Win £500 worth of CPD vouchers with Previcox

Merial Animal Health, makers of Previcox® have launched a new technical manual containing expert thinking on canine osteoarthritis (OA) and other orthopaedic subjects.

Recipients will also have the opportunity to test themselves and their colleagues on the technical content for their chance to win £500 worth of CPD vouchers.

Previcox product manager Claire Parry-Baggott said: "We have been very fortunate in being able to work with some of the UK's most highly regarded experts in the field of OA.

"The first issue just released contains two papers, the first from Gareth Clayton-Jones, BVetMed DVR DSAO HonFRCVS, RVC specialist in both small animal othopaedics and diagnostic imaging. Mr Jones discusses anterior cruciate ligament rupture, including examination, radiography and treatment options.

"The second paper in this first edition is from specialist in small animal orthopaedics Prof. John Innes BVSc PhD CertVR DSAS(orth) MRCVS, of the University of Liverpool, who looks at elbow dysplasia. In his paper Professor Innes provides a detailed but practical guide to the condition."

Additionally to support Gareth Clayton-Jones' first issue there is a DVD highlighting common clinical presentations of dogs suffering from stifle disease.

Claire said: "With two papers in this first issue there's a total of £1,000 of CPD vouchers up for grabs."

"Each paper has a related quiz containing key questions from the discussion. The winner will be the first correct entry drawn at random," she explains. "Other topics to be covered in the series include Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD); pain and analgesics; rehabilitation; hips; and spines.

"The manual is set to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date practical guide to OA and related conditions. Subsequent papers will be issued on a quarterly basis and will also contain a quiz sheet with the opportunity to win £500 of CPD vouchers," concludes Claire.

If you haven't already received your copy, contact your local Merial territory manager or call the customer hotline on 0870 6000 123.

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.