The RVN Disciplinary Committee of the RCVS has removed an Armagh-based nurse from the Register after finding that she'd entered the details of four injections into clinical records when she had no reasonable basis for doing so.
During the four-day hearing, the Committee considered two alternative charges against Ms Tracy Nicholl (nee Wilson) relating to her actions on 3 February 2011, whilst employed by O'Reilly & Fee veterinary surgery, Armagh.
Ms Nicholl was alleged by the College to have administered Dolethal, a pink liquid containing pentabarbitone and used for euthanasia, to a dog called Butch without being directed to do so. It was also alleged that she had made dishonest entries into the dog's clinical records, or had administered drugs without a veterinary surgeon's prescription.
Ms Nicholl was alleged to have administered the Dolethal via a fluid bag and giving set on the morning of 3 February, which she denied. The Committee found that, although a veterinary surgeon believed that she saw pink fluid in the line, uncertainties in the surrounding circumstances made the Committee unable to be sure the line contained pink liquid. Expert and forensic evidence revealed Butch had received Dolethal, but not the route of administration or the timing. Therefore the Committee could not be sure Ms Nicholl administered the Dolethal and dismissed this charge.
However, the Committee found that Ms Nicholl did enter on Butch's clinical records that four drugs had been injected, when she had neither administered them nor been told that the drugs had been administered. Although she denied making the entries in evidence submitted to the hearing, in evidence from an interview with the College on 11 July 2011 she had admitted this and her initials were on the record entries.
The Committee noted these injections would be chargeable, and was satisfied the public would regard making these incorrect entries as dishonest. As Ms Nicholl was a highly experienced, senior nurse who also lectured to veterinary nursing students, the Committee was sure she knew she was acting dishonestly. Further, she had breached her responsibilities to clients by failing to maintain accurate case records, and the entries raised potential animal welfare issues. In mitigation, her actions affected no animal's actual welfare, and there was no evidence that Ms Nicholl had made any financial gain or repeated her conduct.
Ms Judith Webb, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee, said: "In addition to the fact that the charge involved dishonesty, there were a number of other aggravating features. The Respondent has not demonstrated any recognition of the seriousness of the record entry allegation, specifically the importance of keeping proper records ... It is in the wider public interest and to protect the reputation of the veterinary nursing profession that the Respondent's name should be removed from the Register."
Ms Nicholl is the first Registered Veterinary Nurse to be struck off since the introduction of the title.
The Government has announced that from 6 April 2016 all dogs will be required to have a microchip.
This will give owners 3 years to comply with new legislation being drafted by Defra.
According to Defra, 100,000 dogs are dumped or lost each year at a cost of £57 million to the taxpayer and welfare charities. Only 60% of the 8 million dogs in the UK are currently chipped.
Making microchipping compulsory is intended to help reunite owners with lost or stolen pets, relieve the burden on animal charities and local authorities and protect the welfare of dogs by promoting responsible dog ownership.
Owners will be able to get their dog microchipped free at any of the 18 Dogs Trust centres around the UK, and free microchips will be offered by Dogs Trust to local authorities, housing associations and veterinary surgeries. In addition Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has announced that free microchipping will be offered at its three centres, and the Blue Cross will also offer free microchipping to dogs and cats at its 16 hospitals and centres across England.
Veterinary associations have hailed the introduction of compulsory microchipping for all dogs in England as a giant leap forward for dogs and their owners. BVA President Peter Jones said: "The introduction of compulsory microchipping is a giant leap for dogs and their owners and is something that vets have long campaigned for. Microchipping is a safe and effective way to link dogs to their owners and is an essential part of responsible ownership."
The Government also announced plans to extend the scope of the Dangerous Dogs Act to private places and to allow police to decide if dogs seized under the Act can stay with their owners until the outcome of the court case, removing the need for these dogs to be kennelled. Both of these measures were supported by BVA and BSAVA in joint responses to the Defra consultation.
The RCVS Disciplinary Committee has dismissed a case against a veterinary surgeon said to have been dishonest in claims made against insurance following a dog's veterinary treatment.
At the end of the four-day hearing, the Committee found Sheena Brimelow, formerly employed by Kinver Veterinary Practice in Kinver, Stourbridge, not guilty of charges relating to seven insurance claims submitted between 1 January 2008 and 1 October 2009. These related to her parent's dog, a Cairn terrier, which she had treated at her then employer's practice. Ms Brimelow admitted that she had submitted invoices with her claims showing the retail prices for several items, when she had paid the practice only the cost prices. She said that she had deleted records from the practice computer showing the retail prices so that the ingoings and outgoings in the practice finances were accurate.
The Committee considered whether Ms Brimelow had either behaved dishonestly or, in the alternative, ought to have known not to have included the sums she did in the insurance claims forms. The Committee found that Ms Brimelow was an honest and reliable witness. She had explained openly what she had done, entirely consistently, from the first time the allegations had been put to her by the practice owner. It noted that an insurance company representative also considered her actions to be "a genuine misunderstanding," although subsequently a complaint was made by the insurance company to the College about Ms Brimelow's actions. The Committee found there were no clear guidelines in the practice as to how staff insurance claims should be handled. It also felt that, as a result of the insurer's communications failures, it was not difficult to believe that Ms Brimelow was unaware of how claims concerning the insured pets of veterinary practice staff members were expected to be handled.
From the evidence presented in the hearing, the Committee calculated that Ms Brimelow had benefited by only £90.50. The Committee noted that she had offered to repay any monies to her employer or the insurer, and that the insurer's loss adjusters had thought this was a matter for Ms Brimelow and her employer. The College had also referred the matter to the police, who said it was not in the public interest to proceed with the matter, a decision they based on the low value of the loss and Ms Brimelow's offer to pay back the money.
Professor Peter Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee said: "The Committee notes the reasons given by the police for undertaking no criminal investigation in this case, and agrees with that analysis. The Committee must apply the same standard of proof as would have been applied in a criminal case. In all the circumstances, the Committee is far short of being satisfied so that it is sure that Ms Brimelow acted dishonestly in this case."
"The Committee considers that [Ms Brimelow] was naïve and misguided in handling the insurance claims in the way that she did," he continued. "However, the Committee considers there was a lack of proper guidance within the practice as to how staff insurance claims should be handled. In these circumstances the Committee is not sure that the College has proved that the Respondent ought to have known that she should not have included sums on the claims form, which did not represent the costs that she had incurred."
Both elements of the charge were accordingly dismissed.
New research led by academics at the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences has shown that 85% of pet cats are not neutered by the recommended age of four months, possibly due to cat owners needing better information about when to neuter their cat.
In 2006, the recommended neutering age of pet cats reduced from six to four months of age. The study assessed the proportion of cats neutered at these ages. Data was obtained from owner-completed questionnaires at recruitment, when kittens were aged eight to 16-weeks, and six and a half to seven months of age. Demographic and lifestyle factors were also assessed for potential association with neuter status.
The researchers found that of the 751 cats in the study, 14.1% and 73.5% had been neutered at or before four and six months of age, respectively. Cats were significantly more likely to be neutered at four months if their owners had always intended to have their cat neutered by this age. They were also significantly more likely to be neutered at four months if they were microchipped or from households in deprived regions.
The likelihood of being neutered, compared with unneutered, at six months of age was significantly increased for cats that were insured, obtained from an animal welfare organisation, given their second vaccination, from a household with an annual income of over £10,000 and owned by people intending to have their cat neutered by this age.
Dr Jane Murray, Cats Protection Research Fellow in Feline Epidemiology, said: "Neutering is recommended as an effective way of reducing the number of unwanted cats in the UK. Our study found that age of neutering was associated with the age of intended neutering. Cats can reach puberty at four to five months of age therefore, it is important that owners are aware of the recommended age of neutering at four months, to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies that occur."
The study suggests that while neutering rates were high at six months of age, they were low at four months of age, and that further work is required to publicise the recommended neutering age of four months to cat owners.
Paper: The neuter status of cats at four and six months of age is strongly associated with the owners' intended age of neutering, C. P. Welsh, T. J. Gruffydd-Jones and J. K. Murray, Veterinary Record published online April 19, 2013.
The RCVS DC has directed that a Wirral-based veterinary surgeon should be removed from the Register after finding that he had treated clients badly, kept inadequate clinical records, was dishonest in dealing with the RCVS, and that animals in his care were placed at risk.
At the end of the five-day hearing, the Committee found that Ian Beveridge, of the Daryl Veterinary Centre, Heswall, was guilty of charges relating to two separate cases: one concerning a crossbred bitch named Holly, who belonged to Mr and Mrs Flanagan and was treated in February 2011; and the other, a cat called Blu, belonging to Ms Simpson and treated in March 2010.
On the morning of 23 February 2011, Holly was admitted to the Daryl Veterinary Centre in a collapsed state with a swollen abdomen. The Committee found a proper assessment should have led Mr Beveridge to perform an abdominocentesis at the practice, the results of which, in view of the practice and its facilities, would inevitably have led to Holly immediately being referred elsewhere. However, the Committee heard that Mr Beveridge simply placed her on a heat pad for observation until about midday, something it considered no reasonably competent veterinary surgeon in general practice would have done. The Committee also found that, on more than one occasion, Mr Beveridge had refused to discuss referral with Mrs Flanagan, and this amounted to failing to treat her with courtesy and respect as required by the RCVS Guide to Professional Conduct 2010, which applied at that time. Holly was ultimately referred elsewhere and survived. The Committee also found the records of Holly's admission to be completely inadequate.
Blu was presented on 22 March 2010 in a collapsed state by Mr Taylor, Ms Simpson's former partner with whom the cat lived. The Committee found that Mr Taylor was told that the cat would be kept on a heat pad, that no other treatment or diagnosis was discussed, and that the possibility of euthanasia was not raised. Having been unable to contact Mr Beveridge that evening, Ms Simpson went to the practice the following morning, intending that her cat be discharged and taken elsewhere. However, the Committee found, when Mr Beveridge eventually fetched Blu, who had died, he blocked Mrs Simpson's exit from the consulting room, saying words to the effect that had she been a better owner, none of this would have happened.
Mr Beveridge also sent to the College clinical records for Blu detailing a blood sample taken at 19.00 on 22 March, and subcutaneous fluids administered during that night. The Committee found this to contain deliberately false information in order to cast a better light on his management of Blu and that he was dishonest; the document was essentially a fabrication to enhance his own interests.
In reaching its decision, the Committee said that it made allowances for the fact that Mr Beveridge operated in first-opinion practice at a basic level. Notwithstanding this, however, it found him guilty of a very serious failure of care to both patients, which gave rise to serious risks to their safety and welfare.
Professor Peter Lees, chairing and speaking on behalf of the Committee said: "On each occasion [Mr Beveridge] treated the owners with a lack of courtesy and respect and made the difficult and distressing circumstances in which they found themselves much worse than they need have been. The Committee takes a very serious view of his attempt to prevent Ms Simpson leaving the consulting room with Blu, and of the unjust and upsetting way in which he sought to blame her for the animal's death. He showed her no consideration at all. Likewise his refusal to contemplate referral for Holly until compelled by Mrs Flanagan to do so and his persistent refusal to engage with her about this at all was, in the Committee's view, reprehensible."
The Committee directed Mr Beveridge's name should be removed from the Register.
An article by Consultant Biologist Clifford Warwick DipMedSci CBiol CSci EurProBiol FOCAE FSB in the current issue of the Journal of AWSELVA (the Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law Veterinary Association) is calling for greater scrutiny of the relationship between the veterinary profession and exotic pet trading.
The article, entitled 'Veterinary accountability and the exotic pet trade', was co-authored by biologist Catrina Steedman BSc(Hons) MSB and veterinary surgeon Emma Nicholas MA VetMB MRCVS
The authors accuse some vets of serving their own vested financial interests by directly aligning themselves with exotic pet trading. They say that these vets are effectively causing the wild-capture and intensive breeding, cramped storage, transport and sale of hundreds of thousands of fish, amphibians, reptiles and other animals.
The article points to scientific evidence showing that stress, disease and premature mortality commonly accompanies 'wild pets' at all stages of the trade and private keeping process.
The authors argue that promoting the trade in exotic animals runs counter to the veterinary profession's obligation to provide impartial guidance for the benefit of animal health and welfare, and that the issue of vets selling or promoting exotics in the home requires greater scrutiny for possible conflicts of interest and for contributing to harmful practices.
Lead author, Clifford Warwick DipMedSci CBiol CSci EurProBiol FOCAE FSB said: "By their nature, vets want to be and are obliged to be part of a solution to animal and human health and welfare matters. That a vet might have a hand in selling or promoting exotic pets is, in my view, tantamount to being part of a problem. And whether or not that represents a formal conflict of interest or questionable practice, I think the spotlight will continue focusing until there are no shaded areas."
He added: "In my view, the avoidance of unnecessary harm is a general responsibility we should all share, but I think veterinarians, like some other professionals, have a special responsibility in this regard. However, unnecessary harm is largely unavoidable with the exotic pet business. Whether wild-caught or captive-bred, animal suffering, species and environmental degradation, and public health concerns frequently go hand-in-hand with all stages of exotic pet trading and keeping practices."
Co-author Catrina Steedman BSc(Hons) MSB said: "Many vets are understandably critical of the exotic pet trade and its minefield of animal welfare, public health and environmental problems. It is unfortunate that a few vets, possibly with vested interests, feel it is appropriate to condone and even promote a trade that has such obvious negative consequences for animals and people."
Co-author, Emma Nicholas MA VetMB MRCVS said: "Vets have a responsibility to be approachable and impartial; animal welfare and also public health must be their priorities at all times. I believe it is pertinent that as a profession, we open the discussion as to how we best improve the welfare (health and quality of life) of existing exotic pets, and also educate and inform potential owners of "wild" or exotic animals of the associated welfare and public health considerations."
The article concludes that vets should '...occupy a detached position with no interest in the success or failure of the 'business' of exotic pet-keeping' and that 'any vet who recommends or endorses buying or keeping an exotic pet arguably imparts guidance that is not fully consistent with ensuring good animal welfare or human health'.
The BSAVA reports that two four month old puppies in The Netherlands have tested positive for rabies.
The puppies were imported into The Netherlands from Bulgaria on October 5th. Reports indicate that these puppies, which were both microchipped and travelling under the Pet Passport scheme, originated from a shelter in Bulgaria. They are still trying to trace the driver and passenger who delivered the puppies.
One puppy started showing signs of fever and paralysis on 10th October and was euthanased on 18th October, it has tested positive for rabies on both direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
The second puppy was euthanased because it originated from the same litter, although it was living in a different area of the country by this time. This dog was suffering from haemorrhagic gastro-enteritis (HGE), but showed no neurological signs. However it has also tested positive for rabies on both DIF and PCR.
The BSAVA says this aspect of the case will be of particular concern to veterinary professionals in the UK because HGE is commonly seen in unvaccinated (imported) puppies. Preliminary reports do not make clear the vaccination status of these dogs.
BSAVA President, Professor Michael Day, said: "Not only does this demonstrate the need for pet owners to comply with pet travel legislation, but also for vets to be alert to the possibility of disease with any imported animal.
"Whilst we have been concerned about the issue of illegal imports and the enforcement of the current legislation, this latest incident also raises the possibility of rabies cases in dogs that appear to comply with the current pet passport regulation."
This calls into question whether veterinary staff in first opinion practice should be offered the pre-exposure rabies vaccination. The current recommendations from Public Health England are that all individuals at continuous and frequent risk of exposure to the rabies virus, as well as some groups at infrequent risk, should be offered pre-exposure rabies vaccination. Professor Day said: "Whilst veterinary professionals in companion animal practice are not currently included in this list, this might be a timely point to undertake a review based on a new risk assessment. I would be in support of practitioners who believe they are at risk having the option of the subsidised occupational vaccination."
UK veterinary surgeons are reminded that responsibility for dealing with illegal imports rests with local authorities; usually Trading Standards or Environmental Health. However, if a veterinary surgeon in practice has any suspicion of rabies or any other notifiable disease they should inform their local Animal Health Office.
The Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA) has announced the online publication of the Winter edition of its journal, EJCAP, which leads on responsible use of antibiotics and is now available free to all members of the veterinary profession.
The latest edition also features articles about indoor ferrets and hyperadrenocorticism, elderly cats and osteoarthritis, and correcting a malocclusion.
As a result of a unanimous decision by the FECAVA Council in October, the journal is now freely available to all veterinary practitioners, students and nurses throughout Europe.
To access the journal, visit:
A former pet industry nutritionist has created a stir in the national newspapers with the launch of, a website which dismisses veterinary diets as no different to the "awful" standard pet foods sold in pet stores and supermarkets.
According to reports in the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph and Daily Express, David Jackson says the objective of his website is to change the way people buy pet food because "pet food manufacturers have been able to get away with producing frankly awful foods for our pets."
Explaining why veterinary surgeon sell prescription diets, Mr Jackson trots out some well known arguments which will be familiar to anyone who has followed the propaganda put out by the raw meaty bones (RMB) lobby: that veterinary surgeons are not taught enough about nutrition; that those training modules that exist are largely sponsored by manufacturers, and that veterinary practices benefit from 'massive cash incentives' from the manufacturers and distributors of veterinary diets.
Mr Jackson does say that there are exceptions to the rule, notably those veterinary diets developed to help pets with intolerance, allergies or uroliths.
Nick Stace, CEO of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), has issued a swift and robust response to the call by Unite for a shake up for the profession's regulatory system.
"Unite's suggestion that veterinary regulation should be under the scrutiny of the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) is misguided, because the PSA is there to oversee regulation in the human healthcare sector and the RCVS already has Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and Privy Council oversight.
"Its further thoughts around the RCVS disciplinary process are out of date and missing the point. We would be very happy to help put them right and to hear any legitimate concerns they may have.
"Unite is calling for the College to no longer 'set the rules and hand down judgments', when in fact last year we successfully achieved a Legislative Reform Order, backed by the profession, to ensure that our Disciplinary and Preliminary Investigation Committees will become independent from Council.
"Unite also talks about the profession's disquiet about last year's Disciplinary Hearing into Mr Chikosi, something we are well aware of and are currently responding to by looking at the biggest area of concern, the provision of 24/7 emergency cover. Our fact-finding mission is seeking views from the profession and the public.
"More broadly, though, feedback from our First Rate Regulator initiative has shown that the profession does have confidence in our disciplinary procedures and that they are certainly not subject to 'long-standing discontent'.
"The First Rate Regulator initiative is also leading to significant improvements in the way that complaints are handled, including speed to resolution.
"Unite is seeking to recruit members of the veterinary team as members of its union and it may be more successful in that pursuit if it was to start to understand the profession better, perhaps beginning with getting its facts right.
"We would be delighted to meet with Unite to put them right where they are factually wrong, and hear what they have to say."
The RSPCA reports that it has saved nearly 400 animals from flooding, including 40 fish, in the last 3 days alone.
The koi carp were rescued from a pond in Wraysbury, Berkshire, which was being overcome by rising floodwater.
Other rescues have included:
The charity says its flood rescue team has helped 586 animals affected by floods since Jan, with 386 of those in the last three days alone. Their efforts were praised by Labour leader Ed Milliband yesterday, who was at the scene with an RSPCA water rescue team in Wraysbury.
RSPCA flood rescue co-ordinator Jason Finch said: "The water rescue teams on the ground are doing an amazing job with limited resources. We will continue to do everything we can to help animals, and humans, during this difficult time and are so grateful for all the support our workers have received from the public."
Photograph courtesy RSPCA
The RCVS has announced that its current Treasurer, Dr Bradley Viner, will be the College's next Vice-President after he was elected to the post at RCVS Council last Thursday.
Dr Viner has been an elected member of Council since 2005 and Treasurer since 2010 and will take up his latest position at RCVS Day - the College's Annual General Meeting - on 11 July. He replaces Professor Stuart Reid, who Council confirmed as President for 2014-15, and will take up his new role in July.
During his time on Council Dr Viner has served on all of the major committees with the exception of the Disciplinary Committee. Outside of Council he runs a group of practices in North West London and is Vice-Chairman of Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.
In his manifesto he set out the nature of his Vice-Presidency, stating: "My personal ethos is very much based upon continual improvement. It is only by having the confidence to discuss openly how things could have been done better that an organisation can learn how to improve.
"I also recognise the vital importance of good communications: with Council; the profession at large; Government; and with other interested organisations. I intend to do my utmost to communicate with them as effectively as possible."
At the same meeting of RCVS Council, Colonel Neil Smith, the current President, was confirmed as Vice-President from July, subject to his re-election in this year's RCVS Council elections.
In addition, Chris Tufnell was re-elected as Chairman of the Education Committee, while David Catlow was elected Chairman of Standards Committee, also subject to his re-election in this year's RCVS Council elections.
An animal heath company is conducting a survey into veterinary surgeons' thoughts on digestive health conditions, including diarrhoea.
Everyone who participates in the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win £100 worth of John Lewis vouchers.
To take part, visit
The survey will remain live till 28th March 2014, and the results will be shared with participants in due course.
The Privy Council has overturned an RCVS Disciplinary Committee to strike Leeds-based Dr Gary Samuel MRCVS from the Register following his conviction for theft, common assault and a public order offence at Cardiff Magistrates' Court in November 2011.
The Disciplinary Committee had agreed the sanction following a hearing in February 2013, at which it decided that Dr Samuel's conviction made him unfit to practise veterinary surgery.
Dr Samuel appealed the decision and the Privy Council heard the case on 26th March.
Dr Samuel had been sentenced by Cardiff Magistrates' Court to concurrent terms of 28 days' imprisonment for theft and common assault and 12 weeks' imprisonment for the public order offence, all suspended for 12 months. He had also been ordered to carry out 140 hours' unpaid work and to pay compensation of £75 and costs of £625. The charges related to an incident involving Dr Samuel and his neighbour, described by the Privy Council as "a spontaneous outburst in the course of an angry quarrel between neighbours", for which it felt that the Disciplinary Committee's sanction of removal from the Register was "disproportionately severe."
The Privy Council felt that, in making its decision, the Disciplinary Committee followed too closely the verdict reached by the Magistrates' Court, and did not take mitigating circumstances sufficiently into account, including whether the attack by Dr Samuel on his neighbour had been provoked by racial abuse.
Delivering the Privy Council's judgment, Lord Toulson said: "It is apparent from the reasons given by the Committee, both on the question of fitness to practise and on the question of sanction, that it was considerably influenced by the fact that the magistrates imposed a suspended prison sentence.
"Although Dr Samuel pleaded guilty to the theft of the camera and he was not in entitled to go behind his plea, it is nevertheless difficult to understand on the evidence how the prosecution would have proved that there was an intent permanently to deprive [the victim] of it. In all the circumstances, it is hard to conceive that the court would have considered that the offences truly passed the custodial threshold for a person of good character, if it had not had the power to suspend the sentence... Dr Samuel's conduct was thoroughly reprehensible, but the Board [Privy Council] does not consider that its gravity was such that it would be in the interests of the public now to remit the case to the Committee".
Dr Gary Samuel will not now be removed from the Register
The Privy Council's judgment can be read in full at
The University of Liverpool's School of Veterinary Science has released the results of research carried out in collaboration with the Royal Canin Research Centre in France, which shows that cats eat 15% less in the summer than the winter.
Researchers spent four years monitoring how much cats chose to eat. The 38 cats studied had a microchip on their collar which allowed them to take as much food as they wanted from a dispenser which only opened for them. At the same time, this microchip recorded how much the cat had eaten and when.
Veterinary surgeon and study author, Dr Alex German, said: "Cats, like many humans are more inclined to comfort eat when it's cold outside but, in their case, it's likely to be due to the extra energy they need to keep warm when out and about."
The study found that cats ate approximately 15% less food during summer, and the researchers concluded that the extra effort to keep warm in winter and the temptation to rest during hot summer days contributed to the swing in activity levels during the year.
The cats were all inhabitants of a centre in southern France where they were allowed to play and exercise outside all year round. The cats were of mixed breeds, ages and genders. Data on food was compared to the climate in the area using computer modelling to provide information about how the temperature changed over the year.
Seasonal food intake has also been examined in the past on farm animals, such as dairy cows, to establish new ways of increasing milk production, but this is the largest study that has yet taken place with domestic cats.
Dr German said: "People should consider the amount of food their cats need at different times of year as this can be part of helping them to maintain a healthy weight."
The paper was published in the journal PLOS One.
Luis Sainz-Pardo, a Spanish vet who migrated to the UK, has started VetAbroad, a new company which will offer advice and support to practices employing foreign vets, and training to non-UK practitioners in order that they are better equipped to work in this country.
Luis says it's not unusual for practice owners and managers to have concerns about how best to mentor and support non-UK veterinary graduates. Teamwork and a sense of what it means to be part of the UK veterinary community are essential. But cultural differences, professional obligations and coping with regional accents and idioms, all present significant challenges for both the non-UK vet and the practice employing them. Luis says he's experienced these challenges from both sides of the fence: first as a vet migrating to the UK and later as the owner of one of the first practices to achieve BSAVA practice standards.
To help foreign vets coming to the UK, VetAbroad has launched a new e-learning course Working as a foreign vet in the UK that trains non-UK vets to practise in the UK. It is suitable for graduates who've recently started to work here, those preparing for work in the UK and graduates who have been in the UK for longer but would benefit from brushing up on the expectations of UK regulatory bodies, clients and practices.
The 140-hour course includes a significant audio element to ensure competence in the understanding of spoken English. It addresses all aspects of life as a vet in the UK, including culture, necessary adaptations, the RCVS Code of Conduct, teamwork & productivity and client & patient care. The course ensures that graduates know what they need to fulfil their obligations of professional conduct, to respond appropriately to UK clients and to fit with the needs of busy UK veterinary practices.
To help practice owners and managers that employ foreign vets, VetAbroad offers a mentor scheme to help deal with their issues or concerns. For a nominal monthly fee, the mentor is able to counsel, provide advice, identify training needs, or liaise between the two parties, taking into account cultural differences, common misconceptions and barriers to communication. VetAbroad says the percentage of vets not adapting to the UK system is close to 50% and providing appropriate support is likely to improve employee retention, client satisfaction and productivity.
For more information, visit
The RCVS has announced the steps it will be taking in response to the Standards Committee's review of 24/7 emergency care.
Whilst the College has stopped short of making home visits entirely discretionary, it has confirmed that with regards to 24/7 emergency care overall:
This follows RCVS Council's agreement in principle on recommendations that flowed from the Standards Committee's comprehensive review of 24/7 emergency care. The review was triggered by a number of issues, including the profession's response to the Chikosi Disciplinary Hearing of June 2013.
The College says the recommendations were developed out of a detailed process of evidence gathering, which included 656 pages of views submitted to the College, 2,801 signatures to a petition on home visits, a three-day select-committee-style hearing where representatives from 15 organisations and a further 10 individuals gave their views, a snapshot of responses from 1,062 vets taking part in the RCVS Survey of the Professions, and an online survey of 1,250 animal owners.
Council praised the work, which had been carried out under the guidance of Standards Committee Chair Clare Tapsfield-Wright, and agreed that draft changes to the supporting guidance to the Code of Professional Conduct should be refined and agreed by the Standards Committee and published over the next couple of months.
Clare said: "This process was not carried out as a typical consultation, with proposals being issued for consideration: we really wanted to be open to the views of the profession and the public from the start.
"We found that the profession did not wish to remove the 24/7 requirement, but there was a lot of frustration and concern, particularly around safety, home visits, who should be seen, outsourcing and contingency planning.
"The Standards Committee looked in detail at all of these issues and I am delighted to have Council's support for the general direction of our proposals. We will now review some changes to the wording of the new guidance, to improve clarity, and publish it as soon as possible."
President Neil Smith said: "I am delighted with the way this process has been carried out. No doubt the outcome will not please everyone, but these changes are based on robust evidence.
"The approach taken by the Standards Committee forms a useful model that could be adapted to address other such issues that we may face in the future."
The presentation given to Council on 5 June can be downloaded from the RCVS website at .
The RCVS announced in a tweet yesterday afternoon that it will be retaining postnominals on the Register.
#RCVScouncil agrees to retain postnominals on Register. Proposals to improve clarity to come back to future meeting. — RCVS (@RCVS_UK) June 5, 2014
#RCVScouncil agrees to retain postnominals on Register. Proposals to improve clarity to come back to future meeting.
VetSurgeon understands that the proposals to improve clarity may yet involve some rationalisation of the postnominals that will be displayed, but that RCVS Certs and Diplomas will remain.
The decision represents something of a victory for Victoria Lilley’s campaign and yet another indication that under the stewardship of Nick Stace, the RCVS really is evolving to become a more open, responsive organisation.
According to a report in the Daily Mail, Worcester vet David Denny MRCVS accidentally euthanised a Jack Russell in the presence of its owner, who believed he was giving the animal antibiotics.
Mr Denny told that it had been the result of a dreadful misunderstanding between himself and his secretary, for which he had apologised, but that he couldn't say much more because the VDS had advised him not to talk to the media.
The dog, called Gunner, was 14 years old; old enough that alarm bells obviously didn't go off when it was presented to Mr Denny for euthanasia (or so he thought).
The story does serve as a reminder of the importance of communicating with absolute clarity, both written and oral, when performing euthanasia. In this case, the Daily Mail reports that Mr Denny asked the client: "if Gunner had had enough". Under any other circumstances, that would seem a sensitive comment to make. In this case, though, the owner thought he meant the dog had had enough of its cough.
The Pets at Home Vets Group has joined forces with the National Trust to help raise awareness of pet safety during the summer, for its latest marketing push.
The campaign will see veterinary surgeons and nurses from Vets4Pets and Companion Care practices touring the country hosting 'Out & About' roadshows at National Trust venues across England and Northern Ireland, from July through to September.
Huw Stacey, Head of Clinical services & Veterinary surgeon said: "The summer period presents a number of hazards for pets and we're holding the 'Out & About' roadshow to meet as many pet owners as we can to help raise awareness about how you can help keep pets happy and healthy over the summer. Visitors to the roadshow will have the opportunity to speak face-to-face with vets and nurses from their local Vets4Pets or Companion Care practice.
They'll be providing practical advice on everything from avoiding heat stroke and dehydration, to being aware of poisoning hazards such as wet creosote on garden fences and the dangers associated with taking dogs to the beach such as jellyfish stings and cuts from broken glass. We've teamed up with the National Trust as they have some excellent dog-friendly venues and are a great place for pet owners to get out and about with their dogs over the summer."
Dr Rod Hebden, Head of Corporate Partnerships at the National Trust said: "The National Trust has got hundreds of dog-friendly places to visit in the coast and countryside, and many of our gardens and parks welcome dogs on leads, so we are delighted to be working with Vets4Pets and Companion Care to help our visitors keep their pets healthy and happy this summer. Lots of our 4 million members are pet owners, so our partnership with Britain's largest veterinary group provides them with access to great tips and advice from Vets4Pets animal-loving experts, which is really relevant to our supporters."
The Out & About campaign has a dedicated website where pet owners can search for their nearest event venue as well as watch short videos with help and advice on how to keep pets safe and healthy throughout the summer.
Bob Martin, maker of the eponymous flea treatment for cats and dogs, has announced that it will be removing the last of its permethrin-containing on-animal flea treatments from sale in supermarkets.
The company says the decision was made following a passionate outpouring of emotion - particularly online - over the large number of unnecessary deaths of cats which have been wrongly treated with permethrin-based products for dogs.
Permethrin poisoning is one of the most commonly reported poisonings in cats worldwide. According to the company, a study carried out by the Feline Advisory Bureau and the Veterinary Poisons Information Service found that 97% of permethrin poisonings in cats have followed the application of a permethrin-containing dog-specific spot on product.
Bob Martin says it believes that most permethrin poisonings are down to mistakes at point of purchase with pet owners mixing up cat and dog products, or being unaware that you cannot use a dog treatment on a cat. For this reason, the company withdrew permethrin from its dog spot ons in 2012, replacing it with fipronil.
Nevertheless, the company continued to sell cat flea collars containing permethrin, which had become indelibly associated with the deaths seen as a result of misusing the dog spot-on.
Georgina Martin, Marketing Manager and great granddaughter of founder Bob Martin said: "Animal health is Bob Martin's top priority. We have decided to reclassify our permethrin-containing on-animal flea treatments to pharmacy-only and call for a change in licensing by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate so that they may only be purchased if advice is given about their correct use.
"This is the next step in our journey as a responsible business having already voluntarily withdrawn permethrin Dog Spot-ons a few years ago which we replaced with fipronil, the same active as used in leading spot on treatments from the vet. To ensure our customers are still able to buy a flea collar from their supermarket we will be launching a new pesticide free flea repellent collar."
Nigel Grimes, Pet Food Buyer at Morrisons PLC said: "It is important for us that our customers who own animals receive the verbal advice and reassurance on the use of permethrin-containing on-animal products. We feel that this advice is needed at the point of sale and should be provided by a suitably qualified person in a pharmacy setting. We will continue to provide pet owners with on-shelf access to a choice of affordable healthcare for their animals from the Bob Martin range."
Meanwhile, Bob Martin has launched the new 'Clear' range of animal collars, which contains margosa extract from neem oil. The company says this natural ingredient is frequently used as an alternative to synthetic insecticides, and is proven to be a highly effective flea repellent, ideal for indoor cats. The new range is now on sale, with the old product being phased out as existing stocks are sold.
Virbac, maker of Pronefra for the management of CKD in cats and dogs, has launched a free app to help interpret patients' urine test results in line with the latest International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) Guidelines.
The app, which is also called Pronefra, is available for download on both the Play store and Apple store.
Simon Boulton MRCVS, Marketing Manager for Companion Animals, said: "Reference ranges supplied by machines and labs are not always appropriate for the renal patient so we wanted to help practices to interpret kidney-specific results quickly and easily in line with the latest recommendations. The Pronefra app was the result. We have received very positive feedback on the app so far and hope it will help practices improve the quality and length of life of their renal patients."
Virbac is also providing further Pronefra practice support materials, include a pet health recording book for clients to aid in compliance and other educational tools for vets, nurses and clients.
The British Safety Council has launched a new qualification to help people who drive as part of their work stay safe on the roads.
According to the organisation, the Level 2 Award in Safe Driving at Work provides work drivers with key knowledge of the hazards and risks associated with driving and equips them with valuable guidance on the measures available for reducing these risks, such as vehicle inspection, behaviour and defensive driving.
According to estimates from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), up to a third of all road traffic accidents in Britain involve someone involved in work-related activity. In 2013, according to government figures, 1,713 people died on the road, with the total number of casualties standing at 183,670.
The Ofqual-regulated qualification, which is designed to be delivered by employers or training organisations, instructs learners on a range of topics including the particular risks associated with vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians, the importance of regular vehicle safety checks and how to adapt driving style in response to changes in driving conditions or the actions of others.
Alex Botha, the British Safety Council's Chief Executive, said: "Driving can be a risky activity, a fact borne out by the high number of injuries and fatalities that occur annually on our roads.
"However, simple steps can be taken by employers and drivers to manage and reduce this risk. Our new Level 2 Award in Safe Driving at Work provides learners with all the essential knowledge to help them stay safe on the roads.
"Learners can expect to leave the qualification with a thorough knowledge of the main risks posed by driving - whether to themselves or other road users - and how to reduce them.
"Once registered with us, employers or training centres deliver the training using the high-quality teaching and student materials provided. Qualifications are assessed through a 45-minute multiple-choice examination that can be either taken online or on paper.
"This is a stand-alone qualification designed for delivery as a short course. It is also well-suited for integration into wider vocational programmes of study or, for example, as part of an induction programme. Students need no former knowledge or experience, so can come from a diverse range of educational and employment backgrounds.
"Safer driving habits should also feed through into workers' personal lives, providing employers with a valuable corporate social responsibility tool to help make our roads safer in and out of work."
Veterinary Insights has announced that it will be unveiling Vet Viewer, its new veterinary benchmarking service, at the SPVS/VPMA event at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport, South Wales on January 22-24.
As those familiar with the old Fort Dodge Indices will be aware, benchmarking services like these allow participating veterinary practices to compare their own activity and business results against a broad panel of similar veterinary practices so that they can better gauge their own market performance and make changes to their working practices as they see fit.
Vet Viewer is provided free of charge to participating vet practices. It delivers monthly information to help practices get a quick understanding of key business metrics and a clear view of practice activities and the income they are generating.
Veterinary Insights' Managing Director Alexander Arpino said: "The Benchmarking Service has been carefully designed to give practical business support to veterinarians and we have had a great response from the 100 plus clinics that have signed up to the service to date. We have plans to expand the range of services offered to enable an even wider range of meaningful data and KPIs for veterinarians to manage their businesses."
The incoming President of the Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons (SPVS), Nick Stuart said: "We have been working closely with Veterinary Insights for over a year on this valuable service and we are delighted to say that SPVS members will have access to additional features that track practice profitability and other important financial measurements."
For further information contact Veterinary Insights on 01403 800135 or visit:
Additionally you can download a detailed brochure on the Benchmarking Service here:
Idexx has launched Pet Resist (, an online map of the levels of antibiotic resistance recorded in cats and dogs by the company over the past five years.
The map displays geographical variations in resistance to the top 10 antibiotics used in cats and dogs.
Simon Wootton, UK CAG Marketing Manager from Idexx said: "The ability to select the most appropriate antibiotic prior to testing may increase the effectiveness of treatments and reduce the number of return visits. We believe that this new service will also help prolong the effective life of existing antibiotics at a time when there is considerable pressure on the profession to reduce their use."
Pet Resist shows levels of resistance overlaid on an interactive UK map down to individual postcode areas. You enter the postcode, the antibiotic (amoxicillin, ampicillin, cefaliexn, etc) and the suspected organism (E coli, S aureus, etc), after which you'll be able to see the level of resistance based on historical data from the past five years, and use this to help choose appropriate therapies.
Simon added: "We have used results of MIC tests on over 200,000 samples submitted to Idexx to develop the database upon which the resistance levels are based. The data will be continually updated as we receive more samples at our Wetherby laboratory, further increasing the accuracy and value of the service to vets and their clients."