Veterinary News Headlines
  • Vet in court over X-ray of employee’s foot

    John Kenward MRCVS, a director of Maidstone practice Pet Emergency Treatment Services, has been given a conditional discharge for allowing an employee to X-ray her own foot after a horse stamped on it. Maidstone Magistrates heard that the employee...
  • Crystal-meth sadomasochistic sex manslaughter vet struck off

    Kirk Thompson, a Newcastle-based practitioner, has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being found guilty of manslaughter, assault and drug possession. Following a trial at Newcastle Crown Court in April 2014, Mr Thompson - who...
  • 94% of vets say prescribing meds without a physical exam will harm animal welfare

    A survey by has found that the majority of veterinary surgeons disagree that they should be allowed to prescribe medication without ever having seen the animal in person or performing a physical exam. The survey was conducted following...
  • Veterinary homeopathy under fire

    Two new campaigns which call on the veterinary profession to unite against the practice of homeopathy have been launched this week. Both campaigns raise concerns about the ethics of veterinary surgeons using irrational, unscientific and ineffective...
  • Vet petitions RCVS to remove house visits from CoPC

    Devon vet Jo Dyer has launched a petition for the RCVS to remove mandatory house visits from the Code of Professional Conduct, in response to the College's call for evidence on the provision of 24-hour emergency veterinary cover . Clause 3.13 of the...
  • RCVS to move headquarters offshore

    Hot on the heels of yesterday’s announcement that the RCVS has completed the sale of its offices in Westminster, the College has now announced plans to move its headquarters offshore. In a statement issued this morning, the College explained that a...
  • Panorama reviewed

    So, after months of speculation, the Panorama documentary: It shouldn't happen at a vets' finally aired last night. Early reaction from most of the profession seems to be one of mild relief that by focussing so heavily on Medivet, the documentary......
  • RCVS responds to outcry over DC case

    The RCVS has responded to the outcry sparked by the Disciplinary Committee striking off a veterinary surgeon that delayed an out-of-hours home visit to a dog that had been run over by its owner, a farmer. The RCVS response addresses three main issues...
  • Clinically deficient locum who called other vets "bloody awful" struck off

    Locum David John Porter has been struck off by the RCVS Disciplinary Committee for rude and aggressive behaviour, deficient clinical standards and obstructing the Committee's investigation into the complaints against him. Three charges were found...
  • Video: New & Exciting at BSAVA Congress 2009 visited a random selection of stands in the commercial exhibition at BSAVA Congress, and asked: "What's new and exciting?" Here's what they said:
  • RCVS Disciplinary Committee adjourns charges against Hampshire vet

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has agreed to adjourn multiple charges against a Hampshire-based veterinary surgeon who first registered in 1950, following his undertakings firstly to request removal from the RCVS Register and secondly never apply...
  • Northants vet suspended for failing to euthanase cat

    The Disciplinary Committee has suspended a veterinary surgeon from the register for three months, for not carrying out or arranging the euthanasia of a cat, and for dishonesty in his subsequent account of events. At the outset of the two-day hearing...
  • RCVS commits to consult with the profession over proposed changes to standard of proof in disciplinaries

    The RCVS has issued a statement in which it commits to consult with the profession over a proposal to change the standard of proof required in disciplinary proceedings from the criminal standard to the lower civil standard. The proposal seems to have...
  • New RCVS guidance on referring cases

    The RCVS has tightened up the Code of Professional Conduct concerning how general practitioners refer cases and how veterinary professionals talk about referral surgeons. The first change has been made to paragraph 1.6 which now advises general practitioners...
  • Homeopathic vets claim new study demonstrates efficacy

    The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons is claiming that: "owners can now be confident homeopathic medicines can be effective for common canine and feline conditions in many animals, following a recently published clinical study...
  • CVS launches own brand pet insurance

    CVS , the corporate veterinary group, has launched MiPet Cover , its own range of insurance products for dogs and cats, including a premium 'lifetime' care policy. MiPet Cover has been developed using feedback from CVS's own veterinary surgeons and...
  • Burnt dog treated with honey

    A German Shepherd bitch is making an impressive recovery from serious burns, after treatment with manuka honey impregnated dressings. 'Lady' sustained her injuries after being trapped in a blazing house in Cornwall, as reported by the BBC....
  • Academic argues vets should be prevented from profiteering

    Vet Futures, the joint initiative by the RCVS and the BVA to help the profession prepare for and shape its own future, has published a guest blog in which an academic argues that the profession needs to introduce safeguards to prevent inappropriate profit...
  • Butternut Box launches new referral programme for vets

    Butternut Box, which makes fresh food for dogs, has launched a new referral scheme for veterinary surgeons. The company makes personalised, calorie-controlled fresh meals for dogs; 20 million of them since it launched in 2016. Each recipe is made...
  • Media coverage snowballs as Daily Mail interviews Medivet mole

    The Daily Mail has today published an interview with the 'nurse' who worked undercover at Medivet for tonight's Panorama documentary: It shouldn't happen at a vets (tonight, BBC1 9pm). Looks like the communications departments at the RCVS...
  • RCVS DC suspends former Southampton vet

    The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has suspended a veterinary surgeon formerly practising in Southampton for failing to make animal welfare his primary concern. At a hearing this week, adjourned from September 2010, the Disciplinary Committee heard charges...
  • Suffolk vet reprimanded for inadequate care of dog with heatstroke

    Lowestoft vet Frank Eric Ainsworth MRCVS has received a severe reprimand and warning as to future conduct from the RCVS Disciplinary Committee after being found guilty of serious professional misconduct. The charge against Mr Ainsworth was that in...
  • RSA clarifies position over referral claims

    RSA Insurance Group, which underwrites pet insurance on behalf of MORE TH>N, Tesco Bank, M&S, John Lewis, Argos and Homebase, has clarified recently announced changes to its policy conditions concerning cases which need to be referred for specialist...
  • Vet retention fees to rise by shocking 150%

    The RCVS has today announced that retention fees paid by veterinary surgeons are set to rise by 150%, from £340 to £850 per annum. According to the College, the increase in fees is needed primarily to develop its regulatory capacity for paraprofessionals...
  • RCVS/BVA Coronavirus guidelines expose flaws in structure of the veterinary profession

    A joint statement issued by the RCVS and the BVA with updated guidance for the professions about working during the coronavirus pandemic has led to an outcry on social media and highlighted flaws in the structure of the veterinary profession. Earlier...