On day one, Laura Playforth, IVC Evidensia’s Group Quality Improvement Director, will be looking at psychological safety and the adoption of a safety-critical culture in veterinary practice.
Sayaka Okushima from Pride Veterinary Referrals and Sarah Heath, IVC's Director of Sustainability, will be discussing the use of anaesthetic gases and ways to reduce them.
Other talks on day one will include: ‘Vets vs Nurses: Are we Blurring the Lines?’ and ‘The Criminal Underworld and Animal Welfare’.
On the second day, IVC referral clinicians will present lectures on various subjects, from handling emergency situations to mastering diagnostic testing equipment in first opinion practice.
David Owen, a Referral ECC Clinician at Vets Now in Manchester, will be talking about talking about emergency dyspnoea cases and how veterinary colleagues can cope with challenging situations efficiently.
Frances Bird, a European Specialist in Small Animal Surgery at Pride Veterinary Referrals, will be closing out the day with a discussion on treating respiratory disease from a surgeon’s perspective.
For the full programme, visit: https://london.vetshow.com/conference-programme?&filters.LOCATION=63903&searchgroup=ADD5CDE8-conference-programme-2023
The 'Lifelong Ear Partnership' resources, which were developed in conjunction with a panel of vets, are designed to help vets in practice improve their owner communication and achieve owner buy-in about otitis.
To that end, Dechra has developed various owner communication tools for use in practice or to refer owners to after the consultation.
They include an owner website: www.ear-inflammation.co.uk and a postcard with QR code links to educational videos which cover clinical recommendations, treatment options and the importance of revisits.
There is also a brochure for owners and an online 4D ear model: www.4d-earmodel.com, which demonstrates a healthy ear and an ear with mild, moderate or severe otitis.
Finally, Dechra has also launched an ear cytology webinar series on Dechra Academy: www.dechra.co.uk/academy.
The course consists of tips for everything from greeting the patient to performing and interpreting cytology slides.
Claire Westoby, companion animal brand manager at Dechra, said: “Otitis externa in dogs is not a quick fix and to successfully treat a case several factors need to be considered.
"Most cases call for a thorough investigation of the primary causes, a correct diagnosis and treatment of potential secondary dysbiosis, handling of perpetuating factors and constructing a long-term plan that ensures owner compliance and reduces the risk of recurrent problems.
“Our extensive new range of Lifelong Ear Partnership resources will ensure that vets can refresh their knowledge on otitis externa and educate clients on all aspects of the condition within a limited consult time.”
The webinar will allow veterinary teams to learn from three expert speakers how they can make small practical changes to have positive impacts in their own settings.
Helen Ballantyne, Chair of the UK One Health Coordination Group (UKOHCG) and both a human and animal health nurse, will provide a ‘human’ view of One Health and the strategies in the NHS.
She will highlight areas of excellent practice she has experienced, and from a One Health angle where the veterinary profession could learn from the NHS, and vice versa.
Fergus Allerton MRCVS, an Internal Medicine Specialist and lead on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) at Linnaeus will talk about, amongst other things, the optimal use of antimicrobials for infection control.
In collaboration with the NHS, he launched Veterinary Antibiotic Amnesty activity which saw a 19% reduction of antimicrobial use across the Linnaeus veterinary group.
Fergus will also talk about the PROTECT ME guidelines on the responsible use of antibacterials, such as for surgical antibiotic prophylaxis.
Simon Doherty, past-president of the British Veterinary Association and one of two BVA representatives at the Federation of Veterinarians in Europe, will focus on the history of One Health and One Agriculture; highlighting how improved communication and collaboration at the intersection of people, animals and the environment can drive productivity and sustainability in food production.
Simon will also share some of Vet Sustain’s farm animal resources and how the principles can be applied.
To register, visit: https://horiba.link/one-health-webinar
Phovia, which was launched in the UK last year, is a two-part FLE system consisting of a chromophore gel that is applied to the affected skin and a blue light LED lamp.
Vetoquinol says that when used together they produce light of varying wavelengths that penetrates the skin to different depths, helping to control bacteria and reduce inflammation on the surface of the skin and stimulating regeneration in the epidermal and dermal layers.
The unit is portable, and applications take four minutes once a week.
The authors of the Vetoquinol-funded study say that FLE has already been shown to support and accelerate natural skin healing, but this latest research shows that the benefits go beyond improvement in clinical signs.
The study looked at 35 dogs with a diverse range of skin conditions: 13 had interdigital furunculosis, 10 had deep pyoderma, 6 had wounds, 4 had pyotraumatic dermatitis, and 2 had perianal fistula on presentation.
Eight of 35 dogs were new cases, whereas the remaining 27 were undergoing recrudescence of a prior episode, including pyotraumatic dermatitis, wounds, deep pyoderma, interdigital furunculosis and perianal fistulae.
Thirty dogs (86%) achieved a clinical resolution: 18 with the Fluorescent Light Energy alone and 12 with the concomitant use of FLE and topical antiseptic shampoo.
Five dogs (14%) had a partial response and needed other therapies.
92% percent of owners attested to their pet’s enhanced quality of life, with 74% of dogs displaying at least a 50% improvement in owner-reported behaviour, mood, sleep and playing activities.
The study also reported a 46% reduction in caregiver burden.
Felicity Caddick, Technical Services Manager at Vetoquinol said: “Managing skin conditions often requires the long-term use of shampoos or topical therapies.
"Many owners find this aspect of pet ownership challenging, especially with larger dogs, or less cooperative animals.
"FLE can reduce or in some cases eliminate the need for topical therapies at home, not only simplifying the treatment process but also enhancing convenience and compliance.
"Sharing responsibility for administering ongoing treatment with their vet practice also removes some of the worry associated with their pet’s health.”
Vetoquinol also highlights that Phovia can offer vets a drug-free management option for skin disorders that aligns with the principles of antibiotic stewardship.
The offer runs until 17th September 2023 and vets who sign up for the face-to-face programmes will also get 25% off a practical short course.
The Small Animal Surgery course is split over two years, with a significant practical component and 10-days practical wet-lab training sessions.
Delegates learn about orthopaedics, soft tissue surgery, and neurosurgery.
The Small Animal Medicine course is also split over two years and covers all major canine and feline body systems.
On completion, delegates can also earn an ISVPS General Practitioner Certificate (GPCert) or achieve a Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) awarded by Harper Adams University.
Dr Charlotte French (pictured right), UK Head of Business Development, said: ‘When I qualified over 25 years ago, there was very little postgraduate education available.
"Over the years Improve Veterinary Education have been the leaders in development and delivery of world leading CPD.
"This is the opportunity for even more members of the profession to take advantage of that high quality education, enabling them to further their careers and improve animal welfare.’
The flagship programmes are run in various learning formats to support the different learning environments vets operate in and include:
The day will be led by Sonya Miles, BVSc CertAVP (ZM), CertAqV, MRCVS, RCVS Recognised Advanced Practitioner in Zoological Medicine and WAVMA Certified Aquatic Species Veterinarian.
Lectures will look at techniques, protocols, potential drug options and combinations as well as blood sampling and hospitalisation techniques in a wide variety of exotic species.
Delegates will also be provided with lecture notes, a CPD certificate, refreshments and lunch, as well as goodie bags provided by sponsors Pinmoore Animal Laboratory Services Limited.
Sonya says the aim of the day is to dispel many myths associated with anaesthetising a wide variety of exotic species, including fish and amphibians, whilst simultaneously providing vets and nurses with the skills to undertake these often challenging and comparatively high-risk anaesthetics.
To book your place or for more information, email: info@justexotics.co.uk or book online at https://justexoticsevents.co.uk/dont-miss-out-on-our-latest-event
The sessions will be delivered by Andrew Kent, clinical director at Blaise and a small animal internal medicine specialist, Lara Dempsey, head of soft tissue surgery, Jacques Ferrerira, head of anaesthesia, Mike Farrell, head of orthopaedic surgery, and neurology clinician, Emma Suiter (pictured).
The talks will cover:
Client communication will also be covered, together with some orthopaedics for those with an interest in that area.
Andy said: “We’re building an incredible team at Blaise and are very excited at the prospect of sharing the specialist knowledge that our clinicians have with our wider veterinary community.
"Treating liver conditions can be incredibly complex and our educational programme presents an unrivalled opportunity to deep dive into this part of an animal’s body and how best to approach it.”
Tickets are available for £48 from https://www.ivcevidensiareferrals.com/Delivering-the-Best, with all profits going to the charity StreetVet.
Blaise Veterinary Referral Hospital in Longbridge is IVC’s first purpose-built pet hospital and will be open to accept referral patients from November 2023.
Miss Herdman faced three charges.
The first was that she indicated to a friend that she would supply diazepam and/or tramadol for use by their husband.
The second was that she supplied diazepam and/or tramadol and/or gabapentin.
The third was that she gave advice on the dosages of diazepam and/or tramadol and/or gabapentin.
Miss Herdman was not present at the hearing and was unrepresented, but the Committee determined that it was appropriate to proceed in her absence as she had been notified, was aware that the hearing was taking place and her absence was voluntary.
However, Miss Herdman had been in contact to indicate her pleas to the charges.
She admitted the intention to supply diazepam and/or tramadol and that she had provided advice on the dosages.
She also admitted that she had supplied diazepam but strongly denied that she had supplied tramadol and/or gabapentin.
Taking all the evidence into account (including messages sent by Miss Herdman and her admissions), the Committee found proven the charges in relation to the intent to supply and the advice on dosages.
The Committee also found proven the charge in relation to the supply of diazepam, but found not proved the charge relating to the supply of tramadol and gabapentin for several reasons, including the fact that the messages sent by Miss Herdman did not point unequivocally to her actually suppling each of the drugs to which she referred.
There was no suggestion that the diazepam was stolen from her place of work.
The Committee found that Miss Herdman’s actions had breached paragraphs 1.5 and 6.5 of the Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses.
The committee judged that there were a number of aggravating features of Miss Herdman’s conduct, including that she was not qualified or authorised to prescribe medication to animals, let alone to human beings and that providing a controlled drug to a person who was already taking various painkilling medications was reckless.
The Committee also felt that a reasonable and informed member of the public would be very concerned to learn that a veterinary nurse had supplied a controlled drug to a friend for their personal use.
Regarding the sanction for Miss Herdman, Paul Morris, chairing the Veterinary Nursing Disciplinary Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “Drawing all the material together, and considering the matter as a whole, the Committee had to impose a proportionate sanction for an isolated incident of serious professional misconduct which arose out of a misguided attempt to help a friend.
"The conduct in question was entirely out of keeping with Miss Herdman’s usual practice and there is no real risk that it will be repeated.
"However, this case was much too serious to take no further action and no useful purpose would be served by postponing a sanction.
“The Committee considered that a warning or reprimand would not be sufficient to satisfy the public interest as veterinary nurses are trusted by the public to deal with medication responsibly and failure to do constitutes a severe breach of trust.
“The Committee therefore considered a period of suspension sufficient to meet the public interest in maintaining the reputation of the profession and declaring and upholding proper standards of conduct for members of the profession.
“The Committee also considered whether a removal order would be appropriate but concluded it would be disproportionate and that such a step would remove from the profession an experienced, competent and valuable veterinary nurse for no discernible benefit.
“It was decided that Miss Herdman’s registration be suspended for a period of three months – a period which is sufficient to mark the gravity of the misconduct while taking into account the circumstances in which it arose.”
Skin diseases and palpable masses are a common presentation in guinea pigs brought for veterinary care2.
However, few studies have thus far looked at the prevalence of spontaneously arising diseases in pet guinea pigs.
"Lumpy bumpy guinea pigs: a retrospective study of 619 biopsy samples of externally palpable masses submitted from pet guinea pigs for histopathology" retrospectively analysed 619 biopsy samples submitted for histopathology from pet guinea pigs that had presented with externally palpable masses.
The purpose was to determine the most common tissue origins of these masses and the most frequent pathological diagnoses, together with signalment data for the most commonly diagnosed lesions.
Of the 619 samples submitted from 493 animals, 54 (8.7%) had arisen from the mammary glands3 and 15 (2.4%) from the thyroid glands, with the remaining 550 (88.9%) involving the skin and subcutis, muscle (n = 1), salivary glands (n = 4), lips (n = 2), ears (n = 4) and peripheral lymph nodes (n = 23).
Forty-seven (7.6%) of the masses were diagnosed as inflammatory in nature, including dermatitis, panniculitis, lymphadenitis, cheilitis, myositis, sialoadenitis, abscess and chronic inflammation with osseous metaplasia.
Non-neoplastic, non-inflammatory lesions accounted for a further 31 (5.0%), namely cysts, hamartomas, hyperplastic lesions, polyps, ectopic bone formation and salivary gland steatosis.
The remainder of the samples were neoplastic in nature (541; 87.4%), with 99 masses classified as epithelial in origin, 347 as mesenchymal, 23 as round cell, five as melanocytic and eight as unclassified malignant neoplasms.
Of these, mesenchymal neoplasms were further subdivided into benign (288) and malignant (59).
Lipomas were the most common neoplasm diagnosed, accounting for 286 of all samples submitted.
Of all 619 samples included in the study, the eight most commonly diagnosed lesions were lipoma (46.2%), trichofolliculoma (12.3%), sarcoma (of various subtypes: 9.5%), inflammation (all sites 7.6%), lymphoma / leukaemia (3.4%), mammary carcinoma (4%), mammary adenoma (3.2%) and thyroid carcinoma (1.5%).
Overall these eight diagnoses accounted for 87.7% of all submissions from the externally palpable masses from the pet guinea pigs submitted for histopathology.
Melanie said: “Guinea pigs are an increasingly popular household pet.
"Skin diseases, including palpable masses, are a common reason for veterinary presentation. But few studies have been published to date that provide information for clinicians about these conditions.
“This study illustrates the importance of neoplasms of the skin and subcutis in pet guinea pigs, with over 87% of the cases analysed having one of eight diagnoses.
"While most of these neoplasms are benign, a substantial minority are malignant and identifying those lesions is especially important in treatment planning.
"Clinicians dealing with pet guinea pigs should also be aware that some externally palpable masses may arise from the thyroid or mammary glands rather than the skin or subcutis, and that male guinea pigs may also develop mammary lesions.”
The paper has been selected as ‘Editor’s Choice’ by the Journal of Comparative Pathology and will be free to access until September on Lumpy, bumpy guinea pigs: a retrospective study of 619 biopsy samples of externally palpable masses submitted from pet guinea pigs for histopathology - ScienceDirect.
To raise the funds, CVS put customer and staff collection boxes in its small animal first opinion practices and referral hospitals.
Staff also held a number of fundraising events – including sponsored walks and dog shows, as well as hosting Pet Blood Bank donation days.
The money raised from the partnership will help go towards funding Pet Blood Bank’s work.
Last year the charity sent over 5,000 units of blood to vets across the UK.
Pet Blood Bank provides training for vets and nurses, and donations also help the charity to keep the cost of blood products as low as possible, and provide them free to veterinary charities.
Deputy Chief Executive of CVS Group, Ben Jacklin, said: “Pet Blood Bank is a vital charity doing crucial work within our profession.
"There is no doubt that the level of funds raised is down to the tireless commitment shown by our colleagues up and down the country.
"I’d also like to recognise the role our clients have also made - as without them we would never have reached such a great total.”
Managing Director of Pet Blood Bank, Katrina Wilkinson said: “This generous donation from CVS Group has been incredible to receive.
"We are a small charity so need all the support we can get, and CVS has truly delivered."
CVS has recently announced its next charity partner as Guide Dogs for the Blind.
The research will specifically focus on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyop), the causative agent of the disease, and aim to progress vaccine development.
Zoetis has stumped up another £300K in kind to support the research.
M.hyop is present in 80% of UK pig herds, which can result in a 16% reduction of growth and a 14% reduction in feed conversion in pigs.
This therefore, is not only a welfare issue for pigs but can significantly increase production costs for farmers.
Piglets are at particular risk of contracting the disease alongside secondary pathogens during lactation.
There are currently no commercial vaccines available that would prevent initial infection, and while M.hyop is susceptible to a variety of antibiotics, their use needs to be reduced to avoid overuse and the occurrence of multi-drug resistant strains.
The priority for the RVC researchers will therefore be developing new vaccines.
The team will also research the optimisation of protocols to eliminate M.hyop from pig herds in an effort to further minimise potential transmission.
Professor Dirk Werling, Professor of Molecular Immunology at the RVC, said: “Infection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is a really debilitating disease in pigs that causes huge economic losses for farmers.
"I am very pleased that we will be able to continue working with a pharmaceutical partner to develop a new vaccine using state-of the-art technologies.”
Vetlife says the cost of running its Helpline, Health Support, and Financial Support services for the veterinary community is forecast to exceed the £1million mark for the first time in its history, and it is heavily reliant on donations from fundraisers.
If you'd like to support the charity's work and hold a fundraiser, you can do so individually or as part of a team.
First, you're asked to decide on a goal to set yourself or your team.
This could be an overall distance, a total step count, or to be active each day.
The more adventurous can set walking, running, cycling, swimming, kayaking, rock-climbing, or horse-riding goals.
Then create a fundraising page through JustGiving, so you can share the link and spread the word about your event.
Vetlife asks that you tag the charity in any pictures you share on on social media.
Vetlife Communications Officer Eve Ritchie said: “The links between physical activity and mental health are well documented.
"Active October, is the perfect opportunity to get your friends and colleagues together to boost your wellbeing and raise some much-needed funds for our charity.”
You can buy running vests and t-shirts from Vetlife through its website.
If you have any questions about fundraising for Vetlife, email: fundraising@vetlife.org.uk.
AmpliSpec LAB Mastitis uses isothermal amplification technology, which means laboratories can use less expensive equipment.
It also uses the company's lyophilised bead platform, designed to make the test stable and easy to use.
Biotangents says its new test will offer notable cost, speed and accuracy benefits over the traditional culture and PCR testing used by animal health laboratories and veterinary clinics around the world.
CEO Fiona Marshall said: “With 93% sensitivity and 95% specificity, this is a highly sophisticated assay that will help farmers, vets and laboratories to better treat mastitis.
Kate Murphy and Mellora Sharman from VetCT, Mayank Seth and Rachel Miller from Stansted Veterinary Specialists and Andy Kent from Blaise Referrals have all signed up to get the new VetSurgeon.org email digest of questions posted on the site and will help when they can.
To get things started, any VetSurgeon.org member who posts a question about small animal medicine AND subscribes to the daily or weekly email digest (by logging in and clicking the red box on the homepage) before close of play on 15th August 2023 will go in the hat to win a bottle of Moet champagne.
VetSurgeon.org editor Arlo Guthrie said: "There are many reasons why this new Q&A community is better for professional clinical discussions than other forms of social media, but perhaps the most important is that when you ask a question, you’re not just helping yourself.
"Your question and any answers you receive go into an easily searchable knowledgebase of experience and opinion for the benefit of everyone in the veterinary profession.
"Beyond that, we don't use an algorithm to prioritise posts you are likely to react to, so we avoid the sort of echo chamber bias found on Facebook.
"Other social media also gives undeserved equivalence to all opinions, whereas we highlight those expressed by people with advanced qualifications and experience.
"Finally, VetSurgeon.org is now about one thing and one thing only, which is vets helping each other.
"That makes us much more focused.
"All in all, it means that VetSurgeon.org is where you'll get an authoritative answer."
General practitioners are also strongly encouraged to login and subscribe to the VetSurgeon.org Digest of questions, either daily or weekly.
Arlo added: "You'll get a daily or weekly list of veterinary questions asked by your peers.
"Some you'll want to know the answer to too.
"Some you may be able to help with.
"Answers are welcome not just from Specialists and referral practitioners, but also from general practitioners, industry members and academics."
The webinar was hosted by RCVS Senior Vice-President Dr Melissa Donald, with Standards Committee Chair and Junior Vice-President Linda Belton, Registrar Eleanor Ferguson, and Head of Standards Gemma Kingswell.
The panel gave an overview of the main changes for the guidance, which comes into effect on 1st September, the considerations to take into account when prescribing POM-Vs remotely, the circumstances under which POM-Vs cannot be prescribed remotely, the prescription of antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, and antivirals, and how the guidance will be enforced.
The webinar also dealt with issues raised in a previous webinar, including a query about prescribing under the cascade and an update on the position when prescribing based on cultures and sensitivities.
For further information about the new guidance, including a range of practice-based scenarios and FAQs, visit: https://www.rcvs.org.uk/setting-standards/advice-and-guidance/under-care-new-guidance/
Questions about the under care guidance can be sent to advice@rcvs.org.uk
The company says the like-for-like sales increase was at the upper end of its target of between 4% and 8%, and that it continues to see resilience in the veterinary sector, with membership of its Healthy Pet Club preventative healthcare scheme increasing in the year by 19,000 members (an increase of 4.0%) to 489,000.
CVS says its Board decided to enter the Australian marketplace because of its low levels of corporate consolidation, favourable market dynamics and strong similarities with the UK, including highly trained veterinary surgeons, shared language and culture, and the group's experience with UK vets working between Australia and the UK.
Earlier this month, the group signed agreements for the conditional acquisitions of four independent small animal first opinion veterinary practices in Australia: two in Brisbane, one in Queensland and one in Sydney, for an initial consideration of £16.8M.
Two of the acquisitions have now been completed, and the other two are expected to be completed shortly.
The company says it now plans to acquire more Australian practices in major urban conurbations, including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Newcastle and Adelaide.
Ben Jacklin, Deputy CEO said: "Having worked as a vet in Australia earlier in my career, I know well their high standards of clinical care, and the dedication of highly talented veterinary professionals that work there.
"As a company dedicated to giving the best possible care to animals, I see a fantastic opportunity for us to enter this growing market, with low levels of corporate consolidation, and execute our vision of being the veterinary company people most want to work for.
"I have spent time in Australia over the last 12 months, including meeting some fantastic veterinary practices, and it is clear we have a significant opportunity.
"With the four outstanding practices that are joining us, and a strong pipeline of further acquisition opportunities, I am excited to build a significant CVS business in Australia with the same culture and values that have brought us success in the UK."
Mr Paschalidis faced three charges.
The first was that he failed to carry out an examination or vaccinate a dog called Beluga, but made entries in the clinical records for the dog indicating he had.
The second charge was that, on the same day, he failed to carry out an examination or vaccinate a cat called Simba, but made entries in the clinical records for the cat indicating he had, and told a veterinary nurse colleague that he had vaccinated the cat.
The third charge was that the conduct of Mr Paschalidis in relation to the other two charges was dishonest and/or misleading and that he was therefore guilty of disgraceful conduct in a professional respect.
The Committee found the charges relating to the failure to carry out an adequate examination and vaccinate Beluga and Simba proven.
The Committee also found that Mr Paschalidis had been dishonest and misleading in relation to his clinical records for Beluga.
Although Mr Paschalidis admitted the charge that he had failed to examine Simba, he denied that the record was misleading or dishonest as he said he'd been interrupted by a colleague whilst making the notes, rendering them an incomplete draft.
The Committee found it unproven that Mr Paschalidis had dishonestly made entries in the clinical records for Simba indicating that he had vaccinated him when he hadn’t.
Nor did it find that that Mr Paschalidis had been dishonest in his entries which indicated that he'd examined Simba, instead finding that his conduct was misleading.
However, having found that Mr Paschalidis was dishonest in his recording of his examination/vaccination of Beluga and that he was dishonest in relation to his communication of vaccination of Simba to a colleague, the Committee found that his conduct amounted to conduct falling far below that to be expected of a reasonably competent veterinary surgeon.
The Committee took into account eight testimonials, which were all positive about Mr Paschalidis’ character.
The Committee also noted his Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record, which, from February 2020 to February 2023, totalled over 170 hours.
It also considered that there was no evidence of actual harm to either Beluga or Simba, no evidence of any gains for Mr Paschalidis, and that the episode lasted no longer that one hour.
Against that, the Committee considered the risk of injury to the animals from not being vaccinated or examined adequately and the breach of client trust.
Paul Morris, chairing the Disciplinary Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Committee assessed that the conduct of Mr Paschalidis, which included dishonesty, was in the upper middle range on the scale of dishonest conduct as the breaches of the Code of Professional Conduct were committed deliberately and for dishonest reasons, rather than through inadvertence or mistake.”
"The Committee decided that all of the mitigating factors, combined with an absence of any further incidents or similar behaviour having been drawn to the College's attention, alongside the positive testimonials, led it to conclude that the risk of any repetition of similar conduct was reduced such that Mr Paschalidis no longer poses a significant risk to animals or the public."
"The Committee considered that the misconduct found proved was sufficiently serious to require suspension from the Register, which would have a deterrent effect and would satisfy the public interest in this case.
"However, because Mr Paschalidis had continued to work as a veterinary surgeon for two years since these events without complaint and had shown some insight, the Committee decided that a lengthy suspension would not serve a useful purpose and would therefore be disproportionate. "
“The Committee therefore decided to direct that, as a deterrent, Mr Paschalidis’ registration be suspended for a period of six months.”
Roy Geary, regional director for Northern Europe (including the UK) at Ceva Animal Health, said: “The manufacturing of vaccines is a complex process that involves stringent quality control measures and adherence to regulatory guidelines.
"There have been unforeseen manufacturing issues at our production facilities, which have temporarily affected the ability to meet the demands of the UK sheep market within the main seasonal vaccination period for EAE.
"As a responsible provider, we are actively addressing these issues to minimise the impact on customers.
“In collaboration with relevant stakeholders, we have implemented comprehensive contingency plans to optimise the manufacturing and distribution process.
"Our dedicated team is working closely with our partners to resolve the challenges and restore normal supply levels as soon as possible.
"The vaccine challenge is being treated with the utmost urgency, and we are actively exploring alternative sourcing options to supplement the existing supply chain.
“We anticipate that the delay in supply will be resolved in the near future, however we recognise that for some farmers the supply will arrive too late for them to use. "
Ceva is encouraging these farmers to consult their vet and explore alternatives.
Roy added: “We will provide vet practices and the wider industry with regular updates as we progress toward a resolution and return to normal supply levels.”
Mr Dobson was struck off in 2021 after the DC found that he'd carried out an act of veterinary certification after being removed from the Register for non-payment, failed to have professional indemnity insurance in place and failed to respond to requests from the RCVS about these things.
Mr Dobson submitted a restoration application by email at the start of June, but then didn't reply to any further correspondence from the College, didn't provide any detail supporting his application, didn't attend the hearing and didn't contact the RCVS to explain why.
The Committee decided to go ahead with the restoration hearing in Mr Dobson's absence.
It decided that although Mr Dobson's email on 2nd June 2023 did suggest that he accepted the original findings for which he was removed from the Register, there was not enough evidence of remorse or insight into the the failings which led to him being struck off in the first place, or that he had attempted to keep his continuing professional development (CPD) up-to-date or that, if restored, he would pose no risk to animal health and welfare.
Paul Morris, chairing the Disciplinary Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “The Disciplinary Committee will only restore the name of the applicant veterinary surgeon to the Register where the applicant has satisfied it that he or she is fit to return to unrestricted practice as a veterinary surgeon and that restoration is in the public interest.
“The Committee’s real concerns about this application and this applicant are that it has before it no evidence of any value or substance to satisfy either of these criteria.
"There is no basis on which the Committee could conclude that the applicant is fit to return to unrestricted practice.
"In turn, there is no basis on which the Committee could conclude that it is in the public interest that this applicant’s name be restored to the Register.
“It is of importance to the profession and to members of the public that restorations to the Register should only occur when the applicant has established by clear evidence that the criteria which are set out in the public documents produce by the College have been satisfied.”
He added: “Having regard to the above criteria and its findings on them, the Committee considers that it remains the case that the protection of the public and the public interest requires that his name be not restored to the Register and therefore refuses this application.”
The BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary Medicines has been developed to help veterinary professionals navigate the regulations, changes and issues that face the profession when it comes to the use of veterinary medicines.
Edited by David Harris and Pam Mosedale, there are three new sections which cover:
The BSAVA also highlights that the law in the UK relating to the use of veterinary medicines will be updated when the VMD completes its review.
In addition changes to the RCVS Code of Conduct concerning under care are due to come into force in September.
This, the Association says, will lead to significant changes in medicines use, as well as legal and ethical dilemmas.
As a result, the new guide includes a section at the beginning of the Guide that will be updated as required and the editors encourage all veterinary professionals to stay up to date with the progress of these reviews.
The new BSAVA Guide to the Use of Veterinary medicines is freely available to all via the BSAVA Library.
Dechra says Equisolon is the only registered oral prednisolone powder that alleviates the inflammation and clinical parameters associated with severe equine asthma, previously known as recurrent airway obstruction (RAO).
Equisolon Jar contains 180g of powder and comes with a measuring spoon.
One scoop is enough to treat 150kg bodyweight at a dose of 1mg/kg and therefore one jar can treat a 600kg horse for 10 days.
Equisolon was previously available as a box of 10 x 9g pre-measured sachets with one sachet sufficient to treat a 300kg horse and a box contained enough sachets to treat a 600g horse for five days.
Alana McGlade, national sales manager at Dechra said: “The addition of Equisolon Jar to the Equisolon range provides vets with the flexibility to choose between a jar featuring a convenient measuring spoon and a box of easy to dose pre-measured sachets
"Learning from everything – Significant Event Audits and root cause analysis" teaches how to use significant event auditing and root cause analysis tools to investigate an event and uncover what went wrong and what went right.
RCVS Knowledge says the boxset, with its supporting tools and templates, breaks down the steps from start to finish so that anyone in practice can use a tried and tested framework to reflect and share learning and contribute towards profession-wide improvements.
Pam Mosedale, Chair of the RCVS Knowledge Quality Improvement Advisory Board, said: “We all make mistakes; it’s how our teams deal with them and learn from them that is important.
“We understand that errors can be costly in practice, impacting our patients, causing stress for our teams, and financially impacting our businesses, and that is why we are providing practical free support for all veterinary teams.”
The VetCT teleconsulting service, which can be accessed via the web and an app-based platform, provides advice from a specialist team.
Typically advice is provided as a written report within 24 hours, with options for text chat or telephone conversations when vets may want to discuss the case with a specialist.
The service can be accessed on a pay-per-case or subscription basis.
Until now, follow-up advice had been capped at two weeks.
Internal medicine specialist and Head of Teleconsulting at VetCT, Kate Murphy, said: “We are delighted to be extending our support for cases that require ongoing management, such as endocrine disorders or complex wound management.
"Our clients have fed back how valuable it will be to partner with us longer term for these patients, to provide guidance and reassurance that care is being optimised and help to keep owners engaged and happy.”
Designed to be used as a tertiary cohesive layer, the Rapz Eazy Tear Natural World bandages, which are available in 5cm, 7.5cm and 10cm widths, can be torn without the need for scissors.
They are suitable for both large and small animals and Millpledge says they offer optimal protection and support for tendons and ligaments.
As part of the launch, Millpledge has pledged a total donation of £12,000 to Wildlife Vets International (WVI), a British charity that provides veterinary support to international wildlife and conservation projects.
Meryl Lang, Sales Manager at Millpledge, said: “Supporting conservation is an integral part of our vision for Rapz Easy Tear Natural World.
"With increasing threats faced by many species, from habitat loss and human conflicts to poaching and plastic pollution, more animals than ever are being classified as critically endangered.
"It’s fantastic to be able to contribute to such an important cause.”
For ore infornation, email enquiries@millpledge.com
Currently, there is no data on how many VCA/ANAs are working in UK veterinary practice and the type of tasks they are performing.
The Census takes 10 minutes to complete and will provide valuable information to help in the recruitment, training and development of VCA/ANAs.
It can be completed online at https://bit.ly/avaca-2023-census before 18th August 2023.
Any team member can respond on behalf of their practice and all practices are encouraged to fill out the Census regardless of the number of VCA/ANAs employed.
The AVACA also wants to identify how many practices don’t employ VCA/ANAs and the barriers to them becoming team members, so every response will deliver useful information.
Kay Watson-Bray, CEO of the British Veterinary Receptionist Association and founder of AVACA, said: “With so much pressure on practices right now, the VCA role offers great potential to help manage workloads.
"But a picture is already emerging where the scope of the role varies widely between practices and even the name of the role is inconsistent.
"We believe that VCAs work mainly in the areas of caring, cleaning, communication, and coordination, but that’s not currently quantified, and while some see being a VCA as a route into veterinary nursing, again we don’t understand how many primarily aspire to progress into another role or how many want to become excellent VCAs.
"We’d like to clearly identify what VCAs want and need to help them develop as veterinary professionals.”
The Census is being sponsored by Purina Petcare, whose Scientific Affairs Manager, Libby Sheridan, said: “This is a project we are very keen to support.
"Practices need VCAs to help maintain high standards in animal care when everyone else is so busy.
"Coaxing a reluctant patient to eat again or ensuring the operating theatre is turned around quickly so it’s available for use after a long morning’s surgery, are time-consuming tasks that can be hard to squeeze into the working day.
"And as RVNs take on further practice responsibilities, it’s clear there is room for these highly-trained support roles within the team.”