The Committee heard that Mr Dingemanse had one conviction relating to four separate offences committed in 2019 of making indecent photographs of a child Category A, B and C and possession of 22 extreme pornographic images that were grossly offensive.
He had been sentenced at Oxford Crown Court to eight months’ imprisonment, suspended for 24 months, directed to sign the sex offenders register for 10 years and fined £420 for prosecution costs and £140 victim surcharge.
The Committee were presented with evidence taken from the transcripts of Dr Dingemanse’s Crown Court sentencing hearing.
The transcript outlined that Dr Dingemanse used an online messaging service to engage in conversations about child sexual abuse under a pseudonym. According to Wales Online, the conversations related to children as young as four.
His IP address was traced and he was arrested on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children.
Counsel for the College submitted to the Disciplinary Committee that the nature of circumstances of the offences rendered Dr Dingemanse unfit to practise as a veterinary surgeon.
In its decision relating to Dr Dingemanse’s fitness to practise, the Committee described Dr Dingemanse’s behaviour which led to the conviction as “inexplicable” and “abhorrent”, and that his possession of the images of children and animals was “disgraceful conduct of the most grievous and reprehensible kind.”
The Committee did not consider that there were any mitigating factors in the case, but did consider there to be several aggravating factors including: actual (albeit indirect) injury to an animal or child; the risk of harm to an animal or child; lack of integrity for a regulated professional to have behaved in such a way; premeditated conduct; and, that the offences involved vulnerable children and animals.
Cerys Jones, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, added: “Dr Dingemanse’s conduct was [also] liable to have a seriously detrimental effect on the reputation of the profession and to undermine public confidence in the profession.
"The fact that he was a veterinary surgeon was made clear at the Crown Court hearing.
"The Committee considered that members of the public would rightly be appalled that a registered veterinary surgeon had committed offences of this nature.”
When deciding on the appropriate sanction, the Committee took into account all of the evidence, including Dr Dingemanse’s expression of remorse and steps towards rehabilitation.
Mr Dingemanse's solicitor invited the Committee to consider suspending Dr Dingemanse from the Register as his client’s sanction, but the Committee did not feel that this was appropriate.
Cerys Jones added: “The Committee considered that suspending Dr Dingemanse’s registration would not be sufficient to maintain confidence in the profession and that therefore, for public interest reasons, as well as animal protection, a suspension would not be sufficient.
"Committee was of the view that the nature and seriousness of Dr Dingemanse’s behaviour, which led to the conviction, was fundamentally incompatible with being registered as a veterinary surgeon and that all of the above matters listed were applicable in this case.
"The Committee decided that the only appropriate and proportionate sanction in this case was removal from the Register.”
Dr Dingemanse has 28 days from being notified of his removal from the Register to lodge an appeal with the Privy Council.
The Committee’s full findings can be viewed at
The plenary speaker was Professor Rory O’Connor, Chair of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow’s Institute of Health & Wellbeing whose talk: "When it is darkest: understanding suicide risk" opened the day with an outline of his 25 years of work looking into suicide prevention.
Rory discussed his recent investigation into the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people’s mental health and wellbeing, and how to reduce the risk of suicidal ideation turning into suicidal action.
He said: “In the last 10 to 15 years there has been an increased focus in particular on psychological and psycho-social interventions for helping people who are suicidal.
"Although suicide is complex, interventions, even brief interventions, can be effective.”
Rory was followed by presentations from a number of teams, including those who'd been awarded the MMI’s Sarah Brown Mental Health Research Grant in 2019 and 2020:
The full report of the day’s talks can be found here
And the winners are:
Laurent Garosi (The Bourgelat Award for outstanding international contributions to the field of small animal practice), Sarah Girling (The Simon Award for outstanding contributions in the field of veterinary surgery), Kit Sturgess (The Woodrow Award for contributions to the advancement of small animal medicine), Martin Hawes (The Amoroso Award for outstanding contributions to small animal studies), Daniella Dos Santos (The J.A. Wight Memorial Award for an outstanding contribution to the welfare of companion animals) and Claire Bessant (The Ray Butcher Award for an individual who has made a significant contribution to animal welfare in the community).
Other winners included: Marzia Stabile (The Melton Award for the first named author of the best original research article on small animal surgery published in the Journal of Small Animal Practice), Ross Bond (The PetSavers Veterinary Achievement Award for the first author of the most valuable full research paper published following a BSAVA PetSavers' grant) and Rosanne Jepson (The Blaine Award for outstanding contributions to the advancement of small animal veterinary medicine or surgery).
BSAVA Honorary Secretary, Krista Arnold said: “Congratulations to all those that are receiving an accolade.
“All the nominations were exceptional, making judging particularly difficult this year.”
Mrs Mullen faced four charges against her.
The first was that she failed to provide information to her clients about her practice OOH provision.
She was also charged with discharging a Labrador, called Cleo, that was unfit to be discharged following spay surgery, with an inadequate abdominal dressing and inadequate information given to the dog's owners regarding complications from surgery, the risk of post-operative haemorrhage and arrangements for out-of-hours care, as well as failing to make adequate clinical records.
The third charge alleged that she had failed to obtain informed consent for anaesthesia/ surgery performed on an English Bulldog, called Boycie, from his owners, failed to ensure the dog had adequate monitoring whilst recovering from anaesthesia, failed to offer an adequate range of overnight care for the dog, left the dog alone overnight when it was not in a fit condition to be left, failed to provide information to its owners on post-operative care at home and out-of-hours emergency arrangements, and failed to make adequate clinical records relating to its treatment.
Finally, she was charged with failing to have Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) or equivalent arrangements in place or failing to provide details of it, failing to respond to requests regarding her continuing professional development records and failing to respond adequately to reasonable requests from the College for details and documents regarding her treatment of the two dogs.
Mrs Mullen indicated to the RCVS before the hearing that she would not be engaging with the disciplinary process.
The Disciplinary Committee therefore granted the RCVS permission to proceed in her absence on the basis that Mrs Mullen had made it clear that her absence from proceedings was deliberate and voluntary, that there was no indication she would attend any future hearing if it was adjourned and that the charges were of sufficient seriousness that it was in the interests of animal welfare to proceed with them.
The Committee heard evidence from a number of witnesses including the animals’ owners, an expert veterinary witness and College staff.
In the evidence, the Committee heard that the Labrador had died while undergoing treatment at another veterinary practice from complications arising from blood loss following Mrs Mullen’s surgery.
The Committee also heard that the English Bulldog had suffered brain damage and had lost its sight due to post-operative hypoxia, although it had otherwise recovered.
Having heard all the evidence, the Committee found all the charges against Mrs Mullen proven.
The Committee then went on to consider whether the proven charges amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In doing so it considered the aggravating factors, including that there was actual injury to animals, that the misconduct was sustained and repeated over a period of time, that the conduct directly contravened advice issued by the RCVS, and the blatant disregard of the RCVS’s regulatory role.
It also considered that Mrs Mullen had previously been suspended from the Register by the Disciplinary Committee for two months in April 2017 for failing to have Professional Indemnity Insurance arrangements in place.
It considered that there were no mitigating factors in the case and accordingly found serious professional misconduct in relation to all the proven charges.
The Committee then considered what the most appropriate sanction would be.
Judith Way, chairing the Committee and speaking on its behalf, said: “Animal welfare lies at the heart of the veterinary profession.
"The Committee considers that [Mrs Mullen’s] treatment of Cleo and Boycie constitutes a breach of this fundamental tenet of the profession.
"Other serious findings of disgraceful conduct against [Mrs Mullen] are her failure to provide informed consent, failure to provide details about out-of-hours cover, failure to have in place Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII), continuing professional development (CPD), and failure to respond to the College’s request for information.”
The Committee considered that the conduct was so serious that the only means of protecting animal health and welfare and public confidence in the profession was to direct the Registrar to remove Mrs Mullen’s name from the Register of Veterinary Surgeons.
Judith added: “The Committee considers that [Mrs Mullen] has displayed a persistent lack of insight into the seriousness of her actions or their consequences.
"The Committee considers that [Mrs Mullen’s] conduct raises serious clinical concerns, shows disregard of obligations in relation to out-of-hours care, indicates deficiencies in making decisions, demonstrates an obstructive attitude to her regulator and creates a potential risk to patients.
"She has not engaged with the regulator, she has not demonstrated insight into her misconduct, has learned nothing from her previous suspension in relation to PII, and has done nothing to remediate her disgraceful conduct.
"There is no evidence that [Mrs Mullen} has complied with any of her obligations in relation to CPD."
“In the view of the Committee, if [Mrs Mullen] were permitted to remain on the Register, there would be a serious risk of harm to animals. She has demonstrated a reckless disregard for the obligations of a registered veterinary surgeon.”
Mrs Mullen has 28 days from being informed of the Committee’s decision to lodge an appeal with the Privy Council.
Clare graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1991 and, following an internship at the University of Pennsylvania and general practice in Cambridgeshire, she completed a BSAVA/Petsavers Residency and was Staff Clinician in Neurology at the Royal Veterinary College.
Aged 26, she became the youngest ever Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology and three year later became a RCVS Specialist.
For 16 years, she operated a neurology and neurosurgery referral service at the Stone Lion Veterinary Hospital in Wimbledon and was awarded a PhD from Utrecht University in 2007.
Clare joined Fitzpatrick Referrals and the University of Surrey in 2013, was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2016 and awarded a Professorship of Veterinary Neurology in 2018.
Clare was made a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2016 in recognition of her meritorious contribution to the profession, including 25 years’ research into ‘Chiari-like malformation and syringomyelia’ in dogs.
Clare said: “I will be building and strengthening the neurology service at Wear to make it not just the leading centre in the North East, but in Europe.
“I love collaborating with others to find answers to the clinical problems we face and so, as well as potential partnership with my colleagues in the other disciplines at Wear, I hope to initiate or contribute to other multi-centre studies through the Linnaeus group.
“I am passionate about teaching and learning through collaboration, and I hope to bring multi-disciplinary rounds to the practice including neuro-radiology-neuropathology and neurology- behaviour.”
Every year, the RCVS invites members of the veterinary profession to apply to join the RCVS Fellowship.
Becoming a member of the Fellowship is a recognition of an individual’s contribution to the professions and their commitment to advancing the scientific achievements of the veterinary sector.
Everyone that applies to join the Fellowship needs to demonstrate the impact they have had throughout their career on the veterinary professions.
The Fellowship Credentials Panel is responsible for reviewing and scoring Fellowship applications and making recommendations for who should be approved.
Angharad Belcher, Director for Advancement of the Professions, said: “Being part of our Fellowship Credentials Panel is a great opportunity to see the huge amount of dedication to the profession that prospective Fellows have shown throughout their careers, and to then celebrate their achievements when they are successfully welcomed to the Fellowship later in the year”.
To apply to join the Fellowship Credentials Panel, download and complete the application form (, then email it to Ceri Chick, Senior Leadership Officer at with a CV by 5pm on 28 February 2022.
Data from the survey will be used as a comparison to previous years (2019 and 2020), to determine whether the changes in puppy buying in the UK seen during the COVID-19 pandemic have returned to their pre-pandemic baseline or persisted into 2021.
Dr Rowena Packer, Lecturer in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science at the RVC said: “The COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in the way many of us bought our household goods, with online ordering and delivery a common feature of lockdown life.
"The pandemic also led to changes in the way the UK bought puppies during 2020, due to the many restrictions to travel and social contact during this period.
"Many of these so-called ‘Pandemic Puppies’ became much-cherished companions, helping households cope with lockdown life; however, there are concerns that some owners were duped into buying from unscrupulous breeders.
"We are interested in whether pandemic-related changes in puppy buying persisted into 2021, so we can best support owners of puppies bought during this period going forward."
For more information, visit:
The survey is at:
There are a number of reasons why you may wish to raise your professional profile online.
For example, referral practitioners, it’ll help raise your profile as you build your client base.
Likewise, it will make it easier for clients to find general practitioners who’ve moved job.
Practice owners and managers might also like to encourage staff to create professional profiles with a link to the practice website, which will help push it up the search engine results.
Finally, any supplier of products or services to the profession can complete a profile about their business.
Activating your new professional profile is simple.
First, login and visit and enter your practice or business website, to appear on your profile (NB. You MUST include the http:// or https:// part of the address).
Then visit and complete your profile page from the ‘View/Edit my profile' link in the main site navigation.
Then press the link at the top right which says ‘Make Profile Public’ (it’s reversible at any time, if you change your mind).
A LIMITED amount of information from your profile will then be made visible to search engines and publicly on the site (ie without logging in).
You will need to allow a few days before your entry starts to appear in search engines like Google.
Importantly, your telephone number and address are NOT revealed, and nor is your extended career history (only the most recent career entry is displayed). Your interests, collaborations, and association memberships are also not shared.
To see an example of a public professional profile, visit, make sure you are logged out, and then see:
Log back into the site, visit that same link, and you'll see that further career details, interests, membership etc are visible to members only.
If you have any questions about VetSurgeon Professional Profiles, you can ask them here:
The dispensation was originally introduced during the spring 2020 lockdown to safeguard animal health and welfare, the health and safety of the veterinary team, and public health, by allowing prescriptions to be made by veterinary surgeons without their having first physically examined the animal, subject to conditions and safeguards.
The RCVS says the Committee considered the ongoing challenges posed by Covid-19 and recognised that staff absences due to isolation requirements were still causing issues.
However, given the relaxation of the requirement to work from home in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland and relaxation of restrictions generally across the UK, the Committee felt it was time to end the dispensation.
Chair of the Standards Committee, Dr Melissa Donald MRCVS, said: “The safety and wellbeing of veterinary professionals, as well as the health and welfare of the animals they care for, have remained uppermost in our minds when considering this temporary position on remote prescribing.
“We are pleased to have been able to support the professions through a very difficult time by introducing this dispensation, however, it was only ever a temporary measure and, given the relaxation of restrictions across the UK, we feel the time has come to revert to our usual guidance.
“We will continue to keep the position under review in light of any changes, including governments’ advice and regulations, as we have throughout the pandemic.”
Omics refers to a field of biological sciences including genomics (studying DNA), transcriptomics (RNA), proteomics (proteins) and metabolomics (metabolites).
Guest Editor Carrie Finno has contributed an editorial in support of the nine EVJ articles demonstrating how genomic and transcriptomic approaches have been used to investigate equine diseases.
She said: “While equine genomics and transcriptomics continue to evolve, improvements in the annotation of the equine genome will undoubtedly accelerate the rate of discovery.
"With the need for large sample sizes of well-phenotyped horses to study the most complex diseases, equine genomics and transcriptomics research will likely become increasingly collaborative, similar to the current status of human genomics initiatives.
"Aligned with this collaborative effort is the strong need for publicly available genomic and transcriptomic data that are accessible to all researchers.”
Guest Editor James Anderson prefaces five papers on advances made in equine medicine within the disciplines of proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics (a subset of metabolomics).
He said: “Omics technologies have enhanced our knowledge of the molecular world and provided fascinating insight into the composition and functions of these components across a range of different animal species.
"Particularly for equine science and medicine they have increased our understanding of molecular changes in disease and informed the development of diagnostic tests.
"Although still in its infancy within equine veterinary science, this field looks likely to have a significant impact in the coming years.”
The virtual Issue is available to all at
Simon, who has worked at DWR for 15 years, graduated from the University of Cambridge in 2002 before completing his residency in small animal medicine and intensive care at the University of Bristol.
He gained his European diploma at Bristol before moving to DWR in October 2007, where he has since been widely published and lectures at home and abroad on infectious disease, acute medicine and interventional radiology.
Simon is also a veterinary advisor to the Pet Blood Bank charity and was awarded fellowship of the RCVS through meritorious contribution to clinical practice in 2018.
Simon said: “It’s a huge privilege for me to take up the position of clinical director at Dick White Referrals, having worked here and helped the practice grow over the last 15 years.
“I’m really looking forward to leading the move into our new building, which offers state-of-the-art facilities for pets, owners and the team.”
Simon said one of his ambitions as clinical director was to foster DWR’s residency and intern programmes to be “the very best place to come and learn from some of the most talented vets and nurses in the profession”.
He added: “We have very successful and well-established rotating internship and residency programmes in many areas and this year we add emergency and critical care to that list.”
There are 13 candidates standing in this year’s election for RCVS Council, the voting period for which will open on the week commencing Monday 14 March and close at 5pm on Friday 22 April 2022.
The candidates are:
The full biographies and manifesto statements for each candidate are available to read at
To submit a question to the candidates, email: or post it on the RCVS Twitter account (@theRCVS) using the hashtag #vetvote22.
Candidates will then be asked to record a short video of themselves answering two questions of their choice which will be published when the election starts.
You have until Monday 21 February 2022 to submit your question.
Rubén Del Pozo Sacristán (pictured right), technical manager for pigs at MSD Animal Health UK, will be delivering the seminars.
He said: “At MSD Animal Health UK, we’re committed to helping further the knowledge and expertise of vets, so we have put together a series of seminars which will focus on common and demanding production challenges and diseases facing pig producers.”
The monthly seminars will be suitable for all vets, but especially those who are new to pig medicine.
Each seminar will be worth two to three hours of CPD time, with certificates available for all participants.
Rube added: “Of the 12 seminars we have planned, we’re hoping to hold four of these in a face-to-face capacity, with dinner included for those who attend, to allow for networking and further discussion.
The programme is as follows:
For more information on the academy, or to register your interest, speak to your MSD Animal Health account manager.
The leaflets are designed to be used as part of the veterinary consultation and provide information to help owners understand what is involved in the examination, including the reasons for the procedure, the preparation required, any associated risks, and what happens during and after the examination.
They are available in a PDF format which can be printed and stamped with the veterinary practice details or emailed to clients.
Philip Lhermette, Principal of Elands Veterinary Clinic, specialist in minimally invasive surgery and Past President of the BSAVA said: “Minimally invasive surgery is becoming commonplace in general veterinary practice and is much sought after by clients, especially for routine procedures such as bitch spays.
"It is important that clients are properly informed of all the risks and benefits of a minimally invasive procedure and these leaflets provide the first opinion practitioner with an ideal means of providing such information in a succinct and easily understood format."
The new leaflets are available via the BSAVA Library here:
Access to the entire range of client information leaflets (including canine and feline behaviour, exotic pets, and medicines) is available for an annual subscription of £40.
BSAVA members have access to these leaflets as part of their membership benefits.
If you have any suggestions for further client information leaflets, email:
The Open Access Publication Charge (OAPC) initiative was introduced in 2021 to cover the fees for the company's employees to publish in prominent peer-reviewed veterinary journals, which can cost up to £3,000 per paper.
Funding was approved for 29 employees to have their work published in eight journals last year, covering topics such as canine mast cell tumours, imaging of canine intracranial intra-axial haemorrhages, electrochemotherapy as a treatment option for feline nasal melanoma and antimicrobial use in female canine urinary tract infections.
The OAPC scheme has now been extended with a fund of at least £30,000 available this year.
The initiative was introduced by Professor Luisa De Risio, Clinical Research & Excellence Director at Linnaeus and a specialist in veterinary neurology (pictured right).
She said: “By publishing in open access journals, we are ensuring that research at Linnaeus is freely available across the veterinary profession and the scientific community.
“Being able to publish high-quality research in prestigious scientific journals supports the career development and job satisfaction of our Associates and fulfils the requirements of those training to become specialists.”
Dr Fabio Stabile, a neurology specialist at Southfields Veterinary Specialists, has been researching how dogs with reactive seizures can be treated with levetiracetam.
He said: “By publishing through open-access journals, I hope to support as many peers as possible with treating canine reactive seizures, which can be extremely stressful for our patients and their owners. It is always great collaborating with Luisa in developing my research, which was as valuable as the OAPC funding itself.”
In addition to the funding scheme, Linnaeus has also appointed Hannah Sargent as Clinical Research Associate to help researchers in areas such as study design, ethical review and statistical analysis.
For more information, visit
The new series comprises six online discussions taking place over the course of the spring, covering everything from diversity to creativity to identity.
The upcoming programme of events is as follows:
Tuesday 1st March 2022 7pm to 8pm: Celebrating diversityChaired by Gurpreet Gill, RCVS Leadership & Inclusion Manager. Panel members Lacey Pitcher RVN, Dr Olivia Anderson-Nathan MRCVS and Samantha Payne RVN will be talking about what celebrating diversity means to people, exploring how this links to mental health, and sharing their thoughts on why – and how – the professions should be working towards greater inclusivity, both in and out of the workplace.
Monday 21st March 2022 7pm to 8pm: The joy of creativityThis discussion will look at why creativity is so important for people’s lives and how it can be used to support mental health and wellbeing with a panel comprising Dr Silvia Janksa MRCVS and Olivia Oginska MRCVS.
Tuesday 5th April 2022 7pm to 8pm: Overcoming self-doubt and stressing outThis discussion will consider the main causes of stress in the veterinary workforce and how this may have shifted throughout the pandemic. The discussion will encompass coping strategies, the ways in which stress can be channelled in a more constructive way, and overcoming feelings of self-doubt.
Thursday 21st April 2022 7pm to 8pm: Identity – who am I away from work?This discussion will consider to what extent veterinary professionals should let their careers define them, the importance of understanding oneself in and out of a work setting, and how people can learn to value, accept, and appreciate their whole selves.
Tuesday 3rd May 2022 7pm to 8pm: Saying goodbye…letting go and learning to growThis discussion will consider how best to cope with the various types of loss that may be encountered in an individual’s professional and personal life, and how to learn, adapt and grow from these losses.
Thursday 12th May 2022 7pm to 8pm: Tackling loneliness in a hyperconnected worldThis Campfire Chat will discuss why meaningful connection and having a sense of belonging matters, and how individuals and communities can tackle loneliness in a hyperconnected world.
Angharad Belcher, Director of the Mind Matters Initiative, said: “We all lead busy professional and personal lives and sometimes it means that self-care, which includes talking to others about how we’re feeling and about issues that we find important to us, can fall by the wayside.
“Our Campfire Chats offer a perfect opportunity – and excuse – to take a bit of time out of your schedule to engage in a structured but informal discussion about all manner of subjects, expertly led by a chair and panel with experience, lived and otherwise, on the topic being talked about.
“These events are for the whole veterinary team, we keep the sessions very informal, and there is also the opportunity to share or ask questions of the panel.”
To sign up for the first session, visit
For further information about the events contact Abi Hanson, Mind Matters Initiative Officer, on
For the study1, 158 cows presented with active DD (M1, M2 or M4.1 stage) and were randomly allocated to either the control or the treatment group.
All cows were treated with a topical application of oxytetracycline spray.
The treatment group also received an intramuscular injection of Ketofen 10% solution for injection (ketoprofen 3mg/kg).
Cows were mobility scored just before they were treated and then again one week later.
The results indicated that animals in the control group were 2.57 times more likely to be lame at the second evaluation compared to those that received Ketofen, however cows that were lame in the control group prior to treatment and did not receive Ketofen were over 20 times more likely to remain lame a week post-treatment compared to cows that did receive Ketofen.
The same study all showed a milk yield benefit overall; treated cows produced 2.98 kg more milk than control cows (T = 45.35 C = 42.37, p<0.01).
When only lame fresh cows were considered, there was a 10.49kg increase in milk yield (T = 58.38 C = 47.89 p<0.05).
Nick Bell MA, VetMB, PhD, PGCert Vet Ed, FHEA, DipECAWBM(AWSEL), MRCVS, veterinary surgeon and director of Herd Health Consultancy, said: “We’ve widely recognised the importance of NSAIDs for treating claw lesions, which are primarily inflammatory conditions, but this study is the first real insight into how important NSAIDs are for any lesion, including digital dermatitis, particularly if the cow is showing signs of lameness.
"This research provides a clear welfare justification for giving NSAIDs to dairy cows with active digital dermatitis lesions, with significant milk yield benefits.”
Katherine Timms BVetMed(Hons) MRCVS, ruminant veterinary advisor at Ceva Animal Health said: “While it is recognised that some stages of digital dermatitis are painful, there has been little research to determine the value of including analgesia in the treatment of the condition.
“This study suggests that the use of Ketofen in the treatment of pain and lameness associated with active digital dermatitis lesions may be beneficial for animal welfare as it is associated with an improvement in mobility scores.”
The webinars are open to veterinary clinics across the UK and the US, including those not affiliated to Premier Vet Alliance.
Jo Wells, Premier Vet Alliance’s Business Relationship Manager said: “We’ve concentrated on providing a blend of practical advice and insights, people management support and also some inspiring motivational ideas.
“Because we operate globally, we’ve engaged speakers from both sides of the Altlantic which presents insights into alternative ways of working and thinking. We’ve also kept the webinars to just an hour-long in length so they are time efficient.
“As well as providing what we hope will be valuable content, the webinars will also encourage a platform for networking and on-going communication.
To register for the first event on Thurday 24th February, visit:
Annual renewal fees for veterinary surgeons will remain at the same level as in 2021: £364 for UK-practising members, £182 for members practising outside the UK and £60 for non-practising members.
The removal of the alternative fee payment arrangements means there will no longer be the option to pay in instalments and the fee needs to be paid in full by the usual deadline of 1 April.
RCVS Treasurer Niall Connell said: “We understand that many veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses will have been impacted financially over the last couple of years, and we appreciate that this has been a very difficult time for the professions.
"We are pleased that we are able to keep fees static for a second year running, whilst maintaining a strong programme of strategic projects that help to set, uphold and advance standards within the professions.”
The videos cover a range of topics including imaging, neurology, endoscopy and endosurgery.
BSAVA members will automatically have access to over 80 videos relating to Companion articles.
If the user does not have access to a particular video, they will be able to use a BSAVA library pass to gain access to the parent chapter and all the videos it contains.
Alternatively, they can buy access to an individual chapter or a full manual.
Ian Mellor, Head of Publishing at the BSAVA said: “We are delighted that we can bring this new feature to the BSAVA Library, giving our audience easier access to great video content.
"This is part of a few enhancements to the library where we hope to give users a better experience.
“Users will also be able to see more easily how many library passes they have left, and they will now be able to see recommended related resources next to the content, meaning that they can easily find information under the same topic without having to search extensively.”
The video library can be accessed through the BSAVA Library here:
Dr Botes faced a total of nine charges against him, relating to performing (or recommending) inappropriate total hip replacements on five dogs without adequate investigation and without getting informed consent from the owners.
One of the charges also related to a failure to keep adequate, clear and detailed clinical records in relation to the five dogs.
Dr Botes denied the first two charges which were later dismissed because the owner did not attend the hearing and counsels agreed that it would not be in the public interest to pursue them.
Dr Botes admitted the other seven charges and that they amounted to serious professional misconduct, and they were therefore found proven by the Committee.
In considering whether the charges amounted to serious professional misconduct, the Committee considered an expert report from Professor John Innes, RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery (Orthopaedics) and Mr Midgley, RCVS Advanced Practitioner (Small Animal Orthopaedics).
Ian Arundale, Chair of the Committee, said: “In coming to its decisions, the Committee took into account Professor Innes’ opinions that it was not reasonable for Dr Botes to have carried out the THR without sufficient investigation into Kilo’s pain; that the THR undertaken in respect of Sora was not in the animal’s best interests; and that it was ‘entirely unnecessary’ to recommend the THR in respect of Penny.
"In addition, the Committee has found that both THRs performed in respect of Daisy were not in her best interests.
"Thus, in the Committee’s view, Dr Botes’ actions and omissions did not ensure the animals’ health and welfare.”
The Committee took into account that the THRs in question were a source of financial gain, that Dr Botes’ conduct was repeated over a considerable period of time and that he was in an increased position of trust and responsibility because of perceived expertise in small animal orthopaedics and its education.
However, the Committee took into account, as a mitigating factor, that Dr Botes has indicated some insight into some aspects of the charges in his written communications to the College, in his witness statement dated 29 December 2021, and in his admissions at the start of this inquiry.
The Committee then considered what would be an appropriate and proportionate sanction, hearing from several character witnesses including Dr Midgely, who was put forward as Dr Botes’ proposed supervisor if the committee agreed to a postponement with undertakings.
When making their decision, the Committee took into account the fact that Dr Botes had been suspended from the Register in 2008 for six months for serious professional misconduct over the care of a dog that had been involved in a road traffic accident.
The Committee considered a postponement of judgment with undertakings, which was submitted by Dr Botes’ counsel.
However, the Committee took the view that a postponement would not be appropriate because the failings were not in limited aspects of practice but were wide-ranging, covering the fundamental requirements of any veterinary surgeon.
In the Committee’s view, this would mean nothing less than direct supervision, where Dr Botes’ practice was directly monitored on a day-to-day basis would be sufficient to protect animals, clients, and to uphold the wider public interest.
It would be impracticable to formulate undertakings capable of effectively addressing these issues.
The Committee also noted that the disgraceful conduct was serious and there was a pattern of sustained and persistent misconduct.
The Committee therefore did not believe that no further action, a reprimand or a warning were appropriate or proportionate outcomes.
The Committee also considered whether suspension was appropriate but concluded that there was a real risk of repetition of the behaviours outlined in the charges, and so the Committee was unable to conclude that Dr Botes would be fit to return to practice after a period of suspension.
The Committee therefore decided to direct that Dr Botes should be removed from the Register indefinitely.
In coming to this decision, the Committee carefully applied the principle of proportionality and took into account the impact of such a sanction on Dr Botes both professionally and financially, and took into account his witness statement in this regard.
Ian Arundale added: “In light of the gravity of the conduct, and all of the factors taken into account, any lesser sanction would lack a deterrent effect and would undermine public confidence in the profession and the regulatory process.
"Removal was the only appropriate and proportionate sanction.”
Dr Botes has 28 days from being notified of his removal from the Register to lodge an appeal with the Privy Council.
Charcovet Gel contains 30g of activated charcoal in a 60ml syringe.
Dr John Henderson, Large Animal Product Manager at Forte Healthcare said: “In young animals with digestive disturbances, Charcovet Gel uses the adsorbent properties of activated charcoal to support the gut in a return to normal function.
"The value of using activated charcoal in cases of digestive upset in young animals has long been recognised, but the difficulty and mess involved in mixing such a fine dry powder in water presented considerable usability issues.
"With Charcovet Gel, the appropriate volume of activated charcoal gel is simply selected from the graduated syringe and administered directly into the animal’s mouth.
"Charcovet Gel can be given daily as needed to support the animal during the period of digestive upset.”
Each box of Charcovet Gel contains 12 syringes.
Charcovet Gel is available now from all major veterinary wholesalers, or directly from Forte Healthcare Ltd.
For more information contact your Forte Territory Manager, email or visit:
Having sold Belgravia House – its Westminster offices since 1995 – to a private investor in March 2021 for £14.5m, RCVS Council agreed the purchase of the new building for £20.5m.
The additional cost has been funded from College reserves.
The new building is a converted Victorian warehouse with open-plan office space spread across six floors.
The new premises are large enough to accommodate more staff and for the College to host more meetings and events.
Alternatively, the space can be used for greater social distancing and hybrid working if needed.
The College says any unwanted space can be rented out.
Two existing tenants will continue to lease office space at the premises for the time being and some refurbishment work will need to be completed before the College and RCVS Knowledge teams can start moving in.
Following Council’s earlier decision to terminate the lease on Belgravia House at the end of March 2022, RCVS staff will continue to work either remotely, or in temporary office space leased from the workplace provider, WeWork, in Chancery Lane.
The College says this arrangement offers a significant saving over leasing back Belgravia House.
Chief Executive Lizzie Lockett said: “Like any property purchase, it has been an extremely long and difficult journey to get to this point, with many challenges to navigate along the way, but I am delighted that we are finally able to announce our new home.
“Whilst we will have to wait a while longer before we can enjoy everything 1-2 Hardwick Street has to offer, we are very much looking forward to welcoming members of the professions to visit our new offices, and being able to host a variety of meetings and new events there for them.
Led by the RVC’s VetCompass Programme, researchers say the study1 was the largest exploration of cherry eye in dogs in the world.
The research team followed the anonymised veterinary health records of 905,553 dogs for a year and identified that 0.20% (1,802 dogs) were affected by this condition.
Certain breeds showed showed significantly high proportions of dogs with cherry eye, including: Neapolitan Mastiffs (4.9%), English Bulldogs (4.8%), Lhasa Apsos (1.6%) and American Cocker Spaniels (1.5%).
Importantly, say the researchers, some popular designer breeds of flat-faced dogs were also hugely affected, such as the Puggle (Pug x Beagle) (2.1%) and Jug (Jack Russell Terrier x Pug) (1.2%), suggesting the recent craze for designer crossbreeds does not eliminate health issues associated with the parental pure breeds.
Overall, brachycephalic breeds had 6.9 times the risk of cherry eye compared with dogs with medium skull length, with the Neapolitan Mastiff at the top of the league table with a risk factor of x34.
Other findings from the study included:
Dr Dan O’Neill, Associate Professor in Companion Animal Epidemiology at the RVC and lead author of the paper, said: “Given that humans designed dog breeds in the first place, we all carry a heavy responsibility to constantly improve our designs to breed away from poor health for these dogs.
"The hugely increased risks of cherry eye in popular flat-faced breeds such as English Bulldogs suggests that we have some way to go before we can consider many flat-faced breeds as designed for optimal health.
"The findings from this study will hopefully help prospective owners make better informed choices when purchasing a dog. We urge all would-be dog owners to follow advice from the UK Brachycephalic Working Group to ‘stop and think before buying a flat-faced dog’.”
The Veterinary Wound Management Conference will be taking place at the Derby County Football Club, where there'll be workshops, demonstrations and discussions on a range of topics, from burns to post-operative care, covering dressing selection and suture techniques, complications and innovations.
There will be practical sessions on bandaging and casting and delegates will be able to choose from up to seven workshops/demonstrations at a time, on subjects ranging from eye care to maggot therapy and laser treatment.
There will also be an exhibition by companies and organisations specialising in this field.
Organisers say the venue, Pride Park Stadium, is easily accessible by road (there’s masses of free parking) and rail (it’s little more than a 10-minute well-signposted walk from the station); and there’s plenty of accommodation very close by in a Travelodge, Premier Inn, Holiday Inn Express or Penta Hotel.
For veterinary surgeons, tickets cost £165 (plus VAT) for the two days or £90 (plus VAT) for one day; for veterinary nurses or other practice staff it’s £125 (plus VAT) for the whole event, £70 (plus VAT) for one day.
The price includes a hot buffet lunch each day, morning and afternoon tea, delegate handbook and wi-fi.
Each day will provide seven hours of CPD.
To register, go to