The 1CPD homepage now displays two progress bars: one to track the number of CPD hours currently achieved and recorded, and another to show how many hours have been reflected on.
Once the number of required CPD hours has been recorded and reflected on, a message appears to tell the user that they're CPD compliant.
This change will not affect existing CPD records, and all previously inputted activities and reflections will remain in the system.
Jenny Soreskog-Turp, RCVS Lead for Postgraduate Education, said: “We hope that the changes to the 1CPD platform will allow people to track their CPD more easily.
"A key element in outcomes-focused CPD includes reflecting on what you have learned as this is known to have a positive impact on both personal professionalism and patient-health outcomes.
“It should be noted that any CPD you have already undertaken for this year but have not yet reflected on will still remain in the system.
"However, in order to be compliant for 2023, you must reflect on every CPD activity completed.
"If you have completed your hours but have not reflected, this will show as non-compliant.
"In order to make those hours count, you simply need to go back and add your reflections.
"This doesn’t have to be a long and onerous task – uploading audio notes, adding an attachment, or writing a few notes stating what you learnt and how you will use this newly acquired knowledge moving forward will all suffice.”
IVC says this means its UK practices are on track to hit a group target of 5% by 2030, which follows in the footsteps of other IVC Evidensia territories such as Sweden and Norway, which have already reached figures of 4.9% and 5.9% respectively.
To achieve this progress, IVC says it has implemented a number of initiatives:
IVC says there has been a concerted efforts by its vets to become more aware of their own attitudes towards antibiotics and to educate their clients about the dangers of AMR.
One such example is Angharad Thomas, a veterinary surgeon from Fivelands Veterinary Centre in the West Midlands, who managed to reduce the amount of antibiotics prescribed in dentistry by 17.8% between 2022 and 2023:
She said: “Long dental treatments are a great time to chat to vet students, but one day, instead of quizzing them, I was trotting out my thoughts on the decision-making for the case when I reached post-operative drugs.
"Stopping here I asked: ‘What are you taught about this these days?’
"I suppose I wasn’t surprised to hear that antibiotics didn’t feature.
“It was a lightbulb moment: Why was I using post-operative antibiotics for my dental cases?
"I come from the generation of vets who were firmly taught never to give antibiotics to routine surgeries, so why was I continuing to use antibiotics in dentistry?
"All at once I felt terribly old and out-of-touch. I decided it was time for a change!”
“Given that reducing antibiotic usage is now fairly well recognised by the general public, owners have appeared very supportive.
"A day three post-operative check provides reassurance that their pet is healing and allows us an opportunity to intervene if required.”
“Being an ‘experienced’ vet can be a trade-off between textbook clinical decision-making and what we believe would work for our patients and their owners.
"Sometimes we need a paper or two to persuade us to change our ways, but here, going back to basic principles was enough for me.
“Twelve months later, after watching my cases for any mild complications and reflecting on the whether such complications could be attributed to the lack of antibiotics, I am convinced that this change has had no negative effects on my patients.”
The consultation is open to veterinary surgeons, nurses, students, and the public.
One of the main - and most controversial - proposals in the consultation, which was unveiled by RCVS President Sue Patterson at BVA Live last week, is that the elected councils would be replaced by an independent merit-and-skills appointment-based system.
Sue discussed the main benefits of an appointment-based system at BVA Live:
Other proposed changes include:
The good governance proposals are part of the College’s overall legislative reform agenda in which it is seeking to replace the 1966 Veterinary Surgeons Act with new and more modern, flexible and forward-looking legislation, which would expand the regulatory remit of the College to encompass veterinary practice premises and paraprofessionals, while empowering veterinary nurses and creating a new fitness to practise system.
Sue said: “The current governance structure of the RCVS is set by the VSA and updating our governance systems is a vital prerequisite to getting new primary legislation, as the outdated and out-of-step nature of our current arrangements will be clear to see.
“Governance may not be the most exciting topic, but it is the foundation on which all other aspects of the College’s work rests.
"As a professional regulator with animal health and welfare at our heart, the RCVS has a duty to ensure that our arrangements best serve the public on whose behalf we are entrusted to regulate and uphold veterinary standards, while still maintaining veterinary input in all our decision-making processes.
“We believe these good governance proposals help us meet this mission, ensuring that we are bringing our governance in line with regulatory norms, while still recognising our unique role as a dual regulator and royal college.
"The proposals would also help us get the best talent with the right skillsets and experience to serve on RCVS Council, VN Council and our committees, drawing on both laypeople and the broad sweep of the veterinary professions.
“We acknowledge that there has been some disquiet over the fact that, under these proposals, we would no longer be holding the annual elections to either RCVS Council or VN Council.
"However, we believe that an independent, fair and skills-based appointment process would be a superior way of selecting the membership of RCVS Council and VN Council than the elections which, unfortunately, the vast majority of the veterinary professions do not currently engage in, and which risk creating the impression that the RCVS is some sort of representative organisation.
“We look forward to hearing the considered views of the professions and public regarding our good governance proposals and will carefully review the feedback we receive.”
Belinda Andrews-Jones RVN, current Chair of VN Council, added: “In many ways VN Council is ahead of the curve in terms of governance reform with a smaller number of members and two independently-appointed veterinary nurse members – of which I am one – as well as appointed lay members.
“I can personally vouch for the robust nature of the application and independent appointment process for VN Council and how it took into account what I had to offer to the role in terms of my skills, my knowledge and my experience.
“I would like to thank my fellow members of VN Council, including my elected peers, for their positive engagement with the good governance proposals and their recognition that these reforms aren’t about reducing scrutiny of the College or the amount of challenge to its decisions, but about improving outcomes for the public, their animals and the professions at large.”
The good governance recommendations have been drawn up on the basis of the Law Commission’s 2014 Report ‘Regulation of Health and Social Care Professionals’, the recommendations from which were adopted by the UK government as being the ‘regulatory norm’.
The College says any future appointment processes for RCVS Council and VN Council would also be based on the Professional Standards Authority’s appointment principles of merit, fairness, transparency and openness and having a process that inspires confidence.
The deadline for completing the consultation is Monday 22 July 2024.
The College will also be presenting the proposals at a Zoom webinar called being chaired by Sue between 7pm and 8pm tomorrow evening, Tuesday 11 June 2024:
Bordetella bronchiseptica is a clinically significant pathogen for canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD), otherwise known as kennel cough, with 78.7% of dogs with acute respiratory signs testing positive for the bacteria1.
In the same study, 45.6% of clinically healthy dogs also tested positive for Bordetella bronchiseptica, illustrating that clinically healthy dogs can carry respiratory pathogens and could act as sources of infection for susceptible dogs1.
Administered via subcutaneous injection, Canigen Bb is an inactivated subunit vaccine which offers vets a new option when intra-nasal vaccination with a live aerosolised vaccine is not possible or preferred, for example when the dog is in contact with known immunocompromised individuals.
Licensed for use in dogs from 6 weeks of age, Canigen Bb extends protection against Bordetella bronchiseptica in dogs vaccinated with Canigen KC in the last 12 months for a further year with a single dose.
Canigen Bb is presented as a ready-to-use formula in a 10ml multi-dose bottle and can be stored at room temperature (2°C - 25°C) for up to 4 weeks once broached.
It can be administered concurrently (at the same time but separate injections) with Canigen DHP, Canigen DHPPi, Canigen Pi & Canigen Lepto 4.
Andrew Connolly, Marketing Director at Virbac, said: ‘It is our hope that Canigen Bb will increase the overall uptake of Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccination to provide increased protection against this widely prevalent and clinically significant disease’.
Charlie says that uniquely, the company offers feedback about samples submitted, with the aim of teaching veterinary staff the skills needed to interpret future samples themselves.
Cytovet is aimed at nurses and new grads who want to improve their cytology skills, vets who don’t have time to look at their own samples or have a tricky case they would like an additional opinion on, and those vets whose clients can’t afford the prices the big labs quote.
Charlie said: "I’m a vet with 16 years of clinical experience and a certAVP which focussed on small animal medicine and clinical pathology.
"I currently work in first opinion charity practice and have examined thousands of cytology samples over the years.
"I have been writing cytology reports for the practices I have worked for since 2012.
"I believe all vets and nurses should have the basic microscope skills required to help make more informed decisions for their patients, particularly in a world of escalating veterinary costs and antimicrobial resistance.
"I can examine both digital images and posted slides using a top-of-the-range trinocular digital microscope.
"All you need to do is submit the patient information and slides to me (digital images or actual slides) via my website and I will provide you with a report within 3-5 days."
Urgent turnaround is also available.
Otomicol contains miconazole nitrate, prednisolone acetate and polymyxin B.
The product targets a range of pathogens including miconazole and polymyxin B-sensitive, Malassezia and Pseudomonas spp.
Renzo Di Florio, technical vet at Krka UK, said: “With its multifactorial aetiology, ear disease is often challenging to manage, causing frustration for owners and significant discomfort for pets.
"Otomicol is a cost-effective solution that veterinary surgeons can add to their treatment toolbox for cases where bacterial and fungal infection are important factors.”
Otomicol ear drops and cutaneous suspension are available in a 15ml bottle with an extended shelf life of six months after opening.
Otomicol is available from veterinary wholesalers.
A new injector gun for administering doramectin-based worm and scab medication to sheep has been introduced by Pfizer Animal Health. According to senior livestock vet Carolyn Hogan, the intra-muscular injection route for this medication combined with the injector’s prime-and-push design allows a single arm movement to penetrate the skin and dispense the treatment.
Marc Abraham MRCVS, the Paul O’Grady Show’s resident vet is setting up a new website for pet owners, described as being the first to use the power of social networks (think Facebook), to bring pet owners together to share and rate pet experiences, and help each other find the best their pet can get.
I think it'll fly, and if it does, it will be one for many in the profession to keep a close eye on. Reputations can (and have) be made or lost on these kinds of websites.
What's more, previous community sites for pet owners based on the more simple forum model have shown the danger of attracting, well, the nutters. I've seen at least two populated almost entirely by raw meaty bones evangelists firing false (or at least unproven) accusations at everyone from pet food manufacturers to individual vets. Worse than that, the same people seem to advocate alternative therapy for just about every medical condition under the sun. 'Heart failure you say? Wave some of these crystals over its tail'.
I can see pet owners flocking to this kind of site in their hordes. But for it to have any kind of credibility within the profession, I fear Mr Abraham will have to be absolutely ruthless in weeding out those who will inevitably try to use the site as a soapbox for extremist viewpoints. That'll be a challenge. I have first hand experience of just how tenacious some of these people are!
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has announced the launch of Nuflor Minidose - a 50% more concentrated, but less viscous solution of its proven Nuflor antibiotic.
Nuflor Minidose is licensed for the treatment and prevention of bacterial BRD. Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health livestock veterinary adviser Rosemary Booth MRCVS said: "It delivers all the rapid efficacy entrusted in Nuflor, but at a lower volume. Whereas a 20ml dose of Nuflor will treat a 150kg animal, the same volume of Nuflor Minidose will cover a 225kg beast. Compared with Nuflor, the new Minidose formulation is easier to administer delivering a less viscous florfenicol solution, with a 62% improvement in viscosity at 15°C and 59% at 5°C."
Rosemary added that Nuflor Minidose is effective against the main bacterial causes of pneumonia: P. multocida, M. haemolytica and H. somni. "Florfenicol is the only antibiotic offering 100% sensitivity to these three key BRD causes in recent trials and its kill effect also ensures that within 24 hours bacteria levels are low enough to prevent any re-growth."
She also pointed out that the new, more concentrated florfenicol solution presents vets with an improved batch treatment option for controlling BRD considering Nuflor is recognised as an effective metaphylactic
"Batch treatment prevents BRD from spreading. Trials with Nuflor have demonstrated the benefit of metaphylactic batch treatment of sick calves in a pen once at least 20% of the animals exhibit disease symptoms. Nuflor was significantly more efficacious than a control in preventing the spread of BRD in healthy calves exposed to infected animals," she explains.
"The bacteria responsible for BRD are found in the respiratory tract of healthy cattle and stress or a greater pathogen load - such as exposure to sick calves - can easily trigger disease. BRD bacterial numbers can double every 30 minutes and in 24 hours, one bacterium can multiply to billions. Batch treatment kills the bacteria before they multiply, release toxins and cause permanent lung damage."
New Nuflor Minidose is licensed for injection subcutaneously for the prevention of BRD at a dose rate of 4ml/45kg and has a 64-day meat withdrawal period.
SPVS is leading a ground-breaking new project which aims to find out how veterinary surgeons are treating a range of clinical conditions.
Two hundred practitioners are being sought to provide details of how they address clinical conditions in three study areas: small animal, equine and farm animal, on a new website: The findings, which will be made anonymous, will eventually form the basis of a clinical benchmarking process, which will tie in with the growing trend towards evidence-based medicine.
SPVS's objective is to understand and support how clinicians work in practice and approach particular clinical cases. The Society is working alongside Dr Mark Johnson who carried out the Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Equine Fatalities.
SPVS Junior Vice President Jacqui Molyneux said: "This is an exciting new study which will shed a lot of light on what we as clinicians are doing in practice with the eventual aim of developing a clinical benchmarking process.
"The project however will only be worthwhile if a significant number of practitioners take part, so we're encouraging vets to visit the website and find out more. It will take no longer than ten minutes to fill in each clinical case."
Guernsey-based vet, VetSurgeon member David Chamberlain has officially launched a revolutionary cat flap which synchronises with a cat's microchip to control access to the house. The Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap is the first cat flap that works in conjunction with microchips and has already been winning awards.
Aside from allowing only the homeowner's cats into the house, the Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap has a number of other interesting features. ‘Vet Mode' allows recognised cats in, but does NOT allow them out, useful when a trip to the vet is on the calendar. ‘Night Mode' uses an automatic daylight sensor to lock the door as ambient light levels drop, keeping cats inside and safe. An audible beep (which can be turned off) provides an alert when a programmed cat enters though the flap.
The Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap recognises 15 digit UK/European FDX-B microchips. Owners of cats that have already beed chipped can check check compatibility with the Pet Porte's 'Chip Checker'.
The cat flap can recognise up to 32 microchipped cats, and programming it is very simple. When the unit is first installed, the owner holds down a green paw button for ten seconds and passes their cat under the porch for the microchip to be programmed into the system.
A review on Pet Porte's website caught my eye:"Just like to say how absolutely fabulous the cat flap is. I've slashed my cat food bill now I'm not feeding the entire street!" On top of that, as Pet Porte says, this system also encourages microchipping, an important part of responsible pet ownership.
The Pet Porte microchip cat flap is currently being marketed in the UK through veterinary practices and online from For all sales enquiries call 01481 265 359, email or visit
Alternatively, 'Start a Conversation' directly with David by clicking the link on his VetSurgeon profile.
The Soil Association is calling on the Government to issue guidelines that will limit the veterinary use of the most modern penicillin-type antibiotics, to prevent the spread of a serious new superbug.Recently released minutes of a Government committee reveal that Ministers have been briefed about the emergence on a British dairy farm of a mutant strain of antibiotic-resistant E. coli which causes life-threatening cases of food poisoning, including hemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uraemic syndrome.
The bug, known as E. coli O26 is a vera-toxin producing E. coli (VTEC), similar to the infamous E. coli O157. According to the Soil Association, what makes the discovery of this variant so significant is that this is the first time in the UK, and only the third time in the world, that VTEC E. coli has been found with an enhanced type of antibiotic resistance known as extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL), which makes it resistant to almost all antibiotics. ESBL resistance has previously been found on 57 UK farms, but until now only in strains of E. coli that cause urinary tract infections and blood poisoning.Although antibiotics are not recommended for the treatment of VTEC E. coli, scientists warn that the emergence of resistance is undesirable because these resistant bacteria are encouraged every time certain antibiotics are used, resulting in increased spread and greater risk of contaminated food products. On non-organic dairy farms, cows are routinely given antibiotics at the end of their lactation to prevent mastitis. In addition, milk from cows given antibiotics for treatment, or prevention, is often fed to calves when it contains residues and cannot be sold. However, because ESBL E. coliO26 is resistant to all the antibiotics used in ‘dry cow therapy' and many of those used for treatment, the high use of antibiotics on dairy farms will promote the rapid spread of these dangerous bacteria.Soil Association Policy Adviser, Richard Young said: "This is one of the most worrying developments in the continuing rise of ESBL E. coli. Today is the first European Antibiotics Awareness Day, but there is a distinct lack of awareness that the continuing high use of antibiotics in farming is contributing to the increase in antibiotic-resistant infections in humans."The Government often calls on doctors to prescribe antibiotics less often. But similar advice needs to be given to veterinary surgeons and farmers. Half of all antibiotics are given to animals, and there is mounting evidence that antibiotic-resistant bacteria in farm animals pass to humans. If we want antibiotics to save lives in the future as they have done in the past then the Government must provide specific recommendations based on scientific advice, and vets need to pull together with doctors to limit the use of problematic drugs."
The BVA has added its voice to calls for the suspension of imports of cattle and sheep from areas where the bluetongue virus is known to be circulating.
Following yesterday’s announcement by Defra that BTV1 (Bluetongue Serotype 1) had been detected in five cattle imported from a Restricted Zone in the south west of France, BVA President Nicky Paull said: “I am saddened, but not surprised, that the actions of some are putting our livestock here in the UK at risk. As long as some farmers continue to import stock from these areas we will continue to see this problem and we therefore believe that the only answer is to suspend imports. We also see absolutely no reason why compensation should be paid to those who have risked the health and welfare of the national flock and herd.
“My advice to farmers still is to vaccinate against BTV8 if you have not done so already. If you did vaccinate during the summer then plan to boost protection at the end of the winter period so your stock is protected next summer. With no vaccine currently licensed for BTV1 however, do not import livestock from mainland Europe - we should not rely on the hope of a BTV1 vaccine in time to prevent serious problems next summer if we buy this new strain of bluetongue virus into the UK.”
Vets should now consider Angiostrongylus vasorum a countrywide parasite and not one that is restricted to the traditional hotspots of the South East, the Midlands and south Wales. This was the main message delivered by Shelia Brennan of University College Dublin to almost 300 vets attending the recent Bayer-sponsored A vasorum CPD meetings, held across the north of England and Scotland.
Sheila said: "Until recently, angiostrongylosis was only recognised in limited areas of the UK, and confirmed cases were few and far between. Now we are hearing reports of the disease as far afield as Kent and Glasgow and dogs are dying as a result. If caught early enough, the disease can be treated successfully. Vets should be aware of the many and varied symptoms and consider this parasite as a differential in any dog with suspicious clinical signs."
Dogs of any age can be infected with the parasite, but the majority presenting with clinical disease are less than two years of age. A number of clinical presentations are recognised. Dogs may present with respiratory signs (cough, exercise intolerance), coagulopathy, neurological signs, syncope and in a small number of cases hypercalcaemia. These signs can occur in isolation or in combination, and not all dogs have respiratory signs. Haemorrhage following routine neutering has been anecdotally reported. Dogs with a history of eating the parasite's intermediate hosts (slugs and snails) should be considered as being at high risk.
Chris White, Bayer's Advocate product manager said: "The attendance of nearly 300 vets at the four-meeting series, in areas not normally associated with the disease, is further evidence that vets are becoming increasingly concerned about the threat posed by A vasorum. This is the third series of meetings we have held, reaching around 1,000 vets and vet nurses across the country."
Referral Centre VRCC reports that its first Small Animal Veterinary Education Conference Weekend in Kenya, held in November and supported by Merial, has been a great success. Over 30 East African vets from all over Kenya gathered at the elegant Leopard Beach Hotel, just south of Mombasa, to learn from some of the leading specialists in the UK.
The Kenyans, all with an interest in small animals, were a real cross section of the African profession. They ranged from prosperous vets with large practices in Nairobi to a young vet who'd undertaken a gruelling 7 hour bus ride accompanied by armed guards from his clinic on Lamu, near the Somali border.
A challenging 2 day programme had been devised by VRCC specialists including Dr Susan North, one of the most experienced and highly qualified veterinary oncologists in Europe and also a European Specialist in Internal Medicine. Also lecturing were VRCC's Head of Surgery, Henry L'Eplattenier and Merial's Dr Hein Hesse, an expert in pain management and parasite control. The weekend finished with a prolonged question and answer session with the enthusiastic delegates hungry to gain as much knowledge as possible from the visiting specialists before their long journey home.
Malcolm Holland at VRCC was delighted with the first time turn-out at the conference. He said: "The Conference Weekend was successful on so many fronts. The delegates had access to first-hand information not readily available to them - the last lecturing team visited over 20 years ago! They were able to interact with each other, form networks, and renew friendships.
"VRCC was not seeking any material gain, just fulfilling a desire to pass on some of our experience for the improved welfare of small animals in East Africa."
VRCC expects attendance to more than double now Kenyan vets know that commitments will be fulfilled. Specialists keen to participate in future events or companies with interests or ambitions in Kenya should contact Malcolm Holland at VRCC.
The Kennel Club has confirmed that the BBC has pulled out of broadcasting Crufts next year.
According to the Kennel Club, the decision was reached following what it described as 'unreasonable demands' from the BBC, including the exclusion of certain breeds of dog from the group competition at the show.
The Kennel Club says the BBC's demands took no account of the measures it has in place to improve the health of pedigree dogs, or of the fact that judges will be trained to help ensure that all dogs being awarded prizes at Crufts will be healthy representatives of their breed.
Ronnie Irving, Kennel Club Chairman, said "I am very sorry that BBC audiences around the world will not be able to join us in celebrating all dogs in 2009 and to see the remarkable diversity of dogs and activities on show at Crufts; ranging from the show classes to agility displays, the Friends for Life competition and the unsung heroes who take part in breed rescue.
"However, we have been forced to reject the insupportable conditions imposed by the BBC, who have told us they will only televise the show in 2009 if certain breeds are excluded from participating.We are unable to agree to these demands, as it would compromise both contractual obligations and our general responsibility to dog exhibitors and our audience and we believe it would be inappropriate and counterproductive to exclude any recognised breed from Crufts.
"We are obviously disappointed and confused with this outcome as we hoped the broadcast would have supported our focus on health and welfare issues, given advice about caring for and training dogs and showcased the charitable work that we support. This TV exposure would have benefited all dogs and given viewers a well-rounded picture of what the new Crufts in 2009 is all about."
In October 2008 the Kennel Club announced a strategy to show how it is focusing its activities on the health and welfare of all dogs. It announced mandatory compliance with a strict code of ethics for all breed clubs registered with the Kennel Club.
Earlier this month, it completed a review for each of the 209 pedigree dog breeds in the UK and announced revised standards that it says will have far-reaching benefits for the health and welfare of dogs. These new breed standards and health plans will benefit from research that has been funded by the Kennel Club in conjunction with veterinary research centres over a number of years. The overall aim is that all pedigree dogs should be fit for function and that breeders and judges should not reward dogs with obvious conditions or exaggerations, which would be detrimental in any way to their health.
The results of a new study1 highlighting the prevalence of Angiostrongylus vasorum infection as seen by UK veterinary surgeons, combined with the low awareness amongst dog owners of this parasite2 has led Bayer Animal Health to launch a nationwide 'Be Lungworm Aware' initiative.
Backed by a hard-hitting national advertising, PR and radio campaign which kicks off in April, the initiative aims to highlight the prevalence of this potentially, and often fatal infection, and to drive pet owners to their veterinary practices for further information.
The initiative also sees the launch of a new educational website for dog owners - The site offers further information on the infection, including likely signs, how to obtain treatment and a video of the lifecycle of the parasite showing the threat posed by the lungworm's intermediate hosts - slugs and snails.
The study revealed that 16% of vets questioned had one or more confirmed cases of the disease. A further 10% had seen dogs that they suspected had the infection. However, only 6% of dog owners questioned in a UK wide survey had unprompted awareness of the parasite.
Bayer's Chris White said: "These results are no surprise following the reports last year of confirmed cases of Angiostrongylus vasorum as far north as Glasgow. The disease has seen a rapid rise in importance over the past few years highlighted by the number of vets and nurses that attended the Advocate CPD meetings held around the country at the end of last year.
"The 'Be Lungworm Aware' initiative aims to educate owners on the risks associated with infection, to encourage them to visit their vet for further information and discuss their dogs' parasite protection plan."
For further details, or to order the supporting practice materials, including a new educational waiting room display and practice PR pack to help raise awareness locally, please contact your Bayer representative or ring 01635 563682.
1Insight Track, 2008 2Insight Track, 2009
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health has launched a new cattle and sheep vaccine which it says gives vets an additional opportunity to prescribe the broadest possible protection against clostridial diseases.
Bravoxin 10 is a low dose clostridial vaccine containing antigens for protection against C. perfringens type A, C.perfringens type B, C.perfringens type C, C.perfringens type D, C.novyi type B, C.septicum, C.tetani, C.sordellii, C.haemolyticum and C.chauvoei.
Dosage volumes are 2ml for cattle and 1ml for sheep and the new vaccine can be used in animals from as young as two weeks old if the dam has not been previously vaccinated. A booster dose pre-calving or lambing will also deliver 8-12 weeks passive immunity in calves and lambs (apart from against C.haemolyticum).
Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health ruminant veterinary adviser Rosemary Booth MRCVS said: "Clostridial bacteria take the lives of cattle and sheep on a regular basis and are the cause of a significant proportion of the sudden livestock deaths in this country. In 2007, an independent survey of over 500 UK dairy and beef farmers revealed that half the interviewees had experienced calves or adult cattle dying for no apparent reason. The reality is that many of these losses could have been due to clostridial diseases. Farmer respondents valued the livestock loss at anywhere between £505 and £1243 per animal. Even at the lowest stock valuation, preventing the loss through broad-spectrum vaccination would pay for nearly five years of Bravoxin 10 use in a 100 cow herd.
"Now that additional clostridial pathogens such as C. sordellii and C. perfringens A have been recognised by the VLA and SAC as significant causes of deaths on both cattle and sheep farms, it makes sense to widen pathogen cover on some ruminant livestock units. Bravoxin 10 allows practitioners to prescribe the broadest possible disease protection."
The sheep industry already understands the importance of broad-spectrum vaccination against clostridial diseases, but Iain Carrington from Intake Veterinary Services based in Northumberland believes cattle producers should also upgrade their protection.
"There was a time that clostridial disease control in cattle meant vaccinating your youngstock against blackleg at turnout, or discovering dead animals and then reacting with blackleg vaccine," he said. "But over the last few years, I have seen an increased incidence of different clostridial diseases in far from typical circumstances.
"There are also a large number of cattle deaths going undiagnosed and it is likely that many are caused by clostridial species. As a result, we are now advising many of our clients to take a broader-spectrum vaccination approach to ensure adequate protection - not only of the cows themselves - but also their calves through good colostral transfer," he said.
Bravoxin 10 is a prescription-only medicine (POM-V). For further information, contact the Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health Veterinary Support Group on 01908 685685.
I invited Marc Abraham to come and answer some of the concerns raised on VetSurgeon about the ITV Pets Undercover programme.
His PR agency has instead pointed me in the direction of a response he has posted on his own website this morning. Click the link below.
Drontal has renewed sponsorship agreements with councils throughout the UK in a bid to further encourage pet owners to scoop their dogs' poop.
The support will see thousands of council dog bins featuring Drontal branding to promote best practice amongst dog owners and urge them to clean up after their pets.
Dan White, product manager for Drontal, said: "Through our dog bin sponsorship we are highlighting the importance of responsible pet ownership which includes preventing the spread of worm eggs in the environment by scooping poop."
According to Bayer, Drontal is the only wormer that kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK dogs and cats.
For further information please contact your Bayer representative or log on to
A survey carried out by CEVA Animal Health, manufacturer of the pheromonatherapy products D.A.P.® and Feliway®, has revealed that 94 per cent of veterinary professionals believe that owners' lifestyles are the major cause of behavioural problems in pets1.
Over three-quarters of those questioned believed that owners should spend more time with their pets to prevent these issues, while 89 per cent thought that owners were too busy to deal with their pets if they developed behavioural problems.
According to CEVA, the fast pace of owners' lifestyles is significantly affecting the stress felt by both dogs and cats and this is further exacerbated in cats by the social demands that pet owners put on them. Cats are solitary survivors that cope better with short, frequent interactions and like their own company. While they are popular for their independence, owners often like to have their pets' full attention when they return from work which is at odds with their cats' preferred behaviour patterns.
Behavioural issues can also result from changes in a pet's environment and new experiences such as moving house, building work, the introduction of a new pet to the household, going to a kennel or cattery, travelling in a car, visiting the vets and stressful events such as Bonfire Night and Christmas. To help combat stress, nearly 65 per cent of dog owners avoid putting their pets in stressful situations, while 19 per cent choose to ignore their stressed dog2.
Lucy Brett, product manager at CEVA Animal Health said: "Our modern lifestyles are leading to stressed pets which, in the long-term, will exacerbate behavioural and medical problems. It's important that veterinary professionals educate their clients on the implications of canine and feline stress to help prevent these issues from developing."
For further information about D.A.P.® and Feliway®, please contact your CEVA Animal Health representative or call CEVA Animal Health on 01494 781510.
It seems that a series of one day conferences, organised by the Animal Health agency for vets and animal health inspectors involved in fighting bovine TB, haven't gone down as well as hoped.
According to a report in yesterday's Daily Telegraph, many in the audience were angered when they were asked to spend up to an hour playing a game involving bongo drums.
Incredibly, a spokesman for Animal Health apparently told the Daily Telegraph that: "It was meant to emphasise how people working together can build up a rhythm."
There are still locum and permanent vacancies in the veterinary industry, despite the current UK recession, but candidates must be prepared to be more flexible, advises veterinary recruitment company, Rig Vet Recruitment.
"The number of vacancies we are being asked to fill at present has not really varied from the same time last year," Said Justin Carpenter, Managing Director of Rig Vets. "But, in these current uncertain times, I would suggest that candidates try to be more versatile in their job requirement criteria on such as location, on-call work, night and weekend duties, working away from home etc, then it will be much easier for us to find them the right positions."
Fort Dodge Animal Health has announced that its Zulvac 8 Ovis® Bluetongue sheep vaccine is now licensed and available in the UK. The company believes that the product will provide significant benefits to sheep farmers.
Zulvac 8 Ovis® is an inactivated adjuvanted vaccine for the active immunisation of sheep by subcutaneous injection against Bluetongue Serotype 8. It also provides a reduction in viraemia. Administration is a two x 2 ml dose primary course in year one but only a single shot booster in the second year.
The use of Zulvac 8 Ovis as a booster for animals previously vaccinated with a primary course from other manufacturers is in line with Defra (2009) guidance: 'No problems are anticipated with re-vaccinating animals which have already received a primary course of vaccination with a different vaccine 1'.
The first dose can be administered from one month of age and Zulvac 8 Ovis® is proven for use in pregnant sheep. The onset of immunity is provided 25 days after the second dose.
Fort Dodge says Zulvac provides cost savings to farmers through its pricing strategy. While the price for the two dose primary course is competitive with alternative vaccines, for animals which were vaccinated last year and require only a single shot booster, the cost will be half that of competitive offerings, providing a significant incentive to farmers to vaccinate.
The vaccine is supported by a specific Zulvac Ovis fixed 2ml dose applicator with Sterimatic needle protector and cleaning system which aids administration and hygiene and is sold separately.
David Bartram MRCVS, Veterinary Technical Manager at Fort Dodge, said: "Sheep farmers have been waiting for a Bluetongue vaccine which offers a cost effective solution to vaccination - particularly for animals which received their primary course last year and are simply in need of a booster. We expect the fact that it's licensed for use in pregnant sheep to also prove attractive.
"Zulvac 8 Ovis® is the latest addition to Fort Dodge's Zulvac range for both cows and sheep. It is already used in Europe and has helped protect millions of animals."
Abbott Animal Health is launching GLUture Topical Tissue Adhesive this month.
Abbott says GLUture is an Octyl/Butyl cyanoacrylate blend that creates a strong and flexible bond that contours to the wound site. GLUture applies purple for visibility and dries clear for a neat cosmetic appearance. Offered in an economical multi-use package with 10 applicators, GLUture's viscosity and applicator design enable flow-controlled application. GLUture topical tissue adhesive offers a flexible seal, quick application and a strong bond.
For more information, ring Abbott on 01628 644354, or visit: