Britain's leading equestrian organisations are conducting a survey to find out more about the welfare standards in livery yards. 
Livery yards are very popular in the UK for those people who are unable to keep their horses and ponies at home. However, there is no record of how many horses are currently at livery or indeed the number of operating yards and the welfare standards under which they operate. 
Representatives from the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA), World Horse Welfare, The British Horse Society, RSPCA, Association of British Riding Schools, South Essex Insurance Brokers (who currently insure a total of 8,562 DIY and livery stables), and for local government LACORS and CIEH, set up a working party to carry out some research into UK livery yards to become better informed about standards.   The group took the view that asking vets and the public about their local livery yard would help to obtain information about the number of yards and get a general picture of the range and standard of accommodation and services that livery yards offer. 
Veterinary surgeons, horse owners, grooms, yard owners, farriers and other equine professionals are invited to complete the online survey at   Please complete a survey for each livery yard about which you have first hand knowledge. Your answers will remain confidential, and the results will be reviewed in September 2008 to establish what further action, if any, is necessary. 

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.