The company says farmers should be vaccinating their flocks to help protect the cohort of ewes that missed last year’s vaccination.
Flock replacements should also be vaccinated this summer ahead of tupping.
Shearlings (one year plus) and older can be vaccinated with Cevac Chlamydia within four months before tupping and no later than four weeks before the rams go in, while ewe lambs can be vaccinated from five months of age.
The vaccine should not be used in pregnant ewes.
Fiona Lovatt BVSc PhD FHEA DSHP DipECSRHM FRCVS from Flock Health Ltd said: “It is really good news to hear that there will be good availability of EAE vaccine this year.
"The lambing season started off with some disappointing news for some farmers who were not able to vaccinate last year as they faced EAE abortions.
"We are emphasising to these farmers and others that it is essential that the youngest two years of the ewes are vaccinated before next tupping to ensure that the cohort that missed last year’s vaccination are fully covered.”
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