The inaugural Vet Charity Challenge, which took place on 15th September at the Royal Agricultural College in Cirencester, has raised at least £20,000 for charity.
Twenty-six teams of four people took part, spending seven hours walking, running, cycling, kayaking, orienteering, along with a few mental physical challenges along the way.
The Challenge started in the morning with a sprint to collect puzzles for teams to solve. This determined time slots when teams could attempt six mental and physical puzzles during the morning session. The teams then headed off on a walk or run around the surrounding countryside. The aim was to visit as many points on the map as possible. Each team could choose its own route. After lunch, the teams headed off again for the cycling stages, visiting places on the map in order to gain more points. Then finally it was onto the water for the kayaking stage.
The winning team was the Complete Animal from Hyde Park Veterinary Centre in London. Team captain Leah Morley said: "The event was great fun, really well organised, and all the teams seemed to have got right behind it. You really had to work as a team, playing to different peoples strengths both physically and mentally. Everyone had a fair chance of winning. We would really like to thank others in the practice and our clients who were massively generous in their support and sponsorship. Their response was quite inspirational and certainly had an impact in driving us to perform well. I think every practice should take part and we look forward to returning next year to defend our title."
All the teams enjoyed the day and met the challenges head on and were enthusiastic for the Vet Charity Challenge to continue next year. Head Nurse Angella McNellan from Glenbrae Veterinary Clinic in Bearsden, Glasgow said: "The Vet Charity Challenge has been brilliant fun, beautiful scenery, great challenges. It has really helped get fitter through training as a team after work during the summer. We cannot wait to do it all again next year."
Roger Dixon MRCVS from Ashbrook Equine Hospital in Cheshire said: "The Challenge has been great fun, we really enjoyed the teambuilding element. Also it was worth the pain to beat the farm team!"
Nicolette Hayward from team The Far Canals said: "The Vet Charity Challenge has been superb, enormous fun. We did absolutely no training and came in fourth, so we are very happy with that result."
Jason Rogers from BCF team Witness the Fitness said: "We really enjoyed the day, found it exhausting though, the kayaking was the toughest part, and we had quite a run back in the morning to get back in time."
To add to the level of exhaustion competitors were flung around the dance floor for a Ceilidh following a barbeque in the evening. The band consisted of organisers from the event including caller Brian Wright from Vets Now and competitors Nicolette Haywood and Jim Hughes.
For more information, see more photos and to register interest for the challenge in 2013 visit Also follow Vet Charity Challenge and on Twitter @vetchallenge.
The RCVS Charitable Trust has released the results of a survey that suggests a lack of available, high-quality research could be hampering the implementation of evidence-based medicine (EVM) in veterinary practice.
Of the 70 survey respondents, although 70% said they were familiar with the concepts of EVM, only 36% said that they always used EVM principles or that EVM principles were deeply embedded within their practices. When asked about the barriers to implementing EVM, many vets commented that there was a lack of high-quality research available to them.
Trust director, Cherry Bushell said: "This survey was relatively small as our intention is for it to help spark discussion at our forthcoming symposium 'The Sceptical Vet: Eminence or Evidence? Finding the best way forward for the veterinary profession'. We want to consider the possibility of developing a range of evidence-based resources for the veterinary profession, so it's interesting to hear vets commenting about the lack of an available, high-quality evidence base."
All those completing the Trust's survey were entered into a prize draw for a chance to have their travel expenses to the event reimbursed. Veterinary surgeon Ariel Brunn (top right) from Vets Now, Maidenhead, was the winner. She said: "I'm really looking forward to this Symposium and the discussion that will come with it - along with clinical governance, evidence-based practice provides a means to offer the best care for our veterinary patients. Having been a practising vet for less than 5 years, I'm excited to learn more about how EVM can be incorporated into veterinary practice and I'm certainly pleased to have won the prize draw to support my travel to this event."
This symposium will take place on Tuesday 30 October 2012, at Church House Conference Centre, London. A limited number of places are still available for practising veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses only via the Trust ( or 0207 202 0741). For more information visit
Virbac Animal Health has launched a twitter-based early warning system to alert vets and dog owners of cases of canine parvovirus (CPV) in their area. It is to go live on 1 November 2012.
@parvoalert is a twitter feed that updates followers on the geographic location of cases of the disease using the first half of the relevant postcode. The company is asking vets and owners learning of a case to tweet the first half of the postcode where it occurs to @parvoalert. Virbac will then retweet it to everyone else following @parvoalert. The company is also advising vets and owners to check the feed regularly for news of cases. The service is free.
Virbac says that when it hears of a case, it will also provide practices in 'at-risk' areas with a 'Parvo-alert' Pack, containing a range of tools and support materials to help them alert dog owners. These include waiting room posters, leaflets, stickers and template text for newsletters.
The Veterinary Director of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, Shaun Opperman, said: "As recent viewers of ITV1's 'Paul O Grady: For the Love of Dogs' may have seen, parvovirus causes dreadful suffering to dogs. Unfortunately many people still aren't vaccinating their dogs, so we see cases on a regular basis and it's vital that owners vaccinate their dogs, are aware of the disease and remain vigilant for the early signs."
Simon Boulton MRCVS, Product Manager at Virbac, said: "One of the problems in tackling canine parvovirus is that little information is shared on the frequency and location of cases so, in some ways, it's a hidden problem. While it's not as common as some other infectious diseases, when outbreaks occur, as they did earlier this year in South Wales and Oxford, the disease proves fatal in around half of diagnosed dogs."
Once @parvoalert is established, Virbac says it aims to build it into a comprehensive web-based CPV resource, featuring background on the prevention and treatment of the disease; comment from veterinary experts and downloadable practice support materials.
Simon continued: "It's heart-breaking for owners to lose their pets in this way and to see them suffer from a disease that could easily have been prevented. We hope @parvoalert will help to raise awareness of the fact that CPV continues to represent a significant threat to unvaccinated dogs. It will benefit all practices in areas affected as they will receive a Parvo-alert Pack, which they can use to encourage their clients to get their dogs vaccinated and look out for signs of the disease."
Six mixed-practice veterinary surgeons with over 200 combined years of experience have published a book of veterinary tips which they have collected from practising vets all over the UK in order to raise funds for VBF - the charity that supports veterinary professionals.
Alan Jeans, one of the authors, said: "The tips are ideas and techniques that we all use every day in practice but are the kind of thing that you only learn on the job. A range of vets from recent graduates through to veterinary teaching staff have checked the tips for suitability and, although many of the tips are aimed at new or recent graduates, vets of all ages and levels of experience will find plenty of very useful advice.
"The collection started as a 10-tip presentation on an annual CPD sailing trip in Turkey (pictured right) and grew from there. Throughout our careers we have all been impressed by the way that VBF has stepped in to help some of our colleagues in the profession through personal difficulties so we are delighted that we have found a way to fundraise for them."
Nick Short, VBF Director, said: "We are so grateful to all the authors listed in the book for their efforts on VBF's behalf. The tips can either be purchased as a complete collection in paperback by sending a suggested donation of £10 to VBF, 7 Mansfield Street, London W1G 9NQ or you can subscribe to receive regular e-tips on the Vetlife website at
We will also be taking pre-orders at BCVA Congress where VBF is going to be on the BCVA stand this year together with some of the veterinary surgeons who collected the tips.
Bradley Viner reviewed the book. He said: "I defy anyone, however long qualified, to honestly say that they did not learn something worthwhile from this little treasure of a book. And the cartoons are a great giggle as well!"
The book also received good reviews from two BVA Past Presidents. Peter Jinman said: "This little gem of a book is a distillate of the 'art' of veterinary medicine written by those who daily use the science for the benefit of animals under their care." Carl Padgett said: "A great little book. Easy to read and full of those tips that rarely make the covers of academic texts. Tricks old and new that help get the job done written by those that are doing the job."
Agria Pet Insurance has launched a competition in which the practice that creates the most informative and effective pet insurance display using the company's new display kit will win £500 cash.
Agria says its new display kit is designed primarily to help clients understand how pet insurance works, but also allows a practice to include their own patients' case studies and testimonials too.
To order your free display kit, either complete the online order form at or call Agria's Veterinary Helpline on 0800 369 90 98
To enter the competition, send a digital photograph of your finished display to together with your practice name and address.
Veterinary surgeons and practice managers will be invited to judge the entries and vote for the winning display at the Veterinary Business & Management Congress in January 2013.
The overall winner will be announced at the BSAVA Congress.
The BVA, the Mayhew Animal Hospital, Dogs Today magazine and the Kennel Club are amongst various organisations that have criticised Morrisons for its Christmas advert - which can be seen here - in which a child is seen passing a slice of Christmas pudding to the family dog.
BVA President Peter Jones said: "It is vital that advertisers use animals responsibly and we are disappointed to see the Morrisons Christmas desserts TV commercial depicting a small boy feeding Christmas pudding to his dog. Christmas pudding, Christmas cake and mince pies - because they contain raisins or sultanas - are potentially harmful to pets and in some cases can lead to kidney failure.
"While we accept that many pet owners understand what is and what is not appropriate to feed their pets, children watch adverts and can be easily influenced by what they see. Veterinary organisations and animal welfare charities work really hard to promote messages about responsible pet ownership and TV adverts such as this one, with huge audiences, can undermine this work."
But hang on a second. Watching the advert, the child isn't actually feeding the dog anything. Rather, the dog is passed a bit of pudding which it then goes and places in a flowerpot, causing the plant to wilt. The dog isn't being fed the stuff, it's being asked to get rid of it.
Surely what this advert is really saying is: nobody likes Christmas pudding, least of all children and dogs.
Mind you, it does look like all this fuss is proving a very effective public awareness campaign about the danger of feeding a dog raisins or sultanas.
Ceva Animal Health has published Causes of scour in growing pigs: an overview, a technical review on pig scour.
The company says its aim is to provides vets with an easy-reference guide to the main causes and clinical signs of this common and potentially fatal condition.
At best, scour in growing pigs can cause significant weight loss and damage to the intestinal mucosa. At worst it will result in high mortality. Causes of scour in growing pigs: an overview summarises the causative agents of scour throughout the stages of growth, from sucking piglets through to finisher pigs.
Ceva adds that although it is difficult to be too prescriptive about assigning clinical signs to specific diseases because of variable immunity and the occurrence of mixed infections, the review provides useful guidelines to aid accurate diagnosis. Preventative management strategies are also discussed where applicable.
For further product information contact your local Ceva representative or Ceva Animal Health Ltd, Unit 3, Anglo Office Park, White Lion Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 9FB, Telephone +44 (0) 1494 781510.
The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) and the British Association of Equine Dental Technicians (BAEDT) have joined forces to set recognised standards for equine dental treatment.
The two organisations are working in association with the RCVS, BVA, BVDA, WWAED and LANTRA to develop National Occupational Standards that will pave the way to allowing equine dental technicians the freedom to work within the Law under an Exemption Order. This should make it safer and easier for owners to source the most suitable dental treatment for their horses.
Currently all equine dental care falls within the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (VSA) and should only be carried out by veterinary surgeons. Equine vets from BEVA and equine dental technicians from the BAEDT have been trying to address this anomaly with government for many years. In 2004 the organisations drew up a list (revised in 2009) of procedures that could be safely carried out by suitably qualified equine dental technicians and a list of those which should only be carried out by qualified veterinary surgeons because they involve sensitive tissues.
The envisaged Exemption Order will also provide better protection for horses and their owners by reinforcing the fact that only suitably qualified individuals are allowed to carry out equine dental care and treatments. While unqualified individuals should become easier to identify under the proposed new scheme, those qualified will also be held to account if their performance is not up to scratch.
The first step towards the Exemption Order is the drawing up of National Occupational Standards for Equine Dental Technicians. It is hoped that these will be formalised by LANTRA in early 2013.
Keith Chandler, BEVA President said: "After many years of working closely with the BAEDT on the continuing education and qualification of its members, we are thrilled that progress is finally being made towards an Exemption Order."
BAEDT Chair, Gemma Lilly, said: "BAEDT and its membership is very happy to be a key part of the team that hopes to put the Exemption Order in place - it will be good news for equine dental technicians, horse owners, and their animals."
Equine Dental Technician and member of the Worldwide Association of Equine Dentists, Martin Brookes, also supports the initiative. He said: "This will be a really important step forward for responsible Equine Dental Technicians. It will further improve the working relationships between EDTs and vets and help to protect the welfare of the horse."
Norbrook Laboratories Ltd has launched Cleanor, an ear cleaner for cats and dogs.
Norbrook says Cleanor Ear Cleaner has been developed for regular, routine cleaning to help remove excessive ear wax from the ear canal as well as providing a moisturising effect to the ear canal's delicate epithelium.
Michelle Jones, Norbrook Brand Manager (Small Animals) said: "Ear disease represents one of the most common skin problems seen in veterinary practice. Checking the cat or dog's ears should be part of the normal health routine for pet owners. Cleanor Ear Cleaner has been designed to make the ear cleaning process simple and stress free for both the animal and owner. It comes with a long, soft and flexible nozzle to allow easy access to the ear canal and is gentle enough to treat even the most sensitive ears."
Cleanor Ear Cleaner is available in two sizes: 50ml and 120ml. It is supported by educational brochures to assist veterinary practices in discussing good ear cleaning practice with their clients. The brochures are available through Norbrook's local sales representatives.
Cleanor Ear Cleanor is available in the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
New research from the USA, published in the Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ), has shown that a toxin from the box elder tree is the likely cause of Seasonal Pasture Myopathy (SPM), the US equivalent of the European disease known as Atypical Myopathy (AM).
According to the British Equine Veterinary Association, preliminary comparisons of these results with cases of AM in Europe suggest that the European condition may be linked to similar trees which could have an important bearing on the future prevention of the disease in Europe.
Seasonal Pasture Myopathy is a highly fatal muscle disease in Midwestern USA and Eastern Canada. A similar disorder called Atypical Myopathy is becoming increasingly frequent in the UK and Northern Europe. Outbreaks of both diseases tend to be seasonal, with most cases occurring in the autumn. Horses that develop SPM and AM are usually kept in sparse pastures with an accumulation of dead leaves dead wood and trees in or around the pasture and are often not fed any supplementary hay or feed.
The research1 identified that seeds from box elder trees were consistently present in the autumn pastures of all 12 horses enrolled in the study. These horses were from 11 different farms and had all presented with the clinical signs of SPM, which include muscular weakness and stiffness, dark urine, periods of recumbency, colic-like signs and muscle trembling. The toxic amino acid hypoglycin A, which is known to cause acquired multiple acyl CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) was shown to be present in the box elder seeds and hypoglycin metabolites were identified in the serum or urine of all the horses. All but one of the cases proved fatal.
Professor Valberg DVM PhD of the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota, who instigated the study, said: "The fact that another acquired form of MADD in rats and humans is caused by hypoglycin A ingestion strengthens our conclusion that hypoglycin A is the likely toxic cause of SPM in horses. We are intending to conduct further studies to determine the factors that affect the highly variable hypoglycin A concentrations in box elder seeds."
Professor Valberg has established collaborative links with groups in Europe in order to investigate if a similar toxin is involved in European Atypical Myopathy. Working with Professor Vince Gerber and Dr Lucia Unger at the University of Bern, Professor Valberg has obtained seeds from a tree related to the Box Elder found on many pastures where Atypical Myopathy has occurred.
Professor Celia Marr, Editor of Equine Veterinary Journal said: "This is a really important step forwards. We don't yet know for sure that the cause of European disease, Atypical Myopathy, is the same as Seasonal Pasture Myopathy in the US. But the clinical signs and MADD aberrations are identical and both conditions have a high fatality rate. It remains to be seen whether this research will help European horses, but there is no doubt that it will allow American horse owners to prevent this devastating condition affecting their horses with immediate effect."
1 Seasonal Pasture Myopathy/Atypical Myopathy in North America associated with Ingestion of Hypoglycin A within Seeds of the Box Elder Tree Stephanie J Valberg DVM PhD1, Beatrice T Sponseller Dr. med. vet2, Adrian D Hegeman PhD3, Jennifer Earing PhD, Jeffery B. Bender DVM MS1, Krishona L Martinson PhD4, Steven E Patterson PhD5, Lawrence Sweetman PhD1
Dechra Veterinary Products has relaunched Oxyglobin after concluding an exclusive agreement to supply the product across the UK and Republic of Ireland.
Oxyglobin is used to stabilise anaemic dogs until the underlying condition can be controlled and the animal's body can produce its own new red blood cells.
Dechra says the treatment, which is now available in both 125ml bags and individual 60ml transfusion bags, maintains tissue oxygenation even when there is severe stenosis of blood vessels. It has a viscosity which is more than water but less than blood for ease of flow through vessels, and also increases circulatory volume.
Dechra Veterinary Products Brand Manager, Carol Morgan, said: "Veterinary professionals have been waiting for Oxyglobin to come back onto the market for some time and we're delighted to be able to relaunch it in the UK and Republic of Ireland.
"It was withdrawn from the market in 2010 when OPK Biotech acquired the assets of manufacturer Biopure Corporation in 2009. But this year, OPK Biotech resumed the manufacture of Oxyglobin and we have stocks available to practices from this month (FEB)."
"Oxyglobin turns around clinical outcomes for dogs with anaemia, regardless of the cause of the condition, which is why it is the objective choice for safety, effectiveness and convenience.
"Oxyglobin is the only oxygen-carrying fluid available off the shelf for dogs in need of oxygen support and no typing or cross-matching of the recipient's blood is required."
Oxyglobin, a sterile formulation of polymerised purified bovine haemoglobin in a balanced salt solution with proven efficacy, is available in single dose 60ml and 125ml infusion bags.
For further information on Oxyglobin, see
Nominees for the RCVS Council and its Veterinary Nurses Council have been announced, with 13 candidates for the former and four for the latter.
The nominations closed on 31 January, and the following are standing:
RCVS Council
* denotes current RCVS Council member
VN Council
* denotes current VN Council member
Dairy nutrition consultant Hefin Richards of Profeed Nutrition Consultancy is warning vets to be on the lookout for an upsurge in over-conditioned cows as winter progresses through spring.
He says his prediction is based on a number of factors that have come together over the last year to greatly increased the risk of cows being over-conditioned at calving, not only potentially affecting productivity but predisposing to a number of clinical conditions.
A high body condition score at calving significantly increases the risk of subclinical ketosis in early lactation, depressing the immune response and increasing the risk of conditions such as retained foetal membranes, metritis and left displaced abomasum.1,2 Conversely, these obese cows go on to suffer excessive body condition loss due to decreased voluntary feed intake and poor energy metabolism.
The ketosis risk has been increased in part because national milk yields were low last summer and autumn as a result of poor weather conditions, low milk prices, high feed costs and the spread of Schmallenberg virus (SBV).3
Hefin said: "SBV and bad summer weather with associated poor forage quality may have delayed rebreeding, leading to more extended lactations and longer dry periods. These two factors can lead to excessively fat cows at calving."
Through the winter many herds were running average milk yields some way below usual winter levels and currently mid and late lactation cows are substantially under target yields.4 This lower yield means that feed intake is very likely to be in excess of actual energy demands, with subsequent fat deposition.
Increasing awareness of this potential issue gives vets the opportunity to reinforce the need to monitor body condition, adjust feeding, review milk yields and consider drying cows off early, using controlled energy feeding.
Hefin suggests that vets ensure that their clients' dry cow nutrition and management is geared towards maximising feed intake in early lactation to help prevent animals falling into a state of negative energy balance. Ketosis is often missed on farm because the signs are not apparent. Consider routinely monitoring herds for ketosis using either blood monitoring or Elanco's Keto-Test cow-side milk test to identify both at-risk cows and herds. Forming a team involving vets, nutritionists and herd managers and harnessing the different skill sets and knowledge allows strategies to be developed that can improve herd performance.
Bayer Animal Health, maker of Advocate and organiser of the Be Lungworm Aware campaign, is warning that last year's damp summer and the mild winter conditions may lead to a continued spread of Angiostongylus vasorum in the UK.
Biodiversity & Conservation Officer for The Natural History Museum, Professor Fred Naggs, said: "An increase in the number of slug and snail populations this year would suggest there will consequently be a continued spread of the parasite. However, this depends on a number of factors: (i) the number of slugs and snails around last year, of which there were many (ii) the level of precipitation throughout the year, as slugs and snails will breed continuously when temperatures are mild to warm and there is adequate relative humidity. According to many reports in the press, last year was one of the wettest on record (iii) the survival of slugs and snails over the winter. As this winter has not been particularly harsh, reasonable numbers of slugs and snails should have survived."
In addition, a study by the RVC as shown that A. vasorum is spreading beyond the traditional geographic distribution with 20 per cent of veterinary practices across the country reporting at least one case of A. vasorum. 1
To help raise awareness of the parasite, veterinary surgeons and nurses are being encouraged to support the 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign. The scheme will offer support and education to owners and participating vet practices throughout this month, which has been labelled 'Lungworm Awareness Month'.
Caroline Braidwood, Group Product Manager at Bayer Animal Health said: "While dog owners are becoming more aware of A. vasorum, there is still a real lack of understanding as to the warning signs associated with the condition and how to prevent or treat it. Some owners still believe that Lungworm can be prevented by using normal intestinal wormers which is not the case - Advocate is the only product that can prevent A. vasorum, and from the first application. Our aim with the 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign is to drive pet owners to their vet practice, where they can then be informed of the danger of the parasite and educated about correct preventative treatment."
Practices can request a range of materials including a practice press pack by calling their Bayer Territory Manager. The pack is designed to promote the awareness campaign to local dog owning clients and includes a regional press release, images and other collateral including leaflets, posters and a campaign DVD for display in waiting rooms.
For more information on lungworm, visit
1. Royal Veterinary College survey 2012, 1,419 veterinary practices
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has severely reprimanded and warned as to his future conduct a veterinary surgeon who failed to make sufficient enquiries about the location or condition of a cat; unreasonably refused to provide it with first aid and pain relief; and failed to provide it with adequate 24-hour emergency care.
Following a three-day hearing, the Committee found Marcus Kutschera, of South London Emergency Veterinary Centre, Streatham, guilty of serious professional misconduct in relation to events on 16 May 2011. Mr Kutschera was Clinical Director of the practice, which provided out-of-hours emergency services to several London veterinary practices. At about 1.45am, the practice received two telephone calls from a representative of a registered charity about a cat, which the caller considered should be seen by a veterinary surgeon as soon as possible. The charity was itself a client of one of the practices whose out-of-hours emergency services were provided by the South London Emergency Veterinary Centre. The cat was later euthanased by the RSPCA.
After listening to a recording of a telephone call between a representative of the charity and Mr Kutschera, during which Mr Kutschera failed to ask about either the condition or location of the cat, the Committee was in no doubt that the caller believed Mr Kutschera would not see the cat unless he was able to pay when it was presented. The Committee said that, once the telephone call had been received, the primary responsibility of the veterinary surgeon was the welfare of the animal, and Mr Kutschera had no good reason not to see the cat or to follow the procedures set out in the Guide to Professional Conduct 2010. If he had made proper inquiries, he would have been able to make a provisional diagnosis that the cat was likely to be euthanased. Mr Kutschera was guilty of unreasonably refusing to provide first aid and/or pain relief to the animal, and of failing to provide adequate 24-hour emergency care.
The Committee concluded that Mr Kutschera's conduct fell far short of that to be expected of a veterinary surgeon. Although he did recommend that the cat should be taken to the RSPCA, his primary concern was the ability of the client to make a payment on presentation of the cat, and not the animal's welfare. He had a responsibility for ensuring that proper emergency cover was provided.
In mitigation, the Committee noted that the event was a single, short telephone call between Mr Kutschera and the client in the early hours of the morning, and there was no evidence to suggest similar behaviour on his part on other occasions. Mr Kutschera accepted that he made no inquiries into the cat's condition or location, and the Committee accepted that he had shown some insight into what went badly wrong. He said that he had subsequently changed his practice when speaking to clients on the telephone. The Committee also took account of the impact on Mr Kutschera of the case hanging over him since the complaint was made in August 2011 and, as the cost of the Disciplinary Committee inquiry was not covered by his professional indemnity insurance, he had taken on a substantial financial commitment to pay for legal representation.
Professor Peter Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee said: "The primary purpose of the sanction is not to punish but to protect the welfare of animals, maintain public confidence in the profession and uphold proper standards of conduct. Whilst there are undoubted financial issues that can arise in the operation of an out-of-hours service, the primary responsibility of the veterinary surgeon is for the welfare of the animal."
The Committee recommended that Mr Kutschera undertake, within 12 months, continuing professional development training, with a particular emphasis on animal welfare, ethics and client care, in the context of providing out-of-hours services. It imposed on Mr Kutschera the sanction of a severe reprimand and a warning as to his future conduct.
Elanco Animal Health has announced the launch of Kexxtone this month, a new treatment which it claims can reduce the incidence of ketosis in dairy cows by 74%* following a single treatment.1
Kexxtone is a targeted solution for any dairy cow or heifer that is expected to develop ketosis around the period of calving. It is administered as a bolus,and provides coverage during the main risk period for the condition.
Ketosis often goes undetected because the signs are not immediately apparent. However, it is a common condition, affecting around 30% of cows2 and has a negative impact upon cow health, fertility and milk production. Ketosis can result, on average, in milk losses of around 350-500 litres per cow4 per lactation. The cost of production losses and disease related consequential losses due to subclinical ketosis has been estimated at around 250-600 EUR per cow.5
Elanco says this new approach is likely to significantly expand the array of options open to vets actively involved in dairy herd health management. Kexxtone comes with the benefit of a zero day milk and meat withdrawal3 and the formulation is based on monensin - a molecule with a long history of beneficial use.
According to the company, Kexxtone uses novel technology to allow a continuous and regular release of the active ingredient into the rumen which forms a gel when exposed to rumen fluid. This gel is progressively released into the rumen by a pressure sensitive spring in the Kexxtone device. The active ingredient shifts the microbial balance in the rumen to produce more of the glucose precursor propionic acid, therefore increasing glucose delivery and ultimately increasing the energy available to the cow. This improvement in energy utilisation buffers dairy cows against the tendency to drop into negative energy balance during the transition period around calving and early lactation - the major cause of ketosis.
Mike Steele, Technical Consultant at Elanco said: "Kexxtone offers an exciting opportunity in which everyone wins - vets who can offer positive interventions able to make a big impact on the bottom line, are going to be increasingly integral to their farm clients' herd health planning framework. It's no longer just about nutritional intervention and emergency salvage; it's about being able to proactively easily measure the true herd prevalence of ketosis and where appropriate, take preventative targeted action to really make a difference."
Kexxtone is available to order now from veterinary wholesalers - for further information contact the Elanco Territory Manager or call Elanco Animal Health on 01256 353131.
Loseley, the ice-cream maker, has announced that it has developed a new way of making flavoured ice-cream by adapting the diet fed to its cows.
The first variety to be made using the new technique is 'Eton Mess', for which the company's herd is being fed a diet of strawberries and meringues.
Loseley says its cattle - which are housed at the Beechdean Dairies farm in Buckinghamshire - have already been feeding on the ingredients found in the much loved pudding for over a year, to ensure their milk supply is infused with the strawberry and meringue flavours. Apparently, huge amounts of strawberries are having to be air-freighted into the UK in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply through the seasons.Andrew Howard Managing Director of Beechdean Dairies said: "We have been perfecting the quantities in the cattle feed for over 18 months to perfect the Eton Mess flavour. The cows need to be fed just the right quantities of meringues, strawberries, fat and hay to make the perfect Eton Mess ice cream. We believe ice cream should be great quality, tasty and interesting. Our products will always deliver against these criteria."Vince Bamford, Fast Moving Consumer Goods Editor at The Grocer, the UK's leading grocery trade magazine said: "Loseley's flavour development process is cutting edge - I have tasted the product and it is delicious. It is an exciting innovation for the ice cream category."
Bayer Animal Health, maker of Tracer microchips, has produced a new video in which Emma Milne and Petlog Executive Celia Walsom consider the implications for practices of the change in the law which will make it compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped from April 2016.
The 15-minute video considers various issues, such as:
A survey carried out by Fish4Dogs has found that a 'staggering' 43% of dog owners do not brush their dog's teeth.
As part of the research, 800 people from across the UK were quizzed about their attitude to their pet's dental care in the lead up to the British Dental Health Foundation's 'National Smile Month' (May 20th-June 20th).
The survey also found that:
Graham Smith, Chief Executive of Fish4Dogs said: "This research is definitely an interesting read about people's attitudes and behaviours towards dental care for their dogs. National Smile Month campaigns for healthy and happy teeth and there is no reason this shouldn't apply to our pets too. At Fish4Dogs we have never doubted how important dogs are to their owners, but it is clear that with wider awareness we could encourage teeth brushing to become more regular and an introduction of dry food into dogs' diets and all see improved results."
The Hertfordshire-based referral centre Davies Veterinary Specialists, has announced it is to support Mission Rabies, a charity which aims to reduce the number of children in India that die as a result of contracting rabies from dogs.
According to the charity, it is estimated that at least one child dies from rabies every hour in India, normally contracted from dog bites. Mission Rabies aims to establish the country's first National Rabies Network to supply cheap, effective vaccines nationwide and monitor disease prevalence. The campaign will also include surgical training programmes in rabies danger zones, to train local vets in the best field techniques for dog population and vaccination control. The charity says it intends to vaccinate two million dogs in the key hotspot areas of India over the next three years.
Davies Veterinary Specialists is donating 50,000 rabies vaccines, to be used during the first month of the campaign, which launches this September. member Ian Battersby, one of Davies Veterinary Specialists' Internal Medicine team, is one of the organisers of the project, which is also supported by Dogs Trust, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the Worldwide Veterinary Service. Ian will be travelling to India in September whilst other staff from DVS are planning various fund raising events, including marathons, evening talks to dog owners, a fund raising choir concert and an online auction to members of the veterinary profession. The auction will go live in June and lots will include in-house training seminars from members of the DVS clinical staff and gifts donated by local organisations.
DVS Managing director Clive Elwood said: "This is a very important project delivering veterinary care and expertise that will have a real impact on human lives. We are delighted to be able to help such a worthwhile cause."
The Guardian has published it's University Guide 2014, which ranks Cambridge as the best vet school, and Bristol as the worst.
Universities were ranked by the Guardian according to a number of criteria, including what percentage of students are satisfied with the course, the student:staff ratio and the amount spent per student.
The full league table of universities (with their Guardian scores in brackets) was:
Interestingly, though, only 76% of Cambridge students are in graduate level jobs, or studying further, within six months of graduation, compared to Glasgow's 95%. Meanwhile, Nottingham had the highest percentage of students that were satisfied with the course and the teaching. Liverpool had the highest spend per student, and Cambridge had the lowest student:staff ratio.
Plimsoll has published the results of a study into the profitability of UK veterinary practices which has revealed a widening gap between firms making outstanding profits and those losing money.
The Plimsoll Analysis found average profit margins have fallen to 6.4% of sales and 151 of the UK's top 500 practices are now running at a loss. However, the same study has revealed 61 businesses are making record profits.
Of the 61 'rich' companies:
Of the 151 'poor' companies:
David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll, said: "Sometimes the public perception of profit is wrong. It's seen as companies taking advantage of their position or exploiting their commercial advantages unfairly. But these successful companies should be proud of their achievements. In an industry not known for its successes, these businesses should act as benchmarks to the rest of the industry showing what can be achieved."
Mr. Pattison added: "The latest Plimsoll Analysis highlights that the industry is being split into two types of company and the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger and bigger.
"For the companies that are falling behind, they need to re-evaluate their strategy and retain profit in order to improve their financial strength."
The Plimsoll Analysis provides an individual profile of each of the UK's top practices. It offers an overall financial rating, a valuation and an acquisition attractiveness assessment on each company. members can have a £50 discount off this report by calling 01642 626419 and quoting reference PR/AA54.
For more information, contact Chris Glancey on 01642 626 419, or email
Equine vets at the Animal Health Trust are appealing to horse riders to help with a research project, to assess the interaction between horse, saddle and rider.
Dr Sue Dyson, Head of Clinical Orthopaedics at the Centre for Equine Studies at the Animal Health Trust and Line Greve, PhD student, are conducting the study to find out how the horse, rider and saddle can influence each other. They are trying to understand better why a saddle may persistently slip to one side in some horses.
Line said: "Saddle slip is a problem seen in all sorts of horses and ponies and can contribute to back pain and thus impaired performance. Research suggests that 25% of British dressage horses have a history of back-related problems and subsequent reduced performance. Our preliminary studies involve just over 700 riders but for a more accurate picture we would like to bump this figure up to 1000 plus. We are urging all riders, whatever their level or ability, to help by completing the questionnaire."
The online questionnaire should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and all answers remain anonymous. The questions cover saddle types, fitting, use and maintenance; rider experience, training and 'handedness'; as well as horse type, use and any previous lameness or back-related problems.
To take part in the study, complete the questionnaire here: The AHT says that by doing so, you'll be helping to protect and improve the future health, welfare and longevity of the ridden horse.
The results will be presented at the Saddle Research Trust Conference in 2014.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has directed that Somerset-based veterinary surgeon Dr Marcus Hutber be removed from the Register, having found him guilty of serious professional misconduct following multiple complaints made against him.
During the 11-day hearing, the Disciplinary Committee heard eight, separate and unrelated complaints against Dr Marcus Hutber, made whilst he was the owner of the veterinary company Epivet Ltd, with practices in Williton and Wiveliscombe, in 2009. The complaints involved a series of allegations including lack of adequate professional care, failure to have regard to animal welfare, failure to make or maintain adequate clinical records (and to provide them on request), and failure to treat clients with courtesy and respect.
In the first case, Dr Hutber was found to have performed surgery on a dog inadequately; failed to provide adequate post-operative pain relief; failed to obtain informed consent for the surgery from the dog's owner; and, failed to keep adequate clinical records of the dog's treatment. In a second case of inadequate professional care, Dr Hutber failed to ensure a cat's condition was monitored adequately; failed to ensure that the cat received appropriate fluid therapy; and, failed to keep adequate clinical records.
Dr Hutber was found to have brought the profession into disrepute by speaking rudely to one of his clients. On a separate occasion, a different client was found to have been treated without due courtesy or respect when Dr Hutber told her to come to the practice at once to get tablets and give them to her dog, otherwise the dog would die (of a disease he had diagnosed without carrying out the necessary investigations) - an instruction he then later repeated despite being told the dog was now being treated at a different practice.
One other complaint, where charges were proved, involved Dr Hutber's refusal to provide an animal's clinical records to a former client.
The Disciplinary Committee found Dr Hutber's conduct in respect of the charges proved in relation to each complaint, standing alone and taken collectively, amounted to serious professional misconduct.
In reaching its findings, the Committee considered the oral evidence and written statements of 20 witnesses (including Dr Hutber), two expert witness reports, a large quantity of documentary evidence, Dr Hutber's extensive rebuttal material and Counsels' submissions. Generally, the Committee preferred the evidence of the College's witnesses to that of Dr Hutber. Despite the Committee accepting he was of previous good character, it found him to be unhelpful and uncooperative, frequently lapsing into periods of silence that could last minutes, and staring fixedly (and, in the Committee's view, intimidatingly) at witnesses and College Counsel. There were also inconsistencies between his written rebuttal to the College, his witness statement and his oral evidence, about which the Committee found him evasive and illogical.
The Committee considered Dr Hutber had shown no insight into the allegations, or appreciated the significance or impact of his conduct upon his clients and their animals. He had shown no remorse or regret for his actions, and had continued to assert that he had done nothing wrong.
Further, he had caused actual injury to an animal by subjecting it to unnecessary revision surgery; displayed an inadequate and incomplete understanding of the concept of informed consent; demonstrated a lamentable lack of concern for animal welfare; brought the profession into disrepute with his treatment of his clients; and, exhibited conduct that fell far short of that to be expected of a member of the veterinary profession.
Chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee, Professor Peter Lees, said: "The Committee has found that there were fundamental failings in the Respondent's clinical competence, and that there were serious defects in his interpersonal skills in relation to clients. He has throughout displayed a tendency to blame others for things which have gone wrong. [The Committee] is not satisfied that there is a realistic prospect of the Respondent having the ability or inclination to remedy his failings [and] remains unconvinced that there is a real possibility of a change in his attitude.
"The Committee is fully conscious that the purpose of sanction is not to punish, but to protect animals and the wider public interest and to uphold the reputation of the veterinary profession. Having regard to the serious aggravating factors [in this case], the Committee considers that the Respondent's conduct, taken as a whole, is so serious that removal of his professional status is the only appropriate sanction."
Accordingly, the Committee directed the Registrar to remove Dr Hutber's name from the Register.
The full details of the Committee's findings and decision are available on the RCVS website (
A new study of UK snail behaviour using LED and UV light tracking has found that the nocturnal creatures can explore the length of an average British garden in just one night, reaching a top speed of 1mph (metre per hour).
The 'Slime Watch' report was commissioned by Bayer Animal Health, makers of Advocate, as part of its 'Be Lungworm Aware' campaign and led by Dr Dave Hodgson, Associate Professor of Ecology at the University of Exeter, who studied the habits of 450 garden snails, recording their movements using LED lights and UV paint. This is the first time snails have been studied in this way.
The study found that snails will travel distances of up to 25 metres in a 24-hour period, and seek out areas of shelter, such as long grass, trees or objects, including dogs' toys, left in the garden overnight. The four researchers from Exeter University also discovered that snails move in convoys, piggy-backing on the slime of other snails to conserve energy. It is thought that a snail could use up to 30 per cent of its energy in slime production alone.
Dr Hodgson said: "Until now no one has fully understood the habits of these fascinating creatures that we encounter in our gardens every day. In this research we wanted to solve the mystery surrounding gastropod activity and provide a resource for gardeners and pet owners wanting to better safeguard the health of their plants and pets. By learning more about the behaviour of snails, we hope dog owners can better understand they ways in which dogs can encounter snails on a day-to-day basis and the lungworm risk they present, taking the appropriate precautions."