UK Veterinary Referral Centre VRCC is working alongside Kenyan veterinary surgeons Dr Zahoor Kashmiri and Nonee Magre to stage a long weekend of small animal lectures on the shores of the beautiful and historic Indian Ocean City of Mombasa.
The event, which will be open to vets and students from throughout East Africa is scheduled to take place in November.
VRCC has been greatly encouraged by the support already received. Theunis de Bruyn, Merial’s Export and Sales Manager for the region, said: "This will be a wonderful, much needed opportunity for East African veterinary professionals to meet, interact and up-date themselves on developments in small animal medicine and surgery."
It is hoped that the specially-tailored CPD weekend will be the first of many. The Directors at VRCC see this as a practical opportunity to increase the level of small animal treatment throughout the region, helping a country that is really working hard to recover from its recent political turmoils.
Companies or individuals who are interested in supporting this project in Kenya should contact VRCC who will welcome co-operation from others keen to help. See
Alstoe is launching Vetergesic Multidose, a 10ml version of the opiate injection, in a new multi-use vial.
Alstoe Technical Director, Dr Ian Ryder said: "In addition to the new vial size the inclusion of a preservative enables Vetergesic Multidose to be used for up to 28 days following its initial use. Also the product is now licensed for intravenous administration."
Vetergesic Multidose should drastically reduce the amount of product wasted by practices using the old, smaller single-use vial.
Alstoe says that supplying Vetergesic in a multi-use vial was one of the first things discussed with the drug originators, Reckitt Benckiser, when it took over the marketing of the product. However, for a large scale medical pharmaceutical manufacturer to consider producing a veterinary product in a different pack and in much smaller production runs than their medical operating scales, the answer is normally no. But in this case, Reckitts gave the project its full support, so in addition to reduced wastage, the inconvenience of snapping glass necks will become a thing of the past.
Please contact Alstoe Ltd for further information at or telephone 01347 878606.
Farmers within the Protection Zone (PZ) are being urged by the Joint Action against Bluetongue (JAB) to vaccinate their animals if they have not already done so.
In a joint statement JAB said: "The vaccination campaign is going exceptionally well with more than 9 million does of vaccine made available to farmers in the PZ. However, we must not be complacent, as there are still more animals to vaccinate and we must not delay in protecting them from bluetongue.
"As the weather conditions improve, the risk of new cases of bluetongue increases and the objective of the JAB campaign has been to try and protect the UK from the devastation this disease caused in much of the rest of Europe last year. We do not want to see in the UK the heavy losses of sheep seen by some other member states or the fertility problems seen in many cattle herds. The message is simple - if you want to protect your livestock, ‘don't hesitate, vaccinate'."
Commenting on the recent delays in vaccine delivery, JAB said: "It is unfortunate that we have seen a problem with the latest batch of vaccine, which for quality control reasons is undergoing further testing. JAB understands the frustration that this delay has caused. However, this is just one batch and Intervet has so far exceeded delivery expectations and we are hopeful that we will be back on track very soon."
Defra has published an epidemiology report into the Avian Influenza outbreak confirmed in Oxfordshire on 4 June. The report concludes that, at as of 11th June, the outbreak was confined to a single premises, and there is no evidence of infection in the Protection Zone or of spread to any other premises. However, investigations continue. The report suggests that it is possible that the Highly Pathogenic H7N7 Avian influenza derived from a Low Pathogenic strain already present on the farm. Analysis and investigations are ongoing, and a number of source hypotheses are being considered. Chief Veterinary Officer, Nigel Gibbens, said: "The UK is at a constant but low level of risk of the introduction of Avian Influenza, and the report highlights the need for flock owners and poultry vets to remain vigilant for signs of disease, including the possibility of low pathogenic Avian Influenza. I would encourage all keepers to maintain good quality records and practise high standards of biosecurity." The Protection and Surveillance Zones remain in place. Further surveillance, testing and epidemiological work on this outbreak are ongoing.
The report can be viewed here:
Pfizer, manufacturer of the wormer Strongid™-P has launched a new promotional campaign. Love your horse is based on simple, straightforward and unbiased educational messages to help ensure the optimum health and wellbeing of horses and ponies in the UK.
Pfizer's veterinary adviser Ben Gaskell said: “Simplistically, the three key tools for the horse owner to understand are diagnostics, worming and pasture management. If these tools are used in combination with specialist advice, then the horse owner will be able to provide a sustainable, reliable and cost-effective worm control strategy for their horse.”
At the core of the campaign is a new range of four highly informative and uncomplicated leaflets directed at every type of horse owner: Do you need to worm; Choosing and using the right wormer; Managing your pasture and Worming and Your new horse.
“Each leaflet has been designed to work as a stand-alone piece or can be presented as a smart, matching series of four,” said Helen Shirley, brand manager for Strongid™-P. “The leaflets can be displayed in-store in a distinctive counter-top leaflet dispenser and are supported by eye-catching point of sale materials including posters and balloons." The new campaign packs will be rolled out to all stockists from early June, supported by a dramatic new Love your horse advertisement in national equestrian trade and consumer titles.
The campaign will build up momentum over the summer months and into autumn’s double dosing time with a series of authoritative, no-nonsense features and news stories from Strongid™-P’s veterinary advisor Ben Gaskell.
For further information please email:
The RVC is addressing a worldwide shortage of scientists who have the specialist skills necessary for research into the spread of infectious disease with it’s MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology.
According to the RVC, by June 2008, more than 60 countries had been affected by outbreaks of bird flu, resulting in millions of birds dying or being destroyed. A total of 14 countries had suffered human cases by the end of 2007, with a large proportion of cases being fatal. In 2006, bluetongue virus was introduced to Northern Europe and spread rapidly, so that by the end of 2007 over 50,000 outbreaks were reported from cattle and sheep farms in Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany, France and the UK.
“The RVC has seen interest in epidemiology increase dramatically, but there still aren’t enough skilled professionals to service this growing global need.” said Professor Dirk Pfeiffer, Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology at the Royal Veterinary College. “The course provides specialist training that integrates scientific knowledge from microbiology, ecology, social sciences and animal husbandry in order to understand how diseases such as avian flu and bluetongue are spreading.”
“At a time when such diseases are increasing globally it is vital that we have scientists that are able to understand how the infections are spreading and how outbreaks can be contained. The RVC is looking to hear from graduates in veterinary science, biological science, medicine, mathematics or statistics, who are ready to take up the challenge of this fascinating field of study.”
The RVC’s course is unique in that it is taught by 4 organisations; the RVC (animal epidemiology), London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (human epidemiology), the Veterinary Laboratories Agency – VLA- (veterinary surveillance and epidemiology), and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs – Defra - (UK government animal disease surveillance).
The course attracts between 10 and 15 students per year. Successful candidates can move into roles in a variety of UK, European or international governmental organisations such as Defra, the VLA and the World Health Organisation, in addition to the prospect of working in academic or purely research environments.
Funding from the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) has enabled the RVC to offer 4 full-time scholarships for students resident in the UK to study veterinary epidemiology at postgraduate level. The scholarships cover the course fees and upkeep for the year of study, and are between £14,000 and £19,000 per candidate.
More information can be found at:
Petplan has expanded its partnership business and is now offering 6 weeks free insurance vouchers to pet owners who have their animals microchipped with Bayer's Tracer.
Simon Wheeler, Head of Marketing at Petplan said: "We are delighted to be working with Tracer. Through this partnership, we hope that more pet owners will realise the importance of taking out insurance and microchipping their pets. Vets could also benefit from this partnership, as owners who insure their pets are far more willing to consult their vets and do so more frequently, meaning a more regular income stream from insured clients."
The insurance voucher will insure dogs, cats and rabbits for vet fees covering illness or injury (up to £2000), advertising and reward (up to £250) and boarding fees (up to £250) in the event of the owner being hospitalised.
Donna Cable, Assistant Product Manager at Bayer HealthCare said: "This is an exciting new development which allows us to highlight the importance of pet insurance in conjunction with microchipping for all pets. Our relationship with Petplan is an example of how two market leaders in the veterinary industry are working together to promote responsible pet ownership."
The new agreement will give pet owners piece of mind. In the unfortunate event of their pet going missing, Tracer could locate their pet and Petplan would pay to advertise the missing animal and offer a reward.
For more information about Petplan, please visit or call Petplan Vetline on 0800 316 8800 to become a registered Petplan practice.
Alfaxan®, Vetoquinol's injectable general anaesthetic, is one year old this month. To celebrate the occasion, and the product's use by 860 UK practices in over 80,000 procedures so far, Vetoquinol is offering a free Alfaxan party bag.
The party bag includes an Alfaxan anaesthesia monitoring chart and an Alfaxan vet brochure with dosage chart and timer. In addition, everyone who claims a party bag will be entered into a lucky dip. Ten winners will be chosen at random to receive an oesophageal stethoscope kit, containing one normal stethoscope, with a removable head, and three Portex oesophageal stethoscope probes (small, medium and large) for monitoring patient’s heart and respiratory rate.
To claim your party bag, call the dedicated Alfaxan technical support line on 0800 345 7560 or email:
Vetoquinol also reports a very positive response to Alfaxan from the profession during its first year. Simon Boulton, one of Vetoquinol’s Veterinary Advisors, has been conducting wet labs across the country for the company. He said: "Vets have used the wet lab service to get me along to anaesthetize patients for the day using Alfaxan. I have had a great deal of positive feedback and the product is becoming more and more widely used. Extremely smooth and reliable inductions, followed by good cardiovascular and respiratory stability were the most noticeable features of Alfaxan anaesthesia, liked by both the vets anaesthetizing the patients and the nurses who monitor them."
The National Office of Animal Health has launched, a new website that bills itself as: "A 'one stop shop' featuring a wealth of animal health information and advice to help owners and potential owners to make decisions about their pets' healthcare."
I must say, full marks to NOAH and the web designers 9xb for a really polished website that presents information in a very easy-to-navigate format. First class job.
In general, the site content seems very good too. There's help for owners deciding what pet to buy, health guides for various common conditions for each species, first aid advice, and much more.
Personally, I think it would have been a nice tweak to offer something a tad more interactive in the section about picking a pet - something that actually made suggestions depending on your answers to the questions the site poses.
I also wonder how useful the Vet FAQs are likely to be. There are so many possible questions a pet owner might have, that a slightly random list seems to me to be of limited use.
But these are small points in the grand scheme of things. Overall, an excellent production, and one you may want to link your practice website to.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has launched its new ‘Good Practice Guide to Handling Veterinary Waste’ consisting of a poster and web advice.
Produced in association with the BSAVA and Goat Veterinary Society, and supported by The Environment Agency, the poster, alongside further detailed information on the BVA website, provides practical step-by-step guidance designed to assist veterinary surgeons comply with waste regulations in England and Wales.
BVA President Nick Blayney commended the guide to practices, pointing out that “All businesses have a duty of care to ensure that all waste is stored and disposed of responsibly, that it is only handled or dealt with by those authorised to do so and that appropriate records are kept of all waste that is transferred or received. Under the Hazardous Waste Regulations, all veterinary facilities that produce more than 200 kg of hazardous waste per annum need to register and we realised that this was an area where guidance was needed.”
While the production of the guidance had proved to be “a decidedly complicated and time-consuming exercise, we are” said Mr Blayney “absolutely delighted with the outcome and believe that it will make life considerably easier for the profession.”
With definitions of hazardous, including clinical, waste and non-hazardous waste illustrated simply and clearly, coupled with information on registering of premises, maintaining a waste register and the use of consignment notes the BVA is confident that the guide will prove indispensable.
This manual is the second in the diagnostic imaging series. It begins by providing the reader with a grounding in the various imaging modalities: radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine and interventional radiological procedures. The second section is devoted to the individual body systems and includes chapters dedicated to the heart and major vessels, the lungs, the mediastinum, the pleural space and the thoracic boundaries. To aid the reader with information retrieval, each anatomical region is approached in the following way: radiographic anatomy and variations; interpretive principles; and diseases. Information on diseases is further subdivided into sections covering radiographic findings and the results and interpretation of other imaging studies. Each of the chapters is accompanied by a wealth of images, demonstrating both the normal radiographic appearance of structures and the abnormalities associated with disease. Specially commissioned illustrations provide an extra dimension. The BSAVA Manual of Canine and Feline Thoracic Imaging, edited by Tobias Schwarz and Victoria Johnson, is available direct from BSAVA (member price £52, non-member price £80) and from all good bookshops.
Genitrix has launched a new system called Osteokine, which produces Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP). PRP, an autologous solution containing therapeutically significant concentrations of platelets, is known to accelerate the healing of injuries and is already widely used in human medicine. It is increasingly being used in the treatment of horses.
The Osteokine system, developed by German company Orthogen which also manufactures joint therapy Irap, comprises two interconnected blood bags.
The system involves taking citrated whole blood from the horse and placing it into the first, red-capped Osteokine bag for processing in a centrifuge. The plasma and platelets are then transferred to the second bag, and a second centrifuge process separates the plasma and generates a pellet of PRP, which is extracted and used to treat the horse from which it was taken.
Treatment with PRP has been shown to accelerate wound healing in all kinds of tissue particularly tendons and ligaments and has also been used in bone healing. It has been noted to reduce perioperative traumatic pain while the higher collagen content provided by PRP can create improved scar resistance.
Commenting on the launch of the Osteokine system in the UK, Rob Watkins, Marketing Director of Genitrix, said: "Therapeutic care of equine lameness is an area of particular expertise for Genitrix and the innovative treatments we've brought to market, including Acell, HY50 and Irap already form part of the staple ‘toolkit' of many equine vets.
"The benefits of PRP in terms of accelerating wound healing and vasculerisation are already widely accepted as are the advantages of an autologous approach in terms of eliminating the risk of disease transmission. To date, however, the process of extracting PRP has proved complex and expensive and only provided in specialised laboratories.
"Osteokine, in contrast, offers a cost-effective approach based on a system which is simple to operate in practice and takes only 20 minutes. We believe it offers a highly effective approach to treating wounds and injuries in horses."
For further information on Osteokine, contact Genitrix on 01403 786345.
CEVA Animal Health has announced that its live enzootic abortion vaccine, CEVAC® Chlamydophila, now has an added benefit. It can be used simultaneously with the only available toxoplasmosis vaccine. According to CEVA, infectious abortion, particularly enzootic abortion (Chlamydiosis), has been known to wipe out up to 50% of lambs. Strategic use of CEVAC® Chlamydophila, a live enzootic abortion vaccine, can not only prevent abortion but can also control excretion and the threat of infection.
The company says: "CEVAC® Chlamydophila makes practical and economic sense. A vaccination every four years will help your clients’ flocks remain chlamydiosis-free and the cost of treatment should work out at well under 75p per sheep per year. This is a tiny investment for your clients, to prevent the financial loss of an abortion. The fact that the product can now be used on the same day as the toxoplasmosis vaccine means that is now one of the most convenient and affordable methods currently available."
Ideally routine preventative measures should be taken prior to mating and when new sheep are introduced to the flock, to ensure abortion and infection rates always remain as low as possible.
All animals should be vaccinated in the first year, with replacements being vaccinated from six months of age, at least four weeks prior to tupping.
CEVAC® Chlamydophila is quick and easy to administer, using the special, multi-dose injector gun. One bottle of vaccine contains enough for 20 doses.
For further product information contact your local CEVA representative or CEVA Animal Health Ltd, 90 The Broadway, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1EG or visit the website at
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) has launched its "Report on the implications of castration and tail docking for the welfare of lambs".
The report considers the implications of castration and tail docking for the welfare of lambs and reiterates FAWC's earlier view that castration and tail docking of lambs are mutilations which should not be undertaken without strong justification.
Professor Wathes, Chairman of FAWC, said: "FAWC believes that scientifically based advice can now be given that will minimise the suffering arising from castration and tail docking."
He continued "If castration is warranted, some methods cause more suffering than others and pain relief should be given once practical methods of delivering local anaesthetics and analgesics have been developed."
The full report is available for download at:
The Veterinary Laboratories Agency has worked in collaboration with the Institute of Animal Health (IAH) at Pirbright to introduce the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test for Bluetongue virus.
This test is now available via veterinary surgeons for pre-movement (UK) and export testing purposes only.
As of this date, PCR testing for these purposes will no longer be available from IAH, Pirbright.
For further information see
Defra has announced that the Bluetongue Protection Zone will be extended again on Monday 7 July, following the delivery by Intervet of almost 2 million additional doses of Bluetongue vaccine. Vaccination is only permitted within the Protection Zone. In accordance with the Bluetongue vaccination plan, the Protection Zone will be extended to cover all of the East Riding of Yorkshire (including the City of Kingston upon Hull), South Yorkshire (made up of the metropolitan boroughs of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield), Gloucestershire (including the unitary authority of South Gloucestershire) and Warwickshire. Defra will continue to roll out vaccination as vaccine is delivered, in line with the vaccination roll-out plan. The additional vaccine is available for use in the existing Protection Zone from today. Livestock keepers in the areas coming into the Protection Zone will be able to obtain the vaccine from Monday. However, they are encouraged to order vaccine so that they can protect their livestock at the earliest opportunity. Protection Zone restrictions will apply to those keepers coming into the extended zone. Animals can only be moved out of the Protection Zone if they are vaccinated, naturally immune or moving for slaughter, subject to meeting certain conditions. Animals will also be able to be moved between the Protection Zones in Wales and England, subject to the conditions on the transit licence.
A Government decision not to embark on a badger cull in England, as reported today, will be the correct one for both badgers and cattle, says the RSPCA.
"This would be the right decision based on compelling evidence, particularly because the most authoritative scientific research ever undertaken on the subject recommended against badger culling as an effective way of controlling TB," said Dr Rob Atkinson, RSPCA Head of Wildlife Science.
"Evidence indicates that the vast majority of badgers are not infected with TB. Our opposition to a badger cull is based on solid science not sentiment. The RSPCA cares as much about cattle welfare as badgers. We are keen to work with farmers and governments to find positive solutions to the challenge of TB in cattle."
Vets Now, the UK's only national dedicated out-of-hours veterinary emergency care provider, is set to open its 33rd clinic in July.
The clinic will be located in Portsmouth and will operate from the premises of the Harbour Vet Hospital, 251 London Road, Northend, Portsmouth, PO2 9HA.
Prior to the clinic opening Vets Now will be holding an open evening on the 22 July 2008. The evening is an opportunity for practices in the area or veterinary professionals thinking about working within the clinic to come down and find out more about Vets Now.
Richard Dixon, Managing Director of Vets Now said, "The open evening is an excellent opportunity for the practices in the area who have already subscribed to the service to come down to the host clinic, the Harbour Vet Hospital, and see the facilities that Vets Now will be using. Likewise for those who are interested in using Vets Now as their 0ut-0f-hours provider it is an ideal opportunity for them to come and meet the team, see the facility and find out a little bit more about the service we'll be providing.
He continued, "With regard to staffing the clinic, the open evening is also an opportunity for veterinary professionals who are interested in working with Vets Now either on a permanent or occasional basis to call in and meet our recruitment team and discuss the opportunities which are available."
The open evening on the Tuesday 22 July will be held in the Harbour Vet Hospital, 251 London Road, Northend, Portsmouth, PO2 9HA and will be running from 7.30pm - 9.00pm with drinks and nibbles provided. Vets Now has asked that anyone planning to attend the open evening email
Congratulations to Merial for a creative initiative to celebrate the 25th birthday of Eqvalan®.
The company made a much needed donation towards the upkeep of the Pewsey White Horse in return for being able to use it as part of Eqvalan's birthday celebration publicity programme for 2008.
The money will be used to restore the protective fencing around the ancient landmark, near Marlborough in Wiltshire.
Merial's Claire Parry- Baggott explains: "There are a number of white horse sites across the UK, many of which are extremely popular visitor destinations. To keep these sites open to the public requires year-round maintenance, often from a small army of volunteers.
"Horse owners have been using Eqvalan to help protect their trusty companions for 25 years, and this initiative will help provide protection of a different kind!
"The idea sprang from the current Eqvalan advertising campaign which celebrates 25 years of worming protection. The result is a fantastic 100 feet replica of our Eqvalan birthday horse, and brand new fencing for the Pewsey White Horse!
"We were delighted to help the Pewsey Council raise funds to preserve the site and hopefully this money will enable the horse to be enjoyed by many for years to come," concludes Claire.