Idexx has launched Pet Resist (, an online map of the levels of antibiotic resistance recorded in cats and dogs by the company over the past five years.
The map displays geographical variations in resistance to the top 10 antibiotics used in cats and dogs.
Simon Wootton, UK CAG Marketing Manager from Idexx said: "The ability to select the most appropriate antibiotic prior to testing may increase the effectiveness of treatments and reduce the number of return visits. We believe that this new service will also help prolong the effective life of existing antibiotics at a time when there is considerable pressure on the profession to reduce their use."
Pet Resist shows levels of resistance overlaid on an interactive UK map down to individual postcode areas. You enter the postcode, the antibiotic (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cefaliexn, etc) and the suspected organism (E coli, S aureus, etc), after which you'll be able to see the level of resistance based on historical data from the past five years, and use this to help choose appropriate therapies.
Simon added: "We have used results of MIC tests on over 200,000 samples submitted to Idexx to develop the database upon which the resistance levels are based. The data will be continually updated as we receive more samples at our Wetherby laboratory, further increasing the accuracy and value of the service to vets and their clients."
Royal Veterinary College research, published in the journal PLOS ONE, has revealed that 1 in 4 cases of Diabetes Mellitus in domestic cats are caused by excess secretion of pituitary growth hormone.
According to the researchers, this is much more common than previously thought. Furthermore, they say that cats with this condition are easily misdiagnosed as having primary (type 2) diabetes mellitus but do not respond to the standard treatment to that condition, resulting in increased morbidity and ultimately leading to euthanasia on welfare grounds.
Researchers collected data between 2003 and 2011 on cats treated at vet practices across the UK, to estimate the prevalence of hypersomatotropism or acromegaly in the largest cohort of diabetic cats to date and look how easy this is to recognise.
Findings revealed that the presence of Diabetes Mellitus in 1 in 4 domestic cats can be explained by hypersomatotropism, which is caused by a pituitary benign tumour and can be effectively treated by one operation in specialist centres.
However only 24% of clinicians who submitted samples suspected that this was the case, as most hypersomatotropism cats did not display typical signs, instead displaying symptoms indistinguishable from cats with primary (type 2) Diabetes Mellitus. This suggests that hypersomatotropism screening should be considered when treating diabetic cats.
Lead researcher, Dr Stijn Niessen from the Royal Veterinary College, said: "It has been common practice to automatically suspect a cat with Diabetes Mellitus to be suffering from a form of diabetes akin to human type 2. The current study suggests that this is an oversimplification. Approximately one in four of assessed diabetic cats were actually found to be suffering from hypersomatotropism-induced Diabetes Mellitus, which requires specific treatment and manifests itself very differently as it develops.
"Interestingly, only a small proportion of clinicians reported they strongly suspected acromegaly to be present on the basis of the clinical picture. These data therefore highlight the need for veterinarians working with the spontaneously diabetic cat to consider routinely screening for the presence of hypersomatotropism-induced Diabetes Mellitus, given the significant clinical consequences of its presence.
"Should the hypersomatotropism be diagnosed and treated with one operation, most cats will enter a state of diabetic remission. If it remains undiagnosed, diabetic cats tend to be difficult to regulate glycaemically which often results in euthanasia, or in the long-term, they will suffer from other growth hormone-induced negative conditions such as heart disease, as well as central nervous system problems."
Evaluation of serum fructosamine was offered free of charge for all diabetic cats attending any veterinary practice in the UK from October 2003 till April 2011. Veterinary surgeons were asked to record clinical data about the patient, including age, breed, gender, current body weight, current administered insulin dose and whether they clinically suspected acromegaly/ hypersomatotropism. Diabetic cats were screened using serum total insulin-like growth factor-1, followed by further evaluation through pituitary imaging and/ or histopathology.
In total, 1221 diabetic cats were screened; 319 (26.1%) had a blood IGF-1 suggestive of hypersomatotropism. Of these cats a subset of 63 (20%) underwent pituitary imaging and 56/63 (89%) had a pituitary tumour on computed tomography; an additional three on magnetic resonance imaging and one on necropsy. These data suggest a positive predictive value of serum IGF-1 for hypersomatotropism of 95%, suggesting the overall hypersomatotropism prevalence among UK diabetic cats to be 24.8%.
The paper also suggests that although great opportunities exist for comparative research between primary (type 2) diabetes in cats and humans, researchers should exercise caution in light of these new findings.
Stijn added: "The similarities between feline and human type 2 diabetes emphasise great opportunities for valuable comparative research benefiting all species into this major disease, which is fast becoming a global epidemic. However our latest research proves that there is a need for more regular hypersomatotropism screening, to identify the root cause of diabetes in domestic cats before samples are used, so as not to corrupt results."
Animalcare has announced the launch of Fungiconazol (ketoconazole), the UK's only veterinary licenced antifungal tablet for dogs, indicated for the treatment of ringworm.
Each Fungiconazol tablet contains 200 or 400mg of ketoconazole, to be administered at a dosage of 10mg per kg bodyweight once daily. Each tablet can be split into quarters or halves, allowing accurate treatment for dogs from 5kg (¼ x 200mg tablet daily) to 60kg (1½ x 400mg tablet daily) and beyond. The hypoallergenic chicken flavoured tablets mean that Fungiconazol is also suitable for dogs with food allergies or atopic dermatitis.
Animalcare Product Manager Tony Liepman said "This is a great addition to our antimicrobial range, and shows once again that it’s possible for us to be innovative without breaking anyone's budget. With the supply of the first and only licensed canine antifungal tablet on the market, we have ensured that all veterinary practices have access to Animalcare’s Technical Support department for further advice on treatment or its use in their patients."
Both 200mg and 400mg presentations of Fungiconazol, in 100 tablet blister packs, are now available from wholesalers.
For further information contact Animalcare on 01904 487687, or speak to your regional Animalcare representative (found at
Vet Futures has published the results of a survey of the profession in which only half of veterinary surgeons who graduated within the last eight years say their career has matched their expectations.
The online survey gathered views from 892 veterinary students (via the Association of Veterinary Students) and 1,973 veterinary surgeons who had graduated within the last eight years, during May and June this year.
Although 37% of graduates reported that their working lives had met their expectations, and a further 13% said it had exceeded them, this left 50% partly or wholly unsatisfied. Furthermore, 10% said they were considering leaving the profession entirely.
The RCVS and the BVA say the results should be a “wakeup call” to the profession.
Vets who have been qualified for five years or more were least optimistic about the future, rating their opportunities for career progression less positively than more recent graduates. They were also least likely to feel that their degree had prepared them for their current work. Meanwhile, only 34% of students felt that their degree was preparing them ‘very well’ for the work they wanted to do.
73% of students intended to work in the UK, with most aspiring to work in small animal/exotic or mixed practice, although one in 10 was as yet undecided. Of the students, 45% said they wanted to become practice owners or partners. Clearly the reality is proving less enticing, because only 25% graduates shared the same aspiration. In addition, nearly double the number of graduates said they wanted to work outside clinical practice (18%), compared to students.
When looking for a job, the three factors that both graduates and students agreed would have the greatest influence on their choice of career were intellectual satisfaction, location and a supportive environment.
This last requirement chimes with the fact that among the most popular suggestions for improvement to the veterinary degree were compulsory modules on managing stress, personal development and work-life balance, alongside more teaching of business and finance skills, and extra-mural studies (EMS) placements in a wider range of settings, such as industry.
BVA President, John Blackwell, said: “The drop off in career satisfaction for vets during this crucial first eight years in practice is something we can’t afford to ignore. It points to frustration over career development opportunities and dissatisfaction with support available in practice. For the veterinary profession to remain sustainable, and an attractive career choice for the best and brightest, we need to address these issues with some urgency.”
RCVS President, Dr Bradley Viner, said: “We clearly need to address the disconnect between expectation and reality for many recent graduates. Reviewing the educational foundation of the profession is a thread that runs through many of the proposed actions that will be outlined in the Vet Futures report due this autumn. The teaching and assessment of non-clinical skills – both as part of the undergraduate curriculum and within postgraduate education – will be important, as will be the promotion of non-clinical career pathways.”
The survey also covered issues such as students’ aspirations in terms of the type (size, ownership, sector) of practice in which they would like to work, and graduates’ future career plans. It also considers attitudes from both groups with respect to new technology.
The full research report “Voices from the future of the profession,” can be read at
Cat Henstridge, a small animal vet from South Yorkshire, has started a Facebook page to add the veterinary profession's voice to the campaign against the practice of puppy farming.
Cat said: "I write a blog on my website and recently touched on the subject of puppy farming. I was contacted by members of the 'PupAid' organisation and was shocked to learn that the veterinary community has no real public opinions on the subject. I found it really surprising that none of our professional bodies had spoken out, especially as we are supposed to be the bastions of animal welfare and see the consequences of poorly bred puppies all the time in our clinics."
"I am hoping the Facebook page will just be the start of a movement within the profession. Not only can we add our very powerful opinions to the discussion but this will be a way of driving the general public into our clinics to ask our advice, before they purchase a poor quality, sickly puppy and find themselves in trouble.
"Please join the page, add your stories about these dogs (we all have one!). At the risk of sounding cheesy, by coming together, we can really make a difference!"
Willows, the Solihull-based multidisciplinary referral centre, has announced that it has acquired The Veterinary Cardiorespiratory Centre, the renowned referral service run by Mike Martin MRCVS, RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology (pictured right).
Mike, together with Chris Linney and their team will shortly be moving half-an-hour up the road to join the team at Willows.
The company says that the move will offer a number of benefits to referring practitioners. Chief amongst these is the speed with which an accurate diagnosis can be made and treatment given, both as a result of having RCVS Specialists in neurology, imaging, medicine, soft tissue surgery (and now cardiology) under one roof and because of the state-of-the-art equipment at their disposal, including CT, MRI and digital fluoroscopy.
Lynne Hill, CEO, Willows Group said: ”I’m thrilled that Mike, Chris and their team are joining us at Willows. I have always held Mike in the highest regard and this is a tremendous opportunity for the practice to provide a truly collaborative ‘one-stop-shop’ for both clients and referring veterinary practices”.
Mike said: “I’m really looking forward to working at Willows Referral Service and being part of a multidisciplinary team. It's a logical move to provide Willows with the missing discipline of cardiology and I'm delighted Lynne Hill has allowed us to fulfil that role. There has been an increasing number of referrals between the two centres due to the complexity of cases - now that will be all under one roof and we can manage these much more effectively and offer the best service to our clients and their patients.”
For more information, visit
Independent research carried out by CM Research amongst practising companion animal veterinary surgeons has placed in the top 5 veterinary media publications, and the leading online destination by a considerable margin.
As part of the research, 300 vets were asked which media publications they followed. Unprompted, 24% answered, placing the site in 5th place alongside such venerable titles as Veterinary Times, Veterinary Record and The Journal of Small Animal Practice.
Carlos Michelsen, Managing Director of CM Research said: “The answer to this question was unprompted, so the leading titles will likely have benefited from the greater brand awareness that comes from having their magazines delivered to the practice, and the fact that they’ve been in existence for so much longer than That makes this an even more remarkable achievement for the site."
In terms of online media used by veterinary surgeons, was the clear winner, by a number of lengths. Where 24% of vets said they followed, only 5% followed the second placed website published by Vet Times. Indeed the percentage of vets reported as following was very nearly the same as the percentage that visited all the other veterinary websites combined.
Arlo Guthrie, Publishing Editor of said: “I’m over the moon. When I set up 8 years ago, people said ‘it’ll never work’. So to be sitting here talked about in the same breath as a title like the Veterinary Record, which has been around for 125 years, fills me with a huge sense of pride.
“If I’m allowed my little ‘Oscar’ moment, I would like to thank the members of, without whom none of this would have been possible. I know, it’s a dreadful cliché, but the success of is entirely down to its members, both those who actively participate in the forums and those who just come to read content. I am enormously grateful to you all.
“I’m also hugely excited about the future. We’ve got so much in the pipeline - all designed to further help the sharing of knowledge and experience within the profession. Stay tuned!"
The British Veterinary Association has announced the results of the Voice of the Veterinary Profession survey, which found that 84% of veterinary surgeons give up time to work with animal charities and shelters.
72% have a formal arrangement with charities to provide their time and veterinary expertise at a reduced rate, while more than 43% work completely unpaid for animal charities and shelters; treating thousands of abandoned, mistreated or injured animals each year.
The charitable work undertaken by practitioners varied from practice to practice, but included:
On top of all that, veterinary surgeons also provide emergency treatment for stray and wild animals brought in by the public. Although they will sometimes receive a charitable donation towards the cost of treatment through schemes like the RSPCA Initial Emergency Treatment (IET) Scheme, that is by no means always the case.
RSPCA Chief Veterinary Officer James Yeates said: "Vets’ work in this area can go unrecognised but it is appreciated by the RSPCA that they are part of the team trying to help animals. The RSPCA is dedicated to helping animals most in need and relies on vets’ welfare work to help bring a stop to the suffering of all animals."
BVA President Sean Wensley, said: "Behind these statistics are countless stories of veterinary teams – who already often work long, demanding hours – giving their time for free to support animal rescue staff and charities to care for abandoned, injured and neglected animals, as well as help owners to keep and care for much loved animals in times of hardship and crisis. The UK’s network of animal charities and rehoming centres do a fantastic job protecting wild and domestic animals each year. Animal welfare legislation is clear that animal keepers and owners are responsible for meeting their animals’ needs, and prospective animal owners must be aware of the cost and time commitment involved in animal ownership, but we appreciate people’s circumstances can change."
Photo: Javier Brosch/Shutterstock
Invicta Animal Health has announced the launch of Ocuvance, a nutritional supplement to support ocular health in dogs and cats.
The company says Ocuvance is formulated to provide an antioxidant complex supporting and maintaining the health of eyes. The tablets contain lutein, a xanthophyll pigment found within the eye. They also contain anthocyanosides derived from bilberry extract to support rhodopsin production. The formulation also contains vitamins C and E, zinc and selenium.
Ocuvance is presented in packs of 30 scored tablets; sufficient for a one month supply for the average sized dog.
Rob Watkins, Managing Director of Invicta, said: "We are delighted to make Ocuvance available to veterinary surgeons in the UK. A recent veterinary study1 has shown there can be significant ophthalmic benefits of antioxidant supplementation.
We carefully formulated Ocuvance to provide a range of high quality ingredients to maintain normal visual function whilst still being affordable for owners”.
Ocuvance is now available from all veterinary wholesalers.
Ceva Animal Health has announced its biggest ever TV advertising campaign, designed to highlight the benefits of using Adaptil and Feliway, will begin on Christmas Day.
The TV advertisement for Adaptil focuses on Meg and her Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Dude, who is anxious when Meg is away from home. With the strapline ‘Best behaviour starts here’ the advertisement will help educate pet owners on the action they should take to keep their dogs happy when they are left at home alone and Dude’s experience taking Adaptil.
Feliway’s TV advertisement features the strapline ‘Experience the difference in your home’ and focuses on the real life story of Clare and her rescue cat, Mewsli, who was often scared and anxious, so much so that she would hide under the bed and scratch the side of the chair.
The TV advertising campaign, which is aimed at ABC1 women, runs from Christmas Day until 10 January 2016 and the advertisements will air throughout the family films over the festive period with Adaptil featured during ad breaks for Paul O’Grady’s For the Love of Dogs Christmas Special on Boxing Day.
The Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has updated the Vaccination Guidelines it offers to veterinary surgeons.
The association says its Canine and Feline Vaccination Guidelines aim to provide globally applicable recommendations to help veterinary surgeons vaccinate in a standard and scientifically justified fashion.
The VGG has also updated the vaccination guidelines it offers to pet owners and breeders, as well as the series of fact sheets it has created on key global vaccine-preventable diseases of dogs and cats.
The original guidelines were published in 2007 as the WSAVA's initial response to the need for globally applicable recommendations on vaccination best practice. They were updated in 2010 and, since then, the VGG, which is supported exclusively by MSD Animal Health, has been focusing on issues relating to small companion animal infectious disease and veterinary education in Asia.
The 2015 release of the Canine and Feline Vaccination Guidelines is based on a new evidence-based classification system for vaccinology. It also includes a number of additional FAQs (110 in total). The guidelines for both vets and owners/breeders are available for free download at Currently available in English, they are being translated into a number of languages.
Professor Michael Day, Chair of the VGG (pictured right), said: "The vaccination guidelines are one of the most frequently downloaded resources on the WSAVA's website and are gradually driving a change in vaccination practice throughout the world - a change which is set to have a major impact on day-to-day small animal practice.
"We are delighted to launch these updated versions both for veterinarians and for pet owners and breeders. We hope they will prove even more helpful and ensure that more small animals are vaccinated in a more scientifically-based, robust and safer fashion.
"We would like to thank MSD Animal Health which has been the sole sponsor of the VGG since its inception. Its support enables us to undertake our valuable work."
The BVA and RCVS have announced the formation of the Vet Futures Action Group to take forward the ambitions and recommendations in the Vet Futures report ‘Taking charge of our future: A vision for the veterinary profession for 2030’ launched in November 2015.
The call for applications attracted more than 80 candidates with many more expressing an interest in helping to take the project forward.
The Action Group will be tasked with working collectively to turn the report’s 34 recommendations into clear actions with buy-in from across the veterinary profession and a timetable for activity.
The Action Group is made up of the BVA and RCVS Presidents and Junior Vice-Presidents, seven veterinary surgeons, a veterinary nurse, and a co-opted veterinary student:
The members of the Group joining the BVA and RCVS officers were selected by the Vet Futures Project Board for their mix of experience and expertise across the Vet Futures ambitions and themes (Animal health and welfare; Veterinary professionals’ wider roles in society; The health and wellbeing of veterinary professionals; Diverse and rewarding veterinary careers; Sustainable businesses and user-focused services; and Leadership), as well as in veterinary education, veterinary regulation, and veterinary nursing.
BVA President Sean Wensley said: "The Group has a very important task ahead and we are confident that we have an excellent group of people with the right balance of skills, experience and expertise to take forward the Vet Futures recommendations and turn them into concrete actions.
"We have had an incredibly positive response from the profession to the launch of the report and we hope organisations and individuals will now step up to work with the Action Group and take ownership of the activity for the good of the whole profession."
RCVS President Bradley Viner said: "We were overwhelmed by the response from the professions with ten applications for every place, and many more offers of support. The Project Board was particularly impressed by the high quality of the applications and the breadth of experience demonstrated by the candidates from all parts of the profession.
"It was incredibly difficult to select the members of the Group from such a strong field but we are pleased that we have captured the variety within the profession as well as the enthusiasm to drive the project forward. We sincerely hope everyone who expressed an interest will remain engaged with the project as it progresses this year."
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has dismissed a case against Duncan Davidson MRCVS, a South London veterinary surgeon accused of clinical failings in relation to his treatment of a cat and of keeping poor and misleading clinical records.
The Committee heard the case against Dr Davidson, who was the sole practitioner and owner of Mitcham Veterinary Clinic until his retirement from clinical practice in November 2014, at a hearing which concluded on 22nd January.
The first charge against Dr Davidson alleged that, between 7 November 2013 and 13 December 2013, he had failed to provide adequate care to Ameira, an Egyptian Mau cat. The charge was in four parts: that he had inappropriately administered corticosteroids; had failed to administer adequate fluid therapy; discharged the cat to its owner suggesting a referral when he should have suggested or arranged a same-day referral; and that he failed to communicate the urgency of referral/ further investigation of the cat’s condition to her owner.
The second charge was that, between 7 November 2013 and 17 January 2014, he dishonestly made retrospective alterations to Ameira’s clinical records and failed to keep clear, accurate and detailed clinical records.
From the outset Dr Davidson, who attended the hearing, did not admit the charges against him and denied that his conduct, if found proven, constituted serious professional misconduct.
A summary of the circumstances of the case were that the cat had been admitted to Dr Davidson’s practice on 8 November 2013 with poor appetite and a piece of thread in its mouth. The cat was later admitted, on 21 November, with dehydration and was diagnosed with a linear foreign body (ie the thread) on 25 November 2013. Dr Davidson continued to treat Ameira with corticosteroids and rehydration fluids at the practice but a second opinion was sought by Ameira’s owner from a nearby veterinary practice. This practice referred the cat to the Royal Veterinary College for treatment. Surgery to remove the linear foreign body was undertaken on 13 December 2013, albeit with a poor prognosis, and Ameira subsequently suffered two cardiac arrests and died on 14 December 2013.
In terms of its findings on the first charge, the Committee heard from an expert witness, Mr Hurst, regarding the use of the corticosteroids which were administered to the cat by Dr Davidson on 22, 27 and 30 November 2013 and 5 and 12 December 2013. Although Mr Hurst said that a minority of veterinary surgeons may have provided corticosteroids when the cat was first presented to Dr Davidson on 8 November; when it was determined by Dr Davidson’s colleague Mr Holden that the cat’s condition was due to it having ingested thread, the use of corticosteroids was inappropriate from then on and would be considered contra-indicated. The Committee found this charge proven.
The Committee did not find the charge against Dr Davidson that he failed to provide adequate fluid therapy proven. When the cat was presented to the practice on 21 November 2013 suffering from dehydration, fluid rehydration was given but not administered intravenously. The Committee concluded that intravenous hydration was not necessary because the clinical records from both Dr Davidson and the Royal Veterinary College indicated that Ameira was only moderately dehydrated.
Regarding the referral of Ameira, the Committee could not be sure that the cat was sufficiently unwell on 23 November that it required immediate referral. Dr Davidson had sent Ameira home with her owner on that date on the basis that she was stable and that he would arrange a referral for her on 25 November. There was conflicting evidence from Dr Davidson and Ameira’s owner on the matter of whether, on 23 November, Ameira’s owner was advised that the cat’s condition was critical or that a referral was urgently required. Dr Davidson accepted that he did not seek to make an urgent referral. The charge was not proven.
Regarding the communication of the urgency for further investigation of Ameira’s condition, the Committee found that there was insufficient evidence to suggest that Dr Davidson did not adequately communicate with Ameira’s owner after the diagnosis of a linear foreign body was made on 25 November. According to Dr Davidson, he explained the risk of further damage to the oesophageal and gastrointestinal tract and offered further radiography. This was strongly contested by Ameira’s owner. However, ultimately the Committee were unable to be satisfied as to which version was correct to the necessary standard of proof required.
Regarding the retrospective amendment of clinical records, the Committee found that although there were some “troubling aspects” about the case, particularly evidence of a telephone call with the RCVS Professional Conduct Department in which Dr Davidson said that no retrospective alterations had been made, it was unable to be satisfied so as to be sure of his motivation for changing the records. His contention was that changes had been made as he was concerned he would be subject to civil litigation by Ameira’s owner. However, the Committee found the charge not proven, also taking into account Dr Davidson’s good character and unblemished professional record over 40 years.
However, the Committee did find that Dr Davidson’s clinical records were illegible. Dr Davidson recognised the poor quality of his handwriting, which the veterinary surgeons to whom Ameira was referred were unable to understand. The Committee found this charge proven.
Taking into account the charges it found proven, the Committee then considered whether they constituted serious professional conduct either individually or cumulatively. Judith Webb, who chaired the Committee and spoke on its behalf, said: "It does not consider that on the facts of this case the administration of corticosteroids amounted to disgraceful misconduct."
She added: "The Committee has already emphasised the importance of making legible handwritten records but it does not consider that the failure to do so in this case amounts to disgraceful misconduct.... The Committee has found that Dr Davidson was wrong to make retrospective entries in this case without making it clear when such alterations were made. The Committee does not consider that in this case the making of those alterations was capable of being disgraceful misconduct. The case is dismissed."
On the 15th anniversary of the foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak, the BVA has emphasised the vital role of vets and veterinary surveillance in protecting the UK from devastating disease outbreaks.
The outbreak (confirmed in an abattoir on 19 February 2001) involved the slaughter of more than six million animals causing dire emotional and financial impacts on farmers, vets and rural businesses. Vets from across the profession, including those not working with livestock, were called upon to assist with disease control.
BVA is marking the anniversary by asking the government to reflect on the vital role of vets and veterinary surveillance after Defra was asked to make a further 15% budget cut in last year’s Autumn Statement (November 2015).
BVA President Sean Wensley said: "15 years on from the devastation of the 2001 outbreak the UK must remain vigilant for Foot and Mouth Disease, but important lessons learned mean we are now better prepared if another outbreak does occur. Today we would have an immediate standstill on livestock movements, improved traceability systems and the possibility of using vaccination as part of the overall control strategy. But we cannot be complacent and the anniversary is an opportunity to reflect on the vital role of vets and veterinary surveillance in protecting the UK from disease.
"In recent years we have seen the impact of significant cuts to Defra's budget on veterinary fees for TB testing and other OV services. Vets’ frontline roles must be recognised and supported, backed up by an effective, coordinated system of data capture that will enable us to make the necessary links to detect and control new disease threats. We can never be free from the risk of disease, and in recent years the emergence of Schmallenberg and re-emergence of Bluetongue have brought new challenges. It is essential that we have the coordination and capability to identify and diagnose in order to protect our national herd and flock."
The RCVS has announced that voting is now open for the 2016 Council elections.
Ballot papers with candidate details, biographies and manifestos have been posted to all veterinary surgeons this week.
Eight candidates are standing in the RCVS Council election this year, with the six who receive the most votes joining Council at RCVS Day on Friday 15 July 2016 for a four-year term. The candidates are:
Each candidate in both elections has produced a short video in which they answer two questions which they have selected from those submitted to the RCVS in advance by members of the professions. The videos can be viewed at: along with their biographies, manifesto statements and contact details.
Bradley Viner, RCVS President, said: "Last year the candidate videos had over 3,500 views and we hope to increase that this year as it is a very direct and democratic way of finding out more about each candidate and their views. I would urge each member of the profession, whether vets or veterinary nurses, to make a vote for their preferred candidates as they really can make a difference when it comes to the future direction of the College."
All votes must be cast, either online or by post, by 5pm on Friday 29 April 2016. Online votes for RCVS Council candidates can be made at
Any veterinary surgeon who has not received a ballot paper should contact Ian Holloway, RCVS Communications Manager, on 020 7202 0727 or
Petplan has announced the results of a survey which shows that with less than a week to go before microchipping becomes compulsory in England, Scotland and Wales, there is still confusion about the law amongst pet owners.
In the survey of 2,000 British dog owners, 25% had not heard of the new law and 40% didn't know that it also requires owners to keep their microchip details up to date.
40% of respondents said they'd be happy to pay over £500 as a reward if their dog went missing. Despite this, 40% of those who were aware of the new law but had yet to chip their dogs admitted they had not done so because of reservations about the cost of the procedure.
The survey also highlighted the fact that even the most careful of owners lose their dogs. Nearly 40% of losses reported in the survey happened when the owner was taking their pet on a daily walk and 47.1% of respondents reported having a dog escape from an apparently secure garden.
The survey also found that a third of lost dogs came to harm while missing, most of which (84.8%) needed veterinary care.
According to Petplan, despite more than half of dog owners citing expensive veterinary bills as one of their biggest concerns around dog ownership, over 45% of respondents reported not having their dogs insured.
Petplan has published information for pet owners about the new microchip law here:
The BVA has released more results from the Voice of the Profession survey, which show that 67% of vets have seen dogs that needed conformation altering surgeries and caesareans in the last year.
Every year the Kennel Club receives over 3,200 data submissions from both vets and dog owners about conformation altering surgeries and caesareans carried out on Kennel Club registered dogs. Sharing data about conformation altering surgeries and caesareans is vital to help build a picture of the current situation, and facilitate measures to improve health and welfare for future generations of dogs.
The information collected by the Kennel Club provides details of breeding lines appearing to perpetuate certain defects. For example, data submitted for caesareans prevents the registration of puppies born to a bitch that has already had two litters delivered by caesarean section while data submitted for conformation altering surgeries allows the Kennel Club to make decisions on whether or not to allow affected dogs to be entered for shows.
In the longer term, measures implemented by the Kennel Club will include analysis of all submitted data to create a research database that will provide an evidence-base to influence the future of dog welfare.
When asked about operations carried out on Kennel Club registered dogs, the majority of vets said that they do submit data on conformation altering surgeries (60%) and caesareans (65%) however 15% of survey respondents revealed that they never submit data. Those vets who do not always report gave ‘time’ as the main reason for not doing so.
BVA is working with its members to raise awareness of the Kennel Club’s new online system, which takes a few minutes to complete, to encourage a data drive that could reduce avoidable hereditary problems, prevent further lifelong discomfort and suffering, and improve health and welfare for dogs.
BVA President Sean Wensley said: "Vets are seeing concerning trends in dog health and welfare, especially with the current public want for designer dogs and brachycephalic breeds, so the need for a record of conformation altering surgeries and caesareans carried out in daily practice has never been more important. Owners can submit data on their dogs’ operations yet data from veterinary practices is vital for the Kennel Club’s evidence base as it offers additional validity that many owners are not able to provide, ensuring robust and informative data for now and the future."
Other reasons vets gave for not always submitting data on conformation altering surgeries and caesareans, included:
BVA is urging vets and practice teams to recognise the importance of submitting this data and to work with their clients to ensure delivery of the best welfare outcomes for dogs. To support its members, BVA has compiled FAQs on conformation altering surgery and will be taking further questions to the Kennel Club Dog Health Group. To assist with the process of data submission in daily practice, BVA has developed a poster that can be downloaded at
The RCVS has announced the results of the 2016 RCVS Council elections.
Current members Christopher Barker (2,838 votes), Amanda Boag (2,689 votes), Kit Sturgess (2,586 votes) and Stephen May (2,452 votes) were returned to four of the six available seats on RCVS Council. Melissa Donald and Lucie Goodwin are joining Council for the first time with 2,532 votes and 2,307 votes respectively.
The re-election of Stephen May means that he will serve as Junior Vice-President of the RCVS for 2016-17.
Voter turnout was down this year at 15.6% (or 4,403) of those eligible to vote, compared to 18.1% last year and the 17.2% average over the past 10 years.
Eleanor Ferguson, RCVS Acting Registrar, said: "I’d like to congratulate all those who were successfully elected, and re-elected, to Council, and thank all those who took part in this year’s elections – whether by standing as a candidate, casting a vote or submitting questions for the candidates to answer."
The successful candidates will take up their positions at RCVS Day – the College’s Annual General Meeting and Awards Day – on Friday 15 July 2016 at the Royal Institute of British Architects.
Each candidate in the elections was invited to produce a short video in which they answered questions put to them by fellow members of the professions and which appeared on the RCVS YouTube channel. The videos provided by the RCVS Council candidates received 1,169 views while those provided by the VN Council candidates received 779 views.
The elections were run on behalf of the College by Electoral Reform Services.
The petition was set up by veterinary surgeon and journalist Pete Wedderburn, after discussion with colleagues, in response to an open letter to the profession from Jemima Harrison, producer of the Pedigree Dogs Exposed documentary broadcast in 2008.
In the letter, Jemima notes that Kennel club registrations of Pugs rose from 2,000 in 2005 to 10,000 last year. Over the same period Bulldog registrations more than doubled to 7,000 and the number of French Bulldogs increased 4000% to 14,607.
All vets do, she says, is 'organise CPD days on how to manage the increasing numbers of creatures that turn up at your practice doors gasping for air', 'refer clients on to soft-tissue specialists who do their best to remedy the deformity that has been bred into them', and 'section that Bulldog and say nothing to the breeder about how wrong it is that the dogs are no longer capable of birthing their own pups'.
She argues that there is 'institutional kow-towing to the Kennel Club and a reluctance to do anything other than accept their platitudes that they have to take things slowly or risk "losing" the breeders'.
In response, Pete's blog and petition calls for a working party to develop concrete proposals to tackle the issues as a matter of urgency: 'Despite the evident appeal of short-nosed pets to many of our clients, it is our duty as vets to not just treat these animals, but also to lobby for reform in the way they are bred – in particular the 'extreme' brachycephalics such as Pugs, Bulldogs, French Bulldogs and flat-faced Persian cats'.
The Dog Breeding Reform Group has welcomed the petition. Chris Laurence MBE, DBRG Trustee and former veterinary director of the Dogs Trust who has signed the petition, says: "Vets in companion animal practice see dogs with inherited breathing difficulty almost every day and are frustrated that there seems to be no end to the daily suffering of these breeds. The DBRG is delighted that vets are now getting together to highlight the issue and to plead with breeders to stop producing puppies with such malformed heads that they are unable to breathe easily."
The petition, which has already gathered nearly 1000 signatures, can only be signed by veterinary surgeons and nurses. You can sign it here.
Locum vets can now come and update their VetSurgeon Profile to display their location and a business card on a map of the UK which practices can browse when they need a locum (NB. login required to see the locums on the map).
Clicking on a locum’s flag on the VetSurgeon Locum Map reveals a summary profile and the distance they can travel. There are plans to add more detail in the future. Editor Arlo Guthrie said: "This is all part of our programme of ongoing development with VetSurgeon Jobs, to make sure it is the ‘go to’ place for anyone looking to hire a veterinary surgeon or find a job.
"Whilst I’m here, I’d like to thank the practices and businesses that have already advertised on VetSurgeon Jobs. Your continued support is what allows us to develop these kinds of new features, all designed to help lower your recruitment costs."
In a letter to Danny, RCVS President Christopher Tufnell wrote:
"As the regulator of the veterinary profession, we place an emphasis on the importance of evidence-based veterinary medicine. We therefore recommend that there should be a cautious approach to homeopathy for animals and that normal evidential standards should be applied to complementary treatments."
Danny said: "A cautious approach? What, like this claim by the BAHVS that homeopathy cures cancer?. Or would you say that this claim on national TV represents a cautious approach?
"Talking about homeopathy and normal evidential standards in the same breath is oxymoronic. If you apply normal evidential standards to homeopathy, it is completely ineffective and should not therefore be used in animals."
Mr Tufnell wrote: "We believe it is also essential that such treatments, until they can be proved, are complementary rather than 'alternative' and that they are therefore used alongside conventional treatment."
Danny said: "This argument makes sense whilst evidence-gathering for new treatment modalities. Homeopathy, however, has been with us since 1796. In that time, there has been no good evidence that homeopathy is effective for any condition. Against that, we now have the benefit of an increasing body of meta analyses that show it isn’t. How much more evidence does the RCVS require?"
Mr Tufnell wrote: "Whatever views there may be within the veterinary profession, it is clear that there is a demand from some clients for complementary therapies for their animals."
Danny said: "That may be true, but client demand is not an argument for prescribing medicines shown not to work. Nor should ill-informed client demand trump animal welfare"
Mr Tufnell added: "It is better that they [clients] should seek advice from a veterinary surgeon - who is qualified to make a diagnosis, and can be held to account for the treatment given - rather than turning to a practitioner who does not have veterinary training."
Danny said: "It makes no difference to the animal's suffering whether effective treatment is withheld by a layperson or a qualified vet. At what point do we trust the clinical judgement of vets who subscribe to this magical thinking? In the case of hyperthyroidism in a cat, at what point do we trust them to start giving proper treatment? Maybe when the T4 levels reach a certain number? Or when renal failure kicks in? Or when the cat loses a certain percentage of its body weight?"
Finally, Mr Tufnell wrote: "homeopathy is currently accepted by society and recognised by UK medicines legislation and does not, in itself, cause harm to animals."
Danny said: "I'm not sure how it is possible to claim homeopathy is 'accepted by society'. What constitutes 'societal acceptance'? The NHS says that: 'The ideas that underpin homeopathy are not accepted by mainstream science, and are not consistent with long-accepted principles on the way that the physical world works'; the Australian Government says: 'Homeopathy should not be used to treat health conditions that are chronic, serious, or could become serious.' Clearly homeopathy is far from being accepted by society.
"Even if it was, the argument that we should prescribe medicines because they are 'societally accepted' is no different to the argument that we should do so because there is 'consumer demand.' Both are plainly wrong. Presumably the RCVS wouldn't approve of veterinary surgeons prescribing antibiotics just because there is 'consumer demand', or because they are 'societally accepted'.
As to the veterinary medicines regulations, homeopathic remedies were ‘grandfathered’ and have not had to prove efficacy to become authorised. So their recognition by UK medicines legislation is meaningless.
"Lastly, homeopathy does, in itself, cause harm to animals when given ahead of, or in place of proven treatments."
At the same time as Danny was running his petition for banning homeopathy, the Campaign For Rational Veterinary Medicine has been running a petition which instead asks that the RCVS takes steps to allow animal owners to make a more informed decision, thereby limiting the harm that homeopathy causes animals.
This petition, which is for the veterinary profession only, has so far gathered over 400 signatures, and the campaign organisers are now inviting anyone who signed the petition to ban homeopathy to consider signing this one as a pragmatic alternative.
DVS highlights that the phenomenon of large group veterinary businesses is on the rise: big corporations such as Pets at Home Vet Group have recently bought stakes in several of the UK’s biggest referral practices and CVS Group, for example, now owns more than 360 of the UK’s veterinary surgeries, including referral practices.
By contrast, Davies Veterinary Specialists has now reduced the shareholdings of its founder (Jerry Davies), financial director (Mike Thomas) and managing director (Clive Elwood), in order to increase the holdings of Ian Battersby (internal medicine), Ronan Doyle (soft tissue surgery), David Gould (ophthalmology) and Nat Whitley (internal medicine) and create 8 new shareholders: Louise Clark (anaesthesia), Nuria Corzo-Menendez (diagnostic imaging), Mike Farrell (orthopaedic surgery), Laurent Garosi (neurology), Mark Goodfellow (oncology), Patricia Ibarrola (internal medicine), Pedro Oliveira (cardiology), Peter Smith (neurology).
The company says that its increasing number of shareholders will build a more effective business democracy, and in turn help uphold its core values of integrity, professionalism, compassion and respect.
Clive Elwood said: "Maintaining our independence is important to us as a business because it ensures we retain the culture and ethos that provides leading multi-specialist care to all of our patients and exceptional service to our customers and referring colleagues.
"I am delighted we have managed to achieve this transaction, which represents the next stage in the development of our amazing practice. Retaining ownership means we can demonstrate that there remain alternative business models and career paths outside corporate practice. It is a pleasure to welcome such a fantastic group of new shareholders who will, I am certain, contribute greatly to our future success."
DVS says it will continue to evolve the management and governance structure of the practice as it grows. In the future DVS shareholders will set overall strategy and direction for the business and ensure effective governance by the Board of Directors. As well as clinical skills, the development of management and leadership skills will be encouraged across the practice. A strong commitment to learning, research, innovation and teaching will support the delivery of exemplary patient care.
To find out more visit
Essential 6 spot-on is designed to moisturise the skin and strengthen its barrier function to help manage kerato-seborrhoeic disorders (dandruff, bad odours, dry or greasy coat, excessive hair loss) and atopic dermatitis in ferrets, rabbits, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs and gerbils.
Essential Mousse is a rinse-free and soap-free repairing cleanser, used to cleanse and deodorize the animal as often as necessary. In particular, the company highlights its application in clinic, for cleaning up after anal gland expression, incontinence or vomiting, for use in animals that cannot be bathed, and as a customer courtesy before discharge.
The complete Dermoscent range, including the new small mammal products, is available in the UK through Vet Direct.
Henry Schein stocks the 4 variants for cats, dogs and small mammals of Essential 6 spot-on.
More information can be found at the Dermoscent website, where visitors can access clinical studies and watch Wayne Rosenkrantz’s webinar: "Current Treatment Options for Canine Atopic dermatitis".
According to the company, gum disease is five times more common in dogs than humans, as dogs have a more alkaline mouth, promoting plaque formation. The company also says that studies have shown 80% of dogs suffer some form of gum disease before they are three years old.
The survey found most owners associate bad breath, tooth loss and inflamed gums (76%, 67% and 65% respectively) with poor oral hygiene.
However, many dog owners were unaware it could lead to more serious consequences with only 11% identifying heart disease as a potential cost of poor oral hygiene and only 7% understanding the liver can be affected.
The company has produced a YouTube video with Marc Abraham MRCVS and behaviourist Carolyn Menteith about canine oral care and Pettura Oral Health - a gel applied directly to dogs' teeth and gums to help maintain oral hygiene.
The video has already been viewed a staggering 4.6 million times.
In the Facebook post and subsequent comments Jodie explained that her 12-year-old rescue bulldog collapses every couple of months. She highlights the dangers of walking flat-faced dogs in hot weather and the choking hazards that eating can present for dogs with an abnormal soft palate.
BVA President Gudrun Ravetz, said: "This is a very distressing video that demonstrates just how serious BOAS (brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome) is as a condition for those dogs living with it.
"No dog should have to endure the distress of regularly collapsing, though sadly this is a reality for many flat-faced dogs. We would strongly advise anyone with a pet suffering these symptoms to talk to their vet urgently to agree the best way to ensure the health and welfare of their pet. This may include opting for surgery and will definitely include taking special measures in hot weather.
"BVA has been highlighting the significant health problems suffered by flat-faced dogs, such as bulldogs, and asking potential owners to choose healthier breeds or crossbreeds."
Hopefully, Jodie's video might just cause a few potential owners to do precisely that.
Photo: Facebook/Jodie Marsh