The 2009 edition of the NOAH Compendium Data Sheets for Animal Medicines is now being dispatched, free of charge, to each practice premises.
Meanwhile, the online version of the compendium (, launched 3 years ago to provide a free and convenient source of information about animal medicines for both prescribers and consumers, has just had its 9 millionth page view. The site gets about 3000 visits a day.
Whilst it is possible to order additional print copies of the compendium, NOAH points out that the online version has the beauty of being updated every week with new products, indications and other data. Plus the site is searchable by active ingredient, species, therapeutic indication or text search.
NOAH chief executive Phil Sketchley said: "We try to make the online Compendium as useful and as quick and easy to use as it can be, and while we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback we are always interested to hear how you think it could work better for you, so we can keep this in mind for any future improvements".
California-based Signostics, Inc. has launched SpeqViewTM, billed as the world's smallest and most cost-effective veterinary ultrasound device.
Using MotionScape and SectorView technology, and offering multiple transducer frequencies, the SpeqView delivers high-resolution images for key veterinary applications including: cystocentesis; bladder volume; foreign object localization; abdominal imaging; and musculo-skeletal diagnosis.
Jeff Green, Signostics Vice-President of Sales and Marketing said: "The SpeqView provides a break-through for veterinary practices. For the first time there is an ultrasound device that is highly portable, simple to use and individually affordable. The SpeqView improves veterinary practice efficiency and income by allowing immediate diagnosis in the consulting room, or in the field and by providing better animal care.
He added: "Weighing a little over half a pound, the SpeqView features extended battery life and amazing portability, and is worn around your neck like a stethoscope or placed in your pocket until the next use."
The SpeqView is configured to use 3.5MHz and 7.5MHz transducers and comes with a comprehensive warranty, which covers the system and transducers and eliminates the need for annual service contracts. Signostics also offers extensive training and education programs delivered on site, online and in collaboration with leading veterinary institutions and educators. No interest, twelve-month financing is available.
For more information visit or contact Signostics on 001 877 5744667.
Vetoquinol has announced that it will continue to offer a wetlab service to support Alfaxan®, its injectable anaesthetic for dogs and cats, throughout 2009.
The company has hosted 101 Alfaxan® wetlabs around the UK since the product was launched in April 2007, and says that they've been very well received. A wetlab day starts with a presentation outlining the purpose of the wetlab service, explaining how the drug works, what to expect and how to use it properly. The day's patients are then anaesthetised using Alfaxan® under the supervision of the Vetoquinol vet, who talks through the procedure. Following the practical session there is a chance to discuss the morning's events. The aim is to leave the practice feeling comfortable and positive about using Alfaxan® routinely in its operating theatres.
According to Vetoquinol, anaesthesia is a discipline which carries with it much trepidation, especially when it comes to trying new products. The company says that education has therefore been paramount to ensure that practices use Alfaxan® appropriately and are able to appreciate the benefits that it can give them. Vetoquinol believes it is important that ALL members of staff involved in patient anaesthesia are educated about Alfaxan® before they start using it on a day-to-day basis, and practice meetings and wetlabs have been an invaluable tool to help practices develop a smooth transition between products.
For more information on Alfaxan® and holding a wetlab at your practice, please contact your Vetoquinol representative or telephone the dedicated free Alfaxan® technical support number 0800 345 7560.
Veterinary Review and Practice Heart magazines have ceased publication.
The former was first launched 15 years ago by John Alborough, and sold to Onstream Communications in May 2007.
Mark Johnston, Managing Director of Onstream Communications said: "It wasn't commercially viable running a full publishing team for two magazines, especially in the current economic environment, so we're consolidating our activities and concentrating on electronic media".
These include the peer-reviewed online clinical information services: Canis, Felis, Equis and Lapis and the provision of websites for veterinary practices and companies wishing to promote themselves and their products and services.
Pedigree® today launched its 2009 Pedigree Adoption DriveTM to highlight the issue of dog abandonment in the UK.
It's estimated that there are 100,000 abandoned or stray dogs in the UK every year. Pedigree surveyed animal rescue homes across the UK and in just 33 centres, found that over the course of just eight days between Christmas and New Year, an average of 12 dogs were abandoned per centre, equalling more than one every day.
Clarissa Baldwin, Chair of the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes (ADCH) comments: ‘These statistics illustrate the severity of the situation. As a nation of so-called dog lovers, it is unacceptable that pets are being treated as throwaway commodities. Dog ownership is a privilege, not a right.'
Jane Bingham, Pedigree Adoption Drive Manager said ‘We are saddened by the alarming number of dogs being abandoned each year. Our aim is to help raise awareness of the issue of dog abandonment to ensure that re-homing centres are given support to enable them to continue their wonderful work.
‘The rewards pets provide to responsible dog owners are evident yet the figures show there are still thousands of dogs who are in need of loving homes.'
Pedigree's research has found that over seven million dog owners state that their dog makes them happier and over 1 in 4 (nearly three million dog owners) actually admit they love their dog more than some members of their own family!
The Pedigree Adoption Drive aims to not only increase the public's awareness of dog abandonment, but also to raise funds to help rescue centres and charities across the UK re-home these dogs. Now in its second year, The Pedigree Adoption Drive is aiming to increase monies donated from last year's £489,000 to £600,000 by donating 2p for every single Pedigree product sold during January and February 2009.
For more information visit The Pedigree Adoption Drive website -
Dechra Veterinary Products has reduced the price of two key products in its Veterinary Essentials range to help practices respond to the challenging economic climate.
Atipam 5 ml is now the same price per ml as Atipam 10ml. Used for the reversal of the sedative effects of medetomidine and dexmedetomidine in cats and dogs, practices can now choose the size that suits them best. Additionally, during January, for every 15ml purchased an extra 5ml will be provided to practices free of charge.
Thyroxyl, used for the treatment of hypothyroidism in dogs, has also been reduced in price by 15 per cent. Practices that include Thryoxyl as part of the newly introduced Essential Purchase Plan can also make further savings.
To find out more about the Veterinary Essentials range, including further costs savings with an Essentials Purchase Plan and free margin development advice, call Liz Rawlings on 01743 441632.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has welcomed the Kennel Club's confirmation that, from January 2010, all dog owners and breeders wishing to participate in the Kennel Club/BVA Canine Health Schemes (CHS) for eye disease and hip and elbow dysplasia will be required to have their dogs permanently identified with either a microchip or tattoo.
BVA President Nicky Paull said: "This move has been introduced at the express wish of the veterinary profession through the BVA and we are delighted that the Kennel Club has taken our view on board.
"In November, following discussion at our Ethics & Welfare Group, we called, along with an independent review of the breeding of dogs, for the permanent identification of all registered pedigree dogs. The inclusion of this requirement for participation in the Canine Health Schemes is hopefully the first step."
A food ingredient could help prevent bacterial infections and could improve the growth of farm animals, according to new trials.The Journal of Medical Microbiology reports that Bimuno, a "second generation" galactooligosaccharide, was shown to suppress salmonella colonisation in mice and protect the gut from and reduce all clinical signs, symptoms and severity of salmonella infections.Researchers at the Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) showed that feeding mice with Bimuno prior to salmonella infection rapidly reduced the impact of salmonella.In addition, over a five-day period, fewer salmonella were able to colonise in mice pre-dosed with Bimuno, compared with controls dosed with salmonella alone.Salmonella can be found in the intestines of farm animals and is transmitted to humans on meat products. Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea can be observed and are most severe in the very young or very old - posing a serious public health problem.The findings are significant, given that the use of antibiotics in animal feed to help control infections has been banned since 2006, although is still commonplace in countries outside the EU.Bimuno is a powder, and could be added to all livestock feeds. Dr George Tzortzis, an author of the study from Clasado Ltd, said: "The growing evidence about this specific ingredient shows it has huge potential to protect livestock from salmonella. This is a positive development in the urgent search for antibiotic alternatives to help animals resist infection."Bimuno also has 'prebiotic' properties, which mean it is not destroyed, digested or absorbed in the stomach or small intestine. It therefore reaches the colon intact to selectively target and feed the host's immunity boosting bifidobacteria while reducing harmful bacteria."This study may have positive implications for both animal and human health, given that this bacterium can be transmitted to humans via the food chain."
Dechra Veterinary Products is encouraging veterinary practitioners to find the cat that has been treated with Felimazole® for the longest period of time, for the chance to win a luxury chocolate hamper.
The company wants to gather profiles of hyperthyroid cats undergoing treatment, including their age and length of treatment, so that it can further inform the veterinary profession about feline hyperthyroidism, the most at-risk cats and how to successfully treat the condition with the leading product Felimazole.
Practitioners simply need to provide details of their patient's age, when the cat was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and how long it has been treated with Felimazole. Submissions will be entered into a prize draw with the first placed practice and cat's owner each winning a luxury chocolate hamper, while second and third places will receive luxury chocolate boxes.
Carol Morgan, Felimazole product manager at Dechra Veterinary Products says: "The majority of cats suffering with hyperthyroidism are over seven years of age, so we are interested in finding the longest-treated and the current ages of cats on Felimazole. The information we receive from practitioners is invaluable, so we will collate and report our findings to the veterinary profession to ensure it has the most up-to-date information about the disease."
For details of how to enter the competition, contact your local Dechra territory manager, call Dechra on 01743 441632 or email
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has announced the replacement of its Bovilis® IBR with Bovilis® IBR Marker Live vaccine, a move that brings the UK into line with the rest of Europe where marker vaccines are favoured.
Many EU member states, including Scandinavia and Austria are now declared IBR-free, and others (Germany and Hungary) operate national eradication programmes. Using a marker vaccine will help farmers wishing to export animals, or semen, or those working towards an eradication programme in their herds.
Recent bulk milk and blood screening via Intervet/Schering-Plough's complimentary BeefCheck and DairyCheck has revealed that 72% of herds tested were positive for IBR exposure. Given the latent nature of infection, and the rumbling losses associated with subclinical disease, it should come as no surprise that farmers are increasingly interested in controlling IBR. Studies have shown that IBR infection can result in a milk yield reduction of 173 litres per infected animal, or over £400 a year, for a 100-cow herd.
According to Intervet/Schering-Plough, Bovilis IBR Marker Live is Europe's leading IBR vaccine. It can be given intra-muscularly or intra-nasally to calves as young as two weeks old, as well as pregnant dams. It is also licensed to be given together with the pneumonia vaccine Bovilis® Bovipast RSP. The primary course involves one dose in cattle over three months of age, with immunity in just four days from the intra-nasal method, and 14 days from injection. Stock need re-vaccination every six months.
The vaccine reduces the amount of virus excreted into the environment, so minimising the risk to stressed cattle which may have been brought into the herd, and be latently infected. It also makes it an excellent choice for producers with breeding bulls, which should not be vaccinated. Bulls have to be kept naïve, however, the marker vaccine can be used on females in the herd to minimise virus circulation. This way the threat is minimised, and bulls can be kept infection free.
Vetoquinol has announced the launch of Rubenal®, a new product for use in renal health management for dogs and cats.
Normal kidney function is dependent upon normal nephron and interstitial tissue structure. When the balance of renal health is tipped, this structure can change and fibrous tissue can accumulate.
Simon Boulton, Rubenal®'s product manager said: "Rubenal® is the first palatable veterinary formulation of Rheum officinale available for use in both dogs and cats. It can be used as an aid to the maintenance of the normal renal fibrotic architecture."
The company has also produced a new guide to the management of chronic renal failure in dogs and cats: Chronic Kidney Disease: Addressing quality of life and life expectancy.
Simon said: "Vetoquinol is dedicated to supporting renal health and the guide is designed to illustrate factors which can affect both quality and quantity of life, including hyperphosphataemia, hypertension, proteinuria, azotaemia and fibrosis in renal disease."
The booklet contains guidelines on the appropriate management of these factors including a wall chart reference guide.
For more information about Rubenal, or a free copy of the guide, please contact your Vetoquinol representative or telephone 0800 1698197.
A special interest group has been established for vets, veterinary nurses and chartered physiotherapists interested in the rehabilitation of diseased and injured animals. 'Physiovet UK' aims to provide practical training in the field of veterinary rehabilitation and pain management.
The group's inaugural CPD meeting takes place on Wednesday 20th May this year in Cardiff and will be led by specialist in small animal surgery (orthopedics) Steve Butterworth and veterinary rehabilitation specialist Lowri Davies. Sponsored by Hill's Pet Nutrition and Merial Animal Health, the meeting will cost £80 for members or £100 for non-members (ex VAT) for the day long event. Membership of the group costs £50.
Lowri Davies, a founder member of Physiovet said: "At this first meeting, the focus is on helping to develop a protocol for diagnosis and management strategies for conditions of the hock, shoulder and lumbosacral cases. Practitioners will recognise that these are commonly occurring conditions that are often managed conservatively but treatment need not stop with a prescription of 'rest'. We will be describing a range of active interventions that build strength, flexibility and general fitness appropriate to lame animals to help restore function and mobility."
For a downloadable registration form for the event, to join as a member or for further information about the group visit Places at the meeting can also be booked by calling 01626 867614 or by contacting
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has produced a new Orf Vaccination Starter Pack to help vets better inform their sheep farmer clients about the disease.
The new campaign Vaccination Starter Pack includes a practical guide to Orf and its control in UK sheep flocks, a DVD profiling vet and farmer experiences of managing the disease, an 'Orf questions answered' handout and a best practice vaccination protocol. Additional practice support materials highlighting the problems caused by Orf and its control with Scabivax Forte are also available.
The Starter Pack and full range of promotional materials are available from local Intervet/Schering-Plough Account Managers or by contacting the Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
40% of Brits are more likely to trust their vet's advice above that of other health practitioners such as GPs, dentists and opticians, according to research announced today by Petplan.
The younger generation are the least trusting in their human healthcare providers with a resounding majority of those surveyed in the 16 to 24 age group saying they are most likely to trust their vet's advice over their doctor's.
Nationally, nearly four out of ten pet owners put more faith in vets than doctors, rising to 7 in 10 in some parts of the country.
Talking of which, my mother needs a new hip. Any of you up for it?
Understanding profit and loss within a veterinary practice is vital for all employees. That was the message delivered to delegates attending Pippa Reffold's lecture, sponsored by Dechra Veterinary Products, at the VPMA Congress late last month.
Pippa said: "Very few practice managers set targets or share financial data with their employees. Employees have a lot to contribute by improving service and increasing sales."
Roger Brown, product manager at Dechra Veterinary Products said: "Sponsoring Pippa's lecture is part of Dechra Veterinary Products response to market conditions. We have also reduced the price of two key products in our Veterinary Essentials range.
"We realise how significant margin control is right now and constantly review our Veterinary Essentials range. That's why we have reduced prices on Atipam 5ml, the Thyroxyl range and have introduced the Essentials Purchase Plan so practices can make further savings.
Pippa added: "Be open-minded about margin setting and don't apply a blanket mark-up to all products. Consider the contribution to your gross profit and passing on some of the improvement to your customers."
Dechra Veterinary Products offers a margin and profit calculator to compare market prices with the Veterinary Essentials range - to show just how much mark-up can be applied to products without impacting on a client's budget. "It's a simple, but very effective calculation that our Territory Managers can run for you," explained Mr Brown.
To find out more about the Veterinary Essentials range, including further cost savings with an Essentials Purchase Plan and free margin development advice, please call Liz Rawlings on 01743 441632.
CEVA Animal Health has launched Diarsanyl Plus, a new intestinal support paste for dogs, cats and small animals containing prebiotics.
Diarsanyl Plus contains the same unique combination of ingredients as Diarsanyl - montmorillonite, Na+, Mg2+ and K+ ions and dextrose - but now also contains prebiotics called fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).
According to the company, montmorillonite maintains intestinal function by coating and protecting the enterocytes and absorbing toxins, Na+, Mg2+ and K+ ions help maintain electrolyte levels and dextrose provides a much needed energy source for the small intestine. The prebiotics help maintain normal intestinal flora by promoting the growth of good bacteria such as bifidobacteria and lactobacilli and stimulating the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) - acetate, propionate and butyrate - which are important energy sources for the large intestine.
Fraser Broadfoot, product manager at CEVA Animal Health said: "Diarsanyl Plus will build on the proven efficacy of Diarsanyl by including prebiotics that naturally balance the intestinal flora of animals with digestive upsets and diarrhoea. The new easy-to-use syringes and palatable formulation will also make it easier for pet owners to administer."
Diarsanyl Plus is available in 10ml, 24ml and 60ml pack sizes for a variety of species, from small animals to large dogs.
For further information, please contact your CEVA Animal Health representative or call 01494 781510.
Bayer Animal Health has signed a deal to sponsor GMTV's pet clinic to promote its market-leading wormer, Drontal.
Running from Monday 16 February to Friday 20 February, the pet clinic will feature TV vet Emma Milne advising viewers on the health and welfare of their pets.
The pet clinic slots will run twice a day throughout the week on GMTV and Drontal will be featured in the end credits. The advertising will target the product's core target audience - housewives with children - with key messages on the importance of regular worming with Drontal. In addition, GMTV will also include details on Drontal on its website -, where pet owners will be able to follow a link to
Dan White, Drontal's product manager said: "By sponsoring GMTV's pet clinic, Bayer is highlighting the benefits of worming and encouraging pet owners to regularly worm their pets. The advertising features the iconic schnauzer (the face of Drontal's "Worms? Absolutely Not!'' campaign) and will serve to drive clients into practices asking for Drontal. This will not only result in healthier dogs and cats but also ultimately reduce the environmental reservoir of eggs."
VetSurgeon members Ian and Gillian Mostyn, and the team at Pennine Vets are doing the Coniston Challenge later this year: 30kms of arduous cycling, hiking and canoeing for Guide Dogs.
You can support them with a donation, however small (£2 minimum) at:
The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons last week ordered a month's suspension for a veterinary surgeon from Dolgellau for dishonest certification of bovine tuberculin testing in the Gwynedd area in early 2007.
At a hearing that concluded last Friday, Iwan Parry, a partner of The Veterinary Surgery, Bala Road, Dolgellau, and an Official Veterinarian, was charged with serious professional misconduct for certifying on eight separate occasions that he had tested and inspected cattle for clinical signs of bovine tuberculosis (TB), when he had not done so. At the outset of the hearing, Mr Parry denied the charges.
The Committee heard that Animal Health (a DEFRA Executive Agency) had discovered irregularities in TB testing paperwork from Mr Parry's practice. These included two locum veterinary surgeons, who were not Local Veterinary Inspectors (LVIs), having carried out TB pre-movement testing, but the relevant paperwork being signed and certified by Mr Parry. It therefore suspended him from LVI duties and lodged a complaint with the RCVS.
The Committee heard that, at the time, Mr Parry's practice was in difficulty as all eight of his assistant veterinary surgeons had recently left and he was struggling to maintain services. It was also reported that the incidence of bovine TB in Mr Parry's area was very low.
Under questioning, Mr Parry admitted that he had not done the testing, but had allowed non-LVI veterinary surgeons to do so and then signed the certificates himself. Denying the charge of dishonesty, he maintained that he had thought his actions were legitimate, providing he questioned the veterinary surgeons afterwards and checked their results. However, he told the Committee he now deeply regretted this "honest mistake", made at a time of great personal pressure, and that it would not be repeated.
The Committee also heard evidence from a number of character witnesses, including Mr Elfyn Llwyd MP, testifying to Mr Parry's good character, integrity and good standing in the local community and agricultural sector.
Nevertheless, in view of Mr Parry's long experience as an LVI, his understanding of the importance of routine herd testing and accurate veterinary certification and his reputation for keeping up to date with legislative and professional developments, the Committee decided that his actions were not just inappropriate, but were the result of conscious impropriety on his part. It found that he was not only guilty of dishonesty, but of allowing non-LVIs to perform TB testing, both of which amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In passing judgment, the Committee emphasised that the integrity of veterinary certification was of the utmost importance, especially when carried out on behalf of the Government, in order to safeguard animal health and facilitate international trade. It also felt that Mr Parry could not have failed to have been fully aware of what he was signing and that he should not have done so.
It was, however, prepared to take account of some exceptional mitigating factors in this case, including the low risk of TB spread following Mr Parry's actions; that no financial gain had been sought or received by him; his unblemished career and uprightness of conduct to date; the esteem in which he was held in the farming community and the potential (financial) impact on that community if he were to be removed from the Register (therefore unable to practise) for a significant period of time.
Nigel Swayne MRCVS, chairing the Disciplinary Committee, concluded: "We are reminded that the primary purpose of any sanction is not punishment, but the maintenance of public confidence in the profession and to uphold professional standards of conduct.
"Whilst only a reprimand is not an appropriate sanction where dishonesty and false certification have been found proved, and such findings would normally attract at least a long period of suspension, given the wholly exceptional circumstances of this case and the strength of the mitigating factors, we direct that Mr Parry should be suspended for one month."
The 2009 RCVS Continuing Professional Development Record Cards have been sent to all practising vets and Registered Veterinary Nurses.
Undertaking and recording Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is a mandatory professional requirement for these vets and RVNs. Vets must average at least 35 hours of CPD per year and RVNs 15 hours, although many will do far more.
The RCVS can ask to see CPD records - and they may be checked during practice inspections as part of the Practice Standards Scheme. For newly-qualified veterinary surgeons, completing the Professional Development Phase also fulfils the CPD requirements in their first year of practice.
Jill Nute, President of the RCVS, said: "CPD is about maintaining professional competence. Vets and RVNs are expected to make continuous improvements in their knowledge and skills, which will have benefits for their patients and clients, their own development and the profession at large. Undertaking CPD allows vets and RVNs to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining the highest professional standards."
As professionals, vets and RVNs are expected to evaluate what knowledge and skills they need to develop, and how they will do this. This may include activities such as going to particular case-conferences or asking for some in-house training. Getting together with other practices to organise training sessions or secondments or finding a mentor can also be useful.
Personal study - documented in a learning diary detailing the aims of the study, what was studied and the outcomes, for example, a change made to a practice protocol - can also be used. There is no limit on properly documented study, but vets cannot count more than 10 hours, and veterinary nurses five hours, each year of undocumented study.
All CPD activity should be systematically planned to meet identified professional needs, and clear records must be kept of what has been done.
Further information about CPD requirements for veterinary surgeons and Registered Veterinary Nurses can be found on the back of the CPD Record Card, and at RCVSonline (
Hill's has issued an open invitation to vets and nurses to come along to its stand to see some unique personal and practice development tools, now available on-line.
Adrian Pratt, Veterinary Affairs Manager said: "These are tough times for anyone in business but for many years now we have been listening to vets about the key problems they face. We found that vets and nurses felt that long term compliance was one of their biggest issues and quantitative measurements have certainly backed that up. In response, we have, over the last few years, been developing and refining a very exciting new initiative, the CRAFTworks programme, the new on-line version of which we will be launching at BSAVA. Working with veterinary practice input, we have tailored this programme to really deliver in terms of patient care and profitability. We are very much looking forward to introducing this scheme and I believe that many practices will see real benefits in terms of their bottom line."
Training has been widely tipped as critical if the UK is to work its way out of recession but cost can be an issue. Hill's has responded by launching a new addition to the Vet Nutrition Academy (VNA) website. This latest on-line course is case based, provides training in clinical nutrition and is available absolutely free of charge to those who register with VNA. The course can be viewed at terminals on the Hill's stand and delegates will also be able to sign up at no cost and receive a gift on completion of registration. The clinical nutrition offering is just one of a stable of courses available through the VNA website, which also includes registration forms for key CPD events and a facility to earn rewards for studying.
Last year on the Hill's stand, rehabilitation specialist Lowri Davies introduced many vets to goniometry, a technique to measure mobility that was then still quite novel in the veterinary sector. The on-stand seminars were so popular that the format will be repeated this year with 15 minute CPD sessions focusing on the development of appropriate exercise programmes in a range of scenarios including the growing, geriatric and overweight dog. Four topics will be covered each day for an hour of certified CPD during breaks and lunchtimes.
There will be numerous opportunities for delegates to achieve work life balance with the popular Hill's speciality coffee bar available for those who want to chat through their nutrition dilemmas with technical staff or talk about the opportunities on offer. There is also a free gift for everyone who visits the stand and the chance to try out a Wii Fit - the latest product from Nintendo that combines fitness with having fun. There are three Wii Fit Bundles to be won by entering the daily competition.
Adrian said: "It's always good to talk to colleagues we already know but if it has been some time since you have talked to Hill's I really encourage you to come along for an informal chat and see just what we have to offer. The longer we work with veterinary practices the better we understand their needs and the better we can respond to those needs. We want to continue to learn from the profession and to use the resources we can bring to the table to help veterinary businesses to thrive and prosper."
Woodley Equipment Co Ltd has announced that it has been appointed by Synermed International as the exclusive distributor in the UK & Europe for the IR202 Series Near-Infrared Biochemistry reagents.
Woodley will supply regular maintenance visits, support and a monthly supply of reagents to IR202 analyser customers.
For further information, visit,, email or telephone 01798 813659.
Dairy vets will soon be receiving a DVD highlighting the economic losses due to coccidiosis in cattle, from Janssen Animal Health.
According to the company, coccidiosis is a major cause of scouring and poor growth rates in calves yet recent findings have demonstrated that a massive 61 per cent of the economic loss occurs in sub-clinically infected calves that are not showing any obvious clinical signs. Treated calves have been shown to put on 20 per cent more weight than untreated calves1. Coccidiosis infects between 16 and 27 per cent of adult cattle who act as reservoirs of the disease2,3,4,5. This means that most calves are likely to become exposed to the infectious form of the parasite. After the age of 6 months the majority of calves acquire immunity but if they are exposed to a massive challenge before that time due to large numbers of the coccidial oocysts or due to a stress factor, sub-clinical or clinical disease occurs.
The DVD describes the challenges involved in diagnosing coccidiosis and how to interpret faecal oocyst counts, as well as some of the characteristics of sub-clinical infection in calves. The benefits of metaphylactic and preventative approaches to treatment with Vecoxan®, the only anticoccidial drench licensed for beef and dairy cattle at any age, indoors and out, are discussed.
Nigel Underwood from Janssen Animal Health said: "The diagnosis of non-specific scour is problematic at best but it is important that vets have coccidiosis at front of mind when considering the differential diagnosis. Prompt treatment of the whole batch of calves can stop the disease in its tracks and does not interfere with the development of future immunity. We hope this DVD will provide an update on the latest thinking and help increase recognition of this disease."
The DVD will be sent out in February and any vet with an interest in the disease who does not received one before the end of the month should call Janssen on 01494 567555 to request a copy.
Further information is available from Janssen Animal Health, 50-100 Holmers Farm Way, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP12 4EG Tel 01494 567555 Fax 01494 567556 Email:
Bayer has introduced a new microchip scanner which is capable of reading all chips, including encrypted ones.
The company says the new Tracer Advance Isomax V scanner offers exceptional reading distances of more than twice those of other scanners on the market, making it a very versatile tool ideally suited for use in companion animal practices or for detecting microchips in larger animals such as horses.
The technology that gives this scanner its backward compatibility with non ISO standard chips means practices can now save money by only having to buy one scanner, whereas previously two were required to be able to read all types of chip.
Other features of the device include digital signal processing (DSP), which protects against radio interference from TVs and PCs, and connectivity via USB, RS232 or optional Bluetooth interface.
The Tracer Advance Isomax V scanner is available from Bayer and is priced at £499.95. It comes with a 30-month warranty. Contact your Bayer territory representative for further details.
The RCVS and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) will be holding a free Masterclass offering practical guidance on the requirements of the Veterinary Practice Premises Register, on Saturday 4 April, at BSAVA Congress.
If you are concerned about medicines inspections and would like further information about complying, this is your chance to find out what you need to do.
By 1 April, all practice premises from which medicines are supplied should be registered with the RCVS. All such premises are then subject to inspection - by either Practice Standards Scheme inspectors, if accredited under the Scheme, or VMD inspectors. Will you be ready if an inspector calls?
Suitable for veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and practice managers, the interactive session will be held from 10am - 12noon, with presentations from VMD and the Chief Inspector of the Practice Standards Scheme, followed by group discussion and plenty of time for questions and answers.
Attendance at the Masterclass, which will be held in Hall 6 of the ICC in Birmingham, is free to BSAVA passholders.
For your free ticket, contact Fiona Harcourt on 020 7202 0773,, or during Congress visit the RCVS Stand, number 918, opposite the catering stand in the Exhibition hall.