Veterinary News Headlines
  • First candidates gain Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP)

    Stuart Jackson, from Carterton, Oxfordshire, and Austin Kirwan from Ormskirk, Lancashire are the first candidates to achieve the RCVS postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP), since the change-over to a modular award system...
  • Profession mourns loss of Sam Duff

    VetSurgeon is sad to report that Sam Duff, a much loved figure in the profession, died last weekend. Sam qualified from Edinburgh in 1970, and was a partner in mixed practice in Fife until 2002. More recently, he was a director of Equitique Ltd, an...
  • Norwich vet suspended for false certification

    The Disciplinary Committee (DC) of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has suspended a veterinary surgeon for a period of six months for issuing two false horse passports, having found him to have been “consciously dishonest”. At a hearing.....
  • Sanofi-aventis to buy Merial

    Sanofi-aventis has signed an agreement under which it will buy Merck & Co Ltd's 50% stake in Merial Limited for $4 billion cash, after which it will own Merial outright. According to the Wall Street Journal , Merck is selling its stake in Meria.....
  • RCVS seeks your comments on new Practice Standards Scheme.

    The Practice Standards Group, which comprises representatives from all of the key veterinary and veterinary nursing organisations, has updated the standards of the Practice Standards Scheme and a draft of the new Manual is now available for comment....
  • Experts re-evaluate pain management in canine osteoarthritis

    A new expert panel has been formed to evaluate pain management in canine osteoarthritis following a recent shift to a more integrated approach to pain and disease research. In the past, pain and joint disease have been considered as separate areas...
  • Pfizer offers free online dental CPD

    Pfizer Animal Health has announced that its Dental Leadership programme is now available on-line at . The course is offered under the 'Pfizer Academy' umbrella and has previously been available in hard copy for over five...
  • Eradication of Strangles one step closer

    The AHT has secured an award of £580,000 from the Wellcome Trust to fund the development of a new diagnostic test for Strangles which takes only 30 minutes. It's been achieved in part by 'Breaking the Strangles Hold' - a two-year...
  • Novartis launches NSAID for cats and dogs

    Novartis Animal Health has launched Onsior ® , a coxib NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) for the relief of pain and inflammation in both cats and dogs. According to the company, NSAIDs traditionally inhibit both COX-2 and COX-1 enzymes....
  • Cattle vet warns of dairy herd disease doomsday

    Britain's dairy industry is doomed unless it takes more effective steps to control the spread of endemic diseases like tuberculosis and bovine virus diarrhoea, according to a leading cattle vet. At a conference on infectious disease at the Royal.....
  • Proposed changes to VN training

    The traditional NVQ 'portfolio' system for student veterinary nurses could be phased out from next summer, under draft proposals from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Awarding Body, which has responsibility for the delivery of VN qualifications...
  • RCVS seeks candidates to run for election

    The RCVS is seeking candidates to run for election to the RCVS and VN Councils. There are six seats on the RCVS Council and two on the VN Council due to be filled in the 2010 election. Candidate nominations must be received by 31 January 2010; voting...
  • Breakthrough in Strangles vaccine development

    An international group of scientists has published new results that herald a breakthrough in finding a vaccine against the most commonly diagnosed infectious disease of horses, strangles. UK experts from the Animal Health Trust collaborated with scientists...
  • Petition Downing Street for compulsory microchipping

    The Prime Minister's website has received a petition for a new law making it compulsory to microchip pets in the UK. If you wish to support this petition, please click here and add your name: The...
  • Defra slated for spending £181,000 on making website less farm-like

    Defra has been roundly criticised in the media today for reportedly spending £181,000 on redesigning its website. Here's the old website. Apparently deemed 'too agricultural' for its use of brown. And here's the new one...
  • Staffs vet wins Petplan Equine Vet of The Year Award

    Gil Riley of the Pool House Veterinary Hospital in Lichfield, Staffordshire has won the annual Petplan Equine Vet of the Year Award. The Award was announced at the 21st annual Animal Health Trust (AHT) Equestrian Awards gala dinner held at the Lancaster...
  • Survey shows pet owners rely on vets for worming advice

    A survey carried out by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health to launch Plerion, a chewable, flavoured wormer for dogs, has shown that most UK dog owners turn to their vet rather than a pet shop for advice on worming. Over 83% of owners who took...
  • New veterinary learning tool online thanks to RCVS Trust

    The WikiQuiz project - a free online question and answer tool which enables vets, vet students and vet nurses to test their knowledge - is now online thanks to £4,770 of funding from the RCVS Trust. WikiQuiz is a new resource to enable vets and.....
  • Jingle Balls: reindeer has world-first keyhole surgery in time for Christmas

    Eskimo, a reindeer at Edinburgh Zoo has received life-saving surgery just in time for Christmas, making him the first reindeer in history to receive keyhole surgery. Vet Romain Pizzi successfully removed one of Eskimo's testes, which had been lodged...
  • On the Destiny of Species reviewed for VetSurgeon

    Earlier this month, veterinary surgeon Matthew Wilkinson caused a storm after giving a controversial interview to the Daily Mail to promote his book: On The Destiny Of Species . VetSurgeon member Martin Jones has read the book to find out whether the...
  • RCVS surveys to measure wellbeing in the profession

    All veterinary surgeons, veterinary nurses and VN students are to be invited to take part in an RCVS survey of their profession and, for the first time, these surveys will measure mental wellbeing at a population level. RCVS Registrar, Jane Hern said...
  • Last call for RCVS & VN Council candidate nominations

    The deadline for candidate nominations for the RCVS and VN Council elections is fast approaching - so please hurry if you plan to stand. There are six seats on the RCVS Council, and two on the VN Council, due to be filled in the 2010 election, but...
  • BVA promotes responsible anthelmintic use

    The British Veterinary Association has launched a guidance poster to encourage farm animal vets to use anthelmintics responsibly, following ongoing concern about the development of resistance to these medicines. According to BVA, misuse of anthelmintics...
  • SMART equine worming campaign from Merial

    Practices will be able to offer customers increased support for their worming programmes in 2010, as part of a new initiative from Eqvalan® manufacturer, Merial. Eqvalan product manager Claire Edmunds said: "The SMART worming campaign is designed...
  • BVA fights Animal Health on behalf of Official Veterinarians

    The British Veterinary Association's Council has agreed unanimously to reject Animal Health's proposal to base fees for Official Veterinarians (OVs) on the available budget instead of an hourly rate, which the BVA negotiating team has been pushing for...