffing the clinic, the open evening is also an opportunity for veterinary professionals who are interested in working with Vets Now either on a permanent or occasional basis to call in and meet our recruitment team and discuss the opportunities which are available."
The open evening on the Tuesday 22 July will be held in the Harbour Vet Hospital, 251 London Road, Northend, Portsmouth, PO2 9HA and will be running from 7.30pm - 9.00pm with drinks and nibbles provided. Vets Now has asked that anyone planning to attend the open evening email marketing@vets-now.com
A Government decision not to embark on a badger cull in England, as reported today, will be the correct one for both badgers and cattle, says the RSPCA.
"This would be the right decision based on compelling evidence, particularly because the most authoritative scientific research ever undertaken on the subject recommended against badger culling as an effective way of controlling TB," said Dr Rob Atkinson, RSPCA Head of Wildlife Science.
"Evidence indicates that the vast majority of badgers are not infected with TB. Our opposition to a badger cull is based on solid science not sentiment. The RSPCA cares as much about cattle welfare as badgers. We are keen to work with farmers and governments to find positive solutions to the challenge of TB in cattle."
Defra has announced that the Bluetongue Protection Zone will be extended again on Monday 7 July, following the delivery by Intervet of almost 2 million additional doses of Bluetongue vaccine. Vaccination is only permitted within the Protection Zone. In accordance with the Bluetongue vaccination plan, the Protection Zone will be extended to cover all of the East Riding of Yorkshire (including the City of Kingston upon Hull), South Yorkshire (made up of the metropolitan boroughs of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield), Gloucestershire (including the unitary authority of South Gloucestershire) and Warwickshire. Defra will continue to roll out vaccination as vaccine is delivered, in line with the vaccination roll-out plan. The additional vaccine is available for use in the existing Protection Zone from today. Livestock keepers in the areas coming into the Protection Zone will be able to obtain the vaccine from Monday. However, they are encouraged to order vaccine so that they can protect their livestock at the earliest opportunity. Protection Zone restrictions will apply to those keepers coming into the extended zone. Animals can only be moved out of the Protection Zone if they are vaccinated, naturally immune or moving for slaughter, subject to meeting certain conditions. Animals will also be able to be moved between the Protection Zones in Wales and England, subject to the conditions on the transit licence.
The Veterinary Laboratories Agency has worked in collaboration with the Institute of Animal Health (IAH) at Pirbright to introduce the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test for Bluetongue virus.
This test is now available via veterinary surgeons for pre-movement (UK) and export testing purposes only.
As of this date, PCR testing for these purposes will no longer be available from IAH, Pirbright.
For further information see www.vla.gov.uk
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) has launched its "Report on the implications of castration and tail docking for the welfare of lambs".
The report considers the implications of castration and tail docking for the welfare of lambs and reiterates FAWC's earlier view that castration and tail docking of lambs are mutilations which should not be undertaken without strong justification.
Professor Wathes, Chairman of FAWC, said: "FAWC believes that scientifically based advice can now be given that will minimise the suffering arising from castration and tail docking."
He continued "If castration is warranted, some methods cause more suffering than others and pain relief should be given once practical methods of delivering local anaesthetics and analgesics have been developed."
The full report is available for download at: http://www.fawc.org.uk/
CEVA Animal Health has announced that its live enzootic abortion vaccine, CEVAC® Chlamydophila, now has an added benefit. It can be used simultaneously with the only available toxoplasmosis vaccine. According to CEVA, infectious abortion, particularly enzootic abortion (Chlamydiosis), has been known to wipe out up to 50% of lambs. Strategic use of CEVAC® Chlamydophila, a live enzootic abortion vaccine, can not only prevent abortion but can also control excretion and the threat of infection.
The company says: "CEVAC® Chlamydophila makes practical and economic sense. A vaccination every four years will help your clients’ flocks remain chlamydiosis-free and the cost of treatment should work out at well under 75p per sheep per year. This is a tiny investment for your clients, to prevent the financial loss of an abortion. The fact that the product can now be used on the same day as the toxoplasmosis vaccine means that is now one of the most convenient and affordable methods currently available."
Ideally routine preventative measures should be taken prior to mating and when new sheep are introduced to the flock, to ensure abortion and infection rates always remain as low as possible.
All animals should be vaccinated in the first year, with replacements being vaccinated from six months of age, at least four weeks prior to tupping.
CEVAC® Chlamydophila is quick and easy to administer, using the special, multi-dose injector gun. One bottle of vaccine contains enough for 20 doses.
For further product information contact your local CEVA representative or CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG or visit the website at http://www.ceva.uk.com/
Genitrix has launched a new system called Osteokine, which produces Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP). PRP, an autologous solution containing therapeutically significant concentrations of platelets, is known to accelerate the healing of injuries and is already widely used in human medicine. It is increasingly being used in the treatment of horses.
The Osteokine system, developed by German company Orthogen which also manufactures joint therapy Irap, comprises two interconnected blood bags.
The system involves taking citrated whole blood from the horse and placing it into the first, red-capped Osteokine bag for processing in a centrifuge. The plasma and platelets are then transferred to the second bag, and a second centrifuge process separates the plasma and generates a pellet of PRP, which is extracted and used to treat the horse from which it was taken.
Treatment with PRP has been shown to accelerate wound healing in all kinds of tissue particularly tendons and ligaments and has also been used in bone healing. It has been noted to reduce perioperative traumatic pain while the higher collagen content provided by PRP can create improved scar resistance.
Commenting on the launch of the Osteokine system in the UK, Rob Watkins, Marketing Director of Genitrix, said: "Therapeutic care of equine lameness is an area of particular expertise for Genitrix and the innovative treatments we've brought to market, including Acell, HY50 and Irap already form part of the staple ‘toolkit' of many equine vets.
"The benefits of PRP in terms of accelerating wound healing and vasculerisation are already widely accepted as are the advantages of an autologous approach in terms of eliminating the risk of disease transmission. To date, however, the process of extracting PRP has proved complex and expensive and only provided in specialised laboratories.
"Osteokine, in contrast, offers a cost-effective approach based on a system which is simple to operate in practice and takes only 20 minutes. We believe it offers a highly effective approach to treating wounds and injuries in horses."
For further information on Osteokine, contact Genitrix on 01403 786345.
This manual is the second in the diagnostic imaging series. It begins by providing the reader with a grounding in the various imaging modalities: radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine and interventional radiological procedures. The second section is devoted to the individual body systems and includes chapters dedicated to the heart and major vessels, the lungs, the mediastinum, the pleural space and the thoracic boundaries. To aid the reader with information retrieval, each anatomical region is approached in the following way: radiographic anatomy and variations; interpretive principles; and diseases. Information on diseases is further subdivided into sections covering radiographic findings and the results and interpretation of other imaging studies. Each of the chapters is accompanied by a wealth of images, demonstrating both the normal radiographic appearance of structures and the abnormalities associated with disease. Specially commissioned illustrations provide an extra dimension. The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging, edited by Tobias Schwarz and Victoria Johnson, is available direct from BSAVA (member price £52, non-member price £80) and from all good bookshops.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has launched its new ‘Good Practice Guide to Handling Veterinary Waste’ consisting of a poster and web advice.
Produced in association with the BSAVA and Goat Veterinary Society, and supported by The Environment Agency, the poster, alongside further detailed information on the BVA website, provides practical step-by-step guidance designed to assist veterinary surgeons comply with waste regulations in England and Wales.
BVA President Nick Blayney commended the guide to practices, pointing out that “All businesses have a duty of care to ensure that all waste is stored and disposed of responsibly, that it is only handled or dealt with by those authorised to do so and that appropriate records are kept of all waste that is transferred or received. Under the Hazardous Waste Regulations, all veterinary facilities that produce more than 200 kg of hazardous waste per annum need to register and we realised that this was an area where guidance was needed.”
While the production of the guidance had proved to be “a decidedly complicated and time-consuming exercise, we are” said Mr Blayney “absolutely delighted with the outcome and believe that it will make life considerably easier for the profession.”
With definitions of hazardous, including clinical, waste and non-hazardous waste illustrated simply and clearly, coupled with information on registering of premises, maintaining a waste register and the use of consignment notes the BVA is confident that the guide will prove indispensable.