Four intrepid vets will shortly head off on the epic 1,189-mile cycle ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats in memory of a colleague called Kirsty who tragically took her own life.

As well as raising awareness of suicide and mental health, Maria Mylne, Mary Hall, Callum McRoberts and Kirsty's partner Chris Burn are raising money for two charities: Vetlife and The Canmore Trust.

The Canmore Trust was set up by the parents of another vet who took his own life, and works with individuals, communities, practices, workplaces, schools, colleges and universities that have been affected by suicide, as well as trying to prevent suicide.

The four vets will set off from Land’s End on September 23rd and will arrive in John O’Groats on October 18th.

On the way, they will be stopping off at Bristol, Harper Adams and Keele, Liverpool, University of Central Lancashire, Edinburgh and Glasgow vet schools to speak to students about suicide prevention.

Kirsty was a trusted and respected colleague and vet, and her death had a devastating impact on her partner and colleagues who are fundraising in her memory.

Maria said: “We want to share a message of hope that suicide is not inevitable, and just because somebody has experienced suicidal thoughts, does not mean they will feel this way forever.

"Together we can break the cycle of suicide and keep building suicide safer communities in practice.”

Chris said: “Kirsty was my rock. If you wanted something organised or something fixed, Kirsty was your woman.

"We don't want anybody else to go through the pain we have.

"We want everybody to know that no matter what your mind may tell you, the world is better with you here, in this world.”

PS: Whilst you're here, take a moment to see our latest job opportunities for vets.