XLVets' Chief Operating Officer, Kerrie Hedley is encouraging female vets to break from the tradition by which they can propose marriage on the 29th February, and instead consider proposing a business partnership with their boss.

Kerrie was inspired in this by the results of her MBA dissertation, which looked at both enablers and barriers to leadership experienced by veterinary women and found that when it comes to partnership, women were much more likely to wait to be asked, rather than actively discussing the likelihood with the current practice partners.

Kerrie said: "The 29th of February was historically a time when it was acceptable for women to propose marriage. That's obviously a really outdated concept but we think it presents a great opportunity to encourage women in the profession to change their mindset and actively ask their boss if a partnership is a possibility either now or in the near future.

"It's the sort of proposal that will have a big impact on their future and we'd love to see more women take the driving seat and steer their own destiny. The message is: you don't have to wait to be asked - use the 29th as your excuse to pop the question!"

Kerrie's research also identified that enablers for female practice ownership included identifying as a leader at an early stage in a veterinary career, having parents who were business owners and being perceived to have more assertive or dominant personality traits.

However, Kerrie said: "While those are the factors that have helped women become leaders in the past, it doesn't mean our leaders of tomorrow have to meet those criteria and during my focus groups I found many women in the profession had a tremendous desire to lead, grow and inspire. We're looking within XLVets at ways we can remove barriers for women and increase access to leadership at every level, including supporting new start-up practices.

"We hope on the 29th February there will also be practice partners out there who might wonder why ‘she's never asked' and use this as an opportunity to talk about forming a lasting partnership. It's 2020 and there's no need for anyone to be shy about starting this important conversation."

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.