For the study, Tim Charlesworth, an RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Surgery from Eastcott Referrals (pictured right), analysed 260 cases where dogs had undergone laparoscopic or open surgical ovariectomy between January 2013 and January 2018 by the same team of similarly experienced surgeons using standard practice anaesthetic, theatre and perioperative protocols. Complications were then compared between the two groups.
44% (46) of the dogs that underwent open ovariectomy developed a complication, compared to 20% (31) of those that underwent laparoscopic ovariectomy.
Whilst the authors acknowledge the limitations of a retrospective study and emphasise that confirmation requires a randomised trial, they say that when considered alongside previously demonstrated improved postoperative comfort and earlier return to normal function, laparoscopy could be considered preferable for ovariectomy in dogs.
The hearing concerned an incident which took place at the VetsNow Huyton premises in Liverpool. There were two charges against Dr Rafiq. The first was that in December 2017, shortly after a litter of puppies was delivered by caesarean to a French Bulldog named Lila, she took one of the puppies away from the practice with the intention that it should not be returned to Lila’s owner and that, in doing so, she was dishonest, misleading and had not acted in the best interest of the puppy’s welfare.
Another puppy was taken away by an animal care assistant who was also working at Vets Now Huyton on the night in question.
The second charge against Dr Rafiq was that she had told her employer at VetsNow that the puppy she had taken from the practice had died in the car when she had been driving home when, in fact, the puppy was alive at that stage and, in telling her employer this, she had been dishonest and misleading.
There was one charge against Mr Perez: that he had made an entry in the clinical records for Lila that she had given birth to four live puppies when in fact she had six; that he had only discharged four of the six puppies to the owner; that he knew that his colleagues intended to remove or had removed the puppies; that he had failed to prevent the removal of the puppies and had failed to report to a colleague the removal of the puppies. The charge also stated that, in relation to the incident, Mr Perez had been dishonest, misleading, did not act in the best interests of the puppies’ welfare and failed to keep accurate clinical records.
At the outset of the hearing, Dr Rafiq admitted in full the charges against her and accepted that she had acted dishonestly. Mr Perez admitted some of the charges against him including that he had made the false clinical record, had discharged four rather than six puppies and had failed to keep accurate clinical records, however he denied any knowledge of the intention to remove puppies and denied that his conduct had been misleading or dishonest.
The Committee was not satisfied that Mr Perez knew at the time of surgery that his colleagues intended to remove the puppies and also considered there was insufficient evidence that he subsequently became aware of their removal.
As a result, the Committee found that he could not have prevented their removal or reported the matter to a colleague. However, the Committee did find that his actions were unintentionally misleading regarding the clinical records and the discharge of the incorrect number of puppies.
The Committee found all the charges against Dr Rafiq proven.
The Committee considered whether the admitted and/or proven charges against Dr Rafiq and Mr Perez amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In respect of Mr Perez, the Committee was critical of his failure to keep accurate clinical records and considered that it was his duty to know how many puppies were born and to record them accurately.
However, while the Committee concluded that Mr Perez’s conduct fell below the expected professional standards of a veterinary surgeon, it did not fall so short as to constitute serious professional misconduct. As a result, no further action was taken against Mr Perez.
In regard to Dr Rafiq, the Committee recognised her admission at the outset that her actions constituted serious professional misconduct and noted her expression of remorse.
The Committee did however have concerns regarding the evidence she gave as to her actions being motivated by animal welfare concerns. The Committee felt that such concerns should have been raised with colleagues and it found that Dr Rafiq had acted recklessly and had been dishonest both with the owner and with her colleagues.
The Committee therefore concluded that her conduct fell so far short of what would be expected of a veterinary surgeon that it constituted serious professional misconduct.
The Committee then considered the sanction against Dr Rafiq, taking into account aggravating and mitigating factors. The aggravating factors included a risk of injury to the puppies, an abuse of the client’s trust, sustained misconduct as the puppy was retained by Dr Rafiq from 2/3 December until its actual death on the night of 5 December, that the dishonesty was sustained until 7 December and that she had only demonstrated limited insight in respect of her wider professional responsibilities.
In mitigation, the Committee considered that her actions involved no financial gain, that it was a single and isolated incident, that she had no previous adverse findings, that she had demonstrated genuine remorse and that she had made admissions at an early stage.
Dr Rafiq, who was unrepresented during the hearing, also submitted evidence in mitigation including testimonials from colleagues and clients, her youth and inexperience at the time, and her remorse, among other things.
In deciding the sanction Ian Arundale, who chaired the Committee and spoke on its behalf, said: "The Committee concluded that Dr Rafiq was a competent veterinary surgeon who was very unlikely to pose a risk to animals in the future.
"However, it considered the reputation of the profession and the need to uphold standards was an important consideration that outweighed the hardship which would be suffered by Dr Rafiq by not being able to practise in her chosen profession. It considered that Dr Rafiq would be fit to return to the profession after a period of suspension.
"It therefore determined that, notwithstanding the nature and extent of the dishonesty in this case, a suspension order was a sufficiently severe sanction to maintain the reputation of the profession and to meet the wider public interest. It took into consideration the overall dishonesty, including that Dr Rafiq had been dishonest when first confronted about these matters, when deciding on the length of any suspension.
"The Committee considered the sanction of suspension was proportionate in the circumstances of this case where there was supporting evidence that Dr Rafiq was a competent and well-regarded veterinary surgeon. It considered the positive testimonial evidence given… and that she was held in high regard by her current employers who were aware of the admitted misconduct, were significant factors in deciding that a suspension order was the proportionate sanction."
The Committee determined that a six-month suspension order would be the most appropriate sanction under the circumstances and directed the Registrar to remove Dr Rafiq from the Register for this period of time.
The study, which was led by the College's VetCompass programme, found that British bulldog ownership has increased from 0.35% of all puppies born in 2009 to 0.60% in 2013.
At the same time, the study found that British bulldogs suffer more than other breeds from a number of conditions associated with their aesthetic characteristics, including: skin fold dermatitis (7.8%), prolapsed gland of the third eyelid or 'cherry eye' (6.8%), interdigital cysts (3.7%), entropion or inward turning of the eyelid (3.6%), and corneal ulceration (3.1%).
Worse still, only 3.5% of the 1,621 British bulldogs analysed in the study were diagnosed with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), despite an earlier study reporting that 84.8% of tested Bulldogs are affected by BOAS to some extent, with 44.0% exhibiting clinically relevant disease2.
This, say the researchers, suggests owners consider breathing problems such as snoring as normal and are not therefore taking their dogs for needed check-ups.
Other findings included:
12.7% of British bulldogs suffer from ear infections, 8.8% from skin infections and 8.7% from obesity
Males are more likely than females to develop skin infection, interdigital cysts, atopic dermatitis and aggression, whereas females are more likely to develop dental disease and obesity.
The average adult bodyweight for a British bulldog is 26kg.
The average lifespan of bulldogs is 7.2 years.
The most common causes of death are heart disease (11.8%), cancer (10.9%) and brain disorder (9.1%).
The RVC says that the results of the study will support initiatives by the Kennel Club and the UK Bulldog Breed Club to improve breeding and also help owners and vets prioritise tackling the leading issues British bulldogs face.
Dr Dan O’Neill, VetCompass epidemiologist at the RVC and Chairman of the Brachycephalic Working Group, said: "The UK has seen unprecedented increases in the popularity of certain short-faced breeds over the past decade. This has led to a series of well-documented welfare issues relating to how these dogs are bred and sold for the UK pet-owning market, high levels of dumping of unwanted dogs into the UK charities and health problems that are intrinsically linked to the extreme body shape of these dogs.
"This new study gives firm evidence for the first time on the true levels of popularity and also of disease diagnosed in the wider population of bulldogs in the UK. This information can help to move the conversation on welfare from 'what are the issues' to 'how do we deal with these issues'. Reliable evidence is pivotal to good decision-making."
Dr Rowena Packer, BBSRC Research Fellow at RVC, said: "The bulldog is an iconic breed but concerns over the health problems allegedly facing these popular dogs have mounted in the past decade. It is extremely valuable to have solid data on the health problems facing this breed, confirming a number of inherent breed predispositions that need to be tackled.
This data supports current initiatives encouraging breed reform, particularly regarding health problems inherently related to their looks, and the need for selection for healthier body shapes. For example, skin fold dermatitis was common in bulldogs and is associated with the desired wrinkled face in this breed – this calls into question the justification of this and other such breed traits that put dogs at risk of potentially avoidable disease."
Steve Dean, Chairman of the Kennel Club Charitable Trust said: "The Kennel Club has put into place a number of crucial measures over the years to monitor, protect and improve bulldog health and to provide the many responsible breeders with the tools they need to do the same, but this paper highlights there is still work to be done."
The study is published open access in PLOS ONE.
The new programme includes ten days of practical imaging sessions based at CPD Solutions' training centre in Studley near Birmingham, where participants will develop their existing imaging skills and learn additional techniques that they can use directly in small animal practice.
CPD Solutions says its PgCerts have unique benefits and key differences from other PgCert options available to vets, namely a strong emphasis on practical training (all attendance days are practical, with no lecture days), the way the attendance days are grouped into three sessions for convenience, and the 12 month duration of the programme.
Susie Coughlan, veterinary surgeon and MD at CPD Solutions has 21 years’ experience in providing practical training for vets. ‘Our experience is that vets get the most out of hands-on practical training in a structured and supportive environment, combined with reflective application of their new skills in practice. The new PgCert in Small Animal Diagnostic Imaging follows the same format – all attendance sessions are practical, and the course provides support for developing reflective work based learning that vets can use with all of their patients.’
For more information, contact CPD Solutions on 0151 328 0444 or visit
The researchers say that urinary incontinence affects around three per cent of bitches in the UK, and whilst the link between urinary incontinence and neutering in bitches has been suspected, this study provides new evidence on the extent of the relationship.
The research was carried out by the RVC’s VetCompass programme, supported by BSAVA Petsavers. Apparently, it was the largest cohort study on incontinence in bitches carried out worldwide to date, using the anonymised veterinary clinical records of 72,971 bitches.
The research indicated that bitches of certain breeds including Irish setters, Dalmatians, Hungarian vizslas, Dobermans and Weimaraners are more prone to early-onset urinary incontinence than other breeds. Special care therefore needs to be taken when deciding whether to neuter these breeds.
The results identified an increased risk of 2.12 times of urinary incontinence in neutered bitches compared with entire bitches. However it also identified an increased risk of 1.82 of urinary incontinence within the first two years of being neutered, in bitches neutered before 6 months of age compared with those neutered from 6 to 12 months.
The average age at diagnosis of UI was 2.9 years.
The average time from neuter to UI was 1.9 years.
Bitches weighing over 30kg had 2.62 times the risk of UI compared with bitches weighing under 10 kg.
Increasing body weight was also associated with an increased risk of early-onset urinary incontinence.
Camilla Pegram, VetCompass epidemiologist and lead researcher on the study (pictured right), said: "Neutering is something that every owner will need to consider at some stage but there has been limited information on the risks of urinary incontinence following surgery up until now. The decision to neuter a bitch is complicated but the results of this study suggest that early-age neuter should be carefully considered, particularly in high-risk breeds and bitches with larger bodyweights, unless there are major other reasons for performing it."
Reverse wound bandages are made with the adhesive on the outside and design printed on the inside, making it easier to apply the bandage without over-tightening.
The company says it has launched the new reverse-wound bandage in response to demand from veterinary practices.
The bandages come in two widths: five and 7.5 cm, in a range of colours and designs which were chosen by veterinary nurses. They are 2.2m long, stretching to 4.5m, and J.A.K Marketing says they are super flexible, lightweight and easy to tear.
For more information, visit:
The first is that the College will allow veterinary surgeons and nurses to carry over some of the CPD hours they have accrued in 2019 into 2020, to smoothen the transition to an annual hourly requirement.
Vets will be allowed to carry over 25 hours and VNs 10 hours of accumulated CPD from 2019 through to 2020.
This will apply once, in 2020 only, and is only applicable to vets and VNs who have been CPD-compliant from 2017 to 2019 and have a surplus number of hours to carry over.
Secondly, the College is going to allow vets and VNs to take a six-month 'CPD pause' for planned periods away from work, such as parental leave, and exceptional circumstances, such as serious ill health or unforeseen changes to family responsibilities, without the need to make up the hours when they return to work. This will reduce the burden on vets and VNs returning to work after a break.
RCVS Director of Education, Dr Linda Prescott-Clements said: "We hope that these changes to the CPD policy will support vets and VNs to make the transition to an annual hourly requirement.
"We received a sample of feedback from some members of the veterinary professions regarding the move to annual hourly CPD requirements and these additions have been introduced support members during this transition and to mitigate some of the concerns raised."
For more information about the CPD requirement for both vets and vet nurses, what activities might count as CPD, how to record your CPD and a series of frequently asked questions about CPD please visit our dedicated page:
The study, published in Nature Scientific Reports, investigated the effect of culling in the first three licensed badger cull areas – Gloucestershire, Somerset and Dorset – using data from 2013 to 2017.
Gloucestershire and Somerset saw reductions in bTB incidence rates in cull areas relative to comparison areas of 66 per cent and 37 per cent respectively after four years. In Dorset, there was no change in incidence rates in cull areas relative to comparison areas after two years, but incidence dropped by 55 per cent in the same period in the 2km buffer zone around the edge of the cull area. Matched comparison areas were similar but not identical.
James Russell, BVA Junior Vice President said: "These findings are encouraging and offer further evidence that badger culling can result in significant reductions in the number of new cases of TB in cattle. However, they come with the caveat that the data only relates to the first three cull areas, and the variability within these alone makes it too early to draw firm conclusions that culling will reduce incidence significantly in all 40 areas where it is now taking place.
"BVA’s expert working group is currently considering all aspects of disease control looking at cattle testing, removal of reactors, compensation and control in other farmed animals as well as the culling and vaccination of badgers. The group will consider this additional evidence as we develop our new policy on bTB.
"We continue to support a comprehensive and evidence-based approach to tackling bTB, including the use of badger culling where there is a demonstrated need and where it is done safely, humanely and effectively as part of a comprehensive strategy.
"The best way of halting the spread of this devastating disease is enhancing our understanding of bTB and applying that evidence to the eradication process.”
The website has been redesigned to help pet owners improve their understanding of the disease and support their commitment to treating their pet, thus improving the survival rates of diabetic pets.
The site includes videos which show how to give insulin injections to dogs and cats. There are also links to the Pet Diabetes Tracker App, which helps owners of diabetic pets monitor and record their pets’ progress. There are also tools to help pet owners build glucose curves they can share with their veterinary practice, and FAQs that will answer their main concerns.
The company is also offering additional support to help veterinary practices raise awareness of pet diabetes in the form of staff training and a Pet Diabetes Month Resource Pack.
Caroline Darouj, Senior Product Manager at MSD Animal Health said: "Pet diabetes continues to rise in the UK1,2 due to the growing prevalance of obesity in our pets. Research has shown that up to 20% of diabetic pets die, or are euthanised, within a year of diagnosis3. Many of these early deaths however, are avoidable and effective management can result in good outcomes in most pets. A diabetes diagnosis should not be a life sentence for our pets.
"This campaign and new website will make a big difference, giving practices the tools to engage pet owners, provide treatments plans and explain effective disease management. Diabetes is a disease with many elements that can feel overwhelming for pet owners so it’s vital that all veterinary practice team members have the right resources to be able to advise and support them so their pets can lead long and happy lives."
To sign up for a pack practices should go to
Neil, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies, is an equine veterinary surgeon who has worked in large and small animal practice in the UK and Australia. Neil is clearly multi-talented: on top of his many and various career achievements, he was in the Cambridge Footlights and has performed in four Edinburgh Fringe Festival shows. He also plays the piano.
Danny is another multi-talented veterinary surgeon, currently working as an equine locum and well-known in the profession as an RCVS Council Member, the founder of Veterinary Voices and a campaigner against irrational forms of veterinary medicine such as homeopathy.
Ian Fleming is a Senior Vet at the PDSA, standing as an independent candidate for the Halesowen and Rowley Regis constituency.
If I was a betting man, my money would have to be on Neil: Penrith and the Border has been held by the Conservatives since 1950, most recently by Rory Stewart. Danny, on the other hand, needs to overturn a 7200 Conservative majority in his constituency, something which the latest polls suggest is a bit of an outside bet. Still, stranger things have happened.
The flowchart, which was produced in partnership with the National Animal Health and Welfare Panel (NAHWP) and with support from Dogs Trust, outlines what vets should consider when a client presents an animal with a pet passport and aim to help them navigate client confidentiality, how to report concerns of illegal imports, and an overview of how local authorities are likely to respond.
The Association says that in recent years, vets have mentioned finding it 'difficult' or 'very difficult' to report concerns to Trading Standards in the BVA Voice of the Veterinary Profession surveys. Other concerns included breaching client confidentiality, a lack of proof or sufficient evidence to investigate, a perceived lack of interest from local authorities if a case was reported, and uncertainty about whom to contact and how to report suspicions.
Findings released by Dogs Trust earlier this week show broadly similar concerns about reporting suspected illegal pet import cases.
BVA and NAHWP have issued the following advice for vets:
Report any suspicions that the animal in your care does not comply with Pet Travel Scheme requirements to your Local Authority Animal Health Function – either Trading Standards or Environmental Health Services.
Find out how to contact your local authority via a pre-agreed number for your practice. Find a direct contact number for your local Trading Standards or call Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 03454 04 05 06, who will refer you directly to the relevant local authority.
Note this number down on the joint BVA and NAHWP compliance flowchart and put up the poster in visible locations around your practice for staff to refer to.
BVA is also in talks with local authority forums in Wales and Scotland and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland to launch similar guidance and compliance resources for vets in the devolved administrations.
BVA President Daniella Dos Santos said: "Veterinary teams can often be the first to suspect that an animal may have been illegally imported when an owner takes their pet for its first check-up. But our surveys have identified a compelling need for clearly defined routes and mechanisms for vets to more easily report suspected cases of illegal import.
"Our flow chart and supporting guidance aim to empower vets to report any such cases, thus helping to tackle the scourge of illegal importation and protecting animal welfare, both of the imported dogs and the larger canine population in the UK.
"I would encourage veterinary teams to put up the poster in their practices and use it to help report any suspicions to relevant authorities with ease."
The flowchart is available as a pull-out poster in this week’s Vet Record and can also be downloaded along with accompanying guidance notes here:
The survey found that 51% of cat and dog owners didn't research their pets breed before buying. Of the 22% who then regretted their decision, 31% said it was because they didn’t have enough time to look after the animal, 18% because they turned out to be allergic to the animal, and 16% because they didn’t like their pet’s personality.
Apparently dog owners were more likely to regret their new pet (26%) than cat owners (16%).
Sainsbury’s has therefore launched the Pawfect Match tool, designed to help future pet owners to make informed decisions when choosing the most suitable breed for them. The pet picker asks you a number of questions about your circumstances and makes a number of suggestions based on how you answer.
Sainsbury's campaign is being fronted by Scott Miller MRCVS, who said: "I am saddened to hear that so many pet owners are regretting the animals they have chosen as companions. Dogs and cats come in all shapes and sizes, and have different temperaments. Looking after a pet is a huge commitment so it is important that people undertake adequate research before buying a pet to ensure it is a happy experience."
I tried Sainsbury's pet picker and it recommended a Basset Hound as the first choice. Fair enough. I always think they look like the living embodiment of the word 'hangdog', which is not really my cup of tea. Luckily, the tool makes more than one suggestion. One of the criteria I'd specified was 'quiet and calm', so the second recommendation, a whippet, was fine. But the third caught my eye. A Border Collie. What? Whaaaaaat? Quiet and calm? A Border Collie. Are you having a laugh? I thought Border Collies usually need to be sent to some sort of asylum.
Still, if Sainsbury's tool encourages more people to think harder about their choice, that's no bad thing. But they might like to rethink the Border Collie recommendation.
Eight veterinary surgeons have put themselves forward to compete for the three available places. They are:
The RCVS has uploaded each of the candidates’ biographies and election statements on to its website, at:
The elections will start from Monday 16th March when the ballot papers and candidates’ manifestos will be posted and emailed to all members of the profession who are eligible to vote.
All votes, whether postal or online, must then be cast by 5pm on Friday 24 April 2020.
As with previous years, the RCVS is also inviting members of the profession to get a better idea of why each candidate is standing by taking part in 'Quiz the candidates' and submitting a question which will then be put directly to the candidates.
Each candidate for both elections will be invited to choose two questions to answer from all those received, and produce a video recording of their answers.
Recordings will be published on the RCVS website and YouTube channel ( on the week the election starts.
The College says only question per person is allowed, and any which it deems offensive, inappropriate, misleading, libellous or otherwise unlawful will not be distributed to the candidates.
Vets should email their question to or send it to the College’s Twitter account @theRCVS using the hashtag #vetvote20 by midday on Friday 28 February 2020.
With the veterinary profession facing two of the biggest regulatory changes seen in most people's lifetimes, namely changes to the rules over remote prescribing without performing a physical examination and a possible change to the standard of proof used in disciplinaries, there has never been a more important time to make sure that practising veterinary surgeons are properly represented on Council. Nor has there been a time I can remember when a protest vote would represent such a shocking waste. Don't forget, you don't need to use all your votes. Use them wisely.
The VetSurgeon Expert Forums were originally designed to overcome the weaknesses inherent in other social media platforms like Facebook, such as the lack of accountability, transparency and provenance for the clinical information and opinions being shared.
However it is hoped that the new resource will prove to be especially helpful to general practitioners who find themselves working in isolation because of the coronavirus pandemic.
For them, advice from some of the leading experts in the country could prove a real lifeline.
To use the new Expert Help forums, login and visit (under ‘Forums’ in the main navigation). Alternatively, navigate to the relevant area under ‘Interests’ and go from there.
Type your question in brief, then add any further detail in the box beneath.
Your question is then emailed to a number of experts in the relevant field, who’ll reply when they are able.
All questions are added to a knowledgebank which other members of the profession can read and refer to, but only you, the question author and the experts can reply.
This means you can be assured of a friendly, helpful and knowledgeable reply and it won’t get drowned in a sea of ‘me too’ posts.
Importantly, you can see the provenance for all advice given in the Expert Forums: click the name of the expert to read their full professional profile and qualifications.
There’s also a red ‘Claim CPD’ button at the top of the thread. Use that to claim your question as CPD, or just to keep a record of your questions and the answers (which you can later review in your profile).
Once you have had your answer(s), you must click ‘Verify Answer’ under any that you feel have answered your question. This adds the referral practitioner’s logo and gives them points on a leaderboard of most active and helpful experts. So it’s a nice way to say 'thank you' for their time and effort.
The expert forums are being rolled out, discipline by discipline, over the coming weeks.
Anaesthesia and Pain Management is now live, with experts like Jo Murrell from Highcroft Referrals, Dan Holden from County Vet Clinic, Gwen Covey-Crump, and Carl Bradbrook from Anderson Moores answering questions.
In Cardiology, we have the ever-helpful Dave Dickson from HeartVets and Roger Wilkinson joined by Chris Linney from Willows, Mike Holgate, Mark Patteson from HeartVets, and Nuala Summerfield from Virtual Veterinary Specialists.
In Dentistry, we have Peter Southerden from Eastcott, Norman Johnston from DentalVets, Evelyn Barbour-Hill, Bob Partridge from VetDentist and Rob Davis from Moreton Hall all there to lend a hand.
You'd be hard-pushed to find a more helpful, friendly or more knowledgable bunch of people, so do make the most of this new resource. Remember, there is no such thing as a stupid question, and posting it here adds it to a knowledgebank for everyone else and allows both you and the expert to claim CPD time.
Post your question here!
If you are an expert in one of the veterinary disciplines on VetSurgeon and would like to contribute to an expert forum, please first watch this explanatory video for referral practitioners and then contact:
The webinars will be given by RCVS Specialists from Virtual Veterinary Specialists and recorded so that you and your team can watch them at your convenience, either from your practice or at home.
The first webinar in the series ‘Is Cancer an Emergency’ by Dr Clare Knottenbelt, RCVS Specialist in Small Animal Medicine and VVS Oncology Consultant.
Nuala Summerfield, Founder and Director of VVS said: "We are really excited about this first webinar and anticipate that it will be a very popular topic!"
The webinar can be viewed here
Email: or visit to register interest in the series or see VVS's other free coronavirus resources.
Ian graduated from the University of Liverpool and gained his PhD from the University of Glasgow. He gained both the UK and European Diplomas in Small Animal Medicine at the University of Cambridge and is a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and European Recognised Specialist in Small Animal Medicine. He returned to Glasgow University in 1998 and has been the Professor of Small Animal Medicine since 2009.
Ian has published in the fields of infectious diseases, endocrinology and neurology but is interested in all aspects of small animal medicine. In 2015 he was awarded the BSAVA Woodrow Award for his contribution to small animal medicine. In 2016 he became of Fellow of the RCVS, thereby becoming a jolly good fellow Fellow of the RCVS, or JGFFRCVS for short.
Professor Ramsey has served BSAVA as a regional secretary, member of several committees and chair of Petsavers and Scientific. He is probably best known as the editor of four editions of the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary.
The Presidential handover usually takes place at BSAVA Congress but was delayed this year given the cancellation of the April event due to coronavirus.
Ian says that during his Presidency, he intends to promote and enhance the digital offering of the Association to BSAVA members coping with the pandemic. He will also oversee changes to BSAVA congress with a more interactive approach to training; shortened, more focussed lectures and greater integration between the exhibition, the scientific content, and the social events.
Ian said: “At this time of great uncertainty in the profession, my focus will be on providing BSAVA members with the scientific information and clinical training that they need, in a suitable form. Clinical skills and science lie at the heart of being a good vet and BSAVA members get access to a huge range of cheap or free resources in these areas to help them in their careers. Congress 2021 will be evolving as a vital part of this effort and I am looking forward to welcoming everyone to Manchester during the last week of March 2021."
Laxatract is indicated for the treatment of constipation and symptomatic treatment of diseases which require facilitated defecation such as partial obstructions.
The recommended dosage is 400 mg lactulose per kg bodyweight per day, which corresponds to 0.6 ml veterinary medicinal product per kg body weight per day. Approximately two to three days of treatment may be necessary before a treatment effect occurs (preferably divided into 2-3 doses over the day).
Laxatract is available in a 50 ml bottle complete with a 5 ml syringe for easy administration. It can be mixed with food or given directly into the mouth.
Dechra Brand Manager Carol Morgan said: "Cats and dogs may need to be treated for constipation for a number of reasons including intestinal atony after surgery, hairballs, or massive intestinal contents and Laxatract provides a safe and effective solution to facilitate that.
"Laxatract can also be used when facilitated defecation is required such as partial obstructions due to tumours and fractures, rectal diverticulum, proctitis and poisoning."
For more information visit:
At the meeting, which took place last Thursday, Council members were asked to decide how to proceed with three specific proposals on reforming the disciplinary system:
Acknowledging some of the concerns that have been raised about changing the standard of proof, RCVS Registrar Eleanor Ferguson said: “The RCVS is now one of just a few regulators that still uses the criminal standard of proof in determining the facts of a case. We have sought these changes as part of our ongoing aim to develop a compassionate and forward-looking disciplinary system with the protection of the public absolutely at its heart, whilst also acknowledging the huge toll the process takes on the mental health of veterinary professionals.
"Research that we carried out into the impact of changing the standard of proof indicated that it would not lead to a major increase in cases being referred from the Preliminary Investigation Committee to the Disciplinary Committee. Importantly the number is likely to be very low because the standard of proof only applies to proving the facts of a case; the judgement as to whether proven facts amount to serious professional misconduct will follow the same process as at present.
"We estimated that during 2019, there could have been just two more cases brought to DC under a altered standard of proof, with an additional three cases that were borderline but probably wouldn’t have proceeded any further. Conversely, we also estimated that three cases that did go to DC during 2019 would probably not have done, had the ‘Charter Case Committee’ option been available.
"Ultimately, the aim of the RCVS in regulating the veterinary professions is to protect the public and animal welfare as well as upholding the reputation of the professions. We believe these changes will better achieve that aim."
The consultation on whether to change the standard of proof as well as to introduce the Charter Case Protocol and ‘mini-PICs’ is now planned for later this year.
Further information about the proposals, including some of the arguments for and against changing the standard of proof, can be found in the papers for RCVS Council at: (pages 70-97).
The authors say that an association between acute kidney injury and general anaesthesia is well-defined in human medicine, but there is little information in the veterinary literature.
In their new study, called “Twelve previously healthy non-geriatric dogs present for acute kidney injury after general anaesthesia for non-emergency surgical procedures in the UK1”, Emma Rogers-Smith and her co-authors retrospectively analysed the medical records of 12 dogs that presented for acute kidney injury following general anaesthesia across three multidisciplinary referral centres and one primary care practice in the UK. Information obtained included signalment, general anaesthesia, surgical procedure and peri-surgical management.
The aim was to characterise common factors after a suspected increase in incidence of post-procedure acute kidney injury in animals without identifiable risk factors.
Emma Rogers-Smith, a resident in internal medicine at Davies Veterinary Specialists and corresponding author for the paper, said: “A suspicion that there was an increase in non-geriatric dogs suffering acute kidney injury (AKI) shortly after elective procedures led to this study.
"Whilst our data supported this suspicion, there was an increase in incidence, the change itself is not statistically significant and so we are unable to be conclusive.
"This study is limited by small sample size and retrospective nature of the data. At this time no definitive causal link between these cases has been found.
"As such, we are urging clinicians with similar experiences in the last 24 months to get in touch. We hope to ascertain if there is any commonality between these cases and, if possible, better define the incidence of AKI in non-geriatric animals following elective procedures.”
Nick Jeffery, editor of JSAP said: “Nowadays, most veterinarians consider general anaesthesia safe in dogs and routinely allay pet-owner concerns. Whilst AKI following general anaesthesia seems to be rare, it is worrying that a specific risk factor was not identified in any dog, despite a wealth of available clinical data. I would urge any veterinarians that have similar cases to contact the authors.”
Any clinicians with similar experiences during the last 24 months should contact Emma Rogers-Smith on
The full article can be found in the June issue of the Journal of Small Animal Practice, and here:
Floxabactin is indicated for use in dogs with lower UTIs including those associated with prostatitis, upper urinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli or Proteus mirabilis in dogs, and superficial and deep pyoderma. For cats, the 15 mg dose can be used with upper respiratory tract infections.
Floxabactin is presented in blister packs: 15mg for cats and dogs, plus 50mg and 150mg for dogs.
Dechra Brand Manager Carol Morgan said: “Floxabactin has been developed with the responsible administration of antibiotics in mind. We would always promote only using antimicrobials when an infection has been documented and based on the results of culture and sensitivity testing, and or cytology testing, if applicable.
"Other treatment options should also be considered before the systemic use of antibiotics such as topical treatment for superficial pyoderma."
For more information, visit:
The award was due to be presented at the association's annual shindig in March, which was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.
VMA Awards chair, Claire Edmunds, said: “This years’ winners will still get their moment of glory on stage next March at the rescheduled event. We can also announce that the event is likely to include some additional categories to recognise campaigns and initiatives undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Carlos Michelsen, managing director of award sponsor, CM Research, added: "Thanks to the continued success of Cytopoint, Zoetis achieved highly commended status. But it was Elanco that came in as award winners, with their novel veterinary pharmaceutical product Galliprant taking the crown. Congratulations to Elanco!"
Rebecca Bryant, Elanco’s marketing manager for Pet Health Therapeutics (pictured right), said “Elanco is delighted to be recognised by the veterinary community with this prestigious award for Galliprant. The UK team is proud to be part of the launch of this innovative, first-in-class product which has already enriched the lives of thousands of pet owners and their dogs living with osteoarthritis. It’s fantastic to hear from vets that managing OA with Galliprant has already made a positive impact on their practices.”
Zoetis product manager, Allison Henry said: “We are very proud to come such close second in this award category as it is a true testament to the lasting innovation Cytopoint has brought to our industry, customers and pets. At Zoetis, we always strive to develop innovative new medicines for the veterinary industry and we are thrilled to see how Cytopoint has done just that.”
Researchers from Nottingham Trent University and the Royal Veterinary College found that exertion or exercise – which could include dogs walking, playing or running with their owners – was responsible for three quarters (74%) of heat stroke cases. Many of these cases were in the summer months.
For the study, the researchers analysed the clinical records of more than 900,000 UK dogs. They found that 1,222 had received veterinary care for heatstroke at some point during their lives, almost 400 affected in a single year. 14.2% of them died as a result of their heatstroke.
Hot weather alone was responsible for 13% of cases, while travelling or being left in hot vehicles accounted for 5% of cases. Other triggers for heat stroke included undergoing treatment at a veterinary surgery or a dog grooming parlour, being restricted to hot buildings or trapped under blankets.
Male dogs and younger dogs were more likely to develop heatstroke triggered by exercise, with breeds including the Chow Chow, Bulldog, French Bulldog, Greyhound, English Springer Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Staffordshire Bull Terrier at increased risk.
Older dogs and brachycephalic breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, were at increased risk of getting heatstroke just by sitting outside in hot weather. Brachycephalics were particularly at risk of developing heat stroke if left in hot cars.
Emily Hall, a researcher and veterinary surgeon in Nottingham Trent University’s School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences said: "It appears that people are hearing the message about the dangers of hot vehicles, but campaigns to raise public awareness about heat-related illness in dogs need to highlight that dogs don’t just die in hot cars. Taking a dog for a walk or a run in hot weather can be just as deadly so consider skipping walks altogether during heatwaves, or be sure to take dogs out early in the morning whilst it’s still cool.
Dr Dan O’Neill, co-author and senior lecturer in companion animal epidemiology at The Royal Veterinary College, said: “The UK is currently in the midst of an ill-fated love affair with flat-faced dogs. Demand for breeds such as the French Bulldog, Pug and British Bulldog has soared during the Covid19 lockdown. I appeal to owners to put the needs of the dog ahead of their own desire to possess something that looks cute."
The survey was sent to all UK veterinary practices on the 25th November with a deadline to respond by the 1st December and received 186 responses, a response rate of 6%.
The survey found that during this period:
Lizzie Lockett, RCVS CEO, said: “Thank you once again to all the practice staff who took the time to complete this survey, it really is very useful for us to have a clear picture of how coronavirus and its restrictions are affecting day-to-day activities, as it has an impact both on our decision-making and policies, and what we can tell others about the impact on the professions, such as the UK and national governments.
"The overall picture from this survey is that, while for most it is not business as usual, veterinary practices and members of the professions are, to an extent, getting used to the disruption and have plans and policies in place to help mitigate the impact of the mosaic of different restrictions across the UK.
"While there is hope on the horizon with the start of the roll-out of coronavirus vaccines, we will continue to review and keep up-to-date our advice and guidance to ensure that you can practise to the best of your abilities, while keeping safe and within the rules.
“Of course, we also recognise the toll that the pandemic has taken on many people’s mental health and wellbeing, and this is reflected in some of the more concerning statistics around the impact that staff absences can have on the rest of the team.
"We also asked practices what might help them manage from a staff mental health and wellbeing point of view, and will take these suggestions into account when planning further support via our Mind Matters Initiative mental health project. In the meantime, we would like to remind those who are feeling stressed or are in distress that there are sources of help available during these difficult times – these can be found at”
The full report of the survey is available to view at
The gilets, which normally cost $170, have three heating zones: one around the neck, one across the back of the shoulders and one which heats the pockets, all powered by a small battery.
VetSurgeon Editor Arlo Guthrie (pictured right) said: "As some members will know, I have a sideline reviewing gadgets and consumer tech on YouTube. Having reviewed the Ororo gilet, I bought a number of them for myself and my family, but thanks to a mix up by Amazon, I ended up with a spare men's XL size gilet (45-48 inch chest, 40-43 inch waist and 46-49 inch hip) .
"I'd like it to go to a good home, and I thought maybe a veterinary surgeon or nurse who now has to attend to clients in a frosty car park might be very glad of it.
"Of course, there are more women than men in the profession, so I'm going to offer one of the womens' vests too."
To win one of the gilets, watch the review here:, then email: with the answer to the following question:
On the medium heat setting, how long does the Ororo heated gilet stay warm?
First two correct answers out of the hat from those received by close of play next Wednesday (13th January) will get the gilets.
Arlo added: "Good luck, and a very happy New Year to you all. Let's hope we all get the vaccine soon.
"Oh, and if you enjoy the review, do subscribe on YouTube!"
The case was seen by Tim Charlesworth, head of surgery, who shared details of the case.
The dog was a seven-month-old Jack Russell Terrier which had been referred suffering from urinary incontinence and preputial pruritus.
Tim said: “We believe this is the first reported case of complete unilateral duplication of the urinary tract in a dog presenting with incontinence.
“The dog concerned was born with a duplex or 'double’ left kidney. Each section of the left kidney drained urine via separate ureters into the prostate gland.
“Its urinary bladder was also divided into separate left and right compartments, each of which then drained through separate urethras that coursed through separate penises.
“The two penises were both stuck within a prepuce designed for one which, was causing the dog’s pruritus or ‘itching’ of the penis. The incontinence was caused by the left ectopic ureters.”
Tim was faced with the challenge of devising a surgical strategy that would resolve the dog’s clinical signs. He said: “The left kidney was severely dilated and was deemed to be non-functional and so the dog underwent surgery for the removal of the affected left kidney and ureters; the two halves of the bladder were united by ablation of the septum between these two cavities; the left urethra was transected and the left penis amputated to allow the right penis to have room to fully fit within the prepuce.”
Tim added: “The dog has now made a full recovery with full resolution of his clinical signs and is currently doing very well indeed. We are very pleased to have been involved with such an unusual case and are really happy that he continues to do so well.”
The case was recently written up by one of Eastcott’s interns, Mara Sprocatti, and it has now been published by Wiley Online Library in Veterinary Surgery, highlighting it as the first known case in the history of veterinary surgery.